from __future__ import print_function |
from __future__ import division |
from __future__ import absolute_import |
import numpy as np |
import time |
from util.misc import norm2 |
class Data(object): |
def __init__(self, name): |
self.__name = name |
self.__links = set() |
@property |
def name(self): |
return self.__name |
@property |
def links(self): |
return set(self.__links) |
def add_link(self, other, score): |
self.__links.add(other) |
other.__links.add(self) |
def connected_components(nodes, score_dict, th): |
''' |
conventional connected components searching |
''' |
result = [] |
nodes = set(nodes) |
while nodes: |
n = nodes.pop() |
group = {n} |
queue = [n] |
while queue: |
n = queue.pop(0) |
if th is not None: |
neighbors = {l for l in n.links if score_dict[tuple(sorted([n.name, l.name]))] >= th} |
else: |
neighbors = n.links |
neighbors.difference_update(group) |
nodes.difference_update(neighbors) |
group.update(neighbors) |
queue.extend(neighbors) |
result.append(group) |
return result |
def connected_components_constraint(nodes, max_sz, score_dict=None, th=None): |
''' |
only use edges whose scores are above `th` |
if a component is larger than `max_sz`, all the nodes in this component are added into `remain` and returned for next iteration. |
''' |
result = [] |
remain = set() |
nodes = set(nodes) |
while nodes: |
n = nodes.pop() |
group = {n} |
queue = [n] |
valid = True |
while queue: |
n = queue.pop(0) |
if th is not None: |
neighbors = {l for l in n.links if score_dict[tuple(sorted([n.name, l.name]))] >= th} |
else: |
neighbors = n.links |
neighbors.difference_update(group) |
nodes.difference_update(neighbors) |
group.update(neighbors) |
queue.extend(neighbors) |
if len(group) > max_sz or len(remain.intersection(neighbors)) > 0: |
valid = False |
remain.update(group) |
break |
if valid: |
result.append(group) |
return result, remain |
def graph_propagation_naive(edges, score, th, bboxs=None, dis_thresh=50, pool='avg'): |
edges = np.sort(edges, axis=1) |
score_dict = {} |
if pool is None: |
for i, e in enumerate(edges): |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
elif pool == 'avg': |
for i, e in enumerate(edges): |
if bboxs is not None: |
box1 = bboxs[e[0]][:8].reshape(4, 2) |
box2 = bboxs[e[1]][:8].reshape(4, 2) |
c1 = np.mean(box1, 0); c2 = np.mean(box2, 0) |
dst = norm2(c1 - c2) |
if dst > dis_thresh: |
score[i] = 0 |
if (e[0], e[1]) in score_dict: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = 0.5 * (score_dict[e[0], e[1]] + score[i]) |
else: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
elif pool == 'max': |
for i, e in enumerate(edges): |
if (e[0], e[1]) in score_dict: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = max(score_dict[e[0], e[1]], score[i]) |
else: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
else: |
raise ValueError('Pooling operation not supported') |
nodes = np.sort(np.unique(edges.flatten())) |
mapping = -1 * np.ones((nodes.max()+1), dtype=np.int) |
mapping[nodes] = np.arange(nodes.shape[0]) |
link_idx = mapping[edges] |
vertex = [Data(n) for n in nodes] |
for l, s in zip(link_idx, score): |
vertex[l[0]].add_link(vertex[l[1]], s) |
comps = connected_components(vertex, score_dict,th) |
return comps |
def graph_search(edges, scores, edges_num, th=None): |
scores = scores.reshape((-1, edges_num)) |
select_index = np.argsort(scores, axis=1)[:, -2:] |
edges = np.sort(edges, axis=1).reshape((-1, edges_num, 2)) |
score_dict = {} |
for i, ips in enumerate(select_index): |
edg = edges[i] |
si = scores[i] |
for j, idx in enumerate(ips): |
e = edg[idx, :] |
if (e[0], e[1]) in score_dict: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = 0.5 * (score_dict[e[0], e[1]] + si[j]) |
else: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = si[j] |
nodes = np.sort(np.unique(edges.flatten())) |
vertex = [Data(n) for n in nodes] |
for (key, value) in score_dict.items(): |
vertex[key[0]].add_link(vertex[key[1]], value) |
comps = connected_components(vertex, score_dict, th) |
return comps |
def graph_propagation(edges, score, max_sz, step=0.1, beg_th=0.5, pool=None): |
edges = np.sort(edges, axis=1) |
th = score.min() |
score_dict = {} |
if pool is None: |
for i,e in enumerate(edges): |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
elif pool == 'avg': |
for i,e in enumerate(edges): |
if (e[0], e[1]) in score_dict: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = 0.5*(score_dict[e[0], e[1]] + score[i]) |
else: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
elif pool == 'max': |
for i,e in enumerate(edges): |
if (e[0],e[1]) in score_dict: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = max(score_dict[e[0], e[1]] , score[i]) |
else: |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
else: |
raise ValueError('Pooling operation not supported') |
nodes = np.sort(np.unique(edges.flatten())) |
mapping = -1 * np.ones((nodes.max()+1), dtype=np.int) |
mapping[nodes] = np.arange(nodes.shape[0]) |
link_idx = mapping[edges] |
vertex = [Data(n) for n in nodes] |
for l, s in zip(link_idx, score): |
vertex[l[0]].add_link(vertex[l[1]], s) |
comps, remain = connected_components_constraint(vertex, max_sz) |
components = comps[:] |
while remain: |
th = th + (1 - th) * step |
comps, remain = connected_components_constraint(remain, max_sz, score_dict, th) |
components.extend(comps) |
return components |
def graph_propagation_soft(edges, score, max_sz, step=0.1, **kwargs): |
edges = np.sort(edges, axis=1) |
th = score.min() |
score_dict = {} |
for i,e in enumerate(edges): |
score_dict[e[0], e[1]] = score[i] |
nodes = np.sort(np.unique(edges.flatten())) |
mapping = -1 * np.ones((nodes.max()+1), dtype=np.int) |
mapping[nodes] = np.arange(nodes.shape[0]) |
link_idx = mapping[edges] |
vertex = [Data(n) for n in nodes] |
for l, s in zip(link_idx, score): |
vertex[l[0]].add_link(vertex[l[1]], s) |
comps, remain = connected_components_constraint(vertex, max_sz) |
first_vertex_idx = np.array([mapping[n.name] for c in comps for n in c]) |
fusion_vertex_idx = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nodes.shape[0]), first_vertex_idx, assume_unique=True) |
components = comps[:] |
while remain: |
th = th + (1 - th) * step |
comps, remain = connected_components_constraint(remain, max_sz, score_dict, th) |
components.extend(comps) |
label_dict = {} |
for i,c in enumerate(components): |
for n in c: |
label_dict[n.name] = i |
print('Propagation ...') |
prop_vertex = [vertex[idx] for idx in fusion_vertex_idx] |
label, label_fusion = diffusion(prop_vertex, label_dict, score_dict, **kwargs) |
return label, label_fusion |
def diffusion(vertex, label, score_dict, max_depth=5, weight_decay=0.6, normalize=True): |
class BFSNode(): |
def __init__(self, node, depth, value): |
self.node = node |
self.depth = depth |
self.value = value |
label_fusion = {} |
for name in label.keys(): |
label_fusion[name] = {label[name]: 1.0} |
prog = 0 |
prog_step = len(vertex) // 20 |
start = time.time() |
for root in vertex: |
if prog % prog_step == 0: |
print("progress: {} / {}, elapsed time: {}".format(prog, len(vertex), time.time() - start)) |
prog += 1 |
queue = {BFSNode(root, 0, 1.0)} |
visited = [root.name] |
root_label = label[root.name] |
while queue: |
curr = queue.pop() |
if curr.depth >= max_depth: |
continue |
neighbors = curr.node.links |
tmp_value = [] |
tmp_neighbor = [] |
for n in neighbors: |
if n.name not in visited: |
sub_value = score_dict[tuple(sorted([curr.node.name, n.name]))] * weight_decay * curr.value |
tmp_value.append(sub_value) |
tmp_neighbor.append(n) |
if root_label not in label_fusion[n.name].keys(): |
label_fusion[n.name][root_label] = sub_value |
else: |
label_fusion[n.name][root_label] += sub_value |
visited.append(n.name) |
sortidx = np.argsort(tmp_value)[::-1] |
for si in sortidx: |
queue.add(BFSNode(tmp_neighbor[si], curr.depth+1, tmp_value[si])) |
if normalize: |
for name in label_fusion.keys(): |
summ = sum(label_fusion[name].values()) |
for k in label_fusion[name].keys(): |
label_fusion[name][k] /= summ |
return label, label_fusion |
def clusters2labels(clusters, n_nodes): |
labels = (-1)* np.ones((n_nodes,)) |
for ci, c in enumerate(clusters): |
for xid in c: |
labels[xid.name] = ci |
assert np.sum(labels < 0) < 1 |
return labels |
def single_remove(bbox, pred): |
single_idcs = np.zeros_like(pred) |
pred_unique = np.unique(pred) |
for u in pred_unique: |
idcs = pred == u |
if np.sum(idcs) == 1: |
single_idcs[np.where(idcs)[0][0]] = 1 |
remain_idcs = [i for i in range(len(pred)) if not single_idcs[i]] |
remain_idcs = np.asarray(remain_idcs) |
return bbox[remain_idcs, :], pred[remain_idcs] |