import torch import torch.nn as nn from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple import torch.nn.functional as F import torch import torch.nn as nn class WMDetector(nn.Module): """ Detect watermarks in an audio signal using a Transformer architecture, where the watermark bits are split into bytes (8 bits each). We assume nbits is a multiple of 8. """ def __init__( self, input_channels: int, nbits: int, nchunk_size: int, d_model: int = 512 ): """ Args: input_channels (int): Number of input channels in the audio feature (e.g., mel channels). nbits (int): Total number of bits in the watermark, must be a multiple of 8. d_model (int): Embedding dimension for the Transformer. """ super().__init__() self.nchunk_size = nchunk_size assert nbits % nchunk_size == 0, "nbits must be a multiple of 8!" self.nbits = nbits self.d_model = d_model # Number of bytes self.nchunks = nbits // nchunk_size # 1D convolution to map the input channels to d_model self.embedding = nn.Conv1d(input_channels, d_model, kernel_size=1) # Transformer encoder block self.transformer = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer( d_model=d_model, nhead=1, dim_feedforward=d_model * 2, activation="gelu", batch_first=True, ), num_layers=8, ) # A linear head for watermark presence detection (binary) self.watermark_head = nn.Linear(d_model, 1) # For each byte, we perform a 256-way classification self.message_heads = nn.ModuleList( nn.Linear(d_model, 2**nchunk_size) for _ in range(self.nchunks) ) # Learnable embeddings for each byte chunk (instead of per bit) # Shape: [nchunks, d_model] self.nchunk_embeddings = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.nchunks, d_model)) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Forward pass of the detector. Returns: logits (torch.Tensor): Watermark detection logits of shape [batch, seq_len]. chunk_logits (torch.Tensor): Byte-level classification logits of shape [batch, nchunks, 256]. """ batch_size, input_channels, time_steps = x.shape # 1) Map [batch, in_channels, time_steps] → [batch, time_steps, d_model] x = self.embedding(x).permute(0, 2, 1) # [batch, time_steps, d_model] # 2) Prepend chunk embeddings at the beginning of the sequence # [nchunks, d_model] → [1, nchunks, d_model] → [batch, nchunks, d_model] nchunk_embeds = self.nchunk_embeddings.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1) # Concatenate along the time dimension: [batch, nchunks + time_steps, d_model] x =[nchunk_embeds, x], dim=1) # 3) Pass through the Transformer x = self.transformer(x) # x has shape [batch, nchunks + time_steps, d_model] # (a) Watermark presence detection: skip the first nchunks detection_part = x[:, self.nchunks :] # [batch, time_steps, d_model] logits = self.watermark_head(detection_part).squeeze(-1) # [batch, time_steps] # (b) Message decoding: use the first nchunks message_part = x[:, : self.nchunks] # [batch, nchunks, d_model] chunk_logits_list = [] for i, head in enumerate(self.message_heads): # message_part[:, i, :] has shape [batch, d_model] # each head outputs [batch, 256] chunk_vec = message_part[:, i, :] chunk_logits_list.append(head(chunk_vec).unsqueeze(1)) # [batch, 1, 256] # Concatenate along the 'nchunks' dimension → [batch, nchunks, 256] chunk_logits =, dim=1) return logits, chunk_logits def detect_watermark( self, x: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: Optional[int] = None, threshold: float = 0.5, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ A convenience function for inference. Returns: detect_prob (float): Probability that the audio is watermarked. binary_message (torch.Tensor): The recovered message of shape [batch, nbits] (binary). detected (torch.Tensor): The sigmoid values of the per-timestep watermark detection. """ logits, chunk_logits = self.forward(x) # logits: [batch, seq_len] → raw logits for watermark presence detection # chunk_logits: [batch, nchunks, 256] → classification logits for each byte # (1) Compute watermark detection probability detected = torch.sigmoid(logits) # [batch, seq_len] detect_prob = detected.mean(dim=-1).cpu().item() # (2) Decode the message: chunk_logits has shape [batch, nchunks, 256] chunk_probs = F.softmax(chunk_logits, dim=-1) # [batch, nchunks, 256] chunk_indices = torch.argmax( chunk_probs, dim=-1 ) # [batch, nchunks], each in [0..255] # (3) Convert each byte back to 8 bits # Finally, assemble into a [batch, nbits] binary tensor binary_message = [] for i in range(self.nchunks): chunk_val = chunk_indices[:, i] # [batch] # Extract 8 bits from the integer (0..255) chunk_bits = [] for b in range(self.nchunk_size): bit_b = (chunk_val >> b) & 1 # get bit b chunk_bits.append(bit_b.unsqueeze(-1)) # Concatenate bits to shape [batch, 8] chunk_bits =, dim=-1) binary_message.append(chunk_bits) # Concatenate all bytes → [batch, nbits] binary_message =, dim=-1) return detect_prob, binary_message, detected class WMEmbedder(nn.Module): """ A class that takes a secret message, processes it into chunk embeddings (as a small sequence), and uses a TransformerDecoder to do cross-attention between the original hidden (target) and the watermark tokens (memory). """ def __init__( self, nbits: int, # total bits in the secret message input_dim: int, # the input dimension (e.g. audio feature dimension) nchunk_size: int, hidden_dim: int = 256, num_heads: int = 1, num_layers: int = 4, ): super().__init__() self.nchunk_size = nchunk_size assert nbits % nchunk_size == 0, "nbits must be a multiple of nchunk_size!" self.nbits = nbits self.nchunks = nbits // nchunk_size # how many chunks # Each chunk (0..2^nchunk_size - 1) maps to an embedding of size [hidden_dim] self.msg_embeddings = nn.ModuleList( nn.Embedding(2**nchunk_size, hidden_dim) for _ in range(self.nchunks) ) # Linear to project [input_dim] -> [hidden_dim] self.input_projection = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim) # TransformerDecoder for cross-attention # d_model=hidden_dim, so the decoder expects [b, seq_len, hidden_dim] as tgt # and [b, memory_len, hidden_dim] as memory decoder_layer = nn.TransformerDecoderLayer( d_model=hidden_dim, nhead=num_heads, dim_feedforward=2 * hidden_dim, activation="gelu", batch_first=True, # so shape is [batch, seq, feature] ) self.transformer_decoder = nn.TransformerDecoder( decoder_layer, num_layers=num_layers ) # Project [hidden_dim] -> [input_dim] # self.output_projection1 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim * 2, hidden_dim) self.output_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, input_dim) def forward(self, hidden: torch.Tensor, msg: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: hidden: [batch, input_dim, seq_len] msg: [batch, nbits] Returns: A tensor [batch, input_dim, seq_len] with watermark injected. """ b, in_dim, seq_len = hidden.shape # 1) Project input features to [b, seq_len, hidden_dim] hidden_projected = self.input_projection( hidden.permute(0, 2, 1) ) # => [b, seq_len, hidden_dim] # 2) Convert the msg bits into a sequence of chunk embeddings # We keep each chunk as one token => [b, nchunks, hidden_dim] chunk_emb_list = [] for i in range(self.nchunks): # msg[:, i*nchunk_size : (i+1)*nchunk_size] => shape [b, nchunk_size] chunk_bits = msg[:, i * self.nchunk_size : (i + 1) * self.nchunk_size] chunk_val = torch.zeros_like(chunk_bits[:, 0]) # shape [b] for bit_idx in range(self.nchunk_size): # shift bits chunk_val += chunk_bits[:, bit_idx] << bit_idx # embedding => [b, hidden_dim] chunk_emb = self.msg_embeddings[i](chunk_val) chunk_emb_list.append(chunk_emb.unsqueeze(1)) # => [b,1,hidden_dim] # Concat => [b, nchunks, hidden_dim] chunk_emb_seq =, dim=1) # [b, nchunks, hidden_dim] # 3) Use chunk_emb_seq as memory, hidden_projected as target for TransformerDecoder # # TransformerDecoder forward signature: # transformer_decoder(tgt, memory, ...) # => [b, seq_len, hidden_dim] x_decoded = self.transformer_decoder( tgt=hidden_projected, # [b, seq_len, hidden_dim] memory=chunk_emb_seq, # [b, nchunks, hidden_dim] ) # 4) Project back to input_dim => [b, seq_len, input_dim] x_output = self.output_projection(x_decoded) # 5) permute back to [b, input_dim, seq_len] x_output = x_output.permute(0, 2, 1) # => [b, input_dim, seq_len] # 6) (Optional) Residual with original hidden x_output = x_output + hidden return x_output from speechtokenizer import SpeechTokenizer class SBW(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.nbits = 16 config_path = ( "speechtokenizer/pretrained_model/speechtokenizer_hubert_avg_config.json" ) ckpt_path = "speechtokenizer/pretrained_model/" self.st_model = SpeechTokenizer.load_from_checkpoint(config_path, ckpt_path) self.msg_processor = WMEmbedder( nbits=16, input_dim=1024, nchunk_size=4, ) self.detector = WMDetector( 1024, 16, nchunk_size=4, ) def detect_watermark( self, x: torch.Tensor, return_logits=False ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: embedding = self.st_model.forward_feature(x) if return_logits: return self.detector(embedding) return self.detector.detect_watermark(embedding) def forward( self, speech_input: torch.Tensor, message: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: recon, recon_wm, acoustic, acoustic_wm = self.st_model( speech_input, msg_processor=self.msg_processor, message=message ) wav_length = min(speech_input.size(-1), recon_wm.size(-1)) speech_input = speech_input[..., :wav_length] recon = recon[..., :wav_length] recon_wm = recon_wm[..., :wav_length] return { "recon": recon, "recon_wm": recon_wm, }