import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import datetime import numpy as np import datetime import helper import all_model def show_information(): # Show Information about the selected Stock st.header('🤫Did you know💡') st.caption("Analyzing data from 2015 to 2021") st.text("1) There is a 60% chance of gap up opening in any random trade in Reliance 😮 ") st.text("2) 1% of the gap up is more than Rs:15.00 i.e more quantity == more profit😇") st.text("3) Median, Q3 or 75th percentile have increased from 2015(1.8) to 2021(11.55)💰") def select_date(): # Select the date for Prediction selected_date = st.date_input( "Which date you want to check",, 3, 6)) st.write('Your selected date is:', selected_date) return selected_date @st.cache def prepare_data_for_selected_date(): df = pd.read_csv("dataset/reliance_30min.csv") df = helper.format_date(df) df = helper.replace_vol(df) df = helper.feature_main(df) return df def freature_data(df,date): # st.dataframe(df.loc[str(date)]) df = df.loc[str(date)] df = df.drop(columns=['date'],axis=1) return df def show_prediction_result(prepared_data): model = all_model.load_model() result = all_model.prediction(model,prepared_data) return result def main(): st.title('PROFIT IN THE MORNING!') option = st.selectbox( 'Which stock would you like to analyze?', ('None','Reliance', 'Airtel', 'State Bank Of India')) st.write('You selected:', option) if option=="Reliance": data_link = ("C:/Users/Rajdeep Borgohain.000/Desktop/reliance_30min.csv") dateSelect = False # About Reliance Stock show_information() selected_date = select_date() prepared_data = prepare_data_for_selected_date() prepared_data = freature_data(prepared_data,selected_date) score = show_prediction_result(prepared_data) st.write('') selected_date+=datetime.timedelta(days=1) if score == 'nan': text = f'No data avaliable for the selected date {selected_date}' st.warning(text) elif score >= 0.5: score = np.round(score,4)*100 text = f'The chances of Gap up on: {selected_date} is {score}%' st.success(text) elif score < 0.5: text = f'The chances of Gap up on: {selected_date} is {score}' st.error(text) else: st.text('Data Not Avaliable!') if __name__ == "__main__": main()