diff --git "a/cyberpunk_lore.txt" "b/cyberpunk_lore.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/cyberpunk_lore.txt" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +['EASY MODE an introduction to the dark future', '2 EASY MODE What is this', 'Whatisthiswhatisthis This is Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode ', 'It’s an introduction to the world and system of Cyberpunk RED the roleplaying game of the Dark Future', 'To play this you’ll need One Gamemaster up to 5 players a ten sided die for each player and lots of six sided dice', "Being Cyberpunk beingcyberpunkbeingcyberpunk The Cyberpunk world is a violent dangerous place filled with people who'd love to rip your arms off and eat them", 'Even after a massive war between Megacorporations followed by an atomic bombing the world of Cyberpunk is a combination of savage sophisticated modern and retrograde', 'Fashionmodel beautiful Rockerboys rub shoulders with battlearmored road warriors on the mean streets of the worst town this side of the postholocaust the oilslicked neon giant Night City', 'As a Cyberpunk you grab technology by the throat and hang on', "You're not afraid to 0 out the newest in enhancements cybertech and bioengineering", "You've got interface plugs in your wrists weapons in your arms lasers in your eyes and biochip programs in your brain", 'You become the car you drive the aerodyne you fly the guns you shoot', 'You dive headfirst into computer systems using your mind to hurtle at lightspeed down the rabbit holes of NET Architectures', 'With cyborg fingers you pick computer locks with enhanced senses you see into the Future', 'Cyberpunk is also an attitude', 'You wear the most in clothes know the right people and follow the right crowds', 'You plan your crimes in the most select clubs and bars your enemies are Corporate armies cyborg biker gangs powerarmored assassins and computerwired Netrunners', 'Your weapons are nerve street smarts bravado and the Minami 10 smartgun on your hip', 'Are you ready now', 'Of course you are', "You can't wait", "You're a Cyberpunk and you live by three rules 1 S tyle Over SubStance It doesn't matter how well you do something as long as you look good doing it", "If you're going to blow it make sure you look like you planned it that way", "Normally clothes and looks don't matter in an adventurein this world having a leather armor jacket and mirrorshades is a serious consideration", "2 a ttitude iS everything It's truth", 'Think dangerous be dangerous', 'Think weak be weak', 'Remember everyone in the 2000s carries lots of lethal hardware', 'Each Character in this world is playing a Rolea face that person projects to the outside world as the real thing', "They won't be impressed by your new Militech smartgun unless you swagger into the club looking like you know how to use itand are just itching for an excuse", 'Never walk into a room when you can stride in', 'Never look at someone unless you can make it your best killer look', "Use your best I'm bad and you aren't smile", "Don't sit around the flat or cube waiting for the next job", 'Get on out and hit the clubs and hangouts', "Make sure you're where the party starts", '3 l ive On the edge The Edge is that nebulous zone where risktakers and high rollers go', "On the Edge you'll risk your cash your rep even your life on something as vague as a principle or a big score", 'As a Cyberpunk Credits Writing and Design by Mike Pondsmith James Hutt Cody Pondsmith J Gray and David Ackerman Editing by Lisa Pondsmith and Aron Tarbuck Art Direction by Jaye Kovach Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith Layout by J Gray Cover Art by Anselm Zielonka Interior Art by Neil Branquinho J Gray Maskym Harahulin Adrian Marc and Eddie Mendoza Maps by Matt Henderson at Loke Battle Mats Copyright 2022 by R Talsorian Games Inc Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red SA All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention', 'All situations governments and people herein are fictional', 'Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental', '3 EASY MODE you want to be the action start the rebellion light the fire', 'Join great causes and fight for big issues', 'Never drive slow when you can drive fast', 'Throw yourself up against danger and take it head on', 'Never play it too safe', 'Stay committed to the Edge', 'Welcome to the Dark Future welcometothedarkfuture Cyberpunk RED takes place in an alternate future where the world is recovering from a devastating global war fought between two Megacorporations', 'Here’s a brief rundown on the history so you know how it got this bad', 'the Fall OF america By the end of the 1980s it was evident that the United States was in trouble', 'Most social norms had dissolved under an allengulfing wave of competing special interest groups mediafueled fads and an overall me first worldview', 'By 1994 the number of homeless on the streets had skyrocketed to 21 million', 'The technical revolution had further torn the economy apart creating two radically divergent classesa wealthy technically oriented materially acquisitive group of Corporate professionals and a downclass of homeless unskilled bluecollar workers', 'The middle class was nearly eradicated', 'It was this dismal beginning that led to the American landscape of the 2000s', 'Here are just a few of the major trends leading to the collapse of the American Nation', ' Urban Collapse In large cities business areas were clean neat welllit showcases free of crime and poverty controlled by powerful Corporations', 'Ringing the central areas were the Combat Zonesdecrepit squalid suburbs and burnedout ghettos teeming with boostergangs and other violent sociopaths', 'The outer suburbs were also Corporatecontrolled zones safe wellguarded tracts where executives raised their families in relative security', ' Corrupt and Ineffective Government Under the corrupt rule of the Gang of Four a cabal of four government agencies the NSA the CIA the DEA and the FBI all led by the brilliant and psychopathic Vice President American government descended into the realm of mobster rule', 'Ruthlessly pursuing its agenda of illicit profit above all the Gang hollowed out Social Security and Medicare eliminated Welfare unless tied to one of their Corporate clients and plundered the resources of the United States like a giant personal piggybank', "The only untouched area of the government was the military which the Gang lavished money upon to maintain service loyalty and to finance the Gang's expansive policy of warbased imperialism", 'By the time the Gang was ousted the US Senate was no longer functional having been suborned or intimidated by the Gang over years the Supreme Court was no longer the law of the land for the increasing number of selfdeclared Free States and most of the federal bureaucracy was in shambles leaving the country unable to cope with the waves of crises devastating the population', ' The Rise of the Free States Individual states fed up with the ineffectual and dictatorial actions of the bureaucrats in Washington DC and the recently exposed machinations of the Gang of Four began to break away from the main body of the country first California north and later south then Texas Oregon Washington and the Dakotas', 'These new Free States set their own laws although most were remarkably similar trade arrangements and most importantly no longer sent their collected taxes back to Washington DC', 'This only hurried the collapse of the unified nation', ' The New Rustbowl Unprepared to deal with the effects of worldwide global warming vast areas of the northern hemisphere began to suffer unending years of backtoback drought', 'Throughout the Midwestern states many small towns were abandoned as local farms businesses and banks collapsed in the wake of this drought famine and economic chaos', 'What farms that survived were eventually bought up by huge Agricorporations and were maintained with Corporatecontrolled wells hired workers machine labor and wellequipped guards', 'Midwest urban zones also suffered during this time not from drought but a collapse of manufacturing jobs and There’s much more lore to explore in the Cyberpunk RED Core Book', '4 EASY MODE industries fleeing the country for cheaper labor in Asia and Africa', 'Unchecked Corporate mergers and acquisitions destabilized entire areas of production especially as wellheeled investors bought successful companies then pillaged their assets and sold the dried husks at pennies on the dollar to finance their debts', 'But the hollowing out of the center of the country had an unexpected series of costs millions became homeless and were forced to travel the open roads to seek shelter in the urban zones in a latterday version of the Dust Bowl period of the American 1930s', 'The open freeways soon became battlegrounds as armed packs of booster gangs also traveled from city to city looting and pillaging the homeless travelers like mechanized Visigoths', ' The Plagues An already overtaxed medical system found itself inundated by a series of plagues that swept the planet', 'Aided by easy and rapid transportation between countries densely packed urban zones and a willful tendency for the broken governments of the period to ignore or downplay the effects of medical emergencies the hot zones spread like fusionfed explosions devastating entire continents', "For example the Wasting Plague of 1999 a horrible infection that attacked the intestines of its victims and made them starve to death no matter how much food they ate tore across Europe and landed in the United States where ignored in the chaos of the Gang of Four's rule it killed an estimated 14 million people before a vaccine was finally developed in Japan", 'The Wasting Plague was only one of a series of epidemiological disasters that hammered the planet some natural some bioengineered as part of various national programs', 'Each one was just another nail in the coffin of a society already out of control', ' The Rise of Cybernetics Humanity has always pushed back against its limits', 'Poor eyesight', 'Get glasses', 'Hearing failing or poor', 'Get a cochlear implant', 'Hip going out', 'Replace it with a steel one', 'But by the late 20th century the explosive levels of achievements in cybernetics from cyber machine netics control opened up a new world of human potential', 'Now it became Poor eyesight', 'BY EDDIE MENDOZA', '5 EASY MODE Replace those meat eyes with cyberoptics that can see for miles in the dark and maybe even shoot lasers like a superhero', 'Hearing failing or poor', 'Time to level up to an enhanced audio suite that can hear sounds that only dogsor whalescan hear', 'Hip going out', 'Replace your entire skeleton with unbreakable neverwearingout steel', "It's a new age and you can become part of it by endlessly improving yourself", 'But this brave new world backfired', 'Corporations and governments began to employ cybernetically enhanced warriors to patrol the streets and fight their wars', 'People with cybernetic enhancements found themselves becoming impatient with the unenhanced and their to the cyberedup painfully slow pace', 'Cybernetic speed also allowed the rate of change or engagement with the rush of a shifting world of endless informationto move still faster leading to greater levels of technoshock below in society', 'People began to show signs of psychotic breaks eventually culminating in a plague of cybernetically driven murderous rampages called cyberpsychosis', 'And so one more log was added to the inferno consuming society at the end of the 20th century', ' Endless War With the option to deploy cybernetically boosted supersoldiers and an unlimited military budget the Gang of Four was able to prosecute a series of foreign wars to start its new era of imperialism', 'But even with these advantages the United States found itself dragged into a series of military quagmires with echoes of the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Old US in Vietnam', 'This became even worse as the targeted nations began to use terrorist strikes such as a pocket nuke in New York to hit back at the Gang', 'By the time the Cyber Soldier Ten Thousand fought its way back from the SouthAm hellhole the citizens of the United States were exceptionally tired of the endless battles filling their nightly news', " And Finally Technoshock When technological change outstrips people's ability to comprehend or fit it into their lives it creates technoshock one of the major contributors to the social chaos that brought about the Collapse of the preCyberpunk world", 'Technoshock always starts small', 'A useful gadget or tool here', 'A new and very directed communications method there', "Information systems that allow governments and Megacorps to watch and track you with surveillance or targeted advertising that delivers what you want when you don't even know you want itfor your own good", 'Machines that adjust your sense of time and place to fit their needs', "And all of it happening faster and faster so that your mind is unable to process the changes and how it's affected", "The younger you are the easier it is for you to deal with the accelerating change you're used to it because you were born to it", "But sooner or later even the kids can't keep up", 'Suddenly people freak out', 'They get irrational violent', 'Families shatter relationships tear apart', 'People feel helpless in the face of the Universe', 'Eventually the whole society grinds to a halt the victim of a mass psychosis', 'The vast majority of people their lives uprooted and changed by the advancements sat passively waiting for their leaders to tell them what to do next', 'Megacorporations provided a neofeudal alternative to the new and incomprehensible reality', 'One smaller group tried to turn back the pace by founding the antitechnological NeoLuddite movement', 'Still others decided to immerse themselves in the technological change', 'They coped by adding machines to themselves enhancing their abilities and perceptions to allow themselves to catch up to the dizzying pace of the New', 'And earned themselves the nickname of Edgerunners or Cyberpunks', "dark Future cOuntd Own A T imeline for The DArk fuTure 1990 to 1994 A secret coup' launched by The Gang of Four a coalition of government agencies led by the current Vice President effectively ends federal democracy in the US", 'Many states begin ignoring federal authority declaring themselves Free States', ' Start of First Central American Conflict', 'American Imperial ambitions justified as part of the war on Communism terrorism and narcotics kill hundreds of thousands', 'American veterans return home dismembered and maimed driving the demand for cyberware', '6 EASY MODE CHOOH2 developed by Biotechnica', ' First TRC biologic interface chips developed in Munich United Germany', " World Stock Market Crash of '94", 'The US is caught manipulating European and American stock markets a worldwide financial meltdown results from the news being made public', ' 1996 The Collapse of the United States', 'Weakened by losses in the World Stock Crash overwhelmed by unemployment homelessness and corruption many local governments collapse or go bankrupt', 'The US government snarled in a staggering deficit and the machinations of the Gang of Four is totally ineffective', ' Nomad Riots', 'By now 1 in 4 Americans are homeless', 'Hundreds of thousands riot for living space throughout the United States Nomad packs spring up on the west coast and spread rapidly through the nation', ' US Constitution suspended', 'Martial law established', " 1997 to 1999 'Rockerboy' Manson killed in England", 'A legendary force in the populist rock movement his stage name was adopted as the term for any musician or other artist who took up the gauntlet for political change', ' 2000 First extended family poser gangs established', ' Wasting Plague hits United States Europe killing millions', ' 2001 The framework of the NET put firmly in place with construction of the WorldSat network', ' 2003 Second Central American War', 'US invades Colombia Ecuador Peru Venezuela', 'The War is a disaster that costs many American lives and leaves thousands of troops to struggle home on their own The remainder of the Gang of Four is swept away on a wave of reform', 'Elections resume although heavily influenced by the Megacorporations', ' 2004 First Corporate War 2004 to 2006', 'Commando raids and cyberspace attacks between EBM and Orbital Air introduce the world to the age of direct Corporate warfare', ' 2005 to 2007 Cybermodem invented', ' Braindance developed at UC Santa Cruz', ' 2008 Second Corporate War 2008 to 2010', 'SovOil and Petrochem fail to negotiate with each other over newly discovered oil fields in the South China Sea and begin blowing each other up instead', 'Even cynical observers are shocked at the level of violence', ' 2013 April 13 2013', 'Johnny Silverhand concert spirals into a riot in Night City', 'The rioters kill 18 wound 51', 'Old Arasaka complex gutted', ' Soulkiller virus developed', 'Originally designed by programmer Altiera Cunningham of ITS as a way to implant recorded personalities into cloned bodies', 'The transfer technology is a failure but Arasaka spies learn of its existence and kidnap Cunningham in order to have her develop it into a weapon', " First true Artificial Intelligence developed at Microtech's Sunnyvale CA facility", ' 2014 IharaGrubb IG transformations redesign the NET', 'During this time renegade Netrunner Rache Bartmoss plants the DataKrash virus into the architecture of the NET', ' 2016 Third Corporate War 2016', 'Unknown cyber terrorists attack the networks of Corporations worldwide causing billions of eb worth of losses', '7 EASY MODE 2021 Euro Aquacorp CINO attempts to acquire bankrupt Aquacorp IHAG', 'Rival Aquacorp OTEC attempts to act as white knight in the hostile takeover', 'As both Corps line up allies a dangerous war both on and below the sea begins', ' 2022 Covert operations expand as Arasaka Security and Militech spar to see who will control the outcome of the CINOOTEC War', ' Rache Bartmoss Netrunner supreme is killed in a Corporate raid', 'Two weeks later the dead man switch for his DataKrash virus activates', ' 4th Corporate War', 'Covert operations explode into a shooting war as Arasaka and Militech move front line troops into battle', 'The ensuing conflict involves operations all over the globe with heavy combat in major cities worldwide', ' DataKrash virus now infests 782 of the NET', 'Saburo Arasaka sets out to create a secure database of uninfected knowledge in the new Arasaka Towers facility in Night City', ' 2023 Total breakdown of international trade', 'Container ship and air travel have been totally disrupted', 'Supplies and food sit on the docks worldwide unable to reach stores factories or suppliers', 'Many Megacorps totally collapse', ' August 20th 2023 Night City holocaust', 'An incursion team led by Solo Morgan Blackhand and Rockerboy Johnny Silverhand attempt to stealdestroy the Arasaka Secure Database in the Arasaka Towers facility', 'During the assault an area denial nuclear device is detonated which destroys most of central Night City', 'Over half a million people are killed', 'Militech is nationalized by US President Elizabeth Kress', ' Beginning of the Time of the Red', 'Atmospheric particles from the nuclear blast in Night City as well as debris from orbital rock strikes conventional explosives and the wartime burning and annihilation of cities and agricultural areas creates an eerie red pall over skies worldwide', ' 2025 End of the 4th Corp War', 'This includes a threeyear wrapup as pockets of fighting are quelled by Militech and national armies', "While there is only one nuke dropped during the war the world's infrastructure is severely impacted although not destroyed", ' NET is officially down', 'Alt Cunningham establishes the Ghost World in the ruins of a biodestroyed city', ' Japanese government almost breaks down', 'By repudiating Arasaka national face is saved', ' 2026 to 2030 The Diaspora begins', 'Groups displaced from wrecked cities now set out to Reclaim nearby cities abandoned since the Collapse of the 1990s', ' There is massive looting of old tech and abandoned storehouses', 'Only scattered Corps are still functioning', " The remaining United States is now a functional dictatorship under President Elizabeth Kress' State of Emergency", ' 2030 to 2035 Resettlement of Suburban Night City', 'In time Night City Central will be rebuilt but for now the foothills and the small cities around Night City are overpacked with refugees fleeing the radioactive ruins of the Corporate Zone', ' Reestablishing of Nomad High Roads', 'Nomads now operate ports container ships', 'Corporations are now mostly local but as Nomads establish trade routes Corps branch out regionally', ' Start of CitiNets local VPNs established in some of the Reclaimed Cities', ' Start of Night City Reconstruction', 'Gigatons of fill are shifted from the radioactive ruins of the central City', 'Much of the old Bay is filled in', ' 2035 to 2045 First Wave Cities start Reclamation under support from local governments and remaining', '8 EASY MODE Megacorps', 'These First Wave Cities are ones that require only a limited amount of resources to rebuild', ' Rebuilding of old factories by Corporations and other individuals begins to replace lost tech', 'New Corps start to rise from the wreckage of the 4th Corp War', ' Netwatch attempts to clear out the RABIDS', 'and reestablish the Old NET', 'After a losing threeyear battle they give up', ' Establishment of first Data Pools information servers and exchange systems designed for open use within the limits of a city', ' Rise of the first Mega Buildings to handle homeless population', 'These are allinone arcologies designed to rapidly create safe habitable zones', ' 2045 The Present', 'Night City nightcitynightcity Night City is located near the junction of Northern and Southern California and serves as the default setting for Cyberpunk RED ', 'Night City was founded rather recently as cities go', 'Before 1994 the area was just a clutter of small towns and unincorporated sprawl', 'During the Collapse an enterprising land developer named Richard Night bought up much of the land and began work on what he envisioned as a new safe and clean corporate city free of crime and urban blight', 'Unfortunately Richard Night was shortly thereafter assassinated and his dream transformed into a nightmare', 'By 2020 Night City was a rapidly growing urban region still rife with violence and crime but with strong economic growth thanks to the presence of multiple Megacorps', 'The quintessential city of the Cyberpunk future it fell near to ruin during the 4th Corporate War when a nuclear device was set off in Arasaka Tower in the city’s beating Corporate heart', 'During the Time of the Red Night City is healing from the ravages of the last tumultuous decades', 'But it should never be forgotten that like most of America Night City is still an armed society under a blanket of appalling poverty violence and inequity', "It's not uncommon to see as many guns as briefcases on the crowded City streets and while the worst days of chaos may be over the danger still remainssociety's rule collapsed before and may yet do so again", "History can repeat itself and there's always another gang just around the corner waiting for its chance to come out on top no matter what the cost", 'This was the bitter lesson America was learning at the end of the 20th century', "Today services are spotty the law is chancy and you can't run the NET to the edge of space anymore much less grab an Orbital Air luxury flight up to the Crystal Palace", 'But in general things still work in Night City', "You may not be able to get the latest digital Agent or the best weapons on the market there's still a major problem with supply chains that were disrupted by the War but thanks to the explosion of rooftop and greenwall gardens bandit solar collectors and refabbed hardware from your friendly neighborhood Tech you're actually eating better when you eat have access to more reliable power and gear and can even count on the local Fixer setting you up with new drugs and new cyberware right off the Streets", "It's not the Golden Age of the 2020s choomba", 'But The Street still works', 'night city breakd Own In the process of rebuilding Night City in 2045 is a constantly changing labyrinth of ruins and construction', 'In general the city can be broken down into the following districts', 'The Old Bank Block Housing all of the old banks of Night City the Bank Block is mostly rubble but it was never cleared out officially', 'The Old City Center Only radioactive ruins remain of the oncebustling City Center', 'The Old Corporate Center Once the heart of the Corporations of Night City the Corporate Center is a ruin of its former glory', 'The Old Medical Center Largely irradiated the Old Medical Center houses many hospitals buried under rubble', '9 EASY MODE The Glen A burgeoning new district which contains most of the important governmental buildings of Night City', 'Little Europe A divided district composed of tightly knit neighborhoods made up of old brick buildings and tall skyscrapers alike', 'NorCal Military Base A heavily fortified military base north of Night City staffed primarily by Militech soldiers', 'Mostly shut off from the rest of the City', 'Pacifica Playground A largely Corporate sponsored district built around the Playland by the Sea amusement park which is in the midst of massive development', 'Upper Marina A bustling urban district with a mix of old industrial zones and gentrified International style neighborhoods built around a wellmaintained marina', "University District A slim district on the edge of the Combat Zones which houses the city's only still functioning university", 'Watson Development A developing district where megabuildings and arcologies are being built to house the thousands of homeless from the War', "Much of Night City's Asian population has moved to the Watson neighborhood colloquially known as Kabuki", 'The Executive Zone A new Zone with only one district for the safety and pleasure of the Corporate elite carved out of the open hills surrounding the City', 'Old Japantown A once popular Japanese cultural center that fell into chaos and disrepair during the 4th Corporate War', 'Much of the population has moved to Watson and the area is now mostly empty save for the gangs', 'Little China A sprawling dangerous Chinatown with many small communities fighting to stay alive', 'Old Combat Zone A district of the City long ago abandoned to the gangs and psychos the Old Combat Zone is the seed that the rest of the Combat Zones grew from', "South Night City An industrial sprawl filled with triggerhappy gangs and abandoned warehouses repurposed into hideouts and headquartersHeywood A truly overpacked sector of the City housing a large percentage of the City's population and already starting to divide based on wealth and powerThe rich in the north the poor in the south who call the area Santo Domingo instead", 'Heywood Industrial Zone The largest industrial zone in the City overflowing with warehouses construction equipment factories and even some derelict cargo ships', 'New Westbrook An urban sprawl built in the remains of the original Executive Zone still gleaming with glitz and glam but now packed with homeless citizens who either fled other areas of Night City because of the War or who were pushed out more recently by the ongoing gentrification of the Rebuilding Urban Center', 'Rancho Coronado A vast stretch of old Beaverville style housing taken over by tent cities and industrial zones that have grown out of the corpses of previous minimalls', '10 EASY MODE neOcOrpS megac OrpS OF night city The following Corps all have a strong presence in Night City', 'Biotechnica Creators of CHOOH2 they’ve cornered the market on biotechnology and genetic engineering', 'Continental Brands A food production company and owner of The Oasis chain of markets', 'They violently oppose any competition', 'Danger Gal A private investigation service with a JPop flair', 'Militech An American Megacorp specializing in arms military equipment and mercenaries', 'The Corporate arm of the American military', 'Network 54 The largest media Corp in the world', 'The biggest content producer in Night City', 'Petrochem The world’s leading producer of CHOOH2 the transportation fuel of the Dark Future', 'Rocklin Augmentics Producers of cyberlimbs and other structural enhancementsSovOil A leading producer of petrochemical products', 'Trauma Team A subscription based ambulance and paramedic service', 'Zhirafa Manufacturer of drones autonomous robotics and construction mecha', 'Ziggurat The backbone of modern communications and data', 'gang S OF night city Night City is home to a number of different gangs all vying for power and territory', 'Here’s just a few', '6th Street A vigilante gang born from veterans of the 4th Corporate War', 'The Bozos A pack of lethal and sadistic pranksters who have biosculpted themselves to look like clowns', 'Inquisitors A cult gang who believe cyberware is blasphemous and think nothing of tearing it right out of you', 'Maelstrom A classic boostergang where might makes right and metal is better than meat', 'BY MAKSYM HARAHULINThese aren’t even all the gangs of Night City', 'Find more in the Cyberpunk RED Core Book', '11 EASY MODE Philharmonic Vampyres A gang known for their elaborate pranks and sometimes gothic fashion sense', 'Piranhas A typical party gang', 'They party drink take drugs and mug people all as part of a just because lifestyle', 'Reckoners An apocalyptic cult that believes in the coming Harvest of Souls', 'They’re happy to take donations off your dead body', 'Tyger Claws A dangerous protector gang in the Asian community known for their fast bikes enhanced reflexes and killer martial arts', 'Selected Streetslang selectecstreetslang The following terms can help you better understand the feel and style of the world of Cyberpunk RED ', 'Time of the Red A slang term for the period from 2023 to the late 2040s taken from the red skies common throughout the world as an aftereffect of the 4th Corporate War', 'Booster Any member of a gang that affects cyberware leather clothing and random violence', "Chippin' In To buy cyberware for the first time", 'To cast your lot with a group', 'To connect with a machine', 'Chombatta Choomba NeoAfro American slang for friend family member', 'CHOOH2 Pronounced ChooTwo', 'Streetslang for alcohol as used in vehicle power plants', 'The vast majority of vehicles in the Time of the Red are fueled by an advanced form of alcohol with a higher burning temperature than normal methanol', 'CyberedUp To get as much cyberware implanted as possible before going over the Edge', 'Exotic A human biosculpted with nonhuman elements fur long ears fangs etc', 'The Face The representative of a Megacorporation for legal purposes', 'Flatline To kill', 'A dead person or thing', 'Handle A nickname you are known by on The StreetInputOutput A mechanistic term for a casual lover', 'Mainline A term for your partner in a serious longterm relationship', 'Netrun To interface with a NET Architecture and hack into its programs and controls', 'Also used to refer to running the Old NET until the advent of the 4th Corp War', 'Night Market Offthegrid temporary marketplaces set up by groups of Fixers with solid connections', 'In the Time of the Red a Night Market is the best place to find new cyberware and gear', 'Posergang Any group whose members all affect a specific look style or bodysculpt job', 'Ripperdoc A surgeon specializing in implanting illegal cyberware', 'Ronin A freelance assassin or mercenary', 'Usually considered to be untrustworthy', 'Samurai A Corporate assassin or mercenary hired to protect Corporation property or make strikes against other Corporate holdings', 'Slammit On To get violent to attack someone without reason', 'Stuffit To have sex', 'Also to forget about something', 'PLAYING THE GAME playingthegameplayingthegame Now that you know about the world of Cyberpunk RED here’s the basics of how to play', 'St at S Each character in Cyberpunk RED has two major categories of attributes STATS and Skills', 'STATS are numbers that describe a Character’s abilities in the game', 'This helps you compare abilities', 'For instance a person with a STAT of 5 might be better off than a person with a STAT of 4 but not as good as a person with a STAT of 6', 'The ten STATS used in Cyberpunk RED are Intelligence INT How generally bright clever and aware you are', '12 EASY MODE Reflexes RED Your response time and coordination', 'Used for ranged weapons', 'Dexterity DEX Your athletic ability', 'Used for melee and brawling attacks', 'Technique TECH Your ability to manipulate tools and instruments', 'Cool COOL Your ability to impress and influence others', 'Will WILL Your determination courage and ability to keep going in the face of adversity', 'Luck LUCK A special STAT', 'See Using Luck page 15 for more details', 'Movement MOVE Your speed of movement when running swimming climbing and so forth', 'Body BODY Your raw strength and endurance', 'Empathy EMP Your ability to relate and care for others', 'Skill S Skills represent things your character can do via training and learning', 'The higher your Skill Level the better trained you are at that Skill', 'Each Skill is linked to a specific STAT', 'For example the Melee Weapons Skill is linked to the DEX STAT', 'For more information on how they’re used together see Skill Resolution on page 14 ', 'The following Skills are used in Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode ', 'AccountingINT Skill of balancing books creating false books and identifying them juggling numbers creating budgets and handling daytoday business operations', 'ActingCOOL Skill of assuming a role disguising yourself as someone else whether real or fictitious and faking emotions and moods', 'AthleticsDEX Skill of jumping climbing throwing swimming lifting weights etc', 'It combines the basic elements of any high schoollevel sports program', 'This Skill also covers thrown weaponsBrawlingDEX Skill at fighting and grappling with brute strength', 'BriberyCOOL Skill of knowing when to bribe someone how to approach them and how much to offer', 'BureaucracyINT Skill for dealing with bureaucrats cutting red tape knowing who to talk to in a bureaucracy and how to extract information from bureaucracies', 'Business INT Skill regarding knowledge of basic business practices laws of supply and demand employee management procurement sales and marketingComposition INT The required Skill for writing songs articles or stories', 'ConcealReveal ObjectINT Skill for hiding objects and finding objects that have been hidden', 'This is the Skill used for concealing weapons under clothing and detecting concealed weapons', 'Concentration WILL Skill of focus and mental control encompassing feats of memory recall and physiological control', 'Conversation EMP Skill of extracting information from people without alerting them through careful conversation', 'Criminology INT Skill of discovering clues by dusting for fingerprints doing ballistics tests examining evidence and searching through police records and filesCryptography INT Skill of encrypting and decoding messages', 'Deduction INT Skill of taking several clues and leaping to a nonobvious conclusion or medical diagnosis', 'Drive Land VehicleREF Skill of driving and maneuvering land vehicles', '13 EASY MODE EducationINT Skill of general knowledge equivalent to a basic school education allowing you to know how to read write use basic math and know enough history to get by', 'ElectronicsSecurity Tech TECH Skill of identifying understanding repairing countering and installing complex electronic devices like computers cyberdecks personal electronics and electronic security systemsEvasion DEX Skill for getting out of the way of someone attacking you in meleeFirst Aid TECH Skill of applying medical treatments to a wounded person to keep them from dying and treating the most common Critical Injuries', 'Forgery TECH Skill of creating and detecting false documents works of art and identification', 'Forgery is most often opposed by Forgery', 'HandgunREF Skill for accurately firing handheld projectile weapons', "Human Perception EMP Skill of reading a person's facial expressions and body language to discern their emotional state and detect lies or deception", 'InterrogationCOOL Skill of forcibly extracting information from people', 'Library SearchINT Skill of using databases the Data Pool libraries and other compiled information sources to find facts', 'Local ExpertINT Skill of knowing a specific area well and knowing the agendas of its various factions both political and criminal', 'Melee WeaponDEX Skill for fighting with melee weaponsParamedic TECH Skill of applying medical treatments to a wounded person to treat all Critical Injuries not requiring Surgery and keep them from dying', 'Surgery is only available to Medtechs through their Role Ability', 'PerceptionINT Skill of spotting hidden things like clues traps and people using the Stealth Skill but not objects hidden with the ConcealReveal Object Skill', 'PersuasionCOOL Skill of convincing persuading or influencing individuals', 'Also the ability to talk others into doing what you want', 'This may be used individually or on large groups', 'PhotographyFilm TECH Skill for producing professional photographs motion pictures or braindances', 'Pick Lock TECH Skill for picking nonelectronic locks and countering nonelectronic security measures', 'BY ADRIAN MARC', '14 EASY MODE Pick Pocket TECH Skill for picking pockets and shoplifting small items without being noticed', 'Play Instrument TECH Skill of professionally playing a musical instrument', 'Resist TortureDrugs WILL Skill of resisting painful effects including interrogation torture and drugs', 'Shoulder ArmsREF Skill for firing shoulderbraced projectile weapons', 'StealthDEX Skill of moving quietly hiding doing an action discreetly or otherwise evading detection', 'Other Characters can try to find you with their Perception Skill', 'StreetwiseCOOL Skill of knowing where to get illegal and contraband things talking to the criminal element and avoiding bad situations in bad neighborhoods', 'TacticsINT Skill of managing a largescale battle effectively and efficiently', 'A Character with this Skill usually knows what must be done to direct a battle and how an enemy force may reactTrackingINT Skill of following a trail by observing tracks and other clues left behind', 'TradingCOOL Skill of striking a good bargain with a merchant or customer', 'Wardrobe StyleCOOL Skill of knowing the right clothes to wear when to wear them and how to look cool even in a spacesuit', "Skill reSOluti On The heArT of Cyberpunk Skill CheCkS Whenever your Character tries to do something there's always the question of whether they'll succeed or fail", "Sometimes the task is so easy that it's obvious for instance taking a step forward without falling", "In those cases tell the GM what you're doing and no die roll is needed", "But if you're trying to take a step on the deck of a ship pitching wildly in a driving rainstorm walking might be very difficult indeed", 'These are the situations that call for a Skill Check', 'There are two ways to resolve Skill Checks', "The first is to resolve your Skill against another living thing or person's Skill like trying to persuade someone to do something for you", "To do this you the Attacker add your relevant STAT Skill 1d10 die roll against your opponent the Defender's own relevant STAT Skill 1d10 die roll", "The result of your opponent's STAT Skill 1d10 die roll is also known as the Difficulty Value or DV the amount your STAT Skill 1d10 will need to beat in order for you to succeed", 'In case of a tie the Defender always wins', "Attacker's STAT Skill 1d10 vs Defender's STAT Skill 1d10 The second way is resolving your Skill against the difficulty of a situation like picking a lock or driving a car", 'The GM determines how long the task you want to perform will take and uses the table below to decide which rating best describes the difficulty to perform the task the Difficulty BY NEIL BRANQUINHO', '15 EASY MODE Value DV', 'Then you add your STAT Skill 1d10 and try to beat the Difficulty Value DV the GM assigned to the task using the Difficulty Values DV table above', "Attacker's STAT Skill 1d10 vs", "Difficulty Value DV Critical Success When you roll a natural 10 on your d10 you've scored a Critical Success", 'Roll another 1d10 and add the result to your first roll', 'If you roll another 10 you do not score another Critical Success', " Critical Failure When you roll a natural roll of 1 on your d10 you've scored a Critical Failure", 'Roll another 1d10 and subtract the result from your STAT Skill the first roll', 'If you roll another 1 you do not score another Critical Failure', " Trying Again If you fail a Skill Check you can't try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason you took longer used a better tool or you or one of your friends made a Complementary Skill Check", ' Complementary Skills Complementary Skill Checks are where the use of one Skill directly affects the use of a subsequent Skill', "At the GM's discretion a good roll in one Skill which can even be rolled by another Character may confer a 1 bonus to the subsequent use of a related Skill so long as the complementary nature of the two Skills makes sense", 'This 1 bonus only affects a subsequent attempt once and Complementary Skill bonuses do not stack', ' Taking Extra Time Taking Extra Time can also give you a bonus to your Skill Check', 'When the GM tells you how long a task will take to complete you can get a single 1 bonus to your Skill Check for taking four times longer', ' Using Luck Before you roll you can dedicate a portion of your remaining LUCK Pool which holds LUCK Points equal to your LUCK Statistic and which refills at the beginning of each game session to a Check which increases the roll by 1 for each point in your LUCK Pool that you expended', 'LUCK is a powerful force that can allow the otherwise impossible to become attainable', " When You Don't Have A Skill When you just don't have a Skill to use but you want to try anyway you have one option Simply use the STAT that the Skill you don't have is linked to and add it to 1d10", "That's all you get", 'You are relying purely on your STAT', 'cOmbat Now that you know how to use your skills here’s how to get violent', ' Initiative and Combat Time Combat is divided into Turns each of which takes approximately 3 seconds', 'The amount of time it takes each entity involved in the combat to take a Turn is a Round', 'One Round is approximately 3 seconds long', 'diFFiculty value S dv Difficulty Description DV Everyday This feat is something most people can do without a lot of special training', '13 Difficult This feat is difficult to accomplish without training or natural talent', '15 ProfessionalThis feat takes actual training and the user can be considered to be a professional skilled in their abilities17 HeroicThis is a highly skilled feat one that only the best of the best can pull off', 'This is the level of sports stars and other highly regarded superstars21 IncredibleThis is a tremendous feat', 'Pulling this off would rate you among the very best of your class professionally', 'You are of truly Olympian mettle24', '16 EASY MODE When a combat starts everyone rolls Initiative Initiative REF 1d10 All participants in the combat place themselves according to their Initiative Roll into what we call an Initiative Queue in descending order', 'Resolve ties by rolling again until the higher number wins', 'Combat proceeds in Initiative Queue order with each entity in the Initiative Queue getting a Turn', 'When the bottom is reached the Initiative Queue starts again from the top in a new Round', ' Actions Actions are the meat of your Turn in Cyberpunk RED ', 'Your Turn 1 Move Action 1 other Action Every Turn a Character gets 1 Move Action and 1 Action Here is the quick version of all the actions you can choose from on your turn', 'Read on to learn about them in more detail', 'Move Action Move up to as many myds as your MOVE STAT x 2 each Turn or squares equal to your MOVE STATAttack Make a Melee or Ranged Attack', 'Choke Choke an opponent you have Grabbed', 'Get Up Get up after being Prone', 'While Prone until you use this Action you cannot use a Move Action', 'Grab Grab and hold an opponent or take away an object they are holding', 'Hold Action Hold an Action until later in the Initiative Queue', 'You must choose a specified event to trigger the Action or a specific number in the Initiative Queue when the action occurs as well as what the Action is and what its intended target is', "Reload Fully reload and replace a weapon's magazine", 'Run Take an additional Move Action but only if you have already taken a Move Action this Turn', 'Stabilize Stabilize a target to begin the natural healing process or pull them out of the Mortally Wounded Wound State to save their life', 'Throw Throw a grabbed opponent to the ground', 'Use a Skill Use one of your Skills to accomplish a quick task', 'A longer task will require multiple Actions over the course of multiple Turns rolling only when the full time has been paid for in 3second increments', 'BY NEIL BRANQUINHOThe Cyberpunk RED Core Book has rules for Headshots Martial Arts Netrunning and Vehicle Combat too', "17 EASY MODE Use an Object Manipulate an object in a way that doesn't require a Skill", 'Drawing an easily accessible weapon into a free hand or dropping a held weapon onto the floor does not require this Action but stowing a held weapon on your person does', ' Movement mOve actiOn Every Turn a Character gets a Move Action which can only be used to move a number of myds equal to their MOVE x 2 or a number of squares if playing on a grid equal to their MOVE which can include moving diagonally', 'If you are playing on a grid you cannot stop in between the squares', 'Other FOrmS OF mOvement Swimming Climbing and Jumping with a running start all cost 2 myds of movement for every myd traveled or 2 squares for every 1 square', 'When jumping from standing you can clear half the distance that you could with a running start', "being prOne When you are Prone you can't use your Move Action until you use the Get Up Action", 'rate OF Fire rOF and Splitting mOvement Combat in Cyberpunk RED is fastpaced and fluid', 'Whenever you Move using your Move Action you can take your Action in the middle of that Move Action and then keep Moving afterward', "We call this Splitting and it's not just for Move Actions", 'Some types of attacks are faster than others capable of striking shooting twice with a single Attack Action', 'These are called 2 Rate of Fire Attacks or 2 ROF', 'All attacks from 2 ROF sources can be split across a Move Action', 'You can move shoot move shoot move', 'You can even make a single attack from each of two different 2 ROF sources by Splitting your two attacks across the two of them allowing them both to be used in a single Turn', 'So yes you can use the Heavy Pistol in your left hand to take a shot down the hallway then walk down that disgusting hallway to stab your victim with the machete in your right hand', 'Attacks from 1 ROF sources are slower and take your whole Attack Action but you can still split movement around them', ' Ranged Combat Ranged combat is any attack made at a distance', "When using the Attack Action with a Ranged Weapon you make a number of attacks equal to the weapon's ROF Rate of Fire", 'Ranged Combat is resolved as follows', "Attacker's REF Relevant Ranged Weapon Skill 1d10 vs Defender's DV Determined by Range to Target and Weapon If you beat the DV Defender wins in a tie you damage the Defender", "The Defender's armor reduces the damage you do as detailed on page 19 ", ' Melee Weapon Combat Trained use of a melee weapon includes fencing knife fighting and club or other bludgeoning weapons like baseball bats', "When using the Attack Action with a Melee Weapon you make a number of attacks equal to the weapon's ROF Rate of Fire", 'Additionally when ranged cOmbat dv S Weapon Type0 to 6 myds7 to 1 2 myds13 to 25 myds26 to 50 myds51 to 100 myds101 to 200 myds201 to 400 myds401 to 800 myds Pistol 13 15 20 25 30 30 NA NA Shotgun 13 15 20 25 30 35 NA NA Assault Rifle 17 16 15 13 15 20 25 30', "18 EASY MODE dealing damage all melee weapons ignore half of the Defender's armor", 'Melee Weapon Combat is resolved as follows', "Attacker's DEX Melee Weapon Skill 1d10 vs Defender's DEX Evasion Skill 1d10 If you beat the Defender's Check Defender wins in a tie you damage the Defender", "The Defender's armor reduces the damage you do as detailed on page 19 ", ' Brawling Combat Brawling comprises bareknuckle boxing street fighting and grappling', 'When using the Attack Action to make a brawling attack the damage for which is listed on your character sheet you always make two attacks', 'Additionally the Brawling skill covers the Grab Choke and Throw Actions which are detailed below', 'Brawling Combat is resolved as follows', "Attacker's DEX Brawling Skill 1d10 vs Defender's DEX Evasion Skill 1d10 If you beat the Defender's Check Defender wins in a tie you damage the Defender", "The Defender's armor reduces the damage you do as detailed later in this section on page 19 ", 'grab As an Action you can grab and hold someone take an object they are carrying or escape a grapple', 'You need a free hand to initiate a Grab which cannot be used to do anything else for the duration of any Grapple that results from the Grab', 'To determine the outcome of a Grab both you and your target within your reach roll DEX Brawling Skill 1d10', 'If you win you can choose to either grab hold of the Defender or take one object the Defender is holding in their hands into a free hand', 'If you win and choose to grab hold of the Defender instead of their stuff both of you are now considered to be in a Grapple and take a2 to all Actions for as long as you both remain in a Grapple', 'While Grappled the Defender cannot use their Move Action and is dragged with the Attacker whenever the Attacker takes their Move Action', 'No Character in the Grapple can make use of a weapon that requires them to use two hands even if they have more than two arms', 'The Attacker can end the Grapple at any time without using an Action but the Defender or any other Character must use this Action to roll a successful Grab against the Attacker to break the Grapple which ends the Grapple for everyone involved', 'Grabbing a person is a prerequisite for Choking or Throwing them', 'chOke If you are currently the Attacker in a Grapple you can use an Action to Choke the Defender you are grappling dealing your BODY STAT directly to their Hit Points in damage', 'If damage dealt by a Choke would reduce a target with more than 1 HP to less than 0 HP they are instead left at 1 HP and are Unconscious', "This damage ignores the Defender's armor and doesn't ablate it", 'Additionally if you Choke the same target for 3 successive Rounds they go Unconscious regardless of their Hit Point total', 'While unconscious a Character is temporarily gone from the world', 'The condition always lasts one minute', 'thrOw Throw a person you are Grappling or an object you are holding', 'If you are currently the Attacker in a Grapple you can use an Action to Throw them onto the ground dealing your BODY STAT directly to their Hit Points in damage', "This damage ignores the Defender's armor and doesn't ablate it", 'Throwing your target ends your Grapple with them freeing you both of the2 to all Actions imposed by being either participant in a Grapple and leaves them Prone unable to use their Move Action until they use the Get Up Action', ' Taking Cover You can always duck behind cover if you don’t like the taste of lead', '19 EASY MODE The Golden Rules of Cover You are considered to be in cover if you are fully behind something that could stop a bullet', "If they have line of sight on you you aren't in cover", 'There is no partial cover', "It can either stop a bullet or it can't", 'If it cannot stop a bullet it provides no cover and thus has no HP', 'Anything you can take cover behind has HP and each 2 myds by 2 myds 1 square section of it can be attacked just like you can', 'At 0 HP cover is destroyed', "If a cover's HP drops to 0 excess damage is lost and doesn't harm any targets hiding behind it", 'See the Cover Materials and Examples table for more information Taking Damage You are going to get shot', 'Here’s how much it will hurt', 'Whenever you take damage 1', 'Your Attacker rolls the damage for their attack', '2', "Subtract your armor's SP from the damage and subtract any remaining damage from your Hit Points", '3', 'If you ended up taking any damage reduce your armor’s SP by 1 point until it is repaired', ' Critical Injuries If the Attacker rolled two or more 6s on their damage dice you suffer 5 damage directly to your HP in addition to a Critical Injury', 'Roll 2d6 on the Critical Injuries table page 20 to find which Injury the defender suffered', ' Wound States As you take damage you cross Wound State Thresholds eventually becoming wounded in ways that impair your performance', 'Each new Wound State replaces the effect of your previous Wound State', 'Your Wound State is determined by the amount of Hit Points you have remaining', 'You are Lightly Wounded if you are at less than your full Hit Point total', "There's no penalties for being Lightly Wounded", 'You are Seriously Wounded if your Current Hit Points are equal to or less than 12 your Full Hit Point total', 'In Easy Mode we calculate this for you and put it on your sheet', "When you're Seriously Wounded you take a2 penalty to all Checks", 'You are Mortally Wounded when you have less than 1 Hit Point', "When you're Mortally Wounded you take a4 penalty to all Checks and a6 to your MOVE minimum 1", 'Plus you have to start making Death Saves', 'cOver material example S Type HP Thick Steel 50 HP Thin Steel 25 HP Thick Stone 40 HP Thin Stone 20 HP Thick Bulletproof Glass 30 HP Thin Bulletproof Glass 15 HP Thick Concrete 25 HP Thin Concrete 10 HP Thick Wood 20 HP Thin Wood 5 HP Thick PlasterFoamPlastic 15 HP', '20 EASY MODE Death Saves At the start of each of your Turns where you are Mortally Wounded you must make a Death Save', 'Roll a d10', 'If you roll under your BODY you live and can take your Turn as usual', 'Otherwise you fail', 'If you roll a 10 you automatically fail your Death Save no matter your BODY', 'Every time you roll a Death Save your Death Save Penalty increases meaning each future Death Save you roll is made with an additional 1 making it progressively harder to stave off death', 'This Death Save Penalty continues to add up until you are brought back to 1 HP by Stabilization', 'This also resets to your Base Death Save Penalty which can be increased by the nastiest Critical Injuries', "if you fAil even A Single DeATh SAve you Die Stabilization and Healing Assuming you don't end up dead you'll want to heal up so you can get back on The Street and do it all over again", 'To begin the natural healing process you must first receive Stabilization', 'The DV to Stabilize a target or yourself depends on what Wound State your target is in', 'Lightly Wounded DV10 Seriously Wounded DV13 Mortally Wounded DV15 Stabilization takes an Action and is rolled TECH First Aid Skill or Paramedic Skill 1d10', 'critical injurie S Roll 2d6Injury Injury EffectQuick FixTreatment 2 Dismembered ArmThe Dismembered Arm is gone', "You drop any items in that dismembered arm's hand immediately", 'Base Death Save Penalty is increased by 1NA Surgery DV17 3 Dismembered HandThe Dismembered Hand is gone', 'You drop any items in the dismembered hand immediately', "Base Death Save Penalty is increased by 1NA Surgery DV17 4 Collapsed Lung2 to MOVE minimum 1 Base Death Save Penalty is increased by 1Paramedic DV15Surgery DV15 5 Broken RibsAt the end of every Turn where you move further than 4myds on foot you resuffer this Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit PointsParamedic DV13Paramedic DV15 or Surgery DV13 6 Broken ArmThe Broken Arm cannot be used", "You drop any items in that arm's hand immediatelyParamedic DV13Paramedic DV15 or Surgery DV13 7 Foreign ObjectAt the end of every Turn where you move further than 4myds on foot you resuffer this Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit PointsFirst Aid or Paramedic DV13Quick Fix removes Injury Effect permanently 8 Broken Leg4 to MOVE minimum 1Paramedic DV13Paramedic DV15 or Surgery DV13 9 Torn Muscle2 to Melee AttacksFirst Aid or Paramedic DV13Quick Fix removes Injury Effect permanently 10 Spinal InjuryNext Turn you cannot take an Action but you can still take a Move Action", 'Base Death Save Penalty is increased by 1Paramedic DV15Surgery DV15 11 Crushed Fingers4 to all Actions involving that handParamedic DV13Surgery DV15 12 Dismembered LegThe Dismembered Leg is gone6 to MOVE minimum 1 You cannot dodge attacks', 'Base Death Save Penalty is increased by 1NA Surgery DV17These are only half of the Critical Injuries you can cause in the Cyberpunk RED Core Book', '21 EASY MODE Once successful Stabilization has been reached the target will heal a number of HP equal to their BODY for each full day they spend resting spending the majority of each day taking it easy and doing only light activity until they are at Full HP again', 'If the patient pushes it they will gain no HP that day their wounds reopen and they will need to receive stabilization again to restart the natural healing process', ' Healing a Critical Injury There are two ways to heal a Critical Injury a Quick Fix and a Treatment', 'Depending on the severity of the Critical Injury either option may not be available or they may require different skills', 'The worst Critical Injuries require the Surgery Skill which is only available to Medtechs through their Role Ability', 'The DVs for attempting either a Quick Fix or a Treatment can be found next to the Critical Injury on the prior table', 'A Quick Fix will remove the Injury Effect for the rest of the day', 'Each attempt takes a minute', 'You can Quick Fix yourself', 'A Treatment will remove the Injury Effect permanently', 'Each attempt takes four hours', "You can't do a Treatment on yourself Facedowns Another Kind of Combat Not everything on The Street is determined with fists or guns", 'In a world where combat can end your life in a hot nanosecond other methods have evolved to determine who is going to be the top dog in a potential conflict', 'This duel of wills between heavies that happens just before things really get violent is called a Facedown', 'The GM will call for a Facedown whenever they feel the scene calls for it', 'When making a Facedown both participants will roll Cool 1d10 In a tie nothing happens', 'Otherwise the loser has the option of either Backing Down or Taking a2 to any future Actions made against this opponent due to fear until they have defeated them once', 'BY ADRIAN MARC', '22 EASY MODE SKILLS Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 7 2 9 Brawling DMG 1d6 7 6 13 Composition 5 6 11 Concentration 8 2 10 Conversation 6 2 8 Education 5 2 7 Evasion 7 6 13 First Aid 5 6 11 Handgun 6 6 12Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Human Perception 6 6 12 Local Expert 5 4 9 Melee Weapon 7 6 13 Perception 5 2 7 Persuasion 7 6 13 Play Instrument 5 6 11 Stealth 7 2 9 Streetwise 7 6 13 Wardrobe and Style 7 4 11 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of Penalty aPPlieS to ReFdeX MoveWEAPONS ARMOR Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 8 1 You have 16 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Heavy Melee Weapon 3d6 2 A sword or a baseball bat', 'Your choiceArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 CYBERWARE Internal Agent You have a selfadaptive AIpowered Smart Phone in your head controlled entirely by voice command Forty Rockerboy 5 6 7 5 7 8 7 3 6 5 ROLE ABILITY Charismatic ImpactGEAR Name Notes Musical Instrument Player’s choice Pocket Amp Amplifies musical instrument Glow Paint Glow in the dark spraypaint Video Camera Records up to 12 hours40 20 3 You know when someone is a fan and receive a 2 to any EMP or COOL based Skill Check made against them including Facedowns', 'Pain Editor Chipware You can shut off your pain receptors ignoring you to ignore the2 to all Checks granted by the Seriously Wounded Wound State', 'noteS Reading Your Character Sheet readingyourcharactersheetreadingyourcharactersheet The Character Sheets at the back of this booklet contains all the information you need to play your Character', "Here's a breakdown on what all the terms and numbers mean", '1 2 43 5 6 78 1', "Your Character's Handle the name they're known by on The Street and Role their occupation", '2', "Your Character's STATS see page 11 as well as their HP aka Hit Points how much damage they can take before they risk dying their Seriously Wounded number see page 19 and their Death Save number see page 20 ", '3', "Your Character's Skills see page 12 ", 'The most important thing here is the total at the end of each row', "That's the STAT Skill Level and it'll be what you add to your 1d10 roll on Skill Checks", "We've also added how much damage you do via Brawling on that Skill's line", '4', 'Your Weapons and Armor ', 'The Armor lists the type and SP aka how much the armor subtracts from damage done to you', 'The Weapons list type DMG how many d6s you roll then add up to determine damage amount of ammo the weapon holds if any ROF Rate of Fire see page 17 and any notes', '5', 'Your Role Ability ', 'This is a special bonus ability only you getcan do because you are a Rockerboy Solo Tech Medtech or Media', '6', 'Cyberware ', 'You have machines in your body that enhance your abilities in some way', 'This section tells you how', '7', 'Any additional Gear you have with name and description', '8', 'A portrait of your Character and a spot for jotting down notes ', 'The back of each Character Sheet contains space for noting down your Lifepath see page 27 and some flavorful information about your Role TIP On the next page wiggle the center staples out to set free a double sided map from LOKE BattleMats', "Unless you've got the digital version", 'Then you can just print them out and lay them side by side', 'With the Cyberpunk RED Core Book you can create your own Edgerunner completely from scratch choosing their STATS Skills weapons armor cyberware gear and more', '26', '23 EASY MODE', "27 Lifepath lifepathlifepathlifepathlifepath It's like climbing out of a clone vat", 'If cloning worked that way that is', 'You got this halfformed person standing there dripping with slime', "Maybe you've got a vague idea of where you're going with the Character but nothing else", 'So how do you take this Blank and make them really Cyberpunk', 'You start with the Lifepath', 'Lifepath is a flowchart of plot complications designed to help you give your Cyberpunk Character an authentically Dark Future background', "For each table you'll be rolling either 1d10 or 1d6 to determine a piece of your Characters history their style or their outlook on the world", "In some cases you'll be called on to make multiple rolls on the same table", "If at any point you roll something you don't think fits with your Character you can feel free to choose an option instead", ' Cultural Origins The Cyberpunk world is multicultural and multinational', 'You either learn to deal with all kinds of people from all over a fractured and chaotic world or you die the first time you look sideeye at the wrong person', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', "RollYour General Cultural Region 1 North American 2 SouthCentral American 3 Western European 4 Eastern European 5 Middle EasternNorth African 6 SubSaharan African 7 South Asian 8 South East Asian 9 East Asian 10 OceaniaPacific Islander Your Personality This is what you're like as a person", 'Are you the kind of Character that stands away from the pack aloof and calculating', 'A party animal who loves to get messed up', 'The stable and competent professional who always has a plan', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', 'Roll What Are You Like', '1 Shy and secretive 2 Rebellious antisocial and violent 3 Arrogant proud and aloof 4 Moody rash and headstrong 5 Picky fussy and nervous 6 Stable and serious 7 Silly and fluffheaded 8 Sneaky and deceptive 9 Intellectual and detached 10 Friendly and outgoing', '28 EASY MODE Dress and Personal Style In Cyberpunk what you look like is to The Street a snapshot of who you are', 'Your clothes hairstyles and even personal touches can determine how people will relate to you for good or for bad', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one for each column', 'Roll Clothing Style Hairstyle 1 Generic Chic Standard Colorful Modular Mohawk 2 Leisurewear Comfort Agility Athleticism Long and ratty 3 Urban Flash Flashy Technological Streetwear Short and spiked 4 Businesswear Leadership Presence Authority Wild and all over 5 High Fashion Exclusive Designer Couture Bald 6 Bohemian Folksy Retro Freespirited Striped 7 Bag Lady Chic Homeless Ragged Vagrant Wild colors 8 Gang Colors Dangerous Violent Rebellious Neat and short 9 Nomad Leathers Western Rugged Tribal Short and curly 10 Asia Pop Bright Costumelike Youthful Long and straight Your Motivations and Relationships In Cyberpunk different motivations and perspectives clash on the streets of Night City', 'Where do you land', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one for each column', 'RollWhat Do You Value MostHow Do You Feel About Most People', '1 Money I stay neutral', '2 Honor I stay neutral', '3 Your word I like almost everyone', '4 Honesty I hate almost everyone', '5 Knowledge People are tools', 'Use them for your own goals then discard them', '6 Vengeance Every person is a valuable individual', '7 Love People are obstacles to be destroyed if they cross me', '8 Power People are untrustworthy', "Don't depend on anyone", '9 Family Wipe em all out and let the cockroaches take over', '10 Friendship People are wonderful', '29 EASY MODE Your Environment How did you grow up', 'Your childhood environment could turn out drastically different from your original family background', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', 'Roll Childhood Environment 1 Ran on The Street with no adult supervision', '2 Spent in a safe Corp Zone walled off from the rest of the City', '3 In a Nomad pack moving from place to place', '4 In a Nomad pack with roots in transport ships planes caravans', '5 In a decaying once upscale neighborhood now holding off the boosters to survive', '6 In the heart of the Combat Zone living in a wrecked building or other squat', '7 In a huge megastructure buildingcontrolled by a Corp or the City', '8 In the ruins of a deserted town or city taken over by Reclaimers', '9 In a Drift Nation a floating offshore city that is a meeting place for all kinds of people', '10 In a Corporate luxury starscraper high above the rest of the teeming rabble Your Original Family Background Who are you and where did you originally come from', 'Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth or a dead rat', 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', 'RollOriginal BackgroundDescription 1 Corporate ExecsWealthy powerful with servants luxury homes and the best of everything', 'Private security made sure you were always safe', 'You definitely went to a bigname private school', '2 Corporate ManagersWell to do with large homes safe neighborhoods nice cars etc', 'Sometimes your parents would hire servants although this was rare', 'You had a mix of private and corporate education', '3Corporate TechniciansMiddlemiddle class with comfortable conapts or Beaverville suburban homes minivans and corporaterun technical schools', 'Kind of like living 1950s America crossed with 1984', '4 Nomad PackYou had a mix of rugged trailers vehicles and huge road kombis for your home', 'You learned to drive and fight at an early age but the family was always there to care for you', 'Food was actually fresh and abundant', 'Mostly home schooled', '5 Ganger FamilyA savage violent home in any place the gang could take over', 'You were usually hungry cold and scared', "You probably didn't know who your actual parents were", 'Education', 'The Gang taught you how to fight kill and stealwhat else did you need to know', "6 Combat ZonersA step up from a gang family your home was a decaying building somewhere in the Zone' heavily fortified", 'You were hungry at times but regularly could score a bed and a meal', 'Home schooled', '7 Urban HomelessYou lived in cars dumpsters or abandoned shipping modules', 'If you were lucky', 'You were usually hungry cold and scared unless you were tough enough to fight for the scraps', 'Education', 'School of Hard Knocks', '8Megastructure Warren RatsYou grew up in one of the huge new megastructures that went up after the War', 'A tiny conapt kibble and scop for food a mostly warm bed', 'Some better educated adult warren dwellers or a local Corporation may have set up a school', '9 ReclaimersYou started out on the road but then moved into one of the deserted ghost towns or cities to rebuild it', 'A pioneer life dangerous but with plenty of simple food and a safe place to sleep', 'You were home schooled if there was anyone who had the time', "10 EdgerunnersYour home was always changing based on your parents' current job", 'Could be a luxury apartment an urban conapt or a dumpster if you were on the run', 'Food and shelter ran the gamut from gourmet to kibble', '30 EASY MODE Your Family Crisis In the Time of the Red the world is still recovering from a world war and other disasters', 'Chances are something happened to you and your family along the way', "What's the story there", 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', 'Roll Background 1 Your family lost everything through betrayal', '2 Your family lost everything through bad management', '3 Your family was exiled or otherwise driven from their original homenationCorporation', '4 Your family is imprisoned and you alone escaped', '5 Your family vanished', 'You are the only remaining member', '6 Your family was killed and you were the only survivor', '7 Your family is involved in a longterm conspiracy organization or association such as a crime family or revolutionary group', '8 Your family was scattered to the winds due to misfortune', '9 Your family is cursed with a hereditary feud that has lasted for generations', '10 You are the inheritor of a family debt you must honor this debt before moving on with your life', " Your Friends It's not all grim", 'Sometimes you link up with people who have your back', "Roll 1d10 and subtract 7 minimum 0 to see just how many friends you've made so far in your life", 'For each friend roll on the table below', "Roll Friend's Relationship to You 1 Like an older sibling to you", '2 Like a younger sibling to you', '3 A teacher or mentor', '4 A partner or coworker', '5 A former lover', '6 An old enemy', '7 Like a parent to you', '8 An old childhood friend', '9 Someone you know from The Street', '10 Someone with a common interest or goal', '31 EASY MODE Your Enemies Enemies are a big part of life in the Cyberpunk world', "You're going in get in someone's face sooner or later so you might as well find out who they are why there's a beef and what they can do to you to even a score", "First roll 1d10 and subtract 7 minimum 0 to determine how many enemies you've made", "Then for each enemy roll on each column to see who they are what caused the problem and find out what's gonna happen if you meet", 'Roll Who', 'What Caused It', "What's Gonna Happen", '1 Exfriend Caused the other to lose face or status', 'Avoid the scum', '2 Exlover Caused the loss of lover friend or relative', 'Avoid the scum', '3 Estranged relative Caused a major public humiliationGo into a murderous rage and try to physically rip their face off', '4 Childhood enemyAccused the other of cowardice or some other major personal flawGo into a murderous rage and try to physically rip their face off', '5 Person working for you Deserted or betrayed the other', 'Backstab them indirectly', "6 Person you work forTurned down the other's offer of a job or romantic involvementBackstab them indirectly", "7 Partner or coworker You just don't like each other", 'Verbally attack them', '8 Corporate exec One of you was a romantic rival', 'Verbally attack them', "9 Government official One of you was a business rivalSet them up for a crime or other transgression they didn't commit", "10 BoostergangerOne of you set the other up for a crime they didn't commitSet out to murder or maim them", "Your Tragic Love Affairs We don't care about the ones that worked we want to know about the ugly ones that ripped out your heart", "Roll 1d10 and subtract 7 minimum 0 to see how many tragic love affairs you've had then use the table below to see how each ended", 'Roll What Happened', '1 Your lover died in an accident', '2 Your lover mysteriously vanished', "3 It just didn't work out", '4 A personal goal or vendetta came between you and your lover', '5 Your lover was kidnapped', '6 Your lover went insane or cyberpsycho', '7 Your lover committed suicide', '8 Your lover was killed in a fight', '9 A rival cut you out of the action', '10 Your lover is imprisoned or exiled', '32 EASY MODE Running Cyberpunk runningcyberpunk Cyberpunk can be a challenge for even an experienced Gamemaster', 'Far more than just mastering Skill Checks page 14 and Combat page 15 Cyberpunk demands that you create the right atmosphere of grunginess sleek technology and pervasive paranoia in your game', 'Survival is the hallmark of the setting', 'You look to your friends team family or clan first', 'If you can do some good along the way great', "But don't count on it", 'Cyberpunk Characters are survivors in a tough grim world faced with lifeanddeath choices', "Here's the hard part How do you offer these choices to your players in a way that will immerse them in the setting", "The answer is Lifepath and how you use the Lifepaths your players have rolled page 27 in your game will make the difference between a good session and one they'll remember forever", 'First off use their Lifepath to spark your story off', 'Threaten their Friends', 'Have their Enemies plot against them', 'Kidnap their sister', 'If they have decided that they own a dog poison it', 'If they have settled down rob them', 'Give them a reason to fight', 'This is all a lot more engaging than You are hired to do a job', 'Keep that to a minimum', 'Focus on their Lifepath and the story will be grounded and street level', 'The answers they give for those choices you will face them with will matter because they will concern something they care about', 'How they make these choices will determine whether they end up as vicious animals roaming a ruined world or retain something of their basic humanity', "Cyberpunk Characters are the heroes of a bad situation one you've got to put them in Gamemaster", 'The mission that rounds out the final pages of this booklet is by the numbers and is as much a tutorial for running Cyberpunk RED as it is playing Cyberpunk RED ', "You're already ready for it and it can be run without much preparation", 'You can do thisCyberpunk bibliography Synners by Pat Cadigan Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K Dick When Gravity Fails A Fire in the Sun by George Alec Effinger Neuromancer Count Zero Mona Lisa Overdrive Burning Chrome by William Gibson Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson The Artificial Kid Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling Hardwired Voice of the Whirlwind Angel Station by Walter Jon Williams Cyberpunk Filmography Akira Alien Aliens AppleseedAltered Carbon Blade Runner Blade Runner 2049The ExpanseGhost in the ShellMax HeadroomThe Matrix Trilogy Overdrawn at the Memory BankRobocop 1 2 Road Warrior original and remake Your Life Goals You know your history your personal style and your turbulent love life', "It's time to wrap all this up by determining what you want out of life", 'Roll 1d10 or choose one', 'Roll Life Goals 1 Get rid of a bad reputation', '2 Gain power and control', '3 Get off The Street no matter what it takes', '4 Cause pain and suffering to anyone who crosses you', '5 Live down your past life and try to forget it', '6 Hunt down those responsible for your miserable life and make them pay', "7 Get what's rightfully yours", '8 Save if possible anyone else involved in your background like a lover or family member', '9 Gain fame and recognition', '10 Become feared and respected', '33 EASY MODE Gamemasters only GamemastersonlyGamemastersonlyGamemastersonly Unless you are the Gamemaster running the mission do not read past this point', 'You don’t want SPOILERS', 'Before you Begin beforeyoubeforeyoubeginbeforeyoubegin This short introductory mission assumes both you and your players are new to Cyberpunk RED ', 'You’ll need to have read all of Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode because we’re about to put all of what you’ve learned together for the first time', 'It falls upon you to be both student and teacher here so it’s important that you do', 'We recommend giving this short mission a quick review before you run it for the first time', 'When you are ready to run spread out the five provided premade characters and once your players have selected their favorites walk them through rolling their Lifepaths on pages 27 to 32 ', 'Make note of any Friends or Enemies they roll in the process because you’ll need to make use of them in the mission', 'Finally make sure everyone has a tensided die and plenty of sixsided dice and head to the Hook', 'Mission Summary missionsummarymissionsummarymissionsummary After pulling a job stealing from the South Night City Docks the money the crew stole is stolen from them by a gang of dirty cops', 'The crew is lured into a trap to snip them off as loose ends by the same gang who have kidnapped and tortured their Fixer Lazlo to set the snare', 'getting paidgetting paid a first job for cyberpunk reda first job for cyberpunk redBY NEIL BRANQUINHO', '34 EASY MODE hOOk the phOne call After returning from their latest crime at the South Night City docks the Player Characters PCs receive a call to their burner phone which they received from Lazlo their Fixer', 'The Fixer’s message is simple We’ve got to change the pickup point for your payment to an industrial park in Heywood Why', 'He won’t say and assures them that nothing is wrong', 'However your tone should hint that something IS indeed wrong because Lazlo is being held at gunpoint and is being forced to lure the PCs into a trap', 'If someone starts to catch on or questions Lazlo more call for a Human Perception Check', 'If they beat the DV of 17 they learn for sure that something is up and that their Fixer and by extension their payday is in danger', 'Of course even if they fail they can still suspect whatever they want', 'Whatever happens soon thereafter their Fixer hangs up before answering any questions they may ask', 'devel Opment heyw OOd indu Strial The PCs can approach the meeting in Heywood either knowing it’s a trap or being ignorant of it', 'Either way when they arrive ask your players how they want to approach the situation', 'Any approach that incorporates a Skill Check of 17 or higher will lead them immediately to a beneficial situation', 'You get to adjudicate what this beneficial situation looks like but showing them the positions of some of the enemies in the upcoming ambush or having them discover the location their Fixer is being held early is a good idea', 'At the center of some alleys is a hooded man handcuffed to a briefcase', 'He offers it to the PCs and will fumble around with the key far too long before handing it to them dropping it in the process', 'This should be suspect', 'Take a note of which specific character takes the briefcase', 'The briefcase takes an Action to open', 'Inside is 10000eb however a DV 17 Forgery Check will reveal that it is counterfeit', 'The hooded man is an undercover NCPD officer named Lenard Houston who is very dirty and the handoff is the signal for his equally dirty cop friends to close off the exits to these alleys and try to kill the PCscliFFhanger alleyway ambu Sh When the ambush starts there are a total number of dirty cops equal to the PCs plus 2 including Lenard and each new cop appears from either end of an alley on the map', 'As combat begins have one yell they’ve got a gun', 'Here are some names of other officers at the scene Amanda Orto Brian Easton Khalil Hosman Rex Borda Annis Olufson Matteo Ferrise and Enrique Cardinali', 'Make sure they get speaking lines or your players will feel like they are shooting bags of HP', 'We need to make sure they remember they are shooting people to get the gritty feeling we want', 'The cops each attempt to flee when they reach ½ HP or suffer a Critical Injury by running across the edge of the map unless their situation doesn’t permit it in which case they fight to the death', 'Keep track of the number of cops who escape', 'Questioning a captured cop is a DV 17 Interrogation check which reveals the location of their hideout if successful and reveals nothing if failed', 'A sufficiently violent interrogation that fails is liable to kill the cop', 'Once the shooting has ended Lazlo the Fixer who has been tied up in a nearby storage room finally manages to get their gag off and shouts out to the PCs for rescue', 'devel Opment Saving the Fixer Lazlo is suffering the Crushed Fingers Critical Injury on his right organic hand and his left cyberhand has been Dismembered having been shoved into his mouth alongside a ripped tshirt to act as a gag', 'When discovered he has only 5 HP', "For his condition he's doing surprisingly well and is happy to see that the team survived the ambush", "He's done for this adventure of course", 'If one of your players is playing a Medtech he requests that they Quick Fix his crushed fingers Critical Injury', 'Quick Fixing his Crushed Fingers is a DV 13 Paramedic Check', 'If the Quick Fix is successful Lazlo will offer to owe them a favor the good kind he says', "If there isn't a Medtech in the group the Fixer instead requests you call him a Combat Cabb as his phone was destroyed during the scuffle", 'Either way the Fixer tells the crew that these cops who roughed him up and stole the crew’s ill gotten gains probably caught wind of their scheme through an informant Great time to bring in a PC’s Lifepath', '35 EASY MODE Enemy they have close to the South Night City docks', 'Lazlo knows where they are keeping the money they stole from the crewin a warehouse not too far from the docks that they raided during the job the crew just pulled', "He's also pretty sure the money in the suitcase is fake given the circumstances but makes a joke about being unable to flip through it at the moment", 'Charitably the Fixer recommends they go visit death upon the cops quickly before they are able to recuperate from the battle and are able to hide the real money they stole', 'climax the wareh OuSe The Warehouse is the PCs opportunity to go on the offensive to end the session by exercising agency', 'Toward this end there are many ways the PCs can approach the warehouse but briefly they break down into three camps Violence Stealth and Diplomacy or the secret fourth camp whatever wild idea they come up with', 'Instead of saying what do you want to do to start the scene go with How do you want to approach this', 'Stealth', 'Violence', 'Diplomacy', 'Anything is fair game', 'This will hopefully get the players into a creative mindset perhaps even one creative enough to take the secret fourth option', "Here's how to run the warehouse in whatever way they go", ' Diplomacy Diplomacy involves starting a dialogue which implies giving away your position', 'Make sure you know which person will be doing the talking and who else will be appearing alongside them for backup', "There's no reason everyone in the party has to give up their positions but make sure everyone knows that anyone who chooses to hide will be unable to hop into the negotiation once it's started without causing it to fail", 'Once the negotiating PCs reveal themselves have the negotiator from the police side appear', 'If you used a Lifepath Enemy for the informant in Saving The Fixer have this character be them', 'Otherwise this is a great time to tie in an entirely new Lifepath Friend or Enemy into the plot or you can use a cop who survived the ambush', 'The opposition starts with an offer to return half of the money and drop all hostilities', "They'll be keeping half of it to pay for medical expenses and the cost of covering this all up", 'Should the PCs take the offer no Skill Check is required and everyone walks away', 'A DV13 Forgery Check can confirm the Eurobucks are real', "If the PCs counteroffer they'll have to make a DV15 Persuasion Check but if it's a wild counteroffer this goes up to DV17 and failing means triggering a Facedown page 21 Negotiator vsNegotiator", 'The opposing negotiator adds 8 to their tensided die for this roll', "If the police win the Facedown they'll change the offer to we'll give you back 30 of the cash and unless you accept right now we'll kill you see Violence below", 'If instead the PC negotiator wins the Facedown the cops will accept the counteroffer', 'Succeeding the initial counteroffer Persuasion check also causes the police to accept the counteroffer', 'Should a Rockerboy be in the group the opposing negotiator is a fan of their music', ' Violence Violence is simple but we want to make sure the combat encounter is spicy enough to sizzle and excite', 'First off listen to your players to learn about how they want to tackle the building', 'The opposition inside the warehouse should appear at first to be a number of cops equal to the number of PCs plus two and should include all of the cops that escaped the ambush at the HP they escaped at any Critical Injuries will have been Quick Fixed by now', 'At the beginning of the second round of combat introduce a new cop to the encounter at initiative count 20 or even better a Lifepath Enemy crashing through the skylight on a motorbike', 'Use the Dirty Cop statblock but give them 1 1 SP Armor an Assault Rifle 20 MOVE and the ability to drive without using their hands', 'In other words they’re driving with their mind and using their hands to shoot their Assault Rifle', 'This will dial up the spice and make the cramped warehouse a violent bullet playground just like we want', 'Unlike before here the cops will fight to the death', ' Stealth Stealing the money silently and getting away safely is no mean feat but it is possible', 'However do the players a favor and remind them what the LUCK Stat is for beforehand', 'Breaking in silently takes a DC17 Stealth Check and once inside they immediately find the money', 'Getting it is the hard part', 'The money is in a safe that requires a DC15 ElectronicsSecurity Tech or DC17 Pick Lock check to open', 'You could also steal', '36 EASY MODE the key from an unaware cop with a DC15 Pick Pocket Check', 'Once the money is in hand sneaking out is a DC15 Stealth Check', 'Assuming that all goes well you walk away', 'But something is probably going to go wrong and when it does begin combat as if the PCs had chosen violence instead but skip the cop on a roadbike part unless you are feeling frisky', ' Wild Ideas Your players may come up with something so wild and off the wall that neither of us could have possibly prepared for it', 'The good part is this option is actually the easiest to GM ruleswise and in doing this your players have made your job much simpler', 'Just go with it', 'Go with their halfbaked plan', 'Your players will love you for it', 'But inject some roadblocks as they go', 'Find a way to challenge them with a DV15 Skill Check that makes sense for the situation then just as they feel like they are about to win challenge them with a DV17 Skill Check that makes sense to provide a final challenge that feels like an escalation', 'Bonus points if you can tie this Skill Check to one of their Lifepath Enemies', 'If combat is a part of their plan go with the fight spelled out in the Violence option above but skip the roadbike cop part', 'However their wild idea ends up they will feel fulfilled in their choice having made their own ending to their story', 'reSOluti On cOnSequence S Whatever happens your PCs will have gotten paid', 'The only question is what will be the consequences of their actions', 'First off unless they negotiated with the cops if they left any cops alive everyone is ending up with a 1000eb bounty on their head', "The exception is the person who accepted the suitcase from Lenard Houston at the Heywood Industrial complex they're getting a 2000eb bounty", 'A Rockerboy who receives a bounty in this manner is likely to receive a bump in album sales and you should award them a level of Reputation to go along with the great publicity and street cred', "Give two levels of Reputation to any Media that receives a bounty because it's a wellknown badge of trustworthiness in the news community to be wanted by the state", 'The Medtech likely now has a favor to spend with Lazlo and you should make sure that they feel its worth in any future adventure they run with the character', 'Any Lifepath Friends or Enemies that were in the plot that survived to the end should be given their chance to either thank someone in the crew or vow revenge before slinking back into the shadows', 'luck will mOve bOdy emp cOOl tech dex reF int3 6 5 2 4 4 4 6 3 death Save SerOuSly wOunded hit pOint S35 18 6 armOr6Armor Kevlar SP 7Weapons Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 Skill baSeSAthletics 9 Brawling 1 1 Concentration 6 Conversation 5 Drive Land Vehicle 10 Education 5 Evasion 7 First Aid 4 Handgun 1 2 Human Perception 5 Interrogation 6 Local Expert 5 Perception 9 Persuasion 10 Resist TortureDrugs 8 Shoulder Arms 1 2 Stealth 7 cyberware S pecial equipment Very Heavy Pistol Ammo x16 RadioCommunicator allows communication w other dirty copsDIRTY COPSUse the follow character block for all the dirty cops in this mission', "Please note we've already added the STAT Skill for you in the Skill Bases section", 'Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 7 2 9 Brawling DMG 1d6 7 6 13 Composition 5 6 11 Concentration 8 2 10 Conversation 6 2 8 Education 5 2 7 Evasion 7 6 13 First Aid 5 6 11 Handgun 6 6 12Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Human Perception 6 6 12 Local Expert 5 4 9 Melee Weapon 7 6 13 Perception 5 2 7 Persuasion 7 6 13 Play Instrument 5 6 11 Stealth 7 2 9 Streetwise 7 6 13 Wardrobe and Style 7 4 11 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of penalty applie S tO reFdex mO ve weap OnS arm O r Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 8 1 You have 16 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Heavy Melee Weapon 3d6 2 A sword or a baseball bat', 'Your choiceArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 cyberware Internal Agent You have a selfadaptive AIpowered Smart Phone in your head controlled entirely by voice command Forty Rockerboy 5 6 7 5 7 8 7 3 6 5 rOle abilit y Charismatic Impactgear Name Notes Musical Instrument Player’s choice Pocket Amp Amplifies musical instrument Glow Paint Glow in the dark spraypaint Video Camera Records up to 12 hours40 20 3 You know when someone is a fan and receive a 2 to any EMP or COOL based Skill Check made against them including Facedowns', 'Pain Editor Chipware You can shut off your pain receptors ignoring you to ignore the2 to all Checks granted by the Seriously Wounded Wound State', 'note S Skill S', 'HaiR Style aFFeC tation WHat do you value MoSt', 'FeelingS aBout PeoPle ', 'FaMily BaCKgRound CHildHood enviRonMent FaMily CRiSiS FRiendS tRagiC love aFFaiRS eneMieS liFe goalS What Caused It', 'What’s Gonna Happen', 'WholiFepath PeRSonality ClotHing Style CultuRal oRiginS additional noteSIf you live to rock this is where you belong', 'As a Rockerboy you’re one of the street poets the social conscience and the rebels of the Time of the Red', 'With the advent of digital portastudios and garage music mastering every Rockerboy with a message can take it to The Street put it in the record stores bounce it off the comsats', 'Sometimes your message isn’t something the Corporations or the government wants to hear', 'Sometimes what you say is going to get right in the faces of the powerful people who really want to run this world', 'But you don’t care because as a Rockerboy you know it’s your place to challenge authority whether in straightout protest songs that tell it like it is playing kickass rock n’ roll to get the people away from the TV sets and into The Streets firing up the crowd with speeches or composing fiery writings that shape the minds and hearts of millions', 'You have a proud history as a Rockerboy', 'Dylan Springsteen U2 NWA the Who Jett the Stonesthe legions of hardrock heroes who told the truth with screaming guitars or guthonest lyrics', 'You have the power to get the people up to lead inspire and inform', 'Your message can give the timid courage the weak strength and the blind vision', 'Rockerboy legends like Johnny Silverhand Rockerboy Manson for whom the Role is named and Kerry Eurodyne have led armies against Corporations and governments', 'Rockerboys have exposed corruption and brought down dictators', 'It’s a lot of power for someone doing gigs every night in another city', 'But you can handle it', 'After all you came to playROCKERBOY my Old man my Old man triedtried tO dO muSic back beFOre the war', 'the cOrpS Snapped tO dO muSic back beFOre the war', 'the cOrpS Snapped him up Sucked him dry and Spit him Out tO him up Sucked him dry and Spit him Out tO diedie On the Street ', 'theSe On the Street ', "theSe day S it'S diFFerent ", "i write my day S it'S diFFerent ", 'i write my ownown lyric S make my lyric S make my ownown arrangement S arrangement S rec Ord it all mySelF then uplOad it tO the data pOOl', 'nO cOrp needed ', 'rec Ord it all mySelF then uplOad it tO the data pOOl', 'nO cOrp needed ', "they're nOt chanting my name in giant cOncert hall S yet but i've gOt they're nOt chanting my name in giant cOncert hall S yet but i've gOt fansfans and i dOn't have tO cOmpr OmiSe my meSSage FOr any One", "juSt and i dOn't have tO cOmpr OmiSe my meSSage FOr any One", "juSt like the Original like the Original rockerboyrockerboy my muSic'S giving the middle Finger tO my muSic'S giving the middle Finger tO every pOwerhungry Suit whO think S they can every pOwerhungry Suit whO think S they can controlcontrol the wOrld", 'the wOrld', 'Forty independent RockerboyForty independent Rockerboy', 'If you live to rock this is where you belong', 'As a Rockerboy you’re one of the street poets the social conscience and the rebels of the Time of the Red', 'With the advent of digital portastudios and garage music mastering every Rockerboy with a message can take it to The Street put it in the record stores bounce it off the comsats', 'Sometimes your message isn’t something the Corporations or the government wants to hear', 'Sometimes what you say is going to get right in the faces of the powerful people who really want to run this world', 'But you don’t care because as a Rockerboy you know it’s your place to challenge authority whether in straightout protest songs that tell it like it is playing kickass rock n’ roll to get the people away from the TV sets and into The Streets firing up the crowd with speeches or composing fiery writings that shape the minds and hearts of millions', 'You have a proud history as a Rockerboy', 'Dylan Springsteen U2 NWA the Who Jett the Stonesthe legions of hardrock heroes who told the truth with screaming guitars or guthonest lyrics', 'You have the power to get the people up to lead inspire and inform', 'Your message can give the timid courage the weak strength and the blind vision', 'Rockerboy legends like Johnny Silverhand Rockerboy Manson for whom the Role is named and Kerry Eurodyne have led armies against Corporations and governments', 'Rockerboys have exposed corruption and brought down dictators', 'It’s a lot of power for someone doing gigs every night in another city', 'But you can handle it', 'After all you came to play', 'Skill S Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 6 2 8 Brawling DMG 3d6 6 2 8 ConcealReveal Object 7 8 15 Concentration 6 2 8 Conversation 3 2 5 Education 7 2 9 Evasion 6 6 12 First Aid 5 6 11 Handgun 7 6 13Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Human Perception 3 2 5 Interrogation 7 6 13 Local Expert 7 2 9 Perception 7 8 15 Persuasion 7 2 9 Resist TortureDrugs 6 6 12 Shoulder Arms 7 6 13 Stealth 6 6 12 Tactics 7 6 13 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of penalty applie S tO reFdex mO ve weap OnS arm O r Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Shotgun 5d6 4 1 You have 8 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Assault Rifle 5d6 25 1 You have 25 rounds of extra ammunitionArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 cyberware Image Enhance Cybereyes Your eyes are better than human giving you 2 to Perception and ConcealReveal Object Skills already included above Mover Solo 7 7 6 5 7 6 7 7 3 6 rOle abilit y Combat Awarenessgear Name Notes Burner Phone A disposable phone45 23 7 Add 4 to any Initiative roll you make', 'Teleoptic Cybereye You can see detail up to 800 myds away', 'note S', 'HaiR Style aFFeC tation WHat do you value MoSt', 'FeelingS aBout PeoPle ', 'FaMily BaCKgRound CHildHood enviRonMent FaMily CRiSiS FRiendS tRagiC love aFFaiRS eneMieS liFe goalS What Caused It', 'What’s Gonna Happen', 'WholiFepath PeRSonality ClotHing Style CultuRal oRiginS additional noteSYou were reborn with a gun in your handthe flesh and blood handnot the metallic weapons factory that covers most of your other arm', 'Whether as a freelance guard and killerforhire or as one of the Corporate cybersoldiers who enforce business deals and the Company’s black operations you’re one of the elite fighting machines of the Time of the Red', 'Most Solos put in military time during the 4th Corporate War in a Corporate army or in one of the government’s current police actions around the country', 'As the battle damage piles up you start to rely more and more upon tech cyberlimbs for weapons and armor bioprogram chips to increase your reflexes and awareness combat drugs to give you that edge over your opponents', 'When you’re the best of the best you might even leave the ranks of Corporate samurai and go ronin freelancing your lethal talents as a killer bodyguard or enforcer to whoever can pay your very high fees', 'Sounds good', 'There’s a pricea heavy one', 'You’ve lost so much of your original meat body that you’re almost a machine', 'Your killing reflexes are so jacked up that you have to restrain yourself from going berserk at any moment', 'Years of combat drugs taken to keep the edge have given you terrifying addictions', 'There are few people you can trust anymore', 'One night you might sleep in a penthouse condo in the City the next in a filthy alley on The Street', 'But that’s the price of being the best', 'And you’re willing to pay it', "Because you’re a SoloSOLO why'd i jOin up", "i waS tired OF being why'd i jOin up", 'i waS tired OF being hungryhungry and and poorpoor ', 'when militech ', 'when militech OFFered me three Square S a day and a cOt yOu better believe i Signed OFFered me three Square S a day and a cOt yOu better believe i Signed up', "the FirSt Few acti OnS weren 't bad", 'the third One went pear Shaped ', 'up', "the FirSt Few acti OnS weren 't bad", 'the third One went pear Shaped ', "dOn't knOw why but they Sent a Squad OF dOn't knOw why but they Sent a Squad OF greeniesgreenies again St a bunch again St a bunch OF Full bOdy cOnver SiOnS", 'juSt twO OF uS Survived ', 'aFter the war i OF Full bOdy cOnver SiOnS', 'juSt twO OF uS Survived ', 'aFter the war i tOOk the new tOOk the new chromechrome the cOrp medic S gave me and went lOcal', 'turn S the cOrp medic S gave me and went lOcal', "turn S Out when a city'S Out when a city'S blownblown tO hell and rebuilding there 'S plenty OF tO hell and rebuilding there 'S plenty OF FOlk whO'll FOlk whO'll paypay FOr a certain Set OF Skill S gOOd thing i have them ", 'FOr a certain Set OF Skill S gOOd thing i have them ', 'Abril Mover Montella Private Contractor Abril Mover Montella Private Contractor', 'You were reborn with a gun in your handthe flesh and blood handnot the metallic weapons factory that covers most of your other arm', 'Whether as a freelance guard and killerforhire or as one of the Corporate cybersoldiers who enforce business deals and the Company’s black operations you’re one of the elite fighting machines of the Time of the Red', 'Most Solos put in military time during the 4th Corporate War in a Corporate army or in one of the government’s current police actions around the country', 'As the battle damage piles up you start to rely more and more upon tech cyberlimbs for weapons and armor bioprogram chips to increase your reflexes and awareness combat drugs to give you that edge over your opponents', 'When you’re the best of the best you might even leave the ranks of Corporate samurai and go ronin freelancing your lethal talents as a killer bodyguard or enforcer to whoever can pay your very high fees', 'Sounds good', 'There’s a pricea heavy one', 'You’ve lost so much of your original meat body that you’re almost a machine', 'Your killing reflexes are so jacked up that you have to restrain yourself from going berserk at any moment', 'Years of combat drugs taken to keep the edge have given you terrifying addictions', 'There are few people you can trust anymore', 'One night you might sleep in a penthouse condo in the City the next in a filthy alley on The Street', 'But that’s the price of being the best', 'And you’re willing to pay it', 'Because you’re a Solo', 'Skill S Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 5 2 7 Brawling DMG 2d6 5 2 7 Concentration 3 2 5 Conversation 5 2 7 Education 8 6 14 ElectronicsSecurity Tech 6 10 16 Evasion 5 6 11 First Aid 6 6 12 Forgery 6 6 12Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Handgun 7 6 13 Human Perception 5 2 7 Local Expert 8 2 10 Perception 8 2 10 Persuasion 3 2 5 Pick Lock 6 6 12 Pick Pocket 6 6 12 Shoulder Arms 7 6 13 Stealth 5 6 11 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of penalty applie S tO reFdex mO ve weap OnS arm O r Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Heavy Pistol 3d6 8 2 You have 16 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Shotgun 5d6 4 1 You have 8 rounds of extra ammunitionArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 cyberware Tool Hand Your fingers contain a screwdriver wrench small drill and any other tool you might need in the field Torch Tech 8 7 5 6 3 3 6 6 5 7 rOle abilit y Makergear Name Notes Duct Tape Perfect for fixing anything Flashlight 100myd long beam of light Road Flare Lights up a 100myd area35 18 6 Your ElectronicsSecurity Tech Skill is boosted by 4 already included above', 'Internal Agent You have a selfadaptive AIpowered Smart Phone in your head controlled entirely by voice command', 'note S', 'HaiR Style aFFeC tation WHat do you value MoSt', 'FeelingS aBout PeoPle ', 'FaMily BaCKgRound CHildHood enviRonMent FaMily CRiSiS FRiendS tRagiC love aFFaiRS eneMieS liFe goalS What Caused It', 'What’s Gonna Happen', 'WholiFepath PeRSonality ClotHing Style CultuRal oRiginS additional noteSYou can’t leave anything aloneif it sits near you for more than five minutes you’ve disassembled it and made it into something new', 'You’ve always got at least two screwdrivers and a wrench in your pockets', 'Computer down', 'No problem', 'Hydrogen burner out in your Metrocar', 'No problem', 'Can’t get the video to run or your interface glitching', 'No problem', 'You make your living building fixing and modifyinga crucial occupation in a technological world recovering from a War that broke the back of the supply chain', 'You can make some good bucks fixing everyday stuff but for the serious money you need to tackle the big jobs', 'Illegal weapons', 'Illegal or stolen cybertech', 'Corporate espionage and counterespionage gear for black operations If you’re any good you’re making a lot of money', 'And that money goes into new gadgets hardware and information', 'Your black market work isn’t just making you friendsit’s also racking you up an impressive number of enemies as wellso you invest a lot in defense systems and if really pushed to the wall call in a few markers on a Solo or two', 'You’ve fixed up tech for everybody from black ops Corporate samurai to Ms Zepada down the block', 'No one’s ever come back to you with a complaint but that might be because of the turrets guarding your front door', "You’re addicted to technology in all its forms and that’s what makes you a TechTECH juSt becau Se the wOrld gOt dipped in juSt becau Se the wOrld gOt dipped in crapcrap and hung tO dry dOeSn't and hung tO dry dOeSn't mean thing S have changed that much ", 'liFe in thiS city Still depend S On mean thing S have changed that much ', 'liFe in thiS city Still depend S On technologytechnology tO keep everything FrOm gOing FullOn pOStapOcalyp Se', 'tO keep everything FrOm gOing FullOn pOStapOcalyp Se', 'and that mean S every One depend S On and that mean S every One depend S On meme', 'iF yOur blender break S ', "iF yOur blender break S chance S are yOu wOn't See a new One at the lOcal night market FOr chance S are yOu wOn't See a new One at the lOcal night market FOr weeksweeks ", 'maybe ', 'maybe monthsmonths ', "and that'S aSSuming yOu're On gOOd term S ", "and that'S aSSuming yOu're On gOOd term S with the lOcal Fixer and they bOther tO invite yOu", "meanwhile i'm with the lOcal Fixer and they bOther tO invite yOu", "meanwhile i'm here ready tO here ready tO repairrepair yOur blender ", 'and yOur agent', 'and whatever yOur blender ', 'and yOur agent', 'and whatever elSe yOu gOt', "techn OlOgy'S the elSe yOu gOt", "techn OlOgy'S the lifebloodlifeblood OF thiS city and me", "i'm the OF thiS city and me", "i'm the beating beating heartheart keeping it FlOwing", 'at leaSt in thiS neighb OrhOOd', 'keeping it FlOwing', 'at leaSt in thiS neighb OrhOOd', "João Torch Barbosa alves Owner of Torch's Total RepairsJoão Torch Barbosa alves Owner of Torch's Total Repairs", 'Skill S Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 5 2 7 Brawling DMG 2d6 5 2 7 Concentration 5 2 7 Conversation 4 6 10 Deduction 8 6 14 Education 8 6 14 ElectronicsSecurity Tech 8 4 12 Evasion 5 6 11 First Aid 8 2 10Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Human Perception 4 6 10 Local Expert 8 2 10 Paramedic 8 6 14 Perception 8 6 14 Persuasion 5 5 10 Resist TortureDrugs 5 4 9 Shoulder Arms 5 6 11 Stealth 5 6 11 Surgery 8 4 12 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of penalty applie S tO reFdex mO ve weap OnS arm O r Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Shotgun 5d6 4 1 You have 8 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Light Melee Weapon 1d6 2 A small knife used for field rescuesArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 cyberware Tool Hand Your fingers contain a screwdriver wrench small drill and any other tool you might need in the field Redtail Medtech 8 5 5 8 5 5 6 5 4 6 rOle abilit y Medicinegear Name Notes Agent AIpowered smartphone Medtech Bag Full selection of medical tools Glow Paint Glow in the dark spraypaint Flashlight 100myd long beam of light35 18 5 You have access to the Surgery Skill already included above', 'Pain Editor Chipware You can shut off your pain receptors ignoring you to ignore the2 to all Checks granted by the Seriously Wounded Wound State', 'note S', 'HaiR Style aFFeC tation WHat do you value MoSt', 'FeelingS aBout PeoPle ', 'FaMily BaCKgRound CHildHood enviRonMent FaMily CRiSiS FRiendS tRagiC love aFFaiRS eneMieS liFe goalS What Caused It', 'What’s Gonna Happen', 'WholiFepath PeRSonality ClotHing Style CultuRal oRiginS additional noteSYou’re an artist and the human body is your canvas', 'You’ve got the best tools the Time of the Red can offer and you know how to use them', 'If you’re lucky you got to attend one of the real med schools scattered around the wreck of the Old United States', 'And after the War military hospitals were everywhere and the few doctors on the war front needed helping hands to hold down screaming patients and splice cyberware back together', 'So maybe you learned that way', 'And there’s always an old ripperdoc or two out there who hearken back to that old science fiction story called The Bladerunner not that old flatscreen vid but the really old scifi book about renegade doctors who performed illegal street surgery in one of the first dystopian novels', 'Maybe one of those guys trained you', 'Maybe that’s where you are right now patching up the wounded mending up the sick and keeping the locals alive', 'For love commitment or maybe a just a fat payday on the side', 'If you’re really lucky you’ve scored a berth in the local Trauma Team franchise', 'Trauma Teams are groups of licensed paramedicals who patrol the city looking for patients', 'You operate from an AV4 Urban Assault Vehicle redesigned into an ambulance configuration and armed with a bellymounted minigun', 'It’s the best of the bestTrauma Team charges some heavy subscription fees to save its clients and that translates into new medical toys faster AV ambulances and hefty salaries for the best surgeons around', 'It doesn’t matter how you got here', 'What matters is that you’re here on The Street doing the job', 'And you’d be doing it no matter what the reason', "It’s what marks you as a MedtechMEDTECH i've been Fixing what 'S i've been Fixing what 'S brokenbroken Since i waS yOung", 'the FirSt time waS Since i waS yOung', 'the FirSt time waS when the FrOnt OF Our kOmbi Smacked intO a bird On the way thr Ough when the FrOnt OF Our kOmbi Smacked intO a bird On the way thr Ough the lOS angele S ruin S we were traveling the lOS angele S ruin S we were traveling alonealone and my Old man and my Old man knOwing i waS SenSitive tO that SOrt OF thing StOpped the rOller S and knOwing i waS SenSitive tO that SOrt OF thing StOpped the rOller S and let me Out tO cOllect the carca SS', 'turned Out it waS a live redtail let me Out tO cOllect the carca SS', 'turned Out it waS a live redtail hawk ', 'i Splinted itS buSted wing and hawk ', 'i Splinted itS buSted wing and nursednursed it back tO health ', 'mOm it back tO health ', "mOm Saw what i did and apprenticed me tO Our pack'S Saw what i did and apprenticed me tO Our pack'S healerhealer ", "nOw i'm ", "nOw i'm the healer ", "nO i dOn't have the healer ", "nO i dOn't have initialsinitials aFter my name but i can Still aFter my name but i can Still fixfix that mangled arm OF yOurS", 'Or yOu can lOSe it', 'yOur chOice', 'that mangled arm OF yOurS', 'Or yOu can lOSe it', 'yOur chOice', 'virgil Redtail Martinez Nomad healervirgil Redtail Martinez Nomad healer', 'You’re an artist and the human body is your canvas', 'You’ve got the best tools the Time of the Red can offer and you know how to use them', 'If you’re lucky you got to attend one of the real med schools scattered around the wreck of the Old United States', 'And after the War military hospitals were everywhere and the few doctors on the war front needed helping hands to hold down screaming patients and splice cyberware back together', 'So maybe you learned that way', 'And there’s always an old ripperdoc or two out there who hearken back to that old science fiction story called The Bladerunner not that old flatscreen vid but the really old scifi book about renegade doctors who performed illegal street surgery in one of the first dystopian novels', 'Maybe one of those guys trained you', 'Maybe that’s where you are right now patching up the wounded mending up the sick and keeping the locals alive', 'For love commitment or maybe a just a fat payday on the side', 'If you’re really lucky you’ve scored a berth in the local Trauma Team franchise', 'Trauma Teams are groups of licensed paramedicals who patrol the city looking for patients', 'You operate from an AV4 Urban Assault Vehicle redesigned into an ambulance configuration and armed with a bellymounted minigun', 'It’s the best of the bestTrauma Team charges some heavy subscription fees to save its clients and that translates into new medical toys faster AV ambulances and hefty salaries for the best surgeons around', 'It doesn’t matter how you got here', 'What matters is that you’re here on The Street doing the job', 'And you’d be doing it no matter what the reason', 'It’s what marks you as a Medtech', 'Skill S Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Athletics 5 2 7 Brawling DMG 2d6 5 2 7 Composition 8 6 13 ConcealReveal Object 7 8 15 Concentration 7 2 9 Conversation 7 6 13 Education 7 2 9 Evasion 5 6 11 First Aid 4 2 6Skill STAT LVL TOTAL Forgery 4 6 10 Handgun 5 6 11 Human Perception 7 6 13 Library Search 7 4 11 Local Expert 7 6 13 Melee Weapon 5 6 11 Perception 7 8 15 Persuasion 8 6 14 Stealth 5 6 11 Handle Role HP SeRiouSly Wounded deatH Save luCK Will Move Body eMP Cool teCH deX ReF int out of out of penalty applie S tO reFdex mO ve weap OnS arm O r Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes Heavy Pistol 3d6 8 2 You have 16 rounds of extra ammunition', 'Heavy Melee Weapon 3d6 2 A sword or a folded tripod', 'Your choiceArmor SP Light Armorjack 11 cyberware Internal Agent You have a selfadaptive AIpowered Smart Phone in your head controlled entirely by voice command 247 Media 7 5 5 4 8 7 7 5 7 6 rOle abilit y Credibilitygear Name Notes Video Camera Records up to 12 hours Audio Recorder Records up to 24 hours40 20 5 Once per hour you may roll a 1d10If you roll higher than 4 you learn arumor pertinent to your currentsituation', 'Image Enhance Cybereyes Your eyes are better than human giving you 2 to Perception and ConcealReveal Object Skills already included above', 'note S', 'HaiR Style aFFeC tation WHat do you value MoSt', 'FeelingS aBout PeoPle ', 'FaMily BaCKgRound CHildHood enviRonMent FaMily CRiSiS FRiendS tRagiC love aFFaiRS eneMieS liFe goalS What Caused It', 'What’s Gonna Happen', 'WholiFepath PeRSonality ClotHing Style CultuRal oRiginS additional noteSThey’re bending the truth out there', 'And you’re going to stop them', 'Someone has to do it', 'The Corporations used to rule the world', 'They dumped toxics destabilized economies and committed murder with equal impunity', 'The government back then couldn’t even stop themhell they owned the government', 'But then the War came', 'The War stripped away the facade and let us all know exactly what had been going on under our noses', 'And the people who made sure we all knew the score were the Medias', 'That’s you', 'You’ve got a vidlink and a press pass and you’re not afraid to use them', 'You’re a citywide figure seen nightly all over the Data Pool in the Time of the Red', 'It’s not like the old days when you had a major Mediacorp behind you this time you’ve gotta depend on your fans your contacts and your own reputation', 'But it’s harder for these new Corps to make you disappear', 'So when you dig down for the dirt and slime the corrupt officials and Corporate lapdogs try to cover up you can dig deep', 'The next morning you can put the details of their crimes all over the screamsheets and vidscreens', 'Three or four times the bad guys have tried to kill youthat’s why your backup’s a crack Solo bodyguard and you’ve got one of the top Runners in the business digging through NET Architectures to back your stories', 'You have to be good or else', 'Your Runner’s just phoned in with a hot lead', 'You grab your gear and flag your backup', 'You’re going to break those bastards', 'This time for sureMEDIA uSed tO wOrk FOr night city tOday can yOu believe it', 'uSed tO wOrk FOr night city tOday can yOu believe it', 'fetchingfetching cOFFee cOFFee and and totingtoting camera gear like a gOddamned pack mule', 'FirSt ShOt i gOt at camera gear like a gOddamned pack mule', 'FirSt ShOt i gOt at a a scoopscoop ', 'S Ome ', "S Ome flufffluff piece On a cOrp pr Stunt giving away kibble tO piece On a cOrp pr Stunt giving away kibble tO peOple whO needed real FOO d i didn't bec Ome a rep Orter tO peOple whO needed real FOO d i didn't bec Ome a rep Orter tO smilesmile FOr a FOr a camera and jOke arOund with a weatherman Strung Out On Synthc Oke", "that'S camera and jOke arOund with a weatherman Strung Out On Synthc Oke", "that'S why i quit", "nOw i'm in the why i quit", "nOw i'm in the actionaction the Sharp end", 'i run my Own ShOp hunt the Sharp end', 'i run my Own ShOp hunt dOwn the lead S and bring peOple the dOwn the lead S and bring peOple the newsnews they really care abOut', 'iF yOu they really care abOut', "iF yOu wanna knOw what 'S really gOing On in the city hit never blink newS", "wanna knOw what 'S really gOing On in the city hit never blink newS", '247 Reporter for Never Blink News247 Reporter for Never Blink News', 'the original roleplaying game of the dark futurenow available in digital and printThey’re bending the truth out there', 'And you’re going to stop them', 'Someone has to do it', 'The Corporations used to rule the world', 'They dumped toxics destabilized economies and committed murder with equal impunity', 'The government back then couldn’t even stop themhell they owned the government', 'But then the War came', 'The War stripped away the facade and let us all know exactly what had been going on under our noses', 'And the people who made sure we all knew the score were the Medias', 'That’s you', 'You’ve got a vidlink and a press pass and you’re not afraid to use them', 'You’re a citywide figure seen nightly all over the Data Pool in the Time of the Red', 'It’s not like the old days when you had a major Mediacorp behind you this time you’ve gotta depend on your fans your contacts and your own reputation', 'But it’s harder for these new Corps to make you disappear', 'So when you dig down for the dirt and slime the corrupt officials and Corporate lapdogs try to cover up you can dig deep', 'The next morning you can put the details of their crimes all over the screamsheets and vidscreens', 'Three or four times the bad guys have tried to kill youthat’s why your backup’s a crack Solo bodyguard and you’ve got one of the top Runners in the business digging through NET Architectures to back your stories', 'You have to be good or else', 'Your Runner’s just phoned in with a hot lead', 'You grab your gear and flag your backup', 'You’re going to break those bastards', 'This time for sure', 'To learn more please visit rtalsoriangamescom Welcome to the Time of the Red Choomba', 'The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War everyone has to fend for themselves', 'But that’s just fine', 'You can handle it', 'After all in a world of vicious boostergangs rampaging cyborgs corporate assassins and nihilistic doomsday cults there’s only one rule Always take it to the Edge', 'Take the big risks get the big rewards', 'Be the action start the rebellion light the fire', 'Never drive slow when you can blaze a trail', 'You’ve hooked your Militech pistol to the interface in your brain upgraded your cybernetic fist with carboglas blades and installed cybereyes that can pierce through the red haze like morning fog', 'There’s a world full of opportunities out there just waiting for the right Edgerunner', 'Maybe that’s you', 'Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode is a quick introduction to the classic tabletop roleplaying game of the Dark Future and encompasses everything you need to explore the postWar world of the Time of the Red including A dive into the history and geography of Night City and the greater Cyberpunk world', ' The basic rules for the game set up to help you learn them and get playing right away', ' Five unique Characters for you to play a charismatic Rockerboy a lethal Solo an inventive Tech a lifesaving Medtech and a hardhitting Media', ' A new introductory mission Getting Paid', 'Because that briefcase full of Eurobucks is the difference between making rent and living on the street in the Time of the RedEASY MODE']