open-agent-leaderboard /
qq-hzlh's picture
add more llms
history blame
7.43 kB
import pandas as pd
import json
from datetime import datetime
def process_csv_to_json():
# 读取CSV文件
df = pd.read_csv('src/record.csv')
# 清理数据:删除空行,重命名列
df = df.dropna(how='all')
df = df.rename(columns={
'dataset': 'Dataset',
'llm': 'LLM',
'score\n(EM)': 'Score',
'pass rate': 'Pass rate',
'Cost($)': 'Cost($)',
'Eval Date': 'Eval Date',
'framework': 'Framework',
'X-shot': 'X-shot',
'Nums': 'Samples',
'All tokens': 'All tokens',
'Total input tokens': 'Total input tokens',
'Average input tokens': 'Average input tokens',
'Total output tokens': 'Total output tokens',
'Average output tokens': 'Average output tokens'
# 辅助函数:处理包含逗号的数字字符串
def parse_number(value):
if pd.isna(value):
return 0
# 先移除逗号,然后转换为浮点数,最后转换为整数
return int(float(str(value).replace(',', '')))
# 初始化结果字典
result = {
"time":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"results": {}
# 获取所有唯一的LLM
llms = df['LLM'].dropna().unique()
# 遍历每个算法
for algorithm in df['Algorithm'].dropna().unique():
if not isinstance(algorithm, str):
result['results'][algorithm] = {}
# 对每个LLM进行处理
for llm in llms:
llm_data = df[(df['Algorithm'] == algorithm) & (df['LLM'] == llm)]
if llm_data.empty:
# 创建LLM对应的字典
result['results'][algorithm][llm] = {
'META': {
'Algorithm': str(algorithm),
'LLM': str(llm),
'Eval Date': str(llm_data['Eval Date'].iloc[0])
# 对每个数据集进行处理
for dataset in df['Dataset'].dropna().unique():
if not isinstance(dataset, str):
dataset_data = llm_data[llm_data['Dataset'] == dataset]
if not dataset_data.empty:
data_row = dataset_data.iloc[0]
result['results'][algorithm][llm][dataset] = {
'Score': round(float(data_row['Score']), 2), # 保留两位小数
'Pass rate': round(float(data_row['Pass rate']) / 100, 4), # 转换为小数并保留两位小数
'Cost($)': float(data_row['Cost($)']) if pd.notnull(data_row['Cost($)']) else 0.0,
'Framework': str(data_row['Framework']) if 'Framework' in data_row and pd.notnull(data_row['Framework']) else '',
'X-shot': str(data_row['X-shot']) if pd.notnull(data_row['X-shot']) else '',
'Samples': parse_number(data_row['Samples']),
'All tokens': parse_number(data_row['All tokens']),
'Total input tokens': parse_number(data_row['Total input tokens']),
'Average input tokens': parse_number(data_row['Average input tokens']),
'Total output tokens': parse_number(data_row['Total output tokens']),
'Average output tokens': parse_number(data_row['Average output tokens'])
# 检查每个字段是否存在
required_fields = ['Score', 'Pass rate', 'Cost($)', 'Framework', 'X-shot', 'Samples', 'All tokens', 'Total input tokens', 'Average input tokens', 'Total output tokens', 'Average output tokens']
for key, value in result['results'].items():
for llm, datasets in value.items():
# 检查 META 信息
meta = datasets.get('META', {})
if 'LLM' not in meta or 'Eval Date' not in meta:
print(f"Missing META fields in algorithm '{key}' for LLM '{llm}'")
for dataset, data in datasets.items():
if dataset == 'META':
missing_fields = [field for field in required_fields if field not in data]
if missing_fields:
print(f"Missing fields {missing_fields} in dataset '{dataset}' for LLM '{llm}' in algorithm '{key}'")
# 保存为JSON文件
with open('src/detail_math_score.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(result, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def process_csv_to_overall_json():
# 读取CSV文件
df = pd.read_csv('src/record.csv')
# 清理数据:删除空行,重命名列
df = df.dropna(how='all')
df = df.rename(columns={
'dataset': 'Dataset',
'llm': 'LLM',
'score\n(EM)': 'Score',
'Cost($)': 'Cost($)',
'Eval Date': 'Eval Date'
# 初始化结果字典
result = {
"time":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"results": {}
# 获取所有唯一的LLM
llms = df['LLM'].dropna().unique()
for llm in llms:
# 处理基础算法
for algorithm in df['Algorithm'].dropna().unique():
if not isinstance(algorithm, str):
# 为非gpt-3.5-turbo的模型添加后缀
# 修改:为llama模型添加更多信息以确保唯一性
algo_key = algorithm if llm == 'gpt-3.5-turbo' else f"{algorithm}-{llm}"
# 检查该算法-LLM组合是否存在
algo_data = df[(df['Algorithm'] == algorithm) & (df['LLM'] == llm)]
if algo_data.empty:
print(f"No data found for algorithm '{algorithm}' and LLM '{llm}'")
result['results'][algo_key] = {
"META": {
"Algorithm": algorithm,
"LLM": llm,
"Eval Date": str(algo_data['Eval Date'].iloc[0])
# 处理每个数据集
for dataset in ['gsm8k', 'AQuA']:
dataset_data = df[(df['Algorithm'] == algorithm) &
(df['Dataset'] == dataset) &
(df['LLM'] == llm)]
if not dataset_data.empty:
result['results'][algo_key][dataset] = {
"Score": float(dataset_data['Score'].iloc[0]) if pd.notnull(dataset_data['Score'].iloc[0]) else 0.0,
"Cost($)": float(dataset_data['Cost($)'].iloc[0]) if pd.notnull(dataset_data['Cost($)'].iloc[0]) else 0.0
# 如果数据集为空,确保键存在并设置默认值
result['results'][algo_key][dataset] = {
"Score": 0.0,
"Cost($)": 0.0
# 保存为JSON文件
with open('src/overall_math_score.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(result, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 生成两种格式的JSON文件