# Project information site_name: LibreChat # Repository repo_name: danny-avila/LibreChat repo_url: https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat #edit_uri: '' edit_uri: blob/main/docs/ #set use_directory_urls to false to make the HTML embed use the same relative paths as in GitHub use_directory_urls: false theme: name: material logo: assets/LibreChat.svg favicon: assets/favicon_package/favicon-32x32.png palette: # Palette toggle for dark mode - scheme: slate primary: cyan accent: purple toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode # Palette toggle for light mode - scheme: default primary: cyan accent: purple toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github edit: material/pencil view: material/eye features: - header.autohide - navigation.tabs - navigation.tabs.sticky - content.action.edit - content.code.copy - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - navigation.expand # - navigation.sections # For more Styling options (not in use) extra_css: - stylesheets/extra.css markdown_extensions: - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - admonition - pymdownx.arithmatex: generic: true - footnotes - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.mark - attr_list - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg # Page tree nav: - Home: - 'index.md' - v0.5.0 Breaking Changes: 'general_info/breaking_changes.md' - Project Origin: 'general_info/project_origin.md' - Tech Stack: 'general_info/tech_stack.md' - Multilingual Information: 'general_info/multilingual_information.md' - Installation Guides: - Docker Install: 'install/docker_install.md' - Linux Install: 'install/linux_install.md' - Mac Install: 'install/mac_install.md' - Windows Install: 'install/windows_install.md' - Free AI APIs: 'install/free_ai_apis.md' - APIs and Tokens: 'install/apis_and_tokens.md' - User Auth System: 'install/user_auth_system.md' - Online MongoDB Database: 'install/mongodb.md' - Features: - Plugins: - Introduction: 'features/plugins/introduction.md' - Google: 'features/plugins/google_search.md' - Stable Diffusion: 'features/plugins/stable_diffusion.md' - Wolfram: 'features/plugins/wolfram.md' - Make Your Own Plugin: 'features/plugins/make_your_own.md' - Using official ChatGPT Plugins: 'features/plugins/chatgpt_plugins_openapi.md' - Proxy: 'features/proxy.md' - Bing Jailbreak: 'features/bing_jailbreak.md' - Cloud Deployment: - Cloudflare: 'deployment/cloudflare.md' - Hetzner: 'deployment/hetzner_ubuntu.md' - Heroku: 'deployment/heroku.md' - Linode: 'deployment/linode.md' - Ngrok: 'deployment/ngrok.md' - Render: 'deployment/render.md' - Contributions: - Documentation Guidelines: 'contributions/documentation_guidelines.md' - Code Standards and Conventions: 'contributions/coding_conventions.md' - Testing: 'contributions/testing.md' extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/discord link: https://discord.gg/CEe6vDg9Ky - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat - icon: fontawesome/brands/youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/@LibreChat copyright: © 2023 LibreChat