Vista / pixi.toml
Leonard Bruns
Add Vista example
# Pixi is a package management tool for developers.
# Before running a task, pixi ensures that all listed dependencies are installed first.echop
# Pixi is not required for rerun, but it is a convenient way to install the
# dependencies required for this example.
# Use `pixi task list` to list the available tasks,
# and `pixi run TASK` to run it (e.g. `pixi run example`).
name = "rerun_vista_example"
authors = [" <[email protected]>"]
channels = ["conda-forge"]
description = "Visualizing the Vista model with Rerun."
homepage = ""
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
platforms = ["linux-64", "linux-aarch64", "osx-arm64", "osx-64", "win-64"]
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.1.0"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Python stuff:
# Run first ruff fix, then ruff format, order is important see also
py-fmt = "ruff check --fix --config pyproject.toml . && ruff format --config pyproject.toml ."
py-fmt-check = "ruff check --config pyproject.toml . && ruff format --check --config pyproject.toml"
py-lint = "mypy --install-types --non-interactive --no-warn-unused-ignore"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General stuff:
lint-typos = "typos"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
install-dependencies = "pip install -r requirements.txt"
cmd = "python"
depends_on = ["install-dependencies"]
# Python stuff:
mypy = "1.8.0"
ruff = "0.3.7"
python = "3.10.*"
pip = ">=24.0,<25" # to install dependencies from requirements.txt
types-requests = ">=2.31,<3" # mypy type hint stubs for
# General stuff:
typos = ">=1.16.20"