import os import streamlit as st import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image import imageio as imageio from io import BytesIO, StringIO import requests st.set_page_config(page_title="PCA Image Reconstruction", page_icon=":tada:", layout="wide") with st.container(): st.title("PCA Image Reconstruction") STYLE = """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # IMPORTING IMAGE USING SCIPY AND TAKING R,G,B COMPONENTS def decomp(img_array, image_2d): # FUNCTION FOR RECONSTRUCTING 2D MATRIX USING PCA mean_ = np.mean(image_2d , axis = 1).reshape((image_2d.shape[0], 1)) cov_mat = image_2d - mean_ eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eigh(np.cov(cov_mat)) # USING "eigh", SO THAT PROPRTIES OF HERMITIAN MATRIX CAN BE USED p = np.size(eig_vec, axis =1) idx = np.argsort(eig_val) idx = idx[::-1] eig_vec = eig_vec[:,idx] eig_val = eig_val[idx] loss = [] #############LOSS COMPUTATION############### max_comp = min(img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1]) n_components = [i for i in range(1, max_comp+1, 20)] for k in n_components: eigvecs_k = eig_vec[:, :k] score =, cov_mat) eigVec_score =, score) recon = eigVec_score + np.mean(image_2d, axis = 1).T.reshape((eigVec_score.shape[0], 1)) # SOME NORMALIZATION CAN BE USED TO MAKE IMAGE QUALITY BETTER recon_img_mat = np.uint8(np.absolute(recon)) # TO CONTROL COMPLEX EIGENVALUES reconstruction_error = np.sum((image_2d - recon_img_mat) ** 2) # print("Number of components:", k) # print("PCA reconstruction loss:", reconstruction_error) loss.append(reconstruction_error) return p, cov_mat, eig_vec, loss def recons(a_, no_of_comp, p, cov_mat, image_2d, eig_vec, in_image): numpc = no_of_comp # THIS IS NUMBER OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS, YOU CAN CHANGE IT AND SEE RESULTS if numpc

0: eig_vec = eig_vec[:, range(numpc)] score =, cov_mat) eigVec_score =, score) recon = eigVec_score + np.mean(image_2d, axis = 1).T.reshape((eigVec_score.shape[0], 1)) # SOME NORMALIZATION CAN BE USED TO MAKE IMAGE QUALITY BETTER recon_img_mat = np.uint8(np.absolute(recon)) # TO CONTROL COMPLEX EIGENVALUES bits_per_pixel = a_.dtype.itemsize * a_.shape[-1] * 8 orig_size = (in_image.size[0]) * (in_image.size[1])#a_ * bits_per_pixel print(f"Image size:{in_image.size}") reduced_size = (no_of_comp)*(min(in_image.size[0], in_image.size[1])*2) #recon_img_mat * np.log2(no_of_comp+1) return recon_img_mat, in_image, orig_size, reduced_size # """run this function""" # st.markdown(STYLE, unsafe_allow_html=True) file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image with lower size (preferably less than 50 KB)", type=["png", "jpg"]) cont = st.empty() if not file: #"Please Upload an image :{' '.join(['png', 'jpg'])}") url = '' data = requests.get(url) file = BytesIO(data.content) if isinstance(file, BytesIO): in_image = img_array = imageio.imread(file) max_comp = min(img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1]) print(img_array.shape) a_np = np.array(img_array) a_r = a_np[:,:,0] a_g = a_np[:,:,1] a_b = a_np[:,:,2] p_r, cov_mat_r, eig_vec_r, loss_r = decomp(img_array, a_r) p_g, cov_mat_g, eig_vec_g, loss_g = decomp(img_array, a_g) p_b, cov_mat_b, eig_vec_b, loss_b = decomp(img_array, a_b) # with st.sidebar: slider_comp = st.slider('Slide over to change number of componenets', 0, max_comp, 0) with st.spinner('LOADING'): no_of_comp = slider_comp # RECONSTRUCTING R,G,B COMPONENTS SEPARATELY a_r_recon, in_image, orig_size_r, reduced_size_r = recons(a_r, no_of_comp, p_r, cov_mat_r, a_r, eig_vec_r, in_image) a_g_recon, in_image, orig_size_g, reduced_size_g = recons(a_g, no_of_comp, p_g, cov_mat_g, a_g, eig_vec_g, in_image) a_b_recon, in_image, orig_size_b, reduced_size_b = recons(a_b, no_of_comp, p_b, cov_mat_b, a_b, eig_vec_b, in_image) recon_color_img = np.dstack((a_r_recon, a_g_recon, a_b_recon)) # COMBINING R.G,B COMPONENTS TO PRODUCE COLOR IMAGE recon_color_img = Image.fromarray(recon_color_img) col2 = st.empty() recon_color_img = recon_color_img.resize((450, 450)) new_image = in_image.resize((450, 450)) n_components = [i for i in range(1, max_comp+1, 20)] plt.plot(n_components, loss_r, 'r') plt.plot(n_components, loss_g, 'g') plt.plot(n_components, loss_b, 'b') plt.xlabel('Number of Principal Components') plt.ylabel('Loss (MSE)') plt.title('Loss (MSE) VS Number of Principal Components') # fig = plt.figure() plt.legend(['Red Channel', 'Green Channel', 'Blue Channel']) img_buf = BytesIO() plt.savefig(img_buf, format='png') im = im = im.resize((450, 450)) with st.container(): st.write(f'Total Principal Components : {min(img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1])}') #st.write(f'Compression Ratio: {100*(reduced_size_r+reduced_size_g+reduced_size_b)/(orig_size_r+orig_size_g+orig_size_b)}') caption_li=['Original Image','All three channels Reconstruction Loss' ,f'Reconstructed Image with {no_of_comp} components'] images = [new_image, im ,recon_color_img] st.image(images, caption=caption_li, width=400) st.markdown('''Principal component analysis, or PCA, is a dimensionality reduction method that is often used to reduce the dimensionality of large data sets, by transforming a large set of variables into a smaller one that still contains most of the information in the large set. We can use PCA for dimensionality reduction for images as well.''') st.markdown('''In this aplication, we are using PCA dimensionality reduction for Image Reconstruction. We can upload an image, the application will first split the image into the three channels (Blue, Green, and Red) first and then and perform PCA separately on each dataset representing each channel and calculate total number of Principal Components of that image. After calculating the number of components, a slider will be shown with a range from 0 to maximum number of principal components of that image. We can use the slider increase or decrease the number of components for generating the Reconstructed Image. Additionaly the appication will also show the plot of Loss VS Principal Number of components for each channel i.e Red, Green and Blue ''')