""" | |
This module implements a hyperparameter optimization routine for the embedding application. It utilizes TPE optimization from Optuna. | |
Each run, the optimizer will set the default values inside the hyperparameters. At the end, it will output the best ones it has found. | |
""" | |
import re | |
import json | |
import optuna | |
import gradio as gr | |
import numpy as np | |
import logging | |
import hashlib | |
logging.getLogger('optuna').setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
import extensions.superboogav2.parameters as parameters | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from .benchmark import benchmark | |
from .parameters import Parameters | |
from modules.logging_colors import logger | |
# Format the parameters into markdown format. | |
def _markdown_hyperparams(): | |
res = [] | |
for param_name, param_value in Parameters.getInstance().hyperparameters.items(): | |
# Escape any markdown syntax | |
param_name = re.sub(r"([_*\[\]()~`>#+-.!])", r"\\\1", param_name) | |
param_value_default = re.sub(r"([_*\[\]()~`>#+-.!])", r"\\\1", str(param_value['default'])) if param_value['default'] else ' ' | |
res.append('* {}: **{}**'.format(param_name, param_value_default)) | |
return '\n'.join(res) | |
# Convert numpy types to python types. | |
def _convert_np_types(params): | |
for key in params: | |
if type(params[key]) == np.bool_: | |
params[key] = bool(params[key]) | |
elif type(params[key]) == np.int64: | |
params[key] = int(params[key]) | |
elif type(params[key]) == np.float64: | |
params[key] = float(params[key]) | |
return params | |
# Set the default values for the hyperparameters. | |
def _set_hyperparameters(params): | |
for param_name, param_value in params.items(): | |
if param_name in Parameters.getInstance().hyperparameters: | |
Parameters.getInstance().hyperparameters[param_name]['default'] = param_value | |
# Check if the parameter is for optimization. | |
def _is_optimization_param(val): | |
is_opt = val.get('should_optimize', False) # Either does not exist or is false | |
return is_opt | |
# Create a hashable representation of the parameters | |
def _get_params_hash(params): | |
params_str = json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True) | |
return hashlib.sha256(params_str.encode()).hexdigest() | |
def optimize(collector, progress=gr.Progress()): | |
# Inform the user that something is happening. | |
progress(0, desc=f'Setting Up...') | |
# Track the current step | |
current_step = 0 | |
# Track the best score | |
best_score = 0 | |
# Dictionary for caching scores | |
scores_cache = {} | |
def objective_function(trial): | |
nonlocal current_step | |
nonlocal best_score | |
nonlocal scores_cache | |
params = {} | |
for key, val in Parameters.getInstance().hyperparameters.items(): | |
if _is_optimization_param(val): | |
params[key] = trial.suggest_categorical(key, val['categories']) | |
_set_hyperparameters(params) | |
params_hash = _get_params_hash(params) | |
# If the score for these parameters is in the cache, return it | |
if params_hash in scores_cache: | |
return scores_cache[params_hash] | |
# Benchmark the current set of parameters. | |
score, max_score = benchmark(Path("extensions/superboogav2/benchmark_texts/questions.json"), collector) | |
# Cache the score | |
scores_cache[params_hash] = score | |
result = json.dumps(_convert_np_types(params), indent=4) | |
result += f'\nScore: {score}/{max_score}' | |
logger.debug(result) | |
# Increment the current step | |
current_step += 1 | |
# Update the best score | |
best_score = max(best_score, score) | |
# Update the progress | |
progress(current_step / parameters.get_optimization_steps(), desc=f'Optimizing... {current_step}/{parameters.get_optimization_steps()}') | |
return -score | |
# Run the optimization. | |
study = optuna.create_study() | |
study.optimize(objective_function, n_trials=int(parameters.get_optimization_steps())) | |
best_params = study.best_params | |
_set_hyperparameters(best_params) | |
# Convert results to a markdown string. | |
str_result = f"## Best parameters:\n\n{_markdown_hyperparams()}\n\n## Score:\n\n{best_score}" | |
# Save to JSON file | |
with open('best_params.json', 'w') as fp: | |
json.dump(_convert_np_types(best_params), fp, indent=4) | |
return str_result |