import json import random import tools from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def fetch_new_page(category): url = f'{category}/new' return tools.fetch_page(url) def fetch_recent_page(category): url = f'{category}/recent' return tools.fetch_page(url) def extract_new_data(category): paper_ids = [] page_content = fetch_new_page(category) lists = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'html.parser').find_all('dl') for list in lists: papers = list.find_all('dt') paper_contents = list.find_all('dd') titles = [paper_content.find('div', class_='list-title').text.strip().split('Title:')[-1].strip() for paper_content in paper_contents] for paper, title in zip(papers, titles): if not tools.verify_simple_title(title): continue else: paper_link = paper.find('a', href=True) if paper_link: paper_id = paper_link.text.strip().split(':')[1] paper_ids.append(paper_id) else: continue return paper_ids def extract_recent_data(category): paper_ids = [] page_content = fetch_recent_page(category) lists = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'html.parser').find_all('dl') for list in lists: papers = list.find_all('dt') for paper in papers: paper_link = paper.find('a', href=True) if paper_link: paper_id = paper_link.text.strip().split(':')[1] paper_ids.append(paper_id) else: continue return paper_ids def extract_data(category): sanitized_data = [] new_data = extract_new_data(category) recent_data = extract_recent_data(category) data = list(set(new_data + recent_data)) if category in ["hep-ex", "hep-lat", "hep-ph", "hep-th"]: category_list = [] for id in data: if len(category_list) >= 1: break if tools.check_data_in_file(id, 'arxiv.txt'): continue else: category_list.append(id) for category_id in category_list: sanitized_data.append(category_id) tools.write_data_to_file(id, 'arxiv.txt') else: for id in data: if len(sanitized_data) >= 2: break if tools.check_data_in_file(id, 'arxiv.txt'): continue else: tools.write_data_to_file(id, 'arxiv.txt') sanitized_data.append(id) random.shuffle(sanitized_data) return sanitized_data def extract_arxiv_data(): if not tools.download_datafile('arxiv.txt'): raise Exception("Failed to download datafile") categories = { "Astrophysics": ["astro-ph"], "Condensed Matter": ["cond-mat"], "General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology": ["gr-qc"], "High Energy Physics": ["hep-ex", "hep-lat", "hep-ph", "hep-th"], "Mathematical Physics": ["math-ph"], "Nonlinear Sciences": ["nlin"], "Nuclear Experiment": ["nucl-ex"], "Nuclear Theory": ["nucl-th"], "Physics": ["physics"], "Quantum Physics": ["quant-ph"], "Mathematics": ["math"], "Computer Science": ["cs"], "Quantitative Biology": ["q-bio"], "Quantitative Finance": ["q-fin"], "Statistics": ["stat"], "Electrical Engineering and Systems Science": ["eess"], "Economics": ["econ"] } data = {} for category, subcategories in categories.items(): category_data = {} all_ids = [] temp_id_storage = [] for subcategory in subcategories: ids = extract_data(subcategory) if len(ids) == 2: for id in ids: temp_id_storage.append(id) else: for id in ids: all_ids.append(id) for temp_id in temp_id_storage: all_ids.append(temp_id) random.shuffle(all_ids) if len(all_ids) > 2: print(f"Found more than 3 papers for {category}.") all_ids = all_ids category_data['count'] = len(all_ids) category_data['ids'] = all_ids data[category] = category_data data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) if not tools.upload_datafile('arxiv.txt'): raise Exception("Failed to upload datafile") return data if __name__ == '__main__': data = extract_arxiv_data() with open('arxiv_data.json', 'w') as f: f.write(data)