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import time
import pandas as pd
import as px
import requests
import streamlit as st
import utils
_ = """
Proteins folded (delta 24hr)
Current proteins folding (24hr)
Average time to fold trend
Refolded proteins (group by run id and pdb id and get unique)
Simulation duration distribution
st.title('Folding Subnet Dashboard')
st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
def fetch_productivity_data():
return requests.get(f'{BASE_URL}/productivity').json()
def fetch_throughput_data():
return requests.get(f'{BASE_URL}/throughput').json()
def fetch_metagraph_data():
return utils.get_metagraph(time.time() // UPDATE_INTERVAL)
def fetch_leaderboard_data(df_m, ntop, entity_choice):
return utils.get_leaderboard(df_m, ntop=ntop, entity_choice=entity_choice)
#### ------ PRODUCTIVITY ------
# Overview of productivity
st.subheader('Productivity overview')'Productivity metrics show how many proteins have been folded, which is the primary goal of the subnet. Metrics are estimated using weights and biases data combined with heuristics.')
productivity_all = fetch_productivity_data()
completed_jobs = productivity_all['all_time']['total_completed_jobs']
productivity_24h = productivity_all['last_24h']
completed_jobs = pd.DataFrame(completed_jobs)
completed_jobs['last_event_at'] = pd.to_datetime(completed_jobs['updated_at'])
unique_folded = completed_jobs.drop_duplicates(subset=['pdb_id'], keep='first')
unique_folded['last_event_at'] = pd.to_datetime(unique_folded['updated_at'])
m1, m2, m3 = st.columns(3)
m1.metric('Unique proteins folded', f'{len(unique_folded):,.0f}', delta=f'{productivity_24h["unique_folded"]:,.0f} (24h)')
m2.metric('Total jobs completed', f'{len(completed_jobs):,.0f}', delta=f'{productivity_24h["total_completed_jobs"]:,.0f} (24h)')
m3.metric('Total simulations ran', f'{len(completed_jobs)*10:,.0f}', delta=f'{productivity_24h["total_completed_jobs"]*10:,.0f} (24h)')
st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
'Total jobs completed': 'total_pdbs',
'Unique proteins folded': 'unique_pdbs',
prod_choice_label ='Select productivity metric', list(PROD_CHOICES.keys()), index=0, horizontal=True)
prod_choice = PROD_CHOICES[prod_choice_label]
'unique_pdbs': unique_folded,
'total_pdbs': completed_jobs,
df = PROD_DATA[prod_choice]
df = df.sort_values(by='last_event_at').reset_index()
# Create a cumulative count column
df['cumulative_jobs'] = df.index + 1
# Plot the cumulative jobs over time
px.line(df, x='last_event_at', y='cumulative_jobs',
labels={'last_event_at': 'Time', 'cumulative_jobs': prod_choice_label}).update_traces(fill='tozeroy'),
st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
#### ------ THROUGHPUT ------
st.subheader('Throughput overview')'Throughput metrics show the total amount of data sent and received by the validators. This is a measure of the network activity and the amount of data that is being processed by the subnet.')
MEM_UNIT = 'GB''Select memory unit', ['TB','GB', 'MB'], index=0, horizontal=True)
throughput = fetch_throughput_data()
data_transferred = throughput['all_time']
data_transferred_24h = throughput['last_24h']
data_df = pd.DataFrame(throughput['data'])
data_df = data_df.sort_values(by='updated_at').reset_index()
data_df['updated_at'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['updated_at'])
data_df['Total validator data sent'] = data_df['md_inputs_sum'].cumsum()
data_df['Total received data'] = data_df['md_outputs_sum'].cumsum()
m1, m2, m3 = st.columns(3)
m1.metric(f'Total validator data sent ({MEM_UNIT})', f'{data_transferred["validator_sent"]:,.0f}', delta=f'{data_transferred_24h["validator_sent"]:,.0f} (24h)')
m2.metric(f'Total received data ({MEM_UNIT})', f'{data_transferred["miner_sent"]:,.0f}', delta=f'{data_transferred_24h["miner_sent"]:,.0f} (24h)')
m3.metric(f'Total transferred data ({MEM_UNIT})', f'{data_transferred["validator_sent"]+data_transferred["miner_sent"]:,.0f}', delta=f'{data_transferred_24h["validator_sent"]+data_transferred_24h["miner_sent"]:,.0f} (24h)')
px.line(data_df, x='updated_at', y=['Total validator data sent', 'Total received data'],
labels={'updated_at':'Time', 'value':f'Data Transferred ({MEM_UNIT})', 'variable':'Direction'},
st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
#### ------ LEADERBOARD ------
st.subheader('Leaderboard')'The leaderboard shows the top miners by incentive.')
m1, m2 = st.columns(2)
ntop = m1.slider('Number of top miners to display', value=10, min_value=3, max_value=50, step=1)
entity_choice ='Select entity', utils.ENTITY_CHOICES, index=0, horizontal=True)
df_m = fetch_metagraph_data()
df_miners = fetch_leaderboard_data(df_m, ntop=ntop, entity_choice=entity_choice)
# hide colorbar and don't show y axis
st.plotly_chart(, x='I', color='I', hover_name=entity_choice, text=entity_choice if ntop < 20 else None,
labels={'I':'Incentive', 'trust':'Trust', 'stake':'Stake', '_index':'Rank'},
).update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False, yaxis_visible=False),
with st.expander('Show raw metagraph data'):
st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
#### ------ LOGGED RUNS ------
# st.subheader('Logged runs')
#'The timeline shows the creation and last event time of each run.')
# st.plotly_chart(
# px.timeline(df, x_start='created_at', x_end='last_event_at', y='username', color='state',
# labels={'created_at':'Created at', 'last_event_at':'Last event at', 'username':''},
# ),
# use_container_width=True
# )
# with st.expander('Show raw run data'):
# st.dataframe(df) |