diff --git "a/data/codesearchnet_10000_python_examples_github.csv" "b/data/codesearchnet_10000_python_examples_github.csv"
deleted file mode 100644--- "a/data/codesearchnet_10000_python_examples_github.csv"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72093 +0,0 @@
-0,getsentry/libsourcemap,"Given a token location and a minified function name and the
- minified source file this returns the original function name if it
- can be found of the minified function in scope.",https://github.com/getsentry/libsourcemap/blob/94b5a34814fafee9dc23da8ec0ccca77f30e3370/libsourcemap/highlevel.py#L163-L185
-1,brocade/pynos,Auto Generated Code,https://github.com/brocade/pynos/blob/bd8a34e98f322de3fc06750827d8bbc3a0c00380/pynos/versions/ver_7/ver_7_1_0/yang/brocade_mac_address_table.py#L297-L310
-2,nicolargo/glances,Update stats views.,https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/blob/5bd4d587a736e0d2b03170b56926841d2a3eb7ee/glances/plugins/glances_memswap.py#L130-L137
-3,DLR-RM/RAFCON,Check whether the passed variable is a tuple with two floats or integers,https://github.com/DLR-RM/RAFCON/blob/24942ef1a904531f49ab8830a1dbb604441be498/source/rafcon/gui/helpers/meta_data.py#L55-L57
-4,ejeschke/ginga,"Used for generating thumbnails. Does not include overlaid
- graphics.",https://github.com/ejeschke/ginga/blob/a78c893ec6f37a837de851947e9bb4625c597915/ginga/gtk3w/ImageViewGtk.py#L75-L84
-5,poppy-project/pypot,Please have a look at the function description/documentation in the V-REP user manual,https://github.com/poppy-project/pypot/blob/d9c6551bbc87d45d9d1f0bc15e35b616d0002afd/pypot/vrep/remoteApiBindings/vrep.py#L900-L907
-6,cloudify-cosmo/repex,Find all matches of an expression in a file,https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/repex/blob/589e442857fa4a99fa88670d7df1a72f983bbd28/repex.py#L605-L618
-7,mariocj89/github-token,"Creates a token
- It uses the app_name as the notes and the scopes are
- the permissions required by the application. See those
- in github when configuring an app token
- Raises a TFARequired if a two factor is required after
- the atempt to create it without having call tfa before",https://github.com/mariocj89/github-token/blob/8ca85fa51a52aef94cfb4f851eb229ee500bc28f/github_token/__init__.py#L81-L108
-8,brycedrennan/eulerian-magnification,Combine a gaussian video representation with the original and save to file,https://github.com/brycedrennan/eulerian-magnification/blob/9ae0651fe3334176300d183f8240ad36d77759a9/eulerian_magnification/base.py#L108-L122
-9,PmagPy/PmagPy,calculate the paleointensity magic parameters make some definitions,https://github.com/PmagPy/PmagPy/blob/c7984f8809bf40fe112e53dcc311a33293b62d0b/pmagpy/pmag.py#L2827-L3374
-10,lowandrew/OLCTools,Parse the ePCR text file outputs,https://github.com/lowandrew/OLCTools/blob/88aa90ac85f84d0bbeb03e43c29b0a9d36e4ce2a/spadespipeline/vtyper.py#L96-L131
-11,atztogo/phonopy,"Return point group in international table symbol and number.
- The symbols are mapped to the numbers as follows:
- 1 ""1 ""
- 2 ""-1 ""
- 3 ""2 ""
- 4 ""m ""
- 5 ""2/m ""
- 6 ""222 ""
- 7 ""mm2 ""
- 8 ""mmm ""
- 9 ""4 ""
- 10 ""-4 ""
- 11 ""4/m ""
- 12 ""422 ""
- 13 ""4mm ""
- 14 ""-42m ""
- 15 ""4/mmm""
- 16 ""3 ""
- 17 ""-3 ""
- 18 ""32 ""
- 19 ""3m ""
- 20 ""-3m ""
- 21 ""6 ""
- 22 ""-6 ""
- 23 ""6/m ""
- 24 ""622 ""
- 25 ""6mm ""
- 26 ""-62m ""
- 27 ""6/mmm""
- 28 ""23 ""
- 29 ""m-3 ""
- 30 ""432 ""
- 31 ""-43m ""
- 32 ""m-3m """,https://github.com/atztogo/phonopy/blob/869cc2ba9e7d495d5f4cf6942415ab3fc9e2a10f/phonopy/structure/spglib.py#L301-L343
-12,automl/HpBandSter,"starts a Pyro4 nameserver in a separate thread
- Returns
- -------
- tuple (str, int):
- the host name and the used port",https://github.com/automl/HpBandSter/blob/841db4b827f342e5eb7f725723ea6461ac52d45a/hpbandster/core/nameserver.py#L48-L79
-13,PixelwarStudio/PyTree,"Let the tree grow.
- Args:
- times (integer): Indicate how many times the tree will grow.",https://github.com/PixelwarStudio/PyTree/blob/f14b25ea145da6b00d836e34251d2a4c823766dc/Tree/core.py#L167-L189
-14,saltstack/salt,"Return kernel_integrity information from osquery
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' osquery.kernel_integrity",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/osquery.py#L149-L161
-15,rackerlabs/lambda-uploader,"Sets the virtual environment for the lambda package
- If this is not set then package_dependencies will create a new one.
- Takes a path to a virtualenv or a boolean if the virtualenv creation
- should be skipped.",https://github.com/rackerlabs/lambda-uploader/blob/a5036e60d45d1a4fdc07df071f5b6e3b113388d4/lambda_uploader/package.py#L114-L133
-16,agoragames/kairos,Helper to generate the insert statement.,https://github.com/agoragames/kairos/blob/0b062d543b0f4a46df460fa0eb6ec281232ab179/kairos/cassandra_backend.py#L646-L665
-17,pavelsof/ipalint,"Expects a non-empty [] of strings; these would normally be the first
- few lines of a csv file. Returns the most likely Dialect named tuple or
- None if the data seems to form a single column.
- Ensures that using the returned dialect, all the lines given will have
- the same number of columns.
- Helper for the get_dialect method.",https://github.com/pavelsof/ipalint/blob/763e5979ede6980cbfc746b06fd007b379762eeb/ipalint/read.py#L177-L218
-18,angr/angr,"Compute a dominance frontier based on the given post-dominator tree.
- This implementation is based on figure 2 of paper An Efficient Method of Computing Static Single Assignment
- Form by Ron Cytron, etc.
- :param graph: The graph where we want to compute the dominance frontier.
- :param domtree: The dominator tree
- :returns: A dict of dominance frontier",https://github.com/angr/angr/blob/4e2f97d56af5419ee73bdb30482c8dd8ff5f3e40/angr/utils/graph.py#L63-L104
-19,CI-WATER/mapkit,Validate whether a value is a number or not,https://github.com/CI-WATER/mapkit/blob/ce5fbded6af7adabdf1eec85631c6811ef8ecc34/mapkit/RasterConverter.py#L1097-L1107
- ----------
- death_times: (n,) array
- represent the event times
- event_observed: (n,) array
- 1 if observed event, 0 is censored event.
- birth_times: a (n,) array, optional
- representing when the subject was first observed. A subject's death event is then at [birth times + duration observed].
- If None (default), birth_times are set to be the first observation or 0, which ever is smaller.
- columns: iterable, optional
- a 3-length array to call the, in order, removed individuals, observed deaths
- and censorships.
- weights: (n,1) array, optional
- Optional argument to use weights for individuals. Assumes weights of 1 if not provided.
- collapse: boolean, optional (default=False)
- If True, collapses survival table into lifetable to show events in interval bins
- intervals: iterable, optional
- Default None, otherwise a list/(n,1) array of interval edge measures. If left as None
- while collapse=True, then Freedman-Diaconis rule for histogram bins will be used to determine intervals.
- Returns
- -------
- DataFrame
- Pandas DataFrame with index as the unique times or intervals in event_times. The columns named
- 'removed' refers to the number of individuals who were removed from the population
- by the end of the period. The column 'observed' refers to the number of removed
- individuals who were observed to have died (i.e. not censored.) The column
- 'censored' is defined as 'removed' - 'observed' (the number of individuals who
- left the population due to event_observed)
- Example
- -------
- >>> #Uncollapsed output
- >>> removed observed censored entrance at_risk
- >>> event_at
- >>> 0 0 0 0 11 11
- >>> 6 1 1 0 0 11
- >>> 7 2 2 0 0 10
- >>> 9 3 3 0 0 8
- >>> 13 3 3 0 0 5
- >>> 15 2 2 0 0 2
- >>> #Collapsed output
- >>> removed observed censored at_risk
- >>> sum sum sum max
- >>> event_at
- >>> (0, 2] 34 33 1 312
- >>> (2, 4] 84 42 42 278
- >>> (4, 6] 64 17 47 194
- >>> (6, 8] 63 16 47 130
- >>> (8, 10] 35 12 23 67
- >>> (10, 12] 24 5 19 32
- See Also
- --------
- group_survival_table_from_events",https://github.com/CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines/blob/bdf6be6f1d10eea4c46365ee0ee6a47d8c30edf8/lifelines/utils/__init__.py#L262-L361
-21,django-blog-zinnia/cmsplugin-zinnia,Update the context with plugin's data,https://github.com/django-blog-zinnia/cmsplugin-zinnia/blob/7613c0d9ae29affe9ab97527e4b6d5bef124afdc/cmsplugin_zinnia/cms_plugins.py#L131-L139
-22,rjw57/throw,"Use this to update the gallery name or change sort order.
- Specify which attribute (name or items or both) you want to change.",https://github.com/rjw57/throw/blob/74a7116362ba5b45635ab247472b25cfbdece4ee/throw/minus/minus.py#L62-L88
-23,letuananh/chirptext,Try to load logging configuration from a file. Set level to INFO if failed.,https://github.com/letuananh/chirptext/blob/ce60b47257b272a587c8703ea1f86cd1a45553a7/chirptext/cli.py#L35-L55
-24,doconix/django-mako-plus,"Returns the name of this template (if created from a file) or ""string"" if not",https://github.com/doconix/django-mako-plus/blob/a90f9b4af19e5fa9f83452989cdcaed21569a181/django_mako_plus/template/adapter.py#L39-L43
-25,HazyResearch/fonduer,"Forward function.
- :param X: The input (batch) of the model contains word sequences for lstm,
- features and feature weights.
- :type X: For word sequences: a list of torch.Tensor pair (word sequence
- and word mask) of shape (batch_size, sequence_length).
- For features: torch.Tensor of shape (batch_size, sparse_feature_size).
- For feature weights: torch.Tensor of shape
- (batch_size, sparse_feature_size).
- :return: The output of LSTM layer.
- :rtype: torch.Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_classes)",https://github.com/HazyResearch/fonduer/blob/4520f86a716f03dcca458a9f4bddac75b4e7068f/src/fonduer/learning/disc_models/sparse_lstm.py#L25-L64
-26,google/grr,Returns counts of flow results grouped by result type.,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/server/grr_response_server/databases/mysql_flows.py#L1350-L1360
-27,google/grr,Find files fulfilling regex conditions.,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/client/grr_response_client/client_actions/artifact_collector.py#L208-L225
-28,F5Networks/f5-common-python,"Manage an existing cluster
- :param kwargs: dict -- keyword args in dict",https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-common-python/blob/7e67d5acd757a60e3d5f8c88c534bd72208f5494/f5/multi_device/cluster/__init__.py#L136-L148
-29,google/python-gflags,"Returns the list of flags defined by a module.
- Args:
- module: A module object or a module name (a string).
- Returns:
- A new list of Flag objects. Caller may update this list as he
- wishes: none of those changes will affect the internals of this
- FlagValue object.",https://github.com/google/python-gflags/blob/4f06c3d0d6cbe9b1fb90ee9fb1c082b3bf9285f6/gflags/flagvalues.py#L265-L279
-30,openp2pdesign/makerlabs,Gets Hackerspaces data from hackaday.io.,https://github.com/openp2pdesign/makerlabs/blob/b5838440174f10d370abb671358db9a99d7739fd/makerlabs/hackaday_io.py#L57-L137
-31,Azure/blobxfer,Upload files to Azure Storage,https://github.com/Azure/blobxfer/blob/3eccbe7530cc6a20ab2d30f9e034b6f021817f34/cli/cli.py#L1106-L1116
-32,mitsei/dlkit,"Gets a list of bins including and under the given bin node in which any resource can be assigned.
- arg: bin_id (osid.id.Id): the ``Id`` of the ``Bin``
- return: (osid.id.IdList) - list of assignable bin ``Ids``
- raise: NullArgument - ``bin_id`` is ``null``
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/resource/sessions.py#L1562-L1581
-33,sbusard/wagoner,"Check that this table is complete, that is, every character of this
- table can be followed by a new character.
- :return: True if the table is complete, False otherwise.",https://github.com/sbusard/wagoner/blob/7f83d66bbd0e009e4d4232ffdf319bd5a2a5683b/wagoner/table.py#L81-L92
-34,DataDog/integrations-core,"Parse the service catalog returned by the Identity API for an endpoint matching the Neutron service
- Sends a CRITICAL service check when none are found registered in the Catalog",https://github.com/DataDog/integrations-core/blob/ebd41c873cf9f97a8c51bf9459bc6a7536af8acd/openstack/datadog_checks/openstack/openstack.py#L455-L479
-35,materialsproject/pymatgen,Validate the JSON schema. Return list of errors.,https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/blob/4ca558cf72f8d5f8a1f21dfdfc0181a971c186da/pymatgen/io/abinit/flows.py#L426-L439
-36,ga4gh/ga4gh-server,"Returns the RnaQuantification set with the specified name, or raises
- an exception otherwise.",https://github.com/ga4gh/ga4gh-server/blob/1aa18922ef136db8604f6f098cb1732cba6f2a76/ga4gh/server/datamodel/datasets.py#L402-L409
-37,dpnova/python-xprintidle,"This is the same as CFFI's create modulename except we don't include the
- CFFI version.",https://github.com/dpnova/python-xprintidle/blob/cc8f3c13a5dd578073d20f3d42208fcb8e1983b8/xprintidle.py#L10-L21
-38,inasafe/inasafe,"Populate table with files from scenario_directory directory.
- :param scenario_directory: Path where .txt & .py reside.
- :type scenario_directory: QString",https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/blob/831d60abba919f6d481dc94a8d988cc205130724/safe/gui/tools/batch/batch_dialog.py#L213-L251
-39,sibirrer/lenstronomy,routine to compute X2 given variable parameters for a MCMC/PSO chain,https://github.com/sibirrer/lenstronomy/blob/4edb100a4f3f4fdc4fac9b0032d2b0283d0aa1d6/lenstronomy/Sampling/likelihood.py#L96-L123
-40,wandb/client,"Log a dict to the global run's history. If commit is false, enables multiple calls before commiting.
- Eg.
- wandb.log({'train-loss': 0.5, 'accuracy': 0.9})",https://github.com/wandb/client/blob/7d08954ed5674fee223cd85ed0d8518fe47266b2/wandb/__init__.py#L465-L481
-41,aras7/deployr-python-client,":param username:
- :param password:
- :param disableautosave: boolean
- :param print_response: print log if required
- :return: status code, response data",https://github.com/aras7/deployr-python-client/blob/3ca517ff38e9a7dd1e21fcc88d54537546b9e7e5/deployr_connection.py#L28-L55
-42,saltstack/salt,"Ensure zone is detached
- name : string
- name of the zone",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/states/zone.py#L1100-L1138
-43,onelogin/python3-saml,"Extracts nodes that match the query from the Response
- :param query: Xpath Expresion
- :type query: String
- :param tagid: Tag ID
- :type query: String
- :returns: The queried nodes
- :rtype: list",https://github.com/onelogin/python3-saml/blob/064b7275fba1e5f39a9116ba1cdcc5d01fc34daa/src/onelogin/saml2/response.py#L760-L777
-44,ray-project/ray,"Configure environment for DeepMind-style Atari.
- Note that we assume reward clipping is done outside the wrapper.
- Args:
- dim (int): Dimension to resize observations to (dim x dim).
- framestack (bool): Whether to framestack observations.",https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/4eade036a0505e244c976f36aaa2d64386b5129b/python/ray/rllib/env/atari_wrappers.py#L270-L291
-45,monarch-initiative/dipper,"Parse ensembl gene to reactome pathway file
- :param file: file path (not handle)
- :param limit: limit (int, optional) limit the number of rows processed
- :return: None",https://github.com/monarch-initiative/dipper/blob/24cc80db355bbe15776edc5c7b41e0886959ba41/dipper/sources/Reactome.py#L75-L98
-46,jtwhite79/pyemu,"build a prior parameter covariance matrix.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fmt : str
- the format to save the cov matrix. Options are ""ascii"",""binary"",""uncfile"", ""coo"".
- default is ""ascii""
- filename : str
- the filename to save the prior cov matrix to. If None, the name is formed using
- model nam_file name. Default is None.
- droptol : float
- tolerance for dropping near-zero values when writing compressed binary.
- Default is None
- chunk : int
- chunk size to write in a single pass - for binary only
- sparse : bool
- flag to build a pyemu.SparseMatrix format cov matrix. Default is False
- sigma_range : float
- number of standard deviations represented by the parameter bounds. Default
- is 6.
- Returns
- -------
- cov : pyemu.Cov
- a full covariance matrix",https://github.com/jtwhite79/pyemu/blob/c504d8e7a4097cec07655a6318d275739bd8148a/pyemu/utils/helpers.py#L2632-L2744
-47,wummel/linkchecker,"Get url data from given base data.
- @param base_url: base url from a link tag
- @type base_url: string or None
- @param recursion_level: current recursion level
- @type recursion_level: number
- @param aggregate: aggregate object
- @type aggregate: aggregate.Consumer
- @param parent_url: parent url
- @type parent_url: string or None
- @param base_ref: base url from tag
- @type base_ref string or None
- @param line: line number
- @type line: number
- @param column: column number
- @type column: number
- @param page: page number
- @type page: number
- @param name: link name
- @type name: string
- @param extern: (is_extern, is_strict) or None
- @type extern: tuple(int, int) or None",https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/linkcheck/checker/__init__.py#L67-L125
-48,peercoin/peercoin_rpc,"send ammount to address, with optional comment. Returns txid.
- sendtoaddress(ADDRESS, AMMOUNT, COMMENT)",https://github.com/peercoin/peercoin_rpc/blob/6edd854c7fd607ad9f6f4d5eb8b8b7c7fd8c16cc/peercoin_rpc/peercoin_rpc.py#L182-L185
-49,tensorflow/hub,Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).,https://github.com/tensorflow/hub/blob/09f45963f6787322967b6fec61459f3ac56fbb27/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py#L709-L719
-50,henocdz/workon,"verify if there is a project with given name or path
- on the database",https://github.com/henocdz/workon/blob/46f1f6dc4ea95d8efd10adf93a06737237a6874d/workon/script.py#L34-L47
-51,tensorflow/tensor2tensor,Range of hyperparameters for vizier.,https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor/blob/272500b6efe353aeb638d2745ed56e519462ca31/tensor2tensor/models/image_transformer.py#L1054-L1062
-52,sethmlarson/trytravis,Waits for a Travis build to appear with the given commit SHA,https://github.com/sethmlarson/trytravis/blob/d92ed708fe71d8db93a6df8077d23ee39ec0364e/trytravis.py#L188-L234
-53,nameko/nameko,"Create a fake module that provides some convenient access to nameko
- standalone functionality for interactive shell usage.",https://github.com/nameko/nameko/blob/88d7e5211de4fcc1c34cd7f84d7c77f0619c5f5d/nameko/cli/shell.py#L58-L77
-54,earwig/mwparserfromhell,"Add a parameter to the template with a given *name* and *value*.
- *name* and *value* can be anything parsable by
- :func:`.utils.parse_anything`; pipes and equal signs are automatically
- escaped from *value* when appropriate.
- If *name* is already a parameter in the template, we'll replace its
- value.
- If *showkey* is given, this will determine whether or not to show the
- parameter's name (e.g., ``{{foo|bar}}``'s parameter has a name of
- ``""1""`` but it is hidden); otherwise, we'll make a safe and intelligent
- guess.
- If *before* is given (either a :class:`.Parameter` object or a name),
- then we will place the parameter immediately before this one.
- Otherwise, it will be added at the end. If *before* is a name and
- exists multiple times in the template, we will place it before the last
- occurrence. If *before* is not in the template, :exc:`ValueError` is
- raised. The argument is ignored if *name* is an existing parameter.
- If *preserve_spacing* is ``True``, we will try to preserve whitespace
- conventions around the parameter, whether it is new or we are updating
- an existing value. It is disabled for parameters with hidden keys,
- since MediaWiki doesn't strip whitespace in this case.",https://github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell/blob/98dc30902d35c714a70aca8e6616f49d71cb24cc/mwparserfromhell/nodes/template.py#L232-L310
-55,liamw9534/bt-manager,"Register for transport ready events. The `transport ready`
- event is raised via a user callback. If the endpoint
- is configured as a source, then the user may then
- call :py:meth:`write_transport` in order to send data to
- the associated sink.
- Otherwise, if the endpoint is configured as a sink, then
- the user may call :py:meth:`read_transport` to read
- from the associated source instead.
- :param func user_cb: User defined callback function. It
- must take one parameter which is the user's callback
- argument.
- :param user_arg: User defined callback argument.
- :return:
- See also: :py:meth:`unregister_transport_ready_event`",https://github.com/liamw9534/bt-manager/blob/51be2919394ce8134c698359649bfad09eedf4ec/bt_manager/audio.py#L207-L227
-56,LesPatamechanix/patalib,"Generate an anomaly. This is done
- via a Psuedo-random number generator.",https://github.com/LesPatamechanix/patalib/blob/d88cca409b1750fdeb88cece048b308f2a710955/src/patalib/anomaly.py#L9-L23
-57,cqlengine/cqlengine,Returns the number of rows matched by this query,https://github.com/cqlengine/cqlengine/blob/7079eaf7071cbf5a045e1d1ab57f6d1b5ba3f9dc/cqlengine/query.py#L568-L579
-58,chaimleib/intervaltree,"Removes an interval from the tree, if present. If not, raises
- ValueError.
- Completes in O(log n) time.",https://github.com/chaimleib/intervaltree/blob/ffb2b1667f8b832e89324a75a175be8440504c9d/intervaltree/intervaltree.py#L356-L369
-59,aws/sagemaker-python-sdk,Deletes the Amazon SageMaker models backing this predictor.,https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-python-sdk/blob/a9e724c7d3f5572b68c3903548c792a59d99799a/src/sagemaker/predictor.py#L131-L146
-60,google/mobly,"Assert that an exception is raised when a function is called.
- If no exception is raised, test fail. If an exception is raised but not
- of the expected type, the exception is let through.
- This should only be used as a context manager:
- with assert_raises(Exception):
- func()
- Args:
- expected_exception: An exception class that is expected to be
- raised.
- extras: An optional field for extra information to be included in
- test result.",https://github.com/google/mobly/blob/38ba2cf7d29a20e6a2fca1718eecb337df38db26/mobly/asserts.py#L60-L77
-61,saltstack/salt,Make the HTTP request and return the body as python object.,https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/mandrill.py#L101-L132
-62,saltstack/salt,Save the load to the specified jid,https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/returners/sqlite3_return.py#L182-L193
-63,iotile/coretools,"Return the signature contents of this action's command line.
- This strips $(-$) and everything in between the string,
- since those parts don't affect signatures.",https://github.com/iotile/coretools/blob/2d794f5f1346b841b0dcd16c9d284e9bf2f3c6ec/iotilebuild/iotile/build/config/scons-local-3.0.1/SCons/Action.py#L1043-L1049
-64,cmbruns/pyopenvr,Gets the transform if it is absolute. Returns an error if the transform is some other type.,https://github.com/cmbruns/pyopenvr/blob/68395d26bb3df6ab1f0f059c38d441f962938be6/src/openvr/__init__.py#L4852-L4859
-65,gem/oq-engine,"Return the position vectors (in Cartesian coordinates) of list of spherical
- coordinates.
- For equations see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCoordinates.html.
- Parameters are components of spherical coordinates in a form of scalars,
- lists or numpy arrays. ``depths`` can be ``None`` in which case it's
- considered zero for all points.
- :returns:
- ``numpy.array`` of 3d vectors representing points' coordinates in
- Cartesian space in km. The array has shape `lons.shape + (3,)`.
- In particular, if ``lons`` and ``lats`` are scalars the result is a
- 3D vector and if they are vectors the result is a matrix of shape
- (N, 3).
- See also :func:`cartesian_to_spherical`.",https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/hazardlib/geo/geodetic.py#L183-L221
- metrics (list): Where each element is either a `list`
- if an xpath was specified, otherwise a `str`",https://github.com/iterative/dvc/blob/8bb21261e34c9632453e09090de7ebe50e38d341/dvc/command/metrics.py#L13-L33
-67,redbridge/molnctrl,"Feed this a dictionary of api bananas, it spits out processed cache",https://github.com/redbridge/molnctrl/blob/9990ae7e522ce364bb61a735f774dc28de5f8e60/molnctrl/cachemaker.py#L82-L132
-68,portfoliome/foil,Uses urllib. thread safe?,https://github.com/portfoliome/foil/blob/b66d8cf4ab048a387d8c7a033b47e922ed6917d6/foil/ftp.py#L90-L97
-69,couchbase/couchbase-python-client,"Retrieve a value from a map.
- :param str key: The document ID
- :param str mapkey: Key within the map to retrieve
- :return: :class:`~.ValueResult`
- :raise: :exc:`IndexError` if the mapkey does not exist
- :raise: :cb_exc:`NotFoundError` if the document does not exist.
- .. seealso:: :meth:`map_add` for an example",https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-python-client/blob/a7bada167785bf79a29c39f820d932a433a6a535/couchbase/bucket.py#L2147-L2161
-70,persandstrom/python-verisure,"Lock or unlock
- Args:
- code (str): Lock code
- device_label (str): device label of lock
- state (str): 'lock' or 'unlock'",https://github.com/persandstrom/python-verisure/blob/babd25e7f8fb2b24f12e4109dfa8a04041e8dcb8/verisure/session.py#L309-L329
-71,Sanji-IO/sanji,"get rid of id, sign, tunnel and update message type
- Notice: this method will return a deepcopy",https://github.com/Sanji-IO/sanji/blob/5c54cc2772bdfeae3337f785de1957237b828b34/sanji/message.py#L209-L222
-72,evhub/coconut,Process match assign blocks.,https://github.com/evhub/coconut/blob/ff97177344e7604e89a0a98a977a87ed2a56fc6d/coconut/compiler/compiler.py#L1424-L1430
- Iterative knapsack method
- Math:
- maximize \sum_{i \in T} v_i
- subject to \sum_{i \in T} w_i \leq W
- Notes:
- dpmat is the dynamic programming memoization matrix.
- dpmat[i, w] is the total value of the items with weight at most W
- T is idx_subset, the set of indicies in the optimal solution
- CommandLine:
- python -m utool.util_alg --exec-knapsack_iterative_int --show
- Example:
- >>> from utool.util_alg import * # NOQA
- >>> weights = [1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 1] * 2
- >>> items = [(w, w, i) for i, w in enumerate(weights)]
- >>> maxweight = 10
- >>> items = [(.8, 700, 0)]
- >>> maxweight = 2000
- >>> print('maxweight = %r' % (maxweight,))
- >>> print('items = %r' % (items,))
- >>> total_value, items_subset = knapsack_iterative_int(items, maxweight)
- >>> total_weight = sum([t[1] for t in items_subset])
- >>> print('total_weight = %r' % (total_weight,))
- >>> print('items_subset = %r' % (items_subset,))
- >>> result = 'total_value = %.2f' % (total_value,)
- >>> print(result)
- total_value = 0.80
- Ignore:
- DPMAT = [[dpmat[r][c] for c in range(maxweight)] for r in range(len(items))]
- KMAT = [[kmat[r][c] for c in range(maxweight)] for r in range(len(items))]",https://github.com/Erotemic/utool/blob/3b27e1f4e6e6fb23cd8744af7b7195b57d99e03a/utool/util_alg.py#L1400-L1477
-74,jorgenschaefer/elpy,Get all possible names,https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy/blob/ffd982f829b11e53f2be187c7b770423341f29bc/elpy/server.py#L199-L208
-75,praekeltfoundation/seaworthy,"Fetch an image if it isn't already present.
- This works like ``docker pull`` and will pull the tag ``latest`` if no tag
- is specified in the image name.",https://github.com/praekeltfoundation/seaworthy/blob/6f10a19b45d4ea1dc3bd0553cc4d0438696c079c/seaworthy/helpers.py#L27-L44
-76,F5Networks/f5-common-python,"Call this to change the configuration of the service on the device.
- This method uses HTTP PUT to alter the service state on the device.
- The attributes of the instance will be packaged as a dictionary. That
- dictionary will be updated with kwargs. It is then submitted as JSON
- to the device. Various edge cases are handled:
- * read-only attributes that are unchangeable are removed
- * If ``fqdn`` is in the kwargs or set as an attribute, removes the
- ``autopopulate`` and ``addressFamily`` keys from it.
- :param kwargs: keys and associated values to alter on the device",https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-common-python/blob/7e67d5acd757a60e3d5f8c88c534bd72208f5494/f5/bigip/tm/ltm/pool.py#L144-L160
-77,ethereum/py-evm,"Run the transaction with various gas limits, progressively
- approaching the minimum needed to succeed without an OutOfGas exception.
- The starting range of possible estimates is:
- [transaction.intrinsic_gas, state.gas_limit].
- After the first OutOfGas exception, the range is: (largest_limit_out_of_gas, state.gas_limit].
- After the first run not out of gas, the range is: (largest_limit_out_of_gas, smallest_success].
- :param int tolerance: When the range of estimates is less than tolerance,
- return the top of the range.
- :returns int: The smallest confirmed gas to not throw an OutOfGas exception,
- subject to tolerance. If OutOfGas is thrown at block limit, return block limit.
- :raises VMError: if the computation fails even when given the block gas_limit to complete",https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/blob/58346848f076116381d3274bbcea96b9e2cfcbdf/eth/estimators/gas.py#L28-L78
-78,SatelliteQE/nailgun,"Provide a default value for ``entity``.
- By default, ``nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityReadMixin.read provides a
- default value for ``entity`` like so::
- entity = type(self)()
- However, :class:`ContentViewPuppetModule` requires that an
- ``content_view`` be provided, so this technique will not work. Do
- this instead::
- entity = type(self)(content_view=self.content_view.id)",https://github.com/SatelliteQE/nailgun/blob/c36d8c20862e87bf6975bd48ac1ca40a9e634eaa/nailgun/entities.py#L2453-L2480
-79,jordanh/neurio-python,"Get the last sample recorded by the sensor.
- Args:
- sensor_id (string): hexadecimal id of the sensor to query, e.g.
- ``0x0013A20040B65FAD``
- Returns:
- list: dictionary objects containing sample data",https://github.com/jordanh/neurio-python/blob/3a1bcadadb3bb3ad48f2df41c039d8b828ffd9c8/neurio/__init__.py#L439-L458
-80,markovmodel/PyEMMA,"Plot a two-dimensional contour map by interpolating
- scattered data on a grid.
- Parameters
- ----------
- xall : ndarray(T)
- Sample x-coordinates.
- yall : ndarray(T)
- Sample y-coordinates.
- zall : ndarray(T)
- Sample z-coordinates.
- ax : matplotlib.Axes object, optional, default=None
- The ax to plot to; if ax=None, a new ax (and fig) is created.
- cmap : matplotlib colormap, optional, default=None
- The color map to use.
- ncontours : int, optional, default=100
- Number of contour levels.
- vmin : float, optional, default=None
- Lowest z-value to be plotted.
- vmax : float, optional, default=None
- Highest z-value to be plotted.
- levels : iterable of float, optional, default=None
- Contour levels to plot; use legacy style calculation
- if 'legacy'.
- cbar : boolean, optional, default=True
- Plot a color bar.
- cax : matplotlib.Axes object, optional, default=None
- Plot the colorbar into a custom axes object instead of
- stealing space from ax.
- cbar_label : str, optional, default=None
- Colorbar label string; use None to suppress it.
- cbar_orientation : str, optional, default='vertical'
- Colorbar orientation; choose 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.
- norm : matplotlib norm, optional, default=None
- Use a norm when coloring the contour plot.
- nbins : int, optional, default=100
- Number of grid points used in each dimension.
- method : str, optional, default='nearest'
- Assignment method; scipy.interpolate.griddata supports the
- methods 'nearest', 'linear', and 'cubic'.
- mask : boolean, optional, default=False
- Hide unsampled areas is True.
- Optional parameters for contourf (**kwargs)
- -------------------------------------------
- corner_mask : boolean, optional
- Enable/disable corner masking, which only has an effect if
- z is a masked array. If False, any quad touching a masked
- point is masked out. If True, only the triangular corners
- of quads nearest those points are always masked out, other
- triangular corners comprising three unmasked points are
- contoured as usual.
- Defaults to rcParams['contour.corner_mask'], which
- defaults to True.
- alpha : float
- The alpha blending value.
- locator : [ None | ticker.Locator subclass ]
- If locator is None, the default MaxNLocator is used. The
- locator is used to determine the contour levels if they are
- not given explicitly via the levels argument.
- extend : [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]
- Unless this is ‘neither’, contour levels are automatically
- added to one or both ends of the range so that all data are
- included. These added ranges are then mapped to the special
- colormap values which default to the ends of the
- colormap range, but can be set via
- matplotlib.colors.Colormap.set_under() and
- matplotlib.colors.Colormap.set_over() methods.
- xunits, yunits : [ None | registered units ]
- Override axis units by specifying an instance of a
- matplotlib.units.ConversionInterface.
- antialiased : boolean, optional
- Enable antialiasing, overriding the defaults. For filled
- contours, the default is True. For line contours, it is
- taken from rcParams[‘lines.antialiased’].
- nchunk : [ 0 | integer ]
- If 0, no subdivision of the domain. Specify a positive
- integer to divide the domain into subdomains of nchunk by
- nchunk quads. Chunking reduces the maximum length of polygons
- generated by the contouring algorithm which reduces the
- rendering workload passed on to the backend and also requires
- slightly less RAM. It can however introduce rendering
- artifacts at chunk boundaries depending on the backend, the
- antialiased flag and value of alpha.
- hatches :
- A list of cross hatch patterns to use on the filled areas.
- If None, no hatching will be added to the contour. Hatching
- is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg backends
- only.
- zorder : float
- Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder
- values are drawn first.
- Returns
- -------
- fig : matplotlib.Figure object
- The figure in which the used ax resides.
- ax : matplotlib.Axes object
- The ax in which the map was plotted.
- misc : dict
- Contains a matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet 'mappable' and,
- if requested, a matplotlib.Colorbar object 'cbar'.",https://github.com/markovmodel/PyEMMA/blob/5c3124398217de05ba5ce9c8fb01519222481ab8/pyemma/plots/plots2d.py#L686-L815
-81,tomturner/django-tenants,"Creates a new schema `new_schema_name` as a clone of an existing schema
- `old_schema_name`.",https://github.com/tomturner/django-tenants/blob/f3e06e2b0facee7ed797e5694bcac433df3e5315/django_tenants/clone.py#L213-L233
-82,toumorokoshi/jenks,return jenks configuration file,https://github.com/toumorokoshi/jenks/blob/d3333a7b86ba290b7185aa5b8da75e76a28124f5/jenks/utils.py#L36-L44
-83,mitsei/dlkit,"Gets the asset form for creating new assets.
- A new form should be requested for each create transaction.
- arg: asset_record_types (osid.type.Type[]): array of asset
- record types
- return: (osid.repository.AssetForm) - the asset form
- raise: NullArgument - ``asset_record_types`` is ``null``
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- raise: PermissionDenied - authorization failure
- raise: Unsupported - unable to get form for requested record
- types
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/repository/sessions.py#L1279-L1314
-84,martinkosir/neverbounce-python,"Verify a single email address.
- :param str email: Email address to verify.
- :return: A VerifiedEmail object.",https://github.com/martinkosir/neverbounce-python/blob/8d8b3f381dbff2a753a8770fac0d2bfab80d5bec/neverbounce/client.py#L18-L25
-85,JarryShaw/PyPCAPKit,"Read HIP HIP_SIGNATURE_2 parameter.
- Structure of HIP HIP_SIGNATURE_2 parameter [RFC 7401]:
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Type | Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | SIG alg | Signature /
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- / | Padding |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Octets Bits Name Description
- 0 0 hip_signature_2.type Parameter Type
- 1 15 hip_signature_2.critical Critical Bit
- 2 16 hip_signature_2.length Length of Contents
- 4 32 hip_signature_2.algorithm SIG Algorithm
- 6 48 hip_signature_2.signature Signature
- ? ? - Padding",https://github.com/JarryShaw/PyPCAPKit/blob/c7f0da9aebc2cf210bf8f8b912f7d3cbb98ca10e/src/protocols/internet/hip.py#L2023-L2061
-86,Preston-Landers/concurrent-log-handler,"Emit a record.
- Override from parent class to handle file locking for the duration of rollover and write.
- This also does the formatting *before* locks are obtained, in case the format itself does
- logging calls from within. Rollover also occurs while the lock is held.",https://github.com/Preston-Landers/concurrent-log-handler/blob/8e0b8e28c2b12e854853d723b3c28346a3218914/src/concurrent_log_handler/__init__.py#L298-L324
-87,Autodesk/aomi,"Attempts to determine the version of Vault that a
- server is running. Some actions will change on older
- Vault deployments.",https://github.com/Autodesk/aomi/blob/84da2dfb0424837adf9c4ddc1aa352e942bb7a4a/aomi/vault.py#L191-L204
-88,ryanmcgrath/twython,"Stream site
- Accepted params found at:
- https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/site",https://github.com/ryanmcgrath/twython/blob/7366de80efcbbdfaf615d3f1fea72546196916fc/twython/streaming/types.py#L33-L41
-89,rsinger86/drf-flex-fields,"If expand value is explicitliy passed, just return it.
- If parsing from request, ensure that the value complies with
- the ""permitted_expands"" list passed into the context from the
- FlexFieldsMixin.",https://github.com/rsinger86/drf-flex-fields/blob/56495f15977d76697972acac571792e8fd67003d/rest_flex_fields/serializers.py#L196-L221
-90,eyurtsev/FlowCytometryTools,new_coordinates : dict,https://github.com/eyurtsev/FlowCytometryTools/blob/4355632508b875273d68c7e2972c17668bcf7b40/FlowCytometryTools/gui/fc_widget.py#L150-L165
-91,abelcarreras/DynaPhoPy,"Gaussian PDF function
- x: coordinate
- a: peak position
- b: deviation (sigma)
- c: area proportional parameter
- d: base line",https://github.com/abelcarreras/DynaPhoPy/blob/51e99422228e6be84830d659b88a0ca904d9136f/dynaphopy/analysis/fitting/fitting_functions.py#L302-L310
-92,woolfson-group/isambard,Generates an individual with random parameters within bounds.,https://github.com/woolfson-group/isambard/blob/ebc33b48a28ad217e18f93b910dfba46e6e71e07/isambard/optimisation/evo_optimizers.py#L472-L477
-93,yfpeng/bioc,"Writes the collection information: encoding, version, DTD, source, date, key, infons, etc.",https://github.com/yfpeng/bioc/blob/47ddaa010960d9ba673aefe068e7bbaf39f0fff4/bioc/biocxml/encoder.py#L185-L204
-94,pymc-devs/pymc,"Generate bar plot of the autocorrelation function for a series (usually an MCMC trace).
- :Arguments:
- data: PyMC object, trace or array
- A trace from an MCMC sample or a PyMC object with one or more traces.
- name: string
- The name of the object.
- maxlags (optional): int
- The largest discrete value for the autocorrelation to be calculated (defaults to 100).
- format (optional): string
- Graphic output format (defaults to png).
- suffix (optional): string
- Filename suffix.
- path (optional): string
- Specifies location for saving plots (defaults to local directory).
- fontmap (optional): dict
- Font mapping for plot labels; most users should not specify this.
- verbose (optional): int
- Level of output verbosity.",https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc/blob/c6e530210bff4c0d7189b35b2c971bc53f93f7cd/pymc/Matplot.py#L899-L997
-95,pywbem/pywbem,"Return the CIM-XML representation of this CIM property,
- as an object of an appropriate subclass of :term:`Element`.
- The returned CIM-XML representation is a `PROPERTY`,
- `PROPERTY.REFERENCE`, or `PROPERTY.ARRAY` element dependent on the
- property type, and consistent with :term:`DSP0201`. Note that
- array properties cannot be of reference type.
- The order of qualifiers in the returned CIM-XML representation is
- preserved from the :class:`~pywbem.CIMProperty` object.
- Returns:
- The CIM-XML representation, as an object of an appropriate subclass
- of :term:`Element`.",https://github.com/pywbem/pywbem/blob/e54ecb82c2211e289a268567443d60fdd489f1e4/pywbem/cim_obj.py#L4883-L4967
-96,rocky/python-spark,Show the accumulated results of how many times each rule was used,https://github.com/rocky/python-spark/blob/8899954bcf0e166726841a43e87c23790eb3441f/spark_parser/spark.py#L983-L988
-97,scivision/pymap3d,"Python datetime to Julian time
- from D.Vallado Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications p.187
- and J. Meeus Astronomical Algorithms 1991 Eqn. 7.1 pg. 61
- Parameters
- ----------
- time : datetime.datetime
- time to convert
- Results
- -------
- jd : float
- Julian date",https://github.com/scivision/pymap3d/blob/c9cf676594611cdb52ff7e0eca6388c80ed4f63f/pymap3d/sidereal.py#L58-L97
-98,Phylliade/ikpy,"Convert a Pose or PoseStamped in Python list ((position), (quaternion))
- :param pose: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped or geometry_msgs.msg.Pose
- :return: the equivalent in list ((position), (quaternion))",https://github.com/Phylliade/ikpy/blob/60e36d6163136942bf520d952db17123c658d0b6/contrib/transformations.py#L48-L68
-99,ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python,"List all device logs.
- :param int limit: The number of logs to retrieve.
- :param str order: The ordering direction, ascending (asc) or
- descending (desc)
- :param str after: Get logs after/starting at given `device_event_id`
- :param dict filters: Dictionary of filters to apply.
- :return: list of :py:class:`DeviceEvent` objects
- :rtype: PaginatedResponse",https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python/blob/c0af86fb2cdd4dc7ed26f236139241067d293509/src/mbed_cloud/device_directory/device_directory.py#L290-L305
-100,etingof/pysnmp,Return tree node found by name,https://github.com/etingof/pysnmp/blob/cde062dd42f67dfd2d7686286a322d40e9c3a4b7/pysnmp/smi/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.py#L478-L483
-101,aliyun/aliyun-log-python-sdk,"check if the previous task is done and proceed to fire another task
- :return:",https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-log-python-sdk/blob/ac383db0a16abf1e5ef7df36074374184b43516e/aliyun/log/consumer/shard_worker.py#L137-L186
-102,tBaxter/django-fretboard,"Returns count of new topics since last visit, or one day.
- {% get_active_topics_count as active_topic_count %}",https://github.com/tBaxter/django-fretboard/blob/3c3f9557089821283f315a07f3e5a57a2725ab3b/fretboard/templatetags/fretboard_tags.py#L35-L42
-103,jciskey/pygraph,"Calculates a minimum spanning tree for a graph.
- Returns a list of edges that define the tree.
- Returns an empty list for an empty graph.",https://github.com/jciskey/pygraph/blob/037bb2f32503fecb60d62921f9766d54109f15e2/pygraph/functions/spanning_tree.py#L8-L26
-104,totalgood/nlpia,"Retrieve as many anki paired-statement corpora as you can for the requested language
- If `ankis` (requested languages) is more than one, then get the english texts associated with those languages.
- TODO: improve modularity: def function that takes a single language and call it recursively if necessary
- >>> get_anki_phrases('afr')[:2]
- [""'n Groen piesang is nie ryp genoeg om te eet nie."",
- ""'n Hond het agter die kat aan gehardloop.""]",https://github.com/totalgood/nlpia/blob/efa01126275e9cd3c3a5151a644f1c798a9ec53f/src/nlpia/anki.py#L16-L30
-105,tkf/python-epc,"Print port this EPC server runs on.
- As Emacs client reads port number from STDOUT, you need to
- call this just before calling :meth:`serve_forever`.
- :type stream: text stream
- :arg stream: A stream object to write port on.
- Default is :data:`sys.stdout`.",https://github.com/tkf/python-epc/blob/f3673ae5c35f20a0f71546ab34c28e3dde3595c1/epc/server.py#L138-L152
-106,ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python,"Sets the mechanism of this DeviceData.
- The ID of the channel used to communicate with the device.
- :param mechanism: The mechanism of this DeviceData.
- :type: str",https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python/blob/c0af86fb2cdd4dc7ed26f236139241067d293509/src/mbed_cloud/_backends/device_directory/models/device_data.py#L722-L737
-107,CodyKochmann/strict_functions,"inspects an input frame and pretty prints the following:
- : ->
- ----------------------------------------",https://github.com/CodyKochmann/strict_functions/blob/adaf78084c66929552d80c95f980e7e0c4331478/strict_functions/trace2.py#L63-L80
-108,chorsley/python-Wappalyzer,Determine whether the web page matches the app signature.,https://github.com/chorsley/python-Wappalyzer/blob/b785e29f12c8032c54279cfa9ce01ead702a386c/Wappalyzer/Wappalyzer.py#L189-L219
-109,cqparts/cqparts,get the cutout for the shaft,https://github.com/cqparts/cqparts/blob/018e87e14c2c4d1d40b4bfe6a7e22bcf9baf0a53/src/cqparts_motors/dc.py#L68-L72
-110,ncraike/fang,"This unwraps a decorated func, returning the inner wrapped func.
- This may become unnecessary with Python 3.4's inspect.unwrap().",https://github.com/ncraike/fang/blob/2d9e1216c866e450059017f83ab775f7716eda7a/fang/dependency_register.py#L21-L39
-111,SpriteLink/NIPAP,"Add user to SQLite database.
- * `username` [string]
- Username of new user.
- * `password` [string]
- Password of new user.
- * `full_name` [string]
- Full name of new user.
- * `trusted` [boolean]
- Whether the new user should be trusted or not.
- * `readonly` [boolean]
- Whether the new user can only read or not",https://github.com/SpriteLink/NIPAP/blob/f96069f11ab952d80b13cab06e0528f2d24b3de9/nipap/nipap/authlib.py#L616-L646
-112,williballenthin/python-evtx,"Generate XML representations of the records in an EVTX chunk.
- Does not include the XML `_
- :arg task_id: Return the task with specified id (node_id:task_number)
- :arg wait_for_completion: Wait for the matching tasks to complete
- (default: false)
- :arg timeout: Maximum waiting time for `wait_for_completion`",https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/blob/2aab285c8f506f3863cbdaba3c90a685c510ba00/elasticsearch/client/tasks.py#L48-L59
-119,fastai/fastai,Computes the Top-k accuracy (target is in the top k predictions).,https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/9fb84a5cdefe5a766cdb792b8f5d8971737b7e67/fastai/metrics.py#L36-L40
-120,cackharot/suds-py3,"Set options.
- @param kwargs: keyword arguments.
- @see: L{Options}",https://github.com/cackharot/suds-py3/blob/7387ec7806e9be29aad0a711bea5cb3c9396469c/suds/client.py#L122-L129
-121,palantir/python-jsonrpc-server,Construct a cancellation callback for the given request ID.,https://github.com/palantir/python-jsonrpc-server/blob/7021d849901705ab53c141e483a71d0779aff3d2/pyls_jsonrpc/endpoint.py#L86-L92
-122,nlm/nagplug,"check if a value is correct according to threshold
- arguments:
- value: the value to check",https://github.com/nlm/nagplug/blob/9de70d8031caffbfa57ab9d8d03567e897e9e119/nagplug/__init__.py#L453-L463
-123,BerkeleyAutomation/visualization,"Displays an image.
- Parameters
- ----------
- image : :obj:`perception.Image`
- image to display
- auto_subplot : bool
- whether or not to automatically subplot for multi-channel images e.g. rgbd",https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/visualization/blob/f8d038cc65c78f841ef27f99fb2a638f44fa72b6/visualization/visualizer2d.py#L118-L151
-124,numenta/htmresearch,Accumulate the various inputs.,https://github.com/numenta/htmresearch/blob/70c096b09a577ea0432c3f3bfff4442d4871b7aa/projects/nik/nik_analysis.py#L41-L62
-125,SecurityInnovation/PGPy,"``True`` if this is a public key, otherwise ``False``",https://github.com/SecurityInnovation/PGPy/blob/f1c3d68e32c334f5aa14c34580925e97f17f4fde/pgpy/pgp.py#L1282-L1284
-126,biocore/burrito-fillings,"Function : launch SumaClust de novo OTU picker
- Parameters: seq_path, filepath to reads;
- result_path, filepath to output OTU map;
- shortest_len, boolean;
- similarity, the similarity threshold (between (0,1]);
- threads, number of threads to use;
- exact, boolean to perform exact matching
- Return : clusters, list of lists",https://github.com/biocore/burrito-fillings/blob/02ab71a46119b40793bd56a4ae00ca15f6dc3329/bfillings/sumaclust_v1.py#L108-L173
-127,materialsproject/pymatgen,"Computes the distances from the plane to each of the points. Positive distances are on the side of the
- normal of the plane while negative distances are on the other side. Indices sorting the points from closest
- to furthest is also computed.
- :param points: Points for which distances are computed
- :param sign: Whether to add sign information in the indices sorting the points distances
- :return: Distances from the plane to the points (positive values on the side of the normal to the plane,
- negative values on the other side), as well as indices of the points from closest to furthest. For
- the latter, when the sign parameter is True, items of the sorting list are given as tuples of
- (index, sign).",https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/blob/4ca558cf72f8d5f8a1f21dfdfc0181a971c186da/pymatgen/analysis/chemenv/utils/coordination_geometry_utils.py#L704-L720
-128,google/grr,Writes a collection of hash and stat entries observed for given paths.,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/server/grr_response_server/databases/mem_paths.py#L329-L354
-129,petl-developers/petl,Select rows where the given field is an instance of the given type.,https://github.com/petl-developers/petl/blob/1d33ca055f7e04e0d28a772041c9fd30c8d415d6/petl/transform/selects.py#L274-L277
-130,cloudera/cm_api,"Get a role configuration group in the service by name.
- @param name: The name of the role config group.
- @return: An ApiRoleConfigGroup object.
- @since: API v3",https://github.com/cloudera/cm_api/blob/5d2512375bd94684b4da36df9e0d9177865ffcbb/python/src/cm_api/endpoints/services.py#L650-L659
-131,auth0/auth0-python,"Calls oauth/token endpoint with refresh token grant type
- Use this endpoint to refresh an access token, using the refresh token you got during authorization.
- Args:
- grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For refresh token
- use refresh_token
- client_id (str): your application's client Id
- client_secret (str): your application's client Secret
- refresh_token (str): The refresh token returned from the initial token request.
- Returns:
- access_token, id_token",https://github.com/auth0/auth0-python/blob/34adad3f342226aaaa6071387fa405ab840e5c02/auth0/v3/authentication/get_token.py#L171-L199
- mcmc (MCMCResults): Pre-sliced MCMC samples to compute diagnostics for.",https://github.com/bambinos/bambi/blob/b4a0ced917968bb99ca20915317417d708387946/bambi/diagnostics.py#L78-L134
-133,damnit/pymite,delete a time entry.,https://github.com/damnit/pymite/blob/1e9b9bf6aef790af2d8781f9f77c098c54ca0342/pymite/adapters.py#L212-L216
-134,ethan92429/onshapepy,"Copy the current workspace.
- Args:
- - uri (dict): the uri of the workspace being copied. Needs to have a did and wid key.
- - new_name (str): the new name of the copied workspace.
- Returns:
- - requests.Response: Onshape response data",https://github.com/ethan92429/onshapepy/blob/61dc7ccbdc6095fa6cc3b4a414e2f72d03d1c9df/onshapepy/core/client.py#L152-L169
-135,tensorflow/tensorboard,"Retrieve the tensor events associated with a run and tag.
- Args:
- run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
- tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
- Raises:
- KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
- the given run.
- Returns:
- An array of `event_accumulator.TensorEvent`s.",https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/8e5f497b48e40f2a774f85416b8a35ac0693c35e/tensorboard/backend/event_processing/plugin_event_multiplexer.py#L385-L400
-136,ninuxorg/nodeshot,Retrieve list of nodes of the specified layer,https://github.com/ninuxorg/nodeshot/blob/2466f0a55f522b2696026f196436ce7ba3f1e5c6/nodeshot/core/layers/views.py#L75-L80
-137,guaix-ucm/numina,Convert a scalar validator in a list validator,https://github.com/guaix-ucm/numina/blob/6c829495df8937f77c2de9383c1038ffb3e713e3/numina/core/validator.py#L41-L47
-138,log2timeline/dfvfs,"Returns the relative path based on a resolved path specification.
- The relative path is the location of the upper most path specification.
- The the location of the mount point is stripped off if relevant.
- Args:
- path_spec (PathSpec): path specification.
- Returns:
- str: corresponding relative path or None if the relative path could not
- be determined.
- Raises:
- PathSpecError: if the path specification is incorrect.",https://github.com/log2timeline/dfvfs/blob/2b3ccd115f9901d89f383397d4a1376a873c83c4/dfvfs/helpers/file_system_searcher.py#L484-L527
-139,brocade/pynos,Auto Generated Code,https://github.com/brocade/pynos/blob/bd8a34e98f322de3fc06750827d8bbc3a0c00380/pynos/versions/ver_6/ver_6_0_1/yang/brocade_span.py#L98-L111
-140,gwastro/pycbc,"Compute sensitive volume and standard error via direct Monte Carlo integral
- Injections should be made over a range of distances such that sensitive
- volume due to signals closer than D_min is negligible, and efficiency at
- distances above D_max is negligible
- TODO : Replace this function by Collin's formula given in Usman et al .. ?
- OR get that coded as a new function?
- Parameters
- -----------
- found_d: numpy.ndarray
- The distances of found injections
- missed_d: numpy.ndarray
- The distances of missed injections
- found_mchirp: numpy.ndarray
- Chirp mass of found injections
- missed_mchirp: numpy.ndarray
- Chirp mass of missed injections
- distribution_param: string
- Parameter D of the injections used to generate a distribution over
- distance, may be 'distance', 'chirp_distance'.
- distribution: string
- form of the distribution over the parameter, may be
- 'log' (uniform in log D)
- 'uniform' (uniform in D)
- 'distancesquared' (uniform in D**2)
- 'volume' (uniform in D***3)
- limits_param: string
- Parameter Dlim specifying limits inside which injections were made
- may be 'distance', 'chirp distance'
- min_param: float
- minimum value of Dlim at which injections were made; only used for
- log distribution, then if None the minimum actually injected value
- will be used
- max_param: float
- maximum value of Dlim out to which injections were made; if None
- the maximum actually injected value will be used
- Returns
- --------
- volume: float
- Volume estimate
- volume_error: float
- The standard error in the volume",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/sensitivity.py#L85-L232
-141,wonambi-python/wonambi,"Apply linear transformation to the channels.
- Parameters
- ----------
- data : instance of DataRaw
- the data to filter
- ref_chan : list of str
- list of channels used as reference
- ref_to_avg : bool
- if re-reference to average or not
- bipolar : float
- distance in mm to consider two channels as neighbors and then compute
- the bipolar montage between them.
- method : str
- 'average' or 'regression'. 'average' takes the
- average across the channels selected as reference (it can be all) and
- subtract it from each channel. 'regression' keeps the residuals after
- regressing out the mean across channels.
- Returns
- -------
- filtered_data : instance of DataRaw
- filtered data
- Notes
- -----
- If you don't change anything, it returns the same instance of data.",https://github.com/wonambi-python/wonambi/blob/1d8e3d7e53df8017c199f703bcab582914676e76/wonambi/trans/montage.py#L18-L99
-142,ttinoco/OPTALG,"Casts problem object with known interface as OptProblem.
- Parameters
- ----------
- problem : Object",https://github.com/ttinoco/OPTALG/blob/d4f141292f281eea4faa71473258139e7f433001/optalg/opt_solver/problem.py#L185-L211
-143,Erotemic/utool,"Wow this class is messed up. I had to overwrite items when
- moving to python3, just because I haden't called it yet",https://github.com/Erotemic/utool/blob/3b27e1f4e6e6fb23cd8744af7b7195b57d99e03a/utool/Preferences.py#L320-L328
-144,klahnakoski/pyLibrary,"CONVERT SCHEMA FROM 5.x to 1.x
- :param schema:
- :return:",https://github.com/klahnakoski/pyLibrary/blob/fa2dcbc48fda8d26999baef400e9a98149e0b982/pyLibrary/env/elasticsearch.py#L1425-L1444
-145,unbit/sftpclone,Upload local_path to remote_path and set permission and mtime.,https://github.com/unbit/sftpclone/blob/1cc89478e680fc4e0d12b1a15b5bafd0390d05da/sftpclone/sftpclone.py#L392-L395
-146,pytroll/trollimage,Adds a channel to the image object,https://github.com/pytroll/trollimage/blob/d35a7665ad475ff230e457085523e21f2cd3f454/trollimage/image.py#L221-L232
-147,autokey/autokey,"Read text from the X selection
- Usage: C{clipboard.get_selection()}
- @return: text contents of the mouse selection
- @rtype: C{str}
- @raise Exception: if no text was found in the selection",https://github.com/autokey/autokey/blob/35decb72f286ce68cd2a1f09ace8891a520b58d1/lib/autokey/scripting.py#L841-L857
-148,juju/charm-helpers,"Get a list of all mounted volumes as [[mountpoint,device],[...]]",https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/blob/aa785c40c3b7a8c69dbfbc7921d6b9f30142e171/charmhelpers/core/host.py#L620-L626
-149,allenai/allennlp,"Returns an ``Iterable`` containing all the instances
- in the specified dataset.
- If ``self.lazy`` is False, this calls ``self._read()``,
- ensures that the result is a list, then returns the resulting list.
- If ``self.lazy`` is True, this returns an object whose
- ``__iter__`` method calls ``self._read()`` each iteration.
- In this case your implementation of ``_read()`` must also be lazy
- (that is, not load all instances into memory at once), otherwise
- you will get a ``ConfigurationError``.
- In either case, the returned ``Iterable`` can be iterated
- over multiple times. It's unlikely you want to override this function,
- but if you do your result should likewise be repeatedly iterable.",https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/blob/648a36f77db7e45784c047176074f98534c76636/allennlp/data/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.py#L91-L145
-150,eight04/pyAPNG,"Create a raw chunk by composing chunk type and data. It
- calculates chunk length and CRC for you.
- :arg str chunk_type: PNG chunk type.
- :arg bytes chunk_data: PNG chunk data, **excluding chunk length, type, and CRC**.
- :rtype: bytes",https://github.com/eight04/pyAPNG/blob/b4d2927f7892a1de967b5cf57d434ed65f6a017e/apng/__init__.py#L43-L54
-151,qacafe/cdrouter.py,"Get a package.
- :param id: Package ID as an int.
- :return: :class:`packages.Package ` object
- :rtype: packages.Package",https://github.com/qacafe/cdrouter.py/blob/aacf2c6ab0b987250f7b1892f4bba14bb2b7dbe5/cdrouter/packages.py#L218-L227
-152,RIPE-NCC/ripe-atlas-cousteau,Setter for type attribute,https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/ripe-atlas-cousteau/blob/ffee2556aaa4df86525b88c269bb098de11678ec/ripe/atlas/cousteau/source.py#L173-L178
-153,poppy-project/pypot,Please have a look at the function description/documentation in the V-REP user manual,https://github.com/poppy-project/pypot/blob/d9c6551bbc87d45d9d1f0bc15e35b616d0002afd/pypot/vrep/remoteApiBindings/vrep.py#L725-L733
-154,eqcorrscan/EQcorrscan,get a xcorr function from a str or callable.,https://github.com/eqcorrscan/EQcorrscan/blob/3121b4aca801ee5d38f56ca297ce1c0f9515d9ff/eqcorrscan/utils/correlate.py#L318-L329
-155,ktdreyer/txkoji,"Find the task for this build.
- Wraps the getTaskInfo RPC.
- :returns: deferred that when fired returns the Task object, or None if
- we could not determine the task for this build.",https://github.com/ktdreyer/txkoji/blob/a7de380f29f745bf11730b27217208f6d4da7733/txkoji/build.py#L132-L144
-156,KnorrFG/pyparadigm,"must be applied to all inner functions that return contexts.
- Wraps all instances of pygame.Surface in the input in Surface",https://github.com/KnorrFG/pyparadigm/blob/69944cdf3ce2f6414ae1aa1d27a0d8c6e5fb3fd3/pyparadigm/surface_composition.py#L23-L30
-157,raiden-network/raiden,While it's safe do the off-chain unlock.,https://github.com/raiden-network/raiden/blob/407ba15c72074e9de88771d6b9661ff4dc36bef5/raiden/transfer/mediated_transfer/mediator.py#L797-L862
-158,d0c-s4vage/pfp,Return the width of the field (sizeof),https://github.com/d0c-s4vage/pfp/blob/32f2d34fdec1c70019fa83c7006d5e3be0f92fcd/pfp/fields.py#L423-L430
-159,JdeRobot/base,update line drawing,https://github.com/JdeRobot/base/blob/303b18992785b2fe802212f2d758a60873007f1f/src/drivers/MAVLinkServer/MAVProxy/modules/mavproxy_map/__init__.py#L350-L358
-160,google/grr,A helper for defining lists of integer options.,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/core/grr_response_core/lib/config_lib.py#L1523-L1531
-161,bennyrowland/suspect,"Calculates a Gaussian window function in the time domain which will broaden
- peaks in the frequency domain by params[""line_broadening""] Hertz.
- :param t:
- :param params:
- :return:",https://github.com/bennyrowland/suspect/blob/c09ab0a5013c5a199218214cdd791659243d7e41/suspect/processing/_apodize.py#L6-L18
-162,sorgerlab/indra,"Gather and merge original grounding information from evidences.
- Each Statement's evidences are traversed to find original grounding
- information. These groundings are then merged into an overall consensus
- grounding dict with as much detail as possible.
- The current implementation is only applicable to Statements whose
- concept/agent roles are fixed. Complexes, Associations and Conversions
- cannot be handled correctly.
- Parameters
- ----------
- stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
- A list of INDRA Statements whose groundings should be merged. These
- Statements are meant to have been preassembled and potentially have
- multiple pieces of evidence.
- Returns
- -------
- stmts_out : list[indra.statements.Statement]
- The list of Statements now with groundings merged at the Statement
- level.",https://github.com/sorgerlab/indra/blob/79a70415832c5702d7a820c7c9ccc8e25010124b/indra/tools/assemble_corpus.py#L122-L201
-163,openstack/networking-cisco,Network create notification.,https://github.com/openstack/networking-cisco/blob/aa58a30aec25b86f9aa5952b0863045975debfa9/networking_cisco/apps/saf/server/services/firewall/native/fw_mgr.py#L342-L346
-164,tjvr/kurt,"Return the block with the given :attr:`command`.
- Returns None if the block is not found.",https://github.com/tjvr/kurt/blob/fcccd80cae11dc233f6dd02b40ec9a388c62f259/kurt/plugin.py#L226-L234
-165,gem/oq-engine,"See :meth:`superclass method
- <.base.GroundShakingIntensityModel.get_mean_and_stddevs>`
- for spec of input and result values.",https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/hazardlib/gsim/campbell_bozorgnia_2008.py#L83-L127
- :arg username: The username of the User
- :arg body: The user to add
- :arg refresh: If `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards
- to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait
- for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false`
- then do nothing with refreshes., valid choices are: 'true', 'false',
- 'wait_for'",https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/blob/2aab285c8f506f3863cbdaba3c90a685c510ba00/elasticsearch/client/xpack/security.py#L386-L403
-167,bhmm/bhmm,Performing the covariance M step for spherical cases,https://github.com/bhmm/bhmm/blob/9804d18c2ddb684fb4d90b544cc209617a89ca9a/bhmm/_external/sklearn/mixture/gmm.py#L693-L696
-168,juju/charm-helpers,Load a kernel module and configure for auto-load on reboot.,https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/blob/aa785c40c3b7a8c69dbfbc7921d6b9f30142e171/charmhelpers/core/kernel.py#L42-L50
-169,saltstack/salt,"Creates a namespace with the specified name.
- CLI Example:
- salt '*' kubernetes.create_namespace salt
- salt '*' kubernetes.create_namespace name=salt",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/kubernetesmod.py#L1199-L1231
-170,chrisjsewell/jsonextended,"split_lists key:list pairs into dicts for each item in the lists
- NB: will only split if all split_keys are present
- Parameters
- ----------
- d : dict
- split_keys : list
- keys to split
- new_name : str
- top level key for split items
- check_length : bool
- if true, raise error if any lists are of a different length
- deepcopy: bool
- deepcopy values
- Examples
- --------
- >>> from pprint import pprint
- >>> d = {'path_key':{'x':[1,2],'y':[3,4],'a':1}}
- >>> new_d = split_lists(d,['x','y'])
- >>> pprint(new_d)
- {'path_key': {'a': 1, 'split': [{'x': 1, 'y': 3}, {'x': 2, 'y': 4}]}}
- >>> split_lists(d,['x','a'])
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ""a"" data at the following path is not a list ('path_key',)
- >>> d2 = {'path_key':{'x':[1,7],'y':[3,4,5]}}
- >>> split_lists(d2,['x','y'])
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: lists at the following path do not have the same size ('path_key',)",https://github.com/chrisjsewell/jsonextended/blob/c3a7a880cc09789b3c61204265dcbb127be76c8a/jsonextended/edict.py#L1588-L1670
-171,mitsei/dlkit,"URL for getting or setting child relationships for the specified bank
- :param alias:
- :param bank_id:
- :return:",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/handcar/utilities.py#L47-L54
-173,google/grr,"Causes the entire file to be hashed by the given hash functions.
- This sets up a 'finger' for fingerprinting, where the entire file
- is passed through a pre-defined (or user defined) set of hash functions.
- Args:
- hashers: An iterable of hash classes (e.g. out of hashlib) which will
- be instantiated for use. If hashers is not provided, or is
- provided as 'None', the default hashers will get used. To
- invoke this without hashers, provide an empty list.
- Returns:
- Always True, as all files are 'generic' files.",https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/core/grr_response_core/lib/fingerprint.py#L241-L261
-174,dropbox/pyannotate,"Count arguments and check for self and *args, **kwds.
- Return (selfish, count, star, starstar) where:
- - count is total number of args (including *args, **kwds)
- - selfish is True if the initial arg is named 'self' or 'cls'
- - star is True iff *args is found
- - starstar is True iff **kwds is found",https://github.com/dropbox/pyannotate/blob/d128c76b8a86f208e5c78716f2a917003650cebc/pyannotate_tools/fixes/fix_annotate_json.py#L101-L147
-175,alexmojaki/outdated,"Yields a file-like object for the purpose of writing to or
- reading from the cache.
- The code:
- with cache_file(...) as f:
- # do stuff with f
- is guaranteed to convert any exceptions to warnings (*),
- both in the cache_file(...) call and the 'do stuff with f'
- block.
- The file is automatically closed upon exiting the with block.
- If getting an actual file fails, yields a DummyFile.
- :param package: the name of the package being checked as a string
- :param mode: the mode to open the file in, either 'r' or 'w'",https://github.com/alexmojaki/outdated/blob/565bb3fe1adc30da5e50249912cd2ac494662659/outdated/utils.py#L37-L76
-176,shaypal5/utilitime,"Convert epoch timestamp to a localized datetime string.
- Arguments
- ---------
- timestamp : int
- The timestamp to convert.
- timezone_name : datetime.timezone
- The timezone of the desired local time.
- fmt : str
- The format of the output string.
- Returns
- -------
- str
- The localized datetime string.",https://github.com/shaypal5/utilitime/blob/554ca05fa83c2dbf5d6cf9c9cfa6b03ee6cdb609/utilitime/timestamp/timestamp.py#L35-L55
-177,django-leonardo/django-leonardo,"The general output method, override in subclass if you need to do
- any custom modification. Calls other mode specific methods or simply
- returns the content directly.",https://github.com/django-leonardo/django-leonardo/blob/4b933e1792221a13b4028753d5f1d3499b0816d4/leonardo/utils/compress_patch.py#L165-L180
- :param re_text: 正则表达式
- :param replace_str: 替换字符串
- :param text: 搜索文档
- :return: 替换后的字符串",https://github.com/shi-cong/PYSTUDY/blob/c8da7128ea18ecaa5849f2066d321e70d6f97f70/PYSTUDY/html_parserlib.py#L53-L61
-179,esterhui/pypu,Parses Android GPS logger csv file and returns list of dictionaries,https://github.com/esterhui/pypu/blob/cc3e259d59f024c2c4c0fbb9c8a1547e51de75ec/scripts/build_json_from_gps.py#L154-L167
-180,pkgw/pwkit,"Set the code to use trapezoidal integration.
- **Call signature**
- *n*
- Use this many nodes
- Returns
- *self* for convenience in chaining.",https://github.com/pkgw/pwkit/blob/d40957a1c3d2ea34e7ceac2267ee9635135f2793/pwkit/fk10.py#L672-L687
-181,svenevs/exhale,"Helper method for :func:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleRoot.generateSingleNamespace`, and
- :func:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleRoot.generateFileNodeDocuments`. Builds the
- body text for the namespace node document that links to all of the child
- namespaces, structs, classes, functions, typedefs, unions, and variables
- associated with this namespace.
- :Parameters:
- ``nspace`` (ExhaleNode)
- The namespace node we are generating the body text for.
- :Return (str):
- The string to be written to the namespace node's reStructuredText document.",https://github.com/svenevs/exhale/blob/fe7644829057af622e467bb529db6c03a830da99/exhale/graph.py#L2730-L2791
-182,pkgw/pwkit,"Interactively display a series of 2D data arrays.
- arrays
- An iterable of 2D arrays (a 3D array works).
- descs
- An iterable of text descriptions, one for each array
- cadence
- The time delay before the next array is shown, in seconds.
- tostatuses
- An iterable of functions that convert cursor positions to a textual
- status output corresponding to that position. FIXME details needed.
- toworlds
- An iterable of functions that convert cursor positions to a
- latitude/longitude pair that is displayed in the status output.
- The `tostatuses` keyword is a more generic version of this.
- FIXME details needed.
- drawoverlay
- An optional function that draws an overlay on the display after
- the underlying data image is presented. FIXME details needed.
- yflip
- If true, have the numerical *y* coordinates have 0 refer to the
- bottom of the image. Note that the data array is still drawn such
- that its first row appears at the top!
- run_main
- If true, run the Gtk mainloop explicitly so that the function does
- not return until the window is closed. If false, no mainloop is run.
- If the application happens to already be running a mainloop in the
- background, the window will appear and the user will be able to
- interact with it while this thread continues executing.
- save_after_viewing
- If set to a string containing an integer percent-formatting specifier,
- the data will be written to a series of PNG files after the window is
- closed.",https://github.com/pkgw/pwkit/blob/d40957a1c3d2ea34e7ceac2267ee9635135f2793/pwkit/ndshow_gtk3.py#L800-L974
-183,romanz/trezor-agent,Return public key.,https://github.com/romanz/trezor-agent/blob/513b1259c4d7aca5f88cd958edc11828d0712f1b/libagent/device/keepkey.py#L38-L41
-184,matthiask/django-authlib,"send_registration_mail(email, *, request, **kwargs)
- Sends the registration mail
- * ``email``: The email address where the registration link should be
- sent to.
- * ``request``: A HTTP request instance, used to construct the complete
- URL (including protocol and domain) for the registration link.
- * Additional keyword arguments for ``get_confirmation_url`` respectively
- ``get_confirmation_code``.
- The mail is rendered using the following two templates:
- * ``registration/email_registration_email.txt``: The first line of this
- template will be the subject, the third to the last line the body of the
- email.
- * ``registration/email_registration_email.html``: The body of the HTML
- version of the mail. This template is **NOT** available by default and
- is not required either.",https://github.com/matthiask/django-authlib/blob/a142da7e27fe9d30f34a84b12f24f686f9d2c8e1/authlib/email.py#L90-L115
-185,DataBiosphere/toil,"Set an environment variable for the worker process before it is launched. The worker
- process will typically inherit the environment of the machine it is running on but this
- method makes it possible to override specific variables in that inherited environment
- before the worker is launched. Note that this mechanism is different to the one used by
- the worker internally to set up the environment of a job. A call to this method affects
- all jobs issued after this method returns. Note to implementors: This means that you
- would typically need to copy the variables before enqueuing a job.
- If no value is provided it will be looked up from the current environment.
- NB: Only the Mesos and single-machine batch systems support passing environment
- variables. On other batch systems, this method has no effect. See
- https://github.com/BD2KGenomics/toil/issues/547.
- :param str name: the environment variable to be set on the worker.
- :param str value: if given, the environment variable given by name will be set to this value.
- if None, the variable's current value will be used as the value on the worker
- :raise RuntimeError: if value is None and the name cannot be found in the environment",https://github.com/DataBiosphere/toil/blob/a8252277ff814e7bee0971139c2344f88e44b644/src/toil/batchSystems/abstractBatchSystem.py#L252-L280
-186,JarryShaw/PyPCAPKit,"Read HIP CERT parameter.
- Structure of HIP CERT parameter [RFC 7401]:
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Type | Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | CERT group | CERT count | CERT ID | CERT type |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Certificate /
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- / | Padding (variable length) |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Octets Bits Name Description
- 0 0 cert.type Parameter Type
- 1 15 cert.critical Critical Bit
- 2 16 cert.length Length of Contents
- 4 32 cert.group CERT Group
- 5 40 cert.count CERT Count
- 6 48 cert.id CERT ID
- 7 56 cert.cert_type CERT Type
- 8 64 cert.certificate Certificate
- ? ? - Padding",https://github.com/JarryShaw/PyPCAPKit/blob/c7f0da9aebc2cf210bf8f8b912f7d3cbb98ca10e/src/protocols/internet/hip.py#L1100-L1149
-187,koreyou/word_embedding_loader,"Load vocabulary from vocab file created by word2vec with
- ``-save-vocab `` option.
- Args:
- fin (File): File-like object to read from.
- encoding (bytes): Encoding of the input file as defined in ``codecs``
- module of Python standard library.
- errors (bytes): Set the error handling scheme. The default error
- handler is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise ValueError.
- Refer to ``codecs`` module for more information.
- Returns:
- OrderedDict: Mapping from a word (``bytes``) to the number of
- appearance in the original text (``int``). Order are preserved from
- the original vocab file.",https://github.com/koreyou/word_embedding_loader/blob/1bc123f1a8bea12646576dcd768dae3ecea39c06/word_embedding_loader/loader/vocab.py#L8-L30
-188,aburrell/apexpy,"Finds subsolar geocentric latitude and longitude.
- Parameters
- ==========
- datetime : :class:`datetime.datetime`
- Returns
- =======
- sbsllat : float
- Latitude of subsolar point
- sbsllon : float
- Longitude of subsolar point
- Notes
- =====
- Based on formulas in Astronomical Almanac for the year 1996, p. C24.
- (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994). Usable for years 1601-2100,
- inclusive. According to the Almanac, results are good to at least 0.01
- degree latitude and 0.025 degrees longitude between years 1950 and 2050.
- Accuracy for other years has not been tested. Every day is assumed to have
- exactly 86400 seconds; thus leap seconds that sometimes occur on December
- 31 are ignored (their effect is below the accuracy threshold of the
- algorithm).
- After Fortran code by A. D. Richmond, NCAR. Translated from IDL
- by K. Laundal.",https://github.com/aburrell/apexpy/blob/a2e919fd9ea9a65d49c4c22c9eb030c8ccf48386/src/apexpy/helpers.py#L144-L226
-189,ericmjl/nxviz,"Automatically computes the origin-to-node centre radius of the Circos plot
- using the triangle equality sine rule.
- a / sin(A) = b / sin(B) = c / sin(C)
- :param n_nodes: the number of nodes in the plot.
- :type n_nodes: int
- :param node_r: the radius of each node.
- :type node_r: float
- :returns: Origin-to-node centre radius.",https://github.com/ericmjl/nxviz/blob/6ea5823a8030a686f165fbe37d7a04d0f037ecc9/nxviz/geometry.py#L101-L117
-190,aiogram/aiogram,"Use this method to send phone contacts.
- Source: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendcontact
- :param phone_number: Contact's phone number
- :type phone_number: :obj:`base.String`
- :param first_name: Contact's first name
- :type first_name: :obj:`base.String`
- :param last_name: Contact's last name
- :type last_name: :obj:`typing.Union[base.String, None]`
- :param disable_notification: Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
- :type disable_notification: :obj:`typing.Union[base.Boolean, None]`
- :param reply_markup: Additional interface options.
- :type reply_markup: :obj:`typing.Union[types.InlineKeyboardMarkup,
- types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup, types.ReplyKeyboardRemove, types.ForceReply, None]`
- :param reply: fill 'reply_to_message_id'
- :return: On success, the sent Message is returned.
- :rtype: :obj:`types.Message`",https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/blob/2af930149ce2482547721e2c8755c10307295e48/aiogram/types/message.py#L1230-L1264
-191,gem/oq-engine,:returns: an array of realizations,https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/commonlib/source.py#L257-L263
-192,crocs-muni/roca,"Init command line parser
- :return:",https://github.com/crocs-muni/roca/blob/74ad6ce63c428d83dcffce9c5e26ef7b9e30faa5/roca/detect.py#L2169-L2235
-193,saltstack/salt,Generate an sha1 hash of a given string.,https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/utils/hashutils.py#L96-L103
-194,wonambi-python/wonambi,"Get int from widget.
- Parameters
- ----------
- default : list
- list with widgets
- Returns
- -------
- list
- list that might contain int or str or float etc",https://github.com/wonambi-python/wonambi/blob/1d8e3d7e53df8017c199f703bcab582914676e76/wonambi/widgets/utils.py#L390-L419
-195,jkehler/redisqueue,"Returns the number of items currently in the queue
- :return: Integer containing size of the queue
- :exception: ConnectionError if queue is not connected",https://github.com/jkehler/redisqueue/blob/feac4dfc30837e0ab1a55a8479443ea74b2793f2/redisqueue/__init__.py#L89-L103
-196,pyGrowler/Growler,"Scan through attributes of object parameter looking for any which
- match a route signature.
- A router will be created and added to the object with parameter.
- Args:
- obj (object): The object (with attributes) from which to
- setup a router
- Returns:
- Router: The router created from attributes in the object.",https://github.com/pyGrowler/Growler/blob/90c923ff204f28b86a01d741224987a22f69540f/growler/core/router.py#L281-L298
-197,nerdvegas/rez,View a graph.,https://github.com/nerdvegas/rez/blob/1d3b846d53b5b5404edfe8ddb9083f9ceec8c5e7/src/rezgui/dialogs/WriteGraphDialog.py#L109-L133
-198,materialsproject/pymatgen,"Get the volumetric capacity of the electrode.
- Args:
- min_voltage (float): The minimum allowable voltage for a given
- step.
- max_voltage (float): The maximum allowable voltage allowable for a
- given step.
- use_overall_normalization (booL): If False, normalize by the
- discharged state of only the voltage pairs matching the voltage
- criteria. if True, use default normalization of the full
- electrode path.
- Returns:
- Volumetric capacity in mAh/cc across the insertion path (a subset
- of the path can be chosen by the optional arguments)",https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/blob/4ca558cf72f8d5f8a1f21dfdfc0181a971c186da/pymatgen/apps/battery/battery_abc.py#L257-L282
-199,rigetti/quantumflow,Return the partial trace over the specified qubits,https://github.com/rigetti/quantumflow/blob/13a66cabbe8aabf6e023cc675f4a4ebe6ccda8fb/quantumflow/ops.py#L407-L410
-200,alerta/alerta,List all API keys.,https://github.com/alerta/alerta/blob/6478d6addc217c96a4a6688fab841035bef134e1/alerta/models/key.py#L120-L124
-201,fastai/fastai,Is the code running in the ipython environment (jupyter including),https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/9fb84a5cdefe5a766cdb792b8f5d8971737b7e67/fastai/utils/ipython.py#L5-L15
-202,spyder-ide/spyder,"Return the values of the labels for the header of columns or rows.
- The value corresponds to the header of column or row x in the
- given level.",https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/f76836ce1b924bcc4efd3f74f2960d26a4e528e0/spyder/plugins/variableexplorer/widgets/dataframeeditor.py#L194-L203
-203,JdeRobot/base,"The global position, as returned by the Global Positioning System
- (GPS). This is NOT the global position
- estimate of the system, but rather a RAW sensor value.
- See message GLOBAL_POSITION for the global position
- estimate. Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis up
- (GPS frame).
- time_usec : Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot) (uint64_t)
- fix_type : See the GPS_FIX_TYPE enum. (uint8_t)
- lat : Latitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7 (int32_t)
- lon : Longitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7 (int32_t)
- alt : Altitude (AMSL, NOT WGS84), in meters * 1000 (positive for up). Note that virtually all GPS modules provide the AMSL altitude in addition to the WGS84 altitude. (int32_t)
- eph : GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (uint16_t)
- epv : GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (uint16_t)
- vel : GPS ground speed (m/s * 100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (uint16_t)
- cog : Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in degrees * 100, 0.0..359.99 degrees. If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (uint16_t)
- satellites_visible : Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255 (uint8_t)",https://github.com/JdeRobot/base/blob/303b18992785b2fe802212f2d758a60873007f1f/src/drivers/MAVLinkServer/MAVProxy/pymavlink/dialects/v10/matrixpilot.py#L8913-L8934
-204,numberoverzero/bloop,"Add one or more objects to be loaded in this transaction.
- At most 10 items can be loaded in the same transaction. All objects will be loaded each time you
- call commit().
- :param objs: Objects to add to the set that are loaded in this transaction.
- :return: this transaction for chaining
- :raises bloop.exceptions.MissingObjects: if one or more objects aren't loaded.",https://github.com/numberoverzero/bloop/blob/4c95f5a0ff0802443a1c258bfaccecd1758363e7/bloop/transactions.py#L267-L280
-205,gwpy/gwpy,"Crop this `Spectrogram` to the specified frequencies
- Parameters
- ----------
- low : `float`
- lower frequency bound for cropped `Spectrogram`
- high : `float`
- upper frequency bound for cropped `Spectrogram`
- copy : `bool`
- if `False` return a view of the original data, otherwise create
- a fresh memory copy
- Returns
- -------
- spec : `Spectrogram`
- A new `Spectrogram` with a subset of data from the frequency
- axis",https://github.com/gwpy/gwpy/blob/7a92b917e7dd2d99b15895293a1fa1d66cdb210a/gwpy/spectrogram/spectrogram.py#L541-L591
-206,PmagPy/PmagPy,"input: list of x and y values [[x_1, y_1], [x_2, y_2], ....], and a tuple containing an initial guess (a, b, r)
- which is acquired by using an algebraic circle fit (TaubinSVD)
- output: a, b, r. a and b are the center of the fitting circle, and r is the radius
- % Geometric circle fit (minimizing orthogonal distances)
- % based on the Levenberg-Marquardt scheme in the
- % ""algebraic parameters"" A,B,C,D with constraint B*B+C*C-4*A*D=1
- % N. Chernov and C. Lesort, ""Least squares fitting of circles"",
- % J. Math. Imag. Vision, Vol. 23, 239-251 (2005)",https://github.com/PmagPy/PmagPy/blob/c7984f8809bf40fe112e53dcc311a33293b62d0b/SPD/lib/lib_curvature.py#L104-L293
-207,RJT1990/pyflux,"Creates forecasted states and variances
- Parameters
- ----------
- beta : np.ndarray
- Contains untransformed starting values for latent variables
- Returns
- ----------
- a : np.ndarray
- Forecasted states
- P : np.ndarray
- Variance of forecasted states",https://github.com/RJT1990/pyflux/blob/297f2afc2095acd97c12e827dd500e8ea5da0c0f/pyflux/ssm/dynlin.py#L74-L92
-208,jwhitlock/drf-cached-instances,Convert a date to a date triple.,https://github.com/jwhitlock/drf-cached-instances/blob/ec4e8a6e1e83eeea6ec0b924b2eaa40a38d5963a/drf_cached_instances/cache.py#L238-L242
-209,ethpm/py-ethpm,"Return an iterable containing package name and
- corresponding `Package` instance that are available.",https://github.com/ethpm/py-ethpm/blob/81ed58d7c636fe00c6770edeb0401812b1a5e8fc/ethpm/dependencies.py#L28-L36
-210,Esri/ArcREST,"The Create Service operation allows users to create a hosted
- feature service. You can use the API to create an empty hosted
- feaure service from feature service metadata JSON.
- Inputs:
- createServiceParameter - create service object",https://github.com/Esri/ArcREST/blob/ab240fde2b0200f61d4a5f6df033516e53f2f416/src/arcrest/manageorg/_content.py#L2515-L2554
-211,JasonKessler/scattertext,"Returns a projection of the
- :param term_doc_mat: a TermDocMatrix
- :return: CategoryProjection",https://github.com/JasonKessler/scattertext/blob/cacf1f687d218ee8cae3fc05cc901db824bb1b81/scattertext/categoryprojector/CategoryProjector.py#L41-L49
-212,mingchen/django-cas-ng,"For use when CAS_CREATE_USER_WITH_ID is True. Will raise ImproperlyConfigured
- exceptions when a user_id cannot be accessed. This is important because we
- shouldn't create Users with automatically assigned ids if we are trying to
- keep User primary key's in sync.",https://github.com/mingchen/django-cas-ng/blob/202ca92cd770d9679bfe4e9e20b41fd19b81c311/django_cas_ng/backends.py#L136-L153
-213,apache/spark,"Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d. samples drawn
- from the uniform distribution U(0.0, 1.0).
- :param sc: SparkContext used to create the RDD.
- :param numRows: Number of Vectors in the RDD.
- :param numCols: Number of elements in each Vector.
- :param numPartitions: Number of partitions in the RDD.
- :param seed: Seed for the RNG that generates the seed for the generator in each partition.
- :return: RDD of Vector with vectors containing i.i.d samples ~ `U(0.0, 1.0)`.
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> mat = np.matrix(RandomRDDs.uniformVectorRDD(sc, 10, 10).collect())
- >>> mat.shape
- (10, 10)
- >>> mat.max() <= 1.0 and mat.min() >= 0.0
- True
- >>> RandomRDDs.uniformVectorRDD(sc, 10, 10, 4).getNumPartitions()
- 4",https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/618d6bff71073c8c93501ab7392c3cc579730f0b/python/pyspark/mllib/random.py#L230-L251
-214,etcher-be/epab,":return: changed files
- :rtype: list of str",https://github.com/etcher-be/epab/blob/024cde74d058281aa66e6e4b7b71dccbe803b1c1/epab/utils/_repo.py#L230-L237
-215,ui/django-post_office,Overriding to store the original filename,https://github.com/ui/django-post_office/blob/03e1ffb69829b475402f0f3ecd9f8a90af7da4bd/post_office/models.py#L274-L283
-216,django-fluent/django-fluent-blogs,Return the last modification of the entry.,https://github.com/django-fluent/django-fluent-blogs/blob/86b148549a010eaca9a2ea987fe43be250e06c50/fluent_blogs/sitemaps.py#L60-L63
-217,watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk,Return a json dictionary representing this model.,https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk/blob/4c2c9df4466fcde88975da9ecd834e6ba95eb353/ibm_watson/speech_to_text_v1.py#L3846-L3851
-218,mpg-age-bioinformatics/AGEpy,"Maps a genome position to transcript positon""
- :param df: a Pandas dataframe
- :param field: the head of the column containing the genomic position
- :param dic: a dictionary containing for each transcript the respective bases eg. {ENST23923910:'234,235,236,1021,..'}
- :param refCol: header of the reference column with IDs, eg. 'transcript_id'
- :returns: position on transcript",https://github.com/mpg-age-bioinformatics/AGEpy/blob/887808a7a2c1504f39ce8d8cb36c15c1721cd29f/AGEpy/gtf.py#L163-L181
-219,teepark/greenhouse,"apply emulation patches only for a specific context
- :param module_names: var-args for the modules to patch, as in :func:`patch`
- :param local:
- if True, unpatching is done on every switch-out, and re-patching on
- every switch-in, so that they are only applied for the one coroutine
- :returns:
- a contextmanager that patches on ``__enter__`` and unpatches on
- ``__exit__``",https://github.com/teepark/greenhouse/blob/8fd1be4f5443ba090346b5ec82fdbeb0a060d956/greenhouse/emulation/__init__.py#L76-L105
-220,brocade/pynos,Auto Generated Code,https://github.com/brocade/pynos/blob/bd8a34e98f322de3fc06750827d8bbc3a0c00380/pynos/versions/ver_6/ver_6_0_1/yang/brocade_lag.py#L422-L434
-221,mitsei/dlkit,"Gets the OsidSession associated with the activity search service
- for the given objective bank.
- arg: objectiveBankId (osid.id.Id): the Id of the objective
- bank
- return: (osid.learning.ActivitySearchSession) - an
- ActivitySearchSession
- raise: NotFound - objectiveBankId not found
- raise: NullArgument - objectiveBankId is null
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- raise: Unimplemented - supports_activity_search() or
- supports_visible_federation() is false
- compliance: optional - This method must be implemented if
- supports_activity_search() and
- supports_visible_federation() are true.",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/handcar/learning/managers.py#L1439-L1469
-222,python273/telegraph,"Update information about a Telegraph account.
- Pass only the parameters that you want to edit
- :param short_name: Account name, helps users with several
- accounts remember which they are currently using.
- Displayed to the user above the ""Edit/Publish""
- button on Telegra.ph, other users don't see this name
- :param author_name: Default author name used when creating new articles
- :param author_url: Default profile link, opened when users click on the
- author's name below the title. Can be any link,
- not necessarily to a Telegram profile or channels",https://github.com/python273/telegraph/blob/6d45cd6bbae4fdbd85b48ce32626f3c66e9e5ddc/telegraph/api.py#L86-L107
-223,pyviz/holoviews,Deprecated method to split overlays inside the HoloMap.,https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/blob/ae0dd2f3de448b0ca5e9065aabd6ef8d84c7e655/holoviews/core/spaces.py#L144-L149
-224,manns/pyspread,"Get current video subtitle.
- @param p_mi: the media player.
- @return: the video subtitle selected, or -1 if none.",https://github.com/manns/pyspread/blob/0e2fd44c2e0f06605efc3058c20a43a8c1f9e7e0/pyspread/src/lib/vlc.py#L5696-L5704
-225,rckclmbr/pyportify,"Test if n is a prime number
- m - the integer to test
- rnd - the random number generator to use for the probalistic primality
- algorithms,
- k - the number of iterations to use for the probabilistic primality
- algorithms,
- algorithm - the primality algorithm to use, default is Miller-Rabin. The
- gmpy implementation is used if gmpy is installed.
- Return value: True is n seems prime, False otherwise.",https://github.com/rckclmbr/pyportify/blob/696a1caad8a47b191f3bec44cc8fc3c437779512/pyportify/pkcs1/primes.py#L19-L47
-226,d0c-s4vage/pfp,"This function converts the argument data into a set of hex bytes
- and then searches the current file for all occurrences of those
- bytes. data may be any of the basic types or an array of one of
- the types. If data is an array of signed bytes, it is assumed to
- be a null-terminated string. To search for an array of hex bytes,
- create an unsigned char array and fill it with the target value. If
- the type being search for is a string, the matchcase and wholeworld
- arguments can be used to control the search (see Using Find for more
- information). method controls which search method is used from the
- following options:
- FINDMETHOD_NORMAL=0 - a normal search
- FINDMETHOD_WILDCARDS=1 - when searching for strings use wildcards '*' or '?'
- FINDMETHOD_REGEX=2 - when searching for strings use Regular Expressions
- wildcardMatchLength indicates the maximum number of characters a '*' can match when searching using wildcards. If the target is a float or double, the tolerance argument indicates that values that are only off by the tolerance value still match. If dir is 1 the find direction is down and if dir is 0 the find direction is up. start and size can be used to limit the area of the file that is searched. start is the starting byte address in the file where the search will begin and size is the number of bytes after start that will be searched. If size is zero, the file will be searched from start to the end of the file.
- The return value is a TFindResults structure. This structure contains a count variable indicating the number of matches, and a start array holding an array of starting positions, plus a size array which holds an array of target lengths. For example, use the following code to find all occurrences of the ASCII string ""Test"" in a file:",https://github.com/d0c-s4vage/pfp/blob/32f2d34fdec1c70019fa83c7006d5e3be0f92fcd/pfp/native/compat_tools.py#L537-L575
-227,radjkarl/imgProcessor,"Vignetting equation using the KANG-WEISS-MODEL
- see http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/sbkang/publications/eccv00.pdf
- f - focal length
- alpha - coefficient in the geometric vignetting factor
- tilt - tilt angle of a planar scene
- rot - rotation angle of a planar scene
- cx - image center, x
- cy - image center, y",https://github.com/radjkarl/imgProcessor/blob/7c5a28718f81c01a430152c60a686ac50afbfd7c/imgProcessor/equations/vignetting.py#L9-L37
-228,corpusops/pdbclone,"debug code
- Enter a recursive debugger that steps through the code
- argument (which is an arbitrary expression or statement to be
- executed in the current environment).",https://github.com/corpusops/pdbclone/blob/f781537c243a4874b246d43dbdef8c4279f0094d/lib/pdb_clone/pdb.py#L1320-L1335
-229,mastro35/flows,Flush the buffer of the tail,https://github.com/mastro35/flows/blob/05e488385673a69597b5b39c7728795aa4d5eb18/flows/Actions/InputTailAction.py#L64-L70
-230,urtdevs/yaurtww,"Returns url for cdn.urbanterror.info to pass to _not_wget().
- http://cdn.urbanterror.info/urt//-/q3ut4/",https://github.com/urtdevs/yaurtww/blob/842fbd1fb5d32c2be89df471591b70c767aebd14/yaurtww/manifest.py#L25-L31
-231,mapbox/mapbox-cli-py,"The Mapbox Directions API will show you how to get
- where you're going.
- mapbox directions ""[0, 0]"" ""[1, 1]""
- An access token is required. See ""mapbox --help"".",https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-cli-py/blob/b75544a2f83a4fda79d78b5673058e16e64a4f6d/mapboxcli/scripts/directions.py#L163-L218
-232,vatlab/SoS,"Abort the execution of the current step or loop and yield
- an warning message `msg` if `expr` is False",https://github.com/vatlab/SoS/blob/6b60ed0770916d135e17322e469520d778e9d4e7/src/sos/actions.py#L682-L687
-233,gwastro/pycbc,"Write this trigger to gracedb compatible xml format
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename: str
- Name of file to write to disk.",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/io/live.py#L257-L266
-234,pantsbuild/pants,Generates an ivy xml with all jars marked as intransitive using the all conflict manager.,https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/b72e650da0df685824ffdcc71988b8c282d0962d/src/python/pants/backend/jvm/ivy_utils.py#L995-L1017
-235,openmicroanalysis/pyxray,"Returns the default reference for a method.
- :arg method: name of a method
- :type method: :class:`str`
- :return: reference
- :rtype: :class:`Reference ` or :class:`str`",https://github.com/openmicroanalysis/pyxray/blob/cae89677f00ebcc0952f94d1ab70e6b35e1a51e9/pyxray/base.py#L87-L99
-236,ninuxorg/nodeshot,parse data,https://github.com/ninuxorg/nodeshot/blob/2466f0a55f522b2696026f196436ce7ba3f1e5c6/nodeshot/interop/sync/synchronizers/cnml.py#L130-L134
-237,saltstack/salt,"Retrieves information for a given virtual machine. A VM name must be supplied.
- .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
- name
- The name of the VM for which to gather information.
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt-cloud -a vm_info my-vm",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/cloud/clouds/opennebula.py#L3373-L3404
-238,thespacedoctor/transientNamer,"*The results of the search returned as a python list of dictionaries*
- **Usage:**
- .. code-block:: python
- sources = tns.sources",https://github.com/thespacedoctor/transientNamer/blob/39be410c84275ed4669632f5df67e728d66a318f/transientNamer/search.py#L152-L164
-239,google/grr,Converts original result via given converter..,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/server/grr_response_server/export.py#L1366-L1385
-240,mozilla-releng/scriptworker,"Retry create_artifact() calls.
- Args:
- *args: the args to pass on to create_artifact
- **kwargs: the args to pass on to create_artifact",https://github.com/mozilla-releng/scriptworker/blob/8e97bbd83b9b578565ec57904c966dd6ae4ef0ae/scriptworker/artifacts.py#L133-L149
-241,treyhunner/django-simple-history,Creates a historical model to associate with the model provided.,https://github.com/treyhunner/django-simple-history/blob/85758ecfe608279508a3fb5b71654d3e202eb63d/simple_history/models.py#L193-L228
-242,lrq3000/pyFileFixity,"Turn loops into ""objects"" that can be processed normally",https://github.com/lrq3000/pyFileFixity/blob/fd5ef23bb13835faf1e3baa773619b86a1cc9bdf/pyFileFixity/lib/profilers/visual/runsnakerun/meliaeloader.py#L82-L120
-243,SuperCowPowers/workbench,"Validate the plugin, each plugin must have the following:
- 1) The worker class must have an execute method: execute(self, input_data).
- 2) The worker class must have a dependencies list (even if it's empty).
- 3) The file must have a top level test() method.
- Args:
- handler: the loaded plugin.",https://github.com/SuperCowPowers/workbench/blob/710232756dd717f734253315e3d0b33c9628dafb/workbench/server/plugin_manager.py#L138-L162
-244,ultradns/python_rest_api_client,"Returns the list of RRSets in the specified zone of the specified type.
- Arguments:
- zone_name -- The name of the zone.
- rtype -- The type of the RRSets. This can be numeric (1) or
- if a well-known name is defined for the type (A), you can use it instead.
- owner_name -- The owner name for the RRSet.
- If no trailing dot is supplied, the owner_name is assumed to be relative (foo).
- If a trailing dot is supplied, the owner name is assumed to be absolute (foo.zonename.com.)
- Keyword Arguments:
- q -- The search parameters, in a dict. Valid keys are:
- ttl - must match the TTL for the rrset
- value - substring match of the first BIND field value
- sort -- The sort column used to order the list. Valid values for the sort field are:
- reverse -- Whether the list is ascending(False) or descending(True)
- offset -- The position in the list for the first returned element(0 based)
- limit -- The maximum number of rows to be returned.",https://github.com/ultradns/python_rest_api_client/blob/e4095f28f5cb5e258b768c06ef7cf8b1915aa5ec/ultra_rest_client/ultra_rest_client.py#L283-L308
-245,PyGithub/PyGithub,":calls: `POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls `_
- :param title: string
- :param body: string
- :param issue: :class:`github.Issue.Issue`
- :param base: string
- :param head: string
- :param maintainer_can_modify: bool
- :rtype: :class:`github.PullRequest.PullRequest`",https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub/blob/f716df86bbe7dc276c6596699fa9712b61ef974c/github/Repository.py#L1167-L1181
-246,radjkarl/imgProcessor,"returns angular dependent EL emissivity of a PV module
- calculated of nanmedian(persp-corrected EL module/reference module)
- published in K. Bedrich: Quantitative Electroluminescence Measurement on PV devices
- PhD Thesis, 2017",https://github.com/radjkarl/imgProcessor/blob/7c5a28718f81c01a430152c60a686ac50afbfd7c/imgProcessor/physics/emissivity_vs_angle.py#L8-L42
-247,PyMySQL/Tornado-MySQL,"Returns a DATE column as a date object:
- >>> date_or_None('2007-02-26')
- datetime.date(2007, 2, 26)
- Illegal values are returned as None:
- >>> date_or_None('2007-02-31') is None
- True
- >>> date_or_None('0000-00-00') is None
- True",https://github.com/PyMySQL/Tornado-MySQL/blob/75d3466e4332e43b2bf853799f1122dec5da60bc/tornado_mysql/converters.py#L202-L219
-248,brocade/pynos,Auto Generated Code,https://github.com/brocade/pynos/blob/bd8a34e98f322de3fc06750827d8bbc3a0c00380/pynos/versions/ver_6/ver_6_0_1/yang/brocade_interface_ext.py#L111-L125
-249,mitsei/dlkit,"Gets the assessment part form for updating an existing assessment part.
- A new assessment part form should be requested for each update
- transaction.
- arg: assessment_part_id (osid.id.Id): the ``Id`` of the
- ``AssessmentPart``
- return: (osid.assessment.authoring.AssessmentPartForm) - the
- assessment part form
- raise: NotFound - ``assessment_part_id`` is not found
- raise: NullArgument - ``assessment_part_id`` is ``null``
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- raise: PermissionDenied - authorization failure occurred
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/assessment_authoring/sessions.py#L968-L1011
-250,wrboyce/telegrambot,"Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side.
- The status is set for 5 seconds or less (when a message arrives from your bot,
- Telegram clients clear its typing status).",https://github.com/wrboyce/telegrambot/blob/c35ce19886df4c306a2a19851cc1f63e3066d70d/telegrambot/api/__init__.py#L178-L185
-251,useblocks/groundwork,Returns a single receiver or a dictionary of receivers for this plugin.,https://github.com/useblocks/groundwork/blob/d34fce43f54246ca4db0f7b89e450dcdc847c68c/groundwork/patterns/gw_base_pattern.py#L300-L304
-252,bokeh/bokeh,"Dispatch handling of this event to a receiver.
- This method will invoke ``receiver._column_data_changed`` if it exists.",https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/dc8cf49e4e4302fd38537ad089ece81fbcca4737/bokeh/document/events.py#L337-L345
-253,epfl-lts2/pygsp,Import classes in package from their implementation modules.,https://github.com/epfl-lts2/pygsp/blob/8ce5bde39206129287375af24fdbcd7edddca8c5/pygsp/utils.py#L355-L359
-254,thiagopbueno/pyrddl,Builds the fluent table for each RDDL pvariable.,https://github.com/thiagopbueno/pyrddl/blob/3bcfa850b1a7532c7744358f3c6b9e0f8ab978c9/pyrddl/rddl.py#L73-L91
-255,gwastro/pycbc,"Parses the given `gate_opt` into something understandable by
- `strain.gate_data`.",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/strain/gate.py#L21-L41
-256,klmitch/workq,"Add an item to the work queue.
- :param item: The work item to add. An item may be of any
- type; however, if it is not hashable, then the
- work queue must either be initialized with
- ``unique`` set to ``False``, or a ``key``
- callable must have been provided.",https://github.com/klmitch/workq/blob/6b26c7546947bd0b0c98d78cf4653411a1d09c55/workq.py#L96-L122
-257,DataONEorg/d1_python,"Returns the minimum and maximum values of the specified field. This requires
- two search calls to the service, each requesting a single value of a single
- field.
- @param name(string) Name of the field
- @param q(string) Query identifying range of records for min and max values
- @param fq(string) Filter restricting range of query
- @return list of [min, max]",https://github.com/DataONEorg/d1_python/blob/3ac4d4f3ca052d3e8641a6a329cab526c8ddcb0d/lib_client/src/d1_client/solr_client.py#L232-L256
-258,Alignak-monitoring/alignak,"Clean cache with entries older than now because not used in future ;)
- :return: None",https://github.com/Alignak-monitoring/alignak/blob/f3c145207e83159b799d3714e4241399c7740a64/alignak/objects/timeperiod.py#L381-L401
-259,codenerix/django-codenerix,Get a json parameter and rebuild the context back to a dictionary (probably kwargs),https://github.com/codenerix/django-codenerix/blob/1f5527b352141caaee902b37b2648791a06bd57d/codenerix/views.py#L2632-L2682
-260,valohai/ulid2,"Convert an ULID to its binary representation.
- :param ulid: An ULID (either as UUID, base32 ULID or binary)
- :return: Bytestring of length 16
- :rtype: bytes",https://github.com/valohai/ulid2/blob/cebc523ac70c5d5ca055c0c3de6318de617b07d7/ulid2.py#L262-L276
-261,saltstack/salt,"Wait for a certain status from Packet.
- status_type
- device or volume
- object_id
- The ID of the Packet device or volume to wait on. Required.
- status
- The status to wait for.
- timeout
- The amount of time to wait for a status to update.
- quiet
- Log status updates to debug logs when False. Otherwise, logs to info.",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/cloud/clouds/packet.py#L227-L264
-262,jorgeecardona/dynect,Remove an address of a domain.,https://github.com/jorgeecardona/dynect/blob/d2cd85bc510f00108a3a5bfe515f45daae15a482/dynect/__init__.py#L277-L284
-263,CitrineInformatics/pypif,"Convert a string from snake case to camel case. For example, ""some_var"" would become ""someVar"".
- :param snake_case_string: Snake-cased string to convert to camel case.
- :returns: Camel-cased version of snake_case_string.",https://github.com/CitrineInformatics/pypif/blob/938348a8ff7b10b330770cccaaeb2109922f681b/pypif/util/case.py#L8-L16
-264,meejah/txtorcon,"Normal users shouldn't need to call this; use
- TCPHiddenServiceEndpoint::system_tor instead.
- :return Tor: a 'global to this Python process' instance of
- Tor. There isn't one of these until the first time this method
- is called. All calls to this method return the same instance.",https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/blob/14053b95adf0b4bd9dd9c317bece912a26578a93/txtorcon/endpoints.py#L66-L105
-265,StackStorm/pybind,"Setter method for enhanced_voq_max_queue_depth, mapped from YANG variable /telemetry/profile/enhanced_voq_max_queue_depth (list)
- If this variable is read-only (config: false) in the
- source YANG file, then _set_enhanced_voq_max_queue_depth is considered as a private
- method. Backends looking to populate this variable should
- do so via calling thisObj._set_enhanced_voq_max_queue_depth() directly.",https://github.com/StackStorm/pybind/blob/44c467e71b2b425be63867aba6e6fa28b2cfe7fb/pybind/slxos/v17r_2_00/telemetry/profile/__init__.py#L205-L226
-266,JdeRobot/base,"Returns the weighted average of two values and handles the case where
- one value is None. If both values are None, None is returned.",https://github.com/JdeRobot/base/blob/303b18992785b2fe802212f2d758a60873007f1f/src/drivers/MAVLinkServer/MAVProxy/modules/mavproxy_map/srtm.py#L305-L313
-267,sorrowless/battery_systray,It's just way how popup menu works in GTK. Don't ask me how it works.,https://github.com/sorrowless/battery_systray/blob/4594fca6f357660e081c2800af4a8b21c607bef1/batticon/batticon.py#L70-L79
-268,Unidata/siphon,"Translate typed values into the appropriate python object.
- Takes an element name, value, and type and returns a list
- with the string value(s) properly converted to a python type.
- TypedValues are handled in ucar.ma2.DataType in netcdfJava
- in the DataType enum. Possibilities are:
- ""boolean""
- ""byte""
- ""char""
- ""short""
- ""int""
- ""long""
- ""float""
- ""double""
- ""Sequence""
- ""String""
- ""Structure""
- ""enum1""
- ""enum2""
- ""enum4""
- ""opaque""
- ""object""
- All of these are values written as strings in the xml, so simply
- applying int, float to the values will work in most cases (i.e.
- the TDS encodes them as string values properly).
- Examle XML element:
- Parameters
- ----------
- val : string
- The string representation of the value attribute of the xml element
- type_name : string
- The string representation of the name attribute of the xml element
- value_type : string
- The string representation of the type attribute of the xml element
- Returns
- -------
- val : list
- A list containing the properly typed python values.",https://github.com/Unidata/siphon/blob/53fb0d84fbce1c18c8e81c9e68bc81620ee0a6ac/siphon/ncss_dataset.py#L26-L114
-269,Robpol86/colorclass,"Return centered in a string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character or space.
- :param int width: Length of output string.
- :param str fillchar: Use this character instead of spaces.",https://github.com/Robpol86/colorclass/blob/692e2d6f5ad470b6221c8cb9641970dc5563a572/colorclass/core.py#L111-L121
-270,twisted/txaws,Get the method class handing the given action and version.,https://github.com/twisted/txaws/blob/5c3317376cd47e536625027e38c3b37840175ce0/txaws/server/registry.py#L38-L44
-271,kervi/kervi-core,Reverses the byte order of an int (16-bit) or long (32-bit) value.,https://github.com/kervi/kervi-core/blob/3c1e3c8a17a7b4d085d8a28b99180ff2a96b0e23/kervi/hal/i2c.py#L23-L31
-272,markfinger/python-nodejs,"Wrapper around subprocess that pipes the stderr and stdout from `cmd_to_run`
- to temporary files. Using the temporary files gets around subprocess.PIPE's
- issues with handling large buffers.
- Note: this command will block the python process until `cmd_to_run` has completed.
- Returns a tuple, containing the stderr and stdout as strings.",https://github.com/markfinger/python-nodejs/blob/3c0c84e953b9af68cbc3f124f1802361baf006bb/nodejs/interrogate.py#L8-L34
-273,SpriteLink/NIPAP,"Returns valid string completions
- Takes the string 'key' and compares it to each of the strings in
- 'haystack'. The ones which beginns with 'key' are returned as result.",https://github.com/SpriteLink/NIPAP/blob/f96069f11ab952d80b13cab06e0528f2d24b3de9/nipap-cli/nipap_cli/nipap_cli.py#L1927-L1941
-274,ev3dev/ev3dev-lang-python,"Drive to (`x_target_mm`, `y_target_mm`) coordinates at `speed`",https://github.com/ev3dev/ev3dev-lang-python/blob/afc98d35004b533dc161a01f7c966e78607d7c1e/ev3dev2/motor.py#L2349-L2367
-275,gem/oq-engine,"Reads the hypocentre data from the ndk string to return an
- instance of the GCMTHypocentre class",https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/hmtk/parsers/catalogue/gcmt_ndk_parser.py#L315-L333
-276,dbcli/athenacli,"Editor command is any query that is prefixed or suffixed
- by a '\e'. The reason for a while loop is because a user
- might edit a query multiple times.
- For eg:
- ""select * from \e"" to edit it in vim, then come
- back to the prompt with the edited query ""select * from
- blah where q = 'abc'\e"" to edit it again.
- :param cli: CommandLineInterface
- :param document: Document
- :return: Document",https://github.com/dbcli/athenacli/blob/bcab59e4953145866430083e902ed4d042d4ebba/athenacli/main.py#L204-L234
-277,andycasey/sick,"Estimate the model parameters, given the data.",https://github.com/andycasey/sick/blob/6c37686182794c4cafea45abf7062b30b789b1a2/sick/models/model.py#L32-L257
- Returns which of the supplied pores (or throats) has the specified
- label
- Parameters
- ----------
- pores, or throats : array_like
- List of pores or throats to be filtered
- labels : list of strings
- The labels to apply as a filter
- mode : string
- Controls how the filter is applied. Options include:
- **'or', 'union', 'any'**: (default) Returns a list of the given
- locations where *any* of the given labels exist.
- **'and', 'intersection', 'all'**: Only locations where *all* the
- given labels are found.
- **'xor', 'exclusive_or'**: Only locations where exactly *one* of
- the given labels are found.
- **'nor', 'none', 'not'**: Only locations where *none* of the given
- labels are found.
- **'nand'** : Only locations with *some but not all* of the given
- labels are returned.
- **'xnor'** : Only locations with *more than one* of the given
- labels are returned.
- Returns
- -------
- A list of pores (or throats) that have been filtered according the
- given criteria. The returned list is a subset of the received list of
- pores (or throats).
- See Also
- --------
- pores
- throats
- Examples
- --------
- >>> import openpnm as op
- >>> pn = op.network.Cubic(shape=[5, 5, 5])
- >>> pn.filter_by_label(pores=[0, 1, 5, 6], labels='left')
- array([0, 1])
- >>> Ps = pn.pores(['top', 'bottom', 'front'], mode='or')
- >>> pn.filter_by_label(pores=Ps, labels=['top', 'front'],
- ... mode='and')
- array([ 4, 9, 14, 19, 24])",https://github.com/PMEAL/OpenPNM/blob/0547b5724ffedc0a593aae48639d36fe10e0baed/openpnm/core/Base.py#L1178-L1251
-279,SpamScope/mail-parser,"Given an raw header returns an decoded header
- Args:
- header (string): header to decode
- Returns:
- str (Python 3) or unicode (Python 2)",https://github.com/SpamScope/mail-parser/blob/814b56d0b803feab9dea04f054b802ce138097e2/mailparser/utils.py#L117-L142
-280,quantumlib/Cirq,"Checks if the tensor's elements are all near multiples of the period.
- Args:
- a: Tensor of elements that could all be near multiples of the period.
- period: The period, e.g. 2 pi when working in radians.
- atol: Absolute tolerance.",https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/blob/0827da80dd7880e5b923eb69407e980ed9bc0bd2/cirq/linalg/tolerance.py#L34-L46
-281,happyleavesaoc/python-firetv,Return the current app.,https://github.com/happyleavesaoc/python-firetv/blob/3dd953376c0d5af502e775ae14ed0afe03224781/firetv/__init__.py#L518-L534
-282,joke2k/faker,"Calculate checksum of Estonian personal identity code.
- Checksum is calculated with ""Modulo 11"" method using level I or II scale:
- Level I scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
- Level II scale: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3
- The digits of the personal code are multiplied by level I scale and summed;
- if remainder of modulo 11 of the sum is less than 10, checksum is the
- remainder.
- If remainder is 10, then level II scale is used; checksum is remainder if
- remainder < 10 or 0 if remainder is 10.
- See also https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isikukood",https://github.com/joke2k/faker/blob/965824b61132e52d92d1a6ce470396dbbe01c96c/faker/providers/ssn/et_EE/__init__.py#L9-L28
- str : PID of the Resource Map itself.",https://github.com/DataONEorg/d1_python/blob/3ac4d4f3ca052d3e8641a6a329cab526c8ddcb0d/lib_common/src/d1_common/resource_map.py#L427-L439
-284,globocom/GloboNetworkAPI-client-python,"Method to create pool's
- :param pools: List containing pool's desired to be created on database
- :return: None",https://github.com/globocom/GloboNetworkAPI-client-python/blob/cf34f913da48d9abbf750114f5d2ac4b2dde137d/networkapiclient/ApiPool.py#L125-L134
-285,ajk8/hatchery,"Query the pypi index at index_url using warehouse api to find all of the ""releases""",https://github.com/ajk8/hatchery/blob/e068c9f5366d2c98225babb03d4cde36c710194f/hatchery/project.py#L131-L137
-286,apple/turicreate,Traverse through the tree and append to the tree spec.,https://github.com/apple/turicreate/blob/74514c3f99e25b46f22c6e02977fe3da69221c2e/src/external/coremltools_wrap/coremltools/coremltools/converters/sklearn/_tree_ensemble.py#L44-L77
-287,google/python-gflags,Parse python/swig style flags.,https://github.com/google/python-gflags/blob/4f06c3d0d6cbe9b1fb90ee9fb1c082b3bf9285f6/gflags2man.py#L274-L321
-288,nuagenetworks/bambou,"Return authenication string to place in Authorization Header
- If API Token is set, it'll be used. Otherwise, the clear
- text password will be sent. Users of NURESTLoginController are responsible to
- clean the password property.
- Returns:
- Returns the XREST Authentication string with API Key or user password encoded.",https://github.com/nuagenetworks/bambou/blob/d334fea23e384d3df8e552fe1849ad707941c666/bambou/nurest_login_controller.py#L223-L256
-289,VIVelev/PyDojoML,"evaluations(ty, pv, useScipy) -> (ACC, MSE, SCC)
- ty, pv: list, tuple or ndarray
- useScipy: convert ty, pv to ndarray, and use scipy functions for the evaluation
- Calculate accuracy, mean squared error and squared correlation coefficient
- using the true values (ty) and predicted values (pv).",https://github.com/VIVelev/PyDojoML/blob/773fdce6866aa6decd306a5a85f94129fed816eb/dojo/svm/libsvm/commonutil.py#L85-L116
-290,edeposit/edeposit.amqp.pdfgen,"Compose contract and create PDF.
- Args:
- firma (str): firma
- pravni_forma (str): pravni_forma
- sidlo (str): sidlo
- ic (str): ic
- dic (str): dic
- zastoupen (str): zastoupen
- Returns:
- obj: StringIO file instance containing PDF file.",https://github.com/edeposit/edeposit.amqp.pdfgen/blob/1022d6d01196f4928d664a71e49273c2d8c67e63/src/edeposit/amqp/pdfgen/specialization.py#L43-L85
-291,gwastro/pycbc,"Use pkg-config to query for the location of libraries, library directories,
- and header directories
- Arguments:
- pkg_libries(list): A list of packages as strings
- Returns:
- libraries(list), library_dirs(list), include_dirs(list)",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/libutils.py#L32-L66
-292,spyder-ide/spyder,Save all the figures to a file.,https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/f76836ce1b924bcc4efd3f74f2960d26a4e528e0/spyder/plugins/plots/widgets/figurebrowser.py#L573-L580
-293,FNNDSC/pfmisc,"Checks if the absolute path specified in the al_path
- is valid for current tree",https://github.com/FNNDSC/pfmisc/blob/960b4d6135fcc50bed0a8e55db2ab1ddad9b99d8/pfmisc/C_snode.py#L909-L917
-294,PmagPy/PmagPy,Apply an ordinary function to all values in an array.,https://github.com/PmagPy/PmagPy/blob/c7984f8809bf40fe112e53dcc311a33293b62d0b/pmagpy/func.py#L294-L301
-295,samuraisam/django-json-rpc,"A function to inject arguments manually into a method signature before
- it's been parsed. If using keyword arguments use 'kw=type' instead in
- the types array.
- sig the string signature
- types a list of types to be inserted
- Returns the altered signature.",https://github.com/samuraisam/django-json-rpc/blob/a88d744d960e828f3eb21265da0f10a694b8ebcf/jsonrpc/__init__.py#L120-L138
-296,matthew-brett/delocate,"Return function to strip `strip_prefix` prefix from string if present
- Parameters
- ----------
- prefix : str
- Prefix to strip from the beginning of string if present
- Returns
- -------
- stripper : func
- function such that ``stripper(a_string)`` will strip `prefix` from
- ``a_string`` if present, otherwise pass ``a_string`` unmodified",https://github.com/matthew-brett/delocate/blob/ed48de15fce31c3f52f1a9f32cae1b02fc55aa60/delocate/libsana.py#L107-L124
-297,cisco-sas/kitty,"Add a field to the container, if the field is a Container itself, it should be poped() when done pushing into it
- :param field: BaseField to push",https://github.com/cisco-sas/kitty/blob/cb0760989dcdfe079e43ac574d872d0b18953a32/kitty/model/low_level/container.py#L304-L324
-298,titusjan/argos,Removes all spinboxes,https://github.com/titusjan/argos/blob/20d0a3cae26c36ea789a5d219c02ca7df21279dd/argos/collect/collector.py#L414-L425
-299,GPflow/GPflow,"Xnew is a data matrix, the points at which we want to predict.
- This method computes
- p(F* | Y)
- where F* are points on the GP at Xnew, Y are noisy observations at X.",https://github.com/GPflow/GPflow/blob/549394f0b1b0696c7b521a065e49bdae6e7acf27/gpflow/models/gpr.py#L80-L96
-300,Cognexa/cxflow,"Print names of the train dirs contained in the given dir.
- :param dir_: dir to be listed
- :param recursive: walk recursively in sub-directories, stop at train dirs (--recursive option)
- :param all_: include train dirs with no epochs done (--all option)
- :param long: list more details including model name, model and dataset classes,
- age, duration and epochs done (--long option)
- :return: list of found training tuples (train_dir, configuration dict, trace)",https://github.com/Cognexa/cxflow/blob/dd609e6b0bd854424a8f86781dd77801a13038f9/cxflow/cli/ls.py#L117-L152
-301,potash/drain,"cast numpy arrays to float32
- if there's more than one, return an array",https://github.com/potash/drain/blob/ddd62081cb9317beb5d21f86c8b4bb196ca3d222/drain/util.py#L83-L89
-302,pymoca/pymoca,Convenience method for calling methods with walker.,https://github.com/pymoca/pymoca/blob/14b5eb7425e96689de6cc5c10f400895d586a978/src/pymoca/backends/xml/parser.py#L85-L88
-303,cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian,Reformat schema to be in a more displayable format.,https://github.com/cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian/blob/52ef732eb3d7bc939d1579faf519314814695c08/c7n/utils.py#L449-L466
-304,MisterY/gnucash-portfolio,"Returns the commodity with the given symbol.
- If more are found, an exception will be thrown.",https://github.com/MisterY/gnucash-portfolio/blob/bfaad8345a5479d1cd111acee1939e25c2a638c2/gnucash_portfolio/securitiesaggregate.py#L387-L402
-305,O365/python-o365,"Copy this folder and it's contents to into another folder
- :param to_folder: the destination Folder/folder_id to copy into
- :type to_folder: mailbox.Folder or str
- :return: The new folder after copying
- :rtype: mailbox.Folder or None",https://github.com/O365/python-o365/blob/02a71cf3775cc6a3c042e003365d6a07c8c75a73/O365/mailbox.py#L405-L432
-306,geertj/gruvi,"Spawn a new fiber.
- A new :class:`Fiber` is created with main function *func* and positional
- arguments *args*. The keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`Fiber`
- constructor, not to the main function. The fiber is then scheduled to start
- by calling its :meth:`~Fiber.start` method.
- The fiber instance is returned.",https://github.com/geertj/gruvi/blob/1d77ca439600b6ea7a19aa1ee85dca0f3be3f3f8/lib/gruvi/fibers.py#L150-L162
-307,MalongTech/productai-python-sdk,This function (and backend API) is being obsoleted. Don't use it anymore.,https://github.com/MalongTech/productai-python-sdk/blob/2227783dbef4ce8e94613c08e67d65d6eecee21c/productai/__init__.py#L544-L551
-308,singingwolfboy/flask-dance,"Make a blueprint for authenticating with Reddit using OAuth 2. This requires
- a client ID and client secret from Reddit. You should either pass them to
- this constructor, or make sure that your Flask application config defines
- them, using the variables :envvar:`REDDIT_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID` and
- Args:
- client_id (str): The client ID for your application on Reddit.
- client_secret (str): The client secret for your application on Reddit
- scope (str, optional): space-separated list of scopes for the OAuth token
- Defaults to ``identity``
- permanent (bool, optional): Whether to request permanent access token.
- Defaults to False, access will be valid for 1 hour
- redirect_url (str): the URL to redirect to after the authentication
- dance is complete
- redirect_to (str): if ``redirect_url`` is not defined, the name of the
- view to redirect to after the authentication dance is complete.
- The actual URL will be determined by :func:`flask.url_for`
- login_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``login`` view.
- Defaults to ``/reddit``
- authorized_url (str, optional): the URL path for the ``authorized`` view.
- Defaults to ``/reddit/authorized``.
- session_class (class, optional): The class to use for creating a
- Requests session. Defaults to
- :class:`~flask_dance.contrib.reddit.RedditOAuth2Session`.
- storage: A token storage class, or an instance of a token storage
- class, to use for this blueprint. Defaults to
- :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.storage.session.SessionStorage`.
- user_agent (str, optional): User agent for the requests to Reddit API.
- Defaults to ``Flask-Dance/{{version}}``
- :rtype: :class:`~flask_dance.consumer.OAuth2ConsumerBlueprint`
- :returns: A :ref:`blueprint ` to attach to your Flask app.",https://github.com/singingwolfboy/flask-dance/blob/87d45328bbdaff833559a6d3da71461fe4579592/flask_dance/contrib/reddit.py#L34-L115
-309,Capitains/MyCapytain,"Get value in dictionary for dictionary[keys[0]][keys[1]][keys[..n]]
- :param dictionary: An input dictionary
- :param keys: Keys where to store data
- :return:",https://github.com/Capitains/MyCapytain/blob/b11bbf6b6ae141fc02be70471e3fbf6907be6593/MyCapytain/common/utils/_generic.py#L32-L39
-310,singularityhub/singularity-python,"package node aims to package a (present working node) for a user into
- a container. This assumes that the node is a single partition.
- :param root: the root of the node to package, default is /
- :param name: the name for the image. If not specified, will use machine's
- psutil.disk_partitions()",https://github.com/singularityhub/singularity-python/blob/498c3433724b332f7493fec632d8daf479f47b82/singularity/package/clone.py#L30-L53
-311,glomex/gcdt,"Helper to apply method_settings to stage
- :param awsclient:
- :param api_id:
- :param stage_name:
- :param method_settings:
- :return:",https://github.com/glomex/gcdt/blob/cd67cf416371337b83cb9ca3f696277125703339/gcdt/yugen_core.py#L461-L479
-312,pdkit/pdkit,"This methods extract the fft components and sum the ones from lower to upper freq as per \
- :cite:`Kassavetis2015`
- :param data_frame: the data frame
- :type data_frame: pandas.DataFrame
- :return ampl: the ampl
- :rtype ampl: float
- :return freq: the freq
- :rtype freq: float",https://github.com/pdkit/pdkit/blob/c7120263da2071bb139815fbdb56ca77b544f340/pdkit/tremor_processor.py#L144-L170
-313,Jaymon/prom,"The normal required fields (eg, no magic fields like _id are included)",https://github.com/Jaymon/prom/blob/b7ad2c259eca198da03e1e4bc7d95014c168c361/prom/config.py#L175-L177
-314,saltstack/salt,"Ensure a set of DHCP options with the given settings exist.
- Note that the current implementation only SETS values during option set
- creation. It is unable to update option sets in place, and thus merely
- verifies the set exists via the given name and/or dhcp_options_id param.
- name
- (string)
- Name of the DHCP options.
- vpc_name
- (string)
- Name of a VPC to which the options should be associated. Either
- vpc_name or vpc_id must be provided.
- vpc_id
- (string)
- Id of a VPC to which the options should be associated. Either
- vpc_name or vpc_id must be provided.
- domain_name
- (string)
- Domain name to be assiciated with this option set.
- domain_name_servers
- (list of strings)
- The IP address(es) of up to four domain name servers.
- ntp_servers
- (list of strings)
- The IP address(es) of up to four desired NTP servers.
- netbios_name_servers
- (list of strings)
- The IP address(es) of up to four NetBIOS name servers.
- netbios_node_type
- (string)
- The NetBIOS node type (1, 2, 4, or 8). For more information about
- the allowed values, see RFC 2132. The recommended is 2 at this
- time (broadcast and multicast are currently not supported).
- tags
- (dict of key:value pairs)
- A set of tags to be added.
- region
- (string)
- Region to connect to.
- key
- (string)
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- (string)
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- (various)
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
- contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/states/boto_vpc.py#L307-L428
-315,dbrattli/OSlash,"r""""""Chain continuation passing functions.
- Haskell: m >>= k = Cont $ \c -> runCont m $ \a -> runCont (k a) c",https://github.com/dbrattli/OSlash/blob/ffdc714c5d454f7519f740254de89f70850929eb/oslash/observable.py#L47-L53
-316,apple/turicreate,"Loads a turicreate toolkit module (a shared library) into the
- tc.extensions namespace.
- Toolkit module created via SDK can either be directly imported,
- e.g. ``import example`` or via this function, e.g. ``turicreate.ext_import(""example.so"")``.
- Use ``ext_import`` when you need more namespace control, or when
- the shared library is not local, e.g. in http, s3 or hdfs.
- Parameters
- ----------
- soname : string
- The filename of the shared library to load.
- This can be a URL, or a HDFS location. For instance if soname is
- somewhere/outthere/toolkit.so
- The functions in toolkit.so will appear in tc.extensions.toolkit.*
- module_subpath : string, optional
- Any additional module paths to prepend to the toolkit module after
- it is imported. For instance if soname is
- somewhere/outthere/toolkit.so, by default
- the functions in toolkit.so will appear in tc.extensions.toolkit.*.
- However, if I module_subpath=""somewhere.outthere"", the functions
- in toolkit.so will appear in tc.extensions.somewhere.outthere.toolkit.*
- Returns
- -------
- out : a list of functions and classes loaded.
- Examples
- --------
- For instance, given a module which implements the function ""square_root"",
- .. code-block:: c++
- #include
- #include
- double square_root(double a) {
- return sqrt(a);
- }
- REGISTER_FUNCTION(square_root, ""a"");
- compiled into example.so
- >>> turicreate.ext_import('example1.so')
- ['example1.square_root']
- >>> turicreate.extensions.example1.square_root(9)
- 3.0
- We can customize the import location with module_subpath which can be
- used to avoid namespace conflicts when you have multiple toolkits with the
- same filename.
- >>> turicreate.ext_import('example1.so', 'math')
- ['math.example1.square_root']
- >>> turicreate.extensions.math.example1.square_root(9)
- 3.0
- The module can also be imported directly, but turicreate *must* be imported
- first. turicreate will intercept the module loading process to load the
- toolkit.
- >>> import turicreate
- >>> import example1 #searches for example1.so in all the python paths
- >>> example1.square_root(9)
- 3.0",https://github.com/apple/turicreate/blob/74514c3f99e25b46f22c6e02977fe3da69221c2e/src/unity/python/turicreate/extensions.py#L501-L584
-317,gwastro/pycbc,"This function calls into LAL routines to generate a 3-dimensional array
- of points using the An^* lattice.
- Parameters
- -----------
- maxv1 : float
- Largest value in the 1st dimension to cover
- minv1 : float
- Smallest value in the 1st dimension to cover
- maxv2 : float
- Largest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
- minv2 : float
- Smallest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
- maxv3 : float
- Largest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
- minv3 : float
- Smallest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
- mindist : float
- Maximum allowed mismatch between a point in the parameter space and the
- generated bank of points.
- Returns
- --------
- v1s : numpy.array
- Array of positions in the first dimension
- v2s : numpy.array
- Array of positions in the second dimension
- v3s : numpy.array
- Array of positions in the second dimension",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/tmpltbank/lattice_utils.py#L88-L159
-318,mitsei/dlkit,"Clears the cognitive process.
- raise: NoAccess - ``Metadata.isRequired()`` or
- ``Metadata.isReadOnly()`` is ``true``
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/learning/objects.py#L375-L387
-319,TheRealLink/pylgtv,Get all tv channels.,https://github.com/TheRealLink/pylgtv/blob/a7d9ad87ce47e77180fe9262da785465219f4ed6/pylgtv/webos_client.py#L343-L346
-320,olsoneric/pedemath,"Given a point and a line segment, return the vector from the point to
- the closest point on the segment.",https://github.com/olsoneric/pedemath/blob/4bffcfe7089e421d603eb0a9708b84789c2d16be/pedemath/vec3.py#L105-L117
-321,maaku/python-bitcoin,"Like cmp(), but for any iterator.",https://github.com/maaku/python-bitcoin/blob/1b80c284170fd3f547cc45f4700ce169f3f99641/bitcoin/tools.py#L145-L158
-322,DataDog/integrations-core,"Limits the number of documents returned in one batch. Each batch
- requires a round trip to the server. It can be adjusted to optimize
- performance and limit data transfer.
- .. note:: batch_size can not override MongoDB's internal limits on the
- amount of data it will return to the client in a single batch (i.e
- if you set batch size to 1,000,000,000, MongoDB will currently only
- return 4-16MB of results per batch).
- Raises :exc:`TypeError` if `batch_size` is not an integer.
- Raises :exc:`ValueError` if `batch_size` is less than ``0``.
- :Parameters:
- - `batch_size`: The size of each batch of results requested.",https://github.com/DataDog/integrations-core/blob/ebd41c873cf9f97a8c51bf9459bc6a7536af8acd/tokumx/datadog_checks/tokumx/vendor/pymongo/command_cursor.py#L70-L92
-323,GNS3/gns3-server,"Removes an allocated node name
- :param name: allocated node name",https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/blob/a221678448fb5d24e977ef562f81d56aacc89ab1/gns3server/controller/project.py#L349-L357
-324,mongolab/mongoctl,Contains post start server operations,https://github.com/mongolab/mongoctl/blob/fab15216127ad4bf8ea9aa8a95d75504c0ef01a2/mongoctl/commands/server/start.py#L254-L270
-325,pandas-dev/pandas,"evaluate if the tipo is a subclass of the klasses
- and not a datetimelike",https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/9feb3ad92cc0397a04b665803a49299ee7aa1037/pandas/core/dtypes/common.py#L122-L128
-326,senaite/senaite.core,Return a mapping of Analysis Service -> Reference Results,https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/blob/7602ce2ea2f9e81eb34e20ce17b98a3e70713f85/bika/lims/browser/referencesample.py#L315-L319
-327,mongodb/mongo-python-driver,"**DEPRECATED** - Get the size of the results set for this query.
- The :meth:`count` method is deprecated and **not** supported in a
- transaction. Please use
- :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents` instead.
- Returns the number of documents in the results set for this query. Does
- not take :meth:`limit` and :meth:`skip` into account by default - set
- `with_limit_and_skip` to ``True`` if that is the desired behavior.
- Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` on a database error.
- When used with MongoDB >= 2.6, :meth:`~count` uses any :meth:`~hint`
- applied to the query. In the following example the hint is passed to
- the count command:
- collection.find({'field': 'value'}).hint('field_1').count()
- The :meth:`count` method obeys the
- :attr:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.read_preference` of the
- :class:`~pymongo.collection.Collection` instance on which
- :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.find` was called.
- :Parameters:
- - `with_limit_and_skip` (optional): take any :meth:`limit` or
- :meth:`skip` that has been applied to this cursor into account when
- getting the count
- .. note:: The `with_limit_and_skip` parameter requires server
- version **>= 1.1.4-**
- .. versionchanged:: 3.7
- Deprecated.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.8
- The :meth:`~count` method now supports :meth:`~hint`.",https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/blob/c29c21449e3aae74154207058cf85fd94018d4cd/pymongo/cursor.py#L723-L780
-328,jmcgeheeiv/pyfakefs,Return the access time in seconds.,https://github.com/jmcgeheeiv/pyfakefs/blob/6c36fb8987108107fc861fc3013620d46c7d2f9c/pyfakefs/helpers.py#L169-L172
-329,delfick/gitmit,"Initialise the tree.
- paths is a list of strings where each string is the relative path to some
- file.",https://github.com/delfick/gitmit/blob/ae0aef14a06b25ad2811f8f47cc97e68a0910eae/gitmit/prefix_tree.py#L59-L80
- Exponentiated Weibull log-likelihood.
- The exponentiated Weibull distribution is a generalization of the Weibull
- family. Its value lies in being able to model monotone and non-monotone
- failure rates.
- .. math::
- f(x \mid \alpha,k,loc,scale) & = \frac{\alpha k}{scale} (1-e^{-z^k})^{\alpha-1} e^{-z^k} z^{k-1} \\
- z & = \frac{x-loc}{scale}
- :Parameters:
- - `x` : x > 0
- - `alpha` : Shape parameter
- - `k` : k > 0
- - `loc` : Location parameter
- - `scale` : Scale parameter (scale > 0).",https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc/blob/c6e530210bff4c0d7189b35b2c971bc53f93f7cd/pymc/distributions.py#L1241-L1261
-331,myint/unify,"Run format_code() on a file.
- Returns `True` if any changes are needed and they are not being done
- in-place.",https://github.com/myint/unify/blob/ae699f5980a715cadc4a2f07bf16d11083c59401/unify.py#L135-L164
-332,bitesofcode/projexui,Loads the children for this item.,https://github.com/bitesofcode/projexui/blob/f18a73bec84df90b034ca69b9deea118dbedfc4d/projexui/widgets/xorbcolumnnavigator.py#L49-L70
-333,EconForge/dolo,"This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
- as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted
- when the function is used.",https://github.com/EconForge/dolo/blob/d91ddf148b009bf79852d9aec70f3a1877e0f79a/dolo/misc/decorators.py#L8-L28
-334,python-rope/rope,Set the value of `key` preference to `value`.,https://github.com/python-rope/rope/blob/1c9f9cd5964b099a99a9111e998f0dc728860688/rope/base/prefs.py#L7-L12
-335,lextoumbourou/txstripe,Return a deferred.,https://github.com/lextoumbourou/txstripe/blob/a69e67f524258026fd1840655a0578311bba3b89/txstripe/resource.py#L350-L355
-336,pyviz/holoviews,"Return True if the given point is contained within the
- bounding box, where the bottom and right boundaries are
- considered exclusive.",https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/blob/ae0dd2f3de448b0ca5e9065aabd6ef8d84c7e655/holoviews/core/boundingregion.py#L157-L164
-337,NoneGG/aredis,"Return a cache object using default identity generator,
- serializer and compressor.
- ``name`` is used to identify the series of your cache
- ``cache_class`` Cache is for normal use and HerdCache
- is used in case of Thundering Herd Problem
- ``identity_generator_class`` is the class used to generate
- the real unique key in cache, can be overwritten to
- meet your special needs. It should provide `generate` API
- ``compressor_class`` is the class used to compress cache in redis,
- can be overwritten with API `compress` and `decompress` retained.
- ``serializer_class`` is the class used to serialize
- content before compress, can be overwritten with API
- `serialize` and `deserialize` retained.",https://github.com/NoneGG/aredis/blob/204caad740ac13e5760d46444a2ba7632982a046/aredis/commands/extra.py#L11-L35
-338,brendonh/pyth,"Try to add an item to this element.
- If the item is of the wrong type, and if this element has a sub-type,
- then try to create such a sub-type and insert the item into that, instead.
- This happens recursively, so (in python-markup):
- L [ u'Foo' ]
- actually creates:
- L [ LE [ P [ T [ u'Foo' ] ] ] ]
- If that doesn't work, raise a TypeError.",https://github.com/brendonh/pyth/blob/f2a06fc8dc9b1cfc439ea14252d39b9845a7fa4b/pyth/document.py#L30-L59
-339,PX4/pyulog,"get the (major, minor, patch, type) version information as tuple.
- Returns None if not found
- definition of type is:
- >= 0: development
- >= 64: alpha version
- >= 128: beta version
- >= 192: RC version
- == 255: release version",https://github.com/PX4/pyulog/blob/3bc4f9338d30e2e0a0dfbed58f54d200967e5056/pyulog/core.py#L614-L628
-340,hasgeek/coaster,Return a list of named entities extracted from provided text blocks (list of text strings).,https://github.com/hasgeek/coaster/blob/07f7eb5d5f516e22fa14fdf4dc70e0ae13ee398d/coaster/nlp.py#L20-L48
-341,watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk,Initialize a VoiceModel object from a json dictionary.,https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk/blob/4c2c9df4466fcde88975da9ecd834e6ba95eb353/ibm_watson/text_to_speech_v1.py#L1306-L1329
-342,openstack/proliantutils,Return true if any of the drive is HDD,https://github.com/openstack/proliantutils/blob/86ef3b47b4eca97c221577e3570b0240d6a25f22/proliantutils/redfish/resources/system/storage/storage.py#L87-L92
-343,klmitch/turnstile,"Retrieve the given configuration option. Configuration
- options that can be queried this way are those that are
- specified without prefix in the paste.ini file, or which are
- specified in the '[turnstile]' section of the configuration
- file. Returns the default value (None if not specified) if
- the given option does not exist.",https://github.com/klmitch/turnstile/blob/8fe9a359b45e505d3192ab193ecf9be177ab1a17/turnstile/config.py#L174-L184
-344,gwastro/pycbc-glue,Write a submit file for this Condor job.,https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc-glue/blob/a3e906bae59fbfd707c3ff82e5d008d939ec5e24/pycbc_glue/pipeline.py#L710-L786
-345,SBRG/ssbio,Save an ssbio object as a JSON file using json_tricks,https://github.com/SBRG/ssbio/blob/e9449e64ffc1a1f5ad07e5849aa12a650095f8a2/ssbio/io/__init__.py#L9-L17
-346,saltstack/salt,"Check if a server is enabled globally
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' netscaler.server_enabled 'serverName'",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/netscaler.py#L642-L653
-347,drj11/pypng,A non-negative integer.,https://github.com/drj11/pypng/blob/b8220ca9f58e4c5bc1d507e713744fcb8c049225/code/png.py#L2203-L2209
-348,icometrix/dicom2nifti,"Setters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax
- :param value: the value to set on the tag
- :param tag: the tag to read",https://github.com/icometrix/dicom2nifti/blob/1462ae5dd979fa3f276fe7a78ceb9b028121536f/dicom2nifti/common.py#L309-L318
-349,fastai/fastai,Set bn layers in eval mode for all recursive children of `m`.,https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/9fb84a5cdefe5a766cdb792b8f5d8971737b7e67/fastai/torch_core.py#L216-L221
-351,lotabout/pymustache,render variable,https://github.com/lotabout/pymustache/blob/d4089e49cda01fc11bab0c986d95e25150a60bac/pymustache/mustache.py#L385-L393
-352,mlperf/training,"Retrieve the size of each block_layer in the ResNet model.
- The number of block layers used for the Resnet model varies according
- to the size of the model. This helper grabs the layer set we want, throwing
- an error if a non-standard size has been selected.
- Args:
- resnet_size: The number of convolutional layers needed in the model.
- Returns:
- A list of block sizes to use in building the model.
- Raises:
- KeyError: if invalid resnet_size is received.",https://github.com/mlperf/training/blob/1c6ae725a81d15437a2b2df05cac0673fde5c3a4/image_classification/tensorflow/official/resnet/imagenet_main.py#L242-L273
-353,baruwa-enterprise/BaruwaAPI,Update Fallback server,https://github.com/baruwa-enterprise/BaruwaAPI/blob/53335b377ccfd388e42f4f240f181eed72f51180/BaruwaAPI/resource.py#L457-L462
- - login
- - user
- - password",https://github.com/revelc/pyaccumulo/blob/8adcf535bb82ba69c749efce785c9efc487e85de/pyaccumulo/proxy/AccumuloProxy.py#L2407-L2415
-355,PolyJIT/benchbuild,"Handle SQLAlchemy exceptions in a sane way.
- Args:
- func: An arbitrary function to wrap.
- error_is_fatal: Should we exit the program on exception?
- reraise: Should we reraise the exception, after logging? Only makes sense
- if error_is_fatal is False.
- error_messages: A dictionary that assigns an exception class to a
- customized error message.",https://github.com/PolyJIT/benchbuild/blob/9ad2ec54d96e97b642b1f06eddcbad9ba7aeaf58/benchbuild/utils/schema.py#L50-L89
-356,arne-cl/discoursegraphs,"Get all nodes with the given attribute (and attribute value).
- Parameters
- ----------
- docgraph : DiscourseDocumentGraph
- document graph from which the nodes will be extracted
- attribute : str or None
- Name of the node attribute that all nodes must posess.
- If None, returns all nodes.
- value : str or collection of str or None
- Value of the node attribute that all nodes must posess.
- If None, returns all nodes with the given node attribute key .
- data : bool
- If True, results will include node attributes.
- Yields
- ------
- nodes : generator of str or generator of (str, dict) tuple
- If data is False (default), a generator of node (IDs) that posess
- the given attribute. If data is True, a generator of (node ID,
- node attrib dict) tuples.",https://github.com/arne-cl/discoursegraphs/blob/842f0068a3190be2c75905754521b176b25a54fb/src/discoursegraphs/discoursegraph.py#L1146-L1188
-357,sammchardy/python-kucoin,"Get deposit address for a currency
- https://docs.kucoin.com/#get-deposit-address
- :param currency: Name of currency
- :type currency: string
- .. code:: python
- address = client.get_deposit_address('NEO')
- :returns: ApiResponse
- .. code:: python
- {
- ""address"": ""0x78d3ad1c0aa1bf068e19c94a2d7b16c9c0fcd8b1"",
- ""memo"": ""5c247c8a03aa677cea2a251d""
- }
- :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException",https://github.com/sammchardy/python-kucoin/blob/a4cacde413804784bd313f27a0ad37234888be29/kucoin/client.py#L592-L621
-358,opennode/waldur-core,Get field that are tracked in object history versions.,https://github.com/opennode/waldur-core/blob/d6c17a9592bb6c49c33567542eef8d099605a46a/waldur_core/core/models.py#L380-L383
-359,rraadd88/rohan,"df1 in columns
- df2 in rows",https://github.com/rraadd88/rohan/blob/b0643a3582a2fffc0165ace69fb80880d92bfb10/rohan/dandage/stat/corr.py#L8-L32
-360,GearPlug/paymentsos-python,"When creating a Token, remember to use the public-key header instead of the private-key header,
- and do not include the app-id header.
- Args:
- holder_name: Name of the credit card holder.
- card_number: Credit card number.
- credit_card_cvv: The CVV number on the card (3 or 4 digits) to be encrypted.
- expiration_date: Credit card expiration date. Possible formats: mm-yyyy, mm-yy, mm.yyyy,
- mm.yy, mm/yy, mm/yyyy, mm yyyy, or mm yy.
- token_type: The type of token
- billing_address: Address.
- identity_document: National identity document of the card holder.
- additional_details: Optional additional data stored with your token in key/value pairs.
- Returns:",https://github.com/GearPlug/paymentsos-python/blob/2f32ba83ae890c96799b71d49fc6740bc1081f89/paymentsos/tokens.py#L6-L38
-361,ergo/ziggurat_foundations,"returns base query for specific service
- :param db_session:
- :return: query",https://github.com/ergo/ziggurat_foundations/blob/9eeec894d08e8d7defa60ddc04b63f69cd4cbeba/ziggurat_foundations/models/services/__init__.py#L26-L34
-362,choderalab/pymbar,"Gradient of MBAR objective function.
- Parameters
- ----------
- u_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype='float'
- The reduced potential energies, i.e. -log unnormalized probabilities
- N_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='int'
- The number of samples in each state
- f_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
- The reduced free energies of each state
- Returns
- -------
- grad : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_states)
- Gradient of mbar_objective
- Notes
- -----
- This is equation C6 in the JCP MBAR paper.",https://github.com/choderalab/pymbar/blob/69d1f0ff680e9ac1c6a51a5a207ea28f3ed86740/pymbar/mbar_solvers.py#L80-L105
-363,bitlabstudio/django-user-media,Returns a thumbnail's large size.,https://github.com/bitlabstudio/django-user-media/blob/63905aeb57640f116320ab8d7116e0ec35fde377/user_media/models.py#L122-L127
-364,wright-group/WrightTools,"Get a list of RGBA colors following a colormap.
- Useful for plotting lots of elements, keeping the color of each unique.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : integer
- The number of colors to return.
- cmap : string (optional)
- The colormap to use in the cycle. Default is rainbow.
- rotations : integer (optional)
- The number of times to repeat the colormap over the cycle. Default is 3.
- Returns
- -------
- list
- List of RGBA lists.",https://github.com/wright-group/WrightTools/blob/80d3ddd5074d8d5c1bc03fd5a0e0f10d4b424aeb/WrightTools/artists/_colors.py#L253-L281
-365,liampauling/betfair,"Checks response.status_code is in codes.
- :param requests.request response: Requests response
- :param list codes: List of accepted codes or callable
- :raises: StatusCodeError if code invalid",https://github.com/liampauling/betfair/blob/8479392eb4849c525d78d43497c32c0bb108e977/betfairlightweight/utils.py#L7-L17
-366,kwikteam/phy,Evaluate a Javascript expression.,https://github.com/kwikteam/phy/blob/7e9313dc364304b7d2bd03b92938347343703003/phy/gui/widgets.py#L190-L197
-367,pywbem/pywbem,"Resolve a dictionary of objects where the objects can be CIMProperty,
- CIMMethod, or CIMParameter. This method resolves each of the objects
- in the dictionary, using the superclass if it is defined.",https://github.com/pywbem/pywbem/blob/e54ecb82c2211e289a268567443d60fdd489f1e4/pywbem_mock/_resolvermixin.py#L163-L295
-368,karjaljo/hiisi,"Method returns a list of all goup paths
- Examples
- --------
- >>> for group in h5f.groups():
- print(group)
- '/'
- '/dataset1'
- '/dataset1/data1'
- '/dataset1/data2'",https://github.com/karjaljo/hiisi/blob/de6a64df5dcbcb37d5d3d5468663e65a7794f9a8/hiisi/hiisi.py#L85-L100
-369,Opentrons/opentrons,"Home the plunger motor for a mount, and then return it to the 'bottom'
- position.
- :param mount: the mount associated with the target plunger
- :type mount: :py:class:`.top_types.Mount`",https://github.com/Opentrons/opentrons/blob/a7c15cc2636ecb64ab56c7edc1d8a57163aaeadf/api/src/opentrons/hardware_control/__init__.py#L383-L395
-370,VonStruddle/PyHunter,"Gives back all the leads lists saved on your account.
- :param offset: Number of lists to skip.
- :param limit: Maximum number of lists to return.
- :return: Leads lists found as a dict.",https://github.com/VonStruddle/PyHunter/blob/e14882d22527102515458cddeb8e0aa1c02da549/pyhunter/pyhunter.py#L385-L404
-371,cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian,export a given log group to s3,https://github.com/cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian/blob/52ef732eb3d7bc939d1579faf519314814695c08/tools/c7n_logexporter/c7n_logexporter/exporter.py#L777-L910
-372,ResidentMario/geoplot,"A moderately mind-bendy meta-method which abstracts the internals of individual projections' load procedures.
- Parameters
- ----------
- proj : geoplot.crs object instance
- A disguised reference to ``self``.
- df : GeoDataFrame
- The GeoDataFrame which has been passed as input to the plotter at the top level. This data is needed to
- calculate reasonable centering variables in cases in which the user does not already provide them; which is,
- incidentally, the reason behind all of this funny twice-instantiation loading in the first place.
- centerings: dct
- A dictionary containing names and centering methods. Certain projections have certain centering parameters
- whilst others lack them. For example, the geospatial projection contains both ``central_longitude`` and
- ``central_latitude`` instance parameter, which together control the center of the plot, while the North Pole
- Stereo projection has only a ``central_longitude`` instance parameter, implying that latitude is fixed (as
- indeed it is, as this projection is centered on the North Pole!).
- A top-level centerings method is provided in each of the ``geoplot`` top-level plot functions; each of the
- projection wrapper classes defined here in turn selects the functions from this list relevent to this
- particular instance and passes them to the ``_generic_load`` method here.
- We then in turn execute these functions to get defaults for our ``df`` and pass them off to our output
- ``cartopy.crs`` instance.
- Returns
- -------
- crs : ``cartopy.crs`` object instance
- Returns a ``cartopy.crs`` object instance whose appropriate instance variables have been set to reasonable
- defaults wherever not already provided by the user.",https://github.com/ResidentMario/geoplot/blob/942b474878187a87a95a27fbe41285dfdc1d20ca/geoplot/crs.py#L26-L62
-373,fitnr/convertdate,Test for delay of start of new year and to avoid,https://github.com/fitnr/convertdate/blob/e920f168a87f99183b0aa7290d6c3af222582d43/convertdate/hebrew.py#L46-L56
-374,saltstack/salt,".. versionadded:: 2019.2.0
- List subscription network usage for a location.
- :param location: The Azure location to query for network usage.
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt-call azurearm_network.usages_list westus",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/azurearm_network.py#L1359-L1381
-375,RedHatInsights/insights-core,"Use all the defined scanners to search the log file, setting the
- properties defined in the scanner.",https://github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-core/blob/b57cbf8ed7c089672426ede0441e0a4f789ef4a1/insights/core/__init__.py#L902-L909
-376,klen/zeta-library,Implements @for,https://github.com/klen/zeta-library/blob/b76f89000f467e10ddcc94aded3f6c6bf4a0e5bd/zetalibrary/scss/__init__.py#L1320-L1349
-377,hardbyte/python-can,"Decode (if needed) and return the ICS device serial string
- :param device: ics device
- :return: ics device serial string
- :rtype: str",https://github.com/hardbyte/python-can/blob/cdc5254d96072df7739263623f3e920628a7d214/can/interfaces/ics_neovi/neovi_bus.py#L164-L174
-378,vecnet/vecnet.openmalaria,"Add an intervention to intervention/human section.
- intervention is either ElementTree or xml snippet",https://github.com/vecnet/vecnet.openmalaria/blob/795bc9d1b81a6c664f14879edda7a7c41188e95a/vecnet/openmalaria/scenario/interventions.py#L690-L720
-379,scanny/python-pptx,"Remove all content from this paragraph. Paragraph properties are
- preserved. Content includes runs, line breaks, and fields.",https://github.com/scanny/python-pptx/blob/d6ab8234f8b03953d2f831ff9394b1852db34130/pptx/text/text.py#L498-L505
-380,twilio/twilio-python,"Access the Chat Twilio Domain
- :returns: Chat Twilio Domain
- :rtype: twilio.rest.chat.Chat",https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/blob/c867895f55dcc29f522e6e8b8868d0d18483132f/twilio/rest/__init__.py#L185-L195
-381,GGiecold/Cluster_Ensembles,"Alter a vector of cluster labels to a dense mapping.
- Given that this function is herein always called after passing
- a vector to the function checkcl, one_to_max relies on the assumption
- that cluster_run does not contain any NaN entries.
- Parameters
- ----------
- array_in : a list or one-dimensional array
- The list of cluster IDs to be processed.
- Returns
- -------
- result : one-dimensional array
- A massaged version of the input vector of cluster identities.",https://github.com/GGiecold/Cluster_Ensembles/blob/d1b1ce9f541fc937ac7c677e964520e0e9163dc7/src/Cluster_Ensembles/Cluster_Ensembles.py#L433-L469
-382,autokey/autokey,"Activate the specified window, giving it input focus
- Usage: C{window.activate(title, switchDesktop=False, matchClass=False)}
- If switchDesktop is False (default), the window will be moved to the current desktop
- and activated. Otherwise, switch to the window's current desktop and activate it there.
- @param title: window title to match against (as case-insensitive substring match)
- @param switchDesktop: whether or not to switch to the window's current desktop
- @param matchClass: if True, match on the window class instead of the title",https://github.com/autokey/autokey/blob/35decb72f286ce68cd2a1f09ace8891a520b58d1/lib/autokey/scripting.py#L963-L982
-383,tmoerman/arboreto,":param gene_names: list of gene names.
- :param target_genes: either int (the top n), 'all', or a collection (subset of gene_names).
- :return: the (column) indices of the target genes in the expression_matrix.",https://github.com/tmoerman/arboreto/blob/3ff7b6f987b32e5774771751dea646fa6feaaa52/arboreto/core.py#L326-L357
-384,brbsix/subnuker,Request a single character input from the user.,https://github.com/brbsix/subnuker/blob/a94260a6e84b790a9e39e0b1793443ffd4e1f496/subnuker.py#L348-L363
-385,amperser/proselint,Check the text.,https://github.com/amperser/proselint/blob/cb619ee4023cc7856f5fb96aec2a33a2c9f1a2e2/proselint/checks/misc/currency.py#L20-L29
- ----------
- filename: str or None
- The file to which output will be written. By default, any existing content is
- overwritten. Use `append=True` to open the file in append mode instead.
- If filename is None, the generated CSV output is returned instead of written
- to a file.
- fields: list or dict
- List of field names to export, or dictionary mapping output column names
- to attribute names of the generators.
- Examples:
- fields=['field_name_1', 'field_name_2']
- fields={'COL1': 'field_name_1', 'COL2': 'field_name_2'}
- append: bool
- If `True`, open the file in 'append' mode to avoid overwriting existing content.
- Default is `False`, i.e. any existing content will be overwritten.
- This argument only has an effect if `filename` is given (i.e. if output happens
- to a file instead of returning a CSV string).
- header: bool or str or None
- If `header=False` or `header=None` then no header line will be written.
- If `header` is a string then this string will be used as the header line.
- If `header=True` then a header line will be automatically generated from
- the field names of the custom generator.
- header_prefix: str
- If `header=True` then the auto-generated header line will be prefixed
- with `header_prefix` (otherwise this argument has no effect). For example,
- set `header_prefix='#'` to make the header line start with '#'. Default: ''
- sep: str
- Field separator to use in the output. Default: ','
- newline: str
- Line terminator to use in the output. Default: '\n'
- Returns
- -------
- The return value depends on the value of `filename`.
- If `filename` is given, writes the output to the file and returns `None`.
- If `filename` is `None`, returns a string containing the CSV output.",https://github.com/maxalbert/tohu/blob/43380162fadec99cdd5c5c3152dd6b7d3a9d39a8/tohu/v4/item_list.py#L132-L206
-387,72squared/redpipe,"increment the value for key by value: int
- :param name: str the name of the redis key
- :param amount: int
- :return: Future()",https://github.com/72squared/redpipe/blob/e6ee518bc9f3e2fee323c8c53d08997799bd9b1b/redpipe/keyspaces.py#L664-L673
-388,spulec/moto,Compares this type against comparison filters,https://github.com/spulec/moto/blob/4a286c4bc288933bb023396e2784a6fdbb966bc9/moto/dynamodb/models.py#L47-L53
-389,androguard/androguard,Print with a pretty display the MapList object,https://github.com/androguard/androguard/blob/984c0d981be2950cf0451e484f7b0d4d53bc4911/androguard/core/bytecodes/dvm.py#L7550-L7559
-390,openego/ding0,"Disconnects `node` from `target_obj`
- Args
- ----
- node: LVLoadAreaCentreDing0, i.e.
- Origin node - Ding0 graph object (e.g. LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)
- target_obj_result: LVLoadAreaCentreDing0, i.e.
- Origin node - Ding0 graph object (e.g. LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)
- graph: :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >`
- NetworkX graph object with nodes and newly created branches
- debug: bool
- If True, information is printed during process",https://github.com/openego/ding0/blob/e2d6528f96255e4bb22ba15514a4f1883564ed5d/ding0/grid/mv_grid/mv_connect.py#L543-L580
-391,jameslyons/python_speech_features,"Compute delta features from a feature vector sequence.
- :param feat: A numpy array of size (NUMFRAMES by number of features) containing features. Each row holds 1 feature vector.
- :param N: For each frame, calculate delta features based on preceding and following N frames
- :returns: A numpy array of size (NUMFRAMES by number of features) containing delta features. Each row holds 1 delta feature vector.",https://github.com/jameslyons/python_speech_features/blob/40c590269b57c64a8c1f1ddaaff2162008d1850c/python_speech_features/base.py#L195-L210
-392,richardkiss/pycoin,A generalized form that can return multiple subkeys.,https://github.com/richardkiss/pycoin/blob/1e8d0d9fe20ce0347b97847bb529cd1bd84c7442/pycoin/key/HierarchicalKey.py#L6-L11
-393,bitlabstudio/cmsplugin-image-gallery,Template tag to render a list of pictures.,https://github.com/bitlabstudio/cmsplugin-image-gallery/blob/f16a2d5d0a6fde469bc07436ff0cd84af2c78e5c/image_gallery/templatetags/image_gallery_tags.py#L12-L27
-394,roboogle/gtkmvc3,Return a relative version of a path,https://github.com/roboogle/gtkmvc3/blob/63405fd8d2056be26af49103b13a8d5e57fe4dff/gtkmvco/gtkmvc3/support/utils.py#L112-L136
-395,redodo/formats,"Parsers data from with one format and composes with another.
- :param type_from: The unique name of the format to parse with
- :param type_to: The unique name of the format to compose with
- :param data: The text to convert",https://github.com/redodo/formats/blob/5bc7a79a2c93ef895534edbbf83f1efe2f62e081/formats/banks.py#L122-L139
-396,kensho-technologies/graphql-compiler,Return a unicode object with the MATCH representation of this BinaryComposition.,https://github.com/kensho-technologies/graphql-compiler/blob/f6079c6d10f64932f6b3af309b79bcea2123ca8f/graphql_compiler/compiler/expressions.py#L791-L836
-397,coursera/courseraoauth2client,Build an argparse argument parser to parse the command line.,https://github.com/coursera/courseraoauth2client/blob/4edd991defe26bfc768ab28a30368cace40baf44/courseraoauth2client/commands/version.py#L53-L62
-398,orb-framework/orb,"Creates a new namespace within this database.
- :param namespace: ",https://github.com/orb-framework/orb/blob/575be2689cb269e65a0a2678232ff940acc19e5a/orb/core/database.py#L77-L83
-399,mabuchilab/QNET,"Render an operator
- Args:
- identifier (str or SymbolicLabelBase): The identifier (name/symbol)
- of the operator. May include a subscript, denoted by '_'.
- hs (qnet.algebra.hilbert_space_algebra.HilbertSpace): The Hilbert
- space in which the operator is defined
- dagger (bool): Whether the operator should be daggered
- args (list): A list of expressions that will be rendered with
- :meth:`doprint`, joined with commas, enclosed in parenthesis
- superop (bool): Whether the operator is a super-operator",https://github.com/mabuchilab/QNET/blob/cc20d26dad78691d34c67173e5cd67dcac94208a/src/qnet/printing/asciiprinter.py#L152-L178
-400,pyviz/holoviews,"Computes the width of a model and sets up appropriate padding
- for Tabs and DataTable types.",https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/blob/ae0dd2f3de448b0ca5e9065aabd6ef8d84c7e655/holoviews/plotting/bokeh/util.py#L468-L494
-401,Esri/ArcREST,returns all the service objects in the admin service's page,https://github.com/Esri/ArcREST/blob/ab240fde2b0200f61d4a5f6df033516e53f2f416/src/arcrest/hostedservice/service.py#L144-L170
-402,niklasf/python-chess,"Finds the main entry for the given position or Zobrist hash.
- The main entry is the (first) entry with the highest weight.
- By default, entries with weight ``0`` are excluded. This is a common
- way to delete entries from an opening book without compacting it. Pass
- *minimum_weight* ``0`` to select all entries.
- :raises: :exc:`IndexError` if no entries are found. Use
- :func:`~chess.polyglot.MemoryMappedReader.get()` if you prefer to
- get ``None`` instead of an exception.",https://github.com/niklasf/python-chess/blob/d91f986ca3e046b300a0d7d9ee2a13b07610fe1a/chess/polyglot.py#L421-L438
-403,saltstack/salt,"Cycle through all the possible credentials and return the first one that
- works.",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/proxy/esxcluster.py#L281-L302
-404,twilio/twilio-python,"Access the cumulative_statistics
- :returns: twilio.rest.taskrouter.v1.workspace.task_queue.task_queue_cumulative_statistics.TaskQueueCumulativeStatisticsList
- :rtype: twilio.rest.taskrouter.v1.workspace.task_queue.task_queue_cumulative_statistics.TaskQueueCumulativeStatisticsList",https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/blob/c867895f55dcc29f522e6e8b8868d0d18483132f/twilio/rest/taskrouter/v1/workspace/task_queue/__init__.py#L406-L419
-405,mkoura/dump2polarion,Makes sure obj is a unicode string.,https://github.com/mkoura/dump2polarion/blob/f4bd24e9d5070e282aad15f1e8bb514c0525cd37/dump2polarion/utils.py#L30-L36
-406,softlayer/softlayer-python,"Gets the event log for a specific user, default start_date is 30 days ago
- :param int id: User id to view
- :param string start_date: ""%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%s.0000-06:00"" is the full formatted string.
- The Timezone part has to be HH:MM, notice the : there.
- :returns: https://softlayer.github.io/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Event_Log/",https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python/blob/9f181be08cc3668353b05a6de0cb324f52cff6fa/SoftLayer/managers/user.py#L171-L197
-407,inasafe/inasafe,Return utm zone.,https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/blob/831d60abba919f6d481dc94a8d988cc205130724/safe/common/utilities.py#L480-L485
-408,ponty/PyVirtualDisplay,"start display
- :rtype: self",https://github.com/ponty/PyVirtualDisplay/blob/903841f5ef13bf162be6fdd22daa5c349af45d67/pyvirtualdisplay/abstractdisplay.py#L100-L140
-409,PmagPy/PmagPy,"Open file and return a list of the file's lines.
- Try to use utf-8 encoding, and if that fails use Latin-1.
- Parameters
- ----------
- infile : str
- full path to file
- Returns
- ----------
- data: list
- all lines in the file",https://github.com/PmagPy/PmagPy/blob/c7984f8809bf40fe112e53dcc311a33293b62d0b/pmagpy/pmag.py#L1689-L1735
-410,tanghaibao/goatools,Print details regarding illegal GAF lines seen to a log file.,https://github.com/tanghaibao/goatools/blob/407682e573a108864a79031f8ca19ee3bf377626/goatools/anno/init/reader_gaf.py#L280-L300
-412,lappis-unb/salic-ml,Aggragation for calculate mean and std.,https://github.com/lappis-unb/salic-ml/blob/1b3ebc4f8067740999897ccffd9892dc94482a93/src/salicml/metrics/finance/item_prices.py#L50-L63
-413,evhub/coconut,Add end of line comments.,https://github.com/evhub/coconut/blob/ff97177344e7604e89a0a98a977a87ed2a56fc6d/coconut/compiler/compiler.py#L973-L997
-414,wummel/linkchecker,Return list of email addresses from given field value.,https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/linkcheck/checker/mailtourl.py#L37-L47
-415,linkedin/luminol,"Generate SAX representation(Symbolic Aggregate approXimation) for a single data point.
- Read more about it here: Assumption-Free Anomaly Detection in Time Series(http://alumni.cs.ucr.edu/~ratana/SSDBM05.pdf).
- :param dict sections: value sections.
- :param float value: value to be categorized.
- :return str: a SAX representation.",https://github.com/linkedin/luminol/blob/42e4ab969b774ff98f902d064cb041556017f635/src/luminol/algorithms/anomaly_detector_algorithms/bitmap_detector.py#L75-L90
-416,ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python,"Get a resource value for a given device and resource path by blocking thread.
- Example usage:
- .. code-block:: python
- try:
- v = api.get_resource_value(device_id, path)
- print(""Current value"", v)
- except CloudAsyncError, e:
- print(""Error"", e)
- :param str device_id: The name/id of the device (Required)
- :param str resource_path: The resource path to get (Required)
- :param fix_path: if True then the leading /, if found, will be stripped before
- doing request to backend. This is a requirement for the API to work properly
- :param timeout: Seconds to request value for before timeout. If not provided, the
- program might hang indefinitely.
- :raises: CloudAsyncError, CloudTimeoutError
- :returns: The resource value for the requested resource path
- :rtype: str",https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-sdk-python/blob/c0af86fb2cdd4dc7ed26f236139241067d293509/src/mbed_cloud/connect/connect.py#L279-L302
-417,mmoussallam/bird,"Automatically detect when noise zone has been reached and stop
- MP at this point
- Parameters
- ----------
- X : array, shape (n_channels, n_times)
- The numpy n_channels-vy-N array to be denoised where n_channels is
- number of sensors and N the dimension
- scales : list
- The list of MDCT scales that will be used to built the
- dictionary Phi
- n_runs : int
- the number of runs (n_runs in the paper)
- Lambda_W : float
- bound for lambda under which a run will be stopped
- max_iter : int
- Maximum number of iterations (serves as alternate stopping criterion)
- stop_crit : function
- controls the calculation of Lambda
- selection_rule : callable
- controls the way multiple channel projections are combined for atom
- selection only used if indep=False
- n_jobs : int
- number of jobs to run in parallel
- indep : bool
- True for BIRD (independent processing of each channel,
- False for S-BIRD (structured sparsity seeked)
- random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
- To specify the random generator state (seed).
- memory : instance of Memory
- The object to use to cache some computations. If cachedir is None, no
- caching is performed.
- verbose : bool
- verbose mode
- Returns
- -------
- X_denoise : array, shape (n_channels, n_times)
- denoised array of same shape as X",https://github.com/mmoussallam/bird/blob/1c726e6569db4f3b00804ab7ac063acaa3965987/bird/_bird.py#L235-L320
-418,pneff/wsgiservice,"Abort the current request with a 412 (Precondition Failed) response
- code. If the message is given it's output as an error message in the
- response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).
- :param instance: Resource instance (used to access the response)
- :type instance: :class:`webob.resource.Resource`
- :raises: :class:`webob.exceptions.ResponseException` of status 412",https://github.com/pneff/wsgiservice/blob/03c064ac2e8c53a1aac9c7b99970f23cf79e20f4/wsgiservice/status.py#L296-L308
-419,kubernetes-client/python,"list objects of kind ComponentStatus
- This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
- asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
- >>> thread = api.list_component_status(async_req=True)
- >>> result = thread.get()
- :param async_req bool
- :param str _continue: The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \""next key\"". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications.
- :param str field_selector: A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything.
- :param str label_selector: A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything.
- :param int limit: limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned.
- :param str pretty: If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.
- :param str resource_version: When specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource. Defaults to changes from the beginning of history. When specified for list: - if unset, then the result is returned from remote storage based on quorum-read flag; - if it's 0, then we simply return what we currently have in cache, no guarantee; - if set to non zero, then the result is at least as fresh as given rv.
- :param int timeout_seconds: Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity.
- :param bool watch: Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion.
- :return: V1ComponentStatusList
- If the method is called asynchronously,
- returns the request thread.",https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/5e512ff564c244c50cab780d821542ed56aa965a/kubernetes/client/apis/core_v1_api.py#L10980-L11006
-420,dslackw/slpkg,"Check if files downloaded and return downloaded
- packages",https://github.com/dslackw/slpkg/blob/dd2e08a80e944d337d157b992167ba631a4343de/slpkg/utils.py#L76-L84
-421,watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk,Return a json dictionary representing this model.,https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk/blob/4c2c9df4466fcde88975da9ecd834e6ba95eb353/ibm_watson/text_to_speech_v1.py#L932-L937
-422,odlgroup/odl,"Tomographic geometry for the lotus root dataset.
- Notes
- -----
- See the article `Tomographic X-ray data of a lotus root filled with
- attenuating objects`_ for further information.
- See Also
- --------
- lotus_root_geometry
- References
- ----------
- .. _Tomographic X-ray data of a lotus root filled with attenuating objects:
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.07299",https://github.com/odlgroup/odl/blob/b8443f6aca90e191ba36c91d32253c5a36249a6c/odl/contrib/datasets/ct/fips.py#L118-L148
-423,limodou/uliweb,"Import string format module, e.g. 'uliweb.orm' or an object
- return module object and object",https://github.com/limodou/uliweb/blob/34472f25e4bc0b954a35346672f94e84ef18b076/uliweb/utils/common.py#L22-L45
-424,mardix/Mocha,"Add federated login to the current user
- :param provider:
- :param federated_id:
- :return:",https://github.com/mardix/Mocha/blob/bce481cb31a0972061dd99bc548701411dcb9de3/mocha/contrib/auth/__init__.py#L636-L645
-425,inspirehep/refextract,"Given the indices of the titles and reportnumbers that have been
- recognised within a reference line, create a dictionary keyed by
- the replacement position in the line, where the value for each
- key is a string describing the type of item replaced at that
- position in the line.
- The description strings are:
- 'title' - indicating that the replacement is a
- periodical title
- 'reportnumber' - indicating that the replacement is a
- preprint report number.
- @param titles: (list) of locations in the string at which
- periodical titles were found.
- @param reportnumbers: (list) of locations in the string at which
- reportnumbers were found.
- @return: (dictionary) of replacement types at various locations
- within the string.",https://github.com/inspirehep/refextract/blob/d70e3787be3c495a3a07d1517b53f81d51c788c7/refextract/references/tag.py#L736-L761
-426,bitesofcode/projexui,"Returns a list of operators for this plugin.
- :return ",https://github.com/bitesofcode/projexui/blob/f18a73bec84df90b034ca69b9deea118dbedfc4d/projexui/widgets/xorbquerywidget/xorbqueryplugin.py#L90-L96
-427,opendatateam/udata,Perform an atomic prepend for a new badge,https://github.com/opendatateam/udata/blob/f016585af94b0ff6bd73738c700324adc8ba7f8f/udata/core/badges/models.py#L59-L83
-428,sentinel-hub/sentinelhub-py,"Convert UTM coordinate to image coordinate given a transform
- :param east: east coordinate of point
- :type east: float
- :param north: north coordinate of point
- :type north: float
- :param transform: georeferencing transform of the image, e.g. `(x_upper_left, res_x, 0, y_upper_left, 0, -res_y)`
- :type transform: tuple or list
- :param truncate: Whether to truncate pixel coordinates. Default is ``True``
- :type truncate: bool
- :return: row and column pixel image coordinates
- :rtype: float, float or int, int",https://github.com/sentinel-hub/sentinelhub-py/blob/08a83b7f1e289187159a643336995d8369860fea/sentinelhub/geo_utils.py#L140-L158
-429,developersociety/django-glitter,Return a select widget for blocks which can be added to this column.,https://github.com/developersociety/django-glitter/blob/2c0280ec83afee80deee94ee3934fc54239c2e87/glitter/page.py#L176-L184
-430,uralbash/pyramid_pages,Returns all resources and models from config.,https://github.com/uralbash/pyramid_pages/blob/545b1ecb2e5dee5742135ba2a689b9635dd4efa1/pyramid_pages/resources.py#L143-L153
-431,pyviz/holoviews,Returns a dictionary of element names to allowed keywords,https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/blob/ae0dd2f3de448b0ca5e9065aabd6ef8d84c7e655/holoviews/util/__init__.py#L494-L511
-432,JdeRobot/base,enter arbitrary mode,https://github.com/JdeRobot/base/blob/303b18992785b2fe802212f2d758a60873007f1f/src/drivers/MAVLinkServer/MAVProxy/pymavlink/mavutil.py#L531-L541
-433,nitmir/django-cas-server,"Validate a salt as crypt salt
- :param str salt: a password salt
- :return: ``True`` if ``salt`` is a valid crypt salt on this system, ``False`` otherwise
- :rtype: bool",https://github.com/nitmir/django-cas-server/blob/d106181b94c444f1946269da5c20f6c904840ad3/cas_server/utils.py#L393-L417
-434,KrishnaswamyLab/PHATE,"Calculate Von Neumann Entropy
- Determines the Von Neumann entropy of the diffusion affinities
- at varying levels of `t`. The user should select a value of `t`
- around the ""knee"" of the entropy curve.
- We require that 'fit' stores the value of `PHATE.diff_op`
- in order to calculate the Von Neumann entropy.
- Parameters
- ----------
- t_max : int, default: 100
- Maximum value of `t` to test
- Returns
- -------
- entropy : array, shape=[t_max]
- The entropy of the diffusion affinities for each value of `t`",https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/PHATE/blob/346a4597dcfc523f8bef99bce482e677282b6719/Python/phate/phate.py#L865-L886
-435,saltstack/salt,"Add an IP address to an IP address list.
- list_name(str): The name of the specific policy IP address list to append to.
- item_name(str): The IP address to append to the list.
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' bluecoat_sslv.add_ip_address MyIPAddressList",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/bluecoat_sslv.py#L172-L194
-436,senaite/senaite.core,"Returns an Alphanumber that represents the number passed in, expressed
- as defined in the template. Otherwise, returns the number",https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/blob/7602ce2ea2f9e81eb34e20ce17b98a3e70713f85/bika/lims/idserver.py#L387-L395
-437,ibis-project/ibis,"Add a post-aggregation result filter (like the having argument in
- `aggregate`), for composability with the group_by API
- Parameters
- ----------
- expr : ibis.expr.types.Expr
- Returns
- -------
- grouped : GroupedTableExpr",https://github.com/ibis-project/ibis/blob/1e39a5fd9ef088b45c155e8a5f541767ee8ef2e7/ibis/expr/groupby.py#L98-L119
-438,bwohlberg/sporco,"Compute dual residual normalisation term.
- Overriding this method is required if methods :meth:`cnst_A`,
- :meth:`cnst_AT`, :meth:`cnst_B`, and :meth:`cnst_c` are not
- overridden.",https://github.com/bwohlberg/sporco/blob/8946a04331106f4e39904fbdf2dc7351900baa04/sporco/admm/admm.py#L766-L774
-439,bitesofcode/projexui,"Sets whether or not this node is visible in the scene.
- :param state | ",https://github.com/bitesofcode/projexui/blob/f18a73bec84df90b034ca69b9deea118dbedfc4d/projexui/widgets/xnodewidget/xnode.py#L2032-L2043
-440,gbiggs/rtsprofile,"Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a participant into this
- object.",https://github.com/gbiggs/rtsprofile/blob/fded6eddcb0b25fe9808b1b12336a4413ea00905/rtsprofile/participant.py#L65-L74
-441,seung-lab/cloud-volume,cache = path or bool,https://github.com/seung-lab/cloud-volume/blob/d2fd4500333f1bc3cd3e3919a8b649cec5d8e214/cloudvolume/cloudvolume.py#L239-L243
-442,pyrogram/pyrogram,"Use this method to upload a file onto Telegram servers, without actually sending the message to anyone.
- This is a utility method intended to be used **only** when working with Raw Functions (i.e: a Telegram API
- method you wish to use which is not available yet in the Client class as an easy-to-use method), whenever an
- InputFile type is required.
- Args:
- path (``str``):
- The path of the file you want to upload that exists on your local machine.
- file_id (``int``, *optional*):
- In case a file part expired, pass the file_id and the file_part to retry uploading that specific chunk.
- file_part (``int``, *optional*):
- In case a file part expired, pass the file_id and the file_part to retry uploading that specific chunk.
- progress (``callable``, *optional*):
- Pass a callback function to view the upload progress.
- The function must take *(client, current, total, \*args)* as positional arguments (look at the section
- below for a detailed description).
- progress_args (``tuple``, *optional*):
- Extra custom arguments for the progress callback function. Useful, for example, if you want to pass
- a chat_id and a message_id in order to edit a message with the updated progress.
- Other Parameters:
- client (:obj:`Client `):
- The Client itself, useful when you want to call other API methods inside the callback function.
- current (``int``):
- The amount of bytes uploaded so far.
- total (``int``):
- The size of the file.
- *args (``tuple``, *optional*):
- Extra custom arguments as defined in the *progress_args* parameter.
- You can either keep *\*args* or add every single extra argument in your function signature.
- Returns:
- On success, the uploaded file is returned in form of an InputFile object.
- Raises:
- :class:`RPCError ` in case of a Telegram RPC error.",https://github.com/pyrogram/pyrogram/blob/e7258a341ba905cfa86264c22040654db732ec1c/pyrogram/client/client.py#L1388-L1519
-443,dwavesystems/dimod,"Generate a bqm with random biases and offset.
- Biases and offset are drawn from a uniform distribution range (low, high).
- Args:
- graph (int/tuple[nodes, edges]/:obj:`~networkx.Graph`):
- The graph to build the bqm loops on. Either an integer n, interpreted as a
- complete graph of size n, or a nodes/edges pair, or a NetworkX graph.
- vartype (:class:`.Vartype`/str/set):
- Variable type for the binary quadratic model. Accepted input values:
- * :class:`.Vartype.SPIN`, ``'SPIN'``, ``{-1, 1}``
- * :class:`.Vartype.BINARY`, ``'BINARY'``, ``{0, 1}``
- low (float, optional, default=0.0):
- The low end of the range for the random biases.
- high (float, optional, default=1.0):
- The high end of the range for the random biases.
- cls (:class:`.BinaryQuadraticModel`):
- Binary quadratic model class to build from.
- seed (int, optional, default=None):
- Random seed.
- Returns:
- :obj:`.BinaryQuadraticModel`",https://github.com/dwavesystems/dimod/blob/beff1b7f86b559d923ac653c1de6d593876d6d38/dimod/generators/random.py#L28-L79
-444,apache/incubator-mxnet,Get synthetic gradient value,https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/blob/1af29e9c060a4c7d60eeaacba32afdb9a7775ba7/example/bayesian-methods/bdk_demo.py#L121-L139
-445,codelv/enaml-native-cli,"Find all java files matching the ""*Package.java"" pattern within
- the given enaml package directory relative to the java source path.",https://github.com/codelv/enaml-native-cli/blob/81d6faa7e3dd437956f661c512031e49c0d44b63/enamlnativecli/main.py#L868-L881
-446,rbuffat/pyepw,"Exports object to its string representation.
- Args:
- top (bool): if True appends `internal_name` before values.
- All non list objects should be exported with value top=True,
- all list objects, that are embedded in as fields inlist objects
- should be exported with `top`=False
- Returns:
- str: The objects string representation",https://github.com/rbuffat/pyepw/blob/373d4d3c8386c8d35789f086ac5f6018c2711745/pyepw/epw.py#L451-L476
-447,crocs-muni/roca,"Dumps the return value
- :param ret:
- :return:",https://github.com/crocs-muni/roca/blob/74ad6ce63c428d83dcffce9c5e26ef7b9e30faa5/roca/detect.py#L2123-L2132
-448,xtream1101/cutil,Returns a string with the html tag and all its contents from a string,https://github.com/xtream1101/cutil/blob/2e4d1f00e66154b44d4ccffb9b1db3f37e87f2e8/cutil/__init__.py#L527-L536
-449,MoseleyBioinformaticsLab/ctfile,"Create counts line in ``CTfile`` format.
- :param str key: Counts line key.
- :return: Counts line string.
- :rtype: :py:class:`str`",https://github.com/MoseleyBioinformaticsLab/ctfile/blob/eae864126cd9102207df5d363a3222256a0f1396/ctfile/ctfile.py#L346-L358
-450,wilfilho/BingTranslator,"This is the final step, where the request is made, the data is
- retrieved and returned.",https://github.com/wilfilho/BingTranslator/blob/6bada6fe1ac4177cc7dc62ff16dab561ba714534/BingTranslator/__init__.py#L64-L72
- [Preview API] Edit the entitlements (License, Extensions, Projects, Teams etc) for a user.
- :param :class:`<[JsonPatchOperation]> ` document: JsonPatchDocument containing the operations to perform on the user.
- :param str user_id: ID of the user.
- :rtype: :class:``",https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-devops-python-api/blob/4777ffda2f5052fabbaddb2abe9cb434e0cf1aa8/azure-devops/azure/devops/v5_0/member_entitlement_management/member_entitlement_management_client.py#L257-L274
-452,Turbo87/aerofiles,"Write the task declaration metadata record::
- writer.write_task_metadata(
- datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 13, 12, 53, 02),
- task_number=42,
- turnpoints=3,
- )
- # -> C140413125302000000004203
- There are sensible defaults in place for all parameters except for the
- ``turnpoints`` parameter. If you don't pass that parameter the method
- will raise a :class:`ValueError`. The other parameter defaults are
- mentioned in the list below.
- :param declaration_datetime: a :class:`datetime.datetime` instance of
- the UTC date and time at the time of declaration (default: current
- date and time)
- :param flight_date: a :class:`datetime.date` instance of the intended
- date of the flight (default: ``000000``, which means ""use
- declaration date"")
- :param task_number: task number for the flight date or an integer-based
- identifier (default: ``0001``)
- :param turnpoints: the number of turnpoints in the task (not counting
- start and finish points!)
- :param text: optional text to append to the metadata record",https://github.com/Turbo87/aerofiles/blob/d8b7b04a1fcea5c98f89500de1164619a4ec7ef4/aerofiles/igc/writer.py#L484-L550
-453,portfoliome/postpy,Insert a collection of namedtuple records.,https://github.com/portfoliome/postpy/blob/fe26199131b15295fc5f669a0ad2a7f47bf490ee/postpy/dml.py#L30-L38
-454,cytoscape/py2cytoscape,"This command causes Cytoscape to exit. It is typically used at the end
- of a script file.
- :param verbose: print more",https://github.com/cytoscape/py2cytoscape/blob/dd34de8d028f512314d0057168df7fef7c5d5195/py2cytoscape/cyrest/command.py#L51-L59
-455,philipbergen/popen,"Allows adding/overriding env vars in the execution context.
- :param kw: Key-value pairs
- :return: self",https://github.com/philipbergen/popen/blob/85a6897475dd865403ec3b704fb5fb0e93f0ff64/popen/__init__.py#L113-L123
-456,TeamHG-Memex/eli5,Return True if an estimator has intercept fit.,https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/eli5/blob/371b402a0676295c05e582a2dd591f7af476b86b/eli5/sklearn/utils.py#L57-L67
-457,RiotGames/cloud-inquisitor,Get a specific role information,https://github.com/RiotGames/cloud-inquisitor/blob/181dc2566ca59fc855f695b7fcc2c3b934e6ee9f/backend/cloud_inquisitor/plugins/views/roles.py#L62-L69
-458,boriel/zxbasic,Pushes 40bit (float) param into the stack,https://github.com/boriel/zxbasic/blob/23b28db10e41117805bdb3c0f78543590853b132/arch/zx48k/backend/__init__.py#L1600-L1605
-459,arokem/python-matlab-bridge,"This takes a given filename; tries to find it in the environment path;
- then checks if it is executable. This returns the full path to the filename
- if found and executable. Otherwise this returns None.
- Note
- ----
- This function is taken from the pexpect module, see module doc-string for
- license.",https://github.com/arokem/python-matlab-bridge/blob/9822c7b55435662f4f033c5479cc03fea2255755/pymatbridge/messenger/make.py#L88-L118
-460,GiulioRossetti/dynetx,"Add a path at time t.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nodes : iterable container
- A container of nodes.
- t : snapshot id (default=None)
- See Also
- --------
- add_path, add_cycle
- Examples
- --------
- >>> G = dn.DynGraph()
- >>> G.add_path([0,1,2,3], t=0)",https://github.com/GiulioRossetti/dynetx/blob/634e2b38f8950885aebfa079dad7d5e8d7563f1d/dynetx/classes/dyngraph.py#L835-L855
-461,mbj4668/pyang,"Split `qname` into namespace URI and local name
- Return namespace and local name as a tuple. This is a static
- method.",https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang/blob/f2a5cc3142162e5b9ee4e18d154568d939ff63dd/pyang/yin_parser.py#L55-L64
-462,rstoneback/pysat,"Filters pysat.Instrument data for given time after Kp drops below gate.
- Loads Kp data for the same timeframe covered by sat and sets sat.data to
- NaN for times when Kp > maxKp and for filterTime after Kp drops below maxKp.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sat : pysat.Instrument
- Instrument to be filtered
- maxKp : float
- Maximum Kp value allowed. Kp values above this trigger
- sat.data filtering.
- filterTime : int
- Number of hours to filter data after Kp drops below maxKp
- kpData : pysat.Instrument (optional)
- Kp pysat.Instrument object with data already loaded
- kp_inst : pysat.Instrument (optional)
- Kp pysat.Instrument object ready to load Kp data.Overrides kpData.
- Returns
- -------
- None : NoneType
- sat Instrument object modified in place",https://github.com/rstoneback/pysat/blob/4ae1afd80e15e4449397d39dce8c3e969c32c422/pysat/instruments/sw_kp.py#L236-L286
-463,Vital-Fernandez/dazer,This gives us a dictionary of nominal values from a dictionary of uncertainties,https://github.com/Vital-Fernandez/dazer/blob/3c9ae8ae6d40ea33f22cc20dc11365d6d6e65244/bin/lib/CodeTools/various.py#L75-L77
-464,etcher-be/elib_config,"Configures elib_config in one fell swoop
- :param app_version: version of the application
- :param app_name:name of the application
- :param config_file_path: path to the config file to use
- :param config_sep_str: separator for config values paths
- :param root_path: list of strings that will be pre-pended to *all* config values paths (useful to setup a
- prefix for the whole app)",https://github.com/etcher-be/elib_config/blob/5d8c839e84d70126620ab0186dc1f717e5868bd0/elib_config/_setup.py#L40-L62
-465,MolSSI-BSE/basis_set_exchange,"Returns the basis set data as a string representing
- the data in the specified output format",https://github.com/MolSSI-BSE/basis_set_exchange/blob/e79110aaeb65f392ed5032420322dee3336948f7/basis_set_exchange/converters/convert.py#L82-L116
-466,Othernet-Project/conz,"Print a menu
- The choices must be an iterable of two-tuples where the first value is
- the value of the menu item, and the second is the label for that
- matches the value.
- The menu will be printed with numeric choices. For example::
- 1) foo
- 2) bar
- Formatting of the number is controlled by the formatter function which
- can be overridden by passing the ``formatter`` argument.
- The numbers used for the menu are generated using the numerator
- function which can be specified using the ``numerator`` function. This
- function must take the number of choices and return the same number of
- items that will be used as choice characters as a list.
- The cleaner function is passed to ``pvpl()`` method can be customized
- using ``clean`` argument. This function should generally be customized
- whenever ``numerator`` is customized, as default cleaner converts
- input to integers to match the default numerator.
- Optional ``intro`` argument can be passed to print a message above the
- menu.
- The return value of this method is the value user has chosen. The
- prompt will keep asking the user for input until a valid choice is
- selected. Each time an invalid selection is made, error message is
- printed. This message can be customized using ``error`` argument.
- If ``strict`` argument is set, then only values in choices are allowed,
- otherwise any value will be allowed. The ``default`` argument can be
- used to define what value is returned in case user select an invalid
- value when strict checking is off.",https://github.com/Othernet-Project/conz/blob/051214fa95a837c21595b03426a2c54c522d07a0/conz/console.py#L183-L239
-467,bronto/javasphinx,Convert the argument to a @see tag to rest,https://github.com/bronto/javasphinx/blob/cd1df27f1d70efaae079b74573efdd8e069ff02d/javasphinx/compiler.py#L95-L106
-468,roclark/sportsreference,"Find and create Team instances for all teams in the given season.
- For a given season, parses the specified NCAAB stats table and finds
- all requested stats. Each team then has a Team instance created which
- includes all requested stats and a few identifiers, such as the team's
- name and abbreviation. All of the individual Team instances are added
- to a list.
- Note that this method is called directly once Teams is invoked and does
- not need to be called manually.
- Parameters
- ----------
- year : string
- The requested year to pull stats from.",https://github.com/roclark/sportsreference/blob/ea0bae432be76450e137671d2998eb38f962dffd/sportsreference/ncaab/teams.py#L1096-L1134
-469,payu-org/payu,"Run the modulecmd tool and use its Python-formatted output to set the
- environment variables.",https://github.com/payu-org/payu/blob/1442a9a226012eff248b8097cc1eaabc3e224867/payu/envmod.py#L68-L83
-470,softlayer/softlayer-python,"Edit a security group rule.
- :param int group_id: The ID of the security group the rule belongs to
- :param int rule_id: The ID of the rule to edit
- :param str remote_ip: The remote IP or CIDR to enforce the rule on
- :param int remote_group: The remote security group ID to enforce
- the rule on
- :param str direction: The direction to enforce (egress or ingress)
- :param str ethertype: The ethertype to enforce (IPv4 or IPv6)
- :param str port_max: The upper port bound to enforce
- :param str port_min: The lower port bound to enforce
- :param str protocol: The protocol to enforce (icmp, udp, tcp)",https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python/blob/9f181be08cc3668353b05a6de0cb324f52cff6fa/SoftLayer/managers/network.py#L304-L342
-471,ministryofjustice/django-form-error-reporting,Adds user agent and IP to the default hit parameters,https://github.com/ministryofjustice/django-form-error-reporting/blob/2d08dd5cc4321e1abf49241c515ccd7050d9f828/form_error_reporting.py#L179-L197
-472,relekang/python-semantic-release,"A decorator that will convert AssertionErrors into
- CiVerificationError.
- :param func: A function that will raise AssertionError
- :return: The given function wrapped to raise a CiVerificationError on AssertionError",https://github.com/relekang/python-semantic-release/blob/76123f410180599a19e7c48da413880185bbea20/semantic_release/ci_checks.py#L9-L27
-473,arne-cl/discoursegraphs,"returns true, iff the order of the tokens in the graph are the
- same as in the Conano file (converted to plain text).",https://github.com/arne-cl/discoursegraphs/blob/842f0068a3190be2c75905754521b176b25a54fb/src/discoursegraphs/readwrite/conano.py#L148-L162
-474,tamasgal/km3pipe,"Applies optimal t0s to gaussians means.
- Should be around zero afterwards.
- Parameters
- ----------
- means: numpy array of means of gaussians of all PMT combinations
- opt_t0s: numpy array of optimal t0 values for all PMTs
- combs: pmt combinations used to correct
- Returns
- -------
- corrected_means: numpy array of corrected gaussian means for all PMT combs",https://github.com/tamasgal/km3pipe/blob/7a9b59ac899a28775b5bdc5d391d9a5340d08040/km3modules/k40.py#L798-L816
-475,yymao/generic-catalog-reader,"Check if *quantity* is available in this catalog
- Parameters
- ----------
- quantity : str
- a quantity name to check
- include_native : bool, optional
- whether or not to include native quantity names when checking
- Returns
- -------
- has_quantity : bool
- True if the quantities are all available; otherwise False",https://github.com/yymao/generic-catalog-reader/blob/bc6267ac41b9f68106ed6065184469ac13fdc0b6/GCR/base.py#L79-L100
-476,bcbio/bcbio-nextgen,"Soft-filter variants with AF below min_allele_fraction (appends ""MinAF"" to FILTER)",https://github.com/bcbio/bcbio-nextgen/blob/6a9348c0054ccd5baffd22f1bb7d0422f6978b20/bcbio/variation/mutect2.py#L134-L160
-477,tensorflow/tensorboard,"Returns the type of the google.protobuf.Value message as an api.DataType.
- Returns None if the type of 'value' is not one of the types supported in
- api_pb2.DataType.
- Args:
- value: google.protobuf.Value message.",https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/8e5f497b48e40f2a774f85416b8a35ac0693c35e/tensorboard/plugins/hparams/backend_context.py#L280-L295
-478,wglass/lighthouse,"Iterates over the configured ports and runs the checks on each one.
- Returns a two-element tuple: the first is the set of ports that
- transitioned from down to up, the second is the set of ports that
- transitioned from up to down.
- Also handles the case where a check for a since-removed port is run,
- marking the port as down regardless of the check's result and removing
- the check(s) for the port.",https://github.com/wglass/lighthouse/blob/f4ce6550895acc31e433ede0c05d366718a3ffe5/lighthouse/service.py#L148-L185
-479,DLR-RM/RAFCON,"Property for the _input_data_ports field
- See Property.
- :param dict input_data_ports: Dictionary that maps :class:`int` data_port_ids onto values of type
- :class:`rafcon.core.state_elements.data_port.InputDataPort`
- :raises exceptions.TypeError: if the input_data_ports parameter has the wrong type
- :raises exceptions.AttributeError: if the key of the input dictionary and the id of the data port do not match",https://github.com/DLR-RM/RAFCON/blob/24942ef1a904531f49ab8830a1dbb604441be498/source/rafcon/core/states/state.py#L1052-L1089
-480,pycontribs/pyrax,Removes the node from its load balancer.,https://github.com/pycontribs/pyrax/blob/9ddfd5064b3a292d7337906f3b2d5dce95b50b99/pyrax/cloudloadbalancers.py#L532-L540
-481,dfm/george,An array of all parameters (including frozen parameters),https://github.com/dfm/george/blob/44819680036387625ee89f81c55104f3c1600759/george/modeling.py#L164-L166
-482,ga4gh/ga4gh-server,"open input file, optionally with decompression",https://github.com/ga4gh/ga4gh-server/blob/1aa18922ef136db8604f6f098cb1732cba6f2a76/ga4gh/server/gff3.py#L240-L249
-483,oauthlib/oauthlib,"Extract parameters and return them as a list of 2-tuples.
- Will successfully extract parameters from urlencoded query strings,
- dicts, or lists of 2-tuples. Empty strings/dicts/lists will return an
- empty list of parameters. Any other input will result in a return
- value of None.",https://github.com/oauthlib/oauthlib/blob/30321dd3c0ca784d3508a1970cf90d9f76835c79/oauthlib/common.py#L168-L194
-484,saltstack/salt,"Execute a single low data call
- This function is mostly intended for testing the state system
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' state.low '{""state"": ""pkg"", ""fun"": ""installed"", ""name"": ""vi""}'",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/client/ssh/wrapper/state.py#L338-L410
-485,praekeltfoundation/seed-message-sender,Fires a metric using the MetricsApiClient,https://github.com/praekeltfoundation/seed-message-sender/blob/257b01635171b9dbe1f5f13baa810c971bb2620e/message_sender/tasks.py#L118-L124
-486,bokeh/bokeh,"Internal implementation of instance attribute access for the
- ``BasicPropertyDescriptor`` getter.
- If the value has not been explicitly set by a user, return that
- value. Otherwise, return the default.
- Args:
- obj (HasProps) : the instance to get a value of this property for
- Returns:
- object
- Raises:
- RuntimeError
- If the |HasProps| instance has not yet been initialized, or if
- this descriptor is on a class that is not a |HasProps|.",https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/dc8cf49e4e4302fd38537ad089ece81fbcca4737/bokeh/core/property/descriptors.py#L671-L697
-487,juju/python-libjuju,".. deprecated:: 0.7.0
- Use :meth:`.list_models` instead.",https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/blob/58f0011f4c57cd68830258952fa952eaadca6b38/juju/controller.py#L435-L449
-488,jasonrbriggs/stomp.py,:rtype: bytes,https://github.com/jasonrbriggs/stomp.py/blob/643843c5fbf25fd24339dd0e69a9411c3d8b94c7/stomp/transport.py#L645-L657
-489,eugene-eeo/piggyback,"Import a module given a dotted *path* in the
- form of ``.name(.name)*``, and returns the
- last module (unlike ``__import__`` which just
- returns the first module).
- :param path: The dotted path to the module.",https://github.com/eugene-eeo/piggyback/blob/0e5efe40a37aa0373d860b8dabab1282bf074270/piggyback/loader.py#L34-L49
-490,opereto/pyopereto,"modify_agent(self, agent_id, **kwargs)
- | Modifies agent information (like name)
- :Parameters:
- * *agent_id* (`string`) -- Identifier of an existing agent
- :Example:
- .. code-block:: python
- opereto_client = OperetoClient()
- opereto_client.modify_agent('agentId', name='my new name')",https://github.com/opereto/pyopereto/blob/16ca987738a7e1b82b52b0b099794a74ed557223/pyopereto/client.py#L856-L874
-491,inasafe/inasafe,"Given an InaSAFE analysis time, it will convert it to a date with
- year-month-date format.
- For instance:
- * beautify_date( @start_datetime ) -> will convert datetime provided by
- qgis_variable.",https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/blob/831d60abba919f6d481dc94a8d988cc205130724/safe/gis/generic_expressions.py#L279-L290
-492,lehins/django-smartfields,A way to find out a status of a filed.,https://github.com/lehins/django-smartfields/blob/23d4b0b18352f4f40ce8c429735e673ba5191502/smartfields/models.py#L56-L61
-493,MycroftAI/adapt,"A property to link into IntentEngine's _regex_strings.
- Warning: this is only for backwards compatiblility and should not be used if you
- intend on using domains.
- Returns: the domains _regex_strings from its IntentEngine",https://github.com/MycroftAI/adapt/blob/334f23248b8e09fb9d84a88398424ec5bd3bae4c/adapt/engine.py#L258-L270
-494,tensorflow/cleverhans,Make a confidence report and save it to disk.,https://github.com/tensorflow/cleverhans/blob/97488e215760547b81afc53f5e5de8ba7da5bd98/scripts/make_confidence_report_bundled.py#L42-L56
-495,blockstack/blockstack-core,"Get an atlas peer's neighbors.
- Return {'status': True, 'peers': [peers]} on success.
- Return {'error': ...} on error",https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-core/blob/1dcfdd39b152d29ce13e736a6a1a0981401a0505/blockstack/lib/client.py#L648-L717
- Keyword Arguments:
- ip {[type]} -- [description] (default: {None})
- port {[type]} -- [description] (default: {None})
- 27 5 香港指数 FH
- 31 2 香港主板 KH
- 48 2 香港创业板 KG
- 49 2 香港基金 KT
- 43 1 B股转H股 HB",https://github.com/QUANTAXIS/QUANTAXIS/blob/bb1fe424e4108b62a1f712b81a05cf829297a5c0/QUANTAXIS/QAFetch/QATdx.py#L1308-L1328
-497,saltstack/salt,Returns a list of members of a servicegroup or None,https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/netscaler.py#L162-L177
-498,dw/mitogen,"This is done in the :class:`Router` constructor for historical reasons.
- It must be called before ExternalContext logs its first messages, but
- after logging has been setup. It must also be called when any router is
- constructed for a consumer app.",https://github.com/dw/mitogen/blob/a7fdb55e1300a7e0a5e404b09eb730cf9a525da7/mitogen/core.py#L2499-L2509
-499,gitpython-developers/GitPython,"Find the named object in this tree's contents
- :return: ``git.Blob`` or ``git.Tree`` or ``git.Submodule``
- :raise KeyError: if given file or tree does not exist in tree",https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/blob/1f66e25c25cde2423917ee18c4704fff83b837d1/git/objects/tree.py#L214-L244
-500,juju/charm-helpers,Write a message to the juju log,https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/blob/aa785c40c3b7a8c69dbfbc7921d6b9f30142e171/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py#L100-L119
-501,Chilipp/funcargparse,"Parse the argument directly to the function used for setup
- This function parses the command line arguments to the function that
- has been used for the :meth:`setup_args` method.
- Parameters
- ----------
- args: list
- The arguments parsed to the :meth:`parse_args` function
- Returns
- -------
- argparse.Namespace
- The namespace with mapping from command name to the function
- return
- list
- The remaining arguments that could not be interpreted
- See also
- --------
- parse_known",https://github.com/Chilipp/funcargparse/blob/398ce8e7fa5aa35c465215446bda151cf1ecf7ad/funcargparse/__init__.py#L952-L979
-502,pymc-devs/pymc,Density function for blow and hop moves,https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc/blob/c6e530210bff4c0d7189b35b2c971bc53f93f7cd/pymc/StepMethods.py#L1732-L1738
-503,metapensiero/metapensiero.signal,Sets up a and configures an `~.utils.Executor`:class: instance.,https://github.com/metapensiero/metapensiero.signal/blob/1cbbb2e4bff00bf4887163b08b70d278e472bfe3/src/metapensiero/signal/core.py#L339-L383
-504,nickmckay/LiPD-utilities,"Preserve the csv column ordering before writing back out to CSV file. Keep column data consistent with JSONLD
- column number alignment.
- { ""var1"" : {""number"": 1, ""values"": [] }, ""var2"": {""number"": 1, ""values"": [] } }
- :param dict d: csv data
- :param str filename: Filename
- :return dict: csv data",https://github.com/nickmckay/LiPD-utilities/blob/5dab6bbeffc5effd68e3a6beaca6b76aa928e860/Python/lipd/csvs.py#L470-L528
-505,KelSolaar/Manager,"Lists the Components by dependency resolving.
- Usage::
- >>> manager = Manager((""./manager/tests/tests_manager/resources/components/core"",))
- >>> manager.register_components()
- True
- >>> manager.list_components()
- [u'core.tests_component_a', u'core.tests_component_b']
- :param dependency_order: Components are returned by dependency order.
- :type dependency_order: bool",https://github.com/KelSolaar/Manager/blob/39c8153fc021fc8a76e345a6e336ec2644f089d1/manager/components_manager.py#L1217-L1238
-506,twisted/txaws,"Create a sequence element with the given root.
- @param root: The C{etree.Element} to root the sequence at, if C{None} a
- new one will be created..
- @result: A L{SequenceItem} with the given root.
- @raises L{ECResponseError}: If the given C{root} has a bad tag.",https://github.com/twisted/txaws/blob/5c3317376cd47e536625027e38c3b37840175ce0/txaws/wsdl.py#L316-L332
-507,fabioz/PyDev.Debugger,"Splits a label entered as user input.
- It's more flexible in it's syntax parsing than the L{split_label_strict}
- method, as it allows the exclamation mark (B{C{!}}) to be omitted. The
- ambiguity is resolved by searching the modules in the snapshot to guess
- if a label refers to a module or a function. It also tries to rebuild
- labels when they contain hardcoded addresses.
- @warning: This method only parses the label, it doesn't make sure the
- label actually points to a valid memory location.
- @type label: str
- @param label: Label to split.
- @rtype: tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
- @return: Tuple containing the C{module} name,
- the C{function} name or ordinal, and the C{offset} value.
- If the label doesn't specify a module,
- then C{module} is C{None}.
- If the label doesn't specify a function,
- then C{function} is C{None}.
- If the label doesn't specify an offset,
- then C{offset} is C{0}.
- @raise ValueError: The label is malformed.",https://github.com/fabioz/PyDev.Debugger/blob/ed9c4307662a5593b8a7f1f3389ecd0e79b8c503/pydevd_attach_to_process/winappdbg/module.py#L1317-L1450
-508,odlgroup/odl,"Determine the minimum matching ufunc signature for given dtypes.
- Parameters
- ----------
- ufunc : str or numpy.ufunc
- Ufunc whose signatures are to be considered.
- dtypes_in :
- Sequence of objects specifying input dtypes. Its length must match
- the number of inputs of ``ufunc``, and its entries must be understood
- by `numpy.dtype`.
- Returns
- -------
- signature : str
- Minimum matching ufunc signature, see, e.g., ``np.add.types``
- for examples.
- Raises
- ------
- TypeError
- If no valid signature is found.",https://github.com/odlgroup/odl/blob/b8443f6aca90e191ba36c91d32253c5a36249a6c/odl/ufunc_ops/ufunc_ops.py#L27-L77
-509,knipknap/exscript,"Reads the given SMTP formatted template, and creates a new Mail object
- using the information.
- :type string: str
- :param string: The SMTP formatted template.
- :type kwargs: str
- :param kwargs: Variables to replace in the template.
- :rtype: Mail
- :return: The resulting mail.",https://github.com/knipknap/exscript/blob/72718eee3e87b345d5a5255be9824e867e42927b/Exscript/util/mail.py#L399-L414
-510,inasafe/inasafe,"Construct analysis question based on hazard and exposures.
- :param hazard: A hazard definition.
- :type hazard: dict
- :param exposure: A list of exposure definition.
- :type exposure: list
- :returns: Analysis question based on reporting standards.
- :rtype: str",https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/blob/831d60abba919f6d481dc94a8d988cc205130724/safe/impact_function/provenance_utilities.py#L84-L120
-511,wummel/linkchecker,"Returns the wire format string and the hash module to use for the
- specified TSIG algorithm
- @rtype: (string, hash constructor)
- @raises NotImplementedError: I{algorithm} is not supported",https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/third_party/dnspython/dns/tsig.py#L199-L223
-512,gem/oq-engine,"Extract the calculation ID from the given filename or integer:
- >>> extract_calc_id_datadir('/mnt/ssd/oqdata/calc_25.hdf5')
- (25, '/mnt/ssd/oqdata')
- >>> extract_calc_id_datadir('/mnt/ssd/oqdata/wrong_name.hdf5')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: Cannot extract calc_id from /mnt/ssd/oqdata/wrong_name.hdf5",https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/baselib/datastore.py#L87-L108
-513,gwastro/pycbc,"This function will look through the executables section of the
- ConfigParser object and replace any values using macros with full paths.
- For any values that look like
- ${which:lalapps_tmpltbank}
- will be replaced with the equivalent of which(lalapps_tmpltbank)
- Otherwise values will be unchanged.",https://github.com/gwastro/pycbc/blob/7a64cdd104d263f1b6ea0b01e6841837d05a4cb3/pycbc/workflow/configuration.py#L520-L539
-514,miguelgrinberg/slam,"Catch-all error handler
- Unexpected errors will be handled by this function.",https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/slam/blob/cf68a4bbc16d909718f8a9e71072b822e0a3d94b/slam/cli.py#L60-L68
-515,maartenbreddels/ipyvolume,"Create a new figure if no key is given, or return the figure associated with key.
- :param key: Python object that identifies this figure
- :param int width: pixel width of WebGL canvas
- :param int height: .. height ..
- :param bool lighting: use lighting or not
- :param bool controls: show controls or not
- :param bool controls_vr: show controls for VR or not
- :param bool debug: show debug buttons or not
- :return: :any:`Figure`",https://github.com/maartenbreddels/ipyvolume/blob/e68b72852b61276f8e6793bc8811f5b2432a155f/ipyvolume/pylab.py#L168-L222
-516,wummel/linkchecker,"Read the next token and interpret it as a string.
- @raises dns.exception.SyntaxError:
- @rtype: string",https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/third_party/dnspython/dns/tokenizer.py#L498-L508
-517,saltstack/salt,"Return user information
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' user.info root",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/pw_user.py#L428-L459
-518,GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-packages,"Download a Google Storage URL using an authentication token.
- If the token cannot be fetched, fallback to unauthenticated download.
- Args:
- url: string, the URL to download.
- dest_dir: string, the path to a directory for storing metadata scripts.
- Returns:
- string, the path to the file storing the metadata script.",https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-packages/blob/53ea8cd069fb4d9a1984d1c167e54c133033f8da/packages/python-google-compute-engine/google_compute_engine/metadata_scripts/script_retriever.py#L48-L92
-519,Metatab/metapack,"Return the local Account for a user name, by fetching User and looking up
- the arn.",https://github.com/Metatab/metapack/blob/8365f221fbeaa3c0be9091f2eaf3447fd8e2e8d6/metapack/cli/metaaws.py#L540-L548
-520,codelv/enaml-native-barcode,Shortcut only one at a time will work...,https://github.com/codelv/enaml-native-barcode/blob/dc3c4b41980c0f93d7fa828f48a751ae26daf297/src/zxing/android/android_barcode.py#L66-L83
-521,Cognexa/cxflow,"List full names of all the submodules in the given module.
- :param module_name: name of the module of which the submodules will be listed",https://github.com/Cognexa/cxflow/blob/dd609e6b0bd854424a8f86781dd77801a13038f9/cxflow/utils/reflection.py#L64-L71
-522,novopl/peltak,"Return the base branch for the current branch.
- This function will first try to guess the base branch and if it can't it
- will let the user choose the branch from the list of all local branches.
- Returns:
- str: The name of the branch the current branch is based on.",https://github.com/novopl/peltak/blob/b627acc019e3665875fe76cdca0a14773b69beaa/src/peltak/extra/gitflow/logic/common.py#L178-L194
-523,wummel/linkchecker,"Read settings from given config files.
- @raises: LinkCheckerError on syntax errors in the config file(s)",https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/linkcheck/configuration/confparse.py#L43-L62
-524,gem/oq-engine,"Create and return rupture surface object with given properties.
- :param mag:
- Magnitude value, used to calculate rupture dimensions,
- see :meth:`_get_rupture_dimensions`.
- :param nodal_plane:
- Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane`
- describing the rupture orientation.
- :param hypocenter:
- Point representing rupture's hypocenter.
- :returns:
- Instance of
- :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.planar.PlanarSurface`.",https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/blob/8294553a0b8aba33fd96437a35065d03547d0040/openquake/calculators/ucerf_base.py#L492-L593
-525,Yelp/detect-secrets,Custom JSON encoder,https://github.com/Yelp/detect-secrets/blob/473923ea71f1ac2b5ea1eacc49b98f97967e3d05/detect_secrets/core/secrets_collection.py#L336-L348
-526,spyder-ide/spyder,Setup tree widget,https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/f76836ce1b924bcc4efd3f74f2960d26a4e528e0/spyder/plugins/explorer/widgets.py#L238-L249
-527,caesar0301/relogger,"The local time when the message was written.
- Must follow the format 'Mmm DD HH:MM:SS'. If
- the day of the month is less than 10, then it
- MUST be represented as a space and then the
- number.",https://github.com/caesar0301/relogger/blob/40b722ad2115ac6a179e2cc4eb0c88333f5114de/relogger/syslog.py#L118-L130
-528,ArchiveTeam/wpull,Modify the request to resume downloading file.,https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/wpull/blob/ddf051aa3322479325ba20aa778cb2cb97606bf5/wpull/writer.py#L189-L198
-529,DerMitch/fritzbox-smarthome,"Returns the actual target temperature.
- Attention: Returns None if the value can't be queried or is unknown.",https://github.com/DerMitch/fritzbox-smarthome/blob/84cbd7c1b33e6256add041b0395ff5fccc01f103/fritzhome/actor.py#L125-L132
-530,OSSOS/MOP,"Name if the MOP formatted file to parse.
- @rtype: basestring
- @return: filename",https://github.com/OSSOS/MOP/blob/94f91d32ad5ec081d5a1ebd67604a838003465af/src/ossos/core/ossos/mop_file.py#L28-L40
-531,nerdvegas/rez,"Set the permissions mode on path, but only if it differs from the current mode.",https://github.com/nerdvegas/rez/blob/1d3b846d53b5b5404edfe8ddb9083f9ceec8c5e7/src/rez/utils/filesystem.py#L414-L418
-532,google/fleetspeak,"Retries an operation until success or deadline.
- Args:
- func: The function to run. Must take a timeout, in seconds, as a single
- parameter. If it raises grpc.RpcError and deadline has not be reached,
- it will be run again.
- timeout: Retries will continue until timeout seconds have passed.",https://github.com/google/fleetspeak/blob/bc95dd6941494461d2e5dff0a7f4c78a07ff724d/fleetspeak/src/server/grpcservice/client/client.py#L150-L172
-533,astrocatalogs/astrocats,Check that spectrum has legal combination of attributes.,https://github.com/astrocatalogs/astrocats/blob/11abc3131c6366ecd23964369e55ff264add7805/astrocats/catalog/spectrum.py#L112-L133
-534,shichao-an/115wangpan,"Reload file info and metadata
- * name
- * sha
- * pickcode",https://github.com/shichao-an/115wangpan/blob/e7cc935313f675e886bceca831fcffcdedf1e880/u115/api.py#L1302-L1315
-535,mitsei/dlkit,"Adds a root family.
- arg: family_id (osid.id.Id): the ``Id`` of a family
- raise: AlreadyExists - ``family_id`` is already in hierarchy
- raise: NotFound - ``family_id`` not found
- raise: NullArgument - ``family_id`` is ``null``
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- raise: PermissionDenied - authorization failure
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/relationship/sessions.py#L2456-L2472
-536,OCHA-DAP/hdx-python-api,"Makes a read call to HDX passing in given parameter.
- Args:
- object_type (str): Description of HDX object type (for messages)
- value (str): Value of HDX field
- fieldname (str): HDX field name. Defaults to id.
- action (Optional[str]): Replacement CKAN action url to use. Defaults to None.
- **kwargs: Other fields to pass to CKAN.
- Returns:
- Tuple[bool, Union[Dict, str]]: (True/False, HDX object metadata/Error)",https://github.com/OCHA-DAP/hdx-python-api/blob/212440f54f73805826a16db77dbcb6033b18a313/src/hdx/data/hdxobject.py#L95-L122
-537,InQuest/python-sandboxapi,"Submit a file for analysis.
- :type handle: File handle
- :param handle: Handle to file to upload for analysis.
- :type filename: str
- :param filename: File name.
- :rtype: str
- :return: File ID as a string",https://github.com/InQuest/python-sandboxapi/blob/9bad73f453e25d7d23e7b4b1ae927f44a35a5bc3/sandboxapi/fireeye.py#L79-L114
-538,limodou/uliweb,"This is a decorator function, so you should use it as:
- @bind('init')
- def process_init(a, b):
- ...",https://github.com/limodou/uliweb/blob/34472f25e4bc0b954a35346672f94e84ef18b076/uliweb/core/dispatch.py#L20-L52
-539,FNNDSC/med2image,"Convenience dispatcher to the error_exit() method.
- Will raise ""fatal"" error, i.e. terminate script.",https://github.com/FNNDSC/med2image/blob/638d5d230de47608af20f9764acf8e382c2bf2ff/med2image/error.py#L76-L83
-540,insightindustry/validator-collection,"Indicate if arguments passed to this function are equivalent.
- .. hint::
- This checker operates recursively on the members contained within iterables
- and :class:`dict ` objects.
- .. caution::
- If you only pass one argument to this checker - even if it is an iterable -
- the checker will *always* return ``True``.
- To evaluate members of an iterable for equivalence, you should instead
- unpack the iterable into the function like so:
- .. code-block:: python
- obj = [1, 1, 1, 2]
- result = are_equivalent(*obj)
- # Will return ``False`` by unpacking and evaluating the iterable's members
- result = are_equivalent(obj)
- # Will always return True
- :param args: One or more values, passed as positional arguments.
- :returns: ``True`` if ``args`` are equivalent, and ``False`` if not.
- :rtype: :class:`bool `
- :raises SyntaxError: if ``kwargs`` contains duplicate keyword parameters or duplicates
- keyword parameters passed to the underlying validator",https://github.com/insightindustry/validator-collection/blob/8c8047a0fa36cc88a021771279898278c4cc98e3/validator_collection/checkers.py#L89-L148
-541,nicolargo/glances,Get sensors list.,https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/blob/5bd4d587a736e0d2b03170b56926841d2a3eb7ee/glances/plugins/glances_sensors.py#L311-L322
-542,tuomas2/automate,Register service into the system. Called by Services.,https://github.com/tuomas2/automate/blob/d8a8cd03cd0da047e033a2d305f3f260f8c4e017/src/automate/system.py#L376-L381
-543,bwhite/hadoopy,"Computes the hop distance to all nodes centered around a specified node.
- First order neighbours are at hop 1, their neigbours are at hop 2 etc.
- Uses :py:meth:`forw_bfs` or :py:meth:`back_bfs` depending on the value of the forward
- parameter. If the distance between all neighbouring nodes is 1 the hop
- number corresponds to the shortest distance between the nodes.
- :param start: the starting node
- :param end: ending node (optional). When not specified will search the whole graph.
- :param forward: directionality parameter (optional). If C{True} (default) it uses L{forw_bfs} otherwise L{back_bfs}.
- :return: returns a list of tuples where each tuple contains the node and the hop.
- Typical usage::
- >>> print graph.get_hops(1, 8)
- >>> [(1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3), (7, 4), (8, 5)]
- # node 1 is at 0 hops
- # node 2 is at 1 hop
- # ...
- # node 8 is at 5 hops",https://github.com/bwhite/hadoopy/blob/ff39b4e6d4e6efaf1f571cf0f2c0e0d7ab28c2d6/hadoopy/thirdparty/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/lib/altgraph/Graph.py#L647-L673
-544,scnerd/miniutils,"Performs a parallel mapping of the given iterable, reporting a progress bar as values get returned. Yields
- objects as soon as they're computed, but does not guarantee that they'll be in the correct order.
- :param mapper: The mapping function to apply to elements of the iterable
- :param iterable: The iterable to map
- :param nprocs: The number of processes (defaults to the number of cpu's)
- :param starmap: If true, the iterable is expected to contain tuples and the mapper function gets each element of a
- tuple as an argument
- :param flatmap: If true, flatten out the returned values if the mapper function returns a list of objects
- :param shuffle: If true, randomly sort the elements before processing them. This might help provide more uniform
- runtimes if processing different objects takes different amounts of time.
- :param verbose: Whether or not to print the progress bar
- :param verbose_flatmap: If performing a flatmap, whether or not to report each object as it's returned
- :param max_cache: Maximum number of mapped objects to permit in the queue at once
- :param kwargs: Any other keyword arguments to pass to the progress bar (see ``progbar``)
- :return: A list of the returned objects, in whatever order they're done being computed",https://github.com/scnerd/miniutils/blob/fe927e26afc5877416dead28dabdf6604387f42c/miniutils/progress_bar.py#L144-L166
-545,CivicSpleen/ckcache,"Return the file path referenced but rel_path, or None if
- it can't be found. If an upstream is declared, it will try to get the file
- from the upstream before declaring failure.",https://github.com/CivicSpleen/ckcache/blob/0c699b6ba97ff164e9702504f0e1643dd4cd39e1/ckcache/filesystem.py#L597-L657
-546,openstack/networking-cisco,Return the next create state from previous state.,https://github.com/openstack/networking-cisco/blob/aa58a30aec25b86f9aa5952b0863045975debfa9/networking_cisco/apps/saf/server/services/firewall/native/fabric_setup_base.py#L1463-L1471
-547,metavee/batchproc,"implements loader interface, return (tasks, config)",https://github.com/metavee/batchproc/blob/aa084a2ac8ab7950f7a7d3adb54b0cf010c6a935/batchproc/core.py#L100-L102
-548,crytic/slither,"Return the list of functions shadowed
- Returns:
- list(core.Function)",https://github.com/crytic/slither/blob/04c147f7e50223c6af458ca430befae747ccd259/slither/core/declarations/function.py#L553-L562
-549,Kozea/pygal,Assign a view to current graph,https://github.com/Kozea/pygal/blob/5e25c98a59a0642eecd9fcc5dbfeeb2190fbb5e7/pygal/graph/radar.py#L59-L69
-550,MartinThoma/hwrt,"Get all intersections of the bounding boxes of strokes.
- Parameters
- ----------
- recording : list of lists of integers
- Returns
- -------
- A symmetrical matrix which indicates if two bounding boxes intersect.",https://github.com/MartinThoma/hwrt/blob/725c21a3d0f5a30b8492cbc184b3688ceb364e1c/hwrt/segmentation/segmentation.py#L1006-L1026
-551,iotile/coretools,"Fetch the decoded text contents of a Unicode encoded Entry.
- Since this should return the text contents from the file
- system, we check to see into what sort of subclass we should
- morph this Entry.",https://github.com/iotile/coretools/blob/2d794f5f1346b841b0dcd16c9d284e9bf2f3c6ec/iotilebuild/iotile/build/config/scons-local-3.0.1/SCons/Node/FS.py#L989-L1005
-552,mitsei/dlkit,"Gets a list of ``Repositories`` matching the given repository query.
- arg: repository_query (osid.repository.RepositoryQuery): the
- repository query
- return: (osid.repository.RepositoryList) - the returned
- ``RepositoryList``
- raise: NullArgument - ``repository_query`` is ``null``
- raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
- raise: PermissionDenied - authorization failure
- raise: Unsupported - ``repository_query`` is not of this
- service
- *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.*",https://github.com/mitsei/dlkit/blob/445f968a175d61c8d92c0f617a3c17dc1dc7c584/dlkit/json_/repository/sessions.py#L4903-L4928
-553,RudolfCardinal/pythonlib,"Extends :func:`is_c_extension` by asking: is this module, or any of its
- submodules, a C extension?
- Args:
- module: Previously imported module object to be tested.
- import_all_submodules: explicitly import all submodules of this module?
- include_external_imports: check modules in other packages that this
- module imports?
- seen: used internally for recursion (to deal with recursive modules);
- should be ``None`` when called by users
- Returns:
- bool: ``True`` only if this module or one of its submodules is a C
- extension.
- Examples:
- .. code-block:: python
- import logging
- from cardinal_pythonlib.modules import contains_c_extension
- from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger
- import _elementtree as et
- import os
- import arrow
- import alembic
- import django
- import numpy
- import numpy.core.multiarray as numpy_multiarray
- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # be verbose
- main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger(level=logging.DEBUG)
- contains_c_extension(os) # False
- contains_c_extension(et) # False
- contains_c_extension(numpy) # True -- different from is_c_extension()
- contains_c_extension(numpy_multiarray) # True
- contains_c_extension(arrow) # False
- contains_c_extension(alembic) # False
- contains_c_extension(alembic, include_external_imports=True) # True
- # ... this example shows that Alembic imports hashlib, which can import
- # _hashlib, which is a C extension; however, that doesn't stop us (for
- # example) installing Alembic on a machine with no C compiler
- contains_c_extension(django)",https://github.com/RudolfCardinal/pythonlib/blob/0b84cb35f38bd7d8723958dae51b480a829b7227/cardinal_pythonlib/modules.py#L157-L308
-554,trombastic/PyScada,stop the scheduler and stop all processes,https://github.com/trombastic/PyScada/blob/c5fc348a25f0df1340336f694ee9bc1aea62516a/pyscada/utils/scheduler.py#L443-L484
-555,BerkeleyAutomation/perception,"Creates a binary image mask for the foreground of an image against
- a uniformly colored background. The background is assumed to be the mode value of the histogram
- for each of the color channels.
- Parameters
- ----------
- tolerance : int
- A +/- level from the detected mean backgroud color. Pixels withing
- this range will be classified as background pixels and masked out.
- ignore_black : bool
- If True, the zero pixels will be ignored
- when computing the background model.
- use_hsv : bool
- If True, image will be converted to HSV for background model
- generation.
- scale : int
- Size of background histogram bins -- there will be BINARY_IM_MAX_VAL/size bins
- in the color histogram for each channel.
- bgmodel : :obj:`list` of int
- A list containing the red, green, and blue channel modes of the
- background. If this is None, a background model will be generated
- using the other parameters.
- Returns
- -------
- :obj:`BinaryImage`
- A binary image that masks out the background from the current
- ColorImage.",https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/perception/blob/03d9b37dd6b66896cdfe173905c9413c8c3c5df6/perception/image.py#L1147-L1205
-556,GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-pipelines,Used to execute callbacks on asynchronous pipelines.,https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-pipelines/blob/277394648dac3e8214677af898935d07399ac8e1/python/src/pipeline/pipeline.py#L1091-L1096
-557,totalgood/pugnlp,"Produce a string convertable with float(s), if possible, fixing some common scientific notations
- Deletes commas and allows addition.
- >>> normalize_scientific_notation(' -123 x 10^-45 ')
- '-123e-45'
- >>> normalize_scientific_notation(' -1+1,234 x 10^-5,678 ')
- '1233e-5678'
- >>> normalize_scientific_notation('$42.42')
- '42.42'",https://github.com/totalgood/pugnlp/blob/c43445b14afddfdeadc5f3076675c9e8fc1ee67c/src/pugnlp/util.py#L1980-L2020
-558,tallforasmurf/byteplay,"Find the offsets in a byte code which are the start of source lines.
- Generate pairs (offset, lineno) as described in Python/compile.c.
- This is a modified version of dis.findlinestarts. This version allows
- multiple ""line starts"" with the same line number. (The dis version
- conditions its yield on a test ""if lineno != lastlineno"".)
- FYI: code.co_lnotab is a byte array with one pair of bytes for each
- effective source line number in the bytecode. An effective line is
- one that generates code: not blank or comment lines. The first actual
- line number, typically the number of the ""def"" statement, is in
- code.co_firstlineno.
- An even byte of co_lnotab is the offset to the bytecode generated
- from the next effective line number. The following odd byte is an
- increment on the previous line's number to the next line's number.
- Thus co_firstlineno+co_lnotab[1] is the first effective line's
- number, and co_lnotab[0] is the number of bytes it generated.
- Note that an effective line number generates code by definition,
- hence the even byte cannot be zero; and as line numbers are
- monotonically increasing, the odd byte cannot be zero either.
- But what, the curious reader might ask, does Python do if a source
- line generates more than 255 bytes of code? In that *highly* unlikely
- case compile.c generates multiple pairs of (255,0) until it has
- accounted for all the generated code, then a final pair of
- (offset%256, lineincr).
- Oh, but what, the curious reader asks, do they do if there is a gap
- of more than 255 between effective line numbers? It is not unheard of
- to find blocks of comments larger than 255 lines (like this one?).
- Then compile.c generates pairs of (0, 255) until it has accounted for
- the line number difference and a final pair of (offset,lineincr%256).
- Uh, but...? Yes, what now, annoying reader? Well, does the following
- code handle these special cases of (255,0) and (0,255) properly?
- It handles the (0,255) case correctly, because of the ""if byte_incr""
- test which skips the yield() but increments lineno. It does not handle
- the case of (255,0) correctly; it will yield false pairs (255,0).
- Fortunately that will only arise e.g. when disassembling some
- ""obfuscated"" code where most newlines are replaced with semicolons.
- Oh, and yes, the to_code() method does properly handle generation
- of the (255,0) and (0,255) entries correctly.",https://github.com/tallforasmurf/byteplay/blob/f6189df69dea763c83e857150244a8a89c082cc2/byteplay3.py#L808-L870
-559,chovanecm/sacredboard,"Convert the query received by the Sacred Web API to a MongoDB query.
- Takes a query in format
- {""type"": ""and"", ""filters"": [
- {""field"": ""host.hostname"", ""operator"": ""=="", ""value"": ""ntbacer""},
- {""type"": ""or"", ""filters"": [
- {""field"": ""result"", ""operator"": ""=="", ""value"": 2403.52},
- {""field"": ""host.python_version"", ""operator"": ""=="", ""value"":""3.5.2""}
- ]}]}
- and returns an appropriate MongoDB Query.
- :param query: A query in the Sacred Web API format.
- :return: Mongo Query.",https://github.com/chovanecm/sacredboard/blob/47e1c99e3be3c1b099d3772bc077f5666020eb0b/sacredboard/app/data/pymongo/rundao.py#L114-L146
-560,saltstack/salt,"Transfer files and directories from remote host to the localhost of the
- Minion.
- remote_path
- Path to retrieve from remote host. Since this is evaluated by scp on the
- remote host, shell wildcards and environment variables may be used.
- recursive: ``False``
- Transfer files and directories recursively.
- preserve_times: ``False``
- Preserve ``mtime`` and ``atime`` of transferred files and directories.
- hostname
- The hostname of the remote device.
- port: ``22``
- The port of the remote device.
- username
- The username required for SSH authentication on the device.
- password
- Used for password authentication. It is also used for private key
- decryption if ``passphrase`` is not given.
- passphrase
- Used for decrypting private keys.
- pkey
- An optional private key to use for authentication.
- key_filename
- The filename, or list of filenames, of optional private key(s) and/or
- certificates to try for authentication.
- timeout
- An optional timeout (in seconds) for the TCP connect.
- socket_timeout: ``10``
- The channel socket timeout in seconds.
- buff_size: ``16384``
- The size of the SCP send buffer.
- allow_agent: ``True``
- Set to ``False`` to disable connecting to the SSH agent.
- look_for_keys: ``True``
- Set to ``False`` to disable searching for discoverable private key
- files in ``~/.ssh/``
- banner_timeout
- An optional timeout (in seconds) to wait for the SSH banner to be
- presented.
- auth_timeout
- An optional timeout (in seconds) to wait for an authentication
- response.
- auto_add_policy: ``False``
- Automatically add the host to the ``known_hosts``.
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' scp.get /var/tmp/file /tmp/file hostname= auto_add_policy=True",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/scp_mod.py#L69-L151
-561,mwouts/jupytext,"Return cell language and language options, if any",https://github.com/mwouts/jupytext/blob/eb7d6aee889f80ad779cfc53441c648f0db9246d/jupytext/languages.py#L68-L84
-562,chimpler/pyhocon,"Convert to json, properties or yaml
- :param input_file: input file, if not specified stdin
- :param output_file: output file, if not specified stdout
- :param output_format: json, properties or yaml
- :return: json, properties or yaml string representation",https://github.com/chimpler/pyhocon/blob/e5b22a8e74e8f88e43cf9e9140cca5f2cd0ab4a3/pyhocon/converter.py#L237-L257
-563,thespacedoctor/polyglot,"*genarate a MMD definition*
- **Key Arguments:**
- - ``text`` -- the text to define
- - ``definition`` -- the definition
- **Return:**
- - ``definition`` -- the MMD style definition
- **Usage:**
- To genarate a MMD definition:
- .. code-block:: python
- text = \""\""\""Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.
- Also the makers of really great products.\""\""\""
- definition = md.definition(""Apple"", text)
- print definition
- # Apple
- # : Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.
- # Also the makers of really great products.
- #",https://github.com/thespacedoctor/polyglot/blob/98038d746aa67e343b73b3ccee1e02d31dab81ec/polyglot/markdown/translate.py#L495-L531
-564,frejanordsiek/hdf5storage,"Find, but don't load, all third party marshaller plugins.
- Third party marshaller plugins declare the entry point
- ``'hdf5storage.marshallers.plugins'`` with the name being the
- Marshaller API version and the target being a function that returns
- a ``tuple`` or ``list`` of all the marshallers provided by that
- plugin when given the hdf5storage version (``str``) as its only
- argument.
- .. versionadded:: 0.2
- Returns
- -------
- plugins : dict
- The marshaller obtaining entry points from third party
- plugins. The keys are the Marshaller API versions (``str``) and
- the values are ``dict`` of the entry points, with the module
- names as the keys (``str``) and the values being the entry
- points (``pkg_resources.EntryPoint``).
- See Also
- --------
- supported_marshaller_api_versions",https://github.com/frejanordsiek/hdf5storage/blob/539275141dd3a4efbbbfd9bdb978f3ed59e3f05d/hdf5storage/__init__.py#L85-L115
-565,wummel/linkchecker,Log URL data in custom XML format.,https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/blob/c2ce810c3fb00b895a841a7be6b2e78c64e7b042/linkcheck/logger/customxml.py#L45-L96
-566,alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-python,"Creates table in Dynamodb resource if it doesn't exist and
- create_table is set as True.
- :rtype: None
- :raises: PersistenceException: When `create_table` fails on
- dynamodb resource.",https://github.com/alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-python/blob/097b6406aa12d5ca0b825b00c936861b530cbf39/ask-sdk-dynamodb-persistence-adapter/ask_sdk_dynamodb/adapter.py#L207-L244
-567,litters/shrew,Delete the password for the username of the service.,https://github.com/litters/shrew/blob/ed4b1879321d858d6bc884d14fea7557372a4d41/shrew/utils/auth.py#L60-L79
-568,ThreatConnect-Inc/tcex,"Validate key/value data in KeyValueArray.
- Args:
- db_data (list): The data store in Redis.
- user_data (dict): The user provided data.
- Returns:
- bool: True if the data passed validation.",https://github.com/ThreatConnect-Inc/tcex/blob/dd4d7a1ef723af1561687120191886b9a2fd4b47/tcex/tcex_bin_run.py#L428-L442
-569,miLibris/flask-rest-jsonapi,"Use the oauth manager to enable oauth for API
- :param oauth_manager: the oauth manager",https://github.com/miLibris/flask-rest-jsonapi/blob/ecc8f2cd2b54cc0bfae7acd6cffcda0ba1140c43/flask_rest_jsonapi/api.py#L93-L124
-570,sixty-north/cosmic-ray,"Determines if a WorkItem falls within an anchor.
- This only returns True if a WorkItems start-/stop-pos range is *completely*
- within an anchor, not just if it overalaps.",https://github.com/sixty-north/cosmic-ray/blob/c654e074afbb7b7fcbc23359083c1287c0d3e991/src/cosmic_ray/interceptors/spor.py#L93-L105
-571,fermiPy/fermipy,Make the source objects and write the xml for a component,https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/blob/9df5e7e3728307fd58c5bba36fd86783c39fbad4/fermipy/diffuse/gt_srcmap_partial.py#L141-L159
-572,mlperf/training,Calculate learning rate with linear warmup and rsqrt decay.,https://github.com/mlperf/training/blob/1c6ae725a81d15437a2b2df05cac0673fde5c3a4/translation/tensorflow/transformer/transformer_main.py#L82-L97
-573,zyga/guacamole,Method called when the command is invoked.,https://github.com/zyga/guacamole/blob/105c10a798144e3b89659b500d7c2b84b0c76546/examples/rainbow.py#L45-L55
-574,junaruga/rpm-py-installer,"Extract tar.gz or tar bz2 file.
- It behaves like
- - tar xzf tar_gz_file_path
- - tar xjf tar_bz2_file_path
- It raises tarfile.ReadError if the file is broken.",https://github.com/junaruga/rpm-py-installer/blob/12f45feb0ba533dec8d0d16ef1e9b7fb8cfbd4ed/install.py#L1841-L1857
-575,clusterpoint/python-client-api,"Convert various representations of an XML structure to a normal XML string.
- Args:
- source -- The source object to be converted - ET.Element, dict or string.
- Returns:
- A rew xml string matching the source object.
- >>> to_raw_xml("""")
- ''
- >>> to_raw_xml({'document': {'title': 'foo', 'list': [{'li':1}, {'li':2}]}})
- '
- >>> to_raw_xml(ET.Element('root'))
- ''",https://github.com/clusterpoint/python-client-api/blob/fabf9bd8355aa54ba08fd6649e48f16e2c35eacd/pycps/converters.py#L178-L204
- :param need_task_info: 是否需要返回任务信息:
- * 0:不需要
- * 1:需要,默认为1
- :param start: 查询任务起始位置,默认为0。
- :param limit: 设定返回任务数量,默认为10。
- :param asc:
- * 0:降序,默认值
- * 1:升序
- :param create_time: 任务创建时间,默认为空。
- :type create_time: int
- :param status: 任务状态,默认为空。
- 0:下载成功,1:下载进行中 2:系统错误,3:资源不存在,
- 4:下载超时,5:资源存在但下载失败, 6:存储空间不足,
- 7:目标地址数据已存在, 8:任务取消.
- :type status: int
- :param source_url: 源地址URL,默认为空。
- :param remote_path: 文件保存路径,默认为空。
- .. warning::
- * 路径长度限制为1000;
- * 径中不能包含以下字符:``\\\\ ? | "" > < : *``;
- * 文件名或路径名开头结尾不能是 ``.``
- 或空白字符,空白字符包括:
- ``\\r, \\n, \\t, 空格, \\0, \\x0B`` 。
- :param expires: 请求失效时间,如果有,则会校验。
- :type expires: int
- :return: Response 对象",https://github.com/mozillazg/baidu-pcs-python-sdk/blob/12fe3f13b2ecda8f8bdcc5334c876e934776a5cc/baidupcs/api.py#L791-L839
-577,zrnsm/pyculiarity,"Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
- A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
- series of observations.
- Args:
- x: Time series as a column data frame, list, or vector, where the column consists of
- the observations.
- max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the
- data.
- direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').
- alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.
- period: Defines the number of observations in a single period, and used during seasonal
- decomposition.
- only_last: Find and report anomalies only within the last period in the time series.
- threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: ('None' | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99').
- e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.
- longterm_period: Defines the number of observations for which the trend can be considered
- flat. The value should be an integer multiple of the number of observations in a single period.
- This increases anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.
- plot: (Currently unsupported) A flag indicating if a plot with both the time series and the estimated anoms,
- indicated by circles, should also be returned.
- y_log: Apply log scaling to the y-axis. This helps with viewing plots that have extremely
- large positive anomalies relative to the rest of the data.
- xlabel: X-axis label to be added to the output plot.
- ylabel: Y-axis label to be added to the output plot.
- Details
- 'longterm_period' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
- The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
- 'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
- than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
- of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
- 99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).
- 'title' Title for the output plot.
- 'verbose' Enable debug messages
- The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
- anoms: Data frame containing index, values, and optionally expected values.
- plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
- the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series.",https://github.com/zrnsm/pyculiarity/blob/a06f5977cbf60a8805fd364f834aa09be108f2f3/pyculiarity/detect_vec.py#L11-L293
-578,sentinelsat/sentinelsat,"Download a product.
- Uses the filename on the server for the downloaded file, e.g.
- ""S1A_EW_GRDH_1SDH_20141003T003840_20141003T003920_002658_002F54_4DD1.zip"".
- Incomplete downloads are continued and complete files are skipped.
- Parameters
- ----------
- id : string
- UUID of the product, e.g. 'a8dd0cfd-613e-45ce-868c-d79177b916ed'
- directory_path : string, optional
- Where the file will be downloaded
- checksum : bool, optional
- If True, verify the downloaded file's integrity by checking its MD5 checksum.
- Throws InvalidChecksumError if the checksum does not match.
- Defaults to True.
- Returns
- -------
- product_info : dict
- Dictionary containing the product's info from get_product_info() as well as
- the path on disk.
- Raises
- ------
- InvalidChecksumError
- If the MD5 checksum does not match the checksum on the server.",https://github.com/sentinelsat/sentinelsat/blob/eacfd79ff4e7e939147db9dfdd393c67d64eecaa/sentinelsat/sentinel.py#L463-L552
-579,explosion/thinc,Get word shapes.,https://github.com/explosion/thinc/blob/90129be5f0d6c665344245a7c37dbe1b8afceea2/examples/spacy_tagger.py#L58-L66
-580,bitshares/uptick,Add a private key to the wallet,https://github.com/bitshares/uptick/blob/66c102200fdbf96cef4fd55cc69d00e690f62001/uptick/wallet.py#L47-L83
-581,nhoffman/fastalite,"Return a sequence of namedtuple objects from a fasta file with
- attributes (id, description, seq) given open file-like object
- ``handle``",https://github.com/nhoffman/fastalite/blob/d544a9e2b5150cf59f0f9651f6f3d659caf13848/fastalite/fastalite.py#L52-L71
-582,santoshphilip/eppy,"Add a new idfobject to the model. If you don't specify a value for a
- field, the default value will be set.
- For example ::
- newidfobject(""CONSTRUCTION"")
- newidfobject(""CONSTRUCTION"",
- Name='Interior Ceiling_class',
- Outside_Layer='LW Concrete',
- Layer_2='soundmat')
- Parameters
- ----------
- key : str
- The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS.
- aname : str, deprecated
- This parameter is not used. It is left there for backward
- compatibility.
- defaultvalues: boolean
- default is True. If True default values WILL be set.
- If False, default values WILL NOT be set
- **kwargs
- Keyword arguments in the format `field=value` used to set the value
- of fields in the IDF object when it is created.
- Returns
- -------
- EpBunch object",https://github.com/santoshphilip/eppy/blob/55410ff7c11722f35bc4331ff5e00a0b86f787e1/eppy/modeleditor.py#L713-L755
-583,KelSolaar/Umbra,"Registers given file in the Model.
- :param file: File to register.
- :type file: unicode
- :param parent: FileNode parent.
- :type parent: GraphModelNode
- :param ensure_uniqueness: Ensure registrar uniqueness.
- :type ensure_uniqueness: bool
- :return: FileNode.
- :rtype: FileNode",https://github.com/KelSolaar/Umbra/blob/66f45f08d9d723787f1191989f8b0dda84b412ce/umbra/components/factory/script_editor/models.py#L442-L472
-584,twilio/twilio-python,"Access the usage_records
- :returns: twilio.rest.wireless.v1.sim.usage_record.UsageRecordList
- :rtype: twilio.rest.wireless.v1.sim.usage_record.UsageRecordList",https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/blob/c867895f55dcc29f522e6e8b8868d0d18483132f/twilio/rest/wireless/v1/sim/__init__.py#L345-L354
-585,CI-WATER/gsshapy,ProjectFileEvent Write to File Method,https://github.com/CI-WATER/gsshapy/blob/00fd4af0fd65f1614d75a52fe950a04fb0867f4c/gsshapy/orm/evt.py#L48-L59
-586,crate/crate-python,"Check if a blob exists
- :param digest: Hex digest of the blob
- :return: Boolean indicating existence of the blob",https://github.com/crate/crate-python/blob/68e39c95f5bbe88b74bbfa26de4347fc644636a8/src/crate/client/blob.py#L93-L100
-587,SFDO-Tooling/CumulusCI,Opens a file for tracking the time of the last version check,https://github.com/SFDO-Tooling/CumulusCI/blob/e19047921ca771a297e045f22f0bb201651bb6f7/cumulusci/cli/cci.py#L53-L69
-588,AustralianSynchrotron/lightflow,"Send a request to the server and wait for its response.
- Args:
- request (Request): Reference to a request object that is sent to the server.
- Returns:
- Response: The response from the server to the request.",https://github.com/AustralianSynchrotron/lightflow/blob/dc53dbc1d961e20fb144273baca258060705c03e/lightflow/models/signal.py#L171-L192
-589,oceanprotocol/squid-py,"Return the parameter as a dictionary.
- :return: dict",https://github.com/oceanprotocol/squid-py/blob/43a5b7431627e4c9ab7382ed9eb8153e96ed4483/squid_py/agreements/service_agreement_condition.py#L21-L31
-590,graphql-python/graphql-core,"Returns a location object, used to identify the place in
- the source that created a given parsed object.",https://github.com/graphql-python/graphql-core/blob/d8e9d3abe7c209eb2f51cf001402783bfd480596/graphql/language/parser.py#L114-L124
-591,fabioz/PyDev.Debugger,"Starts a new process for debugging.
- This method uses a command line string. To use a list of arguments
- instead, use L{execv}.
- @see: L{attach}, L{detach}
- @type lpCmdLine: str
- @param lpCmdLine: Command line string to execute.
- The first token must be the debugee executable filename.
- Tokens with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.
- Tokens including double quote characters must be escaped with a
- backslash.
- @type bBreakOnEntryPoint: bool
- @keyword bBreakOnEntryPoint: C{True} to automatically set a breakpoint
- at the program entry point. Defaults to C{False}.
- @type bConsole: bool
- @keyword bConsole: True to inherit the console of the debugger.
- Defaults to C{False}.
- @type bFollow: bool
- @keyword bFollow: C{True} to automatically attach to child processes.
- Defaults to C{False}.
- @type bInheritHandles: bool
- @keyword bInheritHandles: C{True} if the new process should inherit
- it's parent process' handles. Defaults to C{False}.
- @type bSuspended: bool
- @keyword bSuspended: C{True} to suspend the main thread before any code
- is executed in the debugee. Defaults to C{False}.
- @type dwParentProcessId: int or None
- @keyword dwParentProcessId: C{None} or C{0} if the debugger process
- should be the parent process (default), or a process ID to
- forcefully set as the debugee's parent (only available for Windows
- Vista and above).
- In hostile mode, the default is not the debugger process but the
- process ID for ""explorer.exe"".
- @type iTrustLevel: int
- @keyword iTrustLevel: Trust level.
- Must be one of the following values:
- - 0: B{No trust}. May not access certain resources, such as
- cryptographic keys and credentials. Only available since
- Windows XP and 2003, desktop editions. This is the default
- in hostile mode.
- - 1: B{Normal trust}. Run with the same privileges as a normal
- user, that is, one that doesn't have the I{Administrator} or
- I{Power User} user rights. Only available since Windows XP
- and 2003, desktop editions.
- - 2: B{Full trust}. Run with the exact same privileges as the
- current user. This is the default in normal mode.
- @type bAllowElevation: bool
- @keyword bAllowElevation: C{True} to allow the child process to keep
- UAC elevation, if the debugger itself is running elevated. C{False}
- to ensure the child process doesn't run with elevation. Defaults to
- C{True} in normal mode and C{False} in hostile mode.
- This flag is only meaningful on Windows Vista and above, and if the
- debugger itself is running with elevation. It can be used to make
- sure the child processes don't run elevated as well.
- This flag DOES NOT force an elevation prompt when the debugger is
- not running with elevation.
- Note that running the debugger with elevation (or the Python
- interpreter at all for that matter) is not normally required.
- You should only need to if the target program requires elevation
- to work properly (for example if you try to debug an installer).
- @rtype: L{Process}
- @return: A new Process object. Normally you don't need to use it now,
- it's best to interact with the process from the event handler.
- @raise WindowsError: Raises an exception on error.",https://github.com/fabioz/PyDev.Debugger/blob/ed9c4307662a5593b8a7f1f3389ecd0e79b8c503/pydevd_attach_to_process/winappdbg/debug.py#L350-L534
-592,nugget/python-insteonplm,Developer tool for debugging forensics.,https://github.com/nugget/python-insteonplm/blob/65548041f1b0729ae1ae904443dd81b0c6cbf1bf/insteonplm/__init__.py#L220-L223
-593,ets-labs/python-domain-models,"Return tuple of names of defined properties.
- :type attributes: dict
- :rtype: list",https://github.com/ets-labs/python-domain-models/blob/7de1816ba0338f20fdb3e0f57fad0ffd5bea13f9/domain_models/views.py#L76-L83
-594,SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/integration-prototype,Abort the SBI (and associated PBs).,https://github.com/SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/integration-prototype/blob/8c8006de6ad71dcd44114b0338780738079c87d4/sip/execution_control/configuration_db/sip_config_db/scheduling/scheduling_block_instance.py#L114-L124
-595,cuihantao/andes,"Import and instantiate this JIT object
- Returns
- -------",https://github.com/cuihantao/andes/blob/7067898d4f26ce7534e968b8486c4aa8fe3a511a/andes/models/jit.py#L20-L49
-596,saltstack/salt,"Connect to a Cassandra cluster.
- :param contact_points: The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- :type contact_points: str or list of str
- :param cql_user: The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- :type cql_user: str
- :param cql_pass: The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- :type cql_pass: str
- :param port: The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- :type port: int
- :param protocol_version: Cassandra protocol version to use.
- :type port: int
- :return: The session and cluster objects.
- :rtype: cluster object, session object",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/cassandra_cql.py#L201-L282
-597,SHTOOLS/SHTOOLS,"Build the Fortran library, all python extensions and the docs.",https://github.com/SHTOOLS/SHTOOLS/blob/9a115cf83002df2ddec6b7f41aeb6be688e285de/setup.py#L98-L111
-598,aparo/pyes,Force the object saveing to get an id,https://github.com/aparo/pyes/blob/712eb6095961755067b2b5baa262008ade6584b3/pyes/models.py#L98-L103
-599,honzajavorek/redis-collections,"Remove members whose ranking is between *min_rank* and *max_rank*
- OR whose score is between *min_score* and *max_score* (both ranges
- inclusive). If no bounds are specified, no members will be removed.",https://github.com/honzajavorek/redis-collections/blob/07ca8efe88fb128f7dc7319dfa6a26cd39b3776b/redis_collections/sortedsets.py#L204-L235
-600,honeybadger-io/honeybadger-python,"Initialize honeybadger and listen for errors.
- :param Flask app: the Flask application object.
- :param bool report_exceptions: whether to automatically report exceptions raised by Flask on requests
- (i.e. by calling abort) or not.
- :param bool reset_context_after_request: whether to reset honeybadger context after each request.",https://github.com/honeybadger-io/honeybadger-python/blob/81519b40d3e446b62035f64e34900e08ff91938c/honeybadger/contrib/flask.py#L98-L127
-601,bwohlberg/sporco,"r""""""Compute the squared :math:`\ell_2` norm
- .. math::
- \| \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 = \sum_i x_i^2
- where :math:`x_i` is element :math:`i` of vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : array_like
- Input array :math:`\mathbf{x}`
- axis : `None` or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None)
- Axes of `x` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm. If
- `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a
- vector. If axes are specified, then distinct values are computed
- over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `x`.
- Returns
- -------
- nl2 : float or ndarray
- Norm of `x`, or array of norms treating specified axes of `x`
- as a vector.",https://github.com/bwohlberg/sporco/blob/8946a04331106f4e39904fbdf2dc7351900baa04/sporco/prox/_lp.py#L183-L212
-602,caffeinehit/django-oauth2-provider,Validates that the input is a list or tuple.,https://github.com/caffeinehit/django-oauth2-provider/blob/6b5bc0d3ad706d2aaa47fa476f38406cddd01236/provider/oauth2/forms.py#L70-L83
-603,sarenji/pyrc,will print yo,https://github.com/sarenji/pyrc/blob/5e8377ddcda6e0ef4ba7d66cf400e243b1fb8f68/example.py#L11-L16
-604,collectiveacuity/jsonModel,"a helper method for validating properties of a number
- :return: input_number",https://github.com/collectiveacuity/jsonModel/blob/1ea64c36d78add3faa7b85ff82c5ec685458c940/jsonmodel/validators.py#L1000-L1064
-605,IDSIA/sacred,"Collect all named configs from this ingredient and its
- sub-ingredients.
- Yields
- ------
- config_name: str
- The full (dotted) name of the named config.
- config: ConfigScope or ConfigDict or basestring
- The corresponding named config.",https://github.com/IDSIA/sacred/blob/72633776bed9b5bddf93ae7d215188e61970973a/sacred/ingredient.py#L314-L326
-606,apple/turicreate,"Convert protobuf message to text format.
- Floating point values can be formatted compactly with 15 digits of
- precision (which is the most that IEEE 754 ""double"" can guarantee)
- using float_format='.15g'. To ensure that converting to text and back to a
- proto will result in an identical value, float_format='.17g' should be used.
- Args:
- message: The protocol buffers message.
- as_utf8: Produce text output in UTF8 format.
- as_one_line: Don't introduce newlines between fields.
- pointy_brackets: If True, use angle brackets instead of curly braces for
- nesting.
- use_index_order: If True, print fields of a proto message using the order
- defined in source code instead of the field number. By default, use the
- field number order.
- float_format: If set, use this to specify floating point number formatting
- (per the ""Format Specification Mini-Language""); otherwise, str() is used.
- use_field_number: If True, print field numbers instead of names.
- descriptor_pool: A DescriptorPool used to resolve Any types.
- indent: The indent level, in terms of spaces, for pretty print.
- Returns:
- A string of the text formatted protocol buffer message.",https://github.com/apple/turicreate/blob/74514c3f99e25b46f22c6e02977fe3da69221c2e/src/external/coremltools_wrap/coremltools/deps/protobuf/python/google/protobuf/text_format.py#L121-L164
-607,ratt-ru/PyMORESANE,"This function serves as a handler for the different implementations of the IUWT recomposition. It allows the
- different methods to be used almost interchangeably.
- in1 (no default): Array on which the decomposition is to be performed.
- scale_adjust (no default): Number of omitted scales.
- mode (default='ser') Implementation of the IUWT to be used - 'ser', 'mp' or 'gpu'.
- core_count (default=1) Additional option for multiprocessing - specifies core count.
- store_on_gpu (default=False): Boolean specifier for whether the decomposition is stored on the gpu or not.
- Returns the recomposition.",https://github.com/ratt-ru/PyMORESANE/blob/b024591ad0bbb69320d08841f28a2c27f62ae1af/pymoresane/iuwt.py#L43-L64
-608,tanghaibao/jcvi,"%prog start
- Launch ec2 instance through command line.",https://github.com/tanghaibao/jcvi/blob/d2e31a77b6ade7f41f3b321febc2b4744d1cdeca/jcvi/utils/aws.py#L135-L239
-609,FNNDSC/chrisapp,Add a parameter to this app.,https://github.com/FNNDSC/chrisapp/blob/b176655f97206240fe173dfe86736f82f0d85bc4/chrisapp/base.py#L210-L253
-610,mardiros/pyshop,"if possible try to contact the LDAP for authentification if success
- and login don't exist localy create one and return it
- :param session: SQLAlchemy session
- :type session: :class:`sqlalchemy.Session`
- :param login: username
- :type login: unicode
- :param password: user password
- :type password: unicode
- :param settings: settings from self.request.registry.settings in views
- :type settings: dict
- :return: associated user
- :rtype: :class:`pyshop.models.User`",https://github.com/mardiros/pyshop/blob/b42510b9c3fa16e0e5710457401ac38fea5bf7a0/pyshop/models.py#L228-L347
-611,tk0miya/tk.phpautodoc,common_scalar : METHOD_C,https://github.com/tk0miya/tk.phpautodoc/blob/cf789f64abaf76351485cee231a075227e665fb6/src/phply/phpparse.py#L1218-L1220
-612,codelv/enaml-native,Create the underlying widget.,https://github.com/codelv/enaml-native/blob/c33986e9eda468c508806e0a3e73c771401e5718/src/enamlnative/android/android_grid_layout.py#L48-L53
-613,tamasgal/km3pipe,Get mean + quantile range from bootstrapped params.,https://github.com/tamasgal/km3pipe/blob/7a9b59ac899a28775b5bdc5d391d9a5340d08040/km3pipe/stats.py#L190-L196
-614,omaraboumrad/mastool,Finds poor default args,https://github.com/omaraboumrad/mastool/blob/0ec566de6717d03c6ec61affe5d1e9ff8d7e6ebd/mastool/practices.py#L154-L171
-615,symphonyoss/python-symphony,session info,https://github.com/symphonyoss/python-symphony/blob/b939f35fbda461183ec0c01790c754f89a295be0/symphony/Pod/connections.py#L19-L25
-616,StackStorm/pybind,"Setter method for weight, mapped from YANG variable /routing_system/route_map/content/set/weight (container)
- If this variable is read-only (config: false) in the
- source YANG file, then _set_weight is considered as a private
- method. Backends looking to populate this variable should
- do so via calling thisObj._set_weight() directly.
- YANG Description: BGP weight for routing table",https://github.com/StackStorm/pybind/blob/44c467e71b2b425be63867aba6e6fa28b2cfe7fb/pybind/slxos/v17r_1_01a/routing_system/route_map/content/set_/__init__.py#L453-L476
-617,Azure/azure-cosmos-python,"Deletes a conflict.
- :param str conflict_link:
- The link to the conflict.
- :param dict options:
- The request options for the request.
- :return:
- The deleted Conflict.
- :rtype:
- dict",https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-python/blob/dd01b3c5d308c6da83cfcaa0ab7083351a476353/azure/cosmos/cosmos_client.py#L2259-L2282
-618,Samreay/ChainConsumer,"r"""""" Runs the Gelman Rubin diagnostic on the supplied chains.
- Parameters
- ----------
- chain : int|str, optional
- Which chain to run the diagnostic on. By default, this is `None`,
- which will run the diagnostic on all chains. You can also
- supply and integer (the chain index) or a string, for the chain
- name (if you set one).
- threshold : float, optional
- The maximum deviation permitted from 1 for the final value
- :math:`\hat{R}`
- Returns
- -------
- float
- whether or not the chains pass the test
- Notes
- -----
- I follow PyMC in calculating the Gelman-Rubin statistic, where,
- having :math:`m` chains of length :math:`n`, we compute
- .. math::
- B = \frac{n}{m-1} \sum_{j=1}^{m} \left(\bar{\theta}_{.j} - \bar{\theta}_{..}\right)^2
- W = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j=1}^{m} \left[ \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \theta_{ij} - \bar{\theta_{.j}}\right)^2 \right]
- where :math:`\theta` represents each model parameter. We then compute
- :math:`\hat{V} = \frac{n_1}{n}W + \frac{1}{n}B`, and have our convergence ratio
- :math:`\hat{R} = \sqrt{\frac{\hat{V}}{W}}`. We check that for all parameters,
- this ratio deviates from unity by less than the supplied threshold.",https://github.com/Samreay/ChainConsumer/blob/902288e4d85c2677a9051a2172e03128a6169ad7/chainconsumer/diagnostic.py#L11-L76
-619,KelSolaar/Umbra,"Setter for **self.__separator_width** attribute.
- :param value: Attribute value.
- :type value: int",https://github.com/KelSolaar/Umbra/blob/66f45f08d9d723787f1191989f8b0dda84b412ce/umbra/ui/widgets/codeEditor_QPlainTextEdit.py#L171-L182
-620,SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/integration-prototype,"Return an event key for the event on the object type.
- This must be a unique event id for the object.
- Args:
- object_type (str): Type of object
- Returns:
- str, event id",https://github.com/SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/integration-prototype/blob/8c8006de6ad71dcd44114b0338780738079c87d4/sip/execution_control/configuration_db/sip_config_db/_events/pubsub.py#L169-L188
-621,dmlc/xgboost,"Set feature names (column labels).
- Parameters
- ----------
- feature_names : list or None
- Labels for features. None will reset existing feature names",https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/253fdd8a42d5ec6b819788199584d27bf9ea6253/python-package/xgboost/core.py#L843-L874
-622,nion-software/nionswift-io,"Validate TIFF file using jhove -m TIFF-hul.
- Raise ValueError if jhove outputs an error message unless the message
- contains one of the strings in 'ignore'.
- JHOVE does not support bigtiff or more than 50 IFDs.
- See `JHOVE TIFF-hul Module `_",https://github.com/nion-software/nionswift-io/blob/e9ae37f01faa9332c48b647f93afd5ef2166b155/nionswift_plugin/TIFF_IO/tifffile.py#L10684-L10711
-623,jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF,Returns the pix object rescaled according to the proportions given.,https://github.com/jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF/blob/79c84eefa353632a3d7ccddbd398c6678c1c1777/src/ocrmypdf/leptonica.py#L367-L370
-624,idlesign/uwsgiconf,"Load apps in workers instead of master.
- This option may have memory usage implications
- as Copy-on-Write semantics can not be used.
- .. note:: Consider using ``touch_chain_reload`` option in ``workers`` basic params
- for lazy apps reloading.
- :param bool affect_master: If **True** only workers will be
- reloaded by uWSGI's reload signals; the master will remain alive.
- .. warning:: uWSGI configuration changes are not picked up on reload by the master.",https://github.com/idlesign/uwsgiconf/blob/475407acb44199edbf7e0a66261bfeb51de1afae/uwsgiconf/options/applications.py#L70-L88
-625,sanger-pathogens/circlator,"Writes crunch file and shell script to start up ACT, showing comparison of ref and qry",https://github.com/sanger-pathogens/circlator/blob/a4befb8c9dbbcd4b3ad1899a95aa3e689d58b638/circlator/merge.py#L636-L659
-626,jreese/dotlink,Copy a local file to the given remote path.,https://github.com/jreese/dotlink/blob/5e48c1493c20fc6df4ad0144e80563915ce339b6/dotlink/dotlink.py#L231-L240
-627,SavinaRoja/PyUserInput,Release a given character key.,https://github.com/SavinaRoja/PyUserInput/blob/153c1d39b1a41b467b235fd182392d6dcbf07947/pykeyboard/windows.py#L58-L70
-628,maartenbreddels/ipyvolume,"Return random rotatation matrix, algo by James Arvo.",https://github.com/maartenbreddels/ipyvolume/blob/e68b72852b61276f8e6793bc8811f5b2432a155f/ipyvolume/astro.py#L11-L25
-629,tgalal/yowsup,":param config:
- :type config: dict
- :return:
- :rtype: yowsup.config.config.Config",https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/blob/b0739461ba962bf221fc76047d9d60d8ce61bc3e/yowsup/config/transforms/config_dict.py#L8-L18
-630,Apitax/Apitax,"Delete a script
- Delete a script # noqa: E501
- :param driver: The driver to use for the request. ie. github
- :type driver: str
- :param script_delete: The data needed to delete this script
- :type script_delete: dict | bytes
- :rtype: Response",https://github.com/Apitax/Apitax/blob/3883e45f17e01eba4edac9d1bba42f0e7a748682/apitax/api/controllers/scriptax_controller.py#L47-L71
-631,PyCQA/astroid,"given a module name, return the astroid object",https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/e0a298df55b15abcb77c2a93253f5ab7be52d0fb/astroid/manager.py#L71-L96
-632,tanghaibao/jcvi,"%prog overlap ctgfasta poolfasta
- Fish out the sequences in `poolfasta` that overlap with `ctgfasta`.
- Mix and combine using `minimus2`.",https://github.com/tanghaibao/jcvi/blob/d2e31a77b6ade7f41f3b321febc2b4744d1cdeca/jcvi/assembly/postprocess.py#L388-L503
-633,StackStorm/pybind,"Setter method for rcv_queue, mapped from YANG variable /rbridge_id/qos/rcv_queue (container)
- If this variable is read-only (config: false) in the
- source YANG file, then _set_rcv_queue is considered as a private
- method. Backends looking to populate this variable should
- do so via calling thisObj._set_rcv_queue() directly.",https://github.com/StackStorm/pybind/blob/44c467e71b2b425be63867aba6e6fa28b2cfe7fb/pybind/nos/v6_0_2f/rbridge_id/qos/__init__.py#L127-L148
-634,BernardFW/bernard,"Two cases: if a stack finishes by a sleep then let's keep it (it means
- that there was nothing after the text). However if the stack finishes
- with something else (like a quick reply) then we don't risk an
- is preserved.",https://github.com/BernardFW/bernard/blob/9c55703e5ffe5717c9fa39793df59dbfa5b4c5ab/src/bernard/middleware/_builtins.py#L95-L119
-635,JdeRobot/base,fill the matrix from Euler angles in radians,https://github.com/JdeRobot/base/blob/303b18992785b2fe802212f2d758a60873007f1f/src/drivers/MAVLinkServer/MAVProxy/pymavlink/rotmat.py#L154-L171
-636,eventbrite/eventbrite-sdk-python,"GET /users/:id/events/
- Returns a :ref:`paginated ` response of :format:`events `, under the key ``events``, of all events the user has access to",https://github.com/eventbrite/eventbrite-sdk-python/blob/f2e5dc5aa1aa3e45766de13f16fd65722163d91a/eventbrite/access_methods.py#L776-L782
-637,dw/mitogen,"Mark the latch as closed, and cause every sleeping thread to be woken,
- with :class:`mitogen.core.LatchError` raised in each thread.",https://github.com/dw/mitogen/blob/a7fdb55e1300a7e0a5e404b09eb730cf9a525da7/mitogen/core.py#L2101-L2114
-638,bodylabs/lace,"Given verts and faces, this remove colocated vertices",https://github.com/bodylabs/lace/blob/b68f4a60a4cac66c0607ffbae38ef9d07d37f459/lace/topology.py#L498-L518
-639,fastai/fastai,"Call `train_tfm` and `valid_tfm` after opening image, before converting from `PIL.Image`",https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/9fb84a5cdefe5a766cdb792b8f5d8971737b7e67/fastai/vision/data.py#L440-L444
-640,modin-project/modin,"Preprocesses numeric functions to clean dataframe and pick numeric indices.
- Args:
- axis: '0' if columns and '1' if rows.
- Returns:
- Tuple with return value(if any), indices to apply func to & cleaned Manager.",https://github.com/modin-project/modin/blob/5b77d242596560c646b8405340c9ce64acb183cb/modin/backends/pandas/query_compiler.py#L181-L209
-641,pmacosta/pmisc,"Test if the argument is a real number (float or integer).
- :param obj: Object
- :type obj: any
- :rtype: boolean",https://github.com/pmacosta/pmisc/blob/dd2bb32e59eee872f1ef2db2d9921a396ab9f50b/pmisc/member.py#L84-L97
-642,twilio/twilio-python,"Access the new_keys
- :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.new_key.NewKeyList
- :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.new_key.NewKeyList",https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/blob/c867895f55dcc29f522e6e8b8868d0d18483132f/twilio/rest/api/v2010/account/__init__.py#L474-L483
-643,ewels/MultiQC,Create table of key-value items in 'file_type'.,https://github.com/ewels/MultiQC/blob/2037d6322b2554146a74efbf869156ad20d4c4ec/multiqc/modules/bbmap/bbmap.py#L165-L192
-644,saltstack/salt,"Common code for conditionally removing masks before making changes to a
- service's state.",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/systemd_service.py#L141-L149
-645,ArtoLabs/SimpleSteem,"Gives a number (integer) of days
- since a given date",https://github.com/ArtoLabs/SimpleSteem/blob/ce8be0ae81f8878b460bc156693f1957f7dd34a3/simplesteem/util.py#L87-L97
-646,fulfilio/fulfil-python-api,Refresh the status of the task from server if required.,https://github.com/fulfilio/fulfil-python-api/blob/180ac969c427b1292439a0371866aa5f169ffa6b/fulfil_client/client.py#L572-L590
-647,elapouya/python-textops,"Formats a list and a dictionary, manages unkown keys
- It works like :meth:`string.Formatter.vformat` except that it accepts a defvalue for not matching keys.
- Defvalue can be a callable that will receive the requested key as argument and return a string
- Args:
- format_string (str): Same format string as for :meth:`str.format`
- lst (dict) : the list to format
- dct (dict) : the dict to format
- defvalue (str or callable): the default value to display when the data is not in the dict
- Examples:
- >>> d = {'count': '32591', 'soft': 'textops'}
- >>> l = ['Eric','Guido']
- >>> eformat('{0} => {soft} : {count} dowloads',l,d)
- 'Eric => textops : 32591 dowloads'
- >>> eformat('{2} => {software} : {count} dowloads',l,d,'N/A')
- 'N/A => N/A : 32591 dowloads'
- >>> eformat('{2} => {software} : {count} dowloads',l,d,lambda k:'unknown_tag_%s' % k)
- 'unknown_tag_2 => unknown_tag_software : 32591 dowloads'",https://github.com/elapouya/python-textops/blob/5c63b9074a1acd8dd108725f1b370f6684c941ef/textops/base.py#L1035-L1058
-648,saltstack/salt,"Attempt to login using the provided credentials.
- If successful, return true. Otherwise, return False.
- CLI Example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- salt '*' mysql.verify_login root password",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/modules/mysql.py#L2336-L2358
-649,tgbugs/pyontutils,"Wraps graphBase.configGraphIO to provide a set of sane defaults
- for input ontologies and output files.",https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils/blob/3d913db29c177db39151592909a4f56170ef8b35/neurondm/neurondm/lang.py#L34-L75
-650,gabstopper/smc-python,"Filter results for specific element type.
- keyword arguments can be used to specify a match against the
- elements attribute directly. It's important to note that if the
- search filter contains a / or -, the SMC will only search the
- name and comment fields. Otherwise other key fields of an element
- are searched. In addition, SMC searches are a 'contains' search
- meaning you may return more results than wanted. Use a key word
- argument to specify the elements attribute and value expected.
- ::
- >>> list(Router.objects.filter(''))
- [Router(name=Router-, Router(name=Router-, Router(name=Router-]
- >>> list(Router.objects.filter(address=''))
- [Router(name=Router-]
- :param str filter: any parameter to attempt to match on.
- For example, if this is a service, you could match on service name
- 'http' or ports of interest, '80'.
- :param bool exact_match: Can be passed as a keyword arg. Specifies whether
- the match needs to be exact or not (default: False)
- :param bool case_sensitive: Can be passed as a keyword arg. Specifies
- whether the match is case sensitive or not. (default: True)
- :param kw: keyword args can specify an attribute=value to use as an
- exact match against the elements attribute.
- :return: :class:`.ElementCollection`",https://github.com/gabstopper/smc-python/blob/e027b8a5dcfaf884eada32d113d41c1e56b32457/smc/base/collection.py#L472-L522
-651,hardbyte/python-can,"Stops the reader an writes all remaining messages to the database. Thus, this
- might take a while and block.",https://github.com/hardbyte/python-can/blob/cdc5254d96072df7739263623f3e920628a7d214/can/io/sqlite.py#L229-L236
-652,django-fluent/django-fluent-comments,Return the form to use for commenting.,https://github.com/django-fluent/django-fluent-comments/blob/bfe98d55b56fedd8ca2e2659eed53a6390e53adf/fluent_comments/__init__.py#L26-L40
-653,openclimatedata/pymagicc,"Get the mappings from MAGICC6 to MAGICC7 variables.
- Note that this mapping is not one to one. For example, ""HFC4310"", ""HFC43-10"" and
- ""HFC-43-10"" in MAGICC6 both map to ""HFC4310"" in MAGICC7 but ""HFC4310"" in
- MAGICC7 maps back to ""HFC4310"".
- Note that HFC-245fa was mistakenly labelled as HFC-245ca in MAGICC6. In reality,
- they are not the same thing. However, the MAGICC6 labelling was merely a typo so
- the mapping between the two is one-to-one.
- Parameters
- ----------
- inverse : bool
- If True, return the inverse mappings i.e. MAGICC7 to MAGICC6 mappings
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- Dictionary of mappings",https://github.com/openclimatedata/pymagicc/blob/d896014832cf458d1e95e5878fd6d5961f3e2e05/pymagicc/definitions/__init__.py#L426-L562
-654,brocade/pynos,Auto Generated Code,https://github.com/brocade/pynos/blob/bd8a34e98f322de3fc06750827d8bbc3a0c00380/pynos/versions/ver_7/ver_7_1_0/yang/brocade_fabric_service.py#L905-L919
-655,celery/django-celery,"Taken from Django project (django/utils/encoding.py) & modified a bit to
- always have __unicode__ method available.",https://github.com/celery/django-celery/blob/5d1ecb09c6304d22cc447c7c08fba0bd1febc2ef/djcelery/compat.py#L12-L26
-656,cloudboss/friend,"Given an iterable of dictionaries, return the dictionaries
- where the values at a given key match the given value.
- If the value is an iterable of objects, the function will
- consider any to be a match.
- This is especially useful when calling REST APIs which
- return arrays of JSON objects. When such a response is
- converted to a Python list of dictionaries, it may be
- easily filtered using this function.
- :param iter coll: An iterable containing dictionaries
- :param obj key: A key to search in each dictionary
- :param value: A value or iterable of values to match
- :type value: obj or iter
- :returns: A list of dictionaries matching the query
- :rtype: list
- :Example:
- ::
- >>> dicts = [
- ... {'hi': 'bye'},
- ... {10: 2, 30: 4},
- ... {'hi': 'hello', 'bye': 'goodbye'},
- ... ]
- >>> select_dict(dicts, 'hi', 'bye')
- [{'hi': 'bye'}]
- >>> select_dict(dicts, 'hi', ('bye', 'hello'))
- [{'hi': 'bye'}, {'hi': 'hello', 'bye': 'goodbye'}]",https://github.com/cloudboss/friend/blob/3357e6ec849552e3ae9ed28017ff0926e4006e4e/friend/collections.py#L22-L59
-657,project-ncl/pnc-cli,"Generic ""getSpecific"" call that calls get_specific with the given id
- :param api: api to call get_specific on
- :param id: id of the entity to retrieve
- :return: REST entity",https://github.com/project-ncl/pnc-cli/blob/3dc149bf84928f60a8044ac50b58bbaddd451902/pnc_cli/common.py#L52-L62
-658,jrmontag/STLDecompose,"The mean forecast for the next point is the mean value of the previous ``n`` points in
- the series.
- Args:
- data (np.array): Observed data, presumed to be ordered in time.
- n (int): period over which to calculate the mean
- Returns:
- float: a single-valued forecast for the next value in the series.",https://github.com/jrmontag/STLDecompose/blob/f53f89dab4b13618c1cf13f88a01e3e3dc8abdec/stldecompose/forecast_funcs.py#L41-L58
-659,pywbem/pywbem,"This is a low-level method is called by pywbem at the end of an
- operation. It completes the measurement for that operation by capturing
- the needed data, and updates the statistics data, if statistics is
- enabled for the connection.
- Parameters:
- request_len (:term:`integer`)
- Size of the HTTP body of the CIM-XML request message, in Bytes.
- reply_len (:term:`integer`)
- Size of the HTTP body of the CIM-XML response message, in Bytes.
- exception (:class:`py:bool`)
- Boolean that specifies whether an exception was raised while
- processing the operation.
- server_time (:class:`py:bool`)
- Time in seconds that the server optionally returns to the
- client in the HTTP response defining the time from when the
- server received the request to when it started sending the
- response. If `None`, there is no time from the server.
- Returns:
- float: The elapsed time for the operation that just ended, or
- `None` if the statistics container holding this object is not
- enabled.",https://github.com/pywbem/pywbem/blob/e54ecb82c2211e289a268567443d60fdd489f1e4/pywbem/_statistics.py#L398-L470
-660,tanghaibao/jcvi,"Find blocks that are 1D overlapping,
- returns cliques of block ids that are in conflict",https://github.com/tanghaibao/jcvi/blob/d2e31a77b6ade7f41f3b321febc2b4744d1cdeca/jcvi/compara/quota.py#L33-L61
-661,spyder-ide/spyder,"A filter that is used to send a signal when the figure canvas is
- clicked.",https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/f76836ce1b924bcc4efd3f74f2960d26a4e528e0/spyder/plugins/plots/widgets/figurebrowser.py#L809-L817
-662,RudolfCardinal/pythonlib,"Converts an OpenOffice ODT file to text.
- Pass either a filename or a binary object.",https://github.com/RudolfCardinal/pythonlib/blob/0b84cb35f38bd7d8723958dae51b480a829b7227/cardinal_pythonlib/extract_text.py#L972-L991
-663,hotdoc/hotdoc,"Retrieve the number of elements in this type.
- Returns an int.
- If the Type is not an array or vector, this raises.",https://github.com/hotdoc/hotdoc/blob/1067cdc8482b585b364a38fb52ca5d904e486280/hotdoc/extensions/c/clang/cindex.py#L2026-L2037
-664,ska-sa/katcp-python,"Stop the handler thread (from another thread).
- Parameters
- ----------
- timeout : float, optional
- Seconds to wait for server to have *started*.",https://github.com/ska-sa/katcp-python/blob/9127c826a1d030c53b84d0e95743e20e5c5ea153/katcp/server.py#L877-L890
-665,pantsbuild/pants,"Factory method to create a SourcesField appropriate for the type of the sources object.
- Note that this method is called before the call to Target.__init__ so don't expect fields to
- be populated!
- :API: public
- :return: a payload field object representing the sources parameter
- :rtype: SourcesField",https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/b72e650da0df685824ffdcc71988b8c282d0962d/src/python/pants/build_graph/target.py#L852-L870
-666,AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy,"This routine computes the outward-pointing, unit normal vector
- from a point on the surface of an ellipsoid.
- http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/C/cspice/surfnm_c.html
- :param a: Length of the ellisoid semi-axis along the x-axis.
- :type a: float
- :param b: Length of the ellisoid semi-axis along the y-axis.
- :type b: float
- :param c: Length of the ellisoid semi-axis along the z-axis.
- :type c: float
- :param point: Body-fixed coordinates of a point on the ellipsoid'
- :type point: 3-Element Array of floats
- :return: Outward pointing unit normal to ellipsoid at point.
- :rtype: 3-Element Array of floats",https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy/blob/fc20a9b9de68b58eed5b332f0c051fb343a6e335/spiceypy/spiceypy.py#L13575-L13599
-667,tensorflow/tensor2tensor,"Strided block local self-attention.
- Each position in a query block can attend to all the generated queries in
- the query block, which are generated in raster scan, and positions that are
- generated to the left and top. The shapes are specified by query shape and
- memory flange. Note that if you're using this function, you do not need to
- right shift. Right shifting happens inside this function separately for each
- block.
- Args:
- q: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, h, w, depth_k]
- k: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, h, w, depth_k]
- v: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, h, w, depth_v]. In the current
- implementation, depth_v must be equal to depth_k.
- query_shape: an tuple indicating the height and width of each query block.
- query_shape = block_shape
- memory_flange: an integer indicating how much to look in height and width
- from each query block.
- memory shape = query_shape + (block_flange[0], 2*block_flange[1])
- name: an optional string
- Returns:
- a Tensor of shape [batch, heads, h, w, depth_v]",https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor/blob/272500b6efe353aeb638d2745ed56e519462ca31/tensor2tensor/layers/common_attention.py#L3760-L3850
-668,ueg1990/faker-schema,Load schema from a JSON file,https://github.com/ueg1990/faker-schema/blob/419175eaf34baa43b306dd05c17362763948ec49/faker_schema/schema_loader.py#L4-L12
-669,google/grr,Extracts a Hunt ID from an APIAuditEntry's HTTP request path.,https://github.com/google/grr/blob/5cef4e8e2f0d5df43ea4877e9c798e0bf60bfe74/grr/server/grr_response_server/gui/api_plugins/report_plugins/server_report_plugins.py#L82-L86
-670,tensorflow/mesh,"Begin position for the tensor slice for the given processor.
- Args:
- tensor_shape: Shape.
- pnum: int <= self.size.
- Returns:
- list of integers with length tensor_shape.ndims.",https://github.com/tensorflow/mesh/blob/3921196e5e43302e820da0a87329f25d7e2a3016/mesh_tensorflow/ops.py#L859-L879
-671,mottosso/be,"List topic from external datastore
- Arguments:
- topic (str): One or more topics, e.g. (""project"", ""item"", ""task"")
- root (str, optional): Absolute path to where projects reside,
- defaults to os.getcwd()
- backend (callable, optional): Function to call with absolute path as
- argument to retrieve children. Defaults to os.listdir
- absolute (bool, optional): Whether to return relative or absolute paths
- Example:
- >> ls()
- /projects/thedeal
- /projects/hulk
- >> ls(""thedeal"")
- /projects/thedeal/assets/ben
- /projects/thedeal/assets/table
- >> ls(""thedeal"", ""ben"")
- /projects/thedeal/assets/ben/rigging
- /projects/thedeal/assets/ben/modeling",https://github.com/mottosso/be/blob/0f3d4f3597c71223f616d78c6d9b2c8dffcd8a71/be/util.py#L7-L82
-672,openstack/pyghmi,"Set channel access
- :param channel: number [1:7]
- :param access_update_mode:
- dont_change = don't set or change Channel Access
- non_volatile = set non-volatile Channel Access
- volatile = set volatile (active) setting of Channel Access
- :param alerting: PEF Alerting Enable/Disable
- True = enable PEF Alerting
- False = disable PEF Alerting on this channel
- (Alert Immediate command can still be used to generate alerts)
- :param per_msg_auth: Per-message Authentication
- True = enable
- False = disable Per-message Authentication. [Authentication required to
- activate any session on this channel, but authentication not
- used on subsequent packets for the session.]
- :param user_level_auth: User Level Authentication Enable/Disable.
- True = enable User Level Authentication. All User Level commands are
- to be authenticated per the Authentication Type that was
- negotiated when the session was activated.
- False = disable User Level Authentication. Allow User Level commands to
- be executed without being authenticated.
- If the option to disable User Level Command authentication is
- accepted, the BMC will accept packets with Authentication Type
- set to None if they contain user level commands.
- For outgoing packets, the BMC returns responses with the same
- Authentication Type that was used for the request.
- :param access_mode: Access Mode for IPMI messaging
- (PEF Alerting is enabled/disabled separately from IPMI messaging)
- disabled = disabled for IPMI messaging
- pre_boot = pre-boot only channel only available when system is in a
- powered down state or in BIOS prior to start of boot.
- always = channel always available regardless of system mode.
- BIOS typically dedicates the serial connection to the BMC.
- shared = same as always available, but BIOS typically leaves the
- serial port available for software use.
- :param privilege_update_mode: Channel Privilege Level Limit.
- This value sets the maximum privilege level
- that can be accepted on the specified channel.
- dont_change = don't set or change channel Privilege Level Limit
- non_volatile = non-volatile Privilege Level Limit according
- volatile = volatile setting of Privilege Level Limit
- :param privilege_level: Channel Privilege Level Limit
- * reserved = unused
- * callback
- * user
- * operator
- * administrator
- * proprietary = used by OEM",https://github.com/openstack/pyghmi/blob/f710b1d30a8eed19a9e86f01f9351c737666f3e5/pyghmi/ipmi/command.py#L1281-L1392
-673,nugget/python-insteonplm,"Add a device override to the IM.
- Usage:
- add_device_override address cat subcat [firmware]
- Arguments:
- address: Insteon address of the device to override
- cat: Device category
- subcat: Device subcategory
- firmware: Optional - Device firmware
- The device address can be written with our without the dots and in
- upper or lower case, for example: 1a2b3c or 1A.2B.3C.
- The category, subcategory and firmware numbers are written in hex
- format, for example: 0x01 0x1b
- Example:
- add_device_override 1a2b3c 0x02 0x1a",https://github.com/nugget/python-insteonplm/blob/65548041f1b0729ae1ae904443dd81b0c6cbf1bf/insteonplm/tools.py#L945-L992
-674,saltstack/salt,"Traverse through all repo files and apply the functionality provided in
- the callback to them",https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/e8541fd6e744ab0df786c0f76102e41631f45d46/salt/spm/__init__.py#L620-L644
-675,striglia/pyramid_swagger,"Returns appropriate swagger handler and swagger spec schema.
- Swagger Handler contains callables that isolate implementation differences
- in the tween to handle both Swagger 1.2 and Swagger 2.0.
- Exception is made when `settings.prefer_20_routes` are non-empty and
- ['1.2', '2.0'] both are present in available swagger versions. In this
- special scenario, '2.0' spec is chosen only for requests which are listed
- in the `prefer_20_routes`. This helps in incremental migration of
- routes from v1.2 to v2.0 by making moving to v2.0 opt-in.
- :rtype: (:class:`SwaggerHandler`,
- :class:`pyramid_swagger.model.SwaggerSchema` OR
- :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`)",https://github.com/striglia/pyramid_swagger/blob/1dbc0b4f23e2e5f4ed575c116f3f7d0e83e30d45/pyramid_swagger/tween.py#L107-L141
-676,yero13/na3x,"Performs transformation according to configuration
- :param cfg: transformation configuration",https://github.com/yero13/na3x/blob/b31ef801ea574081125020a7d0f9c4242f8f8b02/na3x/transformation/transformer.py#L127-L135
-677,dhylands/rshell,"Collects the serial nunber and manufacturer into a string, if
- the fields are available.",https://github.com/dhylands/rshell/blob/a92a8fa8074ac792241c83c640a51b394667c324/rshell/main.py#L320-L332
-678,mattmakai/underwear,Print 'lead' = 'num' in 'color',https://github.com/mattmakai/underwear/blob/7c484c7937d2df86dc569d411249ba366ed43ead/underwear/run_underwear.py#L24-L29
-679,bartromgens/geojsoncontour,Return the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'.,https://github.com/bartromgens/geojsoncontour/blob/79e30718fa0c1d96a2459eb1f45d06d699d240ed/geojsoncontour/utilities/multipoly.py#L39-L43
-680,mikedh/trimesh,"Find the barycentric coordinates of points relative to triangles.
- The Cramer's rule solution implements:
- http://blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly
- The cross product solution implements:
- https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~heidrich/Papers/JGT.05.pdf
- Parameters
- -----------
- triangles : (n, 3, 3) float
- Triangles vertices in space
- points : (n, 3) float
- Point in space associated with a triangle
- method : str
- Which method to compute the barycentric coordinates with:
- - 'cross': uses a method using cross products, roughly 2x slower but
- different numerical robustness properties
- - anything else: uses a cramer's rule solution
- Returns
- -----------
- barycentric : (n, 3) float
- Barycentric coordinates of each point",https://github.com/mikedh/trimesh/blob/25e059bf6d4caa74f62ffd58ce4f61a90ee4e518/trimesh/triangles.py#L452-L525
-681,andreikop/qutepart,"Terminate Qutepart instance.
- This method MUST be called before application stop to avoid crashes and
- some other interesting effects
- Call it on close to free memory and stop background highlighting",https://github.com/andreikop/qutepart/blob/109d76b239751318bcef06f39b2fbbf18687a40b/qutepart/__init__.py#L335-L348
-682,Yipit/ejson,"A wrapper around `json.dumps` that can handle objects that json
- module is not aware.
- This function is aware of a list of custom serializers that can be
- registered by the API user, making it possible to convert any kind
- of object to types that the json library can handle.",https://github.com/Yipit/ejson/blob/6665703f1534923d1c30849e08339f0ff97d8230/ejson/__init__.py#L49-L70
-683,rackerlabs/rackspace-python-neutronclient,Client extension hook for list.,https://github.com/rackerlabs/rackspace-python-neutronclient/blob/5a5009a8fe078e3aa1d582176669f1b28ab26bef/neutronclient/v2_0/client.py#L571-L573
-684,materialsproject/pymatgen,"Build and return a string with the command required to launch `executable` with the qadapter `qad`.
- Args
- qad: Qadapter instance.
- executable (str): Executable name or path
- stdin (str): Name of the file to be used as standard input. None means no redirection.
- stdout (str): Name of the file to be used as standard output. None means no redirection.
- stderr (str): Name of the file to be used as standard error. None means no redirection.
- exec_args: Optional list of strings with options passed to `executable`.
- Return:
- String with command to execute.",https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/blob/4ca558cf72f8d5f8a1f21dfdfc0181a971c186da/pymatgen/io/abinit/qadapters.py#L83-L128
-685,O365/python-o365,"Updates the roles of this permission
- :return: Success / Failure
- :rtype: bool",https://github.com/O365/python-o365/blob/02a71cf3775cc6a3c042e003365d6a07c8c75a73/O365/drive.py#L357-L381
-686,bokeh/bokeh,"Return a driver function that can advance a ""bounced"" sequence
- of values.
- .. code-block:: none
- seq = [0, 1, 2, 3]
- # bounce(seq) => [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, ...]
- Args:
- sequence (seq) : a sequence of values for the driver to bounce",https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/dc8cf49e4e4302fd38537ad089ece81fbcca4737/bokeh/driving.py#L73-L94
- Positional arguments:
- family -- genl_family class instance.
- grp_name -- bytes.
- Returns:
- group ID or negative error code.",https://github.com/Robpol86/libnl/blob/274e9fdaa39822d06ef70b799ed4a95937a4d923/libnl/genl/ctrl.py#L211-L224
-688,jmbhughes/suvi-trainer,initial set up of classification tab,https://github.com/jmbhughes/suvi-trainer/blob/3d89894a4a037286221974c7eb5634d229b4f5d4/suvitrainer/gui.py#L531-L554
- Args:
- fpath (str): file path string
- CommandLine:
- python -m utool.util_dev --test-autopep8_diff --fpath ingest_data.py
- Example:
- >>> from utool.util_dev import * # NOQA
- >>> fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath', type_=str, default='ingest_data.py')
- >>> result = autopep8_diff(fpath)
- >>> print(result)",https://github.com/Erotemic/utool/blob/3b27e1f4e6e6fb23cd8744af7b7195b57d99e03a/utool/util_dev.py#L2209-L2228
-690,geertj/gruvi,"Return a :class:`io.TextIOWrapper` that wraps the stream.
- The wrapper provides text IO on top of the byte stream, using the
- specified *encoding*. The *textio_args* keyword arguments are
- additional keyword arguments passed to the :class:`~io.TextIOWrapper`
- constructor. Unless another buffering scheme is specified, the
- *write_through* option is enabled.",https://github.com/geertj/gruvi/blob/1d77ca439600b6ea7a19aa1ee85dca0f3be3f3f8/lib/gruvi/stream.py#L177-L190
-691,redhat-openstack/python-tripleo-helper,"Do a yum update on the system.
- :param allow_reboot: If True and if a new kernel has been installed,
- the system will be rebooted",https://github.com/redhat-openstack/python-tripleo-helper/blob/bfa165538335edb1088170c7a92f097167225c81/tripleohelper/server.py#L242-L260
-692,bcbio/bcbio-nextgen,Run titanCNA wrapper script on given ploidy and clusters.,https://github.com/bcbio/bcbio-nextgen/blob/6a9348c0054ccd5baffd22f1bb7d0422f6978b20/bcbio/structural/titancna.py#L97-L143
- Args:
- user_profile (UserProfile): (default = None)
- Returns:
- UserProfile: user_profile
- CommandLine:
- python -m utool.util_project --exec-ensure_user_profile --show
- Example:
- >>> from utool.util_project import * # NOQA
- >>> import utool as ut
- >>> user_profile = None
- >>> user_profile = ensure_user_profile(user_profile)
- >>> result = ('user_profile = %s' % (ut.repr2(user_profile),))
- >>> print(ut.repr3(user_profile.project_dpaths))
- >>> print(result)",https://github.com/Erotemic/utool/blob/3b27e1f4e6e6fb23cd8744af7b7195b57d99e03a/utool/util_project.py#L573-L603
- {
- 'self': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- 'n': 3,
- 'assert': lambda ret: list(ret) == [4, 5]
- }
- ]",https://github.com/Xython/Linq.py/blob/ffb65f92f1df0d8161d5f835f5947554f6f33d72/linq/standard/general.py#L209-L223
-695,michaelliao/sinaweibopy,return the authorization url that the user should be redirected to.,https://github.com/michaelliao/sinaweibopy/blob/0f19dd71c1fbd16ee539620c7e9e986887f5c665/weibo.py#L259-L270
-696,influxdata/influxdb-python,Get list of database users.,https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/blob/d5d12499f3755199d5eedd8b363450f1cf4073bd/influxdb/influxdb08/client.py#L733-L743
-697,nugget/python-insteonplm,"Find a matching link in the current device.
- Mode: r | c is the mode of the link in the linked device
- This method will search for a corresponding link in the
- reverse direction.
- group: All-Link group number
- addr: Inteon address of the linked device",https://github.com/nugget/python-insteonplm/blob/65548041f1b0729ae1ae904443dd81b0c6cbf1bf/insteonplm/devices/__init__.py#L1347-L1371
-698,log2timeline/dfvfs,"Reads encoded data from the file-like object.
- Args:
- read_size (int): number of bytes of encoded data to read.
- Returns:
- int: number of bytes of encoded data read.",https://github.com/log2timeline/dfvfs/blob/2b3ccd115f9901d89f383397d4a1376a873c83c4/dfvfs/file_io/encoded_stream_io.py#L158-L178
-699,sporteasy/python-poeditor,Adds a new language to project,https://github.com/sporteasy/python-poeditor/blob/e9c0a8ab08816903122f730b73ffaab46601076c/poeditor/client.py#L253-L262
-700,troeger/opensubmit,Restrict the listed courses for the current user.,https://github.com/troeger/opensubmit/blob/384a95b7c6fa41e3f949a129d25dafd9a1c54859/web/opensubmit/admin/course.py#L25-L31
-701,allenai/allennlp,"Performs the functionality associated with dict.get(key) but also checks for returned
- dicts and returns a Params object in their place with an updated history.",https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/blob/648a36f77db7e45784c047176074f98534c76636/allennlp/common/params.py#L291-L303
-702,deepmind/pysc2,"Run a set of functions in parallel, returning their results.
- Make sure any function you pass exits with a reasonable timeout. If it
- doesn't return within the timeout or the result is ignored due an exception
- in a separate thread it will continue to stick around until it finishes,
- including blocking process exit.
- Args:
- funcs: An iterable of functions or iterable of args to functools.partial.
- Returns:
- A list of return values with the values matching the order in funcs.
- Raises:
- Propagates the first exception encountered in one of the functions.",https://github.com/deepmind/pysc2/blob/df4cc4b00f07a2242be9ba153d4a7f4ad2017897/pysc2/lib/run_parallel.py#L37-L75
-703,PaloAltoNetworks/pancloud,"Check for credentials in envars.
- Returns:
- bool: ``True`` if at least one is found, otherwise ``False``.",https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/pancloud/blob/c51e4c8aca3c988c60f062291007534edcb55285/pancloud/credentials.py#L183-L193
-704,tomer8007/kik-bot-api-unofficial,"Checks if the given username is available for registration.
- Results are returned in the on_username_uniqueness_received() callback
- :param username: The username to check for its existence",https://github.com/tomer8007/kik-bot-api-unofficial/blob/2ae5216bc05e7099a41895382fc8e428a7a5c3ac/kik_unofficial/client.py#L359-L367
-705,ellmetha/django-machina,Returns the keyword arguments to provide tp the associated form.,https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina/blob/89ac083c1eaf1cfdeae6686ee094cc86362e8c69/machina/apps/forum_conversation/forum_polls/views.py#L37-L41
-706,bitesofcode/projex,"Imports the object with the given name from the inputted module.
- :param module_name |
- object_name |
- :usage |>>> import projex
- |>>> modname = 'projex.envmanager'
- |>>> attr = 'EnvManager'
- |>>> EnvManager = projex.importobject(modname, attr)
- :return