from collections import defaultdict from itertools import count from operator import itemgetter from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Optional from typing import List, Tuple, Union import htbuilder import streamlit as st from htbuilder import span, div, script, style, link, styles, HtmlElement, br from htbuilder.units import px from spacy.tokens import Doc palette = [ "#66c2a5", "#fc8d62", "#8da0cb", "#e78ac3", "#a6d854", "#ffd92f", "#e5c494", "#b3b3b3", ] inactive_color = "#BBB" def local_stylesheet(path): with open(path) as f: css = return style()( css ) def remote_stylesheet(url): return link( href=url ) def local_script(path): with open(path) as f: code = return script()( code ) def remote_script(url): return script( src=url ) def get_color(sent_idx): return palette[sent_idx % len(palette)] def hex_to_rgb(hex): hex = hex.replace("#", '') return tuple(int(hex[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) def color_with_opacity(hex_color, opacity): rgb = hex_to_rgb(hex_color) return f"rgba({rgb[0]},{rgb[1]},{rgb[2]},{opacity:.2f})" class Component: def show(self, width=None, height=None, scrolling=True, **kwargs): out = div(style=styles( **kwargs ))(self.html()) html = str(out) st.components.v1.html(html, width=width, height=height, scrolling=scrolling) def html(self): raise NotImplemented class MainView(Component): def __init__( self, document: Doc, summaries: List[Doc], semantic_alignments: Optional[List[Dict]], lexical_alignments: Optional[List[Dict]], layout: str, scroll: bool, gray_out_stopwords: bool ): self.document = document self.summaries = summaries self.semantic_alignments = semantic_alignments self.lexical_alignments = lexical_alignments self.layout = layout self.scroll = scroll self.gray_out_stopwords = gray_out_stopwords def html(self): # Add document elements if == 'Document': document_name = 'Source Document' else: document_name = + ' summary' doc_header = div( id_="document-header" )( document_name ) doc_elements = [] # Add document content, which comprises multiple elements, one for each summary. Only the elment corresponding to # selected summary will be visible. mu = MultiUnderline() for summary_idx, summary in enumerate(self.summaries): token_idx_to_sent_idx = {} for sent_idx, sent in enumerate(summary.sents): for token in sent: token_idx_to_sent_idx[token.i] = sent_idx is_selected_summary = (summary_idx == 0) # By default, first summary is selected if self.semantic_alignments is not None: doc_token_idx_to_matches = defaultdict(list) semantic_alignment = self.semantic_alignments[summary_idx] for summary_token_idx, matches in semantic_alignment.items(): for doc_token_idx, sim in matches: doc_token_idx_to_matches[doc_token_idx].append((summary_token_idx, sim)) else: doc_token_idx_to_matches = {} token_elements = [] for doc_token_idx, doc_token in enumerate(self.document): if doc_token.is_stop or doc_token.is_punct: classes = ["stopword"] if self.gray_out_stopwords: classes.append("grayed-out") el = span( _class=" ".join(classes) )( doc_token.text ) else: matches = doc_token_idx_to_matches.get(doc_token_idx) if matches: summary_token_idx, sim = max(matches, key=itemgetter(1)) sent_idx = token_idx_to_sent_idx[summary_token_idx] color_primary = get_color(sent_idx) highlight_color_primary = color_with_opacity(color_primary, sim) props = { 'data-highlight-id': str(doc_token_idx), 'data-primary-color': highlight_color_primary } match_classes = [] for summary_token_idx, sim in matches: sent_idx = token_idx_to_sent_idx[summary_token_idx] match_classes.append(f"summary-highlight-{summary_idx}-{summary_token_idx}") color = color_with_opacity(get_color(sent_idx), sim) props[f"data-color-{summary_idx}-{summary_token_idx}"] = color props["data-match-classes"] = " ".join(match_classes) el = self._highlight( doc_token.text, highlight_color_primary, color_primary, match_classes + ["annotation-hidden"], **props ) else: el = doc_token.text token_elements.append(el) spans = [] if self.lexical_alignments is not None: lexical_alignment = self.lexical_alignments[summary_idx] for summary_span, doc_spans in lexical_alignment.items(): summary_span_start, summary_span_end = summary_span span_id = f"{summary_idx}-{summary_span_start}-{summary_span_end}" sent_idx = token_idx_to_sent_idx[summary_span_start] for doc_span_start, doc_span_end in doc_spans: spans.append(( doc_span_start, doc_span_end, sent_idx, get_color(sent_idx), span_id )) token_elements = mu.markup(token_elements, spans) classes = ["main-doc", "bordered"] if self.scroll: classes.append("scroll") main_doc = div( _class=" ".join(classes) )( token_elements ), classes = ["doc"] if is_selected_summary: classes.append("display") else: classes.append("nodisplay") doc_elements.append( div( **{ "class": " ".join(classes), "data-index": summary_idx } )( main_doc, div(_class="proxy-doc"), div(_class="proxy-scroll") ) ) summary_title = "Summary" summary_header = div( id_="summary-header" )( summary_title, div(id="summary-header-gap"), ) summary_items = [] for summary_idx, summary in enumerate(self.summaries): token_idx_to_sent_idx = {} for sent_idx, sent in enumerate(summary.sents): for token in sent: token_idx_to_sent_idx[token.i] = sent_idx spans = [] matches_ngram = [False] * len(list(summary)) if self.lexical_alignments is not None: lexical_alignment = self.lexical_alignments[summary_idx] for summary_span in lexical_alignment.keys(): start, end = summary_span matches_ngram[slice(start, end)] = [True] * (end - start) span_id = f"{summary_idx}-{start}-{end}" sent_idx = token_idx_to_sent_idx[start] spans.append(( start, end, sent_idx, get_color(sent_idx), span_id )) if self.semantic_alignments is not None: semantic_alignment = self.semantic_alignments[summary_idx] else: semantic_alignment = {} token_elements = [] for token_idx, token in enumerate(summary): if token.is_stop or token.is_punct: classes = ["stopword"] if self.gray_out_stopwords: classes.append("grayed-out") el = span( _class=" ".join(classes) )( token.text ) else: classes = [] if token.ent_iob_ in ('I', 'B'): classes.append("entity") if matches_ngram[token_idx]: classes.append("matches-ngram") matches = semantic_alignment.get(token_idx) if matches: top_match = max(matches, key=itemgetter(1)) top_sim = max(top_match[1], 0) top_doc_token_idx = top_match[0] props = { "data-highlight-id": f"{summary_idx}-{token_idx}", "data-top-doc-highlight-id": str(top_doc_token_idx), "data-top-doc-sim": f"{top_sim:.2f}", } classes.extend([ "annotation-hidden", f"summary-highlight-{summary_idx}-{token_idx}" ]) sent_idx = token_idx_to_sent_idx[token_idx] el = self._highlight( token.text, color_with_opacity(get_color(sent_idx), top_sim), color_with_opacity(get_color(sent_idx), 1), classes, **props ) else: if classes: el = span(_class=" ".join(classes))(token.text) else: el = token.text token_elements.append(el) token_elements = mu.markup(token_elements, spans) classes = ["summary-item"] if summary_idx == 0: # Default is for first summary to be selected classes.append("selected") summary_items.append( div( **{"class": ' '.join(classes), "data-index": summary_idx} )( div(_class="name")(, div(_class="content")(token_elements) ) ) classes = ["summary-list", "bordered"] if self.scroll: classes.append("scroll") if self.lexical_alignments is not None: classes.append("has-lexical-alignment") if self.semantic_alignments is not None: classes.append("has-semantic-alignment") summary_list = div( _class=" ".join(classes) )( summary_items ) annotation_key = \ """ """ body = div( annotation_key, div( _class=f"vis-container {self.layout}-layout" )( div( _class="doc-container" )( doc_header, *doc_elements ), div( _class="summary-container" )( summary_header, summary_list ) ), ) return [ """""", local_stylesheet(Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "summvis.css"), """ """, body, """ """, local_script(Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "jquery.color-2.1.2.min.js"), local_script(Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "summvis.js"), """""" ] def _highlight( self, token: Union[str, HtmlElement], background_color, dotted_underline_color, classes: List[str], **props ): return span( _class=" ".join(classes + ["highlight"]), style=styles( background_color=background_color, border_bottom=f"4px dotted {dotted_underline_color}", ), **props )(token) SPACE = " " class MultiUnderline: def __init__( self, underline_thickness=3, underline_spacing=1 ): self.underline_thickness = underline_thickness self.underline_spacing = underline_spacing def markup( self, tokens: List[Union[str, HtmlElement]], spans: List[Tuple[int, int, int, str, str]] ): """Style text with multiple layers of colored underlines. Args: tokens: list of tokens, either string or html element spans: list of (start_pos, end_pos, rank, color, id) tuples defined as: start_pos: start position of underline span end_pos: end position of underline span rank: rank for stacking order of underlines, all else being equal color: color of underline id: id of underline (encoded as a class label in resulting html element) Returns: List of HTML elements """ # Map from span start position to span start_to_spans = defaultdict(list) for span in spans: start = span[0] start_to_spans[start].append(span) # Map from each underline slot position to list of active spans slot_to_spans = {} # Collection of html elements elements = [] first_token_in_line = True for pos, token in enumerate(tokens): # Remove spans that are no longer active (end < pos) slot_to_spans = defaultdict( list, { slot: [span for span in spans if span[1] > pos] # span[1] contains end of spans for slot, spans in slot_to_spans.items() if spans } ) # Add underlines to space between tokens for any continuing underlines if first_token_in_line: first_token_in_line = False else: elements.append(self._get_underline_element(SPACE, slot_to_spans)) # Find slot for any new spans new_spans = start_to_spans.pop(pos, None) if new_spans: new_spans.sort( key=lambda span: (-(span[1] - span[0]), span[2])) # Sort by span length (reversed), rank for new_span in new_spans: # Find an existing slot or add a new one for slot, spans in sorted(slot_to_spans.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): # Sort by slot index if spans: containing_span = spans[ 0] # The first span in the slot strictly contains all other spans containing_start, containing_end = containing_span[0:2] containing_color = containing_span[3] start, end = new_span[0:2] color = new_span[3] # If the new span (1) is strictly contained in this span, or (2) exactly matches this span # and is the same color, then add span to this slot if end <= containing_end and ( (start > containing_start or end < containing_end) or (start == containing_start and end == containing_end and color == containing_color) ): spans.append(new_span) break else: # Find a new slot index to add the span for slot_index in count(): spans = slot_to_spans[slot_index] if not spans: # If slot is free, take it spans.append(new_span) break if token in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"): elements.append(br()) first_token_in_line = True else: # Add underlines to token for all active spans elements.append(self._get_underline_element(token, slot_to_spans)) return elements def _get_underline_element(self, token, slot_to_spans): if not slot_to_spans: return token max_slot_index = max(slot_to_spans.keys()) element = token for slot_index in range(max_slot_index + 1): spans = slot_to_spans[slot_index] if not spans: color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" # Transparent element w/opacity=0 props = {} else: containing_slot = spans[0] color = containing_slot[3] classes = ["underline"] if token != SPACE: classes.append("token-underline") classes.extend([f"span-{span[4]}" for span in spans]) # Encode ids in class names props = { "class": " ".join(classes), "data-primary-color": color } if slot_index == 0: padding_bottom = 0 else: padding_bottom = self.underline_spacing display = "inline-block" element = htbuilder.span( style=styles( display=display, border_bottom=f"{self.underline_thickness}px solid", border_color=color, padding_bottom=px(padding_bottom), ), **props )(element) # Return outermost nested span return element if __name__ == "__main__": from htbuilder import div # Test text = "The quick brown fox jumps" tokens = text.split() tokens = [ "The", htbuilder.span(style=styles(color="red"))("quick"), "brown", "fox", "jumps" ] spans = [ (0, 2, 0, "green", "green1"), (1, 3, 0, "orange", "orange1"), (3, 4, 0, "red", "red1"), (2, 4, 0, "blue", "blue1"), (1, 5, 0, "orange", "orange1"), ] mu = MultiUnderline() html = str(div(mu.markup(tokens, spans))) print(html)