import gradio as gr import numpy as np import random import json import os from gradio_molecule3d import Molecule3D # Import Molecule3D component from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors, Draw, QED class VirtualScreeningBOApp: def __init__( self, ligands, initial_pairs, protein_pdb_path, # Hardcoded PDB file path max_iterations=3, comparisons_per_iteration=2, show_smiles=True # <--- Added argument ): self.ligands = ligands self.current_pairs = initial_pairs self.completed_pairs = {} self.comparison_results = [] self.bo_iteration = 0 self.is_completed = False self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.comparisons_per_iteration = comparisons_per_iteration self.protein_pdb_path = protein_pdb_path # Store PDB path self.protein_pdb_data = self._read_pdb_file() # Read PDB data self.show_smiles = show_smiles # <--- Store argument = None def _read_pdb_file(self): """Read the PDB file from the hardcoded path.""" try: with open(self.protein_pdb_path, 'r') as f: pdb_data = return pdb_data except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Error: Protein PDB file not found at {self.protein_pdb_path}") return None def _iteration_status(self): """Return a string like 'Iteration 1/3' (1-based for user display).""" return f"**Iteration**: {self.bo_iteration + 1}/{self.max_iterations}" def compute_properties(self, smiles): """Compute basic properties from RDKit.""" if Chem is None or smiles is None: return { "SMILES": smiles if smiles else "N/A", "MW": None, "LogP": None, "TPSA": None, "QED": None, } mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: return { "SMILES": "Invalid SMILES", "MW": None, "LogP": None, "TPSA": None, "QED": None, } return { "SMILES": smiles, "MW": round(Descriptors.MolWt(mol), 2), "LogP": round(Descriptors.MolLogP(mol), 2), "TPSA": round(Descriptors.TPSA(mol), 2), "QED": round(QED.qed(mol), 2), } def _mol_to_image(self, ligand_name): """Create a 300x300 image from the SMILES. If RDKit not present, returns None.""" if Chem is None: return None smiles = self.ligands.get(ligand_name, "") mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: return None return np.array(Draw.MolToImage(mol, size=(300, 300))) def _generate_new_pairs(self, n): """Randomly pick n pairs from the ligand dictionary.""" keys = list(self.ligands.keys()) pairs = [] for _ in range(n): a = random.choice(keys) b = random.choice(keys) while b == a: b = random.choice(keys) pairs.append((a, b)) return pairs def _save_results(self): """Saves iteration results to JSON.""" filename = f"comparison_results_iter_{self.bo_iteration}.json" with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(self.comparison_results, f, indent=4) print(f"Results of iteration {self.bo_iteration} saved to {filename}") def get_pair_index(self, pair_label): """Parse 'Pair X (Pending)' or 'Pair X ✔' => integer X-1 (zero-based).""" try: parts = pair_label.split() idx = int(parts[1]) - 1 return idx except (IndexError, ValueError): return 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gradio event methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_initial(self): iteration_str = self._iteration_status() if self.bo_iteration >= self.max_iterations: return self.finish_bo_process() if not self.current_pairs: return ( iteration_str, "No pairs available.", None, None, gr.update(value=[], headers=["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"]), gr.update(choices=[], value=""), # Set dropdown to empty gr.update(), gr.update(), ) # Build updated labels updated_labels = [] for i, pair in enumerate(self.current_pairs): if pair in self.completed_pairs: updated_labels.append(f"Pair {i+1} ✔") else: updated_labels.append(f"Pair {i+1} (Pending)") default_label = updated_labels[0] ligandA_id, ligandB_id = self.current_pairs[0] imgA = self._mol_to_image(ligandA_id) imgB = self._mol_to_image(ligandB_id) propsA = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandA_id]) propsB = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandB_id]) if self.show_smiles: table_headers = ["Ligand", "SMILES", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["SMILES"], propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["SMILES"], propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] else: table_headers = ["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] if (ligandA_id, ligandB_id) in self.completed_pairs: arrow = ">" if self.completed_pairs[(ligandA_id, ligandB_id)] == 1 else "<" else: arrow = "vs" pair_label_str = default_label current_selection_msg = ( f"**Currently selected**: {pair_label_str} => **Ligand A** {arrow} **Ligand B**" ) return ( iteration_str, current_selection_msg, imgA, imgB, gr.update(value=table_data, headers=table_headers), gr.update(choices=updated_labels, value=default_label), gr.update(), gr.update(), ) def update_view_on_dropdown(self, pair_label): iteration_str = self._iteration_status() if self.bo_iteration >= self.max_iterations: return self.finish_bo_process() if not pair_label or pair_label.strip() == "": return ( self._iteration_status(), "Please select a valid pair", self._mol_to_image(list(self.ligands.keys())[0]), # Show first ligand self._mol_to_image(list(self.ligands.keys())[1]), # Show second ligand gr.update(value=[], headers=["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"]), ) # If pair_label is "" or None, handle gracefully # if not pair_label: # return ( # iteration_str, # "No pair selected or invalid selection!", # None, # None, # gr.update(value=[], headers=["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"]), # ) idx = self.get_pair_index(pair_label) if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self.current_pairs): return ( iteration_str, f"Invalid pair: {pair_label}", None, None, gr.update(value=[], headers=["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"]), ) ligandA_id, ligandB_id = self.current_pairs[idx] pair_done = (ligandA_id, ligandB_id) in self.completed_pairs print(f"completed_pairs: {self.completed_pairs}") print(f"current_pairs: {self.current_pairs}") if (ligandA_id, ligandB_id) in self.completed_pairs: arrow = ">" if self.completed_pairs[(ligandA_id, ligandB_id)] == 1 else "<" else: arrow = "vs" imgA = self._mol_to_image(ligandA_id) imgB = self._mol_to_image(ligandB_id) propsA = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandA_id]) propsB = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandB_id]) if self.show_smiles: table_headers = ["Ligand", "SMILES", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["SMILES"], propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["SMILES"], propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] else: table_headers = ["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] label_symbol = "✔" if pair_done else "(Pending)" pair_label_str = f"Pair {idx+1} {label_symbol}" current_selection_msg = ( f"**Currently selected**: {pair_label_str} => **Ligand A** {arrow} **Ligand B**" ) return ( iteration_str, current_selection_msg, imgA, imgB, gr.update(value=table_data, headers=table_headers), ) def get_pair_index(self, pair_label): """Parse 'Pair X (Pending)' or 'Pair X ✔' => integer X-1 (zero-based).""" if not pair_label: return -1 # Return an invalid index for `None` try: parts = pair_label.split() idx = int(parts[1]) - 1 return idx except (IndexError, ValueError): return -1 def show_pair(self, preference, pair_label): iteration_str = self._iteration_status() idx = self.get_pair_index(pair_label) if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self.current_pairs): idx = 0 ligandA_id, ligandB_id = self.current_pairs[idx] self.comparison_results.append({ "Iteration": self.bo_iteration, "Pair": (ligandA_id, ligandB_id), "Preference": preference, }) print(f"Logged preference: Iter={self.bo_iteration}, Pair=({ligandA_id}, {ligandB_id}), Choice={preference}") if preference == "Ligand A": self.completed_pairs[(ligandA_id, ligandB_id)] = 1 old_pair_str = "**Ligand A** > **Ligand B**" else: self.completed_pairs[(ligandA_id, ligandB_id)] = 0 old_pair_str = "**Ligand B** > **Ligand A**" updated_labels = [] for i, p in enumerate(self.current_pairs): if p in self.completed_pairs: updated_labels.append(f"Pair {i+1} ✔") else: updated_labels.append(f"Pair {i+1} (Pending)") next_idx = None for i, p in enumerate(self.current_pairs): if p not in self.completed_pairs: next_idx = i break if next_idx is not None: nextA_id, nextB_id = self.current_pairs[next_idx] imgA = self._mol_to_image(nextA_id) imgB = self._mol_to_image(nextB_id) propsA = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[nextA_id]) propsB = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[nextB_id]) if self.show_smiles: table_headers = ["Ligand", "SMILES", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["SMILES"], propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["SMILES"], propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] else: table_headers = ["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] next_label = updated_labels[next_idx] current_selection_msg = ( f"**Currently selected**: {next_label} => **Ligand A** vs **Ligand B**" ) bo_btn_state = False dropdown_val = next_label else: current_selection_msg = ( f"**Currently selected**: {pair_label} => **Ligand A** vs **Ligand B**" ) imgA = self._mol_to_image(ligandA_id) imgB = self._mol_to_image(ligandB_id) propsA = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandA_id]) propsB = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandB_id]) if self.show_smiles: table_headers = ["Ligand", "SMILES", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["SMILES"], propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["SMILES"], propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] else: table_headers = ["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] bo_btn_state = True dropdown_val = updated_labels[-1] if updated_labels else "" selection_msg = ( f"You chose {old_pair_str} for {pair_label}.
" f"{current_selection_msg}" ) print(selection_msg) return ( iteration_str, selection_msg, imgA, imgB, gr.update(value=table_data, headers=table_headers), gr.update(choices=updated_labels, value=dropdown_val), dropdown_val, gr.update(interactive=bo_btn_state), ) def start_bo_iteration(self): iteration_str = self._iteration_status() if self.bo_iteration >= self.max_iterations - 1: self.is_completed = True return self.finish_bo_process() # Ensure all pairs are completed before proceeding if len(self.completed_pairs) < len(self.current_pairs): return ( iteration_str, "Please complete all pairs first!", # Notify user None, None, gr.update(value=[], headers=["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"]), gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(interactive=False, value="Next BO Iteration"), # Keep button disabled ) # Save results and increment the iteration self._save_results() self.bo_iteration += 1 iteration_str = self._iteration_status() # Check if the BO process is complete if self.bo_iteration == self.max_iterations: final_message = """
The BO process has been completed.
Thank you for your input!
""" return ( None, # Clear iteration status gr.update(value=final_message), # Display final message None, # Hide Ligand A image None, # Hide Ligand B image None, # Clear the properties table gr.update(choices=[], value=""), # Clear dropdown None, # Clear dropdown value gr.update(interactive=False), ) # Generate new pairs for the next iteration new_pairs = self._generate_new_pairs(self.comparisons_per_iteration) self.current_pairs = new_pairs self.completed_pairs = {} updated_labels = [f"Pair {i+1} (Pending)" for i in range(len(new_pairs))] default_val = updated_labels[0] if updated_labels else "" if new_pairs: ligandA_id, ligandB_id = new_pairs[0] imgA = self._mol_to_image(ligandA_id) imgB = self._mol_to_image(ligandB_id) propsA = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandA_id]) propsB = self.compute_properties(self.ligands[ligandB_id]) table_headers = ["Ligand", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"] table_data = [ ["Ligand A", propsA["MW"], propsA["LogP"], propsA["TPSA"], propsA["QED"]], ["Ligand B", propsB["MW"], propsB["LogP"], propsB["TPSA"], propsB["QED"]], ] msg = ( f"Starting iteration {self.bo_iteration}/{self.max_iterations} with {len(new_pairs)} new pairs.
" f"**Currently selected**: {default_val} => **Ligand A** vs **Ligand B**" ) else: msg = f"Starting iteration {self.bo_iteration}/{self.max_iterations}, but no new pairs?" imgA = None imgB = None table_data = [] return ( iteration_str, msg, imgA, imgB, gr.update(value=table_data, headers=table_headers), gr.update(choices=updated_labels, value=default_val), default_val, gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True), # Submit button gr.update(visible=True), # Preference radio ) def finish_bo_process(self): self.is_completed = True final_message = """
The BO process has been completed.
Thank you for your input!
""" self.protein_view.delete() self.protein_view.visible = False self.protein_view.showviewer = False del self.protein_view return ( "", # Clear iteration status final_message, # Show completion message gr.update(visible=False), # Clear Ligand A image gr.update(visible=False), # Clear Ligand B image gr.update(visible=False), # Hide properties table gr.update(visible=False), # Hide dropdown None, # Clear dropdown value gr.update(visible=False), # Hide BO button gr.update(visible=False), # Hide submit button gr.update(visible=False), # Hide preference radio ) def build_app(self): with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("## Virtual Screening BO App") iteration_status_text = gr.Markdown(value="Loading...", label="Iteration Status") current_selection_text = gr.HTML(value="Initializing...", label="Current Selection") with gr.Row(): pair_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( label="Select a Pair", allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True, ) preference_radio = gr.Radio( ["Ligand A", "Ligand B"], label="Your preference", value="Ligand A" ) bo_btn = gr.Button(value="Next BO Iteration", interactive=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): out_imgA = gr.Image(label="Ligand A", width=650, height=325) out_imgB = gr.Image(label="Ligand B", width=650, height=325) with gr.Column(): if self.protein_pdb_data: self.protein_view = Molecule3D( label="Protein Structure", reps=[ { "model": 0, "chain": "", "resname": "", "style": "cartoon", "color": "spectrum", "residue_range": "", "around": 0, "byres": False, "visible": True } ], # Pass the PDB file path, not the data value=self.protein_pdb_path, ) else: # If PDB data not found, display a message self.protein_view = gr.Markdown("**Protein PDB file not found.**") out_table = gr.Dataframe( headers=["Ligand", "SMILES", "MW", "LogP", "TPSA", "QED"], label="Properties" ) submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit Preference") # Event: When the app loads, show the initial view app.load( fn=self.show_initial, inputs=None, outputs=[ iteration_status_text, current_selection_text, out_imgA, out_imgB, out_table, pair_dropdown, preference_radio, bo_btn, # Protein visualization is static; no need to output ], ) # Event: When the dropdown changes, update the view pair_dropdown.change( fn=self.update_view_on_dropdown, inputs=pair_dropdown, outputs=[ iteration_status_text, current_selection_text, out_imgA, out_imgB, out_table, # Protein visualization is static; no need to output ] ) fn=self.start_bo_iteration, inputs=[], outputs=[ iteration_status_text, current_selection_text, out_imgA, out_imgB, out_table, pair_dropdown, pair_dropdown, bo_btn, submit_btn, # Add submit button control preference_radio # Add preference radio control ] ) # Event: When the submit button is clicked fn=self.show_pair, inputs=[preference_radio, pair_dropdown], outputs=[ iteration_status_text, current_selection_text, out_imgA, out_imgB, out_table, pair_dropdown, pair_dropdown, bo_btn, # Protein visualization is static; no need to output ], ) = app def launch(self, **kwargs): if is None: self.build_app()**kwargs) # --------------------------- # Example Usage # --------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": ligands = { "L1": "CCN(CC)CC(=O)c1ccccc1N(C)C", "L2": "CC(C)Cc1ccc(cc1)C(C)C(=O)O", "L3": "Cn1c(=O)c2c(ncnc2N(C)C)n(C)c1=O", "L4": "CC(=O)Oc1ccccc1C(=O)O", "L5": "CCCC", } initial_pairs = [("L1", "L2"), ("L3", "L4")] # Hardcoded PDB file path protein_pdb = "1syn.pdb" # Update this path as needed # Check if the PDB file exists if not os.path.isfile(protein_pdb): print(f"Error: Protein PDB file not found at {protein_pdb}") exit(1) app = VirtualScreeningBOApp( ligands=ligands, initial_pairs=initial_pairs, protein_pdb_path=protein_pdb, # Provide the PDB file path max_iterations=2, comparisons_per_iteration=2, show_smiles=False ) app.launch(share=True, debug=True)