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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import gradio as gr
import torch
import math
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
import transformers
import re
mlp = pickle.load(open("MLP_over_embeddings.pickle", "rb"))
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nlpaueb/sec-bert-num")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('nlpaueb/sec-bert-num')
"""# Input here"""
def convert_actual_to_num(text, number, offset):
length = len(str(number))
offset = int(offset)
new_text= text[:offset] + " [NUM] " + text[offset+length:]
return new_text
def num_detector_highlighter_adv(text):
num_posn = []
posn = -1
num = ""
text = text + " "
others = ""
for i in range(len(text)-2):
if (text[i].isdigit() and text[i+1].isdigit()) or (text[i].isdigit() and text[i+1]=="." and text[i+2].isdigit()):
num = num + str(text[i])
if posn == -1:
posn = i
if others!="":
others = ""
elif (text[i].isdigit() and text[i+1].isdigit()==False and text[i+1]!=".") or (text[i].isdigit() and text[i+1]=="." and text[i].isdigit() and text[i+2].isdigit()==False):
num = num + str(text[i])
if len(num)==1:
posn = i
if others!="":
others = ""
num_posn.append((str(num), "@POSITION " + str(posn)))
num = ""
posn = -1
elif text[i] == ".":
if text[i+1].isdigit():
num = num + str(text[i])
others = others + str(text[i])
elif text[i]!=' ':
others = others + str(text[i])
elif text[i]==" ":
if others!="" and others!=" ":
others = ""
if others!="":
return num_posn
def exnum_evaluator(df):
df['preprocessed_text'] = df.apply(lambda x: convert_actual_to_num(x.text, x.number, x.position), axis = 1)
df['number_processed'] = df['number'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[0:str(x).index(".")+2] if "." in str(x) else str(x))
#preprocessed_text = convert_actual_to_num(raw_text,number,offset)
all_preds = []
for preprocessed_text in df["preprocessed_text"].values:
tokenized_text = tokenizer.tokenize(preprocessed_text)
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
index = tokenized_text.index('[NUM]')
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])
with torch.no_grad():
last_hidden_states = model(tokens_tensor)[0]
embedding_of_num = last_hidden_states[:,index,:]
embedding_of_num_use = list(embedding_of_num[0].cpu().detach().numpy())
pred = mlp.predict([embedding_of_num_use])[0]
df['pred'] = all_preds
df['calculated_magnitude'] = df['number_processed'].apply(lambda x : min(6,int(math.log10(float(x)))+1)) # restric upto 2 dp in x if decimal
df["prediction"] = np.where((df['calculated_magnitude'] != df['pred']), "Exaggerated", "Non-Exaggerated") #df.apply(lambda x : "Exaggerated" if x.calculated_magnitude!=x.prediction else "Non-Exaggerated", axis=1)
return df[["number", "position", "prediction"]]#, "text", "preprocessed_text",'number_processed', "pred", "calculated_magnitude"]]
def change_checkbox_group(text2):
num_posn_inp = [(num, posn) for (num,posn) in eval(text2) if posn!=""]
num_posn_dislay = [str(num) + " " + str(posn) for (num,posn) in num_posn_inp]
return gr.CheckboxGroup.update(choices = num_posn_dislay, label="Numerals", visible=True, value=num_posn_dislay)
def combined_fns(text, text2, choices=[]):
num_posn_inp = [(num, posn) for (num,posn) in eval(text2) if posn!=""]#[(num, posn) for (num,posn) in num_detector_highlighter_adv(text) if posn!=""]
#num_posn_dislay = [str(num) + " " + str(posn) for (num,posn) in num_posn]
df = pd.DataFrame({"text": [text]*len(num_posn_inp), "number" : [i[0] for i in num_posn_inp], "position" : [i[1].replace("@POSITION ", "") for i in num_posn_inp]})
df['num_position'] = [str(num) + " " + str(posn) for (num,posn) in num_posn_inp]
if len(choices)>0:
df = df[df['num_position'].isin(choices)]
return exnum_evaluator(df)
def set_example_text(example_text):
return gr.Textbox.update(value=example_text[0])
demo = gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft())
with demo:
gr.Markdown("# **Financial Exaggerated Numeral ClassifiEr (FENCE)**")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
text = gr.components.Textbox(label="Enter financial text here", lines=2, placeholder="Enter Financial Text here...")
b1 = gr.Button("Get numerals present in the entered text"), inputs = text, outputs = gr.HighlightedText(label='Numerals present in the text'))
text2 = gr.components.Textbox(visible=False), inputs = text, outputs =text2)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("All numerals"):
b2 = gr.Button("Predict for all numerals"), inputs = [text, text2], outputs = gr.DataFrame())
with gr.TabItem("Specific numerals"):
b3 = gr.Button("Get option to select numerals")
num_posn_inp_ckbx = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices = [], interactive=True, label='Specific Numerals'), inputs=text2, outputs=num_posn_inp_ckbx)
b4 = gr.Button("Predict for specific numerals"), inputs = [text, text2, num_posn_inp_ckbx], outputs = gr.DataFrame())
example_text = gr.Dataset(components=[text], samples=[["Get 30% off Gap denim whilst recycling your old denim for communities in need"], [" Matthew Perry puts Malibu mansion on the market for $13.5 million"], ["Anton Art Center in Mt. Clemens hosts 19th Annual ArtParty Fundraiser - Twilight in the Tropics"], ["Black Friday Sales! - Vegas hotel packages 50% savings from Southwest Vacations"]]),
gr.Markdown("<sub><sup>How to use? [link](, Warning: User discretion is advised.</sup></sub>")