{ "preprompt": "characters are ", "separator": "AND", "endprompt": "", "items": [ "Accusing each other", "Bickering with each other", "Blaming each other", "Complaining to each other", "Criticizing each other", "Displaying condescension towards each other", "Disrespecting each other", "Engaging in a fight", "Exchanging cross words", "Experiencing anxiety with each other", "Experiencing depression with each other", "Experiencing despair with each other", "Experiencing impatience with each other", "Experiencing rejection from each other", "Experiencing self-doubt with each other", "Expressing disapproval towards each other", "Expressing displeasure towards each other", "Feeling abandoned by each other", "Feeling afraid with each other", "Feeling annoyed with each other", "Feeling ashamed with each other", "Feeling defeated with each other", "Feeling dejected with each other", "Feeling disappointed with each other", "Feeling discouraged with each other", "Feeling exasperated with each other", "Feeling frustrated with each other", "Feeling guilty with each other", "Feeling helpless with each other", "Feeling hopeless with each other", "Feeling insecure with each other", "Feeling irritated with each other", "Feeling isolated from each other", "Feeling like a failure with each other", "Feeling lonely with each other", "Feeling powerless with each other", "Feeling regretful with each other", "Feeling remorseful with each other", "Feeling sad with each other", "Feeling stressed with each other", "Feeling vulnerable with each other", "Feeling weak with each other", "Giving each other the cold shoulder", "Having a shouting match", "Having an argument", "Insulting each other", "Name-calling", "Showing contempt towards each other", "Using sarcasm towards each other", "Using the silent treatment" ] }