insuranceai / templates /index_invite.html
prithvirajpawar's picture
Deploy FastAPI app
Insurance Policy AI Assistant
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/styles.css">
<div class="outercontainer">
<div class="center">
<h1 id="titlestyle">
Insurance Policy AI Assistant
<div class="conversationcontainer" id="chatcontainer">
{% for entry in name_xyz %}
<div class="{% if %}bot{% else %}user{% endif %}">
{% if %}
{{|safe }}
{% else %}
{{ entry.user }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<form action = "/invite" method="POST" class="center">
<input type ="text" name="user_input_message" id = "inputtextbox">
<input type="submit" value=" " id="submitbutton">
<form action="/end_conv" method="POST" class="center">
<button type="submit">END CONVERSATION</button>
// Scroll to the bottom of the chat container on page load and after a new message is sent
function scrollToBottom() {
var chatContainer = document.getElementById('chatcontainer');
chatContainer.scrollTop = chatContainer.scrollHeight;
window.onload = scrollToBottom;