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Super-squash branch 'main' using huggingface_hub
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
def compute_mask_indices(
shape: Tuple[int, int],
padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor],
mask_prob: float,
mask_length: int,
mask_type: str = "static",
mask_other: float = 0.0,
min_masks: int = 0,
no_overlap: bool = False,
min_space: int = 0,
require_same_masks: bool = True,
mask_dropout: float = 0.0,
) -> np.ndarray:
Computes random mask spans for a given shape
shape: the the shape for which to compute masks.
should be of size 2 where first element is batch size and 2nd is timesteps
padding_mask: optional padding mask of the same size as shape, which will prevent masking padded elements
mask_prob: probability for each token to be chosen as start of the span to be masked. this will be multiplied by
number of timesteps divided by length of mask span to mask approximately this percentage of all elements.
however due to overlaps, the actual number will be smaller (unless no_overlap is True)
mask_type: how to compute mask lengths
static = fixed size
uniform = sample from uniform distribution [mask_other, mask_length*2]
normal = sample from normal distribution with mean mask_length and stdev mask_other. mask is min 1 element
poisson = sample from possion distribution with lambda = mask length
min_masks: minimum number of masked spans
no_overlap: if false, will switch to an alternative recursive algorithm that prevents spans from overlapping
min_space: only used if no_overlap is True, this is how many elements to keep unmasked between spans
require_same_masks: if true, will randomly drop out masks until same amount of masks remains in each sample
mask_dropout: randomly dropout this percentage of masks in each example
bsz, all_sz = shape
mask = np.full((bsz, all_sz), False)
all_num_mask = int(
# add a random number for probabilistic rounding
mask_prob * all_sz / float(mask_length)
+ np.random.rand()
all_num_mask = max(min_masks, all_num_mask)
mask_idcs = []
for i in range(bsz):
if padding_mask is not None:
sz = all_sz - padding_mask[i].long().sum().item()
num_mask = int(
# add a random number for probabilistic rounding
mask_prob * sz / float(mask_length)
+ np.random.rand()
num_mask = max(min_masks, num_mask)
sz = all_sz
num_mask = all_num_mask
if mask_type == "static":
lengths = np.full(num_mask, mask_length)
elif mask_type == "uniform":
lengths = np.random.randint(mask_other, mask_length * 2 + 1, size=num_mask)
elif mask_type == "normal":
lengths = np.random.normal(mask_length, mask_other, size=num_mask)
lengths = [max(1, int(round(x))) for x in lengths]
elif mask_type == "poisson":
lengths = np.random.poisson(mask_length, size=num_mask)
lengths = [int(round(x)) for x in lengths]
raise Exception("unknown mask selection " + mask_type)
if sum(lengths) == 0:
lengths[0] = min(mask_length, sz - 1)
if no_overlap:
mask_idc = []
def arrange(s, e, length, keep_length):
span_start = np.random.randint(s, e - length)
mask_idc.extend(span_start + i for i in range(length))
new_parts = []
if span_start - s - min_space >= keep_length:
new_parts.append((s, span_start - min_space + 1))
if e - span_start - length - min_space > keep_length:
new_parts.append((span_start + length + min_space, e))
return new_parts
parts = [(0, sz)]
min_length = min(lengths)
for length in sorted(lengths, reverse=True):
lens = np.fromiter(
(e - s if e - s >= length + min_space else 0 for s, e in parts),
l_sum = np.sum(lens)
if l_sum == 0:
probs = lens / np.sum(lens)
c = np.random.choice(len(parts), p=probs)
s, e = parts.pop(c)
parts.extend(arrange(s, e, length, min_length))
mask_idc = np.asarray(mask_idc)
min_len = min(lengths)
if sz - min_len <= num_mask:
min_len = sz - num_mask - 1
mask_idc = np.random.choice(sz - min_len, num_mask, replace=False)
mask_idc = np.asarray(
mask_idc[j] + offset
for j in range(len(mask_idc))
for offset in range(lengths[j])
mask_idcs.append(np.unique(mask_idc[mask_idc < sz]))
min_len = min([len(m) for m in mask_idcs])
for i, mask_idc in enumerate(mask_idcs):
if len(mask_idc) > min_len and require_same_masks:
mask_idc = np.random.choice(mask_idc, min_len, replace=False)
if mask_dropout > 0:
num_holes = np.rint(len(mask_idc) * mask_dropout).astype(int)
mask_idc = np.random.choice(
mask_idc, len(mask_idc) - num_holes, replace=False
mask[i, mask_idc] = True
return mask