import time import gradio as gr from datasets import load_dataset import pandas as pd from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from sentence_transformers.quantization import quantize_embeddings import faiss from usearch.index import Index import datetime # Load titles and texts title_text_dataset = load_dataset("suanan/BP_CBG_POC", split="train", num_proc=4).select_columns(["url", "title", "text"]) # Load the int8 and binary indices. Int8 is loaded as a view to save memory, as we never actually perform search with it. int8_view = Index.restore("index/BP_CBG_int8_usearch_1m_v2.index", view=True) binary_index: faiss.IndexBinaryFlat = faiss.read_index_binary("index/BP_CBG_ubinary_faiss_1m_v2.index") # binary_ivf: faiss.IndexBinaryIVF = faiss.read_index_binary("BP_ubinary_ivf_faiss_50m.index") # Load the SentenceTransformer model for embedding the queries model = SentenceTransformer( "BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5", prompts={ "retrieval": "Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ", }, default_prompt_name="retrieval", ) def search(query, top_k: int = 100, rescore_multiplier: int = 1, use_approx: bool = False): # 獲取當前時間 now = print(f"當前時間: {now}, 問題: {query}") # 1. Embed the query as float32 start_time = time.time() query_embedding = model.encode(query) embed_time = time.time() - start_time # 2. Quantize the query to ubinary start_time = time.time() query_embedding_ubinary = quantize_embeddings(query_embedding.reshape(1, -1), "ubinary") quantize_time = time.time() - start_time # 3. Search the binary index (either exact or approximate) # index = binary_ivf if use_approx else binary_index index = binary_index start_time = time.time() _scores, binary_ids =, top_k * rescore_multiplier) binary_ids = binary_ids[0] search_time = time.time() - start_time # 4. Load the corresponding int8 embeddings start_time = time.time() int8_embeddings = int8_view[binary_ids].astype(int) load_time = time.time() - start_time # 5. Rescore the top_k * rescore_multiplier using the float32 query embedding and the int8 document embeddings start_time = time.time() scores = query_embedding @ int8_embeddings.T rescore_time = time.time() - start_time # 6. Sort the scores and return the top_k start_time = time.time() indices = scores.argsort()[::-1][:top_k] top_k_indices = binary_ids[indices] top_k_scores = scores[indices] top_k_urls, top_k_titles, top_k_texts = zip( *[(title_text_dataset[idx]["url"], title_text_dataset[idx]["title"], title_text_dataset[idx]["text"]) for idx in top_k_indices.tolist()] ) df = pd.DataFrame( {"Score": [round(value, 2) for value in top_k_scores], "Url": top_k_urls, "Title": top_k_titles, "Text": top_k_texts} ) sort_time = time.time() - start_time return df, { "Embed Time": f"{embed_time:.4f} s", "Quantize Time": f"{quantize_time:.4f} s", "Search Time": f"{search_time:.4f} s", "Load Time": f"{load_time:.4f} s", "Rescore Time": f"{rescore_time:.4f} s", "Sort Time": f"{sort_time:.4f} s", "Total search Time": f"{quantize_time + search_time + load_time + rescore_time + sort_time:.4f} s", } def update_info(value): return f"{value}筆顯示出來" with gr.Blocks(title="") as demo: gr.Markdown( """ ## 官網 Dataset & opensource model BAAI/bge-m3 ### v1 測試POC Details: 1. 中文搜尋ok,英文像是:iphone 15,embedding的時候沒有轉成小寫,需要 寫成iPhone才可以準確搜尋到 2. 環境資源: python 3.10, linux: ubuntu 22.04, only cpu, ram max:7.7GB min:4.5GB 使用以上資源 3. 建立步驟: 1. excel 轉成 [dataset]( [CBG_dataset](, 花費約10秒內 2. dataset 內 轉成 title & text 做 embedding,以後可以新增keyword來加強搜尋出來的結果排序往前 3. 之後透過 Quantized Retrieval - Binary Search solution進行搜尋 """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=75): query = gr.Textbox( label="官網 Dataset & opensource model BAAI/bge-m3, v1 測試POC", placeholder="輸入搜尋關鍵字或問句", ) with gr.Column(scale=25): use_approx = gr.Radio( choices=[("精確搜尋", False), ("相關搜尋", True)], value=False, label="搜尋方法", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): top_k = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=1000, step=5, value=100, label="顯示搜尋前幾筆", ) info_text = gr.Textbox(value=update_info(top_k.value), interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=2): rescore_multiplier = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=1, label="Rescore multiplier", info="Search for `rescore_multiplier` as many documents to rescore", ) search_button = gr.Button(value="Search") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=4): output = gr.Dataframe(headers=["Score", "Title", "Text"]) with gr.Column(scale=1): json = gr.JSON() top_k.change(fn=update_info, inputs=top_k, outputs=info_text) query.submit(search, inputs=[query, top_k, rescore_multiplier, use_approx], outputs=[output, json]), inputs=[query, top_k, rescore_multiplier, use_approx], outputs=[output, json]) demo.queue() demo.launch(share=True)