dataset: adversarial_qa subset: droberta templates: 00755780-f3c0-44b4-b159-8f3873cdb163: !Template answer_choices: null id: 00755780-f3c0-44b4-b159-8f3873cdb163 jinja: 'I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "{{context}}"? ||| {{question}}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: false metrics: - BLEU - ROUGE original_task: false name: generate_question reference: 'Input: Context, Output: Question (generate a question)' 3b2459cc-6600-443c-abf8-8f60c34cd993: !Template answer_choices: null id: 3b2459cc-6600-443c-abf8-8f60c34cd993 jinja: '{% if metadata.split != "test" %} I know that the answer to the question "{{question}}" is in "{{context}}". Can you tell me what it is? ||| {{answers.text | choice}} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: false metrics: - Squad original_task: true name: tell_what_it_is reference: 'Input: QC, Output: A (rephrase)' 5bdb1815-5c6f-49a3-ad1d-367344420703: !Template answer_choices: null id: 5bdb1815-5c6f-49a3-ad1d-367344420703 jinja: '{% if metadata.split != "test" %} Question: "{{question}}" Context: "{{context}}" Answer: ||| {{answers.text | choice}} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: false metrics: - Squad original_task: true name: question_context_answer reference: 'Input: QC, Output: Answer (short form)' a0872cde-2f19-4ae6-919a-868da47bfbc3: !Template answer_choices: null id: a0872cde-2f19-4ae6-919a-868da47bfbc3 jinja: '{% if metadata.split != "test" %} Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: {{question}} Context: {{context}}||| {{answers.text | choice}} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: false metrics: - Squad original_task: true name: based_on reference: '' a64d5a15-68e2-4d1c-b30a-ca8250c860f3: !Template answer_choices: null id: a64d5a15-68e2-4d1c-b30a-ca8250c860f3 jinja: '{% if metadata.split != "test" %} Given the following passage "{{context}}", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: {{question}} ||| {{answers.text | choice}} {% endif %}' metadata: !TemplateMetadata choices_in_prompt: false metrics: - Squad original_task: true name: answer_the_following_q reference: 'Input: QC, Output: Answer'