import streamlit as st import requests import logging import json import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util.retry import Retry # --- Optional: translate_query 및 관련 상수 정의 (실제 구현에 맞게 수정) --- def translate_query(query, country): # 실제 상황에서는 번역 로직을 구현하세요. return query COUNTRY_LOCATIONS = { "United States": "United States", "South Korea": "South Korea" } COUNTRY_LANGUAGES = { "United States": "en", "South Korea": "ko" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="DeepSeek Chatbot", page_icon="🤖", layout="centered" ) # Initialize session state for chat history if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] # Sidebar configuration with st.sidebar: st.header("Model Configuration") st.markdown("[Get HuggingFace Token](") # Dropdown to select model model_options = [ "deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-32B", ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Select Model", model_options, index=0) system_message = st.text_area( "System Message", value=( "You are a deep thinking AI, you may use extremely long chains of thought to deeply consider the problem and deliberate with yourself via systematic reasoning processes to help come to a correct solution prior to answering. " "You should enclose your thoughts and internal monologue inside tags, and then provide your solution or response to the problem." ), height=100 ) max_tokens = st.slider("Max Tokens", 10, 4000, 1000) temperature = st.slider("Temperature", 0.1, 4.0, 0.3) top_p = st.slider("Top-p", 0.1, 1.0, 0.6) # Function to query the Hugging Face API def query(payload, api_url): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {st.secrets['HF_TOKEN']}"}"Sending request to {api_url} with payload: {payload}") response =, headers=headers, json=payload)"Received response: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") try: return response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: logger.error(f"Failed to decode JSON response: {response.text}") return None # --- 수정된 웹서치 기능 --- def search_web(query, country="United States", page=1, num_result=10): url = "" # 최근 24시간 기간 설정 now = datetime.utcnow() yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) date_range = f"{yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')},{now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" # 쿼리 번역 (필요시) translated_query = translate_query(query, country) payload = { "data": { "q": translated_query, "domain": "", "loc": COUNTRY_LOCATIONS.get(country, "United States"), "lang": COUNTRY_LANGUAGES.get(country, "en"), "device": "desktop", "serp_type": "web", # 원하는 경우 "news" 등으로 변경 가능 "page": str(page), "num": str(num_result), "date_range": date_range, "sort_by": "date" } } api_key = st.secrets.get("SERPHOUSE_API_TOKEN") if not api_key: logger.error("SERPHOUSE_API_TOKEN not found in st.secrets") return {"error": "API token not configured."} headers = { "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", "authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}" } try: session = requests.Session() retries = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504, 429], allowed_methods=["POST"] ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) response = url, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=(30, 30) # 연결 및 읽기 타임아웃 30초씩 ) response.raise_for_status() return {"results": response.json(), "translated_query": translated_query} except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return { "error": "검색 시간이 초과되었습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도해주세요.", "translated_query": query } except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return { "error": f"검색 중 오류가 발생했습니다: {str(e)}", "translated_query": query } except Exception as e: return { "error": f"예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다: {str(e)}", "translated_query": query } # --- 끝 --- # 내부 체인 오브 쏘(생각 과정) 제거 함수 def remove_chain_of_thought(text): cleaned_text = re.sub(r'.*?', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) return cleaned_text.strip() # Chat interface st.title("🤖 DeepSeek Chatbot") st.caption("Powered by Hugging Face Inference API - Configure in sidebar") # Display chat history for message in st.session_state.messages: with st.chat_message(message["role"]): st.markdown(message["content"]) # Handle input if prompt := st.chat_input("Type your message..."): st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(prompt) try: with st.spinner("Generating response..."): # 업데이트된 웹서치 기능을 사용하여 검색 수행 search_results = search_web(prompt, country="United States", page=1, num_result=10) # 검색 결과 처리 if search_results and "results" in search_results: if 'organic' in search_results["results"]: search_content = "\n".join( [f"**{item['title']}**: {item['snippet']}" for item in search_results["results"]["organic"]] ) search_content = f"Here are some search results related to your question:\n\n{search_content}\n\n" else: search_content = "Sorry, no relevant search results found.\n\n" full_prompt = f"{system_message}\n\n{search_content}User: {prompt}\nAssistant:" else: full_prompt = f"{system_message}\n\nUser: {prompt}\nAssistant:" payload = { "inputs": full_prompt, "parameters": { "max_new_tokens": max_tokens, "temperature": temperature, "top_p": top_p, "return_full_text": False } } # 선택한 모델에 따른 API URL 동적 구성 api_url = f"{selected_model}""Selected model: {selected_model}, API URL: {api_url}") # Hugging Face API에 쿼리 전송 output = query(payload, api_url) # API 응답 처리 if output is not None and isinstance(output, list) and len(output) > 0: if 'generated_text' in output[0]: assistant_response = output[0]['generated_text'].strip() # 내부 체인 오브 쏘 제거 unique_response = remove_chain_of_thought(assistant_response)"Generated response: {unique_response}") with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(unique_response) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": unique_response}) else: logger.error(f"Unexpected API response structure: {output}") st.error("Error: Unexpected response from the model. Please try again.") else: logger.error(f"Empty or invalid API response: {output}") st.error("Error: Unable to generate a response. Please check the model and try again.") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Application Error: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) st.error(f"Application Error: {str(e)}")