/** * @license Copyright (c) CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add("wordcount", { lang: "ar,bg,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,eu,fa,fi,fr,he,hr,hu,it,ka,ko,ja,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ru,sk,sv,tr,uk,zh-cn,zh,ro", // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% version: "1.17.9", requires: "htmlwriter,notification,undo", bbcodePluginLoaded: false, onLoad: function() { CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "css/wordcount.css"); }, init: function(editor) { var defaultFormat = "", lastWordCount = -1, lastCharCount = -1, lastParagraphs = -1, limitReachedNotified = false, limitRestoredNotified = false, timeoutId = 0, notification = null; var dispatchEvent = function(type, currentLength, maxLength) { if (typeof document.dispatchEvent == "undefined") { return; } type = "ckeditor.wordcount." + type; var cEvent; var eventInitDict = { bubbles: false, cancelable: true, detail: { currentLength: currentLength, maxLength: maxLength } }; try { cEvent = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict); } catch (o_O) { cEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); cEvent.initCustomEvent( type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable, eventInitDict.detail ); } document.dispatchEvent(cEvent); }; // Default Config var defaultConfig = { showRemaining: false, showParagraphs: false, showWordCount: true, showCharCount: true, countBytesAsChars: false, countSpacesAsChars: false, countHTML: false, countLineBreaks: false, hardLimit: false, warnOnLimitOnly: false, wordDelims: '', //MAXLENGTH Properties maxWordCount: -1, maxCharCount: -1, maxParagraphs: -1, // Filter filter: null, // How long to show the 'paste' warning pasteWarningDuration: 0, //DisAllowed functions wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent: function(currentLength, maxLength) { dispatchEvent("wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent", currentLength, maxLength); }, charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent: function(currentLength, maxLength) { dispatchEvent("charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent", currentLength, maxLength); }, //Allowed Functions wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent: function(currentLength, maxLength) { dispatchEvent("wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent", currentLength, maxLength); }, charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent: function(currentLength, maxLength) { dispatchEvent("charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent", currentLength, maxLength); } }; // Get Config & Lang var config = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(defaultConfig, editor.config.wordcount || {}, true); if (config.showParagraphs) { if (config.maxParagraphs > -1) { if (config.showRemaining) { defaultFormat += "%paragraphsCount% " + editor.lang.wordcount.ParagraphsRemaining; } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.Paragraphs + " %paragraphsCount%"; defaultFormat += "/" + config.maxParagraphs; } } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.Paragraphs + " %paragraphsCount%"; } } if (config.showParagraphs && (config.showWordCount || config.showCharCount)) { defaultFormat += ", "; } if (config.showWordCount) { if (config.maxWordCount > -1) { if (config.showRemaining) { defaultFormat += "%wordCount% " + editor.lang.wordcount.WordCountRemaining; } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.WordCount + " %wordCount%"; defaultFormat += "/" + config.maxWordCount; } } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.WordCount + " %wordCount%"; } } if (config.showCharCount && config.showWordCount) { defaultFormat += " | "; } if (config.showCharCount) { if (config.maxCharCount > -1) { if (config.showRemaining) { defaultFormat += "%charCount% " + editor.lang.wordcount[config.countHTML ? "CharCountWithHTMLRemaining" : "CharCountRemaining"]; } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount[config.countHTML ? "CharCountWithHTML" : "CharCount"] + " %charCount%"; defaultFormat += "/" + config.maxCharCount; } } else { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount[config.countHTML ? "CharCountWithHTML" : "CharCount"] + " %charCount%"; } } var format = defaultFormat; bbcodePluginLoaded = typeof editor.plugins.bbcode != "undefined"; function counterId(editorInstance) { return "cke_wordcount_" + editorInstance.name; } function counterElement(editorInstance) { return document.getElementById(counterId(editorInstance)); } function strip(html) { if (bbcodePluginLoaded) { // stripping out BBCode tags [...][/...] return html.replace(/\[.*?\]/gi, ""); } var tmp = document.createElement("div"); // Add filter before strip html = filter(html); tmp.innerHTML = html; if (tmp.textContent == "" && typeof tmp.innerText == "undefined") { return ""; } return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText; } /** * Implement filter to add or remove before counting * @param html * @returns string */ function filter(html) { if (config.filter instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter) { var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(html), writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter(); config.filter.applyTo(fragment); fragment.writeHtml(writer); return writer.getHtml(); } return html; } function countCharacters(text) { if (config.countHTML) { return config.countBytesAsChars ? countBytes(filter(text)) : filter(text).length; } var normalizedText; // strip body tags if (editor.config.fullPage) { var i = text.search(new RegExp("", "i")); if (i != -1) { var j = text.search(new RegExp("", "i")); text = text.substring(i + 6, j); } } normalizedText = text; if (!config.countSpacesAsChars) { normalizedText = text.replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/ /g, ""); } if (config.countLineBreaks) { normalizedText = normalizedText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " "); } else { normalizedText = normalizedText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/ /gi, " "); } normalizedText = strip(normalizedText).replace(/^([\t\r\n]*)$/, ""); return config.countBytesAsChars ? countBytes(normalizedText) : normalizedText.length; } function countBytes(text) { var count = 0, stringLength = text.length, i; text = String(text || ""); for (i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { var partCount = encodeURI(text[i]).split("%").length; count += partCount == 1 ? 1 : partCount - 1; } return count; } function countParagraphs(text) { return (text.replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "").replace(/^\s*$[\n\r]{1,}/gm, "++") .split("++").length); } function countWords(text) { var normalizedText = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") .replace(" ", " "); normalizedText = strip(normalizedText); var re = config.wordDelims ? new RegExp('[\\s'+config.wordDelims+']+') : /\s+/; var words = normalizedText.split(re); re = config.wordDelims ? new RegExp('^([\\s\\t\\r\\n'+config.wordDelims+']*)$') : /^([\s\t\r\n]*)$/; for (var wordIndex = words.length - 1; wordIndex >= 0; wordIndex--) { if (!words[wordIndex] || words[wordIndex].match(re)) { words.splice(wordIndex, 1); } } return (words.length); } function limitReached(editorInstance, notify) { limitReachedNotified = true; limitRestoredNotified = false; if (!config.warnOnLimitOnly) { if (config.hardLimit) { if (editor.mode === "source" && editor.plugins.codemirror) { window["codemirror_" + editor.id].undo(); } else { editorInstance.execCommand("undo"); editorInstance.execCommand("undo"); } } } if (!notify) { counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_path_item cke_wordcountLimitReached"; editorInstance.fire("limitReached", { firedBy: "wordCount.limitReached" }, editor); } } function limitRestored(editorInstance) { limitRestoredNotified = true; limitReachedNotified = false; if (!config.warnOnLimitOnly) { editorInstance.fire("saveSnapshot"); } counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_path_item"; } function wordcountnumber(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } function updateCounter(editorInstance) { if (!counterElement(editorInstance)) { return; } var paragraphs = 0, wordCount = 0, charCount = 0, text; // BeforeGetData and getData events are fired when calling // getData(). We can prevent this by passing true as an // argument to getData(). This allows us to fire the events // manually with additional event data: firedBy. This additional // data helps differentiate calls to getData() made by // wordCount plugin from calls made by other plugins/code. editorInstance.fire("beforeGetData", { firedBy: "wordCount.updateCounter" }, editor); text = editorInstance.getData(true); editorInstance.fire("getData", { dataValue: text, firedBy: "wordCount.updateCounter" }, editor); if (text) { if (config.showCharCount) { charCount = wordcountnumber(countCharacters(text)); } if (config.showParagraphs) { paragraphs = wordcountnumber(countParagraphs(text)); } if (config.showWordCount) { wordCount = wordcountnumber(countWords(text)); } } var html = format; if (config.showRemaining) { if (config.maxCharCount >= 0) { html = html.replace("%charCount%", config.maxCharCount - charCount); } else { html = html.replace("%charCount%", charCount); } if (config.maxWordCount >= 0) { html = html.replace("%wordCount%", config.maxWordCount - wordCount); } else { html = html.replace("%wordCount%", wordCount); } if (config.maxParagraphs >= 0) { html = html.replace("%paragraphsCount%", config.maxParagraphs - paragraphs); } else { html = html.replace("%paragraphsCount%", paragraphs); } } else { html = html.replace("%wordCount%", wordCount).replace("%charCount%", charCount).replace("%paragraphsCount%", paragraphs); } (editorInstance.config.wordcount || (editorInstance.config.wordcount = {})).wordCount = wordCount; (editorInstance.config.wordcount || (editorInstance.config.wordcount = {})).charCount = charCount; if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) { counterElement(editorInstance).innerHTML = html; } else { counterElement(editorInstance).innerText = html; } if (charCount == lastCharCount && wordCount == lastWordCount && paragraphs == lastParagraphs) { if (charCount == config.maxCharCount || wordCount == config.maxWordCount || paragraphs > config.maxParagraphs) { editorInstance.fire("saveSnapshot"); } return true; } //If the limit is already over, allow the deletion of characters/words. Otherwise, //the user would have to delete at one go the number of offending characters var deltaWord = wordCount - lastWordCount; var deltaChar = charCount - lastCharCount; var deltaParagraphs = paragraphs - lastParagraphs; lastWordCount = wordCount; lastCharCount = charCount; lastParagraphs = paragraphs; if (lastWordCount == -1) { lastWordCount = wordCount; } if (lastCharCount == -1) { lastCharCount = charCount; } if (lastParagraphs == -1) { lastParagraphs = paragraphs; } // Check for word limit and/or char limit if ((config.maxWordCount > -1 && wordCount > config.maxWordCount && deltaWord > 0) || (config.maxCharCount > -1 && charCount > config.maxCharCount && deltaChar > 0) || (config.maxParagraphs > -1 && paragraphs > config.maxParagraphs && deltaParagraphs > 0)) { limitReached(editorInstance, limitReachedNotified); } else if ((config.maxWordCount == -1 || wordCount <= config.maxWordCount) && (config.maxCharCount == -1 || charCount <= config.maxCharCount) && (config.maxParagraphs == -1 || paragraphs <= config.maxParagraphs)) { limitRestored(editorInstance); } else { editorInstance.fire("saveSnapshot"); } // update instance editorInstance.wordCount = { paragraphs: paragraphs, wordCount: wordCount, charCount: charCount }; // Fire Custom Events if (config.charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent && config.charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent) { if (charCount > config.maxCharCount && config.maxCharCount > -1) { config.charCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent(charCount, config.maxCharCount); } else { config.charCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent(charCount, config.maxCharCount); } } if (config.wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent && config.wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent) { if (wordCount > config.maxWordCount && config.maxWordCount > -1) { config.wordCountGreaterThanMaxLengthEvent(wordCount, config.maxWordCount); } else { config.wordCountLessThanMaxLengthEvent(wordCount, config.maxWordCount); } } return true; } function isCloseToLimits() { if (config.maxWordCount > -1 && config.maxWordCount - lastWordCount < 5) { return true; } if (config.maxCharCount > -1 && config.maxCharCount - lastCharCount < 20) { return true; } if (config.maxParagraphs > -1 && config.maxParagraphs - lastParagraphs < 1) { return true; } return false; } editor.on("key", function (event) { var ms = isCloseToLimits() ? 5 : 250; if (editor.mode === "source") { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout( updateCounter.bind(this, event.editor), ms ); } if (event.data.keyCode == 13) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout( updateCounter.bind(this, event.editor), ms ); } }, editor); editor.on("change", function(event) { var ms = isCloseToLimits() ? 5 : 250; clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout( updateCounter.bind(this, event.editor), ms ); }, editor); editor.on("uiSpace", function (event) { var wordcountClass = "cke_wordcount"; if (editor.lang.dir == "rtl") { wordcountClass = wordcountClass + " cke_wordcount_rtl"; } if (editor.elementMode === CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) { if (event.data.space == "top") { event.data.html += "
"; } } else { if (event.data.space == "bottom") { event.data.html += "
"; } } }, editor, null, 100); editor.on("dataReady", function(event) { updateCounter(event.editor); }, editor, null, 100); editor.on("paste", function(event) { if (!config.warnOnLimitOnly && (config.maxWordCount > 0 || config.maxCharCount > 0 || config.maxParagraphs > 0)) { // Check if pasted content is above the limits var wordCount = -1, charCount = -1, paragraphs = -1; var mySelection = event.editor.getSelection(), selectedText = mySelection.getNative().toString().trim(); // BeforeGetData and getData events are fired when calling // getData(). We can prevent this by passing true as an // argument to getData(). This allows us to fire the events // manually with additional event data: firedBy. This additional // data helps differentiate calls to getData() made by // wordCount plugin from calls made by other plugins/code. event.editor.fire("beforeGetData", { firedBy: "wordCount.onPaste" }, event.editor); var text = event.editor.getData(true); event.editor.fire("getData", { dataValue: text, firedBy: "wordCount.onPaste" }, event.editor); if (selectedText.length > 0) { var plaintext = event.editor.document.getBody().getText(); if (plaintext.length === selectedText.length) { text = ""; } } text += event.data.dataValue; if (config.showCharCount) { charCount = countCharacters(text); } if (config.showWordCount) { wordCount = countWords(text); } if (config.showParagraphs) { paragraphs = countParagraphs(text); } // Instantiate the notification when needed and only have one instance if (notification === null) { notification = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notification(event.editor, { message: event.editor.lang.wordcount.pasteWarning, type: "warning", duration: config.pasteWarningDuration }); } if (config.maxCharCount > 0 && charCount > config.maxCharCount && config.hardLimit) { if (!notification.isVisible()) { notification.show(); } event.cancel(); } if (config.maxWordCount > 0 && wordCount > config.maxWordCount && config.hardLimit) { if (!notification.isVisible()) { notification.show(); } event.cancel(); } if (config.maxParagraphs > 0 && paragraphs > config.maxParagraphs && config.hardLimit) { if (!notification.isVisible()) { notification.show(); } event.cancel(); } } }, editor, null, 100); editor.on("afterPaste", function(event) { updateCounter(event.editor); }, editor, null, 100); editor.on("afterPasteFromWord", function (event) { updateCounter(event.editor); }, editor, null, 100); } });