/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2019, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ 'use strict'; ( function() { CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'textmatch', {} ); /** * A global namespace for methods exposed by the [Text Match](https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/textmatch) plugin. * * The most important function is {@link #match} which performs a text * search in the DOM. * * @singleton * @class * @since 4.10.0 */ CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch = {}; /** * Allows to search in the DOM for matching text using a callback which operates on strings instead of text nodes. * Returns {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} and the matching text. * * ```javascript * var range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ]; * * CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.match( range, function( text, offset ) { * // Let's assume that text is 'Special thanks to #jo.' and offset is 21. * // The offset "21" means that the caret is between '#jo' and '.'. * * // Get the text before the caret. * var left = text.slice( 0, offset ), * // Will look for a literal '#' character and at least two word characters. * match = left.match( /#\w{2,}$/ ); * * if ( !match ) { * return null; * } * * // The matching fragment is the '#jo', which can * // be identified by the following offsets: { start: 18, end: 21 }. * return { start: match.index, end: offset }; * } ); * ``` * * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range A collapsed range — the position from which the scanning starts. * Usually the caret position. * @param {Function} testCallback A callback executed to check if the text matches. * @param {String} testCallback.text The full text to check. * @param {Number} testCallback.rangeOffset An offset of the `range` in the `text` to be checked. * @param {Object} [testCallback.return] The position of the matching fragment (`null` if nothing matches). * @param {Number} testCallback.return.start The offset of the start of the matching fragment. * @param {Number} testCallback.return.end The offset of the end of the matching fragment. * * @returns {Object/null} An object with information about the matching text or `null`. * @returns {String} return.text The matching text. * The text does not reflect the range offsets. The range could contain additional, * browser-related characters like {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE}. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.range} return.range A range in the DOM for the text that matches. */ CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.match = function( range, callback ) { var textAndOffset = CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getTextAndOffset( range ), fillingCharSequence = CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE, fillingSequenceOffset = 0; if ( !textAndOffset ) { return; } // Remove filling char sequence for clean query (#2038). if ( textAndOffset.text.indexOf( fillingCharSequence ) == 0 ) { fillingSequenceOffset = fillingCharSequence.length; textAndOffset.text = textAndOffset.text.replace( fillingCharSequence, '' ); textAndOffset.offset -= fillingSequenceOffset; } var result = callback( textAndOffset.text, textAndOffset.offset ); if ( !result ) { return null; } return { range: CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getRangeInText( range, result.start, result.end + fillingSequenceOffset ), text: textAndOffset.text.slice( result.start, result.end ) }; }; /** * Returns a text (as a string) in which the DOM range is located (the function scans for adjacent text nodes) * and the offset of the caret in that text. * * ## Examples * * * `{}` is the range position in the text node (it means that the text node is **not** split at that position). * * `[]` is the range position in the element (it means that the text node is split at that position). * * `.` is a separator for text nodes (it means that the text node is split at that position). * * Examples: * * ``` * Input:


* Result: { text: 'hello', offset: 2 } * * Input:


* Result: { text: 'hello', offset: 5 } * * Input:


* Result: { text: 'hell', offset: 0 } * * Input:


* Result: { text: 'he', offset: 2 } * * Input:


* Result: { text: 'omyfriend', offset: 2 } * ``` * * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range * @returns {Object/null} * @returns {String} return.text The text in which the DOM range is located. * @returns {Number} return.offset An offset of the caret. */ CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getTextAndOffset = function( range ) { if ( !range.collapsed ) { return null; } var text = '', offset = 0, textNodes = CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getAdjacentTextNodes( range ), nodeReached = false, elementIndex, startContainerIsText = ( range.startContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ); if ( startContainerIsText ) { // Determining element index in textNodes array. elementIndex = indexOf( textNodes, function( current ) { return range.startContainer.equals( current ); } ); } else { // Based on range startOffset decreased by first text node index. elementIndex = range.startOffset - ( textNodes[ 0 ] ? textNodes[ 0 ].getIndex() : 0 ); } var max = textNodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < max; i += 1 ) { var currentNode = textNodes[ i ]; text += currentNode.getText(); // We want to increase text offset only when startContainer is not reached. if ( !nodeReached ) { if ( startContainerIsText ) { if ( i == elementIndex ) { nodeReached = true; offset += range.startOffset; } else { offset += currentNode.getText().length; } } else { if ( i == elementIndex ) { nodeReached = true; } // In below example there are three text nodes in p element and four possible offsets ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) // We are going to increase offset while iteration: // index 0 ==> 0 // index 1 ==> 3 // index 2 ==> 3 + 3 // index 3 ==> 3 + 3 + 2 //

foo bar ba

// 0^^^1^^^2^^3 if ( i > 0 ) { offset += textNodes[ i - 1 ].getText().length; } // If element index at last element we also want to increase offset. if ( max == elementIndex && i + 1 == max ) { offset += currentNode.getText().length; } } } } return { text: text, offset: offset }; }; /** * Transforms the `start` and `end` offsets in the text generated by the {@link #getTextAndOffset} * method into a DOM range. * * ## Examples * * * `{}` is the range position in the text node (it means that the text node is **not** split at that position). * * `.` is a separator for text nodes (it means that the text node is split at that position). * * Examples: * * ``` * Input:


, 0, 3 * Result:


* * Input:


, 1, 5 * Result:


* ``` * * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range * @param {Number} start A start offset. * @param {Number} end An end offset. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.range} Transformed range. */ CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getRangeInText = function( range, start, end ) { var resultRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( range.root ), elements = CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getAdjacentTextNodes( range ), startData = findElementAtOffset( elements, start ), endData = findElementAtOffset( elements, end ); resultRange.setStart( startData.element, startData.offset ); resultRange.setEnd( endData.element, endData.offset ); return resultRange; }; /** * Creates a collection of adjacent text nodes which are between DOM elements, starting from the given range. * This function works only for collapsed ranges. * * ## Examples * * * `{}` is the range position in the text node (it means that the text node is **not** split at that position). * * `.` is a separator for text nodes (it means that the text node is split at that position). * * Examples: * * ``` * Input:


* Result: [ 'he', 'llo' ] * * Input:


* Result: [ 'he', 'll' ] * * Input:


* Result: [ 'he' ] * * Input:


* Result: [ 'o', 'my', 'friend' ] * ``` * * @member CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range * @return {CKEDITOR.dom.text[]} An array of text nodes. */ CKEDITOR.plugins.textMatch.getAdjacentTextNodes = function( range ) { if ( !range.collapsed ) { throw new Error( 'Range must be collapsed.' ); // %REMOVE_LINE% // Reachable in prod mode. return []; // jshint ignore:line } var collection = [], siblings, elementIndex, node, i; if ( range.startContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) { siblings = range.startContainer.getParent().getChildren(); elementIndex = range.startContainer.getIndex(); } else { siblings = range.startContainer.getChildren(); elementIndex = range.startOffset; } i = elementIndex; while ( node = siblings.getItem( --i ) ) { if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { collection.unshift( node ); } else { break; } } i = elementIndex; while ( node = siblings.getItem( i++ ) ) { if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { collection.push( node ); } else { break; } } return collection; }; function findElementAtOffset( elements, offset ) { var max = elements.length, currentOffset = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < max; i += 1 ) { var current = elements[ i ]; if ( offset >= currentOffset && currentOffset + current.getText().length >= offset ) { return { element: current, offset: offset - currentOffset }; } currentOffset += current.getText().length; } return null; } function indexOf( arr, checker ) { for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) { if ( checker( arr[ i ] ) ) { return i; } } return -1; } } )(jQuery);