Jeremy Watt
first push
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, CompositeAudioClip
from pydub import AudioSegment
from bleep_that_sht import base_dir
from bleep_that_sht.audio_extractor import extract_audio
bleep_sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(base_dir + "/bleep.mp3")
bleep_first_sec = bleep_sound[1 * 1000 : 2 * 1000]
# simple word cleaner - remove punctuation etc.,
def word_cleaner(word: str) -> str:
return "".join(e for e in word if e.isalnum()).lower().strip()
# collect all timestamped instances of bleep_word in transcript
def query_transcript(bleep_words: list, timestamped_transcript: list) -> list:
transcript_words = sum(
[timestamped_transcript[i]["words"] for i in range(len(timestamped_transcript))],
detected_bleep_words = []
for bleep_word in bleep_words:
detected_bleep_words += [v for v in transcript_words if word_cleaner(v["text"]) == word_cleaner(bleep_word)]
detected_bleep_words = sorted(detected_bleep_words, key=lambda d: d["start"])
return detected_bleep_words
def bleep_replace(
og_video_path: str,
og_audio_path: str,
final_video_path: str,
final_audio_path: str,
bleep_words: list,
timestamped_transcript: dict,
) -> None:
# # extract and save audio from original video
# extract_audio(local_file_path=og_video_path, audio_filepath=og_audio_path)
# input og audio file for splicing
test_sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(og_audio_path)
# find bleep_words in timestamped transcript
bleep_word_instances = query_transcript(bleep_words, timestamped_transcript)
# start creation of test_sound_bleeped - by splicing in instance 0
test_clip = test_sound[:1]
test_sound_clips = [test_clip]
# loop over instances, thread in clips of bleep
prev_end_time = 1
for instance in bleep_word_instances:
# unpack bleep_word start / end times - converted to microseconds
start_time = int(instance["start"] * 1000) - 50
end_time = int(instance["end"] * 1000) + 50
# collect clip of test starting at previous end time, and leading to start_time of next bleep
test_clip = test_sound[prev_end_time:start_time]
# create bleep clip for this instance
bleep_clip = bleep_first_sec[: (end_time - start_time)]
# store test and bleep clips
# update prev_end_time
prev_end_time = end_time
# create final clip from test
test_clip = test_sound[prev_end_time:]
# save bleeped audio
bleeped_test_clip = sum(test_sound_clips)
bleeped_test_clip.export(final_audio_path, format="mp3")
# load in og video, overlay with bleeped audio
og_video = VideoFileClip(og_video_path)
bleep_audio = AudioFileClip(final_audio_path)
new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([bleep_audio]) = new_audioclip