import os import json import csv import yaml from collections import defaultdict import pickle import glob import math from functools import partial import sys import io import warnings import random import numpy as np import torch import laion_clap import librosa from pydub import AudioSegment import soundfile as sf import faiss import multiprocessing multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn', force=True) try: from tqdm import tqdm except: tqdm = lambda x: x def suppress_all_output(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = io.StringIO() sys.stderr = io.StringIO() old_fd_out = os.dup(1) old_fd_err = os.dup(2) null_fd =, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(null_fd, 1) os.dup2(null_fd, 2) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: os.dup2(old_fd_out, 1) os.dup2(old_fd_err, 2) os.close(null_fd) os.close(old_fd_out) os.close(old_fd_err) sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr return result return wrapper def filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): if file_list is not None: if filename not in file_list: print(filename, 'not exist') return True else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_path, filename)): print(filename, 'not exist') return True if os.path.getsize(os.path.join(file_path, filename)) < 16000: print(filename, 'less than 0.5 to 1 second') return True return False # ==================== Prepare dataset files from each data folder ==================== EMOTION_MAP_DICT = { 'amused': 'amused' , 'anger': 'angry' , 'angry': 'angry' , 'anxious': 'anxious' , 'apologetic': 'apologetic' , 'assertive': 'assertive' , 'calm': 'calm' , 'concerned': 'concerned' , 'contempt': 'contempt' , 'disgust': 'disgusted' , 'disgusted': 'disgusted' , 'encouraging': 'encouraging' , 'excited': 'excited' , 'fear': 'fearful' , 'fearful': 'fearful' , 'frustated': 'frustated' , 'happy': 'happy' , 'joy': 'happy' , 'neutral': 'neutral' , 'sad': 'sad' , 'sadness': 'sad' , 'sleepy': 'sleepy' , 'surprise': 'surprised' , 'surprised': 'surprised' , 'pleasantly surprised': 'pleasantly surprised' , } def load_dataset_file(dataset_file): with open(dataset_file) as f: contents = contents = json.loads(contents) audio_files = [ os.path.join( contents["dataset_path"], contents["split_path"], contents["data"][str(i)]["name"] ) for i in range(contents["total_num"]) ] return contents, audio_files def compute_label_graph(dataset_name, dataset_path, top_n, output_file): if os.path.exists(output_file): print('loading precomputed graph:', output_file) with open(output_file, 'r') as json_file: graph = json.load(json_file) else: import torch from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util embedding_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') print('precomputing graph and save to:', output_file) if dataset_name == 'AudioSetSL_singlelabel': names = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'class_labels_indices.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in reader: _, label, name = row # 123, /m/02zsn, "Female speech, woman speaking" names += name.split(', ') names = [x.lower().strip() for x in names] elif dataset_name == "Clotho-AQA_singlelabel": names = set([]) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_metadata.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, file_name, keywords, _, _, _, _ = row names |= set(keywords.split(';')) names = [x.lower().strip() for x in names] names_embeddings = embedding_model.encode(names, convert_to_tensor=True) similarity_matrix = util.pytorch_cos_sim(names_embeddings, names_embeddings) similarity_threshold = 0.75 n_items = len(names) graph = {} for i in range(n_items): adjusted_top_n = min(top_n, n_items - 1) values, indices = torch.topk(similarity_matrix[i], adjusted_top_n + 1, largest=True) most_similar_items = [] for value, idx in zip(values, indices): if idx != i and value <= similarity_threshold: most_similar_items.append(idx.item()) if len(most_similar_items) == adjusted_top_n: break graph[names[i]] = [names[j] for j in most_similar_items] with open(output_file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(graph, json_file) # graph is a dict: key = each label, value = List[20 similar labels] return graph def prepare_files(dataset_name, dataset_path, split, flamingo_task, output_file): assert not os.path.exists(output_file) dataset_dic = { "dataset_path": dataset_path, "split": split, "split_path": None, "flamingo_task": "{}-{}".format(dataset_name, flamingo_task), "total_num": 0, "data": {} # {id: {'name': name, 'prompt': prompt, 'output': output}} } if dataset_name == "AudioSet": assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'train_wav' if split == 'train' else '' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) dic = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'class_labels_indices.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, label, name = row # /m/02zsn,"Female speech, woman speaking" dic[label] = name with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'train.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, _, _, labels = row # --aE2O5G5WE /m/03fwl,/m/04rlf,/m/09x0r filename = filename + '.wav' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue label_list = labels.split(",") assert all(label in dic for label in label_list) text_output = ", ".join([dic[label] for label in label_list]) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "AudioSetFull": assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: '/mnt/fsx-main/rafaelvalle/datasets/audioset/unbalanced_train_segments/22khz' file_path = map_split(split) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None dic_code2label = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'audioset-processing/data/class_labels_indices.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, code, name = row # /m/02zsn,"Female speech, woman speaking" dic_code2label[code] = name dic_filename2code = {} with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'audioset-processing/data/unbalanced_train_segments.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, _, _, codes = row # --aE2O5G5WE /m/03fwl,/m/04rlf,/m/09x0r filename = 'Y' + filename + '.wav' dic_filename2code[filename] = codes.split(",") for part in tqdm(range(41)): part_str = str(part) if len(part_str) == 1: part_str = '0' + part_str part_folder = 'unbalanced_train_segments_part{}'.format(part_str) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, part_folder)): if not filename.endswith('.wav'): continue if filter_file(file_path, file_list, os.path.join(part_folder, filename)): continue if filename not in dic_filename2code: continue text_output = ", ".join([dic_code2label[code] for code in dic_filename2code[filename] if code in dic_code2label]) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": os.path.join(part_folder, filename), "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "AudioSetFullwoAudioMusicCaps": assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: '/mnt/fsx-main/rafaelvalle/datasets/audioset/unbalanced_train_segments/22khz' file_path = map_split(split) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None print('extracting AudioCaps and MusicCaps ytid to avoid these samples') audiocaps_ytid = [] for f in ['audiocaps_dataset/train.csv', 'audiocaps_dataset/test.csv', 'audiocaps_dataset/val.csv']: with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, f), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in reader: _, ytid, _, _ = row audiocaps_ytid.append('Y' + ytid + '.wav') audiocaps_ytid = set(audiocaps_ytid) musiccaps_ytid = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'musiccaps_dataset/musiccaps_manifest.json')) as f: data = musiccaps_list = json.loads(data) for row in musiccaps_list: musiccaps_ytid.append('Y' + row["ytid"] + '.wav') musiccaps_ytid = set(musiccaps_ytid) print('Will exclude {} samples from MusicCaps and {} from AudioCaps'.format(len(audiocaps_ytid), len(musiccaps_ytid))) dic_code2label = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, '../AudioSetFull/audioset-processing/data/class_labels_indices.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, code, name = row # /m/02zsn,"Female speech, woman speaking" dic_code2label[code] = name dic_filename2code = {} with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, '../AudioSetFull/audioset-processing/data/unbalanced_train_segments.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, _, _, codes = row # --aE2O5G5WE /m/03fwl,/m/04rlf,/m/09x0r filename = 'Y' + filename + '.wav' dic_filename2code[filename] = codes.split(",") music_audio_caps_excluded = 0 for part in tqdm(range(41)): part_str = str(part) if len(part_str) == 1: part_str = '0' + part_str part_folder = 'unbalanced_train_segments_part{}'.format(part_str) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, part_folder)): if not filename.endswith('.wav'): continue if filename in audiocaps_ytid or filename in musiccaps_ytid: music_audio_caps_excluded += 1 continue if filter_file(file_path, file_list, os.path.join(part_folder, filename)): continue if filename not in dic_filename2code: continue text_output = ", ".join([dic_code2label[code] for code in dic_filename2code[filename] if code in dic_code2label]) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": os.path.join(part_folder, filename), "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "AudioSetSL_singlelabel": import numpy as np assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: '../AudioSet/train_wav' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) dic = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'class_labels_indices.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, label, name = row # /m/02zsn,"Female speech, woman speaking" dic[label] = name graph = compute_label_graph( dataset_name, dataset_path, top_n=200, output_file=os.path.join(dataset_path, 'label_graph.json') ) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'train.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, _, _, labels = row # --aE2O5G5WE /m/03fwl,/m/04rlf,/m/09x0r filename = filename + '.wav' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue label_list = labels.split(",") assert all(label in dic for label in label_list) text_labels = ", ".join([dic[label] for label in label_list]).lower() text_labels = text_labels.split(', ') text_output = np.random.choice(text_labels) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue num_options = np.random.choice( [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], p=[ 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05] ) negative_samples = [x for x in graph[text_output] if x not in set(text_labels)] candidate_negative_labels = list(np.random.choice( negative_samples[:num_options*10], size=num_options-1, replace=False )) if type(candidate_negative_labels) is str: candidate_negative_labels = [candidate_negative_labels] all_options = [text_output] + candidate_negative_labels np.random.shuffle(all_options) text_prompt = 'Classify this sound.\nOPTIONS:\n - {}.'.format( '.\n - '.join(all_options) ) dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "AUDIOCAPS13k": assert flamingo_task == 'AudioCaptioning' map_split = lambda split: 'audio_32000Hz/{}'.format(split) file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.flac'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join( dataset_path, '{}_manifest.json'.format(split + ('_v2' if split == 'train' else '')) ), 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [json.loads(row) for row in data] for row in tqdm(data): filename = row['audio_filepath'].split('/')[-1] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = row['text'] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "audiocaps": assert flamingo_task == 'AudioCaptioning' map_split = lambda split: 'audio/{}'.format(split if split in ['train', 'test'] else 'valid') file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.flac'), os.listdir(file_path))) for filename in tqdm(file_list): if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue with open(os.path.join(file_path, filename.replace('.flac', '.json')), 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) captions = data['text'] for text_output in captions: if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == 'BG-Gun-Sound-Dataset': assert flamingo_task == "SoundClassification" assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: 'data/gun_sound_v2' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = os.listdir(file_path) all_cates = set([]) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'data/v3_exp3_{}.csv'.format(split)), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, cate, dist, dire = row if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = cate if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'What is the gun of this sound?' all_cates.add(cate) dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print(all_cates) elif dataset_name == "BirdsDataset": assert flamingo_task == "SoundClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'Voice_of_Birds' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None for bird_type in tqdm(os.listdir(file_path)): bird_name = ' '.join(bird_type.split('_')[:-1]) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, bird_type)): if filter_file(file_path, file_list, os.path.join(bird_type, filename)): continue text_output = bird_name if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'What is the name of bird in this sound?' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": os.path.join(bird_type, filename), "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "BBCSoundEffects": assert split in ['train'] assert flamingo_task == 'AudioDescription' map_split = lambda split: '../WavCaps/BBC_Sound_Effects_flac' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.flac'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'BBCSoundDownloader/BBCSoundEffects.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): if len(row) != 7: continue filename, description, _, _, _, _, _ = row filename = filename.replace('.wav', '.flac') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = description if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio description' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "chime-home": assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'chime_home/chunks' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file48k_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('48kHz.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) file16k_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('16kHz.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) csv_file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.csv'), os.listdir(file_path))) label_mapping = { 'c': 'child speaking', 'm': 'male speaking', 'f': 'female speaking', 'p': 'human activity', 't': 'television', 'b': 'household appliances', 's': 'silence' } for csv_file in tqdm(csv_file_list): with open(os.path.join(file_path, csv_file), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') labels = None for row in reader: if row[0] == 'majorityvote': labels = row[1] break if labels is None or len(labels) == 0: continue filename = csv_file.replace('.csv', '.48kHz.wav') if filter_file(file_path, file48k_list, filename): filename = csv_file.replace('.csv', '.16kHz.wav') if filter_file(file_path, file16k_list, filename): continue text_output = ", ".join([label_mapping[l] for l in labels if l in label_mapping]) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "CLAP_freesound": assert flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning" assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: os.path.join('freesound_no_overlap/split', split) file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.flac'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join( dataset_path, 'freesound_no_overlap_meta.csv' ), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): if len(row[0].split('/')) != 2: continue if len(row) <= 1: continue file_split, filename = row[0].split('/') if file_split != split: continue if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue caption_1 = row[1] # caption_2 = row[2] but not very good text_output = caption_1 if len(text_output) <= 2: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Clotho-AQA": map_split = lambda split: 'audio_files' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) if flamingo_task == "EventClassification": dic = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_metadata.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, file_name, keywords, _, _, _, _ = row dic[file_name] = keywords.replace(';', ', ') with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_{}.csv'.format(split)), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = row[0] if filename not in dic or filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = dic[filename] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' del dic[filename] dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif flamingo_task == "AQA": dic_qa = defaultdict(list) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_{}.csv'.format(split)), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, question, answer, confidence = row dic_qa[(filename, question)].append((answer.lower(), confidence.lower())) # get binary -> trinary def preprocess(list_ans_conf): assert set([x[1] for x in list_ans_conf]) <= set(['yes', 'no', 'maybe']) answers = set([x[0].lower() for x in list_ans_conf]) if answers <= set(['yes', 'no']): if len(answers) > 1: return ['unsure'] else: return list(answers) else: return list(answers) # get majority vote def majority_vote(list_ans_conf): assert set([x[1] for x in list_ans_conf]) <= set(['yes', 'no', 'maybe']) weight = {'yes': 1.0, 'no': 0.1, 'maybe': 0.6} if set([x[0] for x in list_ans_conf]) <= set(['yes', 'no']): score = {'yes': 1.0, 'no': -1.0} pred = sum([score[x[0]] * weight[x[1]] for x in list_ans_conf]) if pred > 0: return ['yes'] else: return ['no'] else: return list(set([x[0] for x in list_ans_conf])) for key in dic_qa: filename, question = key if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if split == 'train': answers = majority_vote(dic_qa[key]) # majority vote else: answers = [x[0].strip().lower() for x in dic_qa[key]] answers = [', '.join(answers)] for answer in answers: text_output = answer if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = "Question: " + question dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Clotho-AQA_singlelabel": import numpy as np assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" map_split = lambda split: '../Clotho-AQA/audio_files' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) dic = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_metadata.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, file_name, keywords, _, _, _, _ = row dic[file_name] = keywords.split(';') graph = compute_label_graph( dataset_name, dataset_path, top_n=300, output_file=os.path.join(dataset_path, 'label_graph.json') ) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'clotho_aqa_{}.csv'.format(split)), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = row[0] if filename not in dic or filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_labels = [x.lower().strip() for x in dic[filename]] del dic[filename] for _ in range(6): text_output = np.random.choice(text_labels) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue num_options = np.random.choice( [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], p=[ 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05] ) negative_samples = [x for x in graph[text_output] if x not in set(text_labels)] candidate_negative_labels = list(np.random.choice( negative_samples[:num_options*20], size=num_options-1, replace=False )) if type(candidate_negative_labels) is str: candidate_negative_labels = [candidate_negative_labels] all_options = [text_output] + candidate_negative_labels np.random.shuffle(all_options) text_prompt = 'Classify this sound.\nOPTIONS:\n - {}.'.format( '.\n - '.join(all_options) ) dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Clotho-v2": assert flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning" assert split in ["train", "val", "test"] map_split = lambda split: 'development' if split == 'train' else ('validation' if split == "val" else "evaluation") file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join( dataset_path, 'clotho_captions_{}.csv'.format(map_split(split)) ), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = row[0] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue for text_output in row[1:]: if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "CochlScene": import ndjson assert flamingo_task == "SceneClassification" map_split = lambda split: split.capitalize() file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'cochlscene_{}.ndjson'.format(split))) as ndjsonfile: reader = ndjson.load(ndjsonfile) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = "/".join(row["audiopath"].split("/")[1:]) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = row["labels"].lower() if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this acoustic scene is' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "common-accent": import ndjson import re assert flamingo_task == "AccentClassification" assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: '22khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = os.listdir(file_path) all_accent = [] split_file = [f for f in os.listdir(dataset_path) if f.startswith(split) and f.endswith('.ndjson')][0] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, split_file)) as ndjsonfile: reader = ndjson.load(ndjsonfile) for row in tqdm(reader): accent = row["accent"] accent = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', accent) accent = accent.replace('English', '') accent = accent.split(',') accent = [x.strip() for x in accent if 'school' not in x] all_accent += accent filename = row["filename"] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue for accent_each in accent: if accent_each == 'Javanese': accent_each = 'Japanese' if len(accent_each) > 25: continue text_output = accent_each if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'Classify the accent of this speech.' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all accents:', list(set(all_accent))) elif dataset_name == "CREMA-D": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train"] map_split = lambda split: 'AudioWAV' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'crema-d_audiopath_text_sid_emotion_filelist.txt' ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 3: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "DCASE17Task4": assert flamingo_task == "SceneClassification" assert split in ["test"] map_split = lambda split: 'unbalanced_train_segments_testing_set_audio_formatted_and_segmented_downloads' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'Task-4-Large-scale-weakly-supervised-sound-event-detection-for-smart-cars', 'groundtruth_release', 'groundtruth_strong_label_testing_set.csv' ) dic = defaultdict(list) all_labels = [] with open(split_file, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"') for row in tqdm(reader): filename = 'Y' + row[0] label = row[-1] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue dic[filename] += label.split(', ') all_labels += label.split(', ') print('all labels:\n', ', '.join(list(set(all_labels)))) for filename in dic: text_output = ', '.join(list(set(dic[filename]))) text_prompt = 'this acoustic scene is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "emov-db": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '22khz_from_16khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'cleaned_emov_db_audiopath_text_sid_emotion_duration_filelist_merged_{}.txt'.format(split) ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 4: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion, duration = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Epidemic_sound": assert split == 'train' assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning", "Tagging"] map_split = lambda split: 'audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.mp3'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'Epidemic_all_debiased.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): if len(row) != 5: continue _, caption_1, caption_2, caption_t5, fileid = row filename = '{}.mp3'.format(fileid) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning": text_output = caption_t5 if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif flamingo_task == "Tagging": if not caption_2.startswith('the sounds of'): continue caption_2 = caption_2.replace('the sounds of ', '') caption_2 = caption_2.replace(', and', ',') if len(caption_2) < 2: continue tags = caption_2.split(', ') tags = list(map(lambda x: x.replace("'", "").strip().lower(), tags)) text_output = '{}'.format(', '.join(tags)) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate tags' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "ESC50": assert flamingo_task in ["EventClassification"] assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'ESC-50-master/audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'ESC-50-master/meta/esc50.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): if len(row) != 7: continue filename, fold, target, category, esc10, src_file, take = row if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = category.replace('_', ' ') text_prompt = 'classify this sound.' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "FMA": import ast assert flamingo_task in ["GenreClassification"] assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'fma_large' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'fma_metadata/raw_tracks.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): if len(row) != 39: continue track_id,album_id,album_title,album_url, \ artist_id,artist_name,artist_url,artist_website, \ license_image_file,license_image_file_large, \ license_parent_id,license_title,license_url, \ tags,track_bit_rate,track_comments,track_composer, \ track_copyright_c,track_copyright_p,track_date_created,track_date_recorded, \ track_disc_number,track_duration,track_explicit,track_explicit_notes, \ track_favorites,track_file,track_genres,track_image_file,track_information, \ track_instrumental,track_interest,track_language_code, \ track_listens,track_lyricist,track_number,track_publisher,track_title,track_url = row l = len(str(track_id)) if l <= 3: filename = '{}/{}.mp3'.format( '000', '0'*(6-l)+str(track_id) ) else: filename = '{}/{}.mp3'.format( '0'*(6-l)+str(track_id)[:l-3], '0'*(6-l)+str(track_id) ) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if len(track_genres) == 0: continue track_genres = ast.literal_eval(track_genres) genres = ', '.join([dic['genre_title'].lower().strip() for dic in track_genres]) text_output = genres + '.' text_prompt = "what is the genre of this music?" if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "FSD50k": import ndjson assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz/dev' if split == 'train' else '44khz/eval' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, '{}.ndjson'.format(map_split(split).replace('44khz/', '')))) as ndjsonfile: reader = ndjson.load(ndjsonfile) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = row["filepath"].split("/")[1] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue labels = [x.replace("_", " ").lower() for x in row["labels"]] text_output = ", ".join(labels) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "GTZAN": assert flamingo_task == "GenreClassification" assert split in ["train"] map_split = lambda split: 'gtzan/data/genres' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None for genre in os.listdir(file_path): genre_wavs = [x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, genre)) if x.endswith('.wav')] for genre_wav in genre_wavs: filename = os.path.join(genre, genre_wav) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = genre if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'What is the genre of this music?' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "IEMOCAP": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: 'IEMOCAP_full_release/16khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None def read_this_ndjson(file_path): dic_list = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: turn_name = line.split("'turn_name': ")[-1].split(',')[0].replace("'", "") emotion = line.split("'emotion': ")[-1].split(',')[0].replace("'", "") dic = { 'turn_name': turn_name, 'emotion': emotion } dic_list.append(dic) return dic_list all_emotions = [] meta_files = [x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'IEMOCAP_full_release/ndjson')) if x.endswith('.ndjson')] for meta_file in tqdm(meta_files): main_folder = meta_file.split('_')[0] sub_folder = (meta_file.split('.ndjson')[0])[len(main_folder)+1:] if split == "train" and main_folder == "Session5": continue elif split == "test" and main_folder != "Session5": continue metadata_list = read_this_ndjson(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'IEMOCAP_full_release/ndjson', meta_file)) for dic in metadata_list: filename = os.path.join(main_folder, sub_folder, dic['turn_name']+'.wav') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if dic['emotion'] in ['unknown', 'other']: continue text_output = dic['emotion'] text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] all_emotions.append(text_output) text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all emotions:', list(set(all_emotions))) elif dataset_name == "jl-corpus": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'jl-corpus_audiopath_text_sid_emotion_duration_{}_filelist.txt'.format(split) ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 4: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion, duration = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "LP-MusicCaps-MC": import pandas as pd assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning"] assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: '../MusicCaps/44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) parquet_files = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'data')) if f.endswith('.parquet') and f.startswith(split)] print('parquet_files', parquet_files) metadata_df = pd.concat([pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'data', f)) for f in parquet_files]) for index, row in tqdm(metadata_df.iterrows()): filename = row['ytid'] + '.wav' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' for caption in [row['caption_writing'], row['caption_summary'], row['caption_paraphrase']]: text_output = caption if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "LP-MusicCaps-MSD": import pandas as pd assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning"] assert split in ["train", "test", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '../MSD/mp3s_22khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None parquet_files = [f for f in os.listdir(dataset_path) if f.endswith('.parquet') and f.startswith(split)] print('parquet_files', parquet_files) metadata_df = pd.concat([pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(dataset_path, f)) for f in parquet_files]) for index, row in tqdm(metadata_df.iterrows()): filename = row['path'] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' for caption in [row['caption_writing'], row['caption_summary'], row['caption_paraphrase']]: text_output = caption if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "LP-MusicCaps-MTT": import pandas as pd assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning"] assert split in ["train", "test", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '../MagnaTagATune/16khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None parquet_files = [f for f in os.listdir(dataset_path) if f.endswith('.parquet') and f.startswith(split)] print('parquet_files', parquet_files) metadata_df = pd.concat([pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(dataset_path, f)) for f in parquet_files]) for index, row in tqdm(metadata_df.iterrows()): filename = row['path'] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' for caption in [row['caption_writing'], row['caption_summary'], row['caption_paraphrase']]: text_output = caption if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "MACS": assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning", "Tagging"] assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'TAU_Urban_Acoustic_Scenes_2019/TAU-urban-acoustic-scenes-2019-development/audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) metadata_list = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'MACS.yaml')), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['files'] for file_metadata in tqdm(metadata_list): filename = file_metadata['filename'] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue for each_annotated in file_metadata['annotations']: caption = each_annotated['sentence'] tags = ', '.join(each_annotated['tags']).replace('_', ' ') if flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning": text_output = caption text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' elif flamingo_task == "Tagging": raise NotImplementedError if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Medley-solos-DB": import ndjson assert flamingo_task in ["InstrClassification"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'medleysolosdb_manifest.ndjson')) as ndjsonfile: metadata_list = ndjson.load(ndjsonfile) for file_metadata in tqdm(metadata_list): subset = file_metadata['subset'] if not subset.startswith(split): continue filename = file_metadata['filepath'] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue instrument = file_metadata["instrument"] text_output = instrument text_prompt = 'this music note is produced by' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "MELD": import numpy as np assert flamingo_task in ["EmotionClassification", "SentimentClassification"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, '{}.txt'.format(split if split in ['train', 'test'] else 'dev') ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] emotion_count = { 'neutral': 4703, 'happy': 1739, 'sad': 683, 'surprised': 1204, 'disgusted': 271, 'angry': 1108, 'fearful': 268, } sentiment_count = { 'neutral': 4703, 'positive': 2330, 'negative': 2943, } balancing_factor = 1 for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 4: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion, sentiment = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification": text_output = emotion text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if split == 'train': balancing_factor = float(emotion_count['neutral']) / float(emotion_count[text_output]) elif flamingo_task == "SentimentClassification": text_output = sentiment text_prompt = 'this sentiment is' if split == 'train': balancing_factor = float(sentiment_count['neutral']) / float(sentiment_count[text_output]) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue for _ in range(int(np.floor(balancing_factor))): dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 if np.random.rand() < balancing_factor - np.floor(balancing_factor): dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "MSP-PODCAST-Publish-1.9": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val", "test"] map_split = lambda split: 'Audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = glob.glob('{}/*/*.wav'.format(file_path)) file_list = [x[len(file_path)+1:] for x in file_list] subfolder_map = {} for f in tqdm(file_list): subfolder, filename = f.split('/') subfolder_map[filename] = subfolder file_list = None emotion_dic = { 'A': 'Angry', 'S': 'Sad', 'H': 'Happy', 'U': 'Surprise', 'F': 'Fear', 'D': 'Disgust', 'C': 'Contempt', 'N': 'Neutral', 'O': 'Other', 'X': 'Not clear' } with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'Labels/labels_concensus.json')) as f: data = metadata_dic = json.loads(data) for filename in tqdm(list(metadata_dic.keys())): values = metadata_dic[filename] if not values["Split_Set"].lower().startswith(split): continue if values["EmoClass"] in ["O", "X"] or values["EmoClass"] not in emotion_dic.keys(): continue subfolder = subfolder_map[filename] filename = '{}/{}'.format(subfolder, filename) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion_dic[values["EmoClass"]].lower() text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "mtg-jamendo": import ndjson assert flamingo_task == "MusicTagging" assert split in ["train", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'mtg_jamendo_{}_manifest.ndjson'.format(split))) as ndjsonfile: reader = ndjson.load(ndjsonfile) for row in tqdm(reader): filename = row["audiopath"] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = row["caption"] text_prompt = 'generate music tags (genre, instrument, mood/theme)' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "MU-LLAMA": assert flamingo_task in ['AQA'] assert split in ['train', 'test'] map_split = lambda split: 'MusicQA/audios' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = 'MusicQA/FinetuneMusicQA.json' if split == 'train' else 'MusicQA/EvalMusicQA.json' with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, split_file), 'r') as f: data = metadata_list = json.loads(data) for dic in tqdm(metadata_list): filename = dic["audio_name"] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_prompt = 'Question: ' + dic["conversation"][0]["value"].strip() if not (text_prompt.endswith('.') or text_prompt.endswith('?')): text_prompt = text_prompt + '.' text_output = dic["conversation"][1]["value"].strip() if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "musdbhq": assert flamingo_task in ["InstrClassification"] assert split in ["train", "test", "val"] map_split = lambda split: './' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'file_list_44k_{}.txt'.format(split))) as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 1: continue filename, duration = row.split('|') duration = float(duration) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = filename.split('/')[-1].split('.wav')[0] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this music is produced by' segment_length = 10 for audio_start_idx in range(int(duration // segment_length)): dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' '), "audio_start": audio_start_idx * segment_length } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "Music-AVQA": import ast import re assert flamingo_task in [ "{}_{}".format(q, t) \ for q in ['AQA', 'AVQA'] \ for t in ['Comparative', 'Counting', 'Existential', 'Location', 'Temporal', 'All'] ] def replace_bracketed_words(input_string, replacements): def replacer(match): word = next(replacements) return word replacements = iter(replacements) output_string = re.sub(r'<[^>]*>', replacer, input_string) return output_string map_split = lambda split: 'audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'MUSIC-AVQA/data/json/avqa-{}.json'.format(split)), 'r') as f: data = metadata_list = json.loads(data) for dic in tqdm(metadata_list): filename = dic["video_id"] + '.wav' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue types = ast.literal_eval(dic["type"]) if 'Visual' in types: continue if flamingo_task.startswith('AQA_') and 'Audio-Visual' in types: continue if flamingo_task.startswith('AVQA_') and 'Audio' in types: continue t = flamingo_task.split('_')[1] if (not t == 'All') and (not t in types): continue text_output = dic["anser"] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue question = dic["question_content"].replace("\uff1f", '?') templ_values = ast.literal_eval(dic["templ_values"]) if len(templ_values) > 0: question = replace_bracketed_words(question, templ_values) text_prompt = "Question: " + question dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "MusicCaps": assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning", "EventClassification"] assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'musiccaps_manifest.json')) as f: data = metadata_list = json.loads(data) for file_metadata in tqdm(metadata_list): filename = file_metadata['filepath'] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue start_s, end_s = file_metadata["start_s"], file_metadata["end_s"] caption = file_metadata["caption"] audioset_positive_labels = file_metadata["audioset_positive_labels"] # audioset classes aspect_list = file_metadata["aspect_list"] # annotated classes if (split == 'train') == file_metadata["is_audioset_eval"]: continue if flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning": text_output = caption text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' elif flamingo_task == "EventClassification": raise NotImplementedError if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "NonSpeech7k": assert flamingo_task in ["EventClassification"] assert split in ["train", "test"] map_split = lambda split: split file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) all_classes = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'metadata of {} set.csv').format(split), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, _, _, _, classname, _, _, _ = row if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = classname.lower() if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' all_classes.append(classname) dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all classes:', list(set(all_classes))) elif dataset_name == "NSynth": import ndjson assert flamingo_task in [ "InstrClassification", "PitchClassification", "VelocityClassification", "SourceClassification", "QualityClassification", "MIR" ] assert split in ["train", "test", "val"] map_split = lambda split: 'nsynth-{}/audio'.format('valid' if split == 'val' else split) file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, map_split(split), '../examples.json')) as f: data = reader = json.loads(data) for key in tqdm(reader): filename = key + '.wav' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if flamingo_task == "InstrClassification": text_output = reader[key]["instrument_family_str"] text_prompt = 'this music note is produced by' elif flamingo_task == "PitchClassification": text_output = str(reader[key]["pitch"]) text_prompt = 'this music note has pitch' elif flamingo_task == "VelocityClassification": text_output = str(reader[key]["velocity"]) text_prompt = 'this music note has velocity' elif flamingo_task == "SourceClassification": text_output = reader[key]["instrument_source_str"] text_prompt = 'this music note has sonic source' elif flamingo_task == "QualityClassification": qualities_str = reader[key]["qualities_str"] if len(qualities_str) >= 1: text_output = ', '.join(qualities_str).replace('_', ' ') else: text_output = 'none' text_prompt = 'this music note has sonic qualities' elif flamingo_task == "MIR": instrument = reader[key]["instrument_family_str"] pitch = str(reader[key]["pitch"]) velocity = str(reader[key]["velocity"]) source = reader[key]["instrument_source_str"] qualities_str = ', '.join(reader[key]["qualities_str"]).replace('_', ' ') assert len(instrument) > 0 text_output = 'produced by {}'.format(instrument) if len(pitch) > 0: text_output = text_output + ', pitch {}'.format(pitch) if len(velocity) > 0: text_output = text_output + ', velocity {}'.format(velocity) if len(source) > 0: text_output = text_output + ', source {}'.format(source) if len(qualities_str) > 0: text_output = text_output + ', and having qualities like {}'.format(qualities_str) text_prompt = 'this music note is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "OMGEmotion": import numpy as np import webrtcvad import wave from pydub import AudioSegment assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val"] def convert_to_wav(file_path): audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path).set_frame_rate(16000).set_channels(1) wav_path = file_path.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + "_converted.wav" audio.export(wav_path, format="wav") return wav_path def contains_speech(file_path, aggressiveness=0): # aggressiveness between 0 and 3, 0 for very clean speech, and 3 for noisy speech wav_path = convert_to_wav(file_path) vad = webrtcvad.Vad(aggressiveness) with, 'rb') as audio: assert audio.getsampwidth() == 2, "Audio must be 16-bit" assert audio.getnchannels() == 1, "Audio must be mono" assert audio.getframerate() == 16000, "Audio must be sampled at 16kHz" frame_duration = 10 # ms frame_size = int(audio.getframerate() * frame_duration / 1000) num_frames = int(audio.getnframes() / frame_size) for _ in range(num_frames): frame = audio.readframes(frame_size) if vad.is_speech(frame, audio.getframerate()): return True return False map_split = lambda split: 'processed-{}_utterance_data'.format(split) file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None dic_code2emotion = { "0": "anger", "1": "disgust", "2": "fear", "3": "happy", "4": "neutral", "5": "sad", "6": "surprise", } all_emotions = [] meta_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'OMGEmotionChallenge', 'omg_{}Videos.csv'.format('Train' if split == 'train' else 'Validation') ) with open(meta_file, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): link, start, end, video, utterance, _, _, EmotionMaxVote = row emotion = dic_code2emotion[str(EmotionMaxVote)] filename = os.path.join(video, utterance.replace('.mp4', '.mp3')) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if not contains_speech(os.path.join(file_path, filename)): print('{} does not contain speech'.format(filename)) continue text_prompt = 'this emotion is' text_output = emotion if len(text_output) <= 1: continue all_emotions.append(EMOTION_MAP_DICT[emotion]) dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all emotions:', list(set(all_emotions))) elif dataset_name == "OpenAQA": assert flamingo_task == 'AQA' assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: './' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None no_word_list = [ 'cannot determine', 'not provided', 'cannot be determined', 'sorry', 'i cannot', 'without more information', 'enough information', 'not possible', 'more context', 'enough', 'impossible', 'cannot be determined', 'without additional information', 'unclear', 'cannot', 'not clear', 'do not provide sufficient', 'does not provide', 'difficult to determine', 'no information provided', "can't infer", "difficult to infer", "not specified", "no specific", "no information", "without additional", 'it is difficult to', "no indication" ] print('computing dic_audiosetfull_parts') audiosetfull_root = '/mnt/fsx-main/rafaelvalle/datasets/audioset/unbalanced_train_segments/22khz/' part_strings = [('0'*(2-len(str(p))) + str(p)) for p in range(41)] dic_audiosetfull_parts = { part: set(os.listdir(os.path.join(audiosetfull_root, 'unbalanced_train_segments_part{}'.format(part)))) \ for part in part_strings } audioset20k_filelist = set(os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, '../AudioSet/train_wav'))) print('computing dic_clotho_filename') clotho_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_path, '../Clotho-AQA/audio_files')) dic_clotho_filename = { '_'.join([s for s in f.split(' ') if len(s) > 0]): f \ for f in clotho_files } print('reading open_ended/all_open_qa.json') with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'openaqa/data/open_ended/all_open_qa.json'), 'r') as f: data = metadata_list = json.loads(data) for dic in tqdm(metadata_list): #keys: instruction, input, dataset, audio_id, output, task text_output = dic["output"] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue if any(word in text_output.lower() for word in no_word_list): continue question = dic["instruction"] text_prompt = question audio_id = dic["audio_id"] subset = dic["dataset"] if subset == 'clotho_development': filename = audio_id.split('/')[-1] processed_filename = '_'.join([s for s in filename.split('_') if len(s) > 0]) if processed_filename in dic_clotho_filename: filename = os.path.join( '../Clotho-AQA/audio_files', dic_clotho_filename[processed_filename] ) else: continue elif subset in ['audiocaps_train', 'as_20k', 'as_strong_train']: found = False filename = audio_id.split('/')[-1].split('.flac')[0] + '.wav' if filename in audioset20k_filelist: filename = os.path.join('../AudioSet/train_wav', filename) found = True else: filename = 'Y' + filename for part in part_strings: if filename in dic_audiosetfull_parts[part]: filename = os.path.join( audiosetfull_root, 'unbalanced_train_segments_part{}'.format(part), filename ) found = True break if not found: print(filename, 'not found') continue elif subset == 'freesound_10s': filename = os.path.join( '../CLAP_freesound/freesound_no_overlap/split/train', audio_id.split('/')[-1] ) elif subset == 'vggsound_train': continue if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "ravdess": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '44khz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'ravdess_audiopath_text_sid_emotion_duration_{}_filelist.txt'.format(split) ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 4: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion, duration = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "SongDescriber": assert flamingo_task in ["AudioCaptioning"] assert split in ["train"] map_split = lambda split: './audio/audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'song_describer.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): caption_id,track_id,caption,is_valid_subset,familiarity,artist_id,album_id,path,duration = row filename = '{}/{}.2min.mp3'.format(track_id[-2:], track_id) duration = float(duration) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = caption if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' segment_length = 30 for audio_start_idx in range(int(duration // segment_length)): dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' '), "audio_start": audio_start_idx * segment_length } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "SONYC-UST": import numpy as np assert flamingo_task == "EventClassification" assert split in ["train", "test", "val"] map_split = lambda split: 'audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) all_labels = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'annotations.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for idx, row in tqdm(enumerate(reader)): if idx == 0: header = np.array(row) continue if not row[0].startswith(split): continue filename = row[2] if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue labels = [header[i] for i in range(12, len(header)-8) if str(row[i]) == "1"] labels = [x.split("_")[1].replace('-', ' ').lower() for x in labels if 'X_' not in x] all_labels += labels text_output = ", ".join(labels) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all labels:', list(set(all_labels))) elif dataset_name == "SoundDescs": import torch assert flamingo_task in ["AudioDescription"] assert split in ["train"] map_split = lambda split: 'raw/audios' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'audio-retrieval-benchmark/data/SoundDescs/{}_list.txt'.format(split)) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() names = set([x.replace('\n', '') for x in data]) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'audio-retrieval-benchmark/sounddescs_data/descriptions.pkl'), 'rb') as f: obj = metadata_dic = pickle.loads(obj, encoding='latin1') for name in tqdm(names): if name not in metadata_dic.keys(): continue filename = '{}.wav'.format(name) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue description = metadata_dic[name] text_output = description text_prompt = 'generate audio description' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "tess": assert flamingo_task == "EmotionClassification" assert split in ["train", "val"] map_split = lambda split: '24414hz' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'tess_audiopath_text_sid_emotion_duration_{}_filelist.txt'.format(split) ) with open(split_file, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in data] for row in tqdm(data): if row.count('|') != 4: continue filename, utterances, speaker, emotion, duration = row.split('|') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = emotion.replace('_', ' ') text_output = EMOTION_MAP_DICT[text_output] text_prompt = 'this emotion is' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "UrbanSound8K": assert flamingo_task in ["EventClassification"] assert split in ["train"] map_split = lambda split: 'audio' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = None with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'metadata/UrbanSound8K.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): filename, fsID, start, end, salience, fold, classID, class_name = row filename = 'fold{}/{}'.format(fold, filename) if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = class_name.replace("_", " ").lower() if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'this is a sound of' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "VocalSound": assert flamingo_task == "VocalClassification" map_split = lambda split: 'data_44k' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) split_file = os.path.join( dataset_path, 'meta/{}_meta.csv'.format(split[:2] if split in ['train', 'test'] else split[:3]) ) prefix = set([]) with open(split_file, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in reader: prefix.add(row[0]) all_labels = set([]) for filename in tqdm(file_list): if not filename.split('_')[0] in prefix: continue if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue label = filename.split('_')[2].split('.wav')[0] if label == 'throatclearing': label = 'throat clearing' text_output = label text_prompt = 'this vocal sound is' all_labels.add(label) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 print('all labels:\n', "\'" + "\', \'".join(list(all_labels)) + "\'") elif dataset_name.startswith("WavCaps"): assert split in ["train"] dataset_name, subset_name = dataset_name.split('-') dataset_path = os.path.join( '/'.join(dataset_path.split('/')[:-1]), dataset_name ) dataset_dic['dataset_path'] = dataset_path map_split = lambda split: subset_name + '_flac' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.flac'), os.listdir(file_path))) metadata_file = os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_path, "json_files", subset_name)) metadata_file = [x for x in metadata_file if x.endswith('json')][0] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, "json_files", subset_name, metadata_file)) as f: data = reader = json.loads(data) if subset_name == "AudioSet_SL": assert flamingo_task == 'AudioCaptioning' for sample in tqdm(reader['data']): filename = sample["id"].replace('.wav', '.flac') if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue text_output = sample['caption'] if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 else: assert flamingo_task in ['AudioCaptioning', 'AudioDescription'] for sample in tqdm(reader['data']): filename = sample["id"] + '.flac' if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue if flamingo_task == 'AudioCaptioning': text_output = sample['caption'] text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' elif flamingo_task == 'AudioDescription': text_output = sample['description'] text_prompt = 'generate audio description' if len(text_output) <= 1: continue dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif dataset_name == "WavText5K": assert split == 'train' map_split = lambda split: 'Webcrawl/44100/audios' file_path = os.path.join( dataset_path, map_split(split) ) assert os.path.exists(file_path), '{} not exist'.format(file_path) dataset_dic["split_path"] = map_split(split) file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.wav'), os.listdir(file_path))) dic = defaultdict(str) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'WavText5K.csv'), newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(reader) for row in tqdm(reader): _, _, title, description, filename, tags = row dic[filename] = (title, description, tags) if flamingo_task == "AudioCaptioning": for filename in tqdm(dic.keys()): if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue title, description, tags = dic[filename] text_output = description if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate audio caption' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 elif flamingo_task == "Tagging": for filename in tqdm(dic.keys()): if filter_file(file_path, file_list, filename): continue title, description, tags = dic[filename] if len(tags) < 2 or not tags.startswith('[') or not tags.endswith(']'): continue tags = tags[1:-1].split(', ') tags = list(map(lambda x: x.replace("'", ""), tags)) text_output = '{}'.format(', '.join(tags)) if len(text_output) <= 1: continue text_prompt = 'generate tags' dataset_dic["data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "name": filename, "prompt": text_prompt, "output": text_output.replace('\n', ' ') } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 with open(output_file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(dataset_dic, json_file) # ==================== Precompute CLAP and build Hashing ==================== def int16_to_float32(x): return (x / 32767.0).astype(np.float32) def float32_to_int16(x): x = np.clip(x, a_min=-1., a_max=1.) return (x * 32767.).astype(np.int16) def update_progress_bar(arg): pbar.update() @suppress_all_output def load_clap_model(checkpoint): if checkpoint in ['', '', '', '']: amodel = 'HTSAT-tiny' elif checkpoint in ['']: amodel = 'HTSAT-base' else: raise NotImplementedError model = laion_clap.CLAP_Module( enable_fusion=('fusion' in checkpoint.lower()), amodel=amodel ).cuda() model.load_ckpt(ckpt=os.path.join( '/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/audio-flamingo-data/laion-clap-pretrained/laion_clap', checkpoint )) return model def load_audio(file_path, target_sr=44100, duration=30.0, start=0.0): if file_path.endswith('.mp3'): audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path) if len(audio) > (start + duration) * 1000: audio = audio[start * 1000:(start + duration) * 1000] if audio.frame_rate != target_sr: audio = audio.set_frame_rate(target_sr) if audio.channels > 1: audio = audio.set_channels(1) data = np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples()) if audio.sample_width == 2: data = data.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(np.int16).max elif audio.sample_width == 4: data = data.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(np.int32).max else: raise ValueError("Unsupported bit depth: {}".format(audio.sample_width)) else: with sf.SoundFile(file_path) as audio: original_sr = audio.samplerate channels = audio.channels max_frames = int((start + duration) * original_sr) * original_sr)) frames_to_read = min(max_frames, len(audio)) data = if data.max() > 1 or data.min() < -1: data = data / max(abs(data.max()), abs(data.min())) if original_sr != target_sr: if channels == 1: data = librosa.resample(data.flatten(), orig_sr=original_sr, target_sr=target_sr) else: data = librosa.resample(data.T, orig_sr=original_sr, target_sr=target_sr)[0] else: if channels != 1: data = data.T[0] if data.min() >= 0: data = 2 * data / abs(data.max()) - 1.0 else: data = data / max(abs(data.max()), abs(data.min())) return data @torch.no_grad() def compute_clap_each(audio_file, model): try: data = load_audio(audio_file, target_sr=48000, duration=10) print(audio_file, 'loaded') except Exception as e: print(audio_file, 'unsuccessful due to', e) return None audio_data = data.reshape(1, -1) audio_data_tensor = torch.from_numpy(int16_to_float32(float32_to_int16(audio_data))).float().cuda() audio_embed = model.get_audio_embedding_from_data(x=audio_data_tensor, use_tensor=True) audio_embed = audio_embed.squeeze(0).cpu() return audio_embed @torch.no_grad() def compute_embeddings_batch(batch, audio_files, model): batch_results = [] for i in batch: if i >= len(audio_files): break audio_file = audio_files[i] audio_embed = compute_clap_each(audio_file, model) batch_results.append((i, audio_file, audio_embed)) return batch_results @torch.no_grad() def precompute_clap_for_dataset( dataset_file, embedding_output_file, checkpoint='' ): contents, audio_files = load_dataset_file(dataset_file) model = load_clap_model(checkpoint) if os.path.exists(embedding_output_file): print('loading already computed embedding file from', embedding_output_file) with open(embedding_output_file, 'rb') as f: saved_data = pickle.load(f) curr_audio_indices = saved_data['audio_indices'] curr_audio_files = saved_data['audio_files'] curr_audio_embeds = saved_data['audio_embeds'] else: curr_audio_indices = [] curr_audio_files = [] curr_audio_embeds = [] print('computing embeddings for {}'.format(dataset_file)) start_index = len(curr_audio_files) remaining_indices = list(range(start_index, len(audio_files))) batch_size = 128 batches = [ list(range(i, min(i + batch_size, len(audio_files)))) \ for i in range(start_index, len(audio_files), batch_size) ] with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4) as pool: for i, batch in enumerate(batches): batch_results = partial(compute_embeddings_batch, model=model, audio_files=audio_files), [batch] ) for result in batch_results[0]: curr_audio_indices.append(result[0]) curr_audio_files.append(result[1]) curr_audio_embeds.append(result[2]) with open(embedding_output_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({ 'audio_indices': curr_audio_indices, 'audio_files': curr_audio_files, 'audio_embeds': curr_audio_embeds }, f) print(f"Saved progress for batch {i+1}/{len(batches)}: \ audio_indices {len(curr_audio_indices)}, \ audio_files {len(curr_audio_files)}, \ audio_embeds {len(curr_audio_embeds)}*{curr_audio_embeds[0].shape}") return curr_audio_indices, curr_audio_files, curr_audio_embeds def build_faiss_index(embeddings): d = embeddings[0].size(0) index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) np_embeddings = np.vstack([emb.numpy() for emb in embeddings]) index.add(np_embeddings) return index def build_faiss_index_dataset( dataset_file, embedding_output_file, faiss_output_file, checkpoint='', only_precompute_clap=False ): audio_indices, audio_files, audio_embeds = precompute_clap_for_dataset(dataset_file, embedding_output_file, checkpoint) if only_precompute_clap: return valid_indices, valid_files, valid_embeds = [], [], [] for audio_index, audio_file, audio_embed in zip(audio_indices, audio_files, audio_embeds): if audio_embed is not None: valid_indices.append(audio_index) valid_files.append(audio_file) valid_embeds.append(audio_embed) print('building faiss index') faiss_index = build_faiss_index(valid_embeds) print('saving faiss index') faiss.write_index(faiss_index, faiss_output_file) with open(faiss_output_file + '.filenames', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'audio_indices': valid_indices, 'audio_files': valid_files}, f) # ==================== Generate interleaved dataset files ==================== # only save index so that one can recover def build_interleaved_dataset(dataset_file, interleaved_output_file, embedding_output_file, faiss_output_file, mode='random', n_samples=3): contents, audio_files = load_dataset_file(dataset_file) dataset_dic = { "dataset_path": contents["dataset_path"], "split": contents["split"], "split_path": contents["split_path"], "flamingo_task": contents["flamingo_task"], "total_num": 0, "interleaved_data": {}, } # interleaved_data is # { # id: { # "generation_index_in_split": index of sample in the train or val or test.json, # "fewshot_indices_in_train": list(indices) of few shot samples in train.json # } # } if mode == 'knn': model = load_clap_model(checkpoint='') print('loading already computed embedding file from', embedding_output_file) with open(embedding_output_file, 'rb') as f: precomputed_data = pickle.load(f) precomputed_audio_indices = precomputed_data['audio_indices'] precomputed_audio_files = precomputed_data['audio_files'] precomputed_audio_embeds = precomputed_data['audio_embeds'] faiss_index = faiss.read_index(faiss_output_file) with open(faiss_output_file+'.filenames', 'rb') as f: _data = pickle.load(f) faiss_index_audio_indices = _data['audio_indices'] faiss_index_audio_files = _data['audio_files'] print('looking for few shot samples and building interleaved_{} data'.format(mode)) for i in tqdm(range(contents["total_num"])): if mode == 'random': few_shot_indices = list(np.random.choice( list(set(list(range(contents["total_num"]))) - set([i])), size=n_samples-1, replace=False )) few_shot_indices = list(map(int, few_shot_indices)) elif mode == 'knn': if audio_files[i] in precomputed_audio_files: idx = precomputed_audio_files.index(audio_files[i]) query_embedding_np = precomputed_audio_embeds[idx] if query_embedding_np is not None: query_embedding_np = query_embedding_np.numpy().reshape(1, -1) else: continue else: query_embedding_np = compute_clap_each(audio_files[i], model) if query_embedding_np is not None: query_embedding_np = query_embedding_np.numpy().reshape(1, -1) else: continue distances, knn_indices =, n_samples+50) distances = distances[0] knn_indices = knn_indices[0] knn_filenames = [faiss_index_audio_files[idx] for idx in knn_indices] combined = list(zip(knn_indices, knn_filenames)) unique_indices = defaultdict(list) for idx, filename in combined: unique_indices[filename].append(idx) cleared_knn_indices = [random.choice(unique_indices[filename]) for filename in unique_indices if filename != audio_files[i]] if dataset_file.endswith('train.json'): cleared_knn_indices = [knn_i for knn_i in cleared_knn_indices if faiss_index_audio_indices[knn_i] != i] cleared_knn_indices = cleared_knn_indices[:n_samples-1] np.random.shuffle(cleared_knn_indices) few_shot_indices = [faiss_index_audio_indices[knn_i] for knn_i in cleared_knn_indices] dataset_dic["interleaved_data"][dataset_dic["total_num"]] = { "generation_index_in_split": i, "fewshot_indices_in_train": few_shot_indices } dataset_dic["total_num"] += 1 with open(interleaved_output_file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(dataset_dic, json_file) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset_name', type=str, help='dataset name') parser.add_argument('-f', '--flamingo_task', type=str, help='flamingo task') parser.add_argument('--interleave', action="store_true", help='prepare the interleave dataset') args = parser.parse_args() ROOT = "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong" dataset_root = os.path.join(ROOT, "datasets") output_root = os.path.join(ROOT, "audio-flamingo-data/dataset_files") os.makedirs(output_root, exist_ok=True) dataset_name = args.dataset_name # "Clotho-v2", "AudioSet", "Clotho-AQA", "WavText5K", "FSD50k", ... flamingo_task = args.flamingo_task # AQA, AudioCaptioning, EventClassification, SceneClassification, Tagging, ... # must be train first otherwise there's no train.embedding for query for split in ["train", "val", "test"]: dataset_path = os.path.join(dataset_root, dataset_name) output_folder = '{}-{}'.format(dataset_name, flamingo_task) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_root, output_folder), exist_ok=True) dataset_file = os.path.join(output_root, output_folder, '{}.json'.format(split)) if not os.path.exists(dataset_file): try: prepare_files(dataset_name, dataset_path, split, flamingo_task, dataset_file) except AssertionError as e: print('split {} not exist for {}: {}'.format(split, dataset_name, e)) continue else: print('{} exists; exiting'.format(dataset_file)) if args.interleave: faiss_output_file = dataset_file.replace('{}.json'.format(split), "train_faiss_index.index") embedding_output_file = dataset_file.replace('.json', ".embedding") if split == 'train': if (not os.path.exists(faiss_output_file)) or (not os.path.exists(faiss_output_file + '.filenames')): build_faiss_index_dataset( dataset_file, embedding_output_file, faiss_output_file, only_precompute_clap=False ) else: print('{} exists; exiting'.format(faiss_output_file)) else: build_faiss_index_dataset( dataset_file, embedding_output_file, faiss_output_file=None, only_precompute_clap=True ) print('precomputing embedding for {} subset finished'.format(split)) for mode in ['knn', 'random']: interleaved_output_file = '/'.join( dataset_file.split('/')[:-1] + \ ['interleaved_{}-'.format(mode) + dataset_file.split('/')[-1]] ) if not os.path.exists(interleaved_output_file): build_interleaved_dataset( dataset_file=dataset_file, interleaved_output_file=interleaved_output_file, embedding_output_file=embedding_output_file, faiss_output_file=faiss_output_file, mode=mode, n_samples=4 ) else: print('{} exists; exiting'.format(interleaved_output_file))