#!/bin/bash # Define the path to the dataset and the Python script DATASET_PATH="/ccn2/dataset/Flows_Kinetics/SPRING/spring/test/" SCRIPT_PATH="./create_spring_submission_unified.py" SAVE_DATA_PATH=${1} MODEL=${2} # Counter for GPUs GPU_COUNTER=0 # Number of GPUs available NUM_GPUS=8 #kill session tmux kill-session -t extraction tmux new-session -d -s "extraction" # Iterate through each folder in the dataset for FOLDER in $(find $DATASET_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | sort); do # Extract the folder name for the tmux session name FOLDER_NAME=$(basename $FOLDER) # Create a new detached tmux session for each folder tmux new-window -t extraction -n "$FOLDER" "ulimit -n 65535; CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_COUNTER python $SCRIPT_PATH --folder $FOLDER --gpu $GPU_COUNTER --save_data_path $SAVE_DATA_PATH --model $MODEL; echo 'Press Enter to continue...'; read -p ''" # Increment the GPU counter and reset if it exceeds the number of GPUs GPU_COUNTER=$((GPU_COUNTER + 1)) if [ $GPU_COUNTER -ge $NUM_GPUS ]; then GPU_COUNTER=0 fi sleep 1 done tmux attach-session -t extraction