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Preprocessing functions.
Functions to preprocess the data before running any method.
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse
import pandas as pd
import logging
from anndata import AnnData
from numpy.random import default_rng
def check_mat(m, r, c, verbose=False):
# Accept any sparse format but transform to csr
if issparse(m) and not isinstance(m, csr_matrix):
m = csr_matrix(m)
# Check for empty features
if type(m) is csr_matrix:
msk_features = m.getnnz(axis=0) == 0
msk_features = np.count_nonzero(m, axis=0) == 0
n_empty_features = np.sum(msk_features)
if n_empty_features > 0:
if verbose:
print("{0} features of mat are empty, they will be removed.".format(n_empty_features))
c = c[~msk_features]
m = m[:, ~msk_features]
# Check for repeated features
if np.any(c[1:] == c[:-1]):
raise ValueError("""mat contains repeated feature names, please make them unique.""")
# Check for empty samples
if type(m) is csr_matrix:
msk_samples = m.getnnz(axis=1) == 0
msk_samples = np.count_nonzero(m, axis=1) == 0
n_empty_samples = np.sum(msk_samples)
if n_empty_samples > 0:
if verbose:
print("{0} samples of mat are empty, they will be removed.".format(n_empty_samples))
r = r[~msk_samples]
m = m[~msk_samples]
# Check for non finite values
if np.any(~np.isfinite(
raise ValueError("""mat contains non finite values (nan or inf), please set them to 0 or remove them.""")
return m, r, c
def extract(mat, use_raw=True, verbose=False, dtype=np.float32):
Processes different input types so that they can be used downstream.
mat : list, pd.DataFrame or AnnData
List of [matrix, samples, features], dataframe (samples x features) or an AnnData instance.
use_raw : bool
Use `raw` attribute of `adata` if present.
dtype : type
Type of float used.
m : csr_matrix
Sparse matrix containing molecular readouts or statistics.
r : ndarray
Array of sample names.
c : ndarray
Array of feature names.
if type(mat) is list:
m, r, c = mat
m = np.array(m, dtype=dtype)
r = np.array(r, dtype='U')
c = np.array(c, dtype='U')
elif type(mat) is pd.DataFrame:
m = mat.values.astype(dtype)
r = mat.index.values.astype('U')
c = mat.columns.values.astype('U')
elif type(mat) is AnnData:
if use_raw:
if mat.raw is None:
raise ValueError("Received `use_raw=True`, but `mat.raw` is empty.")
m = mat.raw.X.astype(dtype)
c = mat.raw.var.index.values.astype('U')
m = mat.X.astype(dtype)
c = mat.var.index.values.astype('U')
r = mat.obs.index.values.astype('U')
raise ValueError("""mat must be a list of [matrix, samples, features], dataframe (samples x features) or an AnnData
# Check mat for empty or not finite values
m, r, c = check_mat(m, r, c, verbose=verbose)
# Sort genes
msk = np.argsort(c)
return m[:, msk].astype(dtype), r.astype('U'), c[msk].astype('U')
def filt_min_n(c, net, min_n=5):
Removes sources of a `net` with less than min_n targets.
First it filters target features in `net` that are not in `mat` and then removes sources with less than `min_n` targets.
c : ndarray
Column names of `mat`.
net : DataFrame
Network in long format.
min_n : int
Minimum of targets per source. If less, sources are removed.
net : DataFrame
Filtered net in long format.
# Find shared targets between mat and net
msk = np.isin(net['target'].values.astype('U'), c)
net = net.iloc[msk]
# Count unique sources
sources, counts = np.unique(net['source'].values.astype('U'), return_counts=True)
# Find sources with more than min_n targets
msk = np.isin(net['source'].values.astype('U'), sources[counts >= min_n])
# Filter
net = net[msk]
if net.shape[0] == 0:
raise ValueError("""No sources with more than min_n={0} targets. Make sure mat and net have shared target features or
reduce the number assigned to min_n""".format(min_n))
return net
def match(c, r, net):
Matches `mat` with a regulatory adjacency matrix.
c : ndarray
Column names of `mat`.
r : ndarray
Row names of `net`.
net : ndarray
Regulatory adjacency matrix.
regX : ndarray
Matching regulatory adjacency matrix.
# Init empty regX
regX = np.zeros((c.shape[0], net.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
# Create an index array for rows of c corresponding to r
c_dict = {gene: i for i, gene in enumerate(c)}
idxs = [c_dict[gene] for gene in r if gene in c_dict]
# Populate regX using advanced indexing
regX[idxs, :] = net[: len(idxs), :]
return regX
def rename_net(net, source='source', target='target', weight='weight'):
Renames input network to match decoupler's format (source, target, weight).
net : DataFrame
Network in long format.
source : str
Column name where to extract source features.
target : str
Column name where to extract target features.
weight : str, None
Column name where to extract features' weights. If no weights are available, set to None.
net : DataFrame
Renamed network.
# Check if names are in columns
msg = 'Column name "{0}" not found in net. Please specify a valid column.'
assert source in net.columns, msg.format(source)
assert target in net.columns, msg.format(target)
if weight is not None:
assert weight in net.columns, msg.format(weight) + """Alternatively, set to None if no weights are available."""
net = net.copy()
net['weight'] = 1.0
weight = 'weight'
# Rename
net = net.rename(columns={source: 'source', target: 'target', weight: 'weight'})
# Sort
net = net.reindex(columns=['source', 'target', 'weight'])
# Check if duplicated
is_d = net.duplicated(['source', 'target']).sum()
if is_d > 0:
raise ValueError('net contains repeated edges, please remove them.')
return net
def get_net_mat(net):
Transforms a given network to a regulatory adjacency matrix (targets x sources).
net : DataFrame
Network in long format.
sources : ndarray
Array of source names.
targets : ndarray
Array of target names.
X : ndarray
Array of interactions bewteen sources and targets (target x source).
# Pivot df to a wider format
X = net.pivot(columns='source', index='target', values='weight')
X[np.isnan(X)] = 0
# Store node names and weights
sources = X.columns.values
targets = X.index.values
X = X.values
return sources.astype('U'), targets.astype('U'), X.astype(np.float32)
def mask_features(mat, log=False, thr=1, use_raw=False):
if log:
thr = np.exp(thr) - 1
if type(mat) is list:
m, r, c = mat
m[m < thr] = 0.0
return [m, r, c]
elif type(mat) is pd.DataFrame:
mat.loc[:, :] = np.where(mat.values < thr, 0.0, mat.values)
return mat
elif type(mat) is AnnData:
if use_raw:
if mat.raw is None:
raise ValueError("Received `use_raw=True`, but `mat.raw` is empty.")
mat.raw.X[mat.raw.X < thr] = 0.0
mat.X[mat.X < thr] = 0.0
raise ValueError("""mat must be a list of [matrix, samples, features], dataframe (samples x features) or an AnnData
def add_to_anndata(mat, results):
for result in results:
if result is not None:
mat.obsm[] = result
def return_data(mat, results):
if isinstance(mat, AnnData):
if mat.obs_names.size != results[0].index.size:
logging.warning('Provided AnnData contains empty observations. Returning repaired object.')
mat = mat[results[0].index, :].copy()
add_to_anndata(mat, results)
return mat
add_to_anndata(mat, results)
return None
return tuple([result for result in results if result is not None])
def break_ties(m, c, seed):
# Randomize feature order to break ties randomly
rng = default_rng(seed=seed)
idx = np.arange(c.size)
idx = rng.choice(idx, c.size, replace=False)
m, c = m[:, idx], c[idx]
return m, c