from dataclasses import field import random import time import css import trebek_bot import question_bank import mesop as me _NUM_CATEGORIES = 6 _JEOPARDY_QUESTIONS = question_bank.load() @me.stateclass class State: selected_clue: str # We use a dict since dataclasses do not seem to be deserialized back to a dict. # This may be due to the use of the nested list. board: list[list[dict[str, str | int]]] = field( default_factory=lambda: make_default_board(_JEOPARDY_QUESTIONS) ) # Used for clearing the text input. response_value: str response: str answer_is_correct: bool = False answer_check_response: str score: int # Key format: click-{row_index}-{col_index} selected_question_key: str # Set is not JSON serializable # Key format: click-{row_index}-{col_index} answered_questions: dict[str, bool] modal_open: bool = False"/", title="Mesop Jeopardy") def app(): state = me.state(State) # Modal is displayed to notify when the user is correct or not. with modal(state.modal_open): with me.text("Correct!" if state.answer_is_correct else "Wrong!", type="headline-5") with me.icon("close") me.text(state.answer_check_response) with with for col_index in range(len(state.board[0])): # Render Jeopardy categories if col_index == 0: for row_index in range(len(state.board)): cell = state.board[row_index][col_index] with me.text(cell["category"]) # Render Jeopardy questions for row_index in range(len(state.board)): cell = state.board[row_index][col_index] key = f"clue-{row_index}-{col_index}" is_selectable = not (key in state.answered_questions or state.selected_question_key) with, key=key, on_click=on_click_cell): if key in state.answered_questions: me.text("") elif key == state.selected_question_key: me.text(cell["question"], style=me.Style(text_align="left")) else: me.text(f"${cell['normalized_value']}", style=me.Style(font_size="2.2vw")) # Sidebar with # Score with me.text("Score", type="headline-5") with me.text(format_dollars(state.score), style=css.score_text(state.score)) # Clue with me.text("Clue", type="headline-5") with if state.selected_question_key: selected_question = get_selected_question(state.board, state.selected_question_key) me.text(selected_question["question"]) else: me.text("No clue selected. Please select one.", style=me.Style(font_style="italic")) # Response with me.text("Response", type="headline-5") me.textarea( label="Enter your response", value=state.response_value, disabled=not bool(state.selected_question_key), on_input=on_input_response, style=css.RESPONSE_INPUT, ) disabled = not bool(state.selected_question_key) or not bool(state.response) me.button( label="Submit your response", type="flat", disabled=disabled, style=css.response_button(disabled), on_click=on_click_submit, ) def on_click_cell(e: me.ClickEvent): """Selects the given clue. This function is noop if the following states are true: - Clue is already selected (user must answer first). - Clue is alreaady answered (can't answer clues that have already been done). """ state = me.state(State) if state.selected_question_key or e.key in state.answered_questions: return state.selected_question_key = e.key def on_input_response(e: me.InputEvent): """Stores user input into state, so we can process their response.""" state = me.state(State) state.response = e.value def on_click_submit(e: me.ClickEvent): """Submit user response to clue to check if they are correct.""" state = me.state(State) selected_question = get_selected_question(state.board, state.selected_question_key) # Check and score answer. is_correct, response = trebek_bot.check_answer( selected_question["question"], selected_question["answer"], state.response, ) if is_correct: state.score += selected_question["normalized_value"] else: state.score -= selected_question["normalized_value"] # Clear question so another can be picked. state.answered_questions[state.selected_question_key] = True state.selected_question_key = "" # Set up modal response. state.modal_open = True state.answer_is_correct = is_correct state.answer_check_response = response # Hack to reset text input. Update the initial response value to current response # first, which will trigger a diff when we set the initial response back to empty # string. # # A small delay is also needed because some times the yield happens too fast, which # does not allow the UI on the client to update properly. state.response_value = state.response yield time.sleep(0.5) state.response_value = "" yield def on_click_close_modal(e: me.ClickEvent): """Allows modal to be closed by clicking on the modal background.""" state = me.state(State) if state.modal_open: state.modal_open = False @me.content_component def modal(modal_open: bool): """Basic modal box component.""" with with with with me.slot() def make_default_board(jeopardy_questions) -> list[list[dict[str, str]]]: """Creates a board with some random jeopardy questions.""" return random.choices(jeopardy_questions, k=_NUM_CATEGORIES) def get_selected_question(board, selected_question_key) -> dict[str, str]: """Gets the selected question from the key.""" _, row, col = selected_question_key.split("-") return board[int(row)][int(col)] def format_dollars(value: int) -> str: """Formats an integer value in US dollars format.""" if value < 0: return f"-${value * -1:,}" return f"${value:,}"