import streamlit as st from txtai.pipeline import Textractor from txtai.embeddings import Embeddings import nltk'punkt') #Web Scraping import bs4 as bs import urllib.request import re # Create embeddings model, backed by sentence-transformers & transformers embeddings = Embeddings({"path": "sentence-transformers/nli-mpnet-base-v2"}) url = "" st.title("AIP-S³") st.write("AI Powered Smart Search System") st.image(url) st.markdown('_Welecome to Question Answering System 🧠 🤖_') a ="SELECT -", ['PDF', 'Website']) def my_function_pdf(): textract = Textractor(sentences=True) data_lines = [] for i in (locations_max): lines = textract(i) data_lines.append(lines) total_lines = [] for i in data_lines: total_lines += i seq = embeddings.similarity(quer, total_lines) three_most = seq[0:3] indexes = [] for i in three_most: indexes.append(i[0]) for j in indexes: st.write(total_lines[j]) ## webscrap function def my_web(): from txtai.pipeline import Textractor textract = Textractor(sentences=True) data_lines = [] total_lines = [] article_text = " " for i in (locations_max): #print(i) scraped_data = urllib.request.urlopen(i) article = parsed_article = bs.BeautifulSoup(article,'lxml') paragraphs = parsed_article.find_all('p') for p in paragraphs: article_text += p.text lines = textract(i) data_lines.append(lines) total_lines = [] for i in data_lines: total_lines += i seq = embeddings.similarity(quer, total_lines) three_most = seq[0:3] indexes = [] for i in three_most: indexes.append(i[0]) for j in indexes: st.write(total_lines[j]) ## if a == 'PDF' : number = st.number_input('Insert a number of files -',value =1, step =1) st.write('Number of PDF files - ', number) st.markdown("---") locations_max = [] for i in range (number) : loc = st.text_input('Enter the PDF path :', placeholder = 'ex- /content/drive/MyDrive/', key = i) locations_max.append(loc) # for query quer = st.text_input('ask me anything!', placeholder = 'ex - what is AI?') st.write('Your query is - ', quer) # for textraction if st.button('Confirm!'): st.write('Confirmed') my_function_pdf() else: st.write('') ## web else: number = st.number_input('Insert a number of Links -',value =1, step =1) st.write('Number of web pages - ', number) st.markdown("---") locations_max = [] for i in range (number) : loc = st.text_input('Enter the URL :', placeholder = 'ex- https:\\', key = i) locations_max.append(loc) # for query quer = st.text_input('ask me anything!', placeholder = 'ex - what is AI?') st.write('Your query is - ', quer) if st.button('Confirm!'): st.write('Confirmed') my_web() else: st.write('')