from email.mime import image import torch import base64 import gradio as gr import numpy as np from PIL import Image,ImageOps,ImageDraw, ImageFont from io import BytesIO import random MAX_COLORS = 12 def get_random_bool(): return random.choice([True, False]) def add_white_border(input_image, border_width=10): """ 为PIL图像添加指定宽度的白色边框。 :param input_image: PIL图像对象 :param border_width: 边框宽度(单位:像素) :return: 带有白色边框的PIL图像对象 """ border_color = 'white' # 白色边框 # 添加边框 img_with_border = ImageOps.expand(input_image, border=border_width, fill=border_color) return img_with_border def process_mulline_text(draw, text, font, max_width): """ Draw the text on an image with word wrapping. """ lines = [] # Store the lines of text here words = text.split() # Start building lines of text, and wrap when necessary current_line = "" for word in words: test_line = f"{current_line} {word}".strip() # Check the width of the line with this word added bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), test_line, font=font) text_left, text_top, text_right, text_bottom = bbox width, _ = (text_right - text_left, text_bottom - text_top) if width <= max_width: # If it fits, add this word to the current line current_line = test_line else: # If not, store the line and start a new one lines.append(current_line) current_line = word # Add the last line lines.append(current_line) return lines def add_caption(image, text, position = "bottom-mid", font = None, text_color= 'black', bg_color = (255, 255, 255) , bg_opacity = 200): if text == "": return image image = image.convert("RGBA") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) width, height = image.size lines = process_mulline_text(draw,text,font,width) text_positions = [] maxwidth = 0 for ind, line in enumerate(lines[::-1]): bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), line, font=font) text_left, text_top, text_right, text_bottom = bbox text_width, text_height = (text_right - text_left, text_bottom - text_top) if position == 'bottom-right': text_position = (width - text_width - 10, height - (text_height + 20)) elif position == 'bottom-left': text_position = (10, height - (text_height + 20)) elif position == 'bottom-mid': text_position = ((width - text_width) // 2, height - (text_height + 20) ) # 居中文本 height = text_position[1] maxwidth = max(maxwidth,text_width) text_positions.append(text_position) rectpos = (width - maxwidth) // 2 rectangle_position = [rectpos - 5, text_positions[-1][1] - 5, rectpos + maxwidth + 5, text_positions[0][1] + text_height + 5] image_with_transparency ='RGBA', image.size) draw_with_transparency = ImageDraw.Draw(image_with_transparency) draw_with_transparency.rectangle(rectangle_position, fill=bg_color + (bg_opacity,)) image.paste(Image.alpha_composite(image.convert('RGBA'), image_with_transparency)) print(ind,text_position) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for ind, line in enumerate(lines[::-1]): text_position = text_positions[ind] draw.text(text_position, line, fill=text_color, font=font) return image.convert('RGB') def get_comic(images,types = "4panel",captions = [],font = None,pad_image = None): if pad_image == None: pad_image ="./images/pad_images.png") if types == "No typesetting (default)": return images elif types == "Four Pannel": return get_comic_4panel(images,captions,font,pad_image) else: # "Classic Comic Style" return get_comic_classical(images,captions,font,pad_image) def get_caption_group(images_groups,captions = []): caption_groups = [] for i in range(len(images_groups)): length = len(images_groups[i]) caption_groups.append(captions[:length]) captions = captions[length:] if len(caption_groups[-1]) < len(images_groups[-1]): caption_groups[-1] = caption_groups[-1] + [""] * (len(images_groups[-1]) - len(caption_groups[-1])) return caption_groups def get_comic_classical(images,captions = None,font = None,pad_image = None): if pad_image == None: raise ValueError("pad_image is None") images = [add_white_border(image) for image in images] pad_image = pad_image.resize(images[0].size, Image.LANCZOS) images_groups = distribute_images2(images,pad_image) print(images_groups) if captions != None: captions_groups = get_caption_group(images_groups,captions) # print(images_groups) row_images = [] for ind, img_group in enumerate(images_groups): row_images.append(get_row_image2(img_group ,captions= captions_groups[ind] if captions != None else None,font = font)) return [combine_images_vertically_with_resize(row_images)] def get_comic_4panel(images,captions = [],font = None,pad_image = None): if pad_image == None: raise ValueError("pad_image is None") pad_image = pad_image.resize(images[0].size, Image.LANCZOS) images = [add_white_border(image) for image in images] assert len(captions) == len(images) for i,caption in enumerate(captions): images[i] = add_caption(images[i],caption,font = font) images_nums = len(images) pad_nums = int((4 - images_nums % 4) % 4) images = images + [pad_image for _ in range(pad_nums)] comics = [] assert len(images)%4 == 0 for i in range(len(images)//4): comics.append(combine_images_vertically_with_resize([combine_images_horizontally(images[i*4:i*4+2]), combine_images_horizontally(images[i*4+2:i*4+4])])) return comics def get_row_image(images): row_image_arr = [] if len(images)>3: stack_img_nums = (len(images) - 2)//2 else: stack_img_nums = 0 while(len(images)>0): if stack_img_nums <=0: row_image_arr.append(images[0]) images = images[1:] elif len(images)>stack_img_nums*2: if get_random_bool(): row_image_arr.append(concat_images_vertically_and_scale(images[:2])) images = images[2:] stack_img_nums -=1 else: row_image_arr.append(images[0]) images = images[1:] else: row_image_arr.append(concat_images_vertically_and_scale(images[:2])) images = images[2:] stack_img_nums-=1 return combine_images_horizontally(row_image_arr) def get_row_image2(images,captions = None, font = None): row_image_arr = [] if len(images)== 6: sequence_list = [1,1,2,2] elif len(images)== 4: sequence_list = [1,1,2] else: raise ValueError("images nums is not 4 or 6 found",len(images)) random.shuffle(sequence_list) index = 0 for length in sequence_list: if length == 1: if captions != None: images_tmp = add_caption(images[0],text = captions[index],font= font) else: images_tmp = images[0] row_image_arr.append( images_tmp) images = images[1:] index +=1 elif length == 2: row_image_arr.append(concat_images_vertically_and_scale(images[:2])) images = images[2:] index +=2 return combine_images_horizontally(row_image_arr) def concat_images_vertically_and_scale(images,scale_factor=2): # 加载所有图像 # 确保所有图像的宽度一致 widths = [img.width for img in images] if not all(width == widths[0] for width in widths): raise ValueError('All images must have the same width.') # 计算总高度 total_height = sum(img.height for img in images) # 创建新的图像,宽度与原图相同,高度为所有图像高度之和 max_width = max(widths) concatenated_image ='RGB', (max_width, total_height)) # 竖直拼接图像 current_height = 0 for img in images: concatenated_image.paste(img, (0, current_height)) current_height += img.height # 缩放图像为1/n高度 new_height = concatenated_image.height // scale_factor new_width = concatenated_image.width // scale_factor resized_image = concatenated_image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) return resized_image def combine_images_horizontally(images): # 读取所有图片并存入列表 # 获取每幅图像的宽度和高度 widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) # 计算总宽度和最大高度 total_width = sum(widths) max_height = max(heights) # 创建新的空白图片,用于拼接 new_im ='RGB', (total_width, max_height)) # 将图片横向拼接 x_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, 0)) x_offset += im.width return new_im def combine_images_vertically_with_resize(images): # 获取所有图片的宽度和高度 widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) # 确定新图片的宽度,即所有图片中最小的宽度 min_width = min(widths) # 调整图片尺寸以保持宽度一致,长宽比不变 resized_images = [] for img in images: # 计算新高度保持图片长宽比 new_height = int(min_width * img.height / img.width) # 调整图片大小 resized_img = img.resize((min_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) resized_images.append(resized_img) # 计算所有调整尺寸后图片的总高度 total_height = sum(img.height for img in resized_images) # 创建一个足够宽和高的新图片对象 new_im ='RGB', (min_width, total_height)) # 竖直拼接图片 y_offset = 0 for im in resized_images: new_im.paste(im, (0, y_offset)) y_offset += im.height return new_im def distribute_images2(images, pad_image): groups = [] remaining = len(images) if len(images) <= 8: group_sizes = [4] else: group_sizes = [4, 6] size_index = 0 while remaining > 0: size = group_sizes[size_index%len(group_sizes)] if remaining < size and remaining < min(group_sizes): size = min(group_sizes) if remaining > size: new_group = images[-remaining: -remaining + size] else: new_group = images[-remaining:] groups.append(new_group) size_index += 1 remaining -= size print(remaining,groups) groups[-1] = groups[-1] + [pad_image for _ in range(-remaining)] return groups def distribute_images(images, group_sizes=(4, 3, 2)): groups = [] remaining = len(images) while remaining > 0: # 优先分配最大组(4张图片),再考虑3张,最后处理2张 for size in sorted(group_sizes, reverse=True): # 如果剩下的图片数量大于等于当前组大小,或者为图片总数时(也就是第一次迭代) # 开始创建新组 if remaining >= size or remaining == len(images): if remaining > size: new_group = images[-remaining: -remaining + size] else: new_group = images[-remaining:] groups.append(new_group) remaining -= size break # 如果剩下的图片少于最小的组大小(2张)并且已经有组了,就把剩下的图片加到最后一个组 elif remaining < min(group_sizes) and groups: groups[-1].extend(images[-remaining:]) remaining = 0 return groups def create_binary_matrix(img_arr, target_color): mask = np.all(img_arr == target_color, axis=-1) binary_matrix = mask.astype(int) return binary_matrix def preprocess_mask(mask_, h, w, device): mask = np.array(mask_) mask = mask.astype(np.float32) mask = mask[None, None] mask[mask < 0.5] = 0 mask[mask >= 0.5] = 1 mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).to(device) mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask, size=(h, w), mode='nearest') return mask def process_sketch(canvas_data): binary_matrixes = [] base64_img = canvas_data['image'] image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_img.split(',')[1]) image ="RGB") im2arr = np.array(image) colors = [tuple(map(int, rgb[4:-1].split(','))) for rgb in canvas_data['colors']] colors_fixed = [] r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 binary_matrix = create_binary_matrix(im2arr, (r,g,b)) binary_matrixes.append(binary_matrix) binary_matrix_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(binary_matrix, axis=(-1)), 3, axis=(-1)) colored_map = binary_matrix_*(r,g,b) + (1-binary_matrix_)*(50,50,50) colors_fixed.append(gr.update(value=colored_map.astype(np.uint8))) for color in colors: r, g, b = color if any(c != 255 for c in (r, g, b)): binary_matrix = create_binary_matrix(im2arr, (r,g,b)) binary_matrixes.append(binary_matrix) binary_matrix_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(binary_matrix, axis=(-1)), 3, axis=(-1)) colored_map = binary_matrix_*(r,g,b) + (1-binary_matrix_)*(50,50,50) colors_fixed.append(gr.update(value=colored_map.astype(np.uint8))) visibilities = [] colors = [] for n in range(MAX_COLORS): visibilities.append(gr.update(visible=False)) colors.append(gr.update()) for n in range(len(colors_fixed)): visibilities[n] = gr.update(visible=True) colors[n] = colors_fixed[n] return [gr.update(visible=True), binary_matrixes, *visibilities, *colors] def process_prompts(binary_matrixes, *seg_prompts): return [gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(value=' , '.join(seg_prompts[:len(binary_matrixes)]))] def process_example(layout_path, all_prompts, seed_): all_prompts = all_prompts.split('***') binary_matrixes = [] colors_fixed = [] im2arr = np.array([:,:,:3] unique, counts = np.unique(np.reshape(im2arr,(-1,3)), axis=0, return_counts=True) sorted_idx = np.argsort(-counts) binary_matrix = create_binary_matrix(im2arr, (0,0,0)) binary_matrixes.append(binary_matrix) binary_matrix_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(binary_matrix, axis=(-1)), 3, axis=(-1)) colored_map = binary_matrix_*(255,255,255) + (1-binary_matrix_)*(50,50,50) colors_fixed.append(gr.update(value=colored_map.astype(np.uint8))) for i in range(len(all_prompts)-1): r, g, b = unique[sorted_idx[i]] if any(c != 255 for c in (r, g, b)) and any(c != 0 for c in (r, g, b)): binary_matrix = create_binary_matrix(im2arr, (r,g,b)) binary_matrixes.append(binary_matrix) binary_matrix_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(binary_matrix, axis=(-1)), 3, axis=(-1)) colored_map = binary_matrix_*(r,g,b) + (1-binary_matrix_)*(50,50,50) colors_fixed.append(gr.update(value=colored_map.astype(np.uint8))) visibilities = [] colors = [] prompts = [] for n in range(MAX_COLORS): visibilities.append(gr.update(visible=False)) colors.append(gr.update()) prompts.append(gr.update()) for n in range(len(colors_fixed)): visibilities[n] = gr.update(visible=True) colors[n] = colors_fixed[n] prompts[n] = all_prompts[n+1] return [gr.update(visible=True), binary_matrixes, *visibilities, *colors, *prompts, gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(value=all_prompts[0]), int(seed_)]