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import nltk
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np"/content/nltk_data")'punkt')'wordnet')'omw-1.4')'punkt_tab')
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
#Splits a list of sentences into overlapping chunks using a sliding window approach.
#sentences (list): List of sentences to split into chunks.
# window_size (int): Number of sentences in each chunk. Default is 6.
# overlap (int): Number of overlapping sentences between consecutive chunks. Default is 3.
# Returns:
# list: List of text chunks, where each chunk is a string of concatenated sentences.
def split_into_sliding_windows(sentences, window_size=6, overlap=3):
# Validate input parameters
if window_size <= overlap:
raise ValueError("window_size must be greater than overlap.")
if not sentences:
return []
chunks = []
step = window_size - overlap # How much to move the window each time
# Iterate over the sentences with the specified step size
for i in range(0, len(sentences), step):
chunk = sentences[i:i + window_size]
if len(chunk) >= overlap: # Ensure chunks have minimum required overlap
chunks.append(" ".join(chunk)) # Join sentences into a text block
return chunks
# Processes documents using a sliding window approach and inserts sentence chunks into Milvus.
#Args: model: The embedding model used to generate document embeddings.
# extracted_data: Pandas DataFrame containing the extracted data.
# collectionInstance: Milvus collection instance to insert data into.
# window_size: Number of sentences in each chunk.
# overlap: Number of overlapping sentences between consecutive chunks.
def EmbedAllDocumentsAndInsert(model, extracted_data, collectionInstance, window_size=5, overlap=2):
count = 0
total_docs = len(extracted_data)
print(f"Total documents: {total_docs}")
for index, row in extracted_data.iterrows():
document = row["documents"] # Extract the document text
doc_id = row["id"] # Extract the document ID
doccontextrel = row["gpt3_context_relevance"] # Extract context relevance score
doccontextutil = row["gpt35_utilization"] # Extract context utilization score
docadherence = row["gpt3_adherence"] # Extract adherence score
datasetname = row["dataset_name"] # Extract dataset name
relevance_score = row["relevance_score"] # Extract relevance score
utilization_score = row["utilization_score"] # Extract utilization score
completeness_score = row["completeness_score"] # Extract completeness score
if isinstance(document, list):
# Flatten the list into a single string
document = " ".join([str(item) for item in document if isinstance(item, str)])
elif not isinstance(document, str):
# If the document is not a string or list, convert it to a string
document = str(document)
# Step 1: Tokenize document into sentences
sentences = sent_tokenize(document) if isinstance(document, str) else document
# Step 2: Generate overlapping chunks
chunks = split_into_sliding_windows(sentences, window_size, overlap)
print(f"Total chunks for document {index}: {len(chunks)}")
for chunk_index, chunk_text in enumerate(chunks):
# Step 3: Generate embedding for each chunk
chunk_vector = np.array(model.encode(chunk_text), dtype=np.float32).flatten().tolist()
print(f"chunk_index= {chunk_index}")
# Step 4: Insert chunk into Milvus as separate columns
f"{chunk_index}__{doc_id}", # Unique ID for chunk
doc_id, # Unique ID for doc
float(doccontextrel) if pd.notna(doccontextrel) else 0.0, # Handle NaN values
float(doccontextutil) if pd.notna(doccontextutil) else 0.0, # Handle NaN values
float(docadherence) if pd.notna(docadherence) else 0.0, # Handle NaN values
datasetname, # Dataset name column
float(relevance_score) if pd.notna(relevance_score) else 0.0, # Handle NaN values
float(utilization_score) if pd.notna(utilization_score) else 0.0, # Handle NaN values
float(completeness_score) if pd.notna(completeness_score) else 0.0 # Handle NaN values
count += 1
if count % 1000 == 0:
print(f"Uploaded {count} chunks to Milvus.")
# Inserts document embeddings into Milvus along with metadata.
# collection: Milvus collection instance.
# embeddings: Embedding vector for the chunk.
# chunk_doc_id: Unique ID for the chunk.
# doc_id: Unique ID for the document.
# index: Index of the document in the dataset.
# doccontextrel: Context relevance score.
# doccontextutil: Context utilization score.
# docadherence: Adherence score.
# datasetname: Name of the dataset.
def insert_embeddings_into_milvus(collection, embeddings, chunk_doc_id, doc_id, index,
doccontextrel, doccontextutil, docadherence, datasetname,
relevance_score, utilization_score, completeness_score):
print(f"Inserting chunk {chunk_doc_id} doc {doc_id} (index {index})")
insert_data = [
[str(chunk_doc_id)], # Primary key field (document_id)
[str(doc_id)], # Document ID field
[embeddings], # Vector field (embedding)
[float(doccontextrel)], # Relevance score field
[float(doccontextutil)], # Utilization score field
[float(docadherence)], # Adherence score field
[str(datasetname)], # Dataset name field
[float(relevance_score)], # Relevance score field
[float(utilization_score)], # Utilization score field
[float(completeness_score)] # Completeness score field
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error inserting chunk {chunk_doc_id} doc {doc_id} (index {index}): {e}")