/// Inspired by https://github.com/hatoo/oha/blob/bb989ea3cd77727e7743e7daa60a19894bb5e901/src/monitor.rs use crate::generation::{Decode, Message, Prefill}; use crossterm::event::{KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers}; use text_generation_client::ClientError; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tui::backend::Backend; use tui::layout::{Alignment, Constraint, Direction, Layout}; use tui::style::{Color, Modifier, Style}; use tui::text::{Span, Spans}; use tui::widgets::{ Axis, BarChart, Block, Borders, Chart, Dataset, Gauge, GraphType, Paragraph, Tabs, }; use tui::{symbols, Frame}; /// TUI powered App pub(crate) struct App { pub(crate) running: bool, completed_runs: Vec, completed_batch: usize, current_batch: usize, current_tab: usize, touched_tab: bool, zoom: bool, is_error: bool, data: Data, tokenizer_name: String, sequence_length: u32, decode_length: u32, n_run: usize, batch_size: Vec, receiver: mpsc::Receiver>, } impl App { pub(crate) fn new( receiver: mpsc::Receiver>, tokenizer_name: String, sequence_length: u32, decode_length: u32, n_run: usize, batch_size: Vec, ) -> Self { let data = Data::new(n_run, batch_size.len()); let current_tab = 0; let completed_runs: Vec = (0..batch_size.len()).map(|_| 0).collect(); let completed_batch = 0; let current_batch = 0; let is_error = false; Self { running: true, completed_runs, completed_batch, current_batch, current_tab, touched_tab: false, zoom: false, is_error, data, tokenizer_name, sequence_length, decode_length, n_run, batch_size, receiver, } } /// Handle crossterm key events pub(crate) fn handle_key_event(&mut self, key_event: KeyEvent) { match key_event { // Increase and wrap tab KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Right, .. } | KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Tab, .. } => { self.touched_tab = true; self.current_tab = (self.current_tab + 1) % self.batch_size.len(); } // Decrease and wrap tab KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Left, .. } => { self.touched_tab = true; if self.current_tab > 0 { self.current_tab -= 1; } else { self.current_tab = self.batch_size.len() - 1; } } // Zoom on throughput/latency fig KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('+'), .. } => { self.zoom = true; } // Unzoom on throughput/latency fig KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('-'), .. } => { self.zoom = false; } // Quit KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), .. } | KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('c'), modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL, .. } => { self.running = false; } _ => (), } } /// Get all pending messages from generation task pub(crate) fn tick(&mut self) { while let Ok(message) = self.receiver.try_recv() { match message { Ok(message) => match message { Message::Prefill(step) => self.data.push_prefill(step, self.current_batch), Message::Decode(step) => self.data.push_decode(step, self.current_batch), Message::EndRun => { self.completed_runs[self.current_batch] += 1; } Message::EndBatch => { self.data.end_batch(self.current_batch); self.completed_batch += 1; if self.current_batch < self.batch_size.len() - 1 { // Only go to next tab if the user never touched the tab keys if !self.touched_tab { self.current_tab += 1; } self.current_batch += 1; } } Message::Warmup => {} }, Err(_) => self.is_error = true, } } } /// Render frame pub fn render(&mut self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>) { let batch_progress = (self.completed_batch as f64 / self.batch_size.len() as f64).clamp(0.0, 1.0); let run_progress = (self.completed_runs[self.current_batch] as f64 / self.n_run as f64).clamp(0.0, 1.0); // Vertical layout let row5 = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints( [ Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Length(13), Constraint::Min(10), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(f.size()); // Top row horizontal layout let top = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .split(row5[2]); // Mid row horizontal layout let mid = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints( [ Constraint::Percentage(25), Constraint::Percentage(25), Constraint::Percentage(25), Constraint::Percentage(25), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(row5[3]); // Left mid row vertical layout let prefill_text = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(8), Constraint::Length(5)].as_ref()) .split(mid[0]); // Right mid row vertical layout let decode_text = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(8), Constraint::Length(5)].as_ref()) .split(mid[2]); let decode_text_latency = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .split(decode_text[0]); // Bottom row horizontal layout let bottom = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .split(row5[4]); // Title let title = Block::default() .borders(Borders::NONE) .title(format!( "Model: {} | Sequence Length: {} | Decode Length: {}", self.tokenizer_name, self.sequence_length, self.decode_length )) .style( Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .fg(Color::White), ); f.render_widget(title, row5[0]); // Helper let helper = Block::default() .borders(Borders::NONE) .title("<- | tab | ->: change batch tab | q / CTRL + c: quit | +/-: zoom") .title_alignment(Alignment::Right) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White)); f.render_widget(helper, row5[0]); // Batch tabs let titles = self .batch_size .iter() .map(|b| { Spans::from(vec![Span::styled( format!("Batch: {b}"), Style::default().fg(Color::White), )]) }) .collect(); let tabs = Tabs::new(titles) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("Tabs")) .select(self.current_tab) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::LightCyan)) .highlight_style( Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .bg(Color::Black), ); f.render_widget(tabs, row5[1]); // Total progress bar let color = if self.is_error { Color::Red } else { Color::LightGreen }; let batch_gauge = progress_gauge( "Total Progress", format!("{} / {}", self.completed_batch, self.batch_size.len()), batch_progress, color, ); f.render_widget(batch_gauge, top[0]); // Batch progress Bar let color = if self.is_error { Color::Red } else { Color::LightBlue }; let run_gauge = progress_gauge( "Batch Progress", format!( "{} / {}", self.completed_runs[self.current_batch], self.n_run ), run_progress, color, ); f.render_widget(run_gauge, top[1]); // Prefill text infos let prefill_latency_block = latency_paragraph( &mut self.data.prefill_latencies[self.current_tab], "Prefill", ); let prefill_throughput_block = throughput_paragraph(&self.data.prefill_throughputs[self.current_tab], "Prefill"); f.render_widget(prefill_latency_block, prefill_text[0]); f.render_widget(prefill_throughput_block, prefill_text[1]); // Prefill latency histogram let histo_width = 7; let bins = if mid[1].width < 2 { 0 } else { (mid[1].width as usize - 2) / (histo_width + 1) } .max(2); let histo_data = latency_histogram_data(&self.data.prefill_latencies[self.current_tab], bins); let histo_data_str: Vec<(&str, u64)> = histo_data.iter().map(|(l, v)| (l.as_str(), *v)).collect(); let prefill_histogram = latency_histogram(&histo_data_str, "Prefill").bar_width(histo_width as u16); f.render_widget(prefill_histogram, mid[1]); // Decode text info let decode_latency_block = latency_paragraph( &mut self.data.decode_latencies[self.current_tab], "Decode Total", ); let decode_token_latency_block = latency_paragraph( &mut self.data.decode_token_latencies[self.current_tab], "Decode Token", ); let decode_throughput_block = throughput_paragraph(&self.data.decode_throughputs[self.current_tab], "Decode"); f.render_widget(decode_latency_block, decode_text_latency[0]); f.render_widget(decode_token_latency_block, decode_text_latency[1]); f.render_widget(decode_throughput_block, decode_text[1]); // Decode latency histogram let histo_data = latency_histogram_data(&self.data.decode_latencies[self.current_tab], bins); let histo_data_str: Vec<(&str, u64)> = histo_data.iter().map(|(l, v)| (l.as_str(), *v)).collect(); let decode_histogram = latency_histogram(&histo_data_str, "Decode").bar_width(histo_width as u16); f.render_widget(decode_histogram, mid[3]); // Prefill latency/throughput chart let prefill_latency_throughput_chart = latency_throughput_chart( &self.data.prefill_batch_latency_throughput, &self.batch_size, self.zoom, "Prefill", ); f.render_widget(prefill_latency_throughput_chart, bottom[0]); // Decode latency/throughput chart let decode_latency_throughput_chart = latency_throughput_chart( &self.data.decode_batch_latency_throughput, &self.batch_size, self.zoom, "Decode", ); f.render_widget(decode_latency_throughput_chart, bottom[1]); } } /// App internal data struct struct Data { prefill_latencies: Vec>, prefill_throughputs: Vec>, decode_latencies: Vec>, decode_token_latencies: Vec>, decode_throughputs: Vec>, prefill_batch_latency_throughput: Vec<(f64, f64)>, decode_batch_latency_throughput: Vec<(f64, f64)>, } impl Data { fn new(n_run: usize, n_batch: usize) -> Self { let prefill_latencies: Vec> = (0..n_batch).map(|_| Vec::with_capacity(n_run)).collect(); let prefill_throughputs: Vec> = prefill_latencies.clone(); let decode_latencies: Vec> = prefill_latencies.clone(); let decode_token_latencies: Vec> = decode_latencies.clone(); let decode_throughputs: Vec> = prefill_throughputs.clone(); let prefill_batch_latency_throughput: Vec<(f64, f64)> = Vec::with_capacity(n_batch); let decode_batch_latency_throughput: Vec<(f64, f64)> = prefill_batch_latency_throughput.clone(); Self { prefill_latencies, prefill_throughputs, decode_latencies, decode_token_latencies, decode_throughputs, prefill_batch_latency_throughput, decode_batch_latency_throughput, } } fn push_prefill(&mut self, prefill: Prefill, batch_idx: usize) { let latency = prefill.latency.as_millis() as f64; self.prefill_latencies[batch_idx].push(latency); self.prefill_throughputs[batch_idx].push(prefill.throughput); } fn push_decode(&mut self, decode: Decode, batch_idx: usize) { let latency = decode.latency.as_millis() as f64; let token_latency = decode.token_latency.as_millis() as f64; self.decode_latencies[batch_idx].push(latency); self.decode_token_latencies[batch_idx].push(token_latency); self.decode_throughputs[batch_idx].push(decode.throughput); } fn end_batch(&mut self, batch_idx: usize) { self.prefill_batch_latency_throughput.push(( self.prefill_latencies[batch_idx].iter().sum::() / self.prefill_latencies[batch_idx].len() as f64, self.prefill_throughputs[batch_idx].iter().sum::() / self.prefill_throughputs[batch_idx].len() as f64, )); self.decode_batch_latency_throughput.push(( self.decode_latencies[batch_idx].iter().sum::() / self.decode_latencies[batch_idx].len() as f64, self.decode_throughputs[batch_idx].iter().sum::() / self.decode_throughputs[batch_idx].len() as f64, )); } } /// Progress bar fn progress_gauge(title: &str, label: String, progress: f64, color: Color) -> Gauge { Gauge::default() .block(Block::default().title(title).borders(Borders::ALL)) .gauge_style(Style::default().fg(color)) .label(Span::raw(label)) .ratio(progress) } /// Throughput paragraph fn throughput_paragraph<'a>(throughput: &Vec, name: &'static str) -> Paragraph<'a> { // Throughput average/high/low texts let throughput_texts = statis_spans(throughput, "tokens/secs"); // Throughput block Paragraph::new(throughput_texts).block( Block::default() .title(Span::raw(format!("{name} Throughput"))) .borders(Borders::ALL), ) } /// Latency paragraph fn latency_paragraph<'a>(latency: &mut Vec, name: &'static str) -> Paragraph<'a> { // Latency average/high/low texts let mut latency_texts = statis_spans(latency, "ms"); // Sort latency for percentiles float_ord::sort(latency); let latency_percentiles = crate::utils::percentiles(latency, &[50, 90, 99]); // Latency p50/p90/p99 texts let colors = vec![Color::LightGreen, Color::LightYellow, Color::LightRed]; for (i, (name, value)) in latency_percentiles.iter().enumerate() { let span = Spans::from(vec![Span::styled( format!("{name}: {value:.2} ms"), Style::default().fg(colors[i]), )]); latency_texts.push(span); } Paragraph::new(latency_texts).block( Block::default() .title(Span::raw(format!("{name} Latency"))) .borders(Borders::ALL), ) } /// Average/High/Low spans fn statis_spans<'a>(data: &Vec, unit: &'static str) -> Vec> { vec![ Spans::from(vec![Span::styled( format!( "Average: {:.2} {unit}", data.iter().sum::() / data.len() as f64 ), Style::default().fg(Color::LightBlue), )]), Spans::from(vec![Span::styled( format!( "Lowest: {:.2} {unit}", data.iter() .min_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN) ), Style::default().fg(Color::Reset), )]), Spans::from(vec![Span::styled( format!( "Highest: {:.2} {unit}", data.iter() .max_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN) ), Style::default().fg(Color::Reset), )]), ] } /// Latency histogram data fn latency_histogram_data(latency: &[f64], bins: usize) -> Vec<(String, u64)> { let histo_data: Vec<(String, u64)> = { let histo = crate::utils::histogram(latency, bins); histo .into_iter() .map(|(label, v)| (format!("{label:.2}"), v as u64)) .collect() }; histo_data } /// Latency Histogram fn latency_histogram<'a>( histo_data_str: &'a Vec<(&'a str, u64)>, name: &'static str, ) -> BarChart<'a> { BarChart::default() .block( Block::default() .title(format!("{name} latency histogram")) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::LightYellow).bg(Color::Reset)) .borders(Borders::ALL), ) .data(histo_data_str.as_slice()) } /// Latency/Throughput chart fn latency_throughput_chart<'a>( latency_throughput: &'a Vec<(f64, f64)>, batch_sizes: &'a [u32], zoom: bool, name: &'static str, ) -> Chart<'a> { let latency_iter = latency_throughput.iter().map(|(l, _)| l); let throughput_iter = latency_throughput.iter().map(|(_, t)| t); // Get extreme values let min_latency: f64 = *latency_iter .clone() .min_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN); let max_latency: f64 = *latency_iter .max_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN); let min_throughput: f64 = *throughput_iter .clone() .min_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN); let max_throughput: f64 = *throughput_iter .max_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)) .unwrap_or(&std::f64::NAN); // Char min max values let min_x = if zoom { ((min_latency - 0.05 * min_latency) / 100.0).floor() * 100.0 } else { 0.0 }; let max_x = ((max_latency + 0.05 * max_latency) / 100.0).ceil() * 100.0; let step_x = (max_x - min_x) / 4.0; // Chart min max values let min_y = if zoom { ((min_throughput - 0.05 * min_throughput) / 100.0).floor() * 100.0 } else { 0.0 }; let max_y = ((max_throughput + 0.05 * max_throughput) / 100.0).ceil() * 100.0; let step_y = (max_y - min_y) / 4.0; // Labels let mut x_labels = vec![Span::styled( format!("{min_x:.2}"), Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .fg(Color::Gray) .bg(Color::Reset), )]; for i in 0..3 { x_labels.push(Span::styled( format!("{:.2}", min_x + ((i + 1) as f64 * step_x)), Style::default().fg(Color::Gray).bg(Color::Reset), )); } x_labels.push(Span::styled( format!("{max_x:.2}"), Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .fg(Color::Gray) .bg(Color::Reset), )); // Labels let mut y_labels = vec![Span::styled( format!("{min_y:.2}"), Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .fg(Color::Gray) .bg(Color::Reset), )]; for i in 0..3 { y_labels.push(Span::styled( format!("{:.2}", min_y + ((i + 1) as f64 * step_y)), Style::default().fg(Color::Gray).bg(Color::Reset), )); } y_labels.push(Span::styled( format!("{max_y:.2}"), Style::default() .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD) .fg(Color::Gray) .bg(Color::Reset), )); // Chart dataset let colors = color_vec(); let datasets: Vec = (0..latency_throughput.len()) .map(|i| { let color_idx = i % colors.len(); Dataset::default() .name(batch_sizes[i].to_string()) .marker(symbols::Marker::Block) .style(Style::default().fg(colors[color_idx])) .graph_type(GraphType::Scatter) .data(&latency_throughput[i..(i + 1)]) }) .collect(); // Chart Chart::new(datasets) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan).bg(Color::Reset)) .block( Block::default() .title(Span::styled( format!("{name} throughput over latency"), Style::default().fg(Color::Gray).bg(Color::Reset), )) .borders(Borders::ALL), ) .x_axis( Axis::default() .title("ms") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray).bg(Color::Reset)) .labels(x_labels) .bounds([min_x, max_x]), ) .y_axis( Axis::default() .title("tokens/secs") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray).bg(Color::Reset)) .labels(y_labels) .bounds([min_y, max_y]), ) } // Colors for latency/throughput chart fn color_vec() -> Vec { vec![ Color::Red, Color::Green, Color::Yellow, Color::Blue, Color::Magenta, Color::Cyan, Color::Gray, Color::DarkGray, Color::LightRed, Color::LightGreen, Color::LightYellow, Color::LightBlue, Color::LightMagenta, Color::LightCyan, ] }