rafaaa2105's picture
Update app.py
52d4965 verified
import gradio as gr
import zipfile
import os
import shutil
from pyannote.audio import Pipeline
import torch
# Set up the directory for processing
TEMP_DIR = "temp_audio"
os.makedirs(TEMP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
# Initialize the pyannote.audio pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained(
# Move pipeline to GPU if available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
def process_audio_zip(file_info):
# Unzip the uploaded file
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_info, 'r') as zip_ref:
speaker1_dir = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, "speaker1")
speaker2_dir = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, "speaker2")
os.makedirs(speaker1_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(speaker2_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Process each audio file in the temporary directory
for filename in os.listdir(TEMP_DIR):
if filename.endswith(".wav"):
file_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, filename)
# Run the diarization pipeline
diarization = pipeline(file_path)
# Determine if the audio is mostly from speaker1 or speaker2
total_duration = {1: 0.0, 2: 0.0}
for turn, _, speaker in diarization.itertracks(yield_label=True):
total_duration[speaker] += turn.duration
# Move file to the corresponding speaker directory
dominant_speaker = 1 if total_duration[1] >= total_duration[2] else 2
if dominant_speaker == 1:
shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(speaker1_dir, filename))
shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(speaker2_dir, filename))
# Zip the results
speaker1_zip = "speaker1.zip"
speaker2_zip = "speaker2.zip"
def zipdir(path, ziph):
# Zip the directories
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
ziph.write(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.join(path, '..')))
with zipfile.ZipFile(speaker1_zip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
zipdir(speaker1_dir, zipf)
with zipfile.ZipFile(speaker2_zip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
zipdir(speaker2_dir, zipf)
# Clean up the temporary directory
return speaker1_zip, speaker2_zip
# Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.File(label="Speaker 1 Audio"),
gr.File(label="Speaker 2 Audio")
title="Speaker Diarization",
description="Upload a ZIP file containing audio files, and this will return two ZIP files containing diarized audio for each speaker."