Flight_Route_Planner / Old /optimizer.py
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import itertools
def extract_route_factors(raw_weather):
Extracts route factors from raw weather data by breaking down routes into individual segments.
- raw_weather (dict): The raw weather data with routes and corresponding weather details.
- dict: A dictionary with segments as keys (in tuple format) and a list of weather and temperature data.
route_factors = {}
for route, segments in raw_weather.items():
for segment in segments:
segment_key = tuple(segment['segment'].split(' -> '))
if segment_key not in route_factors:
route_factors[segment_key] = []
'weather': segment['weather'],
'temperature': segment['temperature']
return route_factors
def weather_risk(weather):
risk_factors = {
"clear sky": 0.1,
"few clouds": 0.2,
"scattered clouds": 0.3,
"broken clouds": 0.4,
"overcast clouds": 0.5,
"light rain": 0.6,
"rain": 0.7,
"storm": 0.9
return risk_factors.get(weather, 0.5) # Default risk factor if not listed
# Function to normalize temperature impact
def temperature_impact(temperature):
# Assuming ideal temperature for fuel efficiency is around 20-25°C
if temperature < 20 or temperature > 25:
return abs(temperature - 22.5) / 30 # Normalize to a value between 0 and 1
return 0.1 # Low impact in the ideal range
# Calculate the adjusted cost for each route segment
def calculate_adjusted_cost(segment, base_distance, route_factors):
# Handle both directions of the segment
if segment in route_factors:
factors = route_factors[segment]
elif (segment[1], segment[0]) in route_factors:
factors = route_factors[(segment[1], segment[0])]
raise ValueError(f"Segment {segment} not found in route factors.")
# Aggregate weather and temperature data if there are multiple entries for the segment
weather_descriptions = [factor["weather"] for factor in factors]
temperatures = [factor["temperature"] for factor in factors]
most_common_weather = max(set(weather_descriptions), key=weather_descriptions.count)
avg_temperature = sum(temperatures) / len(temperatures)
weather_cost = weather_risk(most_common_weather) * 100 # Weight for weather impact
temperature_cost = temperature_impact(avg_temperature) * 50 # Weight for temperature impact
total_cost = base_distance + weather_cost + temperature_cost
return total_cost
# Update the distance function to include additional factors
def calculate_route_distance(route, distances, route_factors):
"""Calculate the total cost for a given route, including additional factors."""
total_distance = 0
for i in range(len(route) - 1):
segment = (route[i], route[i + 1])
if segment not in distances:
segment = (route[i + 1], route[i])
base_distance = distances[segment]
total_distance += calculate_adjusted_cost(segment, base_distance, route_factors)
# Add distance to return to the starting point
last_segment = (route[-1], route[0])
if last_segment not in distances:
last_segment = (route[0], route[-1])
base_distance = distances[last_segment]
total_distance += calculate_adjusted_cost(last_segment, base_distance, route_factors)
return total_distance
def find_optimal_route(airports, distances, route_factors):
"""Find the optimal route that covers all airports."""
best_route = None
min_distance = float('inf')
# Generate all possible permutations of the route
for route in itertools.permutations(airports):
current_distance = calculate_route_distance(route, distances, route_factors)
if current_distance < min_distance:
min_distance = round(current_distance,2)
best_route = route
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # Log the error to debug missing segments
return best_route, min_distance