nateraw's picture
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mod health;
/// Text Generation Inference Webserver
mod infer;
mod queue;
pub mod server;
mod validation;
use infer::Infer;
use queue::{Entry, Queue};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use utoipa::ToSchema;
use validation::Validation;
/// Hub type
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct HubModelInfo {
#[serde(rename(deserialize = "id"))]
pub model_id: String,
pub sha: Option<String>,
pub pipeline_tag: Option<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub struct Info {
/// Model info
#[schema(example = "bigscience/blomm-560m")]
pub model_id: String,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = "e985a63cdc139290c5f700ff1929f0b5942cced2")]
pub model_sha: Option<String>,
#[schema(example = "torch.float16")]
pub model_dtype: String,
#[schema(example = "cuda")]
pub model_device_type: String,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = "text-generation")]
pub model_pipeline_tag: Option<String>,
/// Router Parameters
#[schema(example = "128")]
pub max_concurrent_requests: usize,
#[schema(example = "2")]
pub max_best_of: usize,
#[schema(example = "4")]
pub max_stop_sequences: usize,
#[schema(example = "1024")]
pub max_input_length: usize,
#[schema(example = "2048")]
pub max_total_tokens: usize,
#[schema(example = "1.2")]
pub waiting_served_ratio: f32,
#[schema(example = "32000")]
pub max_batch_total_tokens: u32,
#[schema(example = "20")]
pub max_waiting_tokens: usize,
#[schema(example = "2")]
pub validation_workers: usize,
/// Router Info
#[schema(example = "0.5.0")]
pub version: &'static str,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = "null")]
pub sha: Option<&'static str>,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = "null")]
pub docker_label: Option<&'static str>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct GenerateParameters {
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 1)]
pub best_of: Option<usize>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.5
pub temperature: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 1.03
pub repetition_penalty: Option<f32>,
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 10)]
pub top_k: Option<i32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub top_p: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub typical_p: Option<f32>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub do_sample: bool,
#[serde(default = "default_max_new_tokens")]
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, exclusive_maximum = 512, default = "20")]
pub max_new_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = false)]
pub return_full_text: Option<bool>,
#[schema(inline, max_items = 4, example = json ! (["photographer"]))]
pub stop: Vec<String>,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = "null")]
pub truncate: Option<usize>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub watermark: bool,
#[schema(default = "true")]
pub details: bool,
exclusive_minimum = 0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = "null"
pub seed: Option<u64>,
fn default_max_new_tokens() -> u32 {
fn default_parameters() -> GenerateParameters {
GenerateParameters {
best_of: None,
temperature: None,
repetition_penalty: None,
top_k: None,
top_p: None,
typical_p: None,
do_sample: false,
max_new_tokens: default_max_new_tokens(),
return_full_text: None,
stop: Vec::new(),
truncate: None,
watermark: false,
details: false,
seed: None,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct GenerateRequest {
#[schema(example = "My name is Olivier and I")]
pub inputs: String,
#[serde(default = "default_parameters")]
pub parameters: GenerateParameters,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct CompatGenerateRequest {
#[schema(example = "My name is Olivier and I")]
pub inputs: String,
#[serde(default = "default_parameters")]
pub parameters: GenerateParameters,
pub stream: bool,
impl From<CompatGenerateRequest> for GenerateRequest {
fn from(req: CompatGenerateRequest) -> Self {
Self {
inputs: req.inputs,
parameters: req.parameters,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub struct PrefillToken {
#[schema(example = 0)]
id: u32,
#[schema(example = "test")]
text: String,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = - 0.34)]
logprob: f32,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub struct Token {
#[schema(example = 0)]
id: u32,
#[schema(example = "test")]
text: String,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = - 0.34)]
logprob: f32,
#[schema(example = "false")]
special: bool,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all(serialize = "snake_case"))]
pub(crate) enum FinishReason {
#[schema(rename = "length")]
#[serde(rename = "eos_token")]
#[schema(rename = "eos_token")]
#[schema(rename = "stop_sequence")]
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct BestOfSequence {
#[schema(example = "test")]
pub generated_text: String,
#[schema(example = "length")]
pub finish_reason: FinishReason,
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub generated_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = 42)]
pub seed: Option<u64>,
pub prefill: Vec<PrefillToken>,
pub tokens: Vec<Token>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct Details {
#[schema(example = "length")]
pub finish_reason: FinishReason,
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub generated_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = 42)]
pub seed: Option<u64>,
pub prefill: Vec<PrefillToken>,
pub tokens: Vec<Token>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub best_of_sequences: Option<Vec<BestOfSequence>>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct GenerateResponse {
#[schema(example = "test")]
pub generated_text: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub details: Option<Details>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct StreamDetails {
#[schema(example = "length")]
pub finish_reason: FinishReason,
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub generated_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, example = 42)]
pub seed: Option<u64>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct StreamResponse {
pub token: Token,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = "test")]
pub generated_text: Option<String>,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null")]
pub details: Option<StreamDetails>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ErrorResponse {
pub error: String,
pub error_type: String,
mod tests {
use std::io::Write;
use tokenizers::Tokenizer;
pub(crate) async fn get_tokenizer() -> Tokenizer {
if !std::path::Path::new("tokenizer.json").exists() {
let content = reqwest::get("")
let mut file = std::fs::File::create("tokenizer.json").unwrap();