"""Translate english to chinese via a dict.""" # from typing import List, Union from typing import Iterable, List, Union import warnings import copy # from radiobee.mdx_e2c import mdx_e2c # moved to local for lazy loading # from lazy import lazy warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) # fmt: off def en2zh( # text: Union[str, List[List[str]]], # text: Union[str, List[str]], text: Union[str, Iterable[str]], ) -> List[str]: # fmt: on """Translate english to chinese via a dict. Args text: to translate, list of str Returns res: list of str """ # to effect lazy loading from radiobee.mdx_e2c import mdx_e2c # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel res = copy.deepcopy(text) if isinstance(text, str): # res = [text.split()] res = [text] # if res and isinstance(res[0], str): # res = [line.lower().split() for line in res] # res = ["".join([word_tr(word) for word in line]) for line in res] _ = [] for line in res: line_tr = [mdx_e2c(word) for word in line.split()] _.append("".join(line_tr)) return _