import functools import io import json import math import os os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" # disable the tokenizer parallelism warning import random import re import string import subprocess import sys import yaml import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial from pydub import AudioSegment from tqdm import tqdm import torch import torchvision import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader, Dataset, get_worker_info from import DistributedSampler from transformers import AutoTokenizer import librosa import soundfile as sf EMOTION_MAP_DICT = { 'amused': 'amused' , 'anger': 'angry' , 'angry': 'angry' , 'anxious': 'anxious' , 'apologetic': 'apologetic' , 'assertive': 'assertive' , 'calm': 'calm' , 'concerned': 'concerned' , 'contempt': 'contempt' , 'disgust': 'disgusted' , 'disgusted': 'disgusted' , 'encouraging': 'encouraging' , 'excited': 'excited' , 'fear': 'fearful' , 'fearful': 'fearful' , 'frustated': 'frustated' , 'happy': 'happy' , 'joy': 'happy' , 'neutral': 'neutral' , 'sad': 'sad' , 'sadness': 'sad' , 'sleepy': 'sleepy' , 'surprise': 'surprised' , 'surprised': 'surprised' , 'pleasantly surprised': 'pleasantly surprised' , } def int16_to_float32(x): return (x / 32767.0).astype(np.float32) def float32_to_int16(x): x = np.clip(x, a_min=-1., a_max=1.) return (x * 32767.).astype(np.int16) class DataCollator: def __init__(self, tokenizer, clap_config): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.clap_config = clap_config self.max_num_window = clap_config["max_num_window"] def __call__(self, batch): filenames, audio_clips, audio_embed_masks, input_ids, attention_masks = zip(*batch) num_windows_all = [sum(audio_embed_mask) for audio_embed_mask in audio_embed_masks] max_window_batch = int(max(num_windows_all)) if max_window_batch > self.max_num_window: max_window_batch = self.max_num_window padded_audio_clips = [] padded_audio_embed_masks = [] for audio_clip, audio_embed_mask in zip(audio_clips,audio_embed_masks): this_audio_clip_clips = [clip for clip in audio_clip] num_windows = len(this_audio_clip_clips) if num_windows < max_window_batch: for _ in range(max_window_batch - num_windows): this_audio_clip_clips.append(torch.zeros_like(this_audio_clip_clips[-1])) audio_clip = audio_embed_mask = torch.zeros(max_window_batch) audio_embed_mask[:num_windows] = 1 elif num_windows < max_window_batch: audio_clip = this_audio_clip_clips[:max_window_batch] audio_clip = audio_embed_mask = audio_embed_mask[:max_window_batch] else: audio_clip = padded_audio_clips.append(audio_clip) padded_audio_embed_masks.append(audio_embed_mask) audio_clips =[x.unsqueeze(0) for x in padded_audio_clips], dim=0) audio_embed_mask =[x.unsqueeze(0) for x in padded_audio_embed_masks], dim=0) max_length = max([ids.shape[1] for ids in input_ids]) padded_input_ids = [] padded_attention_masks = [] for ids, mask in zip(input_ids, attention_masks): if ids.shape[1] < max_length: padded_input_ids.append([ids, torch.LongTensor([self.tokenizer.pad_token_id] * (max_length - ids.shape[1])).unsqueeze(0)], dim=1) ) padded_attention_masks.append([mask, torch.LongTensor([0] * (max_length - mask.shape[1])).unsqueeze(0)], dim=1) ) else: padded_input_ids.append(ids) padded_attention_masks.append(mask) padded_input_ids =, dim=0) padded_attention_masks =, dim=0).bool() out_dict = dict( filenames=filenames, audio_clips=audio_clips, audio_embed_mask=audio_embed_mask, input_ids=padded_input_ids, attention_mask=padded_attention_masks ) return out_dict class AudioTextData( def __init__( self, dataset_file_root: str, data_root: str, clap_config: dict, dataset_blending_global_weight: float, dataset_blending_config: dict, dataset_blending_output: str, tokenizer, max_tokens: int, split: str = 'train', valid_dataset_config: dict = {}, valid_dataset_name: str = '', epoch: int = 0, force_reblend: bool = False, sr = 16000, **kwargs ): self.dataset_file_root = dataset_file_root self.data_root = data_root self.clap_config = clap_config self.dataset_blending_global_weight = dataset_blending_global_weight self.dataset_blending_config = dataset_blending_config = sr self.split = split self.epoch = epoch self.force_reblend = force_reblend assert self.split in ['train', 'val', 'test'] if self.split == 'train': = self.blend_dataset(dataset_blending_config, dataset_blending_output) elif self.split in ['val', 'test']: self.valid_data = self.validation_dataset(valid_dataset_config, valid_dataset_name) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tokenizer.padding_side = "right" self.max_tokens = max_tokens @staticmethod def shuffle_dict_fixed_rand(dic, seed=0): print('randomly shuffling key-value pairs') local_random = np.random.default_rng(seed) original_keys = list(dic.keys()) shuffled_keys = deepcopy(original_keys) local_random.shuffle(shuffled_keys) shuffling_mapping = {x: y for (x, y) in zip(original_keys, shuffled_keys)} shuffled_dic = {} for idx in original_keys: shuffled_idx = shuffling_mapping[idx] shuffled_dic[idx] = dic[shuffled_idx] return shuffled_dic @staticmethod def is_broken_file(audiopath): BROKEN_FILES = [ "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/FMA/fma_large/023/023431.mp3", "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/FMA/fma_large/033/033690.mp3", "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/FMA/fma_large/119/119217.mp3", "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/FMA/fma_large/119/119222.mp3", "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/FMA/fma_large/119/119219.mp3", "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/adlr/users/zkong/datasets/GTZAN/gtzan/data/genres/jazz/jazz.00054.wav" ] return audiopath in BROKEN_FILES def _read_dataset_file(self, dataset_file): print("reading", dataset_file) with open(dataset_file) as f: contents = contents = json.loads(contents) if contents['split_path'] is not None: abs_path = contents['split_path'] """ for normal data contents['data'] = {idx: { 'name': rel_path/name, 'prompt': prompt, 'output': output, [optional] 'audio_start': audio_start, 'task': task, }} """ if 'interleaved' not in dataset_file: for idx in contents["data"]: contents["data"][idx]['task'] = contents["flamingo_task"] contents["data"][idx]['name'] = os.path.join( abs_path, contents["data"][idx]['name'] ) return contents def blend_dataset(self, dataset_blending_config, dataset_blending_output): if os.path.exists(dataset_blending_output) and not self.force_reblend: print("loading blended dataset file from:", dataset_blending_output) with open(dataset_blending_output) as f: contents = self_data = json.loads(contents) else: if not self.force_reblend: print("no blended dataset file found; reading all dataset files") else: print("force reblending dataset at epoch {}; reading all dataset files".format(self.epoch)) all_data = {} for dataset_name in dataset_blending_config: dataset_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_file_root, '{}.json'.format(dataset_name)) contents = self._read_dataset_file(dataset_file) contents['data'] = self.shuffle_dict_fixed_rand( contents['data'], seed=sum(list(map(ord, dataset_name))) ) weight_global = float(self.dataset_blending_global_weight) weight_dataset = float(dataset_blending_config[dataset_name]["weight"]) weight = weight_global * weight_dataset all_data[dataset_name] = { "contents": contents, "weight": weight } self_data = { "dataset_path": self.data_root, "split_path": None, "total_num": 0, "data": {} # {id: {'name': rel_path/name or [rel_path/names], 'prompt': prompt or [prompts], 'output': output or [outputs], 'task': task, 'interleaved': interleave_method}} } for dataset_name in all_data: print('blending {}'.format(dataset_name)) contents = all_data[dataset_name]["contents"] shuffled_contents_data = contents['data'] weight = all_data[dataset_name]["weight"] assert type(weight) == float and weight > 0.0 dataset_total_num = contents['total_num'] start_idx = int(self.epoch * dataset_total_num * weight) end_idx = int((self.epoch + 1) * dataset_total_num * weight) for idx in range(start_idx, end_idx): if idx > 0 and idx % dataset_total_num == 0: print('force shuffling at new epoch {} for dataset {}'.format(idx // dataset_total_num, dataset_name)) shuffled_contents_data = self.shuffle_dict_fixed_rand( contents['data'], seed=sum(list(map(ord, '{}-epoch-{}'.format(dataset_name, idx // dataset_total_num)))) ) key = str(idx % dataset_total_num) item = shuffled_contents_data[key] found_broken = False if type(item['name']) is str: audiopath = item['name'] if self.is_broken_file(audiopath): print('cannot read {}'.format(audiopath)) found_broken = True if found_broken: continue self_data['data'][self_data['total_num']] = item self_data['total_num'] += 1 if not self.force_reblend: print('writing blended dataset file to:', dataset_blending_output) with open(dataset_blending_output, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self_data, json_file) else: print('writing reblended dataset file to:', dataset_blending_output.replace('.json', '-reblended.json')) with open(dataset_blending_output.replace('.json', '-reblended.json'), 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self_data, json_file) return self_data def get_num_windows(self, T, sr): clap_config = self.clap_config window_length = int(float(clap_config["window_length"]) * sr) window_overlap = int(float(clap_config["window_overlap"]) * sr) max_num_window = int(clap_config["max_num_window"]) num_windows = 1 if T <= window_length: num_windows = 1 full_length = window_length elif T >= (max_num_window * window_length - (max_num_window - 1) * window_overlap): num_windows = max_num_window full_length = (max_num_window * window_length - (max_num_window - 1) * window_overlap) else: num_windows = 1 + int(np.ceil((T - window_length) / float(window_length - window_overlap))) full_length = num_windows * window_length - (num_windows - 1) * window_overlap return num_windows, full_length def load_audio(self, file_path, target_sr=16000, duration=30.0, start=0.0): if file_path.endswith('.mp3'): audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path) if len(audio) > (start + duration) * 1000: audio = audio[start * 1000:(start + duration) * 1000] if audio.frame_rate != target_sr: audio = audio.set_frame_rate(target_sr) if audio.channels > 1: audio = audio.set_channels(1) data = np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples()) if audio.sample_width == 2: data = data.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(np.int16).max elif audio.sample_width == 4: data = data.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(np.int32).max else: raise ValueError("Unsupported bit depth: {}".format(audio.sample_width)) else: with sf.SoundFile(file_path) as audio: original_sr = audio.samplerate channels = audio.channels max_frames = int((start + duration) * original_sr) * original_sr)) frames_to_read = min(max_frames, len(audio)) data = if data.max() > 1 or data.min() < -1: data = data / max(abs(data.max()), abs(data.min())) if original_sr != target_sr: if channels == 1: data = librosa.resample(data.flatten(), orig_sr=original_sr, target_sr=target_sr) else: data = librosa.resample(data.T, orig_sr=original_sr, target_sr=target_sr)[0] else: if channels != 1: data = data.T[0] if data.min() >= 0: data = 2 * data / abs(data.max()) - 1.0 else: data = data / max(abs(data.max()), abs(data.min())) assert len(data.shape) == 1, data.shape return data def compute_sliding_window(self, audio_file, audio_start=0.0, audio="sound"): if type(audio_start) == str: audio_start = float(audio_start) if audio == "sound": encoder_config = self.clap_config else: raise NotImplementedError if encoder_config["method"] == 'nvclap-large': sr = 16000 else: raise NotImplementedError window_length = int(float(encoder_config["window_length"]) * sr) window_overlap = int(float(encoder_config["window_overlap"]) * sr) max_num_window = int(encoder_config["max_num_window"]) duration = max_num_window * (encoder_config["window_length"] - encoder_config["window_overlap"]) + encoder_config["window_overlap"] audio_data = self.load_audio(os.path.join(self.data_root, audio_file), sr, duration, audio_start) # already cuts to max duration T = len(audio_data) num_windows, full_length = self.get_num_windows(T, sr) # pads to the nearest multiple of window_length if full_length > T: audio_data = np.append(audio_data, np.zeros(full_length - T)) audio_data = audio_data.reshape(1, -1) audio_data_tensor = torch.from_numpy(int16_to_float32(float32_to_int16(audio_data))).float() audio_clips = [] audio_embed_mask = torch.ones(num_windows) for i in range(num_windows): start = i * (window_length - window_overlap) audio_data_tensor_this = audio_data_tensor[:, start:start+window_length] audio_clips.append(audio_data_tensor_this) return audio_clips, audio_embed_mask def validation_dataset(self, valid_dataset_config, valid_dataset_name): dataset_file = os.path.join(self.dataset_file_root, '{}.json'.format(valid_dataset_name)) contents = self._read_dataset_file(dataset_file) contents['data'] = self.shuffle_dict_fixed_rand( contents['data'], seed=sum(list(map(ord, valid_dataset_name))) ) return contents def preprocess_string_for_eval(self, x): x = x.rstrip().lstrip() x = x.lower() return x def _actual_getitem(self, i): if self.split == 'train': try: item =['data'][str(i)] except: item =['data'][i] if type(item['name']) is str: audio_file = item['name'] audio_start = 0 if 'audio_start' not in item else float(item['audio_start']) else: raise Exception(f"The item has a {type(item['name'])}. Only single path as a string is supported") # compute window for long audios audio_clips, audio_embed_mask = self.compute_sliding_window(audio_file, audio_start, audio="sound") # make the text prompt text_prompt = str(item['prompt']).lower() text_output = str(item['output']).lower() sample = f"