sidekick_poc /
rchrdgwr's picture
import pandas as pd
import os
def get_questions(stage=None, num_questions=0):
q_and_a_filename = "AIE4_SalesBuddy_QandA.csv"
data = read_csv_from_data_folder(q_and_a_filename)
if data is None:
print(f"Error: Failed to read {q_and_a_filename}")
return []
questions = []
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if stage is not None and row['Stage'] != stage:
question = {
'stage': row['Stage'],
'question': row['Customer Question (Provided by Claude)'],
'ground_truth': row['Ground Truth (Provided by Nitin). Marked as Salesperson 2 by Claude'],
if num_questions == 0 or num_questions > len(questions):
print(f"Adding question: {question['question']}")
print(f"Returned {len(questions)} questions for stage {stage}")
return questions
def get_customer_background(scenario, customer_name="HSBC" ):
background_filename = f"{customer_name}_background.txt"
data = read_txt_from_data_folder(background_filename)
scenario.customer.background = data
print(f"Read background for {customer_name} - {background_filename}")
def get_company_data(scenario):
company = {
"name": "BetterTech",
"description": """
Founded by industry experts, BetterTech understands the data analytics challenges faced by financial
institutions across lending desks, risk, and compliance.
BetterTech pioneered the use of high-performance analytics in finance, helping the banks and lenders
make better decisions, explain results with confidence, and simulate the impact of their decisions.
BetterTech’s mission is to deliver train-of-thought analysis on terabytes of data in the most
cost-effective way so clients can explain their results with confidence and model the scenarios
that will optimize their business. BetterTech specializes in risk data analytics for one of the
fastest moving and most regulated industries with a presence in the world’s leading
financial marketplaces - London, New York, Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong, Paris and Frankfurt.
"product": "BetterTech Lending Analytics Solution",
"product_summary": """
A comprehensive solution for real-time analysis in lending, surpassing basic regulatory compliance
by enabling reporting, explaining, and optimizing. Deployed as SaaS, on-premise, or in the cloud, it
empowers organizations to improve performance, enhance decision-making, and stay competitive by
simulating various scenarios efficiently and accurately.
"product_description": """
Real-time analysis with BetterTech Lending Analytics
While most technologies on the market are able to fulfill regulatory risk management requirements,
they often fall short of meeting the team’s actual needs. What works when Lending Analytics calculations
are run weekly or monthly is simply not enough on a day-to-day basis. Maintaining regulations is no
longer enough
There are three functions that an efficient Lending Analytics solution must be able to fulfill:
report, explain and optimize.
Reporting is what every solution made for Lending Analytics can do: calculating risk figures and
generating reports at the right level of aggregation that are ready to be sent to internal and
external auditors. With the data volumes involved with Lending Analytics, however, reporting alone
is simply not enough. Explaining is the most critical need for business users. Regulators ask for
detailed explanations of what is included in the report, request that banks test alternative stress
scenarios, and demonstrate the accuracy of their models — particularly with the Internal Models Approach.
With a solution that only reports, business teams end up scrambling to answer those requests as best
as they can, falling back on other tools such as Excel or PowerBI, which are simply not designed to
analyze data at this scale. Optimizing is where growth and profitability reside.
Lending Analytics framework creates many decision points that are crucial to improving performance:
• How best to organize or reorganize loan portfolios?
• What would be the impact of changing positions or making certain loans?
• How can we improve our models?
BetterTech Lending Analytics handles this level of analysis deftly and can quickly answer these questions.
By relying on inadequate tools to perform analysis, organizations often see reduced productivity and
accuracy. Inaccurate reporting negatively impacts relationships with regulators, potentially leading
to fines, leading to fines. Furthermore, companies that do not have the analytical capabilities to
optimize their risk management and, by extension their capital charge, risk falling behind other,
better equipped organizations. How can you get ahead if you cannot efficiently simulate different
scenarios to choose the best outcome, while your competitors do it dozens of times a day?
A robust analytics solutions that is affordable and easy to implement
BetterTech Lending Analytics is in production today at many banks of all sizes around the world,
including HSBC, Erste Bank, CIBC and Mizuho. It has successfully passed the ISDA Lending Analytics
SA Regulatory Benchmarking Unit Test. It has even been selected by one of the most important global
regulators to serve as the benchmark against which to test other banks’ architectures.
Available as SaaS or on-premise, BetterTech Lending Analytics can run on any Cloud platform or
in-house hardware and be fully deployed within 4 to 6 weeks.
Runs anywhere BetterTech Lending Analytics can be deployed under several configurations that all
bring the same benefits. Reach out to our team of experts to find the setup that will work best for
your organization.
On-premise: BetterTech Lending Analytics can be deployed on a large variety of hardware that are
able to provide the requisite capabilities. We have partnerships in place with most global providers
to ensure compatibility. In the Cloud: We have extensively tested BetterTech Lending Analytics on
all the main cloud platforms (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud...). In fact, it has been deployed in production
on those platforms.
As SaaS: We can provide BetterTech Lending Analytics under a managed services contract. This
configuration offers the fastest time-to-production while giving you complete control over your
investment. The future of market risk analytics Organizations who want to outsmart the competition
def get_scenarios():
scenarios = read_csv_from_data_folder("SalesBuddy_Opportunities.csv")
return scenarios
def get_q_and_a():
q_and_a_filename = "AIE4_SalesBuddy_QandA.csv"
data = read_csv_from_data_folder(q_and_a_filename)
return data
def get_opportunities():
opportunities_filename = "Opportunity_Information.csv"
data = read_csv_from_data_folder(opportunities_filename)
return data
def read_csv_from_data_folder(filename, handle_nan='drop'):
data_folder = "./data/"
file_path = os.path.join(data_folder, filename)
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
print(f"Successfully read {filename}")
# Handle NaN values
if handle_nan == 'drop':
df = df.dropna()
elif handle_nan == 'fill_na':
df = df.fillna('N/A')
elif handle_nan == 'fill_empty':
df = df.fillna('')
print(f"Warning: Unknown NaN handling method '{handle_nan}'. NaN values were not processed.")
# Reset index if rows were dropped
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
return df
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' not found in the data folder.")
return None
except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' is empty.")
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while reading '{filename}': {str(e)}")
return None
def read_txt_from_data_folder(filename):
data_folder = "./data/"
file_path = os.path.join(data_folder, filename)
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
data =
print(f"Successfully read {filename}")
return data
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' not found in the data folder.")
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while reading '{filename}': {str(e)}")
return None