import streamlit as st import requests import google.generativeai as genai from streamlit_js_eval import get_geolocation import os # Configure Google Gemini API GEMINI_API_KEY = os.getenv('GEMINI') genai.configure(api_key=GEMINI_API_KEY) # Streamlit UI st.set_page_config(page_title="Weather-Based Farming Insights", layout="wide") st.title("🌦️ Weather-Based Farming Insights") st.write("Fetching your location to provide farming recommendations!") # Fetch User Location location = get_geolocation() latitude, longitude = None, None if location: latitude = location["coords"]["latitude"] longitude = location["coords"]["longitude"] st.success(f"📍 Detected Location: Latitude {latitude}, Longitude {longitude}") else: st.warning("Could not fetch location. Please enable location access.") # Optional Crop Input crop_name = st.text_input("🌾 Enter the crop you're growing (optional):", "") # Fetch Weather Data def fetch_weather_data(lat, lon): url = f"{lat}&lng={lon}" headers = { "x-api-key": os.getenv('WEATHER'), "Content-type": "application/json" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else None # Generate Farming Report def generate_farming_report(weather_json, crop): model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash") # Adjust prompt based on crop input if crop: prompt = f""" Analyze the given weather data and generate a **farmer-friendly** report in simple terms. Provide insights on: - **Impact of Current Weather on {crop}**: Any risks or benefits. - **Precautions for Farmers Growing {crop}**: How to protect against weather-related risks. - **Market Price Trends**: Whether the weather may affect future crop prices. **Weather Data:** {weather_json} """ else: prompt = f""" Analyze the given weather data and generate a **farmer-friendly** report in simple terms. Provide guidance on: - **Impact on Crops**: How current weather affects growing crops. - **Best Crops to Grow**: Based on temperature, air quality, and humidity. - **Precautions for Farmers**: Weather-related risks and farming safety measures. **Weather Data:** {weather_json} """ response = model.generate_content(prompt) return response.text if response else "Could not generate report." # Fetch and Process Weather Data report_text = None # Initialize variable if latitude and longitude and st.button("Get Farming Report"): with st.spinner("Fetching weather data... ⏳"): weather_data = fetch_weather_data(latitude, longitude) if weather_data: report_text = generate_farming_report(weather_data, crop_name) st.subheader("📄 Weather-Based Farming Report") st.write(report_text) # Option to download report st.download_button("Download Report", report_text, file_name="Farming_Report.txt") else: st.error("Failed to fetch weather data. Please try again later.")