[tool.poetry] |
name = "pytorch_fastapi_project" |
version = "0.1.0" |
description = "Consolidated PyTorch and FastAPI project for AWS deployment and GHA testing" |
authors = ["soutrik71 <[email protected]>"] |
license = "Apache-2.0" |
readme = "README.md" |
[tool.poetry.dependencies] |
python = "3.10.15" |
black = "24.8.0" |
coverage = ">=7.6.1" |
hydra-colorlog = "1.2.0" |
hydra-core = "1.3.2" |
lightning = {version = "2.4.0", extras = ["extra"]} |
loguru = "0.7.2" |
pytest = "^8.3.3" |
rich = "13.8.1" |
rootutils = "1.0.7" |
tensorboard = "2.17.1" |
timm = "1.0.9" |
pandas = "^2.2.3" |
numpy = "^1.26.0" |
ruff = "*" |
torch = {version = "^2.4.1+cpu", source = "pytorch_cpu"} |
torchvision = {version = "^0.19.1+cpu", source = "pytorch_cpu"} |
seaborn = "^0.13.2" |
pydantic = "^2.9.2" |
kaggle = "^1.6.17" |
pytest-cov = "^5.0.0" |
pytest-mock = "^3.14.0" |
flake8 = "^7.1.1" |
dvc-gdrive = "^3.0.1" |
dvc-azure = "^3.1.0" |
transformers = "^4.45.2" |
fastapi = "^0.115.4" |
pydantic-settings = "^2.6.1" |
uvicorn = "^0.32.0" |
tenacity = "^9.0.0" |
gunicorn = "^23.0.0" |
aim = "^3.25.0" |
mlflow = "^2.17.1" |
hydra-optuna-sweeper = "^1.2.0" |
dvc = "^3.56.0" |
platformdirs = "3.10" |
fastapi-utils = "^0.7.0" |
httpx = "^0.27.2" |
typing-inspect = "^0.9.0" |
requests = "^2.32.3" |
fastapi-restful = {extras = ["all"], version = "^0.6.0"} |
aioredis = "^2.0.1" |
psycopg2-binary = "^2.9.10" |
asyncpg = "^0.30.0" |
confluent-kafka = "^2.6.0" |
aiokafka = "^0.12.0" |
azure-servicebus = "^7.12.3" |
aiohttp = "^3.10.10" |
aiofiles = "*" |
aiologger = "^0.7.0" |
pyyaml = "^6.0.2" |
sqlalchemy-utils = "^0.41.2" |
sqlalchemy = "^2.0.36" |
alembic = "^1.13.3" |
fastapi-limiter = "^0.1.6" |
redis = "5.0.8" |
redisearch = "2.0.0" |
python-multipart = "*" |
python-dotenv = "^1.0.1" |
celery = "^5.4.0" |
fastapi-cache2 = "^0.2.2" |
aiocache = "^0.12.3" |
dvc-s3 = "^3.2.0" |
litserve = "^0.2.4" |
gpustat = "^1.1.1" |
nvitop = "^1.3.2" |
pyopenssl = "^23.0.0" |
cryptography = "^41.0.0" |
accelerate = "^1.1.1" |
gradio="5.7.1" |
[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] |
pytest-asyncio = "^0.20.3" |
[[tool.poetry.source]] |
name = "pytorch_cpu" |
url = "https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu" |
priority = "explicit" |
[build-system] |
requires = ["poetry-core"] |
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" |