Runtime error
Runtime error
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import seaborn as sns | |
import yaml | |
import os | |
import warnings | |
from rapidfuzz import fuzz, utils | |
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel, ClassificationArgs | |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split | |
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report | |
from scipy.special import softmax | |
def generate_training_data(df, text_column, label_column, external_table = None, external_column = None, add_external_table=False, sampling=True): | |
""" | |
This function generates training data for the model. | |
:param df: pandas.DataFrame, dataframe containing product name and category name | |
:param text_column: str, column name containing product name | |
:param label_column: str, column name containing category name | |
:param external_table: pandas.DataFrame, dataframe containing product name and category name | |
:param external_column: str, column name containing product name | |
:param add_external_table: bool, whether to add external table or not | |
:param sampling: bool, whether to do sampling or not | |
:return: pandas.DataFrame, dataframe containing product name and category name | |
""" | |
if os.listdir('training') == []: | |
print('Training folder is empty. Generating training data...') | |
units = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['excluded_words'] | |
df['category_name'] = df[label_column].apply(lambda x: 'Fertilizer - High' if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 1 and 'Garden Soil & Fertilizers' in x else 'Pesticide - High' if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 1 and 'Weeds & Pest Control' in x else 'Fertilizer - Medium' if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) > 1 and 'Garden Soil & Fertilizers' in x else 'Pesticide - Medium' if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) > 1 and 'Weeds & Pest Control' in x else 'Others') | |
df = df[[text_column, 'category_name']] | |
# take only where category_name is Ferilizer - High or Pesticide - High or Others | |
df = df[df['category_name'].isin(['Fertilizer - High', 'Pesticide - High', 'Others'])] | |
# exclude product name that contains units AND category_name is Others | |
df = df[~(df[text_column].str.contains('|'.join(units)) & (df['category_name'] == 'Others'))] | |
if add_external_table: | |
external_table['category_name'] = 'Fertilizer - High' | |
external_table = external_table[[external_column, 'category_name']] | |
external_table.columns = [text_column, 'category_name'] | |
training_df = pd.concat([external_table, df]) | |
training_df.columns = ['product_name','category_name'] | |
training_df['category_name'] = training_df['category_name'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'Fertilizer - High' else 1 if x == 'Pesticide - High' else 2) | |
if sampling: | |
return pd.concat([training_df[training_df['category_name'] == 0].sample(n=1250), training_df[training_df['category_name'] == 1].sample(n=1250), training_df[training_df['category_name'] == 2].sample(n=1500)]) | |
else: | |
return training_df | |
else: | |
return df | |
else: | |
training_df = pd.read_csv('training/training_data.csv') | |
return training_df | |
def category_reassign(row, reference_df, checked_category, threshold=70): | |
""" | |
This function reassigns the category name of a product based on the similarity score between the product name and the reference dataframe. | |
:param row: pandas.Series, row of dataframe | |
:param reference_df: pandas.DataFrame, dataframe containing product name and category name | |
:param checked_category: str, category name to be checked | |
:param threshold: int, threshold for similarity score | |
:return: str, category name | |
""" | |
if row['category_name'] == checked_category: | |
for i in range(len(reference_df)): | |
row2 = reference_df.iloc[i] | |
if row2['category_name'] != checked_category: | |
if fuzz.ratio(row['product_name'], row2['product_name'], processor= utils.default_process) >= threshold: | |
return row2['category_name'] | |
return checked_category | |
else: | |
return row['category_name'] | |
def train_model(df, train_type, label_column, stratify=True, model_type='bert', use_existing_model=False, model_name=None): | |
""" | |
This function trains the model using the configuration in config.yaml | |
:param df: pandas.DataFrame, dataframe containing product name and category name | |
:param stratify: bool, whether to do stratified sampling or not | |
:param model_type: str, type of model to use | |
:param use_existing_model: bool, whether to use existing model or not | |
:param model_name: str, name of existing model | |
:return: simpletransformers.classification.ClassificationModel, model | |
:return: numpy.ndarray, predictions | |
:return: str, classification report | |
:return: pandas.DataFrame, training dataframe | |
:return: pandas.DataFrame, testing dataframe | |
:return: list, list of class names | |
""" | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') | |
test_size = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['parameters']['training_args']['test_size'] | |
train_df, test_df = train_test_split(df, test_size=test_size, stratify=df[label_column]) | |
# Optional model configuration | |
model_config = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['parameters']['model_args'] | |
model_args = ClassificationArgs() | |
model_args.num_train_epochs = model_config['num_train_epochs'] | |
model_args.train_batch_size = model_config['train_batch_size'] | |
model_args.eval_batch_size = model_config['eval_batch_size'] | |
model_args.overwrite_output_dir = model_config['overwrite_output_dir'] | |
model_args.fp16 = model_config['fp16'] | |
model_args.do_lower_case = model_config['do_lower_case'] | |
# Create a ClassificationModel | |
model_detail = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['parameters']['model_types'] | |
class_names = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['parameters']['class_names'][train_type] | |
if use_existing_model: | |
model = ClassificationModel(model_type, model_name, num_labels=len(class_names), args=model_args, use_cuda=False) | |
else: | |
model = ClassificationModel(model_type, model_detail[model_type], num_labels=len(class_names), args=model_args, use_cuda=False) | |
# Train the model | |
model.train_model(train_df) | |
# Evaluate the model | |
result, model_outputs, wrong_predictions = model.eval_model(test_df) | |
preds = np.argmax(model_outputs, axis=1) | |
class_report =classification_report(test_df[label_column], preds, target_names=class_names) | |
return model, preds, class_report, train_df, test_df, class_names | |
def save_model(model, model_name): | |
""" | |
This function saves the model. | |
:param model: simpletransformers.classification.ClassificationModel, model | |
:param model_name: str, name of model | |
:return: None | |
""" | |
model.model.save_pretrained(model_name) | |
model.tokenizer.save_pretrained(model_name) | |
model.config.save_pretrained(model_name + '/') | |
print('Model saved to ' + model_name + '/') | |
def show_confusion_matrix(test_category, preds, class_names): | |
""" | |
This function shows the confusion matrix. | |
:param test_category: numpy.ndarray, array of category name | |
:param preds: numpy.ndarray, array of predictions | |
:param class_names: list, list of class names | |
:return: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, confusion matrix | |
""" | |
cm = confusion_matrix(test_category, preds) | |
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(cm, index=class_names, columns=class_names) | |
hmap = sns.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="Blues") | |
hmap.yaxis.set_ticklabels(hmap.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=0, ha='right') | |
hmap.xaxis.set_ticklabels(hmap.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=30, ha='right') | |
plt.ylabel('True Topics') | |
plt.xlabel('Predicted Topics') | |
def predict_proba(model,text): | |
""" | |
This function predicts the probability of each class (in a text form). | |
:param model: simpletransformers.classification.ClassificationModel, model | |
:param text: str, text to predict | |
:return: numpy.ndarray, array of probabilities | |
""" | |
proba = softmax(model.predict([text])[1])[0] | |
print('-----------------------------') | |
print('Text to Predict: ', text) | |
print('Probability of each class:') | |
print('Fertilizer: ', proba[0]) | |
print('Pesticide: ', proba[1]) | |
print('Others: ', proba[2]) | |
def predict_proba_array(model,text): | |
""" | |
This function predicts the probability of each class (in an array form). | |
:param model: simpletransformers.classification.ClassificationModel, model | |
:param text: str, text to predict | |
:return: numpy.ndarray, array of probabilities | |
""" | |
proba = softmax(model.predict([text])[1])[0] | |
return proba |