use crate::infer::InferError; use crate::infer::InferStreamResponse; use crate::validation::ValidGenerateRequest; use nohash_hasher::{BuildNoHashHasher, IntMap}; use std::collections::VecDeque; use text_generation_client::{Batch, Request}; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio::time::Instant; use tracing::{info_span, instrument, Span}; /// Queue entry #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Entry { /// Request pub request: ValidGenerateRequest, /// Response sender to communicate between the Infer struct and the batching_task pub response_tx: flume::Sender>, /// Span that will live as long as entry pub span: Span, /// Temporary span used as a guard when logging inference, wait times... pub temp_span: Option, /// Instant when this entry was queued pub queue_time: Instant, /// Instant when this entry was added to a batch pub batch_time: Option, } /// Request Queue #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Queue { /// Channel to communicate with the background queue task queue_sender: flume::Sender, } impl Queue { pub(crate) fn new(requires_padding: bool) -> Self { // Create channel let (queue_sender, queue_receiver) = flume::unbounded(); // Launch background queue task tokio::spawn(queue_task(requires_padding, queue_receiver)); Self { queue_sender } } /// Append an entry to the queue #[instrument(skip_all)] pub(crate) fn append(&self, entry: Entry) { // Send append command to the background task managing the state // Unwrap is safe here self.queue_sender .send(QueueCommand::Append(entry, Span::current())) .unwrap(); } // Get the next batch #[instrument(skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn next_batch( &self, min_size: Option, token_budget: u32, ) -> Option { // Create response channel let (response_sender, response_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); // Send next batch command to the background task managing the state // Unwrap is safe here self.queue_sender .send(QueueCommand::NextBatch { min_size, token_budget, response_sender, span: Span::current(), }) .unwrap(); // Await on response channel // Unwrap is safe here response_receiver.await.unwrap() } } // Background task responsible of the queue state async fn queue_task(requires_padding: bool, receiver: flume::Receiver) { let mut state = State::new(requires_padding); while let Ok(cmd) = receiver.recv_async().await { match cmd { QueueCommand::Append(entry, span) => { span.in_scope(|| state.append(entry)); metrics::increment_gauge!("tgi_queue_size", 1.0); } QueueCommand::NextBatch { min_size, token_budget, response_sender, span, } => span.in_scope(|| { let next_batch = state.next_batch(min_size, token_budget); response_sender.send(next_batch).unwrap_or(()); metrics::gauge!("tgi_queue_size", state.entries.len() as f64); }), } } } /// Queue State #[derive(Debug)] struct State { /// Queue entries organized in a Vec entries: VecDeque<(u64, Entry)>, /// Id of the next entry next_id: u64, /// Id of the next batch next_batch_id: u64, /// Whether the model is using padding requires_padding: bool, } impl State { fn new(requires_padding: bool) -> Self { Self { entries: VecDeque::with_capacity(128), next_id: 0, next_batch_id: 0, requires_padding, } } /// Append an entry to the queue fn append(&mut self, mut entry: Entry) { // Create a span that will live as long as the entry is in the queue waiting to be batched let queue_span = info_span!(parent: &entry.span, "queued"); entry.temp_span = Some(queue_span); // Push entry in the queue self.entries.push_back((self.next_id, entry)); self.next_id += 1; } // Get the next batch fn next_batch(&mut self, min_size: Option, token_budget: u32) -> Option { if self.entries.is_empty() { return None; } // Check if we have enough entries if let Some(min_size) = min_size { if self.entries.len() < min_size { return None; } } // Create span for this batch to add context to inference calls let next_batch_span = info_span!(parent: None, "batch", batch_size = tracing::field::Empty); next_batch_span.follows_from(&Span::current()); let mut batch_requests = Vec::with_capacity(self.entries.len()); let mut batch_entries = IntMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(self.entries.len(), BuildNoHashHasher::default()); let mut max_input_length = 0; let mut prefill_tokens: u32 = 0; let mut decode_tokens: u32 = 0; // Pop entries starting from the front of the queue while let Some((id, mut entry)) = self.entries.pop_front() { // Filter entries where the response receiver was dropped (== entries where the request // was dropped by the client) if entry.response_tx.is_disconnected() { metrics::increment_counter!("tgi_request_failure", "err" => "dropped"); continue; } if self.requires_padding { // We pad to max input length in the Python shards // We need to take these padding tokens into the equation max_input_length = max_input_length.max(entry.request.input_length); prefill_tokens = (batch_requests.len() + 1) as u32 * max_input_length } else { prefill_tokens += entry.request.input_length; } decode_tokens += entry.request.stopping_parameters.max_new_tokens; if (prefill_tokens + decode_tokens) > token_budget { // Entry is over budget // Add it back to the front self.entries.push_front((id, entry)); break; } // Create a new span to link the batch back to this entry let entry_batch_span = info_span!(parent: &entry.span, "infer"); // Add relationships next_batch_span.follows_from(&entry_batch_span); entry_batch_span.follows_from(&next_batch_span); // Update entry entry.temp_span = Some(entry_batch_span); batch_requests.push(Request { id, inputs: entry.request.inputs.clone(), truncate: entry.request.truncate, parameters: Some(entry.request.parameters.clone()), stopping_parameters: Some(entry.request.stopping_parameters.clone()), }); // Set batch_time entry.batch_time = Some(Instant::now()); // Insert in batch_entries IntMap batch_entries.insert(id, entry); } // Empty batch if batch_requests.is_empty() { return None; } // Check if our batch is big enough if let Some(min_size) = min_size { // Batch is too small if batch_requests.len() < min_size { // Add back entries to the queue in the correct order for r in batch_requests.into_iter().rev() { let id =; let entry = batch_entries.remove(&id).unwrap(); self.entries.push_front((id, entry)); } return None; } } // Final batch size let size = batch_requests.len() as u32; next_batch_span.record("batch_size", size); let batch = Batch { id: self.next_batch_id, requests: batch_requests, size, max_tokens: (prefill_tokens + decode_tokens), }; // Increment batch id self.next_batch_id += 1; metrics::histogram!("tgi_batch_next_size", batch.size as f64); Some((batch_entries, batch, next_batch_span)) } } type NextBatch = (IntMap, Batch, Span); #[derive(Debug)] enum QueueCommand { Append(Entry, Span), NextBatch { min_size: Option, token_budget: u32, response_sender: oneshot::Sender>, span: Span, }, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use text_generation_client::{NextTokenChooserParameters, StoppingCriteriaParameters}; use tracing::info_span; fn default_entry() -> ( Entry, flume::Receiver>, ) { let (response_tx, receiver_tx) = flume::unbounded(); let entry = Entry { request: ValidGenerateRequest { inputs: "".to_string(), input_length: 0, truncate: 0, parameters: NextTokenChooserParameters { temperature: 0.0, top_k: 0, top_p: 0.0, typical_p: 0.0, do_sample: false, seed: 0, repetition_penalty: 0.0, watermark: false, }, stopping_parameters: StoppingCriteriaParameters { ignore_eos_token: false, max_new_tokens: 1, stop_sequences: vec![], }, }, response_tx, span: info_span!("entry"), temp_span: None, queue_time: Instant::now(), batch_time: None, }; (entry, receiver_tx) } #[test] fn test_append() { let mut state = State::new(false); let (entry, _guard) = default_entry(); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 0); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 0); state.append(entry); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 1); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 1); let (id, _) = state.entries.remove(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(id, 0); } #[test] fn test_next_batch_empty() { let mut state = State::new(false); assert!(state.next_batch(None, 1).is_none()); assert!(state.next_batch(Some(1), 1).is_none()); } #[test] fn test_next_batch_min_size() { let mut state = State::new(false); let (entry1, _guard1) = default_entry(); let (entry2, _guard2) = default_entry(); state.append(entry1); state.append(entry2); let (entries, batch, _) = state.next_batch(None, 2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 2); assert!(entries.contains_key(&0)); assert!(entries.contains_key(&1)); assert!(entries.get(&0).unwrap().batch_time.is_some()); assert!(entries.get(&1).unwrap().batch_time.is_some()); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(batch.size, 2); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 2); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 0); assert_eq!(state.next_batch_id, 1); let (entry3, _guard3) = default_entry(); state.append(entry3); assert!(state.next_batch(Some(2), 2).is_none()); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 3); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 1); let (id, _) = state.entries.remove(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(id, 2); } #[test] fn test_next_batch_token_budget() { let mut state = State::new(false); let (entry1, _guard1) = default_entry(); let (entry2, _guard2) = default_entry(); state.append(entry1); state.append(entry2); let (entries, batch, _) = state.next_batch(None, 1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 1); assert!(entries.contains_key(&0)); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(batch.size, 1); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 2); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 1); assert_eq!(state.next_batch_id, 1); let (entry3, _guard3) = default_entry(); state.append(entry3); let (entries, batch, _) = state.next_batch(None, 3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 2); assert!(entries.contains_key(&1)); assert!(entries.contains_key(&2)); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(batch.size, 2); assert_eq!(state.next_id, 3); assert_eq!(state.entries.len(), 0); assert_eq!(state.next_batch_id, 2); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_queue_append() { let queue = Queue::new(false); let (entry, _guard) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_queue_next_batch_empty() { let queue = Queue::new(false); assert!(queue.next_batch(None, 1).await.is_none()); assert!(queue.next_batch(Some(1), 1).await.is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_queue_next_batch_min_size() { let queue = Queue::new(false); let (entry1, _guard1) = default_entry(); let (entry2, _guard2) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry1); queue.append(entry2); let (entries, batch, _) = queue.next_batch(None, 2).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 2); assert!(entries.contains_key(&0)); assert!(entries.contains_key(&1)); assert!(entries.get(&0).unwrap().batch_time.is_some()); assert!(entries.get(&1).unwrap().batch_time.is_some()); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(batch.size, 2); let (entry3, _guard3) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry3); // Not enough requests pending assert!(queue.next_batch(Some(2), 2).await.is_none()); // Not enough token budget assert!(queue.next_batch(Some(1), 0).await.is_none()); // Ok let (entries2, batch2, _) = queue.next_batch(Some(1), 2).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries2.len(), 1); assert!(entries2.contains_key(&2)); assert!(entries2.get(&2).unwrap().batch_time.is_some()); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(batch2.size, 1); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_queue_next_batch_token_budget() { let queue = Queue::new(false); let (entry1, _guard1) = default_entry(); let (entry2, _guard2) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry1); queue.append(entry2); let (entries, batch, _) = queue.next_batch(None, 1).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 1); assert!(entries.contains_key(&0)); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(batch.size, 1); let (entry3, _guard3) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry3); let (entries, batch, _) = queue.next_batch(None, 3).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 2); assert!(entries.contains_key(&1)); assert!(entries.contains_key(&2)); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(batch.size, 2); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_queue_next_batch_dropped_receiver() { let queue = Queue::new(false); let (entry, _) = default_entry(); queue.append(entry); assert!(queue.next_batch(None, 1).await.is_none()); } }