from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv, read_excel import streamlit as st from more_itertools import ichunked from stqdm import stqdm from onnx_model_utils import predict, predict_bulk, max_pred_bulk, RELEASE_TAG from download import download_link PRED_BATCH_SIZE = 4 st.set_page_config(page_title="ROTA", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed") st.markdown(Path("").read_text()) st.markdown("## ✏️ Single Coder Demo") input_text = st.text_input( "Input Offense", value="FRAUDULENT USE OF A CREDIT CARD OR DEBT CARD >= $25,000", ) predictions = predict(input_text) st.markdown("Predictions") labels = ["Charge Category"] st.dataframe( DataFrame(predictions[0]) .assign( confidence=lambda d: d["score"].apply(lambda d: round(d * 100, 0)).astype(int) ) .drop("score", axis="columns") ) st.markdown("---") st.markdown("## 📑 Bulk Coder") st.warning( "⚠️ *Note:* Your input data will be deduplicated" " on the selected column to reduce computation requirements." " You will need to re-join the results on your offense text column." ) st.markdown("1️⃣ **Upload File**") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Bulk Upload", type=["xlsx", "csv"]) file_readers = {"csv": read_csv, "xlsx": partial(read_excel, engine="openpyxl")} if uploaded_file is not None: for filetype, reader in file_readers.items(): if df = reader(uploaded_file) file_name = del uploaded_file st.write("2️⃣ **Select Column of Offense Descriptions**") string_columns = list(df.select_dtypes("object").columns) longest_column = max( [(df[c].str.len().mean(), c) for c in string_columns], key=lambda x: x[0] )[1] selected_column = st.selectbox( "Select Column", options=list(string_columns), index=string_columns.index(longest_column), ) original_length = len(df) df_unique = df.drop_duplicates(subset=[selected_column]).copy() del df st.markdown( f"Uploaded Data Sample `(Deduplicated. N Rows = {len(df_unique)}, Original N = {original_length})`" ) st.dataframe(df_unique.head(20)) st.write(f"3️⃣ **Predict Using Column: `{selected_column}`**") column = df_unique[selected_column].copy() del df_unique if st.button(f"Compute Predictions"): input_texts = (value for _, value in column.items()) n_batches = (len(column) // PRED_BATCH_SIZE) + 1 bulk_preds = [] for batch in stqdm( ichunked(input_texts, PRED_BATCH_SIZE), total=n_batches, desc="Bulk Predict Progress", ): batch_preds = predict_bulk(batch) bulk_preds.extend(batch_preds) pred_df = column.to_frame() max_preds = max_pred_bulk(bulk_preds) pred_df["charge_category_pred"] = [p["label"] for p in max_preds] pred_df["charge_category_pred_confidence"] = [ int(round(p["score"] * 100, 0)) for p in max_preds ] del column del bulk_preds del max_preds # # TODO: Add all scores st.write("**Sample Output**") st.dataframe(pred_df.head(100)) tmp_download_link = download_link( pred_df, f"{file_name}-ncrp-predictions.csv", "⬇️ Download as CSV", ) st.markdown(tmp_download_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)