from collections import defaultdict import json import zipfile from lxml import etree # Define common fonts to ignore common_fonts = { 'Times New Roman', 'Arial', 'Calibri', # Add any other common fonts here } # Define elements to ignore ignored_elements = { 'proofErr', 'bookmarkStart', 'bookmarkEnd', 'lastRenderedPageBreak', 'webHidden', 'numPr', 'pBdr', 'ind', 'spacing', 'jc', 'tabs', 'sectPr', 'pgMar' # Add any other elements to ignore here } # Define attributes to ignore ignored_attributes = { 'rsidR', 'rsidRPr', 'rsidRDefault', 'rsidP', 'paraId', 'textId', 'rsidR', 'rsidRPr', 'rsidDel', 'rsidP', 'rsidTr', # Add any other attributes to ignore here } # Define metadata elements to ignore ignored_metadata_elements = { 'application', 'docSecurity', 'scaleCrop', 'linksUpToDate', 'charactersWithSpaces', 'hiddenSlides', 'mmClips', 'notes', 'words', 'characters', 'pages', 'lines', 'paragraphs', 'company', 'template', # Add any other metadata elements to ignore here } def remove_ignored_elements(tree): """Remove all ignored elements from the XML tree, except highlights.""" for elem in tree.xpath(".//*"): tag_without_ns = elem.tag.split('}')[-1] if tag_without_ns in ignored_elements: elem.getparent().remove(elem) elif elem.tag == '{}rPr': # Check for highlights in rPr if not any(child.tag.endswith('highlight') for child in elem.getchildren()): elem.getparent().remove(elem) else: # Remove ignored attributes for attr in list(elem.attrib): attr_without_ns = attr.split('}')[-1] if attr_without_ns in ignored_attributes or attr_without_ns.startswith('rsid'): del elem.attrib[attr] return tree def etree_to_dict(t): """Convert an lxml etree to a nested dictionary, excluding ignored namespaces and attributes.""" tag = t.tag.split('}')[-1] # Remove namespace URI if tag in ignored_elements: return None d = {tag: {} if t.attrib else None} children = list(t) if children: dd = defaultdict(list) for dc in filter(None, map(etree_to_dict, children)): for k, v in dc.items(): dd[k].append(v) d = {tag: {k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for k, v in dd.items()}} if t.attrib: # Filter out common fonts and ignored attributes filtered_attribs = {} for k, v in t.attrib.items(): k = k.split('}')[-1] # Remove namespace URI if k in ('ascii', 'hAnsi', 'cs', 'eastAsia'): if v not in common_fonts: filtered_attribs[k] = v elif k not in ignored_attributes and not k.startswith('rsid'): filtered_attribs[k] = v d[tag].update(filtered_attribs) if t.text: text = t.text.strip() # Here we ensure that the text encoding is correctly handled text = bytes(text, 'utf-8').decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if children or t.attrib: if text: d[tag]['#text'] = text else: d[tag] = text if not t.attrib and not children and not t.text: return None return d # Additionally, update the 'remove_ignored_elements' function to fix encoding def remove_ignored_elements(tree): """Remove all ignored elements from the XML tree, except highlights.""" for elem in tree.xpath(".//*"): tag_without_ns = elem.tag.split('}')[-1] if tag_without_ns in ignored_elements: elem.getparent().remove(elem) elif elem.tag == '{}rPr': # Check for highlights in rPr if not any(child.tag.endswith('highlight') for child in elem.getchildren()): elem.getparent().remove(elem) else: # Remove ignored attributes for attr in list(elem.attrib): attr_without_ns = attr.split('}')[-1] if attr_without_ns in ignored_attributes or attr_without_ns.startswith('rsid'): del elem.attrib[attr] # Decode the text correctly for each XML element for elem in tree.xpath(".//text()"): elem_text = elem.strip() encoded_text = bytes(elem_text, 'utf-8').decode('utf-8', 'ignore') parent = elem.getparent() if parent is not None: parent.text = encoded_text return tree def extract_metadata(docx): """Extract metadata from the document properties, ignoring specified elements.""" metadata = {} with'docProps/core.xml') as core_xml: xml_content = core_tree = etree.XML(xml_content) for child in core_tree.getchildren(): tag = child.tag.split('}')[-1] # Get tag without namespace if tag not in ignored_metadata_elements: metadata[tag] = child.text return metadata def process_docx(file_path): # Load the document with zipfile and lxml with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path) as docx: metadata = extract_metadata(docx) with'word/document.xml') as document_xml: xml_content = document_tree = etree.XML(xml_content) # Remove the ignored elements document_tree = remove_ignored_elements(document_tree) # Convert the rest of the XML tree to a dictionary document_dict = etree_to_dict(document_tree) document_dict['metadata'] = metadata # Add metadata to the document dictionary docx_json = json.dumps(document_dict, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) return docx_json