import json import os import re from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import CommitScheduler, HfApi from huggingface_hub.utils import HfHubHTTPError HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") JSON_DATASET_DIR = Path("dataset") JSON_DATASET_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) JSON_DATASET_PATH = JSON_DATASET_DIR / "dataset.jsonl" scheduler = CommitScheduler( repo_id="librarian-bots/collection_cloner-usage-stats", repo_type="dataset", folder_path=JSON_DATASET_DIR, path_in_repo=str(JSON_DATASET_PATH), token=HF_TOKEN, ) def save_json(source_slug: str, destination_slug: str) -> None: with scheduler.lock: with"a") as f: if source_slug.startswith("hf_"): # catch people accidentally adding tokens return None if destination_slug.startswith("hf_"): return None json.dump( { "source_collection": source_slug, "destination_collection": destination_slug, "datetime":, }, f, ) f.write("\n") def extract_slug(url): pattern = r"https://huggingface\.co/collections/(.*)" return if (match :=, url)) else None def clone_collection( source_slug, dest_title, token, dest_namespace=None, private=False, exist_ok=False ): api = HfApi(token=token) source_slug = source_slug.strip() # check if formatted as url if source_slug.startswith(""): source_slug = extract_slug(source_slug) collection = api.get_collection(source_slug) if not collection: raise gr.Error( f"Collection {source_slug} does not exist or you do not have access to it." ) description = f"Copied from {collection.title} using" if dest_namespace == "username": dest_namespace = None new_collection = api.create_collection( dest_title, namespace=dest_namespace, exists_ok=exist_ok, private=private, description=description, token=token, ) for item in collection.items: try: api.add_collection_item( new_collection.slug, item.item_id, item_type=item.item_type ) except HfHubHTTPError as e: gr.Info( f"Failed to add item {item.item_id} to collection {new_collection.slug} because it already exists in this collection." ) if not private: save_json(collection.slug, new_collection.slug) return f"[Collection]({collection.url}) has been cloned into [{new_collection.slug}]({new_collection.url})" title = ( """

🧬 Collection Cloner 🧬

""" ) with gr.Blocks(css="style.css") as demo: gr.HTML(title) gr.HTML( """

This space allows you to clone a Collection from the Hugging Face Hub into your own namespace.

You can edit this cloned Collection to your liking!

""" ) gr.Markdown( """ **Note**: To track interest in this feature this Space keeps a record of clones which are cloned into public collection. Clones into private Collections are not tracked.""" ) gr.Markdown("## Authentication") gr.Markdown( "Token is required to create a new collection and clone private collections. You can get your token from your [profile page](" ) with gr.Row(): token = gr.Textbox( label="Token", type="password", ) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("## Source Collection") source_slug = gr.Textbox( label="Source Collection slug or URL", placeholder="e.g. username/collection-slug", ) gr.Markdown("## Destination Collection info") dest_title = gr.Textbox( label="Destination Title", ) dest_namespace = gr.Textbox( value="username", label="Destination Namespace (optional - defaults to your username))", interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): private = gr.Checkbox( False, label="Make new collection private?", ) overwrite = gr.Checkbox( False, label="Overwrite any collection with same slug as the destination?", ) submit_btn = gr.Button("Clone Collection") response = gr.Markdown() clone_collection, [ source_slug, dest_title, token, dest_namespace, private, overwrite, ], response, ) demo.launch()