import cv2 import numpy as np import gradio as gr import cwm.utils as utils # Points color and arrow properties arrow_color = (0, 255, 0) # Green color for all arrows dot_color = (0, 255, 0) # Green color for the dots at start and end dot_color_fixed = (255, 0, 0) # Red color for zero-length vectors thickness = 3 # Thickness of the arrow tip_length = 0.3 # The length of the arrow tip relative to the arrow length dot_radius = 7 # Radius for the dots dot_thickness = -1 # Thickness for solid circle (-1 fills the circle) from PIL import Image import torch #load model from cwm.model.model_factory import model_factory from import (IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Load CWM 3-frame model (automatically download pre-trained checkpoint) model = model_factory.load_model('vitb_8x8patch_3frames').to(device) model.requires_grad_(False) model.eval() model = import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch from PIL import Image import numpy as np from torchvision import transforms def draw_arrows_matplotlib(img, selected_points, zero_length): """ Draw arrows on the image using matplotlib for better quality arrows and dots. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(img) for i in range(0, len(selected_points), 2): start_point = selected_points[i] end_point = selected_points[i + 1] if start_point == end_point or zero_length: # Draw a dot for zero-length vectors or if only one point is clicked ax.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], color='red', s=100) # Red dot for zero-length vector else: # Draw arrows arrow = FancyArrowPatch((start_point[0], start_point[1]), (end_point[0], end_point[1]), color='green', linewidth=2, arrowstyle='->', mutation_scale=15) ax.add_patch(arrow) # Optionally, draw a small circle (dot) at the start and end points ax.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], color='green', s=100) # Green dot at start ax.scatter(end_point[0], end_point[1], color='green', s=100) # Green dot at end # Save the image to a numpy array fig.canvas.draw() img_array = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8) img_array = img_array.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) plt.close(fig) return img_array import os # def load_preuploaded_images(): # image_folder = "assets" # images = [] # for img_file in os.listdir(image_folder): # img_path = os.path.join(image_folder, img_file) # if img_file.endswith(('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg')): # images.append( # return images # # # Function to transfer image from gallery to the input image section # # preloaded_images = load_preuploaded_images() # # print("Preloaded images:", preloaded_images) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown('''# Generate interventions!🚀 Upload an image and click to select the start and end points for arrows. Dots will be shown at the beginning and end of each arrow. You can also create zero-length vectors (just a dot) by enabling the toggle below. ''') # Annotating arrows on an image with gr.Tab(label='Image'): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # Input image original_image = gr.State(value=None) # store original image without arrows input_image = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Upload Image") # Annotate arrows selected_points = gr.State([]) # store points zero_length_toggle = gr.Checkbox(label="Select patches to be kept fixed", value=False) # Toggle for zero-length vectors with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown('Click on the image to select the start and end points for each arrow. If zero-length vectors are enabled, clicking once will draw a dot.') undo_button = gr.Button('Undo last action') clear_button = gr.Button('Clear All') # Run model button run_model_button = gr.Button('Run Model') # Show the image with the annotated arrows with gr.Tab(label='Intervention'): output_image = gr.Image(type='numpy') # Store the original image and resize to square size once uploaded def resize_to_square(img, size=448): print("Resizing image to square") img = Image.fromarray(img) transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(size), transforms.CenterCrop(size) ]) img = transform(img) # .transpose(1, 2, 0) return np.array(img) def load_img(evt: gr.SelectData): img_path = evt.value['image']['path'] img = np.array( # print(f"Image uploaded with shape: {input.shape}") resized_img = resize_to_square(img) return resized_img, resized_img, [] def store_img(img): resized_img = resize_to_square(img) # Resize the uploaded image to a square print(f"Image uploaded with shape: {resized_img.shape}") return resized_img, resized_img, [] with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gallery = gr.Gallery( ["./assets/desk_1.jpg", "./assets/color_wheel.png", "./assets/desk_1.jpg", "./assets/desk_1.jpg", "./assets/desk_1.jpg"], columns=5, allow_preview=False, label="Select an example image to test") # examples = gr.Examples( # examples=[ # ["./assets/desk_1.jpg", "./assets/desk_1.jpg"], # ], # inputs=[input_image, original_image], # # fn=load_img, # # outputs=[input_image, original_image], # # cache_examples=True, # # run_on_click=True, # # label="Select an example image to test" # ), outputs=[input_image, original_image, selected_points]) input_image.upload(store_img, [input_image], [input_image, original_image, selected_points]) # Get points and draw arrows or zero-length vectors based on the toggle def get_point(img, sel_pix, zero_length, evt: gr.SelectData): sel_pix.append(evt.index) # Append the point's location (coordinates) # Zero-length vector case: Draw a single dot at the clicked point if zero_length: point = sel_pix[-1] # Last point clicked, point, dot_radius, dot_color_fixed, dot_thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # Draw a dot at the point sel_pix.append(evt.index) else: # Regular case: two clicks for an arrow # Check if this is the first point (start point for the arrow) if len(sel_pix) % 2 == 1: # Draw a dot at the start point to give feedback start_point = sel_pix[-1] # Last point is the start, start_point, dot_radius, dot_color, dot_thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # Check if two points have been selected (start and end points for an arrow) if len(sel_pix) % 2 == 0: # Draw an arrow between the last two points start_point = sel_pix[-2] # Second last point is the start end_point = sel_pix[-1] # Last point is the end # Draw arrow cv2.arrowedLine(img, start_point, end_point, arrow_color, thickness, tipLength=tip_length, line_type=cv2.LINE_AA) # Draw a dot at the end point, end_point, dot_radius, dot_color, dot_thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) return img if isinstance(img, np.ndarray) else np.array(img), [input_image, selected_points, zero_length_toggle], [input_image]) # Undo the last selected action def undo_arrows(orig_img, sel_pix, zero_length): temp = orig_img.copy() # if zero_length: # # Undo the last zero-length vector (just the last dot) # if len(sel_pix) >= 1: # sel_pix.pop() # Remove the last point # else: if len(sel_pix) >= 2: sel_pix.pop() # Remove the last end point sel_pix.pop() # Remove the last start point # Redraw all remaining arrows and dots for i in range(0, len(sel_pix), 2): start_point = sel_pix[i] end_point = sel_pix[i + 1] if start_point == end_point: # Zero-length vector: Draw a dot color = dot_color_fixed else: cv2.arrowedLine(temp, start_point, end_point, arrow_color, thickness, tipLength=tip_length) color = arrow_color # Draw arrow # Draw dots at start and end points, start_point, dot_radius, color, dot_thickness), end_point, dot_radius, color, dot_thickness) # If there is an odd number of points (e.g., only a start point), draw a dot for it if len(sel_pix) == 1: start_point = sel_pix[0], start_point, dot_radius, dot_color, dot_thickness) return temp if isinstance(temp, np.ndarray) else np.array(temp), [original_image, selected_points, zero_length_toggle], [input_image]) # Clear all points and reset the image def clear_all_points(orig_img, sel_pix): sel_pix.clear() # Clear all points return orig_img # Reset image to original, [original_image, selected_points], [input_image]) # Dummy model function to simulate running a model def run_model_on_points(points, input_image, original_image): H = input_image.shape[0] W = input_image.shape[1] factor = 224/H # Example: pretend the model processes points and returns a simple transformation on the image points = torch.from_numpy(np.array(points).reshape(-1, 4)) * factor points = points[:, [1, 0, 3, 2]] print(points) img = Image.fromarray(original_image) transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(224), transforms.CenterCrop(224) ]) img = np.array(transform(img)) #"img.npy", original_image) img = torch.from_numpy(img).permute(2, 0, 1).float() / 255.0 img = img[None] # reshape image to [B, C, T, H, W], C = 3, T = 3 (3-frame model), H = W = 224 x = img[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, 3, -1, -1).to(torch.float16) # Imagenet-normalize the inputs (standardization) x = utils.imagenet_normalize(x).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): counterfactual = model.get_counterfactual(x, points) counterfactual = counterfactual.squeeze() counterfactual = counterfactual.clamp(0, 1).permute(1,2,0).detach().cpu().numpy() # for i in range(0, len(points), 2): # # Draw rectangles on the points as model output example # cv2.rectangle(processed_image, points[i], points[i + 1], (255, 0, 0), 3) return counterfactual # Run model when the button is clicked, [selected_points, input_image, original_image], [output_image]) # Launch the app demo.queue().launch(inbrowser=True, share=True)