from enum import Enum from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Union from colorama import Fore, Back, Style, init import time import os from datetime import datetime class LogLevel(Enum): DEBUG = 1 INFO = 2 SUCCESS = 3 WARNING = 4 ERROR = 5 class AsyncLogger: """ Asynchronous logger with support for colored console output and file logging. Supports templated messages with colored components. """ DEFAULT_ICONS = { 'INIT': '→', 'READY': '✓', 'FETCH': '↓', 'SCRAPE': '◆', 'EXTRACT': '■', 'COMPLETE': '●', 'ERROR': '×', 'DEBUG': '⋯', 'INFO': 'ℹ', 'WARNING': '⚠', } DEFAULT_COLORS = { LogLevel.DEBUG: Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, LogLevel.INFO: Fore.CYAN, LogLevel.SUCCESS: Fore.GREEN, LogLevel.WARNING: Fore.YELLOW, LogLevel.ERROR: Fore.RED, } def __init__( self, log_file: Optional[str] = None, log_level: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, tag_width: int = 10, icons: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, colors: Optional[Dict[LogLevel, str]] = None, verbose: bool = True ): """ Initialize the logger. Args: log_file: Optional file path for logging log_level: Minimum log level to display tag_width: Width for tag formatting icons: Custom icons for different tags colors: Custom colors for different log levels verbose: Whether to output to console """ init() # Initialize colorama self.log_file = log_file self.log_level = log_level self.tag_width = tag_width self.icons = icons or self.DEFAULT_ICONS self.colors = colors or self.DEFAULT_COLORS self.verbose = verbose # Create log file directory if needed if log_file: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(log_file)), exist_ok=True) def _format_tag(self, tag: str) -> str: """Format a tag with consistent width.""" return f"[{tag}]".ljust(self.tag_width, ".") def _get_icon(self, tag: str) -> str: """Get the icon for a tag, defaulting to info icon if not found.""" return self.icons.get(tag, self.icons['INFO']) def _write_to_file(self, message: str): """Write a message to the log file if configured.""" if self.log_file: timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] with open(self.log_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # Strip ANSI color codes for file output clean_message = message.replace(Fore.RESET, '').replace(Style.RESET_ALL, '') for color in vars(Fore).values(): if isinstance(color, str): clean_message = clean_message.replace(color, '') f.write(f"[{timestamp}] {clean_message}\n") def _log( self, level: LogLevel, message: str, tag: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, colors: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, base_color: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ Core logging method that handles message formatting and output. Args: level: Log level for this message message: Message template string tag: Tag for the message params: Parameters to format into the message colors: Color overrides for specific parameters base_color: Base color for the entire message """ if level.value < self.log_level.value: return # Format the message with parameters if provided if params: try: # First format the message with raw parameters formatted_message = message.format(**params) # Then apply colors if specified if colors: for key, color in colors.items(): # Find the formatted value in the message and wrap it with color if key in params: value_str = str(params[key]) formatted_message = formatted_message.replace( value_str, f"{color}{value_str}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) except KeyError as e: formatted_message = f"LOGGING ERROR: Missing parameter {e} in message template" level = LogLevel.ERROR else: formatted_message = message # Construct the full log line color = base_color or self.colors[level] log_line = f"{color}{self._format_tag(tag)} {self._get_icon(tag)} {formatted_message}{Style.RESET_ALL}" # Output to console if verbose if self.verbose or kwargs.get("force_verbose", False): print(log_line) # Write to file if configured self._write_to_file(log_line) def debug(self, message: str, tag: str = "DEBUG", **kwargs): """Log a debug message.""" self._log(LogLevel.DEBUG, message, tag, **kwargs) def info(self, message: str, tag: str = "INFO", **kwargs): """Log an info message.""" self._log(LogLevel.INFO, message, tag, **kwargs) def success(self, message: str, tag: str = "SUCCESS", **kwargs): """Log a success message.""" self._log(LogLevel.SUCCESS, message, tag, **kwargs) def warning(self, message: str, tag: str = "WARNING", **kwargs): """Log a warning message.""" self._log(LogLevel.WARNING, message, tag, **kwargs) def error(self, message: str, tag: str = "ERROR", **kwargs): """Log an error message.""" self._log(LogLevel.ERROR, message, tag, **kwargs) def url_status( self, url: str, success: bool, timing: float, tag: str = "FETCH", url_length: int = 50 ): """ Convenience method for logging URL fetch status. Args: url: The URL being processed success: Whether the operation was successful timing: Time taken for the operation tag: Tag for the message url_length: Maximum length for URL in log """ self._log( level=LogLevel.SUCCESS if success else LogLevel.ERROR, message="{url:.{url_length}}... | Status: {status} | Time: {timing:.2f}s", tag=tag, params={ "url": url, "url_length": url_length, "status": success, "timing": timing }, colors={ "status": Fore.GREEN if success else Fore.RED, "timing": Fore.YELLOW } ) def error_status( self, url: str, error: str, tag: str = "ERROR", url_length: int = 50 ): """ Convenience method for logging error status. Args: url: The URL being processed error: Error message tag: Tag for the message url_length: Maximum length for URL in log """ self._log( level=LogLevel.ERROR, message="{url:.{url_length}}... | Error: {error}", tag=tag, params={ "url": url, "url_length": url_length, "error": error } )