{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "2023-06-15 21:45:58.717469: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:182] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.\n", "To enable the following instructions: AVX2 FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "import numpy\n", "from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n", "from typing import List, Dict\n", "from collections import Counter\n", "from pprint import pprint\n", "\n", "import seaborn as sns\n", "sns.set_style(\"darkgrid\")\n", "sns.set_palette(\"mako\")\n", "\n", "import spacy\n", "from spacy.lang.en import English\n", "from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n", "\n", "nlp = English()\n", "\n", "pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:.2f}'.format)\n", "# sns.color_palette(\"rocket\", as_cmap=True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "df_raw = pd.read_parquet(\"/Users/luis.morales/Desktop/arxiv-paper-recommender/data/processed/arxiv_papers_raw.parquet.gzip\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
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0 | \n", "0704.0001 | \n", "Pavel Nadolsky | \n", "C. Bal\\'azs, E. L. Berger, P. M. Nadolsky, C.-... | \n", "Calculation of prompt diphoton production cros... | \n", "37 pages, 15 figures; published version | \n", "Phys.Rev.D76:013009,2007 | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevD.76.013009 | \n", "ANL-HEP-PR-07-12 | \n", "hep-ph | \n", "None | \n", "A fully differential calculation in perturba... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 2 Apr 2007 19:18:42 GMT', '... | \n", "2008-11-26 | \n", "[[Balázs, C., ], [Berger, E. L., ], [Nadolsky,... | \n", "
1 | \n", "0704.0002 | \n", "Louis Theran | \n", "Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran | \n", "Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions | \n", "To appear in Graphs and Combinatorics | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO cs.CG | \n", "http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib... | \n", "We describe a new algorithm, the $(k,\\ell)$-... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:26:18 GMT', ... | \n", "2008-12-13 | \n", "[[Streinu, Ileana, ], [Theran, Louis, ]] | \n", "
2 | \n", "0704.0003 | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "The evolution of the Earth-Moon system based o... | \n", "23 pages, 3 figures | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "physics.gen-ph | \n", "None | \n", "The evolution of Earth-Moon system is descri... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sun, 1 Apr 2007 20:46:54 GMT', '... | \n", "2008-01-13 | \n", "[[Pan, Hongjun, ]] | \n", "
3 | \n", "0704.0004 | \n", "David Callan | \n", "David Callan | \n", "A determinant of Stirling cycle numbers counts... | \n", "11 pages | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO | \n", "None | \n", "We show that a determinant of Stirling cycle... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:16:14 GMT', ... | \n", "2007-05-23 | \n", "[[Callan, David, ]] | \n", "
4 | \n", "0704.0005 | \n", "Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "Wael Abu-Shammala and Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "From dyadic $\\Lambda_{\\alpha}$ to $\\Lambda_{\\a... | \n", "None | \n", "Illinois J. Math. 52 (2008) no.2, 681-689 | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CA math.FA | \n", "None | \n", "In this paper we show how to compute the $\\L... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 2 Apr 2007 18:09:58 GMT', '... | \n", "2013-10-15 | \n", "[[Abu-Shammala, Wael, ], [Torchinsky, Alberto, ]] | \n", "
... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "
2268247 | \n", "supr-con/9608008 | \n", "Ruslan Prozorov | \n", "R. Prozorov, M. Konczykowski, B. Schmidt, Y. Y... | \n", "On the origin of the irreversibility line in t... | \n", "19 pages, LaTex, 6 PostScript figures; Author'... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevB.54.15530 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "We report on measurements of the angular dep... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 26 Aug 1996 15:08:35 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Prozorov, R., ], [Konczykowski, M., ], [Schm... | \n", "
2268248 | \n", "supr-con/9609001 | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury, Balam A. Willemsen, John S... | \n", "Nonlinear Response of HTSC Thin Film Microwave... | \n", "4 pages, LaTeX type, Uses IEEE style files, 60... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1109/77.620744 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The non-linear microwave surface impedance o... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Aug 1996 17:34:38 GMT', ... | \n", "2016-11-18 | \n", "[[Choudhury, Durga P., , Physics Department, N... | \n", "
2268249 | \n", "supr-con/9609002 | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury | \n", "Balam A. Willemsen, J. S. Derov and S.Sridhar ... | \n", "Critical State Flux Penetration and Linear Mic... | \n", "20 pages, LaTeX type, Uses REVTeX style files,... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevB.56.11989 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The vortex contribution to the dc field (H) ... | \n", "[{'created': 'Tue, 3 Sep 1996 14:08:26 GMT', '... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Willemsen, Balam A., , Physics Department,\\n... | \n", "
2268250 | \n", "supr-con/9609003 | \n", "Hasegawa Yasumasa | \n", "Yasumasa Hasegawa (Himeji Institute of Technol... | \n", "Density of States and NMR Relaxation Rate in A... | \n", "7 pages, 4 PostScript Figures, LaTeX, to appea... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1143/JPSJ.65.3131 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "We show that the density of states in an ani... | \n", "[{'created': 'Wed, 18 Sep 1996 07:57:29 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Hasegawa, Yasumasa, , Himeji Institute of Te... | \n", "
2268251 | \n", "supr-con/9609004 | \n", "Masanori Ichioka | \n", "Naoki Enomoto, Masanori Ichioka and Kazushige ... | \n", "Ginzburg Landau theory for d-wave pairing and ... | \n", "12 pages including 8 eps figs, LaTeX with jpsj... | \n", "J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66, 204 (1997). | \n", "10.1143/JPSJ.66.204 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The Ginzburg Landau theory for d_{x^2-y^2}-w... | \n", "[{'created': 'Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:17:09 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Enomoto, Naoki, , Okayama Univ.], [Ichioka, ... | \n", "
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0 | \n", "0704.0001 | \n", "Pavel Nadolsky | \n", "C. Bal\\'azs, E. L. Berger, P. M. Nadolsky, C.-... | \n", "Calculation of prompt diphoton production cros... | \n", "37 pages, 15 figures; published version | \n", "Phys.Rev.D76:013009,2007 | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevD.76.013009 | \n", "ANL-HEP-PR-07-12 | \n", "hep-ph | \n", "None | \n", "A fully differential calculation in perturba... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 2 Apr 2007 19:18:42 GMT', '... | \n", "2008-11-26 | \n", "[[Balázs, C., ], [Berger, E. L., ], [Nadolsky,... | \n", "
1 | \n", "0704.0002 | \n", "Louis Theran | \n", "Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran | \n", "Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions | \n", "To appear in Graphs and Combinatorics | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO cs.CG | \n", "http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib... | \n", "We describe a new algorithm, the $(k,\\ell)$-... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:26:18 GMT', ... | \n", "2008-12-13 | \n", "[[Streinu, Ileana, ], [Theran, Louis, ]] | \n", "
2 | \n", "0704.0003 | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "The evolution of the Earth-Moon system based o... | \n", "23 pages, 3 figures | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "physics.gen-ph | \n", "None | \n", "The evolution of Earth-Moon system is descri... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sun, 1 Apr 2007 20:46:54 GMT', '... | \n", "2008-01-13 | \n", "[[Pan, Hongjun, ]] | \n", "
3 | \n", "0704.0004 | \n", "David Callan | \n", "David Callan | \n", "A determinant of Stirling cycle numbers counts... | \n", "11 pages | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO | \n", "None | \n", "We show that a determinant of Stirling cycle... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:16:14 GMT', ... | \n", "2007-05-23 | \n", "[[Callan, David, ]] | \n", "
4 | \n", "0704.0005 | \n", "Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "Wael Abu-Shammala and Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "From dyadic $\\Lambda_{\\alpha}$ to $\\Lambda_{\\a... | \n", "None | \n", "Illinois J. Math. 52 (2008) no.2, 681-689 | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CA math.FA | \n", "None | \n", "In this paper we show how to compute the $\\L... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 2 Apr 2007 18:09:58 GMT', '... | \n", "2013-10-15 | \n", "[[Abu-Shammala, Wael, ], [Torchinsky, Alberto, ]] | \n", "
... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "... | \n", "
2268247 | \n", "supr-con/9608008 | \n", "Ruslan Prozorov | \n", "R. Prozorov, M. Konczykowski, B. Schmidt, Y. Y... | \n", "On the origin of the irreversibility line in t... | \n", "19 pages, LaTex, 6 PostScript figures; Author'... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevB.54.15530 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "We report on measurements of the angular dep... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 26 Aug 1996 15:08:35 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Prozorov, R., ], [Konczykowski, M., ], [Schm... | \n", "
2268248 | \n", "supr-con/9609001 | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury, Balam A. Willemsen, John S... | \n", "Nonlinear Response of HTSC Thin Film Microwave... | \n", "4 pages, LaTeX type, Uses IEEE style files, 60... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1109/77.620744 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The non-linear microwave surface impedance o... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Aug 1996 17:34:38 GMT', ... | \n", "2016-11-18 | \n", "[[Choudhury, Durga P., , Physics Department, N... | \n", "
2268249 | \n", "supr-con/9609002 | \n", "Durga P. Choudhury | \n", "Balam A. Willemsen, J. S. Derov and S.Sridhar ... | \n", "Critical State Flux Penetration and Linear Mic... | \n", "20 pages, LaTeX type, Uses REVTeX style files,... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1103/PhysRevB.56.11989 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The vortex contribution to the dc field (H) ... | \n", "[{'created': 'Tue, 3 Sep 1996 14:08:26 GMT', '... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Willemsen, Balam A., , Physics Department,\\n... | \n", "
2268250 | \n", "supr-con/9609003 | \n", "Hasegawa Yasumasa | \n", "Yasumasa Hasegawa (Himeji Institute of Technol... | \n", "Density of States and NMR Relaxation Rate in A... | \n", "7 pages, 4 PostScript Figures, LaTeX, to appea... | \n", "None | \n", "10.1143/JPSJ.65.3131 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "We show that the density of states in an ani... | \n", "[{'created': 'Wed, 18 Sep 1996 07:57:29 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Hasegawa, Yasumasa, , Himeji Institute of Te... | \n", "
2268251 | \n", "supr-con/9609004 | \n", "Masanori Ichioka | \n", "Naoki Enomoto, Masanori Ichioka and Kazushige ... | \n", "Ginzburg Landau theory for d-wave pairing and ... | \n", "12 pages including 8 eps figs, LaTeX with jpsj... | \n", "J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66, 204 (1997). | \n", "10.1143/JPSJ.66.204 | \n", "None | \n", "supr-con cond-mat.supr-con | \n", "None | \n", "The Ginzburg Landau theory for d_{x^2-y^2}-w... | \n", "[{'created': 'Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:17:09 GMT', ... | \n", "2009-10-30 | \n", "[[Enomoto, Naoki, , Okayama Univ.], [Ichioka, ... | \n", "
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1 | \n", "0704.0002 | \n", "Louis Theran | \n", "Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran | \n", "Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions | \n", "To appear in Graphs and Combinatorics | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO cs.CG | \n", "http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib... | \n", "We describe a new algorithm, the $(k,\\ell)$-... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:26:18 GMT', ... | \n", "2008-12-13 | \n", "[[Streinu, Ileana, ], [Theran, Louis, ]] | \n", "798 | \n", "
2 | \n", "0704.0003 | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "Hongjun Pan | \n", "The evolution of the Earth-Moon system based o... | \n", "23 pages, 3 figures | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "physics.gen-ph | \n", "None | \n", "The evolution of Earth-Moon system is descri... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sun, 1 Apr 2007 20:46:54 GMT', '... | \n", "2008-01-13 | \n", "[[Pan, Hongjun, ]] | \n", "880 | \n", "
3 | \n", "0704.0004 | \n", "David Callan | \n", "David Callan | \n", "A determinant of Stirling cycle numbers counts... | \n", "11 pages | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CO | \n", "None | \n", "We show that a determinant of Stirling cycle... | \n", "[{'created': 'Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:16:14 GMT', ... | \n", "2007-05-23 | \n", "[[Callan, David, ]] | \n", "248 | \n", "
4 | \n", "0704.0005 | \n", "Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "Wael Abu-Shammala and Alberto Torchinsky | \n", "From dyadic $\\Lambda_{\\alpha}$ to $\\Lambda_{\\a... | \n", "None | \n", "Illinois J. Math. 52 (2008) no.2, 681-689 | \n", "None | \n", "None | \n", "math.CA math.FA | \n", "None | \n", "In this paper we show how to compute the $\\L... | \n", "[{'created': 'Mon, 2 Apr 2007 18:09:58 GMT', '... | \n", "2013-10-15 | \n", "[[Abu-Shammala, Wael, ], [Torchinsky, Alberto, ]] | \n", "223 | \n", "
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~ 0.2 M_solar/yr.\n", " The DLA in UM 673A is metal-poor, with an overall metallicity Z_DLA ~ 1/30\n", " Z_solar, and has a very low internal velocity dispersion. It exhibits some\n", " apparent peculiarities in its detailed chemical composition, with the elements\n", " Ti, Ni, and Zn being deficient relative to Fe by factors of 2-3. The [Zn/Fe]\n", " ratio is lower than those measured in any other DLA or Galactic halo star,\n", " presumably reflecting somewhat unusual previous enrichment by stellar\n", " nucleosynthesis. We discuss the implications of these results for the nature of\n", " the galaxy hosting the DLA.,\n", " Rate adaptation and transmission power control in 802.11 WLANs have received\n", " a lot of attention from the research community, with most of the proposals\n", " aiming at maximising throughput based on network conditions. Considering energy\n", " consumption, an implicit assumption is that optimality in throughput implies\n", " optimality in energy efficiency, but this assumption has been recently put into\n", " question. In this paper, we address via analysis, simulation and\n", " experimentation the relation between throughput performance and energy\n", " efficiency in multi-rate 802.11 scenarios. We demonstrate the trade-off between\n", " these performance figures, confirming that they may not be simultaneously\n", " optimised, and analyse their sensitivity towards the energy consumption\n", " parameters of the device. We analyse this trade-off in existing rate adaptation\n", " with transmission power control algorithms, and discuss how to design novel\n", " schemes taking energy consumption into account.,\n", " The ability for a moving agent to localize itself in environment is the basic\n", " demand for emerging applications, such as autonomous driving, etc. Many\n", " existing methods based on multiple sensors still suffer from drift. We propose\n", " a scheme that fuses map prior and vanishing points from images, which can\n", " establish an energy term that is only constrained on rotation, called the\n", " direction projection error. Then we embed these direction priors into a\n", " visual-LiDAR SLAM system that integrates camera and LiDAR measurements in a\n", " tightly-coupled way at backend. Specifically, our method generates visual\n", " reprojection error and point to Implicit Moving Least Square(IMLS) surface of\n", " scan constraints, and solves them jointly along with direction projection error\n", " at global optimization. Experiments on KITTI, KITTI-360 and Oxford Radar\n", " Robotcar show that we achieve lower localization error or Absolute Pose Error\n", " (APE) than prior map, which validates our method is effective.,\n", " Young giant exoplanets emit infrared radiation that can be linearly polarized\n", " up to several percent. This linear polarization can trace: 1) the presence of\n", " atmospheric cloud and haze layers, 2) spatial structure, e.g. cloud bands and\n", " rotational flattening, 3) the spin axis orientation and 4) particle sizes and\n", " cloud top pressure. We introduce a novel high-contrast imaging scheme that\n", " combines angular differential imaging (ADI) and accurate near-infrared\n", " polarimetry to characterize self-luminous giant exoplanets. We implemented this\n", " technique at VLT/SPHERE-IRDIS and developed the corresponding observing\n", " strategies, the polarization calibration and the data-reduction approaches. By\n", " combining ADI and polarimetry we can characterize planets that can be directly\n", " imaged with a very high signal-to-noise ratio. We use the IRDIS pupil-tracking\n", " mode and combine ADI and principal component analysis to reduce speckle noise.\n", " We take advantage of IRDIS' dual-beam polarimetric mode to eliminate\n", " differential effects that severely limit the polarimetric sensitivity\n", " (flat-fielding errors, differential aberrations and seeing), and thus further\n", " suppress speckle noise. To correct for instrumental polarization effects, we\n", " apply a detailed Mueller matrix model that describes the telescope and\n", " instrument and that has an absolute polarimetric accuracy $\\leq0.1\\%$. Using\n", " this technique we have observed the planets of HR 8799 and the (sub-stellar)\n", " companion PZ Tel B. Unfortunately, we do not detect a polarization signal in a\n", " first analysis. We estimate preliminary $1\\sigma$ upper limits on the degree of\n", " linear polarization of $\\sim1\\%$ and $\\sim0.1\\%$ for the planets of HR 8799 and\n", " PZ Tel B, respectively. The achieved sub-percent sensitivity and accuracy show\n", " that our technique has great promise for characterizing exoplanets through\n", " direct-imaging polarimetry.,\n", " XTE J1810-197 is the first transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar ever discovered.\n", " Its highly variable X-ray flux allowed us to study the timing and spectral\n", " emission properties of a magnetar candidate over a flux range of about two\n", " orders of magnitude. We analyzed nine XMM-Newton observations of XTE J1810-197\n", " collected over a four years baseline (September 2003 - September 2007). EPIC PN\n", " and MOS data were reduced and used for detailed timing and spectral analysis.\n", " Pulse phase spectroscopic studies were also carried out for observations with\n", " sufficiently high signal to noise. We find that: (i) a three blackbodies model\n", " reproduces the spectral properties of the source over the entire outburst\n", " statistically better than the two blackbodies model previously used in the\n", " literature, (ii) the coldest blackbody is consistent with the thermal emission\n", " from the whole surface, and has temperature and radius similar to those\n", " inferred from ROSAT observations before the outburst onset, (iii) there is a\n", " spectral feature around 1.1 keV during six consecutive observations (since\n", " March 2005); if due to proton resonant cyclotron scattering, it would imply a\n", " magnetic field of around 2E14 G. This is in a very good agreement with the\n", " value from the spin period measurements.,\n", " Nanophotonic devices seek to generate, guide, and/or detect light using\n", " structures whose nanoscale dimensions are closely tied to their functionality.\n", " Semiconducting nanowires, grown with tailored optoelectronic properties, have\n", " been successfully placed into devices for a variety of applications. However,\n", " the integration of photonic nanostructures with electronic circuitry has always\n", " been one of the most challenging aspects of device development. Here we report\n", " the development of rewritable nanoscale photodetectors created at the interface\n", " between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. Nanowire junctions with characteristic dimensions\n", " 2-3 nm are created using a reversible AFM writing technique. These nanoscale\n", " devices exhibit a remarkably high gain for their size, in part because of the\n", " large electric fields produced in the gap region. The photoconductive response\n", " is gate-tunable and spans the visible-to-near-infrared regime. The ability to\n", " integrate rewritable nanoscale photodetectors with nanowires and transistors in\n", " a single materials platform foreshadows new families of integrated\n", " optoelectronic devices and applications.,\n", " Sensing the fluid flow around an arbitrary geometry entails extrapolating\n", " from the physical quantities perceived at its surface in order to reconstruct\n", " the features of the surrounding fluid. This is a challenging inverse problem,\n", " yet one that if solved could have a significant impact on many engineering\n", " applications. The exploitation of such an inverse logic has gained interest in\n", " recent years with the advent of widely available cheap but capable MEMS-based\n", " sensors. When combined with novel data-driven methods, these sensors may allow\n", " for flow reconstruction around immersed structures, benefiting applications\n", " such as unmanned airborne/underwater vehicle path planning or control and\n", " structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades. In this work, we train\n", " deep reversible Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to perform flow sensing (flow\n", " reconstruction) around two-dimensional aerodynamic shapes: airfoils. Motivated\n", " by recent work, which has shown that GNNs can be powerful alternatives to\n", " mesh-based forward physics simulators, we implement a Message-Passing Neural\n", " Network to simultaneously reconstruct both the pressure and velocity fields\n", " surrounding simulated airfoils based on their surface pressure distributions,\n", " whilst additionally gathering useful farfield properties in the form of context\n", " vectors. We generate a unique dataset of Computational Fluid Dynamics\n", " simulations by simulating random, yet meaningful combinations of input boundary\n", " conditions and airfoil shapes. We show that despite the challenges associated\n", " with reconstructing the flow around arbitrary airfoil geometries in high\n", " Reynolds turbulent inflow conditions, our framework is able to generalize well\n", " to unseen cases.,\n", " In this paper, we investigate the ideal structure of uniform Roe algebras for\n", " general metric spaces beyond the scope of Yu's property A. Inspired by the\n", " ideal of ghost operators coming from expander graphs and in contrast to the\n", " notion of geometric ideal, we introduce a notion of ghostly ideal in a uniform\n", " Roe algebra, whose elements are locally invisible in certain directions at\n", " infinity. We show that the geometric ideal and the ghostly ideal are\n", " respectively the smallest and the largest element in the lattice of ideals with\n", " a common invariant open subset of the unit space of the coarse groupoid by\n", " Skandalis-Tu-Yu, and hence the study of ideal structure can be reduced to\n", " classifying ideals between the geometric and the ghostly ones. As an\n", " application, we provide a concrete description for the maximal ideals in a\n", " uniform Roe algebra in terms of the minimal points in the Stone-\\v{C}ech\n", " boundary of the space. We also provide a criterion to ensure that the geometric\n", " and the ghostly ideals have the same $K$-theory, which helps to recover\n", " counterexamples to the Baum-Connes type conjectures. Moreover, we introduce a\n", " notion of partial Property A for a metric space to characterise the situation\n", " in which the geometric ideal coincides with the ghostly ideal.,\n", " In mathematical population genetics, it is well known that one can represent\n", " the genealogy of a population by a tree, which indicates how the ancestral\n", " lines of individuals in the population coalesce as they are traced back in\n", " time. As the population evolves over time, the tree that represents the\n", " genealogy of the population also changes, leading to a tree-valued stochastic\n", " process known as the evolving coalescent. Here we will consider the evolving\n", " coalescent for populations whose genealogy can be described by a beta\n", " coalescent, which is known to give the genealogy of populations with very large\n", " family sizes. We show that as the size of the population tends to infinity, the\n", " evolution of certain functionals of the beta coalescent, such as the total\n", " number of mergers, the total branch length, and the total length of external\n", " branches, converges to a stationary stable process. Our methods also lead to\n", " new proofs of known asymptotic results for certain functionals of the\n", " non-evolving beta coalescent.,\n", " Robotic applications require both correct task performance and compensation\n", " for undefined behaviors. Although deep learning is a promising approach to\n", " perform complex tasks, the response to undefined behaviors that are not\n", " reflected in the training dataset remains challenging. In a human-robot\n", " collaborative task, the robot may adopt an unexpected posture due to collisions\n", " and other unexpected events. Therefore, robots should be able to recover from\n", " disturbances for completing the execution of the intended task. We propose a\n", " compensation method for undefined behaviors by switching between two\n", " controllers. Specifically, the proposed method switches between learning-based\n", " and model-based controllers depending on the internal representation of a\n", " recurrent neural network that learns task dynamics. We applied the proposed\n", " method to a pick-and-place task and evaluated the compensation for undefined\n", " behaviors. Experimental results from simulations and on a real robot\n", " demonstrate the effectiveness and high performance of the proposed method.,\n", " Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\\mathbb{Q}$ and $A$ be another elliptic\n", " curve over a real quadratic number field. We construct a $\\mathbb{Q}$-motive of\n", " rank $8$, together with a distinguished class in the associated Bloch-Kato\n", " Selmer group, using Hirzebruch-Zagier cycles, that is, graphs of\n", " Hirzebruch-Zagier morphisms. We show that, under certain assumptions on $E$ and\n", " $A$, the non-vanishing of the central critical value of the (twisted) triple\n", " product $L$-function attached to $(E,A)$ implies that the dimension of the\n", " associated Bloch-Kato Selmer group of the motive is $0$; and the non-vanishing\n", " of the distinguished class implies that the dimension of the associated\n", " Bloch-Kato Selmer group of the motive is $1$. This can be viewed as the triple\n", " product version of Kolyvagin's work on bounding Selmer groups of a single\n", " elliptic curve using Heegner points.,\n", " With the ever-increasing cases of hate spread on social media platforms, it\n", " is critical to design abuse detection mechanisms to proactively avoid and\n", " control such incidents. While there exist methods for hate speech detection,\n", " they stereotype words and hence suffer from inherently biased training. Bias\n", " removal has been traditionally studied for structured datasets, but we aim at\n", " bias mitigation from unstructured text data. In this paper, we make two\n", " important contributions. First, we systematically design methods to quantify\n", " the bias for any model and propose algorithms for identifying the set of words\n", " which the model stereotypes. Second, we propose novel methods leveraging\n", " knowledge-based generalizations for bias-free learning. Knowledge-based\n", " generalization provides an effective way to encode knowledge because the\n", " abstraction they provide not only generalizes content but also facilitates\n", " retraction of information from the hate speech detection classifier, thereby\n", " reducing the imbalance. We experiment with multiple knowledge generalization\n", " policies and analyze their effect on general performance and in mitigating\n", " bias. Our experiments with two real-world datasets, a Wikipedia Talk Pages\n", " dataset (WikiDetox) of size ~96k and a Twitter dataset of size ~24k, show that\n", " the use of knowledge-based generalizations results in better performance by\n", " forcing the classifier to learn from generalized content. Our methods utilize\n", " existing knowledge-bases and can easily be extended to other tasks,\n", " We present the results of the Machine Reading for Question Answering (MRQA)\n", " 2019 shared task on evaluating the generalization capabilities of reading\n", " comprehension systems. In this task, we adapted and unified 18 distinct\n", " question answering datasets into the same format. Among them, six datasets were\n", " made available for training, six datasets were made available for development,\n", " and the final six were hidden for final evaluation. Ten teams submitted\n", " systems, which explored various ideas including data sampling, multi-task\n", " learning, adversarial training and ensembling. The best system achieved an\n", " average F1 score of 72.5 on the 12 held-out datasets, 10.7 absolute points\n", " higher than our initial baseline based on BERT.,\n", " Current phylogenetic comparative methods generally employ the\n", " Ornstein-Uhlenbeck(OU) process for modeling trait evolution. Being able of\n", " tracking the optimum of a trait within a group of related species, the OU\n", " process provides information about the stabilizing selection where the\n", " population mean adopts a particular trait value. The optima of a trait may\n", " follow certain stochastic dynamics along the evolutionary history. In this\n", " paper, we extend the current framework by adopting a rate of evolution which\n", " behave according to pertinent stochastic dynamics. The novel model is applied\n", " to analyze about 225 datasets collected from the existing literature. Results\n", " validate that the new framework provides a better fit for the majority of these\n", " datasets.,\n", " Properties of 2-dimensional generalizations of sine functions that are\n", " symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to permutation of their two variables\n", " are described. It is shown that the functions are orthogonal when integrated\n", " over a finite region $F$ of the real Euclidean space, and that they are\n", " discretely orthogonal when summed up over a lattice of any density in $F$.\n", " Decomposability of the products of functions into their sums is shown by\n", " explicitly decomposing products of all types. The formalism is set up for\n", " Fourier-like expansions of digital data over 2-dimensional lattices in $F$.\n", " Continuous interpolation of digital data is studied.,\n", " We study the concept of cone metric space in the context of ordered vector\n", " spaces by setting up a general and natural framework for it.,\n", " It is shown that explanations of atmospheric neutrino anomaly other than\n", " $\\nu_\\mu - \\nu_\\tau oscillations (e.g. decay, decoherence and $\\nu_\\mu -\n", " \\nu_\\tau - \\nu_{KK}$ mixing) can be tested at future facilities. Stringent\n", " tests of CPT invariance in neutrino oscillations can also be performed.,\n", " We analyze the dispersions of distributed lossless source coding (the\n", " Slepian-Wolf problem), the multiple-access channel and the asymmetric broadcast\n", " channel. For the two-encoder Slepian-Wolf problem, we introduce a quantity\n", " known as the entropy dispersion matrix, which is analogous to the scalar\n", " dispersions that have gained interest recently. We prove a global dispersion\n", " result that can be expressed in terms of this entropy dispersion matrix and\n", " provides intuition on the approximate rate losses at a given blocklength and\n", " error probability. To gain better intuition about the rate at which the\n", " non-asymptotic rate region converges to the Slepian-Wolf boundary, we define\n", " and characterize two operational dispersions: the local dispersion and the\n", " weighted sum-rate dispersion. The former represents the rate of convergence to\n", " a point on the Slepian-Wolf boundary while the latter represents the fastest\n", " rate for which a weighted sum of the two rates converges to its asymptotic\n", " fundamental limit. Interestingly, when we approach either of the two corner\n", " points, the local dispersion is characterized not by a univariate Gaussian but\n", " a bivariate one as well as a subset of off-diagonal elements of the\n", " aforementioned entropy dispersion matrix. Finally, we demonstrate the\n", " versatility of our achievability proof technique by providing inner bounds for\n", " the multiple-access channel and the asymmetric broadcast channel in terms of\n", " dispersion matrices. All our proofs are unified a so-called vector rate\n", " redundancy theorem which is proved using the multidimensional Berry-Esseen\n", " theorem.,\n", " A summary of recent progress in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at the\n", " two-loop level is given. A short introduction to ChPT is included, along with\n", " an explanation of the usefulness of developing ChPT for partially quenched QCD.\n", " Further, our recent work in partially quenched ChPT is reviewed, and a few\n", " comments are given on older work in mesonic ChPT at the two-loop level. In\n", " particular, we quote the present best values for the low-energy constants of\n", " the $\\mathcal{O}(p^4)$ chiral Lagrangian.,\n", " We study the behaviour of multiple radiative cooling algorithms implemented\n", " in seven Semi-Analytic Models (SAMs) of galaxy formation, including a new model\n", " we propose in this paper. We use versions of the models without feedback and\n", " apply them to dark matter haloes growing in a cosmological context, which have\n", " final masses that range from 10^{11}Msun to 10^{14}Msun. First, using\n", " simplified smoothly-growing halo models, we demonstrate that the different\n", " algorithms predict cooling rates and final cold gas masses that differ by a\n", " factor of ~5 for massive haloes (>10^{12}Msun). The algorithms are in better\n", " agreement for less massive haloes because they cool efficiently and, therefore,\n", " their cooling rates are largely limited by the halo accretion rate. However,\n", " for less massive haloes, all the SAMs predict less cooling than corresponding\n", " 1D hydrodynamic models. Second, we study the gas accretion history of the\n", " central galaxies of dark matter haloes using merger trees. The inclusion of\n", " mergers alters the cooling history of haloes by locking up gas in galaxies\n", " within small haloes at early times. For realistic halo models, the dispersion\n", " in the cold gas mass predicted by the algorithms is 0.5 dex for high mass\n", " haloes and 0.1 dex for low mass haloes, while the dispersion in the accretion\n", " rate is about two times larger. Comparing to cosmological SPH simulations, we\n", " find that most SAMs systematically under-predict the gas accretion rates for\n", " low-mass haloes but over-predict the gas accretion rates for massive haloes.\n", " Although the models all include both \"rapid\" and \"slow\" mode accretion, the\n", " transition between the two accretion modes varies between models and also\n", " differs from the simulations. Finally, we construct a new model that explicitly\n", " incorporates cold halo gas to illustrate that such a class of models can better\n", " match the results from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations.,\n", " We explore the dynamical transport of an impurity between different embedding\n", " majority species which are spatially separated in a double well. The transfer\n", " and storage of the impurity is triggered by dynamically changing the\n", " interaction strengths between the impurity and the two majority species. We\n", " find a simple but efficient protocol consisting of linear ramps of\n", " majority-impurity interactions at designated times to pin or unpin the\n", " impurity. Our study of this highly imbalanced few-body triple mixture is\n", " conducted with the multi-layer multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree\n", " method for atomic mixtures which accounts for all interaction-induced\n", " correlations. We analyze the dynamics in terms of single-particle densities,\n", " entanglement growth and provide an effective potential description involving\n", " mean-fields of the interacting components. The majority components remain\n", " self-trapped in their individual wells at all times, which is a crucial element\n", " for the effectiveness of our protocol. During storage times each component\n", " performs low-amplitude dipole oscillations in a single well. Unexpectedly, the\n", " inter-species correlations possess a stabilizing impact on the transport and\n", " storage properties of the impurity particle.,\n", " We investigate the non-perturbatively generated axion-like particle (ALP)\n", " potential, involving fermions in the dark sector that couple to the ALP, in an\n", " early cosmological inflationary stage with the ALP being a spectator field. The\n", " potential here deviates from the standard cosine nature due to the presence of\n", " the two fermion masses $m_u$ and $m_d$ which couple to the ALP. The ALP is a\n", " spectator field during inflation but it starts to oscillate and dominates the\n", " energy density of the universe after inflation ends, thereby sourcing\n", " isocurvature perturbations, while standard curvature fluctuations form the\n", " inflaton are assumed to be sub-dominant. Subsequently the ALP decays converting\n", " the isocurvature perturbations to adiabatic perturbations thereby acting as the\n", " origin of the primordial density perturbations. We identify the parameter space\n", " involving the axion decay constant $f_a$, scale of confinement $\\Lambda$, ALP\n", " mass $m$ and the masses of the fermions, $m_u$ and $m_d$ where it can\n", " satisfactorily behave as the curvaton and source the observed primordial\n", " density perturbation. We also predict local non-Gaussianity signals for\n", " bi-spectrum and tri-spectrum $f_{NL}$ and $g_{NL}$, as a function of the ratio\n", " $m_u/m_d$, which are within the allowed range in the latest Planck observations\n", " and are detectable with future observations. Particularly we observed that the\n", " value of $f_{NL}$ and $g_{NL}$ are dependent on the ratio of $m_u$ and $m_d$:\n", " $f_{NL}$ is more or less positive for all scenarios except $m_u = m_d$ and\n", " $g_{NL}$ is always positive irrespective of the ratio between $m_u$ and $m_d$.\n", " The results of our analysis in the limit $m_u = m_d$ resembles vanilla curvaton\n", " scenario while in the limit $m_u \\gg m_d$ resembles pure axion cosine\n", " potential.,\n", " A novel cesium (Cs) two-color magneto-optical trap (TC-MOT), which partially\n", " employs the optical radiation forces due to photon scattering of the 6P3/2\n", " (F'=5) - 7S1/2 (F\"=4) excited-state transition in the Cs 6S1/2 - 6P3/2 - 7S1/2\n", " (852 + 1470 nm) ladder-type system, has been proposed and experimentally\n", " investigated. One of the three pairs of 852 nm cooling/trapping beams (CTBs) in\n", " a conventional Cs MOT is replaced with a pair of the 1470 nm CTBs (type-I) or\n", " with one 852 nm CTB plus another counter-propagating 1470 nm CTB (type-II).\n", " Both the type-I and type-II Cs TC-MOTs can cool and trap atoms on both the red-\n", " and blue-detuning sides of the two-photon resonance. The Cs TC-MOT demonstrated\n", " in this work may have applications in the background-free detection of cooled\n", " and trapped atoms, and the photon-pair sources compatible with the\n", " ensemble-based quantum memory and the long-distance quantum communication via\n", " optical fiber.,\n", " ATR points were introduced by Darmon as a conjectural construction of\n", " algebraic points on certain elliptic curves for which in general the Heegner\n", " point method is not available. So far the only numerical evidence, provided by\n", " Darmon--Logan and G\\\"artner, concerned curves arising as quotients of Shimura\n", " curves. In those special cases the ATR points can be obtained from the already\n", " existing Heegner points, thanks to results of Zhang and Darmon--Rotger--Zhao.\n", " In this paper we compute for the first time an algebraic ATR point on a curve\n", " which is not uniformizable by any Shimura curve, thus providing the first piece\n", " of numerical evidence that Darmon's construction works beyond geometric\n", " modularity. To this purpose we improve the method proposed by Darmon and Logan\n", " by removing the requirement that the real quadratic field be norm-euclidean,\n", " and accelerating the numerical integration of Hilbert modular forms.,\n", " We present an algorithm for extracting key-point descriptors using deep\n", " convolutional neural networks (CNN). Unlike many existing deep CNNs, our model\n", " computes local features around a given point in an image. We also present a\n", " face alignment algorithm based on regression using these local descriptors. The\n", " proposed method called Local Deep Descriptor Regression (LDDR) is able to\n", " localize face landmarks of varying sizes, poses and occlusions with high\n", " accuracy. Deep Descriptors presented in this paper are able to uniquely and\n", " efficiently describe every pixel in the image and therefore can potentially\n", " replace traditional descriptors such as SIFT and HOG. Extensive evaluations on\n", " five publicly available unconstrained face alignment datasets show that our\n", " deep descriptor network is able to capture strong local features around a given\n", " landmark and performs significantly better than many competitive and\n", " state-of-the-art face alignment algorithms.,\n", " We classify all Mathieu subspaces of ${\\rm Mat}_n(K)$ of codimension less\n", " than $n$, under the assumption that ${\\rm char\\,} K = 0$ or ${\\rm char\\,} K \\ge\n", " n$.\n", " More precisely, we show that any proper Mathieu subspace of ${\\rm Mat}_n(K)$\n", " of codimension less than $n$ is a subspace of $\\{M \\in {\\rm Mat}_n(K) \\mid {\\rm\n", " tr\\,} M = 0\\}$ if ${\\rm char\\,} K = 0$ or ${\\rm char\\,} K \\ge n$. On the other\n", " hand, we show that every subspace of $\\{M \\in {\\rm Mat}_n(K) \\mid {\\rm tr\\,} M\n", " = 0\\}$ of codimension less than $n$ in ${\\rm Mat}_n(K)$ is a Mathieu subspace\n", " of ${\\rm Mat}_n(K)$ if ${\\rm char\\,} K = 0$ or ${\\rm char\\,} K \\ge n+1$.,\n", " The Convected Scheme (CS) is a `forward-trajectory' semi-Lagrangian method\n", " for solution of transport equations, which has been most often applied to the\n", " kinetic description of plasmas and rarefied neutral gases. In its simplest\n", " form, the CS propagates the solution by advecting the `moving cells' along\n", " their characteristic trajectories, and by remapping them on the mesh at the end\n", " of the time step. The CS is conservative, positivity preserving, simple to\n", " implement, and not subject to time step restriction to maintain stability.\n", " Recently [Y. G\\\"u\\c{c}l\\\"u and W.N.G. Hitchon, 2012] a new methodology was\n", " introduced for reducing numerical diffusion, based on a modified equation\n", " analysis: the remapping error was compensated by applying small corrections to\n", " the final position of the moving cells prior to remapping. While the spatial\n", " accuracy was increased from 2nd to 4th order, the new scheme retained the\n", " important properties of the original method, and was shown to be simple and\n", " efficient for constant advection problems. Here the CS is applied to the\n", " solution of the Vlasov-Poisson system: the Vlasov equation is split into two\n", " constant advection equations, one in configuration space and one in velocity\n", " space, and high order time accuracy is achieved by proper composition of the\n", " operators. The splitting procedure enables us to use the constant advection\n", " solver, which we extend to arbitrarily high order of accuracy: a new improved\n", " procedure is given, which makes the calculation of the corrections\n", " straightforward. Focusing on periodic domains, we describe a spectrally\n", " accurate scheme based on the fast Fourier transform; the proposed\n", " implementation is strictly conservative and positivity preserving. The ability\n", " to correctly reproduce the system dynamics, as well as resolving small-scale\n", " features in the solution, is shown in classical 1D-1V test cases, both in the\n", " linear and the non-linear regimes.,\n", " This paper studies the components of the moduli space of rank 1, torsion-free\n", " sheaves, or compactified Jacobian, of a non-Gorenstein curve. We exhibit a\n", " generically reduced component of dimension equal to the arithmetic genus and\n", " prove that this is the only non-smoothable component when the curve has a\n", " unique singularity that is of finite representation type. Analogous results are\n", " proven for the Hilbert scheme of points and the Quot scheme parameterizing\n", " quotients of the dualizing sheaf.,\n", " Bound states at sharp corners have been widely viewed as the hallmark of\n", " two-dimensional second-order topological insulators and superconductors. In\n", " this work, we show that the existence of sublattice degrees of freedom can\n", " enrich the tunability of bound states on the boundary and hence lift the\n", " constraint on their locations. We take the Kane-Mele model with\n", " honeycomb-lattice structure to illustrate the underlying physics. With the\n", " introduction of an in-plane exchange field to the model, we find that the\n", " boundary Dirac mass induced by the exchange field has a sensitive dependence on\n", " the boundary sublattice termination. We find that the sensitive sublattice\n", " dependence can lead bound states to emerge at a specific type of boundary\n", " defects named as sublattice domain walls if the exchange field is of\n", " ferromagnetic nature, even in the absence of any sharp corner on the boundary.\n", " Remarkably, this sensitive dependence of the boundary Dirac mass on the\n", " boundary sublattice termination allows the positions of bound states to be\n", " manipulated to any place on the boundary for an appropriately-designed sample.\n", " With a further introduction of conventional s-wave superconductivity to the\n", " model, we find that, no matter whether the exchange field is ferromagnetic,\n", " antiferromagnetic, or ferrimagnetic, highly controllable Majorana zero modes\n", " can be achieved at the sublattice domain walls. Our work reshapes the\n", " understanding of boundary physics in second-order topological phases, and\n", " meanwhile opens potential avenues to realize highly controllable bound states\n", " for potential applications.,\n", " Along this paper we show that under certain conditions the method for\n", " describing of solvable Lie and Leibniz algebras with maximal codimension of\n", " nilradical is also extensible to Lie and Leibniz superalgebras, respectively.\n", " In particular, we totally determine the solvable Lie and Leibniz superalgebras\n", " with maximal codimension of model filiform and model nilpotent nilradicals.\n", " Finally, it is established that the superderivations of the obtained\n", " superalgebras are inner.,\n", " The standard axiomatization of quantum mechanics (QM) is not fully explicit\n", " about the role of the time-parameter. Especially, the time reference within the\n", " probability algorithm (the Born Rule, BR) is unclear. Using a plausible\n", " principle P1, about the role of probability in a physical theory, and a second\n", " principle P2 affording a most natural way to make BR precise, a logical\n", " conflict with the standard expression for the completeness of QM can be\n", " derived. Rejecting P1 is implausible. Rejecting P2 leads to unphysical results\n", " and to a conflict with a generalization of P2, a principle P3. It is thus made\n", " plausible that the standard expression of QM completeness must be revised. An\n", " absolutely explicit form of the axioms is provided, including a precise form of\n", " the projection postulate. An appropriate expression for QM completeness,\n", " reflecting the restrictions of the Gleason and Kochen-Specker theorems is\n", " proposed.,\n", " In this paper we first consider the null-plane bound-state equation for a $q\n", " \\bar q$ pair in 1+3 dimensions and in the lowest-order Tamm-Dancoff\n", " approximation. Light-cone gauge is chosen with a causal prescription for the\n", " gauge pole in the propagator. Then we show that this equation, when\n", " dimensionally reduced to 1+1 dimensions, becomes 't Hooft's bound-state\n", " equation, which is characterized by an $x^+$-instantaneous interaction. The\n", " deep reasons for this coincidence are carefully discussed.,\n", " In the present paper we investigate the problem of the existence of a value\n", " for differential games without Isaacs condition. For this we introduce a\n", " suitable concept of mixed strategies along a partition of the time interval,\n", " which are associated with classical nonanticipative strategies (with delay).\n", " Imposing on the underlying controls for both players a conditional independence\n", " property, we obtain the existence of the value in mixed strategies as the limit\n", " of the lower as well as of the upper value functions along a sequence of\n", " partitions which mesh tends to zero. Moreover, we characterize this value in\n", " mixed strategies as the unique viscosity solution of the corresponding\n", " Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation.,\n", " One of the goals of phylogenetic research is to find the species tree\n", " describing the evolutionary history of a set of species. But the trees derived\n", " from geneti data with the help of tree inference methods are gene trees that\n", " need not coincide with the species tree. This can for example happen when\n", " so-called deep coalescence events take place. It is also known that species\n", " trees can differ from their most likely gene trees. Therefore, as a means to\n", " find the species tree, it has been suggested to use subtrees of the gene trees,\n", " for example triples, and to puzzle them together in order to find the species\n", " tree. In this paper, we will show that this approach may lead to wrong trees\n", " regarding the minimum deep coalescence criterion (MDC). In particular, we\n", " present an example in which the optimal MDC tree is unique, but none of its\n", " triple subtrees fulfills the MDC criterion. In this sense, MDC is a\n", " non-hereditary tree reconstruction method.,\n", " In this paper we propose to thoroughly investigate asymmetric nuclear\n", " collisions both in the fixed target mode at the laboratory energy below 5 GeV\n", " per nucleon and in the collider mode with a center of mass energy below 11 GeV\n", " per nucleon. Using the UrQMD transport model, we demonstrate a strong\n", " enhancement of directed and elliptic flow coefficients for the midcentral\n", " asymmetric nuclear collisions compared to symmetric collisions. We argue that\n", " such an enhancement is due to the disappearance of the nuclear shadowing effect\n", " on the side of the smaller projectile nucleus. An analysis of the energy and\n", " centrality dependencies of the directed, elliptic and triangular flows at\n", " midrapidity shows us their sensitivity to the details of the employed model of\n", " hadronic interaction. In general, the flow patters found for asymmetric nuclear\n", " collisions have a very rich and complicated structure of energy and centrality\n", " dependencies compared to the flows found for symmetric collisions and are worth\n", " to be investigated experimentally. The directed, elliptic, and triangular flow\n", " coefficients are computed for target nuclei containing high density\n", " fluctuations and thoroughly compared with that ones obtained in the absence of\n", " such fluctuations.,\n", " We analyze the performance of amplify-and-forward (AF) automatic repeat\n", " request (ARQ) for a two-hop cooperative system with reliability constrains. For\n", " this setup, we first derive the closed-form outage probability expression.\n", " Next, we present a power allocation scheme that allows us to achieve a target\n", " outage probability, while minimizing the outage-weighted average power\n", " expenditure for asymmetric power allocation between the source and relay. This\n", " is cast as an optimization problem, and the optimal power allocation (OPA) is\n", " obtained in closed form by invoking the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. We\n", " evaluate numerically the OPA strategy between different AF-ARQ transmission\n", " rounds and we show that the proposed scheme provides large power gains with\n", " respect to the optimized point-to-point ARQ scheme, as well as with respect to\n", " the equal power allocation (EPA) strategy.,\n", " This work aims at transferring a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)\n", " pre-trained on one image domain to a new domain referring to as few as just one\n", " target image. The main challenge is that, under limited supervision, it is\n", " extremely difficult to synthesize photo-realistic and highly diverse images,\n", " while acquiring representative characters of the target. Different from\n", " existing approaches that adopt the vanilla fine-tuning strategy, we import two\n", " lightweight modules to the generator and the discriminator respectively.\n", " Concretely, we introduce an attribute adaptor into the generator yet freeze its\n", " original parameters, through which it can reuse the prior knowledge to the most\n", " extent and hence maintain the synthesis quality and diversity. We then equip\n", " the well-learned discriminator backbone with an attribute classifier to ensure\n", " that the generator captures the appropriate characters from the reference.\n", " Furthermore, considering the poor diversity of the training data (i.e., as few\n", " as only one image), we propose to also constrain the diversity of the\n", " generative domain in the training process, alleviating the optimization\n", " difficulty. Our approach brings appealing results under various settings,\n", " substantially surpassing state-of-the-art alternatives, especially in terms of\n", " synthesis diversity. Noticeably, our method works well even with large domain\n", " gaps, and robustly converges within a few minutes for each experiment.,\n", " Recognizing handwritten mathematics is a challenging classification problem,\n", " requiring simultaneous identification of all the symbols comprising an input as\n", " well as the complex two-dimensional relationships between symbols and\n", " subexpressions. Because of the ambiguity present in handwritten input, it is\n", " often unrealistic to hope for consistently perfect recognition accuracy. We\n", " present a system which captures all recognizable interpretations of the input\n", " and organizes them in a parse forest from which individual parse trees may be\n", " extracted and reported. If the top-ranked interpretation is incorrect, the user\n", " may request alternates and select the recognition result they desire. The tree\n", " extraction step uses a novel probabilistic tree scoring strategy in which a\n", " Bayesian network is constructed based on the structure of the input, and each\n", " joint variable assignment corresponds to a different parse tree. Parse trees\n", " are then reported in order of decreasing probability. Two accuracy evaluations\n", " demonstrate that the resulting recognition system is more accurate than\n", " previous versions (which used non-probabilistic methods) and other academic\n", " math recognizers.,\n", " The magnetization ripple is a microstructure formed by the magnetization in a\n", " thin-film ferromagnet. It is triggered by the random orientation of the grains\n", " in the poly-crystalline material. In an approximation of the micromagnetic\n", " model, which is sketched in this paper, this leads to a nonlocal (and strongly\n", " anisotropic) elliptic equation in two dimensions with white noise as a right\n", " hand side. However, like in singular Stochastic PDE, this right hand side is\n", " too rough for the non-linearity in the equation. In order to develop a\n", " small-date well-posedness theory, we take inspiration from the recent\n", " rough-path approach to singular SPDE. To this aim, we develop a Schauder theory\n", " for the non-standard symbol $|k_1|^3+k_2^2$.,\n", " Multivariate Bayesian error-in-variable (EIV) linear regression is considered\n", " to account for additional additive Gaussian error in the features and response.\n", " A 3-variable deterministic scan Gibbs samplers is constructed for multivariate\n", " EIV regression models using classical and Berkson errors with independent\n", " normal and inverse-Wishart priors. These Gibbs samplers are proven to always be\n", " geometrically ergodic which ensures a central limit theorem for many time\n", " averages from the Markov chains. We demonstrate the strengths and limitations\n", " of the Gibbs sampler with simulated data for large data problems, robustness to\n", " misspecification and also analyze a real-data example in astrophysics.,\n", " We describe a new method (\\textsc{CompaSO}) for identifying groups of\n", " particles in cosmological $N$-body simulations. \\textsc{CompaSO} builds upon\n", " existing spherical overdensity (SO) algorithms by taking into consideration the\n", " tidal radius around a smaller halo before competitively assigning halo\n", " membership to the particles. In this way, the \\textsc{CompaSO} finder allows\n", " for more effective deblending of haloes in close proximity as well as the\n", " formation of new haloes on the outskirts of larger ones. This halo-finding\n", " algorithm is used in the \\textsc{AbacusSummit} suite of $N$-body simulations,\n", " designed to meet the cosmological simulation requirements of the Dark Energy\n", " Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. \\textsc{CompaSO} is developed as a\n", " highly efficient on-the-fly group finder, which is crucial for enabling good\n", " load-balancing between the GPU and CPU and the creation of high-resolution\n", " merger trees. In this paper, we describe the halo-finding procedure and its\n", " particular implementation in \\Abacus{Abacus}, accompanying it with a\n", " qualitative analysis of the finder. {We test the robustness of the\n", " \\textsc{CompaSO} catalogues before and after applying the cleaning method\n", " described in an accompanying paper and demonstrate its effectiveness by\n", " comparing it with other validation techniques.} We then visualise the haloes\n", " and their density profiles, finding that they are well fit by the NFW\n", " formalism. Finally, we compare other properties such as radius-mass\n", " relationships and two-point correlation functions with that of another widely\n", " used halo finder, \\textsc{ROCKSTAR}.,\n", " The analysis of the light curves of the optical counterparts of GRB 970228\n", " and GRB 970508 points out remarkable similarities. The spectral distribution\n", " obtained from the color indices shows that both the transients became bluer\n", " during the increasing stage, and redder after the maximum. A main difference\n", " concerns the behaviour of the optical fading which is well fitted by a single\n", " power law in the case of GRB 970508 but not in the case of GRB 970228.,\n", " We consider the problem of interaction neighborhood estimation from the\n", " partial observation of a finite number of realizations of a random field. We\n", " introduce a model selection rule to choose estimators of conditional\n", " probabilities among natural candidates. Our main result is an oracle inequality\n", " satisfied by the resulting estimator. We use then this selection rule in a\n", " two-step procedure to evaluate the interacting neighborhoods. The selection\n", " rule selects a small prior set of possible interacting points and a cutting\n", " step remove from this prior set the irrelevant points. We also prove that the\n", " Ising models satisfy the assumptions of the main theorems, without restrictions\n", " on the temperature, on the structure of the interacting graph or on the range\n", " of the interactions. It provides therefore a large class of applications for\n", " our results. We give a computationally efficient procedure in these models. We\n", " finally show the practical efficiency of our approach in a simulation study.,\n", " We discuss the combinatorics of decorated Dyck paths and decorated\n", " parallelogram polyominoes, extending to the decorated case the main results of\n", " both [Haglund 2004] and [Aval et al. 2014]. This settles in particular the\n", " cases $\\langle\\cdot,e_{n-d}h_d\\rangle$ and $\\langle\\cdot,h_{n-d}h_d\\rangle$ of\n", " the Delta conjecture of Haglund, Remmel and Wilson (2018). Along the way, we\n", " introduce some new statistics, formulate some new conjectures, prove some new\n", " identities of symmetric functions, and answer a few open problems in the\n", " literature (e.g. from [Haglund et al. 2018], [Zabrocki 2016], [Aval et al.\n", " 2015]). The main technical tool is a new identity in the theory of Macdonald\n", " polynomials that extends a theorem of Haglund in [Haglund 2004]. This is an\n", " edited merge of arXiv:1712.08787 and arXiv:1709.08736,\n", " A slave-boson functional-integral method has been developed for the Hubbard\n", " model with arbitrary, orbital degeneracy $D$. Its saddle-point mean-field\n", " theory is equivalent to the Gutzwiller approximation, as in the case of\n", " single-band Hubbard model. Our theory is applied to the doubly degenerate ($D =\n", " 2$) model, and numerical calculations have been performed for this model in the\n", " paramagnetic states. The effect of the exchange interaction on the\n", " metal-insulator (MI) transition is discussed. The critical interaction for the\n", " MI transition is analytically calculated as functions of orbital degeneracy and\n", " electron occupancy.,\n", " We study the problem of finding the optimal dosage in early stage clinical\n", " trials through the multi-armed bandit lens. We advocate the use of the Thompson\n", " Sampling principle, a flexible algorithm that can accommodate different types\n", " of monotonicity assumptions on the toxicity and efficacy of the doses. For the\n", " simplest version of Thompson Sampling, based on a uniform prior distribution\n", " for each dose, we provide finite-time upper bounds on the number of sub-optimal\n", " dose selections, which is unprecedented for dose-finding algorithms. Through a\n", " large simulation study, we then show that variants of Thompson Sampling based\n", " on more sophisticated prior distributions outperform state-of-the-art dose\n", " identification algorithms in different types of dose-finding studies that occur\n", " in phase I or phase I/II trials.,\n", " In this paper we develop a novel two-stage fourth order time-accurate\n", " discretization for time-dependent flow problems, particularly for hyperbolic\n", " conservation laws. Different from the classical Runge-Kutta (R-K) temporal\n", " discretization for first order Riemann solvers as building blocks, the current\n", " approach is solely associated with Lax-Wendroff (L-W) type schemes as the\n", " building blocks. As a result, a two-stage procedure can be constructed to\n", " achieve a fourth order temporal accuracy, rather than using well-developed four\n", " stages for R-K methods. The generalized Riemann problem (GRP) solver is taken\n", " as a representative of L-W type schemes for the construction of a two-stage\n", " fourth order scheme.,\n", " We model voting behaviour in the multi-group setting of a two-tier voting\n", " system using sequences of de Finetti measures. Our model is defined by using\n", " what we call the de Finetti representation of a probability measure describing\n", " voting behaviour. The de Finetti measures describe the interaction between\n", " voters and possible outside influences on them. We assume these sequences\n", " converge weakly to the Dirac measure in the origin, representing a tendency\n", " toward weakening social cohesion as the population grows large. The resulting\n", " model covers a wide variety of behaviour, ranging from independent voting in\n", " the limit under fast converge and a critical converge speed with its own\n", " pattern of behaviour, to a subcritical converge speed which yields a model in\n", " line with empirical evidence of real-world voting data. These models can be\n", " used e.g. to study the problem of optimal voting weights in two-tier voting\n", " systems.,\n", " Orthogonal polynomials for the weight $x^{\\nu} \\exp(-x - t/x),\\ x, t > 0, \\nu\n", " \\in \\mathbb{R}$ are investigated. Differential-difference equations, recurrence\n", " relations, explicit representations, generating functions and Rodrigues-type\n", " formula are obtained.,\n", " Let (X, d) be a Cat(k) space and P a bounded subset of X . If k > 0 then it\n", " is required that the diameter of P be less than Pi/(4 sqrt(k)) . Let u: P to R\n", " be a bounded non-negative function from P to R. The existence of a unique point\n", " in X called the barycenter of P relative to u is established. When u=1, the\n", " barycenter is simply the circumcenter of P. The barycenter has a number of\n", " properties including a scaling, continuity and limit property. Under suitable\n", " conditions, the barycenter is a fixed point of an isometry or group of\n", " isometries. Barycenters are used to show that a complete Cat(k) space X is an\n", " absolute retract if k is less than or equal to 0, and an absolute neighborhood\n", " retract if X is complete and of curvature less than or equal to k.,\n", " We show that simulated relativistic motion can generate entanglement between\n", " artificial atoms and protect them from spontaneous emission. We consider a pair\n", " of superconducting qubits coupled to a resonator mode, where the modulation of\n", " the coupling strength can mimic the harmonic motion of the qubits at\n", " relativistic speeds, generating acceleration radiation. We find the optimal\n", " feasible conditions for generating a stationary entangled state between the\n", " qubits when they are initially prepared in their ground state. Furthermore, we\n", " analyze the effects of motion on the probability of spontaneous emission in the\n", " standard scenarios of single-atom and two-atom superradiance, where one or two\n", " excitations are initially present. Finally, we show that relativistic motion\n", " induces sub-radiance and can generate a Zeno-like effect, preserving the\n", " excitations from radiative decay.,\n", " In magnetized plasmas of fusion devices the strong magnetic field leads to\n", " highly anisotropic physics where solution scales along field lines are much\n", " larger than perpendicular to it. Hence, regarding both accuracy and efficiency,\n", " a numerical method should allow to address parallel and perpendicular\n", " resolutions independently. In this work, we consider the eigenvalue problem of\n", " a two-dimensional anisotropic wave equation with variable coefficients which is\n", " a simplified model of linearized ideal magnetohydrodynamics. For this, we\n", " propose to use a mesh that is aligned with the magnetic field and choose to\n", " discretize the problem with a discontinuous Galerkin method which naturally\n", " allows for non-conforming interfaces. First, we analyze the eigenvalue spectrum\n", " of a constant coefficient anisotropic wave equation, and demonstrate that this\n", " approach improves the accuracy by up to seven orders of magnitude, if compared\n", " to a non-aligned method with the same number of degrees of freedom. In\n", " particular, the results improve for eigenfunctions with high mode numbers. We\n", " also apply the method to compute the eigenvalue spectrum of the associated\n", " anisotropic wave equation with variable coefficients of flux surfaces of a\n", " Stellarator configuration. We benchmark the results against a spectral code.,\n", " We discuss upper and lower bounds for the size of gaps in the length spectrum\n", " of negatively curved manifolds. For manifolds with algebraic generators for the\n", " fundamental group, we establish the existence of exponential lower bounds for\n", " the gaps. On the other hand, we show that the existence of arbitrary small gaps\n", " is topologically generic: this is established both for surfaces of constant\n", " negative curvature (Theorem 3.1), and for the space of negatively curved\n", " metrics (Theorem 4.1). While arbitrary small gaps are topologically generic, it\n", " is plausible that the gaps are not too small for almost every metric. One\n", " result in this direction is presented in Section 5.,\n", " Submodular functions are set functions mapping every subset of some ground\n", " set of size $n$ into the real numbers and satisfying the diminishing returns\n", " property. Submodular minimization is an important field in discrete\n", " optimization theory due to its relevance for various branches of mathematics,\n", " computer science and economics. The currently fastest strongly polynomial\n", " algorithm for exact minimization [LSW15] runs in time $\\widetilde{O}(n^3 \\cdot\n", " \\mathrm{EO} + n^4)$ where $\\mathrm{EO}$ denotes the cost to evaluate the\n", " function on any set. For functions with range $[-1,1]$, the best\n", " $\\epsilon$-additive approximation algorithm [CLSW17] runs in time\n", " $\\widetilde{O}(n^{5/3}/\\epsilon^{2} \\cdot \\mathrm{EO})$. In this paper we\n", " present a classical and a quantum algorithm for approximate submodular\n", " minimization. Our classical result improves on the algorithm of [CLSW17] and\n", " runs in time $\\widetilde{O}(n^{3/2}/\\epsilon^2 \\cdot \\mathrm{EO})$. Our quantum\n", " algorithm is, up to our knowledge, the first attempt to use quantum computing\n", " for submodular optimization. The algorithm runs in time\n", " $\\widetilde{O}(n^{5/4}/\\epsilon^{5/2} \\cdot \\log(1/\\epsilon) \\cdot\n", " \\mathrm{EO})$. The main ingredient of the quantum result is a new method for\n", " sampling with high probability $T$ independent elements from any discrete\n", " probability distribution of support size $n$ in time $O(\\sqrt{Tn})$. Previous\n", " quantum algorithms for this problem were of complexity $O(T\\sqrt{n})$.,\n", " Most prostate cancer survivors are confronted with disease-related and\n", " treatment-related side effects that impact their quality of life. A tool that\n", " combines specific physical activity coaching with the promotion of a healthy\n", " lifestyle and self-management guidance might be a successful method to enhance\n", " a lifestyle change in these patients. As a prerequisite for useful health\n", " technology, it is important to consider a design process centred in the\n", " patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the context of the problem\n", " and the user needs to support the ideation of a low-fidelity prototype of a\n", " tool to promote a healthy lifestyle among early-stage prostate cancer\n", " survivors. A user-centred design approach was followed involving a\n", " multidisciplinary team. The prototype was developed in 3 phases. In phase 1,\n", " the context was studied with 2 systematic reviews of the state of practice and\n", " consulting with 3 specialists in Oncology, resulting in a global use case and\n", " main requirements. In phase 2, the needs and barriers of the users were studied\n", " based on literature research and validated with 3 specialists, resulting in the\n", " creation of 3 personas. In phase 3, 2 sessions were held to ideate and\n", " prioritize possible app features, based on brainstorming and selection\n", " techniques. Using the Ninja Mock and Proto.io software a low-fidelity prototype\n", " was developed, resulting in 25 interactive screens. Understanding the user\n", " needs and context seems to be essential to highlight key goals, hence\n", " facilitating the bridge between ideation of the tool and the intended users\n", " tasks and experiences. The conclusion of this first stage of the design process\n", " brings valuable details (such as barriers of the users to technology and to\n", " physical activity) for future iterations of design of the mobile app.,\n", " In this article, we study transportation network in Minnesota. We show that\n", " the system is characterized by Taylor's power law for fluctuation scaling with\n", " nontrivial values of the scaling exponent. We also show that the characteristic\n", " exponent does not unequivocally characterize a given road network, as it may\n", " differ within the same network if one takes into account location of\n", " observation points, season, period of day, or traffic intensity. The results\n", " are set against Taylor's fluctuation scaling in the Nagel-Schreckenberg\n", " cellular automaton model for traffic. It is shown that Taylor's law may serve,\n", " beside the fundamental diagram, as an indicator of different traffic phases\n", " (free flow, traffic jam etc.).,\n", " The NGT field equations with sources are expanded first about a flat\n", " Minkowski background and then about a GR background to first-order in the\n", " antisymmetric part of the fundamental tensor, $g_{\\mu\\nu}$. From the general,\n", " static spherically symmetric solution of the field equation in empty space, we\n", " establish that there are two conserved charges $m$ and $\\ell^2$ corresponding\n", " to the two basic gauge invariances of NGT. There is no direct contribution to\n", " the flux of gravitational waves from the antisymmetric, $g_{[\\mu\\nu]}$, sector\n", " in the linearized, lowest order of approximation, nor in the non-linear theory.\n", " It is demonstrated that the flux of gravitational waves is finite in magnitude\n", " and positive definite for solutions of the field equations which satisfy the\n", " boundary condition of asymptotic flatness.,\n", " In this paper, we study unique, globally defined uniformly bounded weak\n", " solutions for a class of semilinear reaction-diffusion-advection systems. The\n", " coefficients of the differential operators and the initial data are only\n", " required to be measurable and uniformly bounded. The nonlinearities are\n", " quasi-positive and satisfy a commonly called mass control or dissipation of\n", " mass property. Moreover, we assume the intermediate sum condition of a certain\n", " order. The key feature of this work is the surprising discovery that\n", " quasi-positive systems that satisfy an intermediate sum condition automatically\n", " give rise to a new class of $L^p$-energy type functionals that allow us to\n", " obtain requisite uniform a priori bounds. Our methods are sufficiently robust\n", " to extend to different boundary conditions, or to certain quasi-linear systems.\n", " We also show that in case of mass dissipation, the solution is bounded in\n", " sup-norm uniformly in time. We illustrate the applicability of results by\n", " showing global existence and large time behavior of models arising from a\n", " spatio-temporal spread of infectious disease.,\n", " We present a new method to assess the properties of transiting planet\n", " candidates by multicolor photometry. By analyzing multicolor transit/eclipse\n", " light curves and apparent magnitudes of the target in parallel, this method\n", " attempts to identify the nature of the system and provide a quantitative\n", " constraint on the properties of unresolved companion(s). We demonstrate our\n", " method by observing the six systems hosting candidate transiting planets,\n", " identified by the K2 mission (EPIC 206036749, EPIC 206500801, EPIC 210513446,\n", " EPIC 211800191, EPIC 220621087, and EPIC 220696233). Applying our analysis code\n", " to the six targets, we find that EPIC 206036749, EPIC 210513446, and EPIC\n", " 211800191 are likely to be triple-star systems including eclipsing binaries,\n", " and EPIC 220696233 is likely a planetary system, albeit further observations\n", " are required to confirm the nature. Additionally, we confirm that the\n", " systematic errors in the derived system parameters arising from adopting\n", " specific isochrone models and observing instruments (passbands) are relatively\n", " small. While this approach alone is not powerful enough to validate or refute\n", " planet candidates, the technique allows us to constrain the properties of\n", " resolved/unresolved companions, and prioritize the planet candidates for\n", " further follow-up observations (e.g., radial-velocity measurements).,\n", " We describe and explain the desire, common among mathematicians, both for\n", " unity and independence in its major themes. In the dialogue that follows, we\n", " express our spontaneous and considered judgment and reservations by contrasting\n", " the development of mathematics as a goal-driven process as opposed to one that\n", " often seems to possess considerable arbitrariness.,\n", " A new model for Korteweg and de-Vries equation (KdV) is derived. The system\n", " under study is an open channel consisting of two concentric cylinders, rotating\n", " about their vertical axis, which is tilted by slope {\\tau} from the inertial\n", " vertical z, in uniform rate {\\Omega}_1={\\tau}{\\Omega}, and the whole tank is\n", " elevated over other table rotating at rate {\\Omega}. Under these conditions, a\n", " set of Kelvin waves is formed on the free surface depending on the angle of\n", " tilt, characterized by the slope {\\tau}, volume of water, and rotation rate.\n", " The resonant mode in the system appears in the form of a single Kelvin solitary\n", " wave, whose amplitude satisfies the Korteweg-de Vries equation with forced\n", " term. The equation was derived following classical perturbation methods, the\n", " additional term made the equation a non-integrable one, that cannot be solved\n", " without the help of numerical methods. Invoking the simple finite difference\n", " scheme method, it was found that the numerical results are in a good agreement\n", " with the experiment.,\n", " We consider the existence, stability and dynamics of the ground state and\n", " nonlinear excitations, in the form of dark solitons, for a\n", " quasi-one-dimensional polariton condensate in the presence of pumping and\n", " nonlinear damping. We find a series of remarkable features that can be directly\n", " contrasted to the case of the typically energy-conserving ultracold alkali-atom\n", " Bose-Einstein condensates. For some sizeable parameter ranges, the nodeless\n", " (\"ground\") state becomes {\\it unstable} towards the formation of {\\em stable}\n", " nonlinear single or {\\em multi} dark-soliton excitations. It is also observed\n", " that for suitable parametric choices, the instability of single dark solitons\n", " can nucleate multi-dark-soliton states. Also, for other parametric regions,\n", " {\\em stable asymmetric} sawtooth-like solutions exist. Finally, we consider the\n", " dragging of a defect through the condensate and the interference of two\n", " initially separated condensates, both of which are capable of nucleating dark\n", " multi-soliton dynamical states.,\n", " Property-preserving hash functions allow for compressing long inputs $x_0$\n", " and $x_1$ into short hashes $h(x_0)$ and $h(x_1)$ in a manner that allows for\n", " computing a predicate $P(x_0, x_1)$ given only the two hash values without\n", " having access to the original data. Such hash functions are said to be\n", " adversarially robust if an adversary that gets to pick $x_0$ and $x_1$ after\n", " the hash function has been sampled, cannot find inputs for which the predicate\n", " evaluated on the hash values outputs the incorrect result.\n", " In this work we construct robust property-preserving hash functions for the\n", " hamming-distance predicate which distinguishes inputs with a hamming distance\n", " at least some threshold $t$ from those with distance less than $t$. The\n", " security of the construction is based on standard lattice hardness assumptions.\n", " Our construction has several advantages over the best known previous\n", " construction by Fleischhacker and Simkin. Our construction relies on a single\n", " well-studied hardness assumption from lattice cryptography whereas the previous\n", " work relied on a newly introduced family of computational hardness assumptions.\n", " In terms of computational effort, our construction only requires a small number\n", " of modular additions per input bit, whereas previously several exponentiations\n", " per bit as well as the interpolation and evaluation of high-degree polynomials\n", " over large fields were required. An additional benefit of our construction is\n", " that the description of the hash function can be compressed to $\\lambda$ bits\n", " assuming a random oracle. Previous work has descriptions of length\n", " $\\mathcal{O}(\\ell \\lambda)$ bits for input bit-length $\\ell$, which has a\n", " secret structure and thus cannot be compressed.\n", " We prove a lower bound on the output size of any property-preserving hash\n", " function for the hamming distance predicate. The bound shows that the size of\n", " our hash value is not far from optimal.,\n", " Quantum copy-protection, introduced by Aaronson (CCC'09), uses the no-cloning\n", " principle of quantum mechanics to protect software from being illegally\n", " distributed. Constructing copy-protection has been an important problem in\n", " quantum cryptography. Since copy-protection is shown to be impossible to\n", " achieve in the plain model, we investigate the question of constructing\n", " copy-protection for arbitrary classes of unlearnable functions in the random\n", " oracle model. We present an impossibility result that rules out a class of\n", " copy-protection schemes in the random oracle model assuming the existence of\n", " quantum fully homomorphic encryption and quantum hardness of learning with\n", " errors. En route, we prove the impossibility of approximately correct\n", " copy-protection in the plain model.,\n", " Recently, the PVLAS collaboration has reported evidence for an anomalously\n", " large rotation of the polarization of light generated in vacuum in the presence\n", " of a transverse magnetic field. This may be explained through the production of\n", " a new light spin-zero particle coupled to two photons. In this Letter of\n", " Intent, we propose to test this hypothesis by setting up a photon regeneration\n", " experiment which exploits the photon beam of the Vacuum-UltraViolet\n", " Free-Electron Laser VUV-FEL, sent along the transverse magnetic field of a\n", " linear arrangement of dipole magnets of size B L ~ 30 Tm. The high photon\n", " energies available at the VUV-FEL increase substantially the expected photon\n", " regeneration rate in the mass range implied by the PVLAS anomaly, in comparison\n", " to the rate expected at visible lasers of similar power. We find that the\n", " particle interpretation of the PVLAS result can be tested within a short\n", " running period. The pseudoscalar vs. scalar nature can be determined by varying\n", " the direction of the magnetic field with respect to the laser polarization. The\n", " mass of the particle can be measured by running at different photon energies.\n", " The proposed experiment offers a window of opportunity for a firm establishment\n", " or exclusion of the particle interpretation of the PVLAS anomaly before other\n", " experiments can compete.,\n", " Given a compact manifold X, the set of simple manifold structures on X x\n", " \\Delta^k relative to the boundary can be viewed as the k-th homotopy group of a\n", " space \\S^s (X). This space is called the block structure space of X.\n", " We study the block structure spaces of real projective spaces. Generalizing\n", " Wall's join construction we show that there is a functor from the category of\n", " finite dimensional real vector spaces with inner product to the category of\n", " pointed spaces which sends the vector space V to the block structure space of\n", " the projective space of V. We study this functor from the point of view of\n", " orthogonal calculus of functors; we show that it is polynomial of degree <= 1\n", " in the sense of orthogonal calculus.\n", " This result suggests an attractive description of the block structure space\n", " of the infinite dimensional real projective space via the Taylor tower of\n", " orthogonal calculus. This space is defined as a colimit of block structure\n", " spaces of projective spaces of finite-dimensional real vector spaces and is\n", " closely related to some automorphisms spaces of real projective spaces.,\n", " The chirality-dependent magnetoelectric properties of Neel-type domain walls\n", " in iron garnet films is observed. The electrically driven magnetic domain wall\n", " motion changes the direction to the opposite with the reversal of electric\n", " polarity of the probe and with the chirality switching of the domain wall from\n", " clockwise to counterclockwise. This proves that the origin of the electric\n", " field induced micromagnetic structure transformation is inhomogeneous\n", " magnetoelectric interaction.,\n", " Comparative evaluation of forecasts of statistical functionals relies on\n", " comparing averaged losses of competing forecasts after the realization of the\n", " quantity $Y$, on which the functional is based, has been observed. Motivated by\n", " high-frequency finance, in this paper we investigate how proxies $\\tilde Y$ for\n", " $Y$ - say volatility proxies - which are observed together with $Y$ can be\n", " utilized to improve forecast comparisons. We extend previous results on\n", " robustness of loss functions for the mean to general moments and ratios of\n", " moments, and show in terms of the variance of differences of losses that using\n", " proxies will increase the power in comparative forecast tests. These results\n", " apply both to testing conditional as well as unconditional dominance. Finally,\n", " we numerically illustrate the theoretical results, both for simulated\n", " high-frequency data as well as for high-frequency log returns of several\n", " cryptocurrencies.,\n", " The minimal geometric deformation (MGD), associated with the 4D Schwarzschild\n", " solution of the Einstein equations, is shown to be a solution of the pure 4D\n", " Ricci quadratic gravity theory, whose linear perturbations are then implemented\n", " by the Gregory-Laflamme eigentensors of the Lichnerowicz operator. The\n", " stability of MGD black strings is hence studied, through the correspondence\n", " between their Lichnerowicz eigenmodes and the ones associated with the 4D MGD\n", " solutions. Its is shown that there exists a critical mass driving the MGD black\n", " strings stability, above which the MGD black string is precluded from any\n", " Gregory-Laflamme instability. The general relativistic limit leads the MGD\n", " black string to be unstable, as expected, corresponding to the standard\n", " Gregory-Laflamme black string instability.,\n", " The low temperature properties of a wide range of many-fermion systems are\n", " well understood within the framework of Landau's theory of Fermi liquids. The\n", " low-energy physics of these systems is governed by interacting fermionic\n", " quasiparticles with momenta and energies near a Fermi surface in momentum\n", " space. Nonequilibrium properties are described by a kinetic equation for the\n", " distribution function for quasiparticles proposed by Landau. Quasiparticle\n", " interactions with other quasiparticles, phonons or impurities lead to internal\n", " forces acting on a distribution of nonequilibrium quasiparticles, as well as\n", " collision processes that ultimately limit the transport of mass, heat, charge\n", " and magnetization, as well as limit the coherence times of quasiparticles. For\n", " Fermi liquids that are close to a second order phase transition, e.g. Fermi\n", " liquids that undergo a superfluid transition, \\emph{incipient} Cooper pairs -\n", " long-lived fluctuations of the ordered phase - provide a new channel for\n", " scattering quasiparticles, as well as corrections to internal forces acting on\n", " the distribution of nonequilibrium quasiparticles. We develop the theory of\n", " quasiparticle transport for Fermi liquids in the vicinity of a BCS-type\n", " superfluid transition starting from Keldysh's field theory for non-equilibrium,\n", " strongly interacting fermions. The leading corrections to Fermi liquid theory\n", " for non-equilibrium quasiparticle transport near a Cooper instability arise\n", " from the virtual emission and absorption of incipient Cooper pairs. Our theory\n", " is applicable to quasiparticle transport in superconductors, nuclear matter and\n", " the low temperature phases of liquid $^3$He. As an implementation of the theory\n", " we calculate the pairing fluctuation corrections to the attenuation of zero\n", " sound in liquid $^3$He near the superfluid transition and demonstrate\n", " quantitative agreement with experimental results.,\n", " For minimal $\\mathbb{Z}^{2}$-topological dynamical systems, we introduce a\n", " cube structure and a variation of the regionally proximal relation for\n", " $\\mathbb{Z}^2$ actions, which allow us to characterize product systems and\n", " their factors. We also introduce the concept of topological magic systems,\n", " which is the topological counterpart of measure theoretic magic systems\n", " introduced by Host in his study of multiple averages for commuting\n", " transformations. Roughly speaking, magic systems have a less intricate dynamic\n", " and we show that every minimal $\\mathbb{Z}^2$ dynamical system has a magic\n", " extension. We give various applications of these structures, including the\n", " construction of some special factors in topological dynamics of $\\mathbb{Z}^2$\n", " actions, and a computation of the automorphism group of the minimal Robinson\n", " tiling.,\n", " In the Internet of Things (IoT) devices are exposed to various kinds of\n", " attacks when connected to the Internet. An attack detection mechanism that\n", " understands the limitations of these severely resource-constrained devices is\n", " necessary. This is important since current approaches are either customized for\n", " wireless networks or for the conventional Internet with heavy data\n", " transmission. Also, the detection mechanism need not always be as\n", " sophisticated. Simply signaling that an attack is taking place may be enough in\n", " some situations, for example in NIDS using anomaly detection. In graph\n", " networks, central nodes are the nodes that bear the most influence in the\n", " network. The purpose of this research is to explore experimentally the\n", " relationship between the behavior of central nodes and anomaly detection when\n", " an attack spreads through a network. As a result, we propose a novel anomaly\n", " detection approach using this unique methodology which has been unexplored so\n", " far in communication networks. Also, in the experiment, we identify presence of\n", " an attack originating and propagating throughout a network of IoT using our\n", " methodology.,\n", " The unification theory of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) hypothesizes that all\n", " AGNs are surrounded by an anisotropic dust torus and are essentially the same\n", " objects but viewed from different angles. However, little is known about the\n", " dust which plays a central role in the unification theory. There are\n", " suggestions that the AGN dust extinction law appreciably differs from that of\n", " the Galaxy. Also, the silicate emission features observed in type 1 AGNs appear\n", " anomalous (i.e., their peak wavelengths and widths differ considerably from\n", " that of the Galaxy). In this work, we explore the dust properties of 147 AGNs\n", " of various types at redshifts z<0.5, with special attention paid to 93 AGNs\n", " which exhibit the 9.7 and 18 $\\mu$m silicate emission features. We model their\n", " silicate emission spectra obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph aboard the\n", " Spitzer Space Telescope. We find that 60/93 of the observed spectra can be well\n", " explained with \"astronomical silicate\", while the remaining sources favor\n", " amorphous olivine or pyroxene. Most notably, all sources require the dust to be\n", " $\\mu$m-sized (with a typical size of ~1.5$\\pm$0.1 $\\mu$m), much larger than\n", " sub-$\\mu$m-sized Galactic interstellar grains, implying a flat or \"gray\"\n", " extinction law for AGNs. We also find that, while the 9.7 $\\mu$m emission\n", " feature arises predominantly from warm silicate dust of temperature T~270 K,\n", " the ~5--8 $\\mu$m continuum emission is mostly from carbon dust of T~640 K.\n", " Finally, the correlations between the dust properties (e.g., mass, temperature)\n", " and the AGN properties (e.g., luminosity, black hole mass) have also been\n", " investigated.,\n", " Let $X$ be an algebraic K3 surface, $v=(r,H,s)$ a primitive isotropic Mukai\n", " vector on $X$ and $M_X(v)$ the moduli of sheaves over $X$ with $v$. Let $N(X)$\n", " be Picard lattice of $X$.\n", " In math.AG/0309348 and math.AG/0606289, all divisors in moduli of $(X,H)$ (i.\n", " e. pairs $H\\in N(X)$ with $\\rk N(X)=2$) implying $M_X(v)\\cong X$ were\n", " described. They give some Mukai's correspondences of $X$ with itself.\n", " Applying these results, we show that there exists $v$ and a codimension 2\n", " submoduli in moduli of $(X,H)$ (i. e. a pair $H\\in N(X)$ with $\\rk N(X)=3$)\n", " implying $M_X(v)\\cong X$, but this submoduli cannot be extended to a divisor in\n", " moduli with the same property. There are plenty of similar examples.\n", " We discuss the general problem of description of all similar submoduli and\n", " defined by them Mukai's correspondences of $X$ with itself and their\n", " compositions, trying to outline a possible general theory.,\n", " The Submillimeter Array (SMA) has been used to image the emission from radio\n", " recombination lines of hydrogen at subarcsecond angular resolution from the\n", " young high-mass star MWC349A in the H26$\\alpha$, H30$\\alpha$, and H31$\\alpha$\n", " transitions at 353, 232, and 211 GHz, respectively. Emission was seen over a\n", " range of 80 kms-1 in velocity and 50~mas (corresponding to 60~AU for a distance\n", " of 1200 pc). The emission at each frequency has two distinct components, one\n", " from gas in a nearly edge-on annular disk structure in Keplerian motion, and\n", " another from gas lifted off the disk at distances of up to about 25~AU from the\n", " star. The slopes of the position-velocity (PV) curves for the disk emission\n", " show a monotonic progression of the emission radius with frequency with\n", " relative radii of $0.85\\pm0.04$, 1, and $1.02\\pm0.01$ for the H26$\\alpha$,\n", " H30$\\alpha$, and H31$\\alpha$ transitions, respectively. This trend is\n", " consistent with theoretical excitation models of maser emission from a region\n", " where the density decreases with radius and the lower transitions are\n", " preferentially excited at higher densities. The mass is difficult to estimate\n", " from the PV diagrams because the wind components dominate the emission at the\n", " disk edges. The mass estimate is constrained to be only in the range of 10--30\n", " solar masses. The distribution of the wind emission among the transitions is\n", " surprisingly different, which reflects its sensitivity to excitation\n", " conditions. The wind probably extracts significant angular momentum from the\n", " system.,\n", " Acoustic microstreaming due to an oscillating microbubble is analytically\n", " investigated to obtain the circular streaming motion adjacent to a nearby wall.\n", " Classical theory due to Nyborg is carefully derived in the radial coordinates.\n", " The theory is used to obtain the flow field and the vortical motion caused by\n", " the microbubble motion. The length of the vertices are decreasing when the\n", " microbubble is excited at distances close to the rigid wall, while the maximum\n", " shear stress is increasing.,\n", " The photogalvanic effect (PGE) occurring in noncentrosymmetric materials\n", " enables the generation of a dc photocurrent at zero bias with a high\n", " polarization sensitivity, which makes it very attractive in photodetection.\n", " However, the magnitude of the PGE photocurrent is usually small, leading to a\n", " low photoresponsivity, and therefore hampers its practical application in\n", " photodetection. Here, we propose an approach to largely enhancing the PGE\n", " photocurrent by applying an inhomogenous mechanical stretch, based on quantum\n", " transport simulations. We model a two-dimensional photodetector consisting of\n", " the wide-bandgap MgCl$_2$/ZnBr$_2$ vertical van der Waals heterojunction with\n", " the noncentrosymmetric $C_{3v}$ symmetry. Polarization-sensitive PGE\n", " photocurrent is generated under the vertical illumination of linearly polarized\n", " light. By applying inhomogenous mechanical stretch on the lattice, the\n", " photocurrent can be largely increased by up to 3 orders of magnitude due to the\n", " significantly increased device asymmetry. Our results propose an effective way\n", " to enhance the PGE by inhomogenous mechanical strain, showing the potential of\n", " the MgCl$_2$/ZnBr$_2$ vertical heterojunction in the low-power UV\n", " photodetection.,\n", " Reason and inference require process as well as memory skills by humans.\n", " Neural networks are able to process tasks like image recognition (better than\n", " humans) but in memory aspects are still limited (by attention mechanism, size).\n", " Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and it's modified version LSTM are able to solve\n", " small memory contexts, but as context becomes larger than a threshold, it is\n", " difficult to use them. The Solution is to use large external memory. Still, it\n", " poses many challenges like, how to train neural networks for discrete memory\n", " representation, how to describe long term dependencies in sequential data etc.\n", " Most prominent neural architectures for such tasks are Memory networks:\n", " inference components combined with long term memory and Neural Turing Machines:\n", " neural networks using external memory resources. Also, additional techniques\n", " like attention mechanism, end to end gradient descent on discrete memory\n", " representation are needed to support these solutions. Preliminary results of\n", " above neural architectures on simple algorithms (sorting, copying) and Question\n", " Answering (based on story, dialogs) application are comparable with the state\n", " of the art. In this paper, I explain these architectures (in general), the\n", " additional techniques used and the results of their application.,\n", " We study the time evolution of an ideal system composed of two harmonic\n", " oscillators coupled through a quadratic Hamiltonian with arbitrary interaction\n", " strength. We solve its dynamics analytically by employing tools from symplectic\n", " geometry. In particular, we use this result to completely characterize the\n", " dynamics of the two oscillators interacting in the ultrastrong coupling regime\n", " with additional single-mode squeezing on both oscillators, as well as higher\n", " order terms. Furthermore, we compute quantities of interest, such as the\n", " average number of excitations and the correlations that are established between\n", " the two subsystems due to the evolution. We find that this model predicts a\n", " second order phase transition and we compute the critical exponents and the\n", " critical value. We also provide an exact decoupling of the time evolution in\n", " terms of simple quantum optical operations, which can be used for practical\n", " implementations and studies. Finally, we show how our techniques can be\n", " extended to include more oscillators and higher order interactions.,\n", " We demonstrate that the fundamental algebraic structure underlying the\n", " Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra -- the insertion pre-Lie structure on graphs --\n", " corresponds directly to the canonical pre-Lie structure of polynomial vector\n", " fields. Using this fact, we construct a Hopf algebra built from tensors that is\n", " isomorphic to a version of the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra that first appeared\n", " in the perturbative renormalization of quantum field theories.,\n", " It is a puzzle why the densities of dark matter and dark energy are nearly\n", " equal today when they scale so differently during the expansion of the\n", " universe. This conundrum may be solved if there is a coupling between the two\n", " dark sectors. In this paper we assume that dark matter is made of cold relics\n", " with masses depending exponentially on the scalar field associated to dark\n", " energy. Since the dynamics of the system is dominated by an attractor solution,\n", " the dark matter particle mass is forced to change with time as to ensure that\n", " the ratio between the energy densities of dark matter and dark energy become a\n", " constant at late times and one readily realizes that the present-day dark\n", " matter abundance is not very sensitive to its value when dark matter particles\n", " decouple from the thermal bath. We show that the dependence of the present\n", " abundance of cold dark matter on the parameters of the model differs\n", " drastically from the familiar results where no connection between dark energy\n", " and dark matter is present. In particular, we analyze the case in which the\n", " cold dark matter particle is the lightest supersymmetric particle.,\n", " Recent observations of Seyfert 1 AGN with Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku\n", " revealed broad iron K_alpha emission lines, some relativistically blurred. For\n", " galactic black hole X-ray binaries XMM-Newton spectra during hard state also\n", " reveal the presence of a relativistic iron emission line and a thermal\n", " component, interpreted as an indication for a weak inner cool accretion disk\n", " underneath a hot corona. These thermal components were found after the\n", " transition from soft to hard spectral state and can be understood as sustained\n", " by re-condensation of gas from an advection-dominated flow (ADAF) onto the\n", " disk. In view of the similarity of accretion flows around stellar mass and\n", " supermassive black holes we discuss whether the broad iron emission lines in\n", " Seyfert 1 AGN can be understood as arising from a similar accretion flow\n", " geometry. We derive Eddington-scaled accretion rates for Seyfert galaxies with\n", " strong lines in samples of Miller (2007) and Nandra et al. (2007). For the\n", " evaluation we use the observed X-ray luminosity, bolometric corrections and\n", " black hole masses from literature, most values taken from Fabian and Vasudevan\n", " (2009). Rates derived are less than 0.1 of the Eddington rate for more than\n", " half of the sources. For 10^7 to 10^8 solar mass black holes in Seyfert 1 AGN\n", " this limit corresponds to 0.01 to 0.2 solar masses per year. Our investigation\n", " shows that for quite a number of Seyfert AGN in hard spectral state iron\n", " emission lines can arise from an inner weak disk surrounded by an ADAF as\n", " predicted by the re-condensation model. Some of the remaining sources with\n", " higher accretion rates may be in a spectral state comparable to the \"very high\"\n", " state of LMXBs. (abridged),\n", " We study the transport through evanescent waves in graphene quantum dots of\n", " different geometries. The transmission is suppressed when the leads are\n", " attached to edges of the same majority sublattice. Otherwise, the transmission\n", " depends exponentially on the distance between leads in rectangular dots, and as\n", " a power law in circular dots. The transmission through junctions where the\n", " transmitted and reflected currents belong to the opposite valley as the\n", " incoming one depends on details of the lattice structure at distances\n", " comparable to the atomic spacing.,\n", " We characterize classes of linear maps between operator spaces $E$, $F$ which\n", " factorize through maps arising in a natural manner via the Pisier vector-valued\n", " non-commutative $L^p$ spaces $S_p[E^*]$ based on the Schatten classes on the\n", " separable Hilbert space $l^2$. These classes of maps can be viewed as\n", " quasi-normed operator ideals in the category of operator spaces, that is in\n", " non-commutative (quantized) functional analysis. The case $p=2$ provides a\n", " Banach operator ideal and allows us to characterize the split property for\n", " inclusions of $W^*$-algebras by the 2-factorable maps. The various\n", " characterizations of the split property have interesting applications in\n", " Quantum Field Theory.,\n", " We propose to forecast future hand-object interactions given an egocentric\n", " video. Instead of predicting action labels or pixels, we directly predict the\n", " hand motion trajectory and the future contact points on the next active object\n", " (i.e., interaction hotspots). This relatively low-dimensional representation\n", " provides a concrete description of future interactions. To tackle this task, we\n", " first provide an automatic way to collect trajectory and hotspots labels on\n", " large-scale data. We then use this data to train an Object-Centric Transformer\n", " (OCT) model for prediction. Our model performs hand and object interaction\n", " reasoning via the self-attention mechanism in Transformers. OCT also provides a\n", " probabilistic framework to sample the future trajectory and hotspots to handle\n", " uncertainty in prediction. We perform experiments on the Epic-Kitchens-55,\n", " Epic-Kitchens-100, and EGTEA Gaze+ datasets, and show that OCT significantly\n", " outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin. Project page is\n", " available at https://stevenlsw.github.io/hoi-forecast .,\n", " Finite size effects on the cooperative thermal denaturation of proteins are\n", " considered. A dimensionless measure of cooperativity, Omega, scales as N^zeta,\n", " where N is the number of amino acids. Surprisingly, we find that zeta is\n", " universal with zeta = 1 + gamma, where the exponent gamma characterizes the\n", " divergence of the susceptibility for a self-avoiding walk. Our lattice model\n", " simulations and experimental data are consistent with the theory. Our finding\n", " rationalizes the marginal stability of proteins and substantiates the earlier\n", " predictions that the efficient folding of two-state proteins requires the\n", " folding transition temperature to be close to the collapse temperature.,\n", " We consider a one-phase free boundary problem of the minimizer of the energy\n", " \\[ J_{\\gamma}(u)=\\frac{1}{2}\\int_{(B_1^{n+1})^+}{y^{1-2s}|\\nabla\n", " u(x,y)|^2dxdy}+\\int_{B_1^{n}\\times \\{y=0\\}}{u^{\\gamma}dx}, \\] with constants\n", " $01.5\\cdot10^{21}m/s^2$ is inferred which is more than two orders of\n", " magnitude larger than the value $a_m=1\\cdot10^{19}m/s^2$ suggested by $^{57}$Fe\n", " rotor experiments.,\n", " Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments under applied magnetic field\n", " at low temperatures show detailed low lying magnetic excitations in the so\n", " called tridiminshed iron icosahedron magnetic molecule. The magnetic molecule\n", " consists of nine iron Fe$^{3+}$ ($s = 5/2$) and three phosphorous atoms that\n", " are situated on the twelve vertices of a nearly perfect icosahedron. The three\n", " phosphorous atoms form a plane that separates the iron cluster into two weakly\n", " coupled three- and six-ion fragments, \\{Fe$_3$\\} and \\{Fe$_6$\\}, respectively.\n", " The magnetic field INS results exhibit an $S=1/2$ ground state expected from a\n", " perfect equilateral triangle of the \\{Fe$_3$\\} triad with a powder averaged\n", " $g$-value $=2.00$. Two sets of triplet excitations whose temperature and\n", " magnetic field dependence indicate an $S=0$ ground state with two\n", " non-degenerate $S=1$ states are attributed to the \\{Fe$_6$\\} fragment. The\n", " splitting may result from a finite coupling between the two fragments,\n", " single-ion anisotropy, antisymmetric exchange couplings, or from magnetic\n", " frustration of its triangular building blocks.,\n", " In this paper a unified approach for power allocation (PA) problem in\n", " multi-hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) amplify-and-forward\n", " (AF) relaying systems has been developed. In the proposed approach, we consider\n", " short and long-term individual and total power constraints at the source and\n", " relays, and devise decentralized low complexity PA algorithms when wireless\n", " links are subject to channel path-loss and small-scale Rayleigh fading. In\n", " particular, aiming at improving the instantaneous rate of multi-hop\n", " transmission systems with AF relaying, we develop (i) a near-optimal iterative\n", " PA algorithm based on the exact analysis of the received SNR at the\n", " destination; (ii) a low complexity-suboptimal iterative PA algorithm based on\n", " an approximate expression at high-SNR regime; and (iii) a low complexity-non\n", " iterative PA scheme with limited performance loss. Since the PA problem in\n", " multi-hop systems is too complex to solve with known optimization solvers, in\n", " the proposed formulations, we adopted a two-stage approach, including a power\n", " distribution phase among distinct subcarriers, and a power allocation phase\n", " among different relays. The individual PA phases are then appropriately linked\n", " through an iterative method which tries to compensate the performance loss\n", " caused by the distinct two-stage approach. Simulation results show the superior\n", " performance of the proposed power allocation algorithms.,\n", " We have designed a passive spintronic diode based on a single skyrmion\n", " stabilized in a magnetic tunnel junction and studied its dynamics induced by\n", " voltage-controlled anisotropy (VCMA) and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction\n", " (VDMI). We have demonstrated that the sensitivity (rectified voltage over input\n", " microwave power) with realistic physical parameters and geometry can be larger\n", " than 10 kV/W which is one order of magnitude better than diodes employing a\n", " uniform ferromagnetic state. Our numerical and analytical results on the VCMA\n", " and VDMI-driven resonant excitation of skyrmions beyond the linear regime\n", " reveal a frequency dependence on the amplitude and no efficient parametric\n", " resonance. Skyrmions with a smaller radius produced higher sensitivities,\n", " demonstrating the efficient scalability of skyrmion-based spintronic diodes.\n", " These results pave the way for designing passive ultra-sensitive and energy\n", " efficient skyrmion-based microwave detectors.,\n", " Carbon materials are excellent candidates for photovoltaic solar cells: they\n", " are Earth-abundant, possess high optical absorption, and superior thermal and\n", " photostability. Here we report on solar cells with active layers made solely of\n", " carbon nanomaterials that present the same advantages of conjugated\n", " polymer-based solar cells - namely solution processable, potentially flexible,\n", " and chemically tunable - but with significantly increased photostability and\n", " the possibility to revert photodegradation. The device active layer composition\n", " is optimized using ab-initio density functional theory calculations to predict\n", " type-II band alignment and Schottky barrier formation. The best device\n", " fabricated is composed of PC70BM fullerene, semiconducting single-walled carbon\n", " nanotubes and reduced graphene oxide. It achieves a power conversion efficiency\n", " of 1.3% - a record for solar cells based on carbon as the active material - and\n", " shows significantly improved lifetime than a polymer-based device. We calculate\n", " efficiency limits of up to 13% for the devices fabricated in this work,\n", " comparable to those predicted for polymer solar cells. There is great promise\n", " for improving carbon-based solar cells considering the novelty of this type of\n", " device, the superior photostability, and the availability of a large number of\n", " carbon materials with yet untapped potential for photovoltaics. Our results\n", " indicate a new strategy for efficient carbon-based, solution-processable, thin\n", " film, photostable solar cells.,\n", " A task decomposition method for iterative learning model predictive control\n", " is presented. We consider a constrained nonlinear dynamical system and assume\n", " the availability of state-input pair datasets which solve a task T1. Our\n", " objective is to find a feasible model predictive control policy for a second\n", " task, T2, using stored data from T1. Our approach applies to tasks T2 which are\n", " composed of subtasks contained in T1. In this paper we propose a formal\n", " definition of subtasks and the task decomposition problem, and provide proofs\n", " of feasibility and iteration cost improvement over simple initializations. We\n", " demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on autonomous racing and\n", " robotic manipulation experiments.,\n", " The updated H-band spectral line list (from \\lambda 15,000 - 17,000\\AA)\n", " adopted by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)\n", " for the SDSS IV Data Release 16 (DR16) is presented here. The APOGEE line list\n", " is a combination of atomic and molecular lines with data from laboratory,\n", " theoretical, and astrophysical sources. Oscillator strengths and damping\n", " constants are adjusted using high signal-to-noise, high-resolution spectra of\n", " the Sun and alpha Boo (Arcturus) as \"standard stars\". Updates to the DR16 line\n", " list, when compared to the previous DR14 version, are the inclusion of\n", " molecular H_2O and FeH lines, as well as a much larger (by a factor of ~4)\n", " atomic line list, which includes significantly more transitions with hyperfine\n", " splitting. More recent references and line lists for the crucial molecules CO\n", " and OH were used, as well as for C_2 and SiH. In contrast to DR14, DR16\n", " contains measurable lines from the heavy neutron-capture elements cerium (as Ce\n", " II), neodymium (as Nd II), and ytterbium (as Yb II), as well as one line from\n", " rubidium (as Rb I), that may be detectable in a small fraction of APOGEE red\n", " giants.,\n", " We study $c<1$ matter coupled to gravity in the Coulomb gas formalism using\n", " the double cohomology of the string BRST and Felder BRST charges. We find that\n", " states outside the primary conformal grid are related to the states of non-zero\n", " ghost number by means of descent equations given by the double cohomology. Some\n", " aspects of the Virasoro structure of the Liouville Fock space are studied. As a\n", " consequence, states of non-zero ghost number are easily constructed by\n", " ``solving'' these descent equations. This enables us to map ghost number\n", " conserving correlation functions involving non-zero ghost number states into\n", " those involving states outside the primary conformal grid.,\n", " The simplest interior magnetic field B_i that can explain the observed\n", " uniform rotation of the Sun's radiative envelope is an axial dipole stabilized\n", " by a deep toroidal field. It can explain the uniform rotation only if confined\n", " in the polar caps. The field must be prevented from diffusing up into the\n", " high-latitude convection zone, whose slower rotation must remain decoupled from\n", " the radiative interior. This paper describes new analytical and numerical\n", " solutions of the relevant magnetohydrodynamic equations showing that such\n", " confinement and decoupling is dynamically possible by means of a laminar\n", " \"magnetic confinement layer\" at the bottom of the tachocline. With realistic\n", " values of the microscopic diffusivities, a weak laminar downwelling flow\n", " U~10^{-5}cm/s over the poles is enough to enforce exponential decay of B_i with\n", " altitude, in a confinement layer only a fraction of a megameter thick.\n", " Downwelling in the polar tachocline is implied both by helioseismic\n", " observations, combined with elementary dynamics, and by theoretical arguments\n", " about the \"gyroscopic pumping\" that would spread differential rotation downward\n", " in the absence of B_i. Our confinement-layer solutions are the first to take\n", " account of all the relevant physical effects in a self-consistent mathematical\n", " model. The effects include magnetic diffusion, baroclinicity and stable\n", " stratification (thermal and compositional), Coriolis effects, and thermal\n", " relaxation. We discuss how the confinement layers at each pole might fit into a\n", " global dynamical picture of the solar tachocline. That picture, in turn,\n", " suggests a new insight into the early Sun and solar lithium depletion.,\n", " We present a detailed re-analysis of the two {\\it ASCA} Performance\n", " Verification observations of the nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15.\n", " Confirming the results of Fabian et al. (1994), we find definite evidence for\n", " the {\\sc O\\,vii} and {\\sc O\\,viii} K-shell absorption edges of the warm\n", " absorber and a doubling of the warm absorber column density within the 3 weeks\n", " separating the two observations. No intra-day {\\it flux-correlated} variability\n", " of the warm absorber is found. However, we report the discovery of an `event'\n", " in which the warm absorber parameters temporarily change for\n", " \\sim10\\,000\\thinspace s before returning to their original values. Possible\n", " interpretations are discussed but a contradiction remains: the constancy of the\n", " ionization state of the warm absorber argues that it lies at large distances\n", " from the central source whereas the short term change in column density argues\n", " for small distances. Fluorescent iron emission is examined. As found by Fabian\n", " et al. (1994), the iron line is broad and strong (equivalent width\n", " \\sim300\\thinspace eV). The line profile is also suggestive of it being skewed.\n", " Such a line would be expected from a relativistic accretion disk. We also find\n", " very rapid primary X-ray variability. Assuming relativistic beaming to be\n", " unimportant, the derived efficiency is comparable to the maximum obtainable\n", " from accretion onto a Schwarzschild black hole. Correlated variability outside\n", " of the energy range of {\\it ASCA} might exceed this maximum, thus requiring\n", " efficient accretion onto a Kerr hole.,\n", " Geometrically, zeroes of a Gaussian analytic function are intersection points\n", " of an analytic curve in a Hilbert space with a randomly chosen hyperplane.\n", " Mathematical physics provides another interpretation as a gas of interacting\n", " particles. In the last decade, these interpretations influenced progress in\n", " understanding statistical patterns in the zeroes of Gaussian analytic\n", " functions, and led to the discovery of canonical models with invariant zero\n", " distribution. We shall discuss some of recent results in this area and mention\n", " several open questions.,\n", " With the potential for the improvements of measurement precision,the\n", " refinement of theoretical calculation on hadronic $B$ weak decays is necessary.\n", " In this paper, we study the contributions of $B$ mesonic distribution amplitude\n", " ${\\Phi}_{B2}$ within the QCD factorization approach, and find that\n", " ${\\Phi}_{B2}$ contributes to only the nonfactorizable annihilation amplitudes\n", " for the $B$ ${\\to}$ $PP$ decays ($P$ denotes the ground $SU(3)$ pseudoscalar\n", " mesons). Although small, the ${\\Phi}_{B2}$ contributions might be helpful for\n", " improving the performance of the QCD factorization approach, especially for the\n", " pure annihilation $B_{d}$ ${\\to}$ $K^{+}K^{-}$ and $B_{s}$ ${\\to}$\n", " ${\\pi}^{+}{\\pi}^{-}$ decays.,\n", " The method of analytical continuation from imaginary to real chemical\n", " potential is tested in 2-color QCD. In comparison to previous studies in the\n", " same theory, an exact updating algorithm is used and simulations are performed\n", " closer to the thermodynamic limit. It is shown that the method considerably\n", " improves if suitable functions are used to interpolate data with imaginary\n", " chemical potential.,\n", " We characterize the rate of convergence of a converging volume-normalized\n", " Yamabe flow in terms of Morse theoretic properties of the limiting metric. If\n", " the limiting metric is an integrable critical point for the Yamabe functional\n", " (for example, this holds when the critical point is non-degenerate), then we\n", " show that the flow converges exponentially fast. In general, we make use of a\n", " suitable Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality to prove that the slowest the flow will\n", " converge is polynomially. When the limit metric satisfies an Adams-Simon type\n", " condition we prove that there exist flows converging to it exactly at a\n", " polynomial rate. We conclude by constructing explicit examples to show that\n", " this does occur; these seem to be the first examples of a slowly converging\n", " solution to a geometric flow.,\n", " An exact solution was produced for one of the versions of conformal\n", " -invariant gravitation theories (conformal geometrodynamics - CG) for the body\n", " with a mass and an electric charge. The solution is analogous to the\n", " Reissner-Nordstr\\\"{o}m solution in the general relativity theory. Its similar\n", " solution was earlier produced by Mannheit and Kazanas for the different version\n", " of the conformal-invariant gravitation theory -- Weyl conformal gravitation\n", " theory (Weyl CGt). Similar solutions do not comply. Issues of conformity with\n", " regard to the similar solutions are discussed. A conclusion is made that only\n", " the similar solution produced from conformal geometrodynamics (CG) equations\n", " corresponds to electrodynamic equations.,\n", " This volume contains the proceedings of LINEARITY 2009: the first\n", " International Workshop on Linearity, which took place 12th September 2009 in\n", " Coimbra, Portugal. The workshop was a satellite event of CSL 2009, the 18th\n", " EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic.,\n", " We present a computational analysis of the reactive flow in a hypersonic\n", " scramjet engine with focus on effects of uncertainties in the operating\n", " conditions. We employ a novel methodology based on active subspaces to\n", " characterize the effects of the input uncertainty on the scramjet performance.\n", " The active subspace identifies one-dimensional structure in the map from\n", " simulation inputs to quantity of interest that allows us to reparameterize the\n", " operating conditions; instead of seven physical parameters, we can use a single\n", " derived active variable. This dimension reduction enables otherwise infeasible\n", " uncertainty quantification, considering the simulation cost of roughly 9500\n", " CPU-hours per run. For two values of the fuel injection rate, we use a total of\n", " 68 simulations to (i) identify the parameters that contribute the most to the\n", " variation in the output quantity of interest, (ii) estimate upper and lower\n", " bounds on the quantity of interest, (iii) classify sets of operating conditions\n", " as safe or unsafe corresponding to a threshold on the output quantity of\n", " interest, and (iv) estimate a cumulative distribution function for the quantity\n", " of interest.,\n", " Given any equivariant coherent sheaf $\\mathcal L$ on a compact semi-positive\n", " toric orbifold $\\mathcal X$, its SYZ T-dual mirror dual is a Lagrangian brane\n", " in the Landau-Ginzburg mirror. We prove the oscillatory integral of the\n", " equivariant superpotential in the Landau Ginzburg mirror over this Lagrangian\n", " brane is the genus-zero $1$-descendant Gromov-Witten potential with a\n", " Gamma-type class of $\\mathcal L$ inserted.,\n", " We investigate quantum Hall stripes under in-plane magnetic field\n", " $B_\\parallel$ in a variable-density two-dimensional electron gas. At filling\n", " factor $\\nu = 9/2$, we observe one, two, and zero $B_\\parallel$-induced\n", " reorientations at low, intermediate, and high densities, respectively. The\n", " appearance of these distinct regimes is due to a strong density dependence of\n", " the $B_\\parallel$-induced orienting mechanism which triggers the second\n", " reorientation, rendering stripes \\emph{parallel} to $B_\\parallel$. In contrast,\n", " the mechanism which reorients stripes perpendicular to $B_\\parallel$ showed no\n", " noticeable dependence on density. Measurements at $\\nu = 9/2$ and $11/2$ at the\n", " same, tilted magnetic field, allows us to rule out density dependence of the\n", " native symmetry-breaking field as a dominant factor. Our findings further\n", " suggest that screening might play an important role in determining stripe\n", " orientation, providing guidance in developing theories aimed at identifying and\n", " describing native and $B_\\parallel$-induced symmetry-breaking fields.,\n", " The past century was era of linear systems. Either systems (especially\n", " industrial ones) were simple (quasi)linear or linear approximations were\n", " accurate enough. In addition, just at the ending decades of the century\n", " profusion of computing devices were available, before then due to lack of\n", " computational resources it was not easy to evaluate available nonlinear system\n", " studies. At the moment both these two conditions changed, systems are highly\n", " complex and also pervasive amount of computation strength is cheap and easy to\n", " achieve. For recent era, a new branch of supervised learning well known as\n", " surrogate modeling (meta-modeling, surface modeling) has been devised which\n", " aimed at answering new needs of modeling realm. This short literature survey is\n", " on to introduce surrogate modeling to whom is familiar with the concepts of\n", " supervised learning. Necessity, challenges and visions of the topic are\n", " considered.,\n", " In the right conditions, removing one particle from a multipartite bound\n", " state can make it fall apart. This feature, known as the \"Borromean property\",\n", " has been recently demonstrated experimentally in Efimov states. One could\n", " expect that such peculiar behavior should be linked with the presence of strong\n", " inter-particle correlations. However, any exploration of this connection is\n", " hindered by the complexity of the physical systems exhibiting the Borromean\n", " property. To overcome this problem, we introduce a simple dynamical toy model\n", " based on a discrete-time quantum walk of many interacting particles. We show\n", " that the particles described by it need to exhibit the\n", " Greenberger-Horne-Zeillinger (GHZ) entanglement to form Borromean bound states.\n", " As this type of entanglement is very prone to particle losses, our work\n", " demonstrates an intuitive link between correlations and Borromean properties of\n", " the system. Moreover, we discuss our findings in the context of the formation\n", " of composite particles.,\n", " Resonating Valence Bond states are quantum spin liquids, having low energy\n", " spin-half (spinon) or spin-1 excitations. Although spins are `disordered', they\n", " posses subtle topological orders and some times chiral orders. RVB states are\n", " easily appreciated and seem natural in the quantum fluctuation dominated 1D\n", " world. In 2 and 3D, competing orders such as antiferromagnetism, charge order\n", " or even superconductivity often hide an underlying robust quantum spin liquid\n", " state. Introduction of additional spin interactions or doping of delocalized\n", " charges, or finite temperatures, could frustrate the long range magnetic order\n", " and reveal a robust RVB state. To this extent they are natural in 2D and above.\n", " We present a brief history of insulating RVB states. Then we summarise our own\n", " recent theory of RVB states for 2 and 3D systems, including some newly\n", " synthesised ones: i) boron doped diamond, ii) \\nxcob, iii) quasi 2D organic\n", " conductors and iv) a 2D graphene sheet.,\n", " Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common and complex neurodegenerative disorder\n", " with 5 stages in the Hoehn and Yahr scaling. Given the heterogeneity of PD, it\n", " is challenging to classify early stages 1 and 2 and detect brain function\n", " alterations. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a promising tool\n", " in revealing functional connectivity (FC) differences and developing biomarkers\n", " in PD. Some machine learning approaches like support vector machine and\n", " logistic regression have been successfully applied in the early diagnosis of PD\n", " using fMRI data, which outperform classifiers based on manually selected\n", " morphological features. However, the early-stage characterization in FC changes\n", " has not been fully investigated. Given the complexity and non-linearity of fMRI\n", " data, we propose the use of a long short-term memory (LSTM) network to\n", " characterize the early stages of PD. The study included 84 subjects (56 in\n", " stage 2 and 28 in stage 1) from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative\n", " (PPMI), the largest available public PD dataset. Under a repeated 10-fold\n", " stratified cross-validation, the LSTM model reached an accuracy of 71.63%,\n", " 13.52% higher than the best traditional machine learning method, indicating\n", " significantly better robustness and accuracy compared with other machine\n", " learning classifiers. We used the learned LSTM model weights to select the top\n", " brain regions that contributed to model prediction and performed FC analyses to\n", " characterize functional changes with disease stage and motor impairment to gain\n", " better insight into the brain mechanisms of PD.,\n", " We report the TeV gamma-ray observations of the nearby normal spiral galaxy\n", " NGC 253. At a distance of $\\sim$2.5 Mpc, NGC 253 is one of the nearest\n", " starburst galaxies. This relative closeness, coupled with the high star\n", " formation rate in the galaxy, make it a good candidate TeV gamma-ray source.\n", " Observations were carried out in 2000 and 2001 with the CANGAROO-II 10 m\n", " imaging atmospheric Cerenkov telescope. TeV gamma-ray emission is detected at\n", " the $\\sim 11\\sigma$ level with a flux of $(7.8 \\pm 2.5)\\times 10^{-12} {\\rm\n", " cm}^{-2} {\\rm sec}^{-1}$ at energies $>$0.5 TeV. The data indicate that the\n", " emission region is broader than the point spread function of our telescope.,\n", " Social media serves as a unified platform for users to express their thoughts\n", " on subjects ranging from their daily lives to their opinion on consumer brands\n", " and products. These users wield an enormous influence in shaping the opinions\n", " of other consumers and influence brand perception, brand loyalty and brand\n", " advocacy. In this paper, we analyze the opinion of 19M Twitter users towards 62\n", " popular industries, encompassing 12,898 enterprise and consumer brands, as well\n", " as associated subject matter topics, via sentiment analysis of 330M tweets over\n", " a period spanning a month. We find that users tend to be most positive towards\n", " manufacturing and most negative towards service industries. In addition, they\n", " tend to be more positive or negative when interacting with brands than\n", " generally on Twitter. We also find that sentiment towards brands within an\n", " industry varies greatly and we demonstrate this using two industries as use\n", " cases. In addition, we discover that there is no strong correlation between\n", " topic sentiments of different industries, demonstrating that topic sentiments\n", " are highly dependent on the context of the industry that they are mentioned in.\n", " We demonstrate the value of such an analysis in order to assess the impact of\n", " brands on social media. We hope that this initial study will prove valuable for\n", " both researchers and companies in understanding users' perception of\n", " industries, brands and associated topics and encourage more research in this\n", " field.,\n", " As an emerging technology in the era of Industry 4.0, digital twin is gaining\n", " unprecedented attention because of its promise to further optimize process\n", " design, quality control, health monitoring, decision and policy making, and\n", " more, by comprehensively modeling the physical world as a group of\n", " interconnected digital models. In a two-part series of papers, we examine the\n", " fundamental role of different modeling techniques, twinning enabling\n", " technologies, and uncertainty quantification and optimization methods commonly\n", " used in digital twins. This first paper presents a thorough literature review\n", " of digital twin trends across many disciplines currently pursuing this area of\n", " research. Then, digital twin modeling and twinning enabling technologies are\n", " further analyzed by classifying them into two main categories:\n", " physical-to-virtual, and virtual-to-physical, based on the direction in which\n", " data flows. Finally, this paper provides perspectives on the trajectory of\n", " digital twin technology over the next decade, and introduces a few emerging\n", " areas of research which will likely be of great use in future digital twin\n", " research. In part two of this review, the role of uncertainty quantification\n", " and optimization are discussed, a battery digital twin is demonstrated, and\n", " more perspectives on the future of digital twin are shared.,\n", " We consider systems of interacting Generalized Friedman's Urns (GFUs) having\n", " irreducible mean replacement matrices. The interaction is modeled through the\n", " probability to sample the colors from each urn, that is defined as convex\n", " combination of the urn proportions in the system. From the weights of these\n", " combinations we individuate subsystems of urns evolving with different\n", " behaviors. We provide a complete description of the asymptotic properties of\n", " urn proportions in each subsystem by establishing limiting proportions,\n", " convergence rates and Central Limit Theorems. The main proofs are based on a\n", " detailed eigenanalysis and stochastic approximation techniques.,\n", " The present work is the second part of a pair of papers, considering Hybrid\n", " Discontinuous Galerkin methods with relaxed H(div)-conformity. The first part\n", " mainly dealt with presenting a robust analysis with respect to the mesh size\n", " $h$ and the introduction of a reconstruction operator to restore\n", " divergence-conformity and pressure robustness using a non conforming right hand\n", " side. The aim of this part is the presentation of a high order polynomial\n", " robust analysis for the relaxed $H(\\operatorname{div})$-conforming Hybrid\n", " Discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the two dimensional Stokes problem. It\n", " is based on the recently proven polynomial robust LBB-condition for BDM\n", " elements [P. L. Lederer, J. Sch\\\"oberl, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,\n", " 2017] and is derived by a direct approach instead of using a best approximation\n", " C\\'{e}a like result. We further treat the impact of the reconstruction operator\n", " on the $hp$ analysis and present a numerical investigation considering\n", " polynomial robustness. We conclude the paper presenting an efficient operator\n", " splitting time integration scheme for the Navier--Stokes equations which is\n", " based on the methods recently presented in [C. Lehrenfeld, J. Sch\\\"oberl,\n", " \\emph{Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng.}, 361 (2016)] and includes the ideas of the\n", " reconstruction operator.,\n", " The behaviour of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) in the atmosphere is highly\n", " dependent on their thermal properties. Here we investigate the volatility of\n", " SOA formed from alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and limonene upon ozone- and\n", " OH-induced oxidation, and the effect of OH-induced ageing on the initially\n", " produced SOA. For all three terpenes, the ozone-induced SOA was less volatile\n", " than the OH-induced SOA. The thermal properties of the SOA were described using\n", " three parameters extracted from the volatility measurements: the temperature at\n", " which 50 per cent of the volume has evaporated (TVFR0.5), which is used as a\n", " general volatility indicator; a slope factor (SVFR), which describes the\n", " volatility distribution; and TVFR0.1, which measures the volatility of the\n", " least volatile particle fraction. Limonene-derived SOA generally had higher\n", " TVFR0.5 values and shallower slopes than SOA derived from alpha- and\n", " beta-pinene. This was especially true for the ozone-induced SOA, partially\n", " because the ozonolysis of limonene has a strong tendency to cause SOA formation\n", " and to produce extremely low volatility VOCs (ELVOCs). Ageing by OH exposure\n", " did not reduce TVFR0.5 for any of the studied terpenes but did increase the\n", " breadth of the volatility distribution by increasing the aerosols heterogeneity\n", " and contents of substances with different vapour pressures, also leading to\n", " increases in TVFR0.1. This stands in contrast to previously reported results\n", " from smog chamber experiments, in which TVFR0.5 always increased with ageing.\n", " These results demonstrate that there are two opposing processes that influence\n", " the evolution of SOAs thermal properties as they age, and that results from\n", " both flow reactors and static chambers are needed to fully understand the\n", " temporal evolution of atmospheric SOA thermal properties.,\n", " Natural gas-fired generation units can hedge against the volatility in the\n", " uncertain renewable generation, which may occur during very short periods. It\n", " is crucial to utilize models capable of correctly capturing the natural gas\n", " network dynamics induced by the volatile demand of gas-fired units. The\n", " Weymouth equation is commonly implemented in literature to avoid dealing with\n", " the mathematical complications of solving the original governing differential\n", " equations of the natural gas dynamics. However, it is shown in this paper that\n", " this approach is not reliable in the short-term operation problem. Here, the\n", " merit of the non-convex transient model is compared with the simplified\n", " Weymouth equation, and the drawbacks of employing the Weymouth equation are\n", " illustrated. The results demonstrate how changes in the natural gas demand are\n", " met by adjustment in the pressure within pipelines rather than the output of\n", " natural gas suppliers. This work presents a convex relaxation scheme for the\n", " original non-linear and non-convex natural gas flow equations with dynamics,\n", " utilizing a rank minimization approach to ensure the tightness. The proposed\n", " method renders a computationally efficient framework that can accurately solve\n", " the non-convex non-linear gas operation problem and accurately capture its\n", " dynamics. Also, the results suggest that the proposed model improves the\n", " solution optimality and solution time compared to the original non-linear\n", " non-convex model. Finally, the scalability of the proposed approach is verified\n", " in the case study.,\n", " We extend our previous study of the stellar population of L1641, the\n", " lower-density star-forming region of the Orion A cloud south of the dense Orion\n", " Nebula Cluster (ONC), with the goal of testing whether there is a statistically\n", " significant deficiency of high-mass stars in low-density regions. Previously,\n", " we compared the observed ratio of low-mass stars to high-mass stars with\n", " theoretical models of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) to infer a\n", " deficiency of the highest-mass stars in L1641. We expand our population study\n", " to identify the intermediate mass (late B to G) L1641 members in an attempt to\n", " make a more direct comparison with the mass function of the nearby ONC. The\n", " spectral type distribution and the K-band luminosity function of L1641 are\n", " similar to those of the ONC (Hillenbrand 1997; Muench et al. 2002), but\n", " problems of incompleteness and contamination prevent us from making a detailed\n", " test for differences. We limit our analysis to statistical tests of the ratio\n", " of high-mass to low-mass stars, which indicate a probability of only 3% that\n", " the ONC and the southern region of L1641 were drawn from the same population,\n", " supporting the hypothesis that the upper mass end of the IMF is dependent on\n", " environmental density.,\n", " Tree-level unitarity constraints on the masses of the Higgs bosons in the\n", " general Two Higgs Doublet Model (THDM) are studied. We first consider the case\n", " where the Higgs potential is invariant under a discrete symmetry\n", " transformation, and derive strong constraints on the mass of the lightest\n", " CP-even Higgs boson ($M_h$) as a function of $\\tan\\beta$. We then show that the\n", " inclusion of the discrete symmetry breaking term weakens the mass bounds\n", " considerably. It is suggested that a measurement of $M_h$ and $\\tan\\beta$ may\n", " enable discrimination between the two Higgs potentials.,\n", " We show existence, uniqueness and stability for a family of stationary\n", " subsonic compressible Euler flows with mass-additions in two-dimensional\n", " rectilinear ducts, subjected to suitable time-independent multi-dimensional\n", " boundary conditions at the entrances and exits.The stationary subsonic Euler\n", " equations consist a quasi-linear system of elliptic-hyperbolic composite-mixed\n", " type, while addition-of-mass destructs the usual methods based upon\n", " conservation of mass and Lagrangian coordinates to separate the elliptical and\n", " hyperbolic modes of the system. We establish a new decomposition and nonlinear\n", " iteration scheme to overcome this major difficulty. It reveals that\n", " mass-additions introduce very strong interactions in the elliptic and\n", " hyperbolic modes, and lead to a class of second-order elliptic equations with\n", " multiple integral nonlocal terms. The linearized problem is solved by studying\n", " algebraicand analytical properties of infinite weakly coupled boundary-value\n", " problems of ordinary differential equations, each with multiple nonlocal terms,\n", " after applications of Fourier analysis methods.,\n", " This is the second part of a two-part series of papers. In this paper, for\n", " the generalized non-orthogonal amplify and forward (GNAF) protocol presented in\n", " Part-I, a construction of a new family of distributed space-time codes based on\n", " Co-ordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIOD) which result in reduced\n", " Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity at the destination is proposed.\n", " Further, it is established that the recently proposed Toeplitz space-time codes\n", " as well as space-time block codes (STBCs) from cyclic division algebras can be\n", " used in GNAF protocol. Finally, a lower bound on the optimal\n", " Diversity-Multiplexing Gain (DM-G) tradeoff for the GNAF protocol is\n", " established and it is shown that this bound approaches the transmit diversity\n", " bound asymptotically as the number of relays and the number of channels uses\n", " increases.,\n", " Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has attracted much attention as a\n", " promising approach to alleviate spectrum congestion. However, traditional ISAC\n", " systems rely on phased arrays to provide high spatial diversity, where enormous\n", " power-consuming components such as phase shifters are used, leading to the high\n", " power consumption of the system. In this article, we introduce holographic\n", " ISAC, a new paradigm to enable high spatial diversity with low power\n", " consumption by using reconfigurable holographic surfaces (RHSs), which is an\n", " innovative type of planar antenna with densely deployed metamaterial elements.\n", " We first introduce the hardware structure and working principle of the RHS and\n", " then propose a novel holographic beamforming scheme for ISAC. Moreover, we\n", " build an RHS-enabled hardware prototype for ISAC and evaluate the system\n", " performance in the built prototype. Simulation and experimental results verify\n", " the feasibility of holographic ISAC and reveal the great potential of the RHS\n", " for reducing power consumption. Furthermore, future research directions and key\n", " challenges related to holographic ISAC are discussed.,\n", " An adaptive moving mesh finite difference method is presented to solve two\n", " types of equations with dynamic capillary pressure term in porous media. One is\n", " the non-equilibrium Richards Equation and the other is the modified\n", " Buckley-Leverett equation. The governing equations are discretized with an\n", " adaptive moving mesh finite difference method in the space direction and an\n", " implicit-explicit method in the time direction. In order to obtain high quality\n", " meshes, an adaptive time-dependent monitor function with directional control is\n", " applied to redistribute the mesh grid in every time step, and a diffusive\n", " mechanism is used to smooth the monitor function. The behaviors of the central\n", " difference flux, the standard local Lax-Friedrich flux and the local\n", " Lax-Friedrich flux with reconstruction are investigated by solving a 1D\n", " modified Buckley-Leverett equation. With the moving mesh technique, good mesh\n", " quality and high numerical accuracy are obtained. A collection of\n", " one-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical experiments is presented to\n", " demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method.,\n", " The modelling and simulation of the interaction among vehicles and\n", " pedestrians during cross-walking is an open challenge for both research and\n", " practical computational solutions supporting urban/traffic decision makers and\n", " managers. The social cost of pedestrians' risky behaviour pushes the\n", " development of a new generation of computational models integrating analytical\n", " knowledge, data and experience about the complex dynamics occurring in\n", " pedestrian/vehicle interactions, which are not completely understood despite\n", " recent efforts. This paper presents the results of a significant data gathering\n", " campaign realised at an unsignalized zebra crossing. The selected area of the\n", " city of Milan (Italy) is characterised by a significant presence of elderly\n", " inhabitants and pedestrian-vehicle risky interactions, testified by a high\n", " number of accidents involving pedestrians in the past years. The results\n", " concern the analysis of: (i) vehicular and pedestrian traffic volumes; (ii)\n", " level of service; (iii) pedestrian-vehicle interactions, considering the impact\n", " of ageing on crossing behaviour. Results showed that the phenomenon is\n", " characterised by three main phases: approaching, appraising (evaluation of the\n", " distance and speed of oncoming vehicles) and crossing. The final objective of\n", " the research is to support the development of a microscopic agent-based tool\n", " for simulating pedestrian behaviour at unsignalized crosswalks, focusing on the\n", " specific needs of the elderly pedestrians.,\n", " We formalise and study multi-agent timed models MAPTs (Multi-Agent with timed\n", " Periodic Tasks), where each agent is associated to a regular timed schema upon\n", " which all possibles actions of the agent rely. MAPTs allow for an accelerated\n", " semantics and a layered structure of the state space, so that it is possible to\n", " explore the latter dynamically and use heuristics to greatly reduce the\n", " computation time needed to address reachability problems. We apply MAPTs to\n", " explore state spaces of autonomous vehicles and compare it with other\n", " approaches in terms of expressivity, abstraction level and computation time.,\n", " Let $B=(X,Y,E)$ be a bipartite graph. A half-square of $B$ has one color\n", " class of $B$ as vertex set, say $X$; two vertices are adjacent whenever they\n", " have a common neighbor in $Y$. Every planar graph is a half-square of a planar\n", " bipartite graph, namely of its subdivision. Until recently, only half-squares\n", " of planar bipartite graphs, also known as map graphs (Chen, Grigni and\n", " Papadimitriou [STOC 1998, J. ACM 2002]), have been investigated, and the most\n", " discussed problem is whether it is possible to recognize these graphs faster\n", " and simpler than Thorup's $O(n^{120})$-time algorithm (Thorup [FOCS 1998]).\n", " In this paper, we identify the first hardness case, namely that deciding if a\n", " graph is a half-square of a balanced bisplit graph is NP-complete. (Balanced\n", " bisplit graphs form a proper subclass of star convex bipartite graphs.) For\n", " classical subclasses of tree convex bipartite graphs such as biconvex, convex,\n", " and chordal bipartite graphs, we give good structural characterizations of\n", " their half-squares that imply efficient recognition algorithms. As a\n", " by-product, we obtain new characterizations of unit interval graphs, interval\n", " graphs, and of strongly chordal graphs in terms of half-squares of biconvex\n", " bipartite, convex bipartite, and of chordal bipartite graphs, respectively.\n", " Good characterizations of half-squares of star convex and star biconvex\n", " bipartite graphs are also given, giving linear-time recognition algorithms for\n", " these half-squares.,\n", " We investigate the multi-order parameter phase field model of Steinbach and\n", " Pezzolla [I. Steinbach, F. Pezzolla, A generalized field method for multiphase\n", " transformations using interface fields, Physica D 134 (1999) 385-393]\n", " concerning its ability to describe grain boundary premelting. For a single\n", " order parameter situation solid-melt interfaces are always attractive, which\n", " allows to have (unstable) equilibrium solid-melt-solid coexistence above the\n", " bulk melting point. The temperature dependent melt layer thickness and the\n", " disjoining potential, which describe the interface interaction, are affected by\n", " the choice of the thermal coupling function and the measure to define the\n", " amount of the liquid phase. Due to the strictly finite interface thickness also\n", " the interaction range is finite. For a multi-order parameter model we find\n", " either purely attractive or purely repulsive finite-ranged interactions. The\n", " premelting transition is then directly linked to the ratio of the grain\n", " boundary and solid-melt interfacial energy.,\n", " Similarity-preserving hashing is a widely-used method for nearest neighbour\n", " search in large-scale image retrieval tasks. There has been considerable\n", " research on generating efficient image representation via the\n", " deep-network-based hashing methods. However, the issue of efficient searching\n", " in the deep representation space remains largely unsolved. To this end, we\n", " propose a simple yet efficient deep-network-based multi-index hashing method\n", " for simultaneously learning the powerful image representation and the efficient\n", " searching. To achieve these two goals, we introduce the multi-index hashing\n", " (MIH) mechanism into the proposed deep architecture, which divides the binary\n", " codes into multiple substrings. Due to the non-uniformly distributed codes will\n", " result in inefficiency searching, we add the two balanced constraints at\n", " feature-level and instance-level, respectively. Extensive evaluations on\n", " several benchmark image retrieval datasets show that the learned balanced\n", " binary codes bring dramatic speedups and achieve comparable performance over\n", " the existing baselines.,\n", " We derive bounds on squark and slepton masses in mini-split supersymmetry\n", " scenario using low energy experiments. In this setup gauginos are at the TeV\n", " scale, while sfermions are heavier by a loop factor. We cover the most\n", " sensitive low energy probes including electric dipole moments (EDMs), meson\n", " oscillations and charged lepton flavor violation (LFV) transitions. A leading\n", " log resummation of the large logs of gluino to sfermion mass ratio is\n", " performed. A sensitivity to PeV squark masses is obtained at present from kaon\n", " mixing measurements. A number of observables, including neutron EDMs, mu->e\n", " transitions and charmed meson mixing, will start probing sfermion masses in the\n", " 100 TeV-1000 TeV range with the projected improvements in the experimental\n", " sensitivities. We also discuss the implications of our results for a variety of\n", " models that address the flavor hierarchy of quarks and leptons. We find that\n", " EDM searches will be a robust probe of models in which fermion masses are\n", " generated radiatively, while LFV searches remain sensitive to simple-texture\n", " based flavor models.,\n", " Bayesian modelling for cost-effectiveness data has received much attention in\n", " both the health economics and the statistical literature in recent years.\n", " Cost-effectiveness data are characterised by a relatively complex structure of\n", " relationships linking the suitable measure of clinical benefit (\\eg QALYs) and\n", " the associated costs. Simplifying assumptions, such as (bivariate) normality of\n", " the underlying distributions are usually not granted, particularly for the cost\n", " variable, which is characterised by markedly skewed distributions. In addition,\n", " individual-level datasets are often characterised by the presence of structural\n", " zeros in the cost variable.\n", " Hurdle models can be used to account for the presence of excess zeros in a\n", " distribution and have been applied in the context of cost data. We extend their\n", " application to cost-effectiveness data, defining a full Bayesian model which\n", " consists of a selection model for the subjects with null costs, a marginal\n", " model for the costs and a conditional model for the measure of effectiveness\n", " (conditionally on the observed costs). The model is presented using a working\n", " example to describe its main features.,\n", " We report on the discovery of a mysterious ultra-steep spectrum (USS)\n", " synchrotron source in the galaxy cluster Abell 2877. We have observed the\n", " source with the Murchison Widefield Array at five frequencies across 72-231 MHz\n", " and have found the source to exhibit strong spectral curvature over this range\n", " as well the steepest known spectra of a synchrotron cluster source, with a\n", " spectral index across the central three frequency bands of $\\alpha =\n", " -5.97^{+0.40}_{-0.48}$. Higher frequency radio observations, including a deep\n", " observation with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, fail to detect any of\n", " the extended diffuse emission. The source is approximately 370 kpc wide and\n", " bears an uncanny resemblance to a jellyfish with two peaks of emission and long\n", " tentacles descending south towards the cluster centre. Whilst the `USS\n", " Jellyfish' defies easy classification, we here propose that the phenomenon is\n", " caused by the reacceleration and compression of multiple aged electron\n", " populations from historic active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity, so-called\n", " `radio phoenix', by an as yet undetected weak cluster-scale mechanism. The USS\n", " Jellyfish adds to a growing number of radio phoenix in cool-core clusters with\n", " unknown reacceleration mechanisms; as the first example of a polyphoenix,\n", " however, this implies the mechanism is on the scale of the cluster itself.\n", " Indeed, we show that in simulations, emission akin to the USS Jellyfish can be\n", " produced as a short-lived, transient phase in the evolution of multiple\n", " interacting AGN remnants when subject to weak external shocks.,\n", " In this paper we study the redundancy of Huffman codes. In particular, we\n", " consider sources for which the probability of one of the source symbols is\n", " known. We prove a conjecture of Ye and Yeung regarding the upper bound on the\n", " redundancy of such Huffman codes, which yields in a tight upper bound. We also\n", " derive a tight lower bound for the redundancy under the same assumption.\n", " We further apply the method introduced in this paper to other related\n", " problems. It is shown that several other previously known bounds with different\n", " constraints follow immediately from our results.,\n", " What is chaos? Despite several decades of research on this ubiquitous and\n", " fundamental phenomenon there is yet no agreed-upon answer to this question.\n", " Recently, it was realized that all stochastic and deterministic differential\n", " equations, describing all natural and engineered dynamical systems, possess a\n", " topological supersymmetry. It was then suggested that its spontaneous breakdown\n", " could be interpreted as the stochastic generalization of deterministic chaos.\n", " This conclusion stems from the fact that such phenomenon encompasses features\n", " that are traditionally associated with chaotic dynamics such as\n", " non-integrability, positive topological entropy, sensitivity to initial\n", " conditions, and the Poincare-Bendixson theorem. Here, we strengthen and\n", " complete this picture by showing that the hallmarks of set-theoretic chaos --\n", " topological transitivity/mixing and dense periodic orbits -- can also be\n", " attributed to the spontaneous breakdown of topological supersymmetry. We also\n", " demonstrate that these features, which highlight the noisy character of chaotic\n", " dynamics, do not actually admit a stochastic generalization. We therefore\n", " conclude that spontaneous topological symmetry breaking can be considered as\n", " the most general definition of continuous-time dynamical chaos. Contrary to the\n", " common perception and semantics of the word \"chaos\", this phenomenon should\n", " then be truly interpreted as the low-symmetry, or ordered phase of the\n", " dynamical systems that manifest it. Since the long-range order in this case is\n", " temporal, we then suggest the word \"chronotaxis\" as a better representation of\n", " this phenomenon.,\n", " An experimental investigation of a new interaction connected with the\n", " existence of the cosmological vectorial potential, has been carried out. On its\n", " basis, a new method of energy generation with the use of a plasma generator,\n", " has been studied. The experimental results and complete analysis of errors in\n", " the experiments are presented.,\n", " Many centralized matching markets are preceded by interviews between\n", " participants. We study the impact on the final match of an increase in the\n", " number of interviews for one side of the market. Our motivation is the match\n", " between residents and hospitals where, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, interviews\n", " for the 2020-21 season of the National Residency Matching Program were switched\n", " to a virtual format. This drastically reduced the cost to applicants of\n", " accepting interview invitations. However, the reduction in cost was not\n", " symmetric since applicants, not programs, previously bore most of the costs of\n", " in-person interviews. We show that if doctors can accept more interviews, but\n", " the hospitals do not increase the number of interviews they offer, then no\n", " previously matched doctor is better off and many are potentially harmed. This\n", " adverse consequence is the result of what we call interview hoarding. We prove\n", " this analytically and characterize optimal mitigation strategies for special\n", " cases. We use simulations to extend these insights to more general settings.,\n", " A popular way to study N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories is to realize them\n", " geometrically in string theory, as suspended brane constructions, D-branes\n", " wrapping cycles in Calabi-Yau manifolds, orbifolds, and otherwise. Among the\n", " applications of this idea are simple derivations and generalizations of Seiberg\n", " duality for the theories which can be so realized.\n", " We abstract from these arguments the idea that Seiberg duality arises because\n", " a configuration of gauge theory can be realized as a bound state of a\n", " collection of branes in more than one way, and we show that different brane\n", " world-volume theories obtained this way have matching moduli spaces, the\n", " primary test of Seiberg duality.\n", " Furthermore, we do this by defining ``brane'' and all the other ingredients\n", " of such arguments purely algebraically, for a very large class of N=1 quiver\n", " supersymmetric gauge theories, making physical intuitions about brane-antibrane\n", " systems and tachyon condensation precise using the tools of homological\n", " algebra.\n", " These techniques allow us to compute the spectrum and superpotential of the\n", " dual theory from first principles, and to make contact with geometry and\n", " topological string theory when this is appropriate, but in general provide a\n", " more abstract notion of ``noncommutative geometry'' which is better suited to\n", " these problems. This makes contact with mathematical results in the\n", " representation theory of algebras; in this language, Seiberg duality is a\n", " tilting equivalence between the derived categories of the quiver algebras of\n", " the dual theories.,\n", " Learning a causal effect from observational data is not straightforward, as\n", " this is not possible without further assumptions. If hidden common causes\n", " between treatment $X$ and outcome $Y$ cannot be blocked by other measurements,\n", " one possibility is to use an instrumental variable. In principle, it is\n", " possible under some assumptions to discover whether a variable is structurally\n", " instrumental to a target causal effect $X \\rightarrow Y$, but current\n", " frameworks are somewhat lacking on how general these assumptions can be. A\n", " instrumental variable discovery problem is challenging, as no variable can be\n", " tested as an instrument in isolation but only in groups, but different\n", " variables might require different conditions to be considered an instrument.\n", " Moreover, identification constraints might be hard to detect statistically. In\n", " this paper, we give a theoretical characterization of instrumental variable\n", " discovery, highlighting identifiability problems and solutions, the need for\n", " non-Gaussianity assumptions, and how they fit within existing methods.,\n", " The Ward identities for conformal symmetries in single field models of\n", " inflation are studied in more detail in momentum space. For a class of\n", " generalized single field models, where the inflaton action contains arbitrary\n", " powers of the scalar and its first derivative, we find that the Ward identities\n", " are valid. We also study a one-parameter family of vacua, called\n", " $\\alpha$-vacua, which preserve conformal invariance in de Sitter space. We find\n", " that the Ward identities, upto contact terms, are met for the three point\n", " function of a scalar field in the probe approximation in these vacua.\n", " Interestingly, the corresponding non-Gaussian term in the wave function does\n", " not satisfy the operator product expansion. For scalar perturbations in\n", " inflation, in the $\\alpha$-vacua, we find that the Ward identities are not\n", " satisfied. We argue that this is because the back-reaction on the metric of the\n", " full quantum stress tensor has not been self-consistently incorporated. We also\n", " present a calculation, drawing on techniques from the AdS/CFT correspondence,\n", " for the three point function of scalar perturbations in inflation in the\n", " Bunch-Davies vacuum.,\n", " We consider a Yang-Mills-Higgs theory with the gauge group SU(3) broken to\n", " its center Z(3) by two scalar fields in the adjoint representation and obtain\n", " new Z(3) strings asymptotic configurations with the gauge field and magnetic\n", " field in the direction of the step operators.,\n", " We find a new class of time-dependent brane solutions in supergravities in\n", " arbitrary dimensions $D$. These are general intersecting light-like branes\n", " (null-branes), and their superposition and intersection rules are obtained.\n", " This is achieved by directly solving bosonic field equations for supergravity\n", " coupled to a dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields. We discuss their possible\n", " significance.,\n", " Improving earlier work of Balasubramanian, Conrey and Heath-Brown, we obtain\n", " an asymptotic formula for the mean-square of the Riemann zeta-function times an\n", " arbitrary Dirichlet polynomial of length $T^{1/2 + \\delta}$, with $\\delta =\n", " 0.01515....$ As an application we obtain an upper bound of the correct order of\n", " magnitude for the third moment of the Riemann zeta-function. We also refine\n", " previous work of Deshouillers and Iwaniec, obtaining asymptotic estimates in\n", " place of bounds. Using the work of Watt, we compute the mean-square of the\n", " Riemann zeta-function times a Dirichlet polynomial of length going up to\n", " $T^{3/4}$ provided that the Dirichlet polynomial assumes a special shape.\n", " Finally, we exhibit a conjectural estimate for trilinear sums of Kloosterman\n", " fractions which implies the Lindelof Hypothesis.,\n", " The design and production of novel 2-dimensional materials has seen great\n", " progress in the last decade, prompting further exploration of the chemistry of\n", " such materials. Doping and hydrogenating graphene is an experimentally realised\n", " method of changing its surface chemistry, but there is still a great deal to be\n", " understood on how doping impacts on the adsorption of molecules. Developing\n", " this understanding is key to unlocking the potential applications of these\n", " materials. High throughput screening methods can provide particularly effective\n", " ways to explore vast chemical compositions of materials. Here, alchemical\n", " derivatives are used as a method to screen the dissociative adsorption energy\n", " of water molecules on various BN doped topologies of hydrogenated graphene. The\n", " predictions from alchemical derivatives are assessed by comparison to density\n", " functional theory. This screening method is found to predict dissociative\n", " adsorption energies that span a range of more than 2 eV, with a mean absolute\n", " error $<0.1$ eV. In addition, we show that the quality of such predictions can\n", " be readily assessed by examination of the Kohn-Sham highest occupied molecular\n", " orbital in the initial states. In this way, the root mean square error in the\n", " dissociative adsorption energies of water is reduced by almost an order of\n", " magnitude (down to $\\sim0.02$ eV) after filtering out poor predictions. The\n", " findings point the way towards a reliable use of first order alchemical\n", " derivatives for efficient screening procedures.,\n", " We investigate whether the anomalous elemental abundance patterns in some of\n", " the C-enhanced metal-poor-s+r (CEMP-r/s) stars are consistent with predictions\n", " of nucleosynthesis yields from the i-process, a neutron-capture regime at\n", " neutron densities intermediate between those typical for the slow (s) and rapid\n", " (r) processes. Conditions necessary for the i-process are expected to be met at\n", " multiple stellar sites, such as the He-core and He-shell flashes in\n", " low-metallicity low-mass stars, super-AGB and post-AGB stars, as well as\n", " low-metallicity massive stars. We have found that single-exposure one-zone\n", " simulations of the i-process reproduce the abundance patterns in some of the\n", " CEMP-r/s stars much better than the model that assumes a superposition of\n", " yields from s- and r-process sources. Our previous study of nuclear data\n", " uncertainties relevant to the i-process revealed that they could have a\n", " significant impact on the i-process yields obtained in our idealized one-zone\n", " calculations, leading, for example, to ~0.7dex uncertainty in our predicted\n", " [Ba/La] ratio. Recent 3D hydrodynamic simulations of convection driven by a\n", " He-shell flash in post-AGB Sakurai's object have discovered a new mode of\n", " non-radial instabilities: the Global Oscillation of Shell H-ingestion. This has\n", " demonstrated that spherically symmetric stellar evolution simulations cannot be\n", " used to accurately model physical conditions for the i-process.,\n", " We present results of systematic calculations of the\n", " isospin-symmetry-breaking corrections to the superallowed I=$0+,T=1 -->\n", " I=0+,T=1 beta-decays, based on the self-consistent isospin- and\n", " angular-momentum-projected nuclear density functional theory (DFT). We discuss\n", " theoretical uncertainties of the formalism related to the basis truncation,\n", " parametrization of the underlying energy density functional, and ambiguities\n", " related to determination of Slater determinants in odd-odd nuclei. A\n", " generalization of the double-projected DFT model towards a no core\n", " shell-model-like configuration-mixing approach is formulated and implemented.\n", " We also discuss new opportunities in charge-symmetry- and\n", " charge-independence-breaking studies offered by the newly developed DFT\n", " formalism involving proton-neutron mixing in the particle-hole channel.,\n", " Context. The second Gaia data release (Gaia DR2) contains high precision\n", " positions, parallaxes and proper motions for 1.3 billion sources. The resulting\n", " Hertzsprung-Russel diagram reveals fine structures all over the mass range.\n", " Aims. This paper aims to investigate the content of Gaia DR2 at the low-mass\n", " end and to characterize ultra-cool and brown dwarfs.\n", " Methods. We first retrieve the sample of spectroscopically confirmed\n", " ultra-cool and brown dwarfs in Gaia DR2. We use their locus in the precise\n", " Hertzsprung-Russel diagram to select new candidates, and to investigate their\n", " properties.\n", " Results. The number of spectroscopically confirmed objects recovered in Gaia\n", " DR2 corresponds to 62 %, and 71 %, of the expected number of objects with and\n", " estimated Gaia magnitude Gest $\\leq$ 21.5, and 20.3, respectively,\n", " significantly filling the gap with Gaia DR1. Furthermore Gaia DR2 contains ~13\n", " 000 $\\geq$M7 and 679 new L candidates. A tentative classification suggests that\n", " a few hundreds are young or subdwarf candidates. Their distance distribution\n", " shows that the solar neighborhood census is still incomplete.\n", " Conclusions. Gaia DR2 offers a great wealth of information on the low-mass\n", " objects. It provide a homogeneous and precise catalog of candidates worthwhile\n", " to be further characterized with spectroscopic observations.,\n", " We have prepared magnetic graphite samples bombarded by protons at low\n", " temperatures and low fluences to attenuate the large thermal annealing produced\n", " during irradiation. An overall optimization of sample handling allowed us to\n", " find Curie temperatures $ T_c \\gtrsim 350$ K at the used fluences. The\n", " magnetization versus temperature shows unequivocally a linear dependence, which\n", " can be interpreted as due to excitations of spin waves in a two dimensional\n", " Heisenberg model with a weak uniaxial anisotropy.,\n", " The classical approach to inverse problems is based on the optimization of a\n", " misfit function. Despite its computational appeal, such an approach suffers\n", " from many shortcomings, e.g., non-uniqueness of solutions, modeling prior\n", " knowledge, etc. The Bayesian formalism to inverse problems avoids most of the\n", " difficulties encountered by the optimization approach, albeit at an increased\n", " computational cost. In this work, we use information theoretic arguments to\n", " cast the Bayesian inference problem in terms of an optimization problem. The\n", " resulting scheme combines the theoretical soundness of fully Bayesian inference\n", " with the computational efficiency of a simple optimization.,\n", " Deep neural networks trained on jet images have been successful in\n", " classifying different kinds of jets. In this paper, we identify the crucial\n", " physics features that could reproduce the classification performance of the\n", " convolutional neural network in the top jet vs. QCD jet classification. We\n", " design a neural network that considers two types of substructural features:\n", " two-point energy correlations, and the IRC unsafe counting variables of a\n", " morphological analysis of jet images. The new set of IRC unsafe variables can\n", " be described by Minkowski functionals from integral geometry. To integrate\n", " these features into a single framework, we reintroduce two-point energy\n", " correlations in terms of a graph neural network and provide the other features\n", " to the network afterward. The network shows a comparable classification\n", " performance to the convolutional neural network. Since both networks are using\n", " IRC unsafe features at some level, the results based on simulations are often\n", " dependent on the event generator choice. We compare the classification results\n", " of Pythia 8 and Herwig 7, and a simple reweighting on the distribution of IRC\n", " unsafe features reduces the difference between the results from the two\n", " simulations.,\n", " For robots to successfully execute tasks assigned to them, they must be\n", " capable of planning the right sequence of actions. These actions must be both\n", " optimal with respect to a specified objective and satisfy whatever constraints\n", " exist in their world. We propose an approach for robot task planning that is\n", " capable of planning the optimal sequence of grounded actions to accomplish a\n", " task given a specific objective function while satisfying all specified\n", " numerical constraints. Our approach accomplishes this by encoding the entire\n", " task planning problem as a single mixed integer convex program, which it then\n", " solves using an off-the-shelf Mixed Integer Programming solver. We evaluate our\n", " approach on several mobile manipulation tasks in both simulation and on a\n", " physical humanoid robot. Our approach is able to consistently produce optimal\n", " plans while accounting for all specified numerical constraints in the mobile\n", " manipulation tasks. Open-source implementations of the components of our\n", " approach as well as videos of robots executing planned grounded actions in both\n", " simulation and the physical world can be found at this url:\n", " https://adubredu.github.io/gtpmip,\n", " The paper presents methods for evaluating the accuracy of alignments between\n", " transcriptions and audio recordings. The methods have been applied to the\n", " Spoken British National Corpus, which is an extensive and varied corpus of\n", " natural unscripted speech. Early results show good agreement with human ratings\n", " of alignment accuracy. The methods also provide an indication of the location\n", " of likely alignment problems; this should allow efficient manual examination of\n", " large corpora. Automatic checking of such alignments is crucial when analysing\n", " any very large corpus, since even the best current speech alignment systems\n", " will occasionally make serious errors. The methods described here use a hybrid\n", " approach based on statistics of the speech signal itself, statistics of the\n", " labels being evaluated, and statistics linking the two.,\n", " Few-shot event detection (ED) has been widely studied, while this brings\n", " noticeable discrepancies, e.g., various motivations, tasks, and experimental\n", " settings, that hinder the understanding of models for future progress.This\n", " paper presents a thorough empirical study, a unified view of ED models, and a\n", " better unified baseline. For fair evaluation, we compare 12 representative\n", " methods on three datasets, which are roughly grouped into prompt-based and\n", " prototype-based models for detailed analysis. Experiments consistently\n", " demonstrate that prompt-based methods, including ChatGPT, still significantly\n", " trail prototype-based methods in terms of overall performance. To investigate\n", " their superior performance, we break down their design elements along several\n", " dimensions and build a unified framework on prototype-based methods. Under such\n", " unified view, each prototype-method can be viewed a combination of different\n", " modules from these design elements. We further combine all advantageous modules\n", " and propose a simple yet effective baseline, which outperforms existing methods\n", " by a large margin (e.g., 2.7% F1 gains under low-resource setting).,\n", " We propose a method to generate an optical Schr\\\"odinger-cat-like state in a\n", " cavity in a substantial decoherence regime. Even when the cavity decay rate is\n", " considerably large, a cat-like state can be generated in a laser-like setting\n", " if the gain for the field is larger than the loss. Under the condition that\n", " opposite-phase atomic dipoles repeatedly traverse the cavity, the cavity field\n", " converges to a squeezed vacuum state in a steady state. A\n", " Schr\\\"odinger-cat-like state is then generated when a single photon decay\n", " occurs. The phase-space distribution of the cat state can be revealed in\n", " homodyne detection by using the decaying photon as a herald event. Quantum\n", " trajectory simulation was used to identify the conditions for the\n", " Schr\\\"odinger-cat-like state formation as well as to analyze the properties of\n", " those states. Based on these simulations, possible experiments are proposed\n", " within the reach of the current technology.,\n", " Search clarification has recently attracted much attention due to its\n", " applications in search engines. It has also been recognized as a major\n", " component in conversational information seeking systems. Despite its\n", " importance, the research community still feels the lack of a large-scale data\n", " for studying different aspects of search clarification. In this paper, we\n", " introduce MIMICS, a collection of search clarification datasets for real web\n", " search queries sampled from the Bing query logs. Each clarification in MIMICS\n", " is generated by a Bing production algorithm and consists of a clarifying\n", " question and up to five candidate answers. MIMICS contains three datasets: (1)\n", " MIMICS-Click includes over 400k unique queries, their associated clarification\n", " panes, and the corresponding aggregated user interaction signals (i.e.,\n", " clicks). (2) MIMICS-ClickExplore is an exploration data that includes\n", " aggregated user interaction signals for over 60k unique queries, each with\n", " multiple clarification panes. (3) MIMICS-Manual includes over 2k unique real\n", " search queries. Each query-clarification pair in this dataset has been manually\n", " labeled by at least three trained annotators. It contains graded quality labels\n", " for the clarifying question, the candidate answer set, and the landing result\n", " page for each candidate answer.\n", " MIMICS is publicly available for research purposes, thus enables researchers\n", " to study a number of tasks related to search clarification, including\n", " clarification generation and selection, user engagement prediction for\n", " clarification, click models for clarification, and analyzing user interactions\n", " with search clarification.,\n", " I review briefly some dynamical models of structures in the outer parts of\n", " disc galaxies, including models of polar rings, tidal tails and bridges. I then\n", " discuss the density distribution in the outer parts of discs. For this, I\n", " compare observations to results of a model in which the disc galaxy is in fact\n", " the remnant of a major merger, and find good agreement. This comparison\n", " includes radial profiles of the projected surface density and of stellar age,\n", " as well as time evolution of the break radius and of the inner and outer disc\n", " scale lengths. I also compare the radial projected surface density profiles of\n", " dynamically motivated mono-age populations and find that, compared to older\n", " populations, younger ones have flatter density profiles in the inner region and\n", " steeper in the outer one. The break radius, however, does not vary with stellar\n", " age, again in good agreement with observations.,\n", " It has been shown that graphene doping is sufficient to lead to an\n", " improvement in the critical current density - field performance (Jc(B)), with\n", " little change in the transition temperature in MgB2. At 3.7 at% graphene doping\n", " of MgB2 an optimal enhancement in Jc(B) was reached by a factor of 30 at 5 K\n", " and 10 T, compared to the un-doped sample. The results suggested that effective\n", " carbon substitutions by grapheme, 2D nature of grapheme and the strain effect\n", " induced by difference thermal coefficient between single grapheme sheet and\n", " MgB2 superconductor may play an important role in flux pinning enhancement.,\n", " The minimal cooling speed required to form a glass is obtained for a simple\n", " solvable energy landscape model. The model, made from a two-level system\n", " modified to include the topology of the energy landscape, is able to capture\n", " either a glass transition or a crystallization depending on cooling rate. In\n", " this setup, the minimal cooling speed to achieve glass formation is then found\n", " to be related with the relaxation time and with the thermal history. In\n", " particular, we obtain that the thermal history encodes small fluctuations\n", " around the equilibrium population which are exponentially amplified near the\n", " glass transition, which mathematically corresponds to the boundary layer of the\n", " master equation. Finally, to verify our analytical results, a kinetic\n", " Monte-Carlo simulation was implemented.,\n", " We address the observability problem for ensembles that are described by\n", " probability distributions. The problem is to reconstruct a probability\n", " distribution of the initial state from the time-evolution of the probability\n", " distribution of the output under a classical finite-dimensional linear system.\n", " We present two solutions to this problem, one based on formulating the problem\n", " as an inverse problem and the other one based on reconstructing all the moments\n", " of the distribution. The first approach leads us to a connection between the\n", " reconstruction problem and mathematical tomography problems. In the second\n", " approach we use the framework of tensor systems to describe the dynamics of the\n", " moments which leads to a more systems theoretic treatment of the reconstruction\n", " problem. Furthermore we show that both frameworks are inherently related. The\n", " appeal of having two dual view points, the first being more geometric and the\n", " second one being more systems theoretic, is illuminated in several examples of\n", " theoretical or practical importance.,\n", " This study investigates the evolution of Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instabilities\n", " in Type Ia supernova remnants that are associated with a low adiabatic index\n", " gamma, where gamma < 5/3, which reflects the expected change in the supernova\n", " shock structure as a result of cosmic-ray particle acceleration. Extreme cases,\n", " such as the case with the maximum compression ratio that corresponds to\n", " gamma=1.1, are examined. As gamma decreases, the shock compression ratio rises,\n", " and an increasingly narrow inter shock region with a more pronounced initial\n", " mixture of R-T unstable gas is produced. Consequently, the remnant outline may\n", " be perturbed by small-amplitude, small-wavelength bumps. However, as the\n", " instability decays over time, the extent of convective mixing in terms of the\n", " ratio of the radius of the R-T fingers to the blast wave does not strongly\n", " depend on the value of gamma for gamma >= 1.2. As a result of the age of the\n", " remnant, the unstable gas cannot extend sufficiently far to form metal-enriched\n", " filaments of ejecta material close to the periphery of Tycho's supernova\n", " remnant. The consistency of the dynamic properties of Tycho's remnant with the\n", " adiabatic model gamma=5/3 reveals that the injection of cosmic rays is too weak\n", " to alter the shock structure. Even with very efficient acceleration of cosmic\n", " rays at the shock, significantly enhanced mixing is not expected in Type Ia\n", " supernova remnants.,\n", " We have developed new methods to calculate dispersion curves (analytically in\n", " the simpler cases) from which we are able to derive the spatial distribution of\n", " electron and current densities. We investigate the case where the magnetic\n", " field varies linearly with position and the results provide useful insights\n", " into the properties of this and other field distributions. We consider spin as\n", " well as a confining electrostatic potential. We show that the electron and the\n", " current density exhibit a very rich structure related to the quantisation of\n", " the energy. Moreover there is a direct contribution to the current density due\n", " to the spin which could be of interest in relation to spin polarised current.,\n", " For $p \\in [1, \\infty),$ we define and study full and reduced crossed\n", " products of algebras of operators on $\\sigma$-finite $L^p$ spaces by isometric\n", " actions of second countable locally compact groups. We give universal\n", " properties for both crossed products. When the group is abelian, we prove the\n", " existence of a dual action on the full and reduced $L^p$ operator crossed\n", " products. When the group is discrete, we construct a conditional expectation to\n", " the original algebra which is faithful in a suitable sense. For a free action\n", " of a discrete group on a compact metric space $X,$ we identify all traces on\n", " the reduced $L^p$ operator crossed product, and if the action is also minimal\n", " we show that the reduced $L^p$ operator crossed product is simple. We prove\n", " that the full and reduced $L^p$ operator crossed products of an amenable $L^p$\n", " operator algebra by a discrete amenable group are again amenable. We prove a\n", " Pimsner-Voiculescu exact sequence for the K-theory of reduced $L^p$ operator\n", " crossed products by ${\\mathbb{Z}}.$ We show that the $L^p$ analogs\n", " ${\\mathcal{O}}_d^p$ of the Cuntz algebras ${\\mathcal{O}}_d$ are stably\n", " isomorphic to reduced $L^p$ operator crossed products of stabilized $L^p$ UHF\n", " algebra by ${\\mathbb{Z}},$ and show that $K_0 ({\\mathcal{O}}_d^p) \\cong\n", " {\\mathbb{Z}} / (d - 1) {\\mathbb{Z}}$ and $K_1 ({\\mathcal{O}}_d^p) = 0.$,\n", " Based on the results of the earlier spectroscopic observations with the 6-m\n", " BTA telescope of the SAO RAS we refine the metallicity estimates of the\n", " complexes of ionized gas in the VII Zw 403 galaxy. Infrared observations from\n", " the Spitzer Space Telescope are used to search for a possible correlation of\n", " the mass fraction distribution of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)\n", " with the distribution of ionized and neutral hydrogen, and with the metallicity\n", " of gas in the HII regions of the galaxy.,\n", " Let $\\varphi_{n,K}$ denote the largest angle in all the triangles with\n", " vertices among the $n$ points selected at random in a compact convex subset $K$\n", " of $\\mathbb{R}^d$ with nonempty interior, where $d\\ge2$. It is shown that the\n", " distribution of the random variable\n", " $\\lambda_d(K)\\,\\frac{n^3}{3!}\\,(\\pi-\\varphi_{n,K})^{d-1}$, where $\\lambda_d(K)$\n", " is a certain positive real number which depends only on the dimension $d$ and\n", " the shape of $K$, converges to the standard exponential distribution as\n", " $n\\to\\infty$. By using the Steiner symmetrization, it is also shown that\n", " $\\lambda_d(K)$ -- which is referred to in the paper as the elongation of $K$ --\n", " attains its minimum if and only if $K$ is a ball $B^{(d)}$ in $\\mathbb{R}^d$.\n", " Finally, the asymptotics of $\\lambda_d(B^{(d)})$ for large $d$ is determined.,\n", " Radio emission from protostellar jets is usually dominated by free-free\n", " emission from thermal electrons. However, in some cases, it has been proposed\n", " that non-thermal emission could also be present. This additional contribution\n", " from non-thermal emission has been inferred through negative spectral indices\n", " at centimeter wavelengths in some regions of the radio jets. In the case of HH\n", " 80-81, one of the most powerful protostellar jets known, linearly polarized\n", " emission has also been detected, revealing that the non-thermal emission is of\n", " synchrotron nature from a population of relativistic particles in the jet. This\n", " result implies that an acceleration mechanism should be taking place in some\n", " parts of the jet. Here, we present new high sensitivity and high angular\n", " resolution radio observations at several wavelengths (in the 3-20 cm range) of\n", " the HH80-81 radio jet. These new observations represent an improvement in\n", " sensitivity and angular resolution by a factor of $\\sim$10 with respect to\n", " previous observations. This allows us to resolve the morphology of the radio\n", " jet, and to study the different emission mechanisms involved through spectral\n", " index maps. We conclude that synchrotron emission in this jet arises from an\n", " extended component detected at low frequencies and from the termination points\n", " of the jet, where strong shocks against the ambient medium can produce\n", " efficient particle acceleration.,\n", " We generalize the soft-wall and hard-wall models to a light-front holographic\n", " QCD model with a generic dilaton profile. The effective potential induced by a\n", " higher power dilaton profile is interpreted as a stronger color confinement at\n", " long distance, and it gradually evolves to the hard-wall model when the power\n", " increases to infinity. As an application, we investigate the exotic meson\n", " states recently discovered in experiments in the generic soft-wall model with a\n", " higher power dilaton profile, and the results are in agreement with the spectra\n", " of the exotic mesons. Our calculation indicates a weaker interaction at short\n", " distance and a stronger interaction at large distance for the components in the\n", " exotic mesons. The generic dilaton profile deserves further scrutiny for\n", " understanding the strong interaction and for applications.,\n", " The next-generation CMB experiments are expected to constrain the\n", " tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ with high precision. Delensing is an important\n", " process as the observed CMB $B$-mode polarization that contains the primordial\n", " tensor perturbation signal is dominated by a much larger contribution due to\n", " gravitational lensing. To do so successfully, it is useful to explore methods\n", " for lensing reconstruction beyond the traditional quadratic estimator (QE)\n", " (which will become suboptimal for the next-generation experiments), and the\n", " maximum a posterior estimator (which is still currently under development). In\n", " Caldeira et al. 2020, the authors showed that a neural network (NN) method\n", " using the ResUNet architectrue performs better than the QE and slightly\n", " suboptimally compared to the iterative estimator in terms of the lensing\n", " reconstruction performance. In this work, we take one step further to evaluate\n", " the delensing performance of these estimators on maps with primordial tensor\n", " perturbations using a standard delensing pipeline, and show that the\n", " \\emph{delensing} performance of the NN estimator is optimal, agreeing with that\n", " of a converged iterative estimator, when tested on a suite of simulations with\n", " $r=0.01$ and $r=0.001$ for $12.7^{\\circ} \\times 12.7^{\\circ}$ maps at a\n", " CMB-Stage~4 like polarization noise level $1\\,\\mu \\rm{K\\,arcmin}$ and 1' beam.\n", " We found that for the purpose of delensing, it is necessary to train and\n", " evaluate the NN on a set of CMB maps with $l\n", " rhoT taking into account the twist 3 contributions. We show that a gauge\n", " invariant expression is obtained with the help of QCD equations of motion. More\n", " generally, relying on these equations and on the invariance under rotation on\n", " the light-cone of the factorized amplitude, the non-perturbative Distribution\n", " Amplitudes can be reduced to a minimal set. This opens the way to a consistent\n", " treatment of factorization for exclusive processes with a transversally\n", " polarized vector meson. We prove the equivalence of two proposed\n", " parametrizations of the rhoT distribution amplitudes.,\n", " We present results from the sixth stage of a project to build a statistical\n", " hurricane model. Previous papers have described our modelling of the tracks,\n", " genesis, and lysis of hurricanes. In our track model we have so far employed a\n", " normal distribution for the residuals when computing innovations, even though\n", " we have demonstrated that their distribution is not normal. Here, we test to\n", " see if the track model can be improved by including more realistic non-normal\n", " innovations. The results are mixed. Some features of the model improve, but\n", " others slightly worsen.,\n", " Machine learning (ML) has been increasingly used in a variety of domains,\n", " while solving ML programming tasks poses unique challenges because of the\n", " fundamentally different nature and construction from general programming tasks,\n", " especially for developers who do not have ML backgrounds. Automatic code\n", " generation that produces a code snippet from a natural language description can\n", " be a promising technique to accelerate ML programming tasks. In recent years,\n", " although many deep learning-based neural code generation models have been\n", " proposed with high accuracy, the fact that most of them are mainly evaluated on\n", " general programming tasks calls into question their effectiveness and\n", " usefulness in ML programming tasks. In this paper, we set out to investigate\n", " the effectiveness of existing neural code generation models on ML programming\n", " tasks. For our analysis, we select six state-of-the-art neural code generation\n", " models, and evaluate their performance on four widely used ML libraries, with\n", " newly-created 83K pairs of natural-language described ML programming tasks. Our\n", " empirical study reveals some good, bad, and missing aspects of neural code\n", " generation models on ML tasks, with a few major ones listed below. (Good)\n", " Neural code generation models perform significantly better on ML tasks than on\n", " non-ML tasks. (Bad) Most of the generated code is semantically incorrect. (Bad)\n", " Code generation models cannot significantly improve developers' completion\n", " time. (Good) The generated code can help developers write more correct code by\n", " providing developers with clues for using correct APIs. (Missing) The\n", " observation from our user study reveals the missing aspects of code generation\n", " for ML tasks, e.g., decomposing code generation for divide-and-conquer into two\n", " tasks: API sequence identification and API usage generation.,\n", " We investigate the cooling rate of a gas of inelastically interacting\n", " particles. When we assume velocity dependent coefficients of restitution the\n", " material cools down slower than with constant restitution. This behavior might\n", " have large influence to clustering and structure formation processes.,\n", " We show that there exist Gaussian channels which are amendable. A channel is\n", " amendable if when applied twice is entanglement breaking while there exists a\n", " unitary filter such that, when interposed between the first and second action\n", " of the map, prevents the global transformation from being entanglement breaking\n", " [Phys. Rev. A 86, 052302 (2012)]. We find that, depending on the structure of\n", " the channel, the unitary filter can be a squeezing transformation or a phase\n", " shift operation. We also propose two realistic quantum optics experiments where\n", " the amendability of Gaussian channels can be verified by exploiting the fact\n", " that it is sufficient to test the entanglement breaking properties of two mode\n", " Gaussian channels on input states with finite energy (which are not maximally\n", " entangled).,\n", " The rising use of information and communication technology in smart grids\n", " likewise increases the risk of failures that endanger the security of power\n", " supply, e.g., due to errors in the communication configuration, faulty control\n", " algorithms, or cyber-attacks. Co-simulations can be used to investigate such\n", " effects, but require precise modeling of the energy, communication, and\n", " information domain within an integrated smart grid infrastructure model. Given\n", " the complexity and lack of detailed publicly available communication network\n", " models for smart grid scenarios, there is a need for an automated and\n", " systematic approach to creating such coupled models. In this paper, we present\n", " an approach to automatically generate smart grid infrastructure models based on\n", " an arbitrary electrical distribution grid model using a generic architectural\n", " template. We demonstrate the applicability and unique features of our approach\n", " alongside examples concerning network planning, co-simulation setup, and\n", " specification of domain-specific intrusion detection systems.,\n", " The observed Higgs boson mass poses a new puzzle in addition to the\n", " longstanding problem of the origin of the electroweak scale; the shallowness of\n", " the Higgs potential. The Higgs quartic coupling even seems to vanish at around\n", " the Planck scale within the uncertainties of the top quark mass and the strong\n", " gauge coupling. We show that the shallowness of the Higgs potential might be an\n", " outcome of supersymmetry breaking at around the Planck scale. There, the\n", " electroweak fine-tuning in the Higgs quadratic terms leads to an almost\n", " vanishing quartic coupling at around the Planck scale.,\n", " The art of viticulture and the quest for making wines has a long tradition\n", " and it just started recently that mathematicians entered this field with their\n", " main contribution of modelling alcoholic fermentation. These models consist of\n", " systems of ordinary differential equations that describe the kinetics of the\n", " bio-chemical reactions occurring in the fermentation process. The aim of this\n", " paper is to present a new model of wine fermentation that accurately describes\n", " the yeast dying component, the presence of glucose transporters, and the\n", " formation of aromas and acids. Therefore the new model could become a valuable\n", " tool to predict the taste of the wine and provide the starting point for an\n", " emerging control technology that aims at improving the quality of the wine by\n", " steering a well-behaved fermentation process that is also energetically more\n", " efficient. Results of numerical simulations are presented that successfully\n", " confirm the validity of the proposed model by comparison with real data.,\n", " In intensively managed forests in Europe, where forests are divided into\n", " stands of small size and may show heterogeneity within stands, a high spatial\n", " resolution (10 - 20 meters) is arguably needed to capture the differences in\n", " canopy height. In this work, we developed a deep learning model based on\n", " multi-stream remote sensing measurements to create a high-resolution canopy\n", " height map over the \"Landes de Gascogne\" forest in France, a large maritime\n", " pine plantation of 13,000 km$^2$ with flat terrain and intensive management.\n", " This area is characterized by even-aged and mono-specific stands, of a typical\n", " length of a few hundred meters, harvested every 35 to 50 years. Our deep\n", " learning U-Net model uses multi-band images from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 with\n", " composite time averages as input to predict tree height derived from GEDI\n", " waveforms. The evaluation is performed with external validation data from\n", " forest inventory plots and a stereo 3D reconstruction model based on Skysat\n", " imagery available at specific locations. We trained seven different U-net\n", " models based on a combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 bands to evaluate\n", " the importance of each instrument in the dominant height retrieval. The model\n", " outputs allow us to generate a 10 m resolution canopy height map of the whole\n", " \"Landes de Gascogne\" forest area for 2020 with a mean absolute error of 2.02 m\n", " on the Test dataset. The best predictions were obtained using all available\n", " satellite layers from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 but using only one satellite\n", " source also provided good predictions. For all validation datasets in\n", " coniferous forests, our model showed better metrics than previous canopy height\n", " models available in the same region.,\n", " Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has revolutionized free viewpoint rendering\n", " tasks and achieved impressive results. However, the efficiency and accuracy\n", " problems hinder its wide applications. To address these issues, we propose\n", " Geometry-Aware Generalized Neural Radiance Field (GARF) with a geometry-aware\n", " dynamic sampling (GADS) strategy to perform real-time novel view rendering and\n", " unsupervised depth estimation on unseen scenes without per-scene optimization.\n", " Distinct from most existing generalized NeRFs, our framework infers the unseen\n", " scenes on both pixel-scale and geometry-scale with only a few input images.\n", " More specifically, our method learns common attributes of novel-view synthesis\n", " by an encoder-decoder structure and a point-level learnable multi-view feature\n", " fusion module which helps avoid occlusion. To preserve scene characteristics in\n", " the generalized model, we introduce an unsupervised depth estimation module to\n", " derive the coarse geometry, narrow down the ray sampling interval to proximity\n", " space of the estimated surface and sample in expectation maximum position,\n", " constituting Geometry-Aware Dynamic Sampling strategy (GADS). Moreover, we\n", " introduce a Multi-level Semantic Consistency loss (MSC) to assist more\n", " informative representation learning. Extensive experiments on indoor and\n", " outdoor datasets show that comparing with state-of-the-art generalized NeRF\n", " methods, GARF reduces samples by more than 25\\%, while improving rendering\n", " quality and 3D geometry estimation.,\n", " Let $(X,B)$ be a log canonical pair over a normal variety $Z$ with maximal\n", " Albanese dimension. If $K_X+B$ is relatively abundant over $Z$ (for example,\n", " $K_X+B$ is relatively big over $Z$), then we prove that $K_X+B$ is abundant. In\n", " particular, the subadditvity of Kodaira dimensions $\\kappa(K_X+B) \\geq\n", " \\kappa(K_F+B_F)+ \\kappa(Z)$ holds, where $F$ is a general fiber, $K_F+B_F=\n", " (K_X+B)|_F$, and $\\kappa(Z)$ means the Kodaira dimension of a smooth model of\n", " $Z$. We discuss several variants of this result in Section 4. We also give a\n", " remark on the log Iitaka conjecture for log canonical pairs in Section 5.,\n", " In this work we study the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues in\n", " one-dimensional open sets. The method of proof is rather elementary, based on\n", " the Dirichlet lattice points problem, which enable us to consider sets with\n", " infinite measure. Also, we derive some estimates for the the spectral counting\n", " function of the Laplace operator on unbounded two-dimensional domains.,\n", " We developed a new sub-nanosecond time-resolved instrument to study the\n", " dynamics of UV-visible luminescence under high stopping power heavy ion\n", " irradiation. We applied our instrument, called SPORT, on a fast plastic\n", " scintillator (BC-400) irradiated with 27-MeV Ar ions having high mean\n", " electronic stopping power of 2.6 MeV/\\mu m. As a consequence of increasing\n", " permanent radiation damages with increasing ion fluence, our investigations\n", " reveal a degradation of scintillation intensity together with, thanks to the\n", " time-resolved measurement, a decrease in the decay constant of the\n", " scintillator. This combination indicates that luminescence degradation\n", " processes by both dynamic and static quenching, the latter mechanism being\n", " predominant. Under such high density excitation, the scintillation\n", " deterioration of BC-400 is significantly enhanced compared to that observed in\n", " previous investigations, mainly performed using light ions. The observed\n", " non-linear behaviour implies that the dose at which luminescence starts\n", " deteriorating is not independent on particles' stopping power, thus\n", " illustrating that the radiation hardness of plastic scintillators can be\n", " strongly weakened under high excitation density in heavy ion environments.,\n", " The inconsistencies involved in the foundation of set theory were invariably\n", " caused by infinity and self-reference; and only with the opportune axiomatic\n", " restrictions could them be obviated. Throughout history, both concepts have\n", " proved to be an exhaustible source of paradoxes and contradictions. It seems\n", " therefore legitimate to pose some questions concerning their formal\n", " consistency. This is just the objective of this paper. Starting from an\n", " extension of Cantor's paradox that suggests the inconsistency of the actual\n", " infinity, the paper makes a short review of its controversial history and\n", " proposes a new way of criticism based on w-order. Self-reference is also\n", " examined from a critique perspective which includes syntactic and semantic\n", " considerations. The critique affects the formal sentence involved in Godel's\n", " first incompleteness theorem and its ordinary language interpretation.,\n", " The minimum spanning tree, based on the concept of ultrametricity, is\n", " constructed from the correlation matrix of stock returns and provides a\n", " meaningful economic taxonomy of the stock market. In order to study the\n", " dynamics of this asset tree we characterize it by its normalized length and by\n", " the mean occupation layer, as measured from an appropriately chosen center. We\n", " show how the tree evolves over time, and how it shrinks particularly strongly\n", " during a stock market crisis. We then demonstrate that the assets of the\n", " optimal Markowitz portfolio lie practically at all times on the outskirts of\n", " the tree. We also show that the normalized tree length and the investment\n", " diversification potential are very strongly correlated.,\n", " In magnetic Weyl semimetals, where magnetism breaks time-reversal symmetry,\n", " large magnetically sensitive anomalous transport responses are anticipated that\n", " could be useful for topological spintronics. The identification of new magnetic\n", " Weyl semimetals is therefore in high demand, particularly since in these\n", " systems Weyl node configurations may be easily modified using magnetic fields.\n", " Here we explore experimentally the magnetic semimetal PrAlGe, and unveil a\n", " direct correspondence between easy-axis Pr ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall\n", " and Nernst effects. With sizes of both the anomalous Hall conductivity and\n", " Nernst effect in good quantitative agreement with first principles\n", " calculations, we identify PrAlGe as a system where magnetic fields can connect\n", " directly to Weyl nodes via the Pr magnetization. Furthermore, we find the\n", " predominantly easy-axis ferromagnetic ground state co-exists with a low density\n", " of nanoscale textured magnetic domain walls. We describe how such nanoscale\n", " magnetic textures could serve as a local platform for tunable axial gauge\n", " fields of Weyl fermions.,\n", " Recent developments concerning CP violation beyond the Standard Model are\n", " reviewed. The central target of this presentation is the $B$ system, as it\n", " plays an outstanding role in the extraction of CKM phases. Besides a general\n", " discussion of the appearance of new physics in the corresponding CP-violating\n", " asymmetries through $B^0_q$--$\\bar{B^0_q}$ mixing $(q\\in\\{d,s\\})$, it is\n", " emphasized that CP violation in non-leptonic penguin modes, e.g. in $B_d\\to\\phi\n", " K_{S}$, offers a powerful tool to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. In\n", " this respect $B\\to\\pi K$ modes, which have been observed recently by the CLEO\n", " collaboration, may also turn out to be very useful. Their combined branching\n", " ratios allow us to constrain the CKM angle $\\gamma$ and may indicate the\n", " presence of physics beyond the Standard Model.,\n", " We describe non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems coming from the Hitchin\n", " integrable systems. The Hitchin integrals of motion depend on the W-structures\n", " of the basic curve. The parameters of the W-structures play the role of times.\n", " In particular, the quadratic integrals dependent on the complex structure\n", " (W_2-structure) of the basic curve and times are coordinate on the Teichmuller\n", " space. The corresponding flows are the monodromy preserving equations such as\n", " the Schlesinger equations, the Painleve VI equation and their generalizations.\n", " The equations corresponding to the highest integrals are monodromy preserving\n", " conditions with respect to changing of the W_k-structures (k>2). They are\n", " derived by the symplectic reduction from the gauge field theory on the basic\n", " curve interacting with W_k-gravity. As by product we obtain the classical Ward\n", " identities in this theory.,\n", " Precise measurements of exoplanets radii are of key importance for our\n", " understanding of the origin and nature of these objects. Measurement of the\n", " planet radii using the transit method have reached a precision that the effects\n", " of stellar surface features have to be taken into account. While the effects\n", " from spots have already been studied in detail, our knowledge of the effects\n", " caused by faculae is still limited. This is particularly the case for M-stars.\n", " Faculae can pose a problem if they are inhomogeneously distributed on the\n", " stellar surface. Using the eclipse mapping method, we study the distribution of\n", " the faculae on the surface of GJ1214 using the CaIIH&K lines as tracers. In\n", " order to assess the homogeneity of the distribution in a quantitative way, we\n", " introduce the inhomogeneity factor IHF. IHF is 0% if the distribution is\n", " homogeneous, positive, if the plage regions are preferentially located along\n", " the path of the planet, and negative, if they are preferentially located\n", " outside the path of the planet. For GJ1214, we derive a rather small value of\n", " IHF=7.7-7.7+12.0%. We discuss the relevance of this result in the context of\n", " the PLATO and ARIEL missions.,\n", " Literacy is one of the most fundamental skills for people to access and\n", " navigate today's digital environment. This work systematically studies the\n", " language literacy skills of online populations for more than 160 countries and\n", " regions across the world, including many low-resourced countries where official\n", " literacy data are particularly sparse. Leveraging public data on Facebook, we\n", " develop a population-level literacy estimate for the online population that is\n", " based on aggregated and de-identified public posts written by adult Facebook\n", " users globally, significantly improving both the coverage and resolution of\n", " existing literacy tracking data. We found that, on Facebook, women collectively\n", " show higher language literacy than men in many countries, but substantial gaps\n", " remain in Africa and Asia. Further, our analysis reveals a considerable\n", " regional gap within a country that is associated with multiple socio-technical\n", " inequalities, suggesting an \"inequality paradox\" -- where the online language\n", " skill disparity interacts with offline socioeconomic inequalities in complex\n", " ways. These findings have implications for global women's empowerment and\n", " socioeconomic inequalities.,\n", " The preservation theorems for semi-properness, hemi-properness, and\n", " pseudo-completeness hold for countable support iterations as well as revised\n", " countable support iterations, notwithstanding the fact that the \"factor lemma\"\n", " fails for the countable support versions.\n", " Example: The countable support iteration of Namba forcing over a ground model\n", " of CH does not add reals.\n", " Example: A countable support iteration built from Namba forcing and Cohen\n", " forcing, over a ground model of CH, does not collapse omega_1,\n", " According to a report online, more than 200 million unique users search for\n", " jobs online every month. This incredibly large and fast growing demand has\n", " enticed software giants such as Google and Facebook to enter this space, which\n", " was previously dominated by companies such as LinkedIn, Indeed and\n", " CareerBuilder. Recently, Google released their \"AI-powered Jobs Search Engine\",\n", " \"Google For Jobs\" while Facebook released \"Facebook Jobs\" within their\n", " platform. These current job search engines and platforms allow users to search\n", " for jobs based on general narrow filters such as job title, date posted,\n", " experience level, company and salary. However, they have severely limited\n", " filters relating to skill sets such as C++, Python, and Java and company\n", " related attributes such as employee size, revenue, technographics and\n", " micro-industries. These specialized filters can help applicants and companies\n", " connect at a very personalized, relevant and deeper level. In this paper we\n", " present a framework that provides an end-to-end \"Data-driven Jobs Search\n", " Engine\". In addition, users can also receive potential contacts of recruiters\n", " and senior positions for connection and networking opportunities. The high\n", " level implementation of the framework is described as follows: 1) Collect job\n", " postings data in the United States, 2) Extract meaningful tokens from the\n", " postings data using ETL pipelines, 3) Normalize the data set to link company\n", " names to their specific company websites, 4) Extract and ranking the skill\n", " sets, 5) Link the company names and websites to their respective company level\n", " attributes with the EVERSTRING Company API, 6) Run user-specific search queries\n", " on the database to identify relevant job postings and 7) Rank the job search\n", " results. This framework offers a highly customizable and highly targeted search\n", " experience for end users.,\n", " Using an external electric field, one can modulate the bandgap of Bernal\n", " stacked bilayer graphene by breaking A-~B symmetry. We analyze strain effects\n", " on the bilayer graphene using the extended Huckel theory and find that reduced\n", " interlayer distance results in higher bandgap modulation, as expected.\n", " Furthermore, above about 2.5 angstrom interlayer distance, the bandgap is\n", " direct, follows a convex relation to electric field and saturates to a value\n", " determined by the interlayer distance. However, below about 2.5 angstrom, the\n", " bandgap is indirect, the trend becomes concave and a threshold electric field\n", " is observed, which also depends on the stacking distance.,\n", " The evolution of $N$ spin-$1/2$ system with all-range Ising-type interaction\n", " is considered. For this system we study the entanglement of one spin with the\n", " rest spins. It is shown that the entanglement depends on the amount of spins\n", " and the initial state. Also the geometry of manifold which contains entangled\n", " states is obtained. Finally we find the dependence of entanglement on the\n", " scalar curvature of manifold and examine it for different number of spins in\n", " the system.,\n", " We show that for almost every map in a transversal one-parameter family of\n", " piecewise expanding unimodal maps the Birkhoff sum of suitable observables\n", " along the forward orbit of the turning point satisfies the law of iterated\n", " logarithm. This result will follow from an almost sure invariance principle for\n", " the Birkhoff sum, as a function on the parameter space. Furthermore, we obtain\n", " a similar result for general one-parameter families of piecewise expanding maps\n", " on the interval.,\n", " Recently, due to the ubiquity and supremacy of E-recruitment platforms, job\n", " recommender systems have been largely studied. In this paper, we tackle the\n", " next job application problem, which has many practical applications. In\n", " particular, we propose to leverage next-item recommendation approaches to\n", " consider better the job seeker's career preference to discover the next\n", " relevant job postings (referred to jobs for short) they might apply for. Our\n", " proposed model, named Personalized-Attention Next-Application Prediction\n", " (PANAP), is composed of three modules. The first module learns job\n", " representations from textual content and metadata attributes in an unsupervised\n", " way. The second module learns job seeker representations. It includes a\n", " personalized-attention mechanism that can adapt the importance of each job in\n", " the learned career preference representation to the specific job seeker's\n", " profile. The attention mechanism also brings some interpretability to learned\n", " representations. Then, the third module models the Next-Application Prediction\n", " task as a top-K search process based on the similarity of representations. In\n", " addition, the geographic location is an essential factor that affects the\n", " preferences of job seekers in the recruitment domain. Therefore, we explore the\n", " influence of geographic location on the model performance from the perspective\n", " of negative sampling strategies. Experiments on the public CareerBuilder12\n", " dataset show the interest in our approach.,\n", " Different thicknesses of cobalt thin films were growth by magnetron\n", " sputtering deposition techniques. The films thicknesses were determinated with\n", " X ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Quartz Crystal Monitoring (QCM). XPS\n", " is also used to determinate the films quality. The films magnetic properties\n", " were determinated by Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) technique.,\n", " In this work, we study the existence and uniqueness of bounded Weyl almost\n", " periodic solution to the abstract differential equation u ' (t) = Au(t) + f\n", " (t), t $\\in$ R, in a Banach space X, where A : D (A) $\\subset$ X $\\rightarrow$\n", " X is a linear operator (unbounded) which generates an exponentially stable C\n", " 0-semigroup on X and f : R $\\rightarrow$ X is a Weyl almost periodic function.\n", " We also investigate the nonautonomous case.,\n", " We analyze a non-Markovian mean field interacting spin system, related to the\n", " Curie--Weiss model. We relax the Markovianity assumption by replacing the\n", " memoryless distribution of the waiting times of a classical spin-flip dynamics\n", " with a distribution with memory. The resulting stochastic evolution for a\n", " single particle is a spin-valued renewal process, an example of two-state\n", " semi-Markov process. We associate to the individual dynamics an equivalent\n", " Markovian description, which is the subject of our analysis. We study a\n", " corresponding interacting particle system, where a mean field interaction is\n", " introduced as a time scaling, depending on the overall magnetization of the\n", " system, on the waiting times between two successive particle's jumps. Via\n", " linearization arguments on the Fokker-Planck mean field limit equation, we give\n", " evidence of emerging periodic behavior. Specifically, numerical analysis on the\n", " discrete spectrum of the linearized operator, characterized by the zeros of an\n", " explicit holomorphic function, suggests the presence of a Hopf bifurcation for\n", " a critical value of the temperature, which is in accordance with the one\n", " obtained by simulating the N-particle system.,\n", " We report an experimental study of the emergence of non-trivial topological\n", " winding and long-range order across the paramagnetic to skyrmion lattice\n", " transition in the transition metal helimagnet MnSi. Combining measurements of\n", " the susceptibility with small angle neutron scattering, neutron resonance spin\n", " echo spectroscopy and all-electrical microwave spectroscopy, we find evidence\n", " of skyrmion textures in the paramagnetic state exceeding $10^3$\\AA with\n", " lifetimes above several 10$^{-9}$s. Our experimental findings establish that\n", " the paramagnetic to skyrmion lattice transition in MnSi is well-described by\n", " the Landau soft-mode mechanism of weak crystallization, originally proposed in\n", " the context of the liquid to crystal transition. As a key aspect of this\n", " theoretical model, the modulation-vectors of periodic small amplitude\n", " components of the magnetization form triangles that add to zero. In excellent\n", " agreement with our experimental findings, these triangles of the\n", " modulation-vectors entail the presence of the non-trivial topological winding\n", " of skyrmions already in the paramagnetic state of MnSi when approaching the\n", " skyrmion lattice transition.,\n", " We present results of our analysis of NuSTAR data of the luminous infrared\n", " galaxy Mrk 266, which contains two nuclei, SW and NE, resolved in previous\n", " Chandra imaging. Combining with the Chandra data, we intepret the hard X-ray\n", " spectrum obtained from a NuSTAR observation as resulting from steeply rising\n", " flux from a Compton-thick AGN in the SW nucleus which is very faint in the\n", " Chandra band, confirming the previous claim of Mazzarella et al. (2012). This\n", " hard X-ray component is dominated by reflection, and its intrinsic 2-10 keV\n", " luminosity is likely to be ~1e43 erg/s. Although it is bright in soft X-ray,\n", " only moderately absorbed NE nucleus has a 2-10 keV luminosity of 4e41 erg/s,\n", " placing it in the low-luminosity AGN class. These results have implications for\n", " understanding the detectability and duty cycles of emission from dual AGN in\n", " heavily obscured mergers.,\n", " The transformation of the stripe domain structure of spontaneously-formed\n", " epitaxial silicene on ZrB$_2$ thin film into a single-domain driven by the\n", " adsorption of a fraction of a monolayer of silicon was used to investigate how\n", " dislocations react and eventually annihilate in a two-dimensional honeycomb\n", " structure. The in-situ real time STM monitoring of the evolution of the domain\n", " structure after Si deposition revealed the mechanisms leading to the nucleation\n", " of a single-domain into a domain structure through a stepwise reaction of\n", " partial dislocations. After its nucleation, the single-domain extends by the\n", " propagation of edge dislocations at its frontiers. The identification of this\n", " particular nucleation-propagation formation of dislocation-free silicene sheet\n", " provides insights into how crystallographic defects can be healed in\n", " two-dimensional materials.,\n", " Starting from the vortex filament flow introduced in 1906 by Da Rios, there\n", " is a hierarchy of commuting geometric flows on space curves. The traditional\n", " approach relates those flows to the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger hierarchy satisfied\n", " by the complex curvature function of the space curve. Rather than working with\n", " this infinitesimal invariant, we describe the flows directly as vector fields\n", " on the manifold of space curves. This manifold carries a canonical symplectic\n", " form introduced by Marsden and Weinstein. Our flows are precisely the\n", " symplectic gradients of a natural hierarchy of invariants, beginning with\n", " length, total torsion, and elastic energy. There are a number of advantages to\n", " our geometric approach. For instance, the real part of the spectral curve is\n", " geometrically realized as the motion of the monodromy axis when varying total\n", " torsion. This insight provides a new explicit formula for the hierarchy of\n", " Hamiltonians. We also interpret the complex spectral curve in terms of curves\n", " in hyperbolic space and Darboux transforms. Furthermore, we complete the\n", " hierarchy of Hamiltonians by adding area and volume. These allow for the\n", " characterization of elastic curves as solutions to an isoperimetric problem:\n", " elastica are the critical points of length while fixing area and volume.,\n", " A choice dictionary can be initialized with a parameter $n\\in\\mathbb{N}$ and\n", " subsequently maintains an initially empty subset $S$ of $\\{1,\\ldots,n\\}$ under\n", " insertion, deletion, membership queries and an operation $\\textit{choice}$ that\n", " returns an arbitrary element of $S$. The choice dictionary is fundamental in\n", " space-efficient computing and has numerous applications. The best previous\n", " choice dictionary can be initialized with $n$ and $t\\in\\mathbb{N}$ and\n", " subsequently executes all operations in $O(t)$ time and occupies\n", " $n+O(n({t/w})^t+\\log n)$ bits on a word RAM with a word length of\n", " $w=\\Omega(\\log n)$ bits. We describe a new choice dictionary that executes all\n", " operations in constant time and, in addition to the space needed to store the\n", " integer $n$, occupies only $n+1$ bits, which is shown to be optimal if\n", " $w=o(n)$.\n", " A generalization of the choice dictionary called a colored choice dictionary\n", " is initialized with $c\\in\\mathbb{N}$ in addition to $n$ and subsequently\n", " maintains a semipartition $(S_0,\\ldots,S_{c-1})$ of $\\{1,\\ldots,n\\}$ under the\n", " operations $\\textit{setcolor}(j,\\ell)$, which moves $\\ell$ from its current\n", " subset to $S_j$, $\\textit{color}(\\ell)$, which returns the unique\n", " $j\\in\\{0,\\ldots,c-1\\}$ with $\\ell\\in S_j$, and $\\textit{choice}(j)$, which\n", " returns an arbitrary element of $S_j$. We describe new colored choice\n", " dictionaries that, if initialized with constant $c$, execute\n", " $\\textit{setcolor}$, $\\textit{color}$ and $\\textit{choice}$ in constant time\n", " and occupy $n\\log_2\\!c+1$ bits plus the space needed to store $n$ if $c$ is a\n", " power of 2, and at most $n\\log_2\\!c+n^\\epsilon$ bits in general, for arbitrary\n", " fixed $\\epsilon>0$. We also study the possibility of iterating over the set $S$\n", " or over $S_j$ for given $j\\in\\{0,\\ldots,c-1\\}$ and an application of this to\n", " breadth-first search.,\n", " We develop an approach to policy selection in active inference that allows us\n", " to efficiently search large policy spaces by mapping each policy to its\n", " embedding in a vector space. We sample the expected free energy of\n", " representative points in the space, then perform a more thorough policy search\n", " around the most promising point in this initial sample. We consider various\n", " approaches to creating the policy embedding space, and propose using k-means\n", " clustering to select representative points. We apply our technique to a\n", " goal-oriented graph-traversal problem, for which naive policy selection is\n", " intractable for even moderately large graphs.,\n", " In this work we explore cyberbullying and other toxic behavior in team\n", " competition online games. Using a dataset of over 10 million player reports on\n", " 1.46 million toxic players along with corresponding crowdsourced decisions, we\n", " test several hypotheses drawn from theories explaining toxic behavior. Besides\n", " providing large-scale, empirical based understanding of toxic behavior, our\n", " work can be used as a basis for building systems to detect, prevent, and\n", " counter-act toxic behavior.,\n", " We wish to demonstrate that investigation of asymptotically high multiplicity\n", " (AHM) hadron reactions may solve, or at least clear up, a number of problems\n", " unsolvable by other ways. We would lean upon the idea: (i) the entropy is\n", " proportional to multiplicity and, by this reason, at the AHM domain one may\n", " expect the equilibrium final state and (ii) the high-multiplicity processes\n", " becomes hard. Last one means that the nonperturbative corrections are frozen\n", " during this processes and the QCD predictions are available for them.,\n", " The joint state of a system that is in contact with an environment is called\n", " lazy, if the entropy rate of the system under any coupling to the environment\n", " is zero. Necessary and sufficient conditions have recently been established for\n", " a state to be lazy [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 050403 (2011)], and it was shown that\n", " almost all states of the system and the environment do not have this property [\n", " Phys. Rev. A 81 052318 (2010)]. At first glance, this may lead us to believe\n", " that low entropy rates themselves form an exception, in the sense that most\n", " states are far from being lazy and have high entropy rates. Here, we show that\n", " in fact the opposite is true if the environment is sufficiently large. Almost\n", " all states of the system and the environment are pretty lazy-their entropy\n", " rates are low for any coupling to the environment.,\n", " As with all measurements, the measurement of examinee ability, in terms of\n", " scores that the examinee obtains in a test, is also error-ridden. The\n", " quantification of such error or uncertainty in the test score data--or rather\n", " the complementary test reliability--is pursued within the paradigm of Classical\n", " Test Theory in a variety of ways, with no existing method of finding\n", " reliability, isomorphic to the theoretical definition that parametrises\n", " reliability as the ratio of the true score variance and observed (i.e.\n", " error-ridden) score variance. Thus, multiple reliability coefficients for the\n", " same test have been advanced. This paper describes a much needed method of\n", " obtaining reliability of a test as per its theoretical definition, via a single\n", " administration of the test, by using a new fast method of splitting of a given\n", " test into parallel halves, achieving near-coincident empirical distributions of\n", " the two halves. The method has the desirable property of achieving splitting on\n", " the basis of difficulty of the questions (or items) that constitute the test,\n", " thus allowing for fast computation of reliability even for very large test data\n", " sets, i.e. test data obtained by a very large examinee sample. An interval\n", " estimate for the true score is offered, given an examinee score, subsequent to\n", " the determination of the test reliability. This method of finding test\n", " reliability as per the classical definition can be extended to find reliability\n", " of a set or battery of tests; a method for determination of the weights\n", " implemented in the computation of the weighted battery score is discussed. We\n", " perform empirical illustration of our method on real and simulated tests, and\n", " on a real test battery comprising two constituent tests.,\n", " We study topological phase transitions in tetragonal NaZnSb$_{1-x}$Bi$_x$,\n", " driven by the chemical composition $x$. Notably, we examine mirror Chern\n", " numbers that change without symmetry indicators. First-principles calculations\n", " are performed to show that NaZnSb$_{1-x}$Bi$_x$ experiences consecutive\n", " topological phase transitions, diagnosed by the strong $\\mathbb Z_{2}$\n", " topological index $\\nu_{0}$ and two mirror Chern numbers $\\mu_{x}$ and\n", " $\\mu_{xy}$. As the chemical composition $x$ increases, the topological\n", " invariants ($\\mu_{x}\\mu_{xy}\\nu_{0}$) change from $(000)$, $(020)$, $(220)$, to\n", " $(111)$ at $x$ = 0.15, 0.20, and 0.53, respectively. A simplified low-energy\n", " effective model is developed to examine the mirror Chern number changes,\n", " highlighting the central role of spectator Dirac fermions in avoiding symmetry\n", " indicators. Our findings suggest that NaZnSb$_{1-x}$Bi$_{x}$ can be an exciting\n", " testbed for the exploration of the interplay between the topology and symmetry.,\n", " Three new single-atom-thick silicon-carbon stable systems have been found by\n", " using of SCED-LCAO and DFT methods. An important position, named bone position,\n", " is proposed in these structures. For SiC and Si1C9 system, the bone positions\n", " are partially occupied by Si atoms, the plane structure is kept and electronic\n", " gap is opened with 0.955 eV and 0.689 eV respectively. For Si2C8 system, the\n", " bone positions are fully occupied by Si atoms. It shows a buckled structure\n", " with a buckling of 0.05 {\\AA} and a Dirac cone at M point. Moreover, the sp\n", " hybridization between Si and C atoms in SiC system is found and the\n", " co-existence of sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridization is also found in Si2C8 system.\n", " The thermal stability for these three systems is certified.,\n", " We present an effective technique for training deep learning agents capable\n", " of negotiating on a set of clauses in a contract agreement using a simple\n", " communication protocol. We use Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning to train both\n", " agents simultaneously as they negotiate with each other in the training\n", " environment. We also model selfish and prosocial behavior to varying degrees in\n", " these agents. Empirical evidence is provided showing consistency in agent\n", " behaviors. We further train a meta agent with a mixture of behaviors by\n", " learning an ensemble of different models using reinforcement learning. Finally,\n", " to ascertain the deployability of the negotiating agents, we conducted\n", " experiments pitting the trained agents against human players. Results\n", " demonstrate that the agents are able to hold their own against human players,\n", " often emerging as winners in the negotiation. Our experiments demonstrate that\n", " the meta agent is able to reasonably emulate human behavior.,\n", " The third observing run of advanced LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA brought\n", " unprecedented sensitivity towards a variety of quasi-monochromatic, persistent\n", " gravitational-wave signals. Continuous waves allow us to probe not just the\n", " existence of canonical asymmetrically rotating neutron stars, but also\n", " different forms of dark matter, thus showing the wide-ranging astrophysical\n", " implications of using a relatively simple signal model. I will describe the\n", " major results from the numerous continuous-wave searches that were performed in\n", " O3, both inside and outside the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA collaborations, and show how\n", " impactful to multi-messenger physics that they have been.,\n", " The migration of cells through tight constricting spaces or along fibrous\n", " tracks in tissues is important for biological processes, such as embryogenesis,\n", " wound healing, and cancer metastasis, and depends on the mechanical properties\n", " of the cytoskeleton. Migratory cells often express and upregulate the\n", " intermediate filament protein vimentin. The viscoelasticity of vimentin\n", " networks in shear deformation has been documented, but its role in motility is\n", " largely unexplored. Here, we studied the effects of vimentin on cell motility\n", " and stiffness using mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from wild-type and\n", " vimentin-null mice. We find that loss of vimentin increases motility through\n", " small pores and along thin capillaries. Atomic force microscopy measurements\n", " reveal that the presence of vimentin enhances the perinuclear stiffness of the\n", " cell, to an extent that depends on surface ligand presentation and therefore\n", " signaling from extracellular matrix receptors. Together, our results indicate\n", " that vimentin hinders three-dimensional motility by providing mechanical\n", " resistance against large strains and may thereby protect the structural\n", " integrity of cells.,\n", " An incremental version of the fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs)\n", " detected by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope is presented. This version\n", " (4LAC-DR3) derives from the third data release of the 4FGL catalog based on 12\n", " years of E>50 MeV gamma-ray data, where the spectral parameters, spectral\n", " energy distributions (SEDs), yearly light curves, and associations have been\n", " updated for all sources. The new reported AGNs include 587 blazar candidates\n", " and four radio galaxies. We describe the properties of the new sample and\n", " outline changes affecting the previously published one. We also introduce two\n", " new parameters in this release, namely the peak energy of the SED high-energy\n", " component and the corresponding flux. These parameters allow an assessment of\n", " the Compton dominance, the ratio of the Inverse-Compton to the synchrotron peak\n", " luminosities, without relying on X-ray data.,\n", " Learning Markov decision processes (MDP) in an adversarial environment has\n", " been a challenging problem. The problem becomes even more challenging with\n", " function approximation, since the underlying structure of the loss function and\n", " transition kernel are especially hard to estimate in a varying environment. In\n", " fact, the state-of-the-art results for linear adversarial MDP achieve a regret\n", " of $\\tilde{O}(K^{6/7})$ ($K$ denotes the number of episodes), which admits a\n", " large room for improvement. In this paper, we investigate the problem with a\n", " new view, which reduces linear MDP into linear optimization by subtly setting\n", " the feature maps of the bandit arms of linear optimization. This new technique,\n", " under an exploratory assumption, yields an improved bound of\n", " $\\tilde{O}(K^{4/5})$ for linear adversarial MDP without access to a transition\n", " simulator. The new view could be of independent interest for solving other MDP\n", " problems that possess a linear structure.,\n", " We study the asymptotics for the lengths $L_N(q)$ of the instability tongues\n", " of Hill equations that arise as iso-energetic linearization of two coupled\n", " oscillators around a single-mode periodic orbit. We show that for small\n", " energies, i.e. $q\\rightarrow 0$, the instability tongues have the same behavior\n", " that occurs in the case of the Mathieu equation: $L_N(q) = O(q^N)$. The result\n", " follows from a theorem which fully characterizes the class of Hill equations\n", " with the same asymptotic behavior. In addition, in some significant cases we\n", " characterize the shape of the instability tongues for small energies.\n", " Motivation of the paper stems from recent mathematical works on the theory of\n", " suspension bridges.,\n", " To produce a fermionic model exhibiting an entanglement entropy volume law,\n", " we propose a particular version of nonlocality in which the energy-momentum\n", " dispersion relation is effectively randomized at the shortest length scales\n", " while preserving translation invariance. In contrast to the ground state of\n", " local fermions, exhibiting an entanglement entropy area law with logarithmic\n", " corrections, the entropy of nonlocal fermions is extensive, scaling as the\n", " volume of the subregion and crossing over to the anomalous fermion area law at\n", " scales larger than the locality scale, {\\alpha}. In the 1-d case, we are able\n", " to show that the central charge appearing in the universal entropy expressions\n", " for large subregions is simply related to the locality scale. These results are\n", " demonstrated by exact diagonalizations of the corresponding discrete lattice\n", " fermion models. Within the Ryu-Takayanagi holographic picture, the relation\n", " between the central charge and the locality scale suggest a dual spacetime in\n", " which the size of the flat UV portion and the radius of AdS in the IR are both\n", " proportional to the locality scale, {\\alpha}.,\n", " The nature of dark matter (DM) particles and the mechanism that provides\n", " their measured relic abundance are currently unknown. In this paper we\n", " investigate inert scalar and vector like fermion doublet DM candidates with a\n", " charge asymmetry in the dark sector, which is generated by the same mechanism\n", " that provides the baryon asymmetry, namely baryogenesis-via-leptogenesis\n", " induced by decays of scalar triplets. At the same time the model gives rise to\n", " neutrino masses in the ballpark of oscillation experiments via type II seesaw.\n", " We discuss possible sources of depletion of asymmetry in the DM and visible\n", " sectors and solve the relevant Boltzmann equations for quasi-equilibrium decay\n", " of triplet scalars. A Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain analysis is performed for the\n", " whole parameter space. The survival of the asymmetry in the dark sector leads\n", " to inelastic scattering off nuclei. We then apply bayesian statistic to infer\n", " the model parameters favoured by the current experimental data, in particular\n", " the DAMA annual modulation and Xenon100 exclusion limit. The latter strongly\n", " disfavours asymmetric scalar doublet DM of mass $\\mathcal{O}(\\TeV)$ as required\n", " by DM-$\\bar{\\rm DM}$ oscillations, while an asymmetric vector like fermion\n", " doublet DM with mass around 100 GeV is a good candidate for DAMA annual\n", " modulation yet satisfying the constraints from Xenon100 data.,\n", " We develop a new formalism for the Quantum Master Equation $\\Delta\n", " e^{S/\\hbar} = 0$ and the category of ${\\rm IBL}_\\infty$-algebras and simplify\n", " some homotopical algebra arising in the context of oriented surfaces with\n", " boundary. We introduce and study a category of MV-algebras, which, on the one\n", " hand, contains such important categories as those of ${\\rm\n", " IBL}_\\infty$-algebras and ${\\rm L}_\\infty$-algebras, and on the other hand, is\n", " homotopically trivial, in particular allowing for a simple solution of the\n", " quantum master equation. We also present geometric interpretation of our\n", " results.,\n", " We present a probabilistic model for constraint-based grammars and a method\n", " for estimating the parameters of such models from incomplete, i.e., unparsed\n", " data. Whereas methods exist to estimate the parameters of probabilistic\n", " context-free grammars from incomplete data (Baum 1970), so far for\n", " probabilistic grammars involving context-dependencies only parameter estimation\n", " techniques from complete, i.e., fully parsed data have been presented (Abney\n", " 1997). However, complete-data estimation requires labor-intensive, error-prone,\n", " and grammar-specific hand-annotating of large language corpora. We present a\n", " log-linear probability model for constraint logic programming, and a general\n", " algorithm to estimate the parameters of such models from incomplete data by\n", " extending the estimation algorithm of Della-Pietra, Della-Pietra, and Lafferty\n", " (1997) to incomplete data settings.,\n", " Massive amounts of fake news and conspiratorial content have spread over\n", " social media before and after the 2016 US Presidential Elections despite\n", " intense fact-checking efforts. How do the spread of misinformation and\n", " fact-checking compete? What are the structural and dynamic characteristics of\n", " the core of the misinformation diffusion network, and who are its main\n", " purveyors? How to reduce the overall amount of misinformation? To explore these\n", " questions we built Hoaxy, an open platform that enables large-scale, systematic\n", " studies of how misinformation and fact-checking spread and compete on Twitter.\n", " Hoaxy filters public tweets that include links to unverified claims or\n", " fact-checking articles. We perform k-core decomposition on a diffusion network\n", " obtained from two million retweets produced by several hundred thousand\n", " accounts over the six months before the election. As we move from the periphery\n", " to the core of the network, fact-checking nearly disappears, while social bots\n", " proliferate. The number of users in the main core reaches equilibrium around\n", " the time of the election, with limited churn and increasingly dense\n", " connections. We conclude by quantifying how effectively the network can be\n", " disrupted by penalizing the most central nodes. These findings provide a first\n", " look at the anatomy of a massive online misinformation diffusion network.,\n", " I present a simple derivation of the de Gennes narrowing phenomenon.,\n", " The circllhist histogram is a fast and memory efficient data structure for\n", " summarizing large numbers of latency measurements. It is particularly suited\n", " for applications in IT infrastructure monitoring, and provides nano-second data\n", " insertion, full mergeability, accurate approximation of quantiles with a-priori\n", " bounds on the relative error.\n", " Open-source implementations are available for\n", " C/lua/python/Go/Java/JavaScript.,\n", " We set up recursion relations for calculating all even moments of the\n", " end-to-end distance of a Porod-Kratky wormlike chains in $D$ dimensions. From\n", " these moments we derive a simple analytic expression for the end-to-end\n", " distribution in three dimensions valid for all peristence lengths. It is in\n", " excellent agreement with Monte Carlo data for stiff chains and goes properly\n", " over into the Gaussian random-walk distributions for low stiffness.,\n", " Using the integral field unit (IFU) data from Mapping Nearby Galaxies at\n", " Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey, we select a sample of 101 galaxies\n", " with counter-rotating stellar disks and regularly-rotating ionized gas disk. We\n", " classify the 101 galaxies into four types based on the features of their\n", " stellar velocity fields. The relative fractions and stellar population age\n", " radial gradients of the four types are different in blue cloud (BC), green\n", " valley (GV) and red sequence (RS) populations. We suggest different formation\n", " scenarios for the counter-rotating stellar disks, and the key factors in the\n", " formation of counter-rotating stellar disks include: (1) the abundance of\n", " pre-existing gas in progenitor, (2) the efficiency in angular momentum\n", " consumption.,\n", " In a previous work we have demonstrated a novel numerical model for the point\n", " spread function (PSF) of an optical system that can efficiently model both\n", " experimental measurements and lens design simulations of the PSF. The novelty\n", " lies in the portability and the parameterization of this model, which allows\n", " for completely new ways to validate optical systems, which is especially\n", " interesting for mass production optics like in the automotive industry, but\n", " also for ophtalmology. The numerical basis for this model is a non-linear\n", " regression of the PSF with an artificial neural network (ANN). In this work we\n", " examine two important aspects of this model: the spatial resolution and the\n", " accuracy of the model. Measurement and simulation of a PSF can have a much\n", " higher resolution then the typical pixel size used in current camera sensors,\n", " especially those for the automotive industry. We discuss the influence this has\n", " on on the topology of the ANN and the final application where the modeled PSF\n", " is actually used. Another important influence on the accuracy of the trained\n", " ANN is the error metric which is used during training. The PSF is a distinctly\n", " non-linear function, which varies strongly over field and defocus, but\n", " nonetheless exhibits strong symmetries and spatial relations. Therefore we\n", " examine different distance and similarity measures and discuss its influence on\n", " the modeling performance of the ANN.,\n", " While idiosyncrasies of the Chinese classifier system have been a richly\n", " studied topic among linguists (Adams and Conklin, 1973; Erbaugh, 1986; Lakoff,\n", " 1986), not much work has been done to quantify them with statistical methods.\n", " In this paper, we introduce an information-theoretic approach to measuring\n", " idiosyncrasy; we examine how much the uncertainty in Mandarin Chinese\n", " classifiers can be reduced by knowing semantic information about the nouns that\n", " the classifiers modify. Using the empirical distribution of classifiers from\n", " the parsed Chinese Gigaword corpus (Graff et al., 2005), we compute the mutual\n", " information (in bits) between the distribution over classifiers and\n", " distributions over other linguistic quantities. We investigate whether semantic\n", " classes of nouns and adjectives differ in how much they reduce uncertainty in\n", " classifier choice, and find that it is not fully idiosyncratic; while there are\n", " no obvious trends for the majority of semantic classes, shape nouns reduce\n", " uncertainty in classifier choice the most.,\n", " We derive expansions of the resolvent\n", " Rn(x;y;t)=(Qn(x;t)Pn(y;t)-Qn(y;t)Pn(x;t))/(x-y) of the Hermite kernel Kn at the\n", " edge of the spectrum of the finite n Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUEn) and the\n", " finite n expansion of Qn(x;t) and Pn(x;t). Using these large n expansions, we\n", " give another proof of the derivation of an Edgeworth type theorem for the\n", " largest eigenvalue distribution function of GUEn. We conclude with a brief\n", " discussion on the derivation of the probability distribution function of the\n", " corresponding largest eigenvalue in the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOEn) and\n", " Gaussian Symplectic Ensembles (GSEn).,\n", " We present a method enabling a large number of agents to learn how to flock,\n", " which is a natural behavior observed in large populations of animals. This\n", " problem has drawn a lot of interest but requires many structural assumptions\n", " and is tractable only in small dimensions. We phrase this problem as a Mean\n", " Field Game (MFG), where each individual chooses its acceleration depending on\n", " the population behavior. Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) and\n", " Normalizing Flows (NF), we obtain a tractable solution requiring only very weak\n", " assumptions. Our algorithm finds a Nash Equilibrium and the agents adapt their\n", " velocity to match the neighboring flock's average one. We use Fictitious Play\n", " and alternate: (1) computing an approximate best response with Deep RL, and (2)\n", " estimating the next population distribution with NF. We show numerically that\n", " our algorithm learn multi-group or high-dimensional flocking with obstacles.,\n", " We report on progress of a lattice QCD calculation of the $B\\to Dl\\nu$ and\n", " $B_s\\to D_s l\\nu$ semileptonic form factors. We use a relativistic staggered\n", " action (HISQ) for light and charm quarks, and an improved non-relativistic\n", " (NRQCD) action for bottom, on the second generation MILC ensembles.,\n", " We study the irreversible aggregation of films of patchy spherical colloids\n", " with directional and selective interactions. We report a crossover of the\n", " interfacial roughening from the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) to the KPZ with\n", " quenched disorder (KPZQ) universality class when the difference between the\n", " strong and weak bonds is sufficiently large. We calculate the critical\n", " exponents and identify the crossover between the two regimes.,\n", " Many species of ants forage by building up two files: an outbound one moving\n", " from the nest to the foraging area, and a nestbound one, returning from it to\n", " the nest. Those files are eventually submitted to different threats. If the\n", " danger is concentrated at one point of the file, one might expect that ants\n", " returning to the nest will pass danger information to their nestmates moving in\n", " the opposite direction towards the danger area. In this paper, we construct\n", " simple cellular automata models for foraging ants submitted to localized\n", " abduction, were danger information is transmitted using different protocols,\n", " including the possibility of no transmission. The parameters we have used in\n", " the simulations have been estimated from actual experiments under natural\n", " conditions. So, it would be easy to test our information-transmission hypothese\n", " in real experiments. Preliminary experimental results published elsewhere\n", " suggest that the behavior of foraging ants of the species Atta insularis is\n", " best described using the hypothesis of no transmission of danger information.,\n", " Because obesity is a risk factor for many serious illnesses such as diabetes,\n", " better understandings of obesity and eating disorders have been attracting\n", " attention in neurobiology, psychiatry, and neuroeconomics. This paper presents\n", " future study directions by unifying (i) economic theory of addiction and\n", " obesity (Becker and Murphy, 1988; Levy 2002; Dragone 2009), and (ii) recent\n", " empirical findings in neuroeconomics and neurobiology of obesity and addiction.\n", " It is suggested that neurobiological substrates such as adiponectin, dopamine\n", " (D2 receptors), endocannabinoids, ghrelin, leptin, nesfatin-1, norepinephrine,\n", " orexin, oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin, CCK, GLP-1, MCH, PYY, and stress\n", " hormones (e.g., CRF) in the brain (e.g., OFC, VTA, NAcc, and the hypothalamus)\n", " may determine parameters in the economic theory of obesity. Also, the\n", " importance of introducing time-inconsistent and gain/loss-asymmetrical temporal\n", " discounting (intertemporal choice) models based on Tsallis' statistics and\n", " incorporating time-perception parameters into the neuroeconomic theory is\n", " emphasized. Future directions in the application of the theory to studies in\n", " neuroeconomics and neuropsychiatry of obesity at the molecular level, which may\n", " help medical/psychopharmacological treatments of obesity (e.g., with\n", " sibutramine), are discussed.,\n", " Mobile robots are increasingly populating homes, hospitals, shopping malls,\n", " factory floors, and other human environments. Human society has social norms\n", " that people mutually accept; obeying these norms is an essential signal that\n", " someone is participating socially with respect to the rest of the population.\n", " For robots to be socially compatible with humans, it is crucial for robots to\n", " obey these social norms. In prior work, we demonstrated a Socially-Aware\n", " Navigation (SAN) planner, based on Pareto Concavity Elimination Transformation\n", " (PaCcET), in a hallway scenario, optimizing two objectives so that the robot\n", " does not invade the personal space of people. This paper extends our PaCcET\n", " based SAN planner to multiple scenarios with more than two objectives. We\n", " modified the Robot Operating System's (ROS) navigation stack to include PaCcET\n", " in the local planning task. We show that our approach can accommodate multiple\n", " Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenarios. Using the proposed approach, we\n", " achieved successful HRI in multiple scenarios like hallway interactions, an art\n", " gallery, waiting in a queue, and interacting with a group. We implemented our\n", " method on a simulated PR2 robot in a 2D simulator (Stage) and a pioneer-3DX\n", " mobile robot in the real-world to validate all the scenarios. A comprehensive\n", " set of experiments shows that our approach can handle multiple interaction\n", " scenarios on both holonomic and non-holonomic robots; hence, it can be a viable\n", " option for a Unified Socially-Aware Navigation (USAN).,\n", " This paper presents an automatic method to evaluate the naturalness of\n", " natural language generation in dialogue systems. While this task was previously\n", " rendered through expensive and time-consuming human labor, we present this\n", " novel task of automatic naturalness evaluation of generated language. By\n", " fine-tuning the BERT model, our proposed naturalness evaluation method shows\n", " robust results and outperforms the baselines: support vector machines,\n", " bi-directional LSTMs, and BLEURT. In addition, the training speed and\n", " evaluation performance of naturalness model are improved by transfer learning\n", " from quality and informativeness linguistic knowledge.,\n", " In transportation networks, where traffic lights have traditionally been used\n", " for vehicle coordination, intersections act as natural bottlenecks. A\n", " formidable challenge for existing automated intersections lies in detecting and\n", " reasoning about uncertainty from the operating environment and human-driven\n", " vehicles. In this paper, we propose a risk-aware intelligent intersection\n", " system for autonomous vehicles (AVs) as well as human-driven vehicles (HVs). We\n", " cast the problem as a novel class of Multi-agent Chance-Constrained Stochastic\n", " Shortest Path (MCC-SSP) problems and devise an exact Integer Linear Programming\n", " (ILP) formulation that is scalable in the number of agents' interaction points\n", " (e.g., potential collision points at the intersection). In particular, when the\n", " number of agents within an interaction point is small, which is often the case\n", " in intersections, the ILP has a polynomial number of variables and constraints.\n", " To further improve the running time performance, we show that the collision\n", " risk computation can be performed offline. Additionally, a trajectory\n", " optimization workflow is provided to generate risk-aware trajectories for any\n", " given intersection. The proposed framework is implemented in CARLA simulator\n", " and evaluated under a fully autonomous intersection with AVs only as well as in\n", " a hybrid setup with a signalized intersection for HVs and an intelligent scheme\n", " for AVs. As verified via simulations, the featured approach improves\n", " intersection's efficiency by up to $200\\%$ while also conforming to the\n", " specified tunable risk threshold.,\n", " We consider effects of coloured scalar mediators in decays $c\\to u \\, {\\it\n", " invisibles}$. In particular, in these processes, as invisibles, we consider\n", " massive right-handed fermions. The coloured scalar $\\bar S_1\\equiv (\\bar 3, 1,\n", " -2/3)$, due to its coupling to weak singlets up-quarks and invisible\n", " right-handed fermions ($\\chi$), is particularly interesting. Then, we consider\n", " $\\tilde R_2 \\equiv (\\bar 3, 2, 1/6)$, which as a weak doublet is a subject of\n", " severe low-energy constraints. The $\\chi$ mass is considered in the range $(m_K\n", " - m_\\pi)/2\\leq m_\\chi \\leq (m_D - m_\\pi)/2$. We determine branching ratios for\n", " $D\\to \\chi \\bar \\chi$, $D\\to \\chi \\bar \\chi \\gamma$ and $D\\to \\pi \\chi \\chi$\n", " for several $\\chi$ masses, using most constraining bounds. For $\\bar S_1$, the\n", " most constraining is $D^0 -\\bar D^0$ mixing, while in the case of $\\tilde R_2$\n", " the strongest constraint comes from $B\\to K {\\it missing\\, energy}$ . We find\n", " in decays mediated by $\\bar S_1$ that branching ratios can be $\\mathcal B(D\\to\n", " \\chi \\bar \\chi)< 10^{-8}$ for $m_\\chi=0.8$ GeV, $\\mathcal B(D\\to \\chi \\bar \\chi\n", " \\gamma) \\sim 10^{-8}$ for $m_\\chi=0.18$ GeV, while $\\mathcal B(D^+ \\to \\pi^+\n", " \\chi \\bar \\chi )$ can reach $ \\sim 10^{-8}$ for $m_\\chi=0.18$ GeV. In the case\n", " of $\\tilde R_2$ these decay rates are very suppressed. We find that future\n", " tau-charm factories and Belle II experiments offer good opportunities to search\n", " for such processes. Both $\\bar S_1$ and $\\tilde R_2$ might have masses within\n", " LHC reach.,\n", " We observed supernova 1987A (SN 1987A) with the Space Telescope Imaging\n", " Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 1999 September, and\n", " again with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the HST in 2003 November.\n", " No point source is observed in the remnant. We obtain a limiting flux of F_opt\n", " < 1.6 x 10^{-14} ergs/s/cm^2 in the wavelength range 2900-9650 Angstroms for\n", " any continuum emitter at the center of the supernova remnant (SNR). It is\n", " likely that the SNR contains opaque dust that absorbs UV and optical emission,\n", " resulting in an attenuation of ~35% due to dust absorption in the SNR. Taking\n", " into account dust absorption in the remnant, we find a limit of L_opt < 8 x\n", " 10^{33} ergs/s. We compare this upper bound with empirical evidence from point\n", " sources in other supernova remnants, and with theoretical models for possible\n", " compact sources. Bright young pulsars such as Kes 75 or the Crab pulsar are\n", " excluded by optical and X-ray limits on SN 1987A. Of the young pulsars known to\n", " be associated with SNRs, those with ages < 5000 years are all too bright in\n", " X-rays to be compatible with the limits on SN 1987A. Examining theoretical\n", " models for accretion onto a compact object, we find that spherical accretion\n", " onto a neutron star is firmly ruled out, and that spherical accretion onto a\n", " black hole is possible only if there is a larger amount of dust absorption in\n", " the remnant than predicted. In the case of thin-disk accretion, our flux limit\n", " requires a small disk, no larger than 10^{10} cm, with an accretion rate no\n", " more than 0.3 times the Eddington accretion rate. Possible ways to hide a\n", " surviving compact object include the removal of all surrounding material at\n", " early times by a photon-driven wind, a small accretion disk, or very high\n", " levels of dust absorption in the remnant.,\n", " We discuss order 1/m_b^4 and 1/m_b^5 corrections in inclusive semileptonic\n", " decay of a $B$ meson. We identify relevant hadronic matrix elements of\n", " dimension seven and eight and estimate them using the ground-state saturation\n", " approximation. Within this approach the effects on the integrated rate and on\n", " kinematic moments are estimated. The overall relative shift in V_{cb} turns out\n", " about +0.4% as applied to the existing fits. Similar estimates are presented\n", " for B -> X_s+\\gamma decays.,\n", " We establish sharp-in-time kernel and dispersive estimates for the\n", " Schr\\\"odinger equation on non-compact Riemannian symmetric spaces of any rank.\n", " Due to the particular geometry at infinity and the Kunze-Stein phenomenon,\n", " these properties are more pronounced in large time and enable us to prove the\n", " global-in-time Strichartz inequality for a larger family of admissible couples\n", " than in the Euclidean case. Consequently, we obtain the global well-posedness\n", " for the corresponding semilinear equation with lower regularity data and some\n", " scattering properties for small powers which are known to fail in the Euclidean\n", " setting. The crucial kernel estimates are achieved by combining the stationary\n", " phase method based on a subtle barycentric decomposition, a subordination\n", " formula of the Schr\\\"odinger group to the wave propagator and an improved\n", " Hadamard parametrix.,\n", " Controlling the global statuses of a network by its local dynamic parameters\n", " is an important issue, and it is difficult to obtain the direct solution for.\n", " The transformation method, which is originally used to control physical field\n", " by designing material parameters, is proposed to obtain the necessary local\n", " dynamic parameters when the global statuses of a network system are prescribed\n", " in a space. The feasibility of this transformation method is demonstrated and\n", " verified by two examples (a communication field cloak and a communication field\n", " bender) in the network system. It is shown that the global system state can be\n", " controlled by adjusting the local nodes dynamics with the transformation\n", " method. Simulation results also show that the transformation method provides a\n", " powerful, intuitive and direct way for the global statuses controlling of\n", " network systems.,\n", " If $D$ is the definite quaternion algebra over $\\qu$ of discriminant $p$, we\n", " compute, for any prime $p>3$, the number of infinite dimensional cusp forms on\n", " $D^*$ which are trivial at infinity, tamely ramified at $p$, and have given\n", " conductor $N$ away from $p$. We include a detail explanation of a Deuring--type\n", " correspondence between supersingular elliptic curves in characteristic $p$ and\n", " a certain double coset arising from the adelic points of $D^*$.,\n", " We raise the following general question regarding a ring graded by a group:\n", " \"If $P$ is a ring-theoretic property, how does one define the graded version\n", " $P_{\\operatorname{gr}}$ of the property $P$ in a meaningful way?\". Some\n", " properties of rings have straightforward and unambiguous generalizations to\n", " their graded versions and these generalizations satisfy all the matching\n", " properties of the nongraded case. If $P$ is either being unit-regular, having\n", " stable range 1 or being directly finite, that is not the case. The first part\n", " of the paper addresses this issue. Searching for appropriate generalizations,\n", " we consider graded versions of cancellation, internal cancellation,\n", " substitution, and module-theoretic direct finiteness.\n", " In the second part of the paper, we turn to Leavitt path algebras. If $K$ is\n", " a trivially graded field and $E$ is an oriented graph, the Leavitt path algebra\n", " $L_K(E)$ is naturally graded by the ring of integers. If $E$ is a finite graph,\n", " we present a property of $E$ which is equivalent with $L_K(E)$ being graded\n", " unit-regular. This property critically depends on the lengths of paths to\n", " cycles making it stand out from other known graph conditions which characterize\n", " algebraic properties of $L_K(E).$ It also further illustrates that graded\n", " unit-regularity is quite restrictive in comparison to the alternative\n", " generalization of unit-regularity which we consider in the first part of the\n", " paper.,\n", " We examine the decoherence of an asymmetric two-qubit system that is coupled\n", " via a tunable interaction term to a common bath or two individual baths of\n", " harmonic oscillators. The dissipative dynamics are evaluated using the\n", " Bloch-Redfield formalism. It is shown that the behaviour of the decoherence\n", " effects is affected mostly by different symmetries between the qubit operator\n", " which is coupled to the environment and temperature, whereas the differences\n", " between the two bath configurations are very small. Moreover, it is elaborated\n", " that small imperfections of the qubit parameters do not lead to a drastic\n", " enhancement of the decoherence rates.,\n", " A version of Gromov's cup product lemma in which one factor is the (1,0)-part\n", " of the differential of a continuous plurisubharmonic function is obtained. As\n", " an application, it is shown that a connected noncompact complete Kaehler\n", " manifold that has exactly one end and admits a continuous plurisubharmonic\n", " function that is strictly plurisubharmonic along some germ of a 2-dimensional\n", " complex analytic set at some point has the Bochner-Hartogs property; that is,\n", " the first compactly supported cohomology with values in the structure sheaf\n", " vanishes.,\n", " Thermal noise usually dominates the low-frequency region of the optical phase\n", " noise of soliton microcombs, leading to decoherence and limiting many aspects\n", " of applications. In this work, we demonstrate a simple and reliable way to\n", " mitigate this noise by laser cooling with the pump laser. The key is rendering\n", " the pump laser to simultaneously excite two neighboring cavity modes from\n", " different families that are respectively red and blue detuned, one for soliton\n", " generation and the other one for laser cooling.,\n", " This paper proposes a distributed Gaussian process regression (GPR) with\n", " over-the-air computation, termed AirComp GPR, for communication- and\n", " computation-efficient data analysis over wireless networks. GPR is a\n", " non-parametric regression method that can model the target flexibly. However,\n", " its computational complexity and communication efficiency tend to be\n", " significant as the number of data increases. AirComp GPR focuses on that\n", " product-of-experts-based GPR approximates the exact GPR by a sum of values\n", " reported from distributed nodes. We introduce AirComp for the training and\n", " prediction steps to allow the nodes to transmit their local computation results\n", " simultaneously; the communication strategies are presented, including\n", " distributed training based on perfect and statistical channel state information\n", " cases. Applying to a radio map construction task, we demonstrate that AirComp\n", " GPR speeds up the computation time while maintaining the communication cost in\n", " training constant regardless of the numbers of data and nodes.,\n", " The COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2 virus) is the defying global health crisis\n", " of our time. The absence of mass testing and the relevant presence of\n", " asymptomatic individuals causes the available data of the COVID-19 pandemic in\n", " Brazil to be largely under-reported regarding the number of infected\n", " individuals and deaths. We propose an adapted Susceptible-Infected-Recovered\n", " (SIR) model which explicitly incorporates the under-reporting and the response\n", " of the population to public policies (such as confinement measures, widespread\n", " use of masks, etc) to cast short-term and long-term predictions. Large amounts\n", " of uncertainty could provide misleading models and predictions. In this paper,\n", " we discuss the role of uncertainty in these prediction, which is illustrated\n", " regarding three key aspects. First, assuming that the number of infected\n", " individuals is under-reported, we demonstrate an anticipation regarding the\n", " peak of infection. Furthermore, while a model with a single class of infected\n", " individuals yields forecasts with increased peaks, a model that considers both\n", " symptomatic and asymptomatic infected individuals suggests a decrease of the\n", " peak of symptomatic. Second, considering that the actual amount of deaths is\n", " larger than what is being register, then demonstrate the increase of the\n", " mortality rates. Third, when consider generally under-reported data, we\n", " demonstrate how the transmission and recovery rate model parameters change\n", " qualitatively and quantitatively. We also investigate the effect of the\n", " \"COVID-19 under-reporting tripod\", i.e. the under-reporting in terms of\n", " infected individuals, of deaths and the true mortality rate. If two of these\n", " factors are known, the remainder can be inferred, as long as proportions are\n", " kept constant. The proposed approach allows one to determine the margins of\n", " uncertainty by assessments on the observed and true mortality rates.,\n", " We study self-sustained oscillations (SO) in a Nb superconducting stripline\n", " resonators (SSR) integrated with a DC superconducting quantum interface devices\n", " (SQUID). We find that both the power threshold where these oscillations start\n", " and the oscillations frequency are periodic in the applied magnetic flux\n", " threading the SQUID loop. A theoretical model which attributes the SO to a\n", " thermal instability in the DC-SQUID yields a good agreement with the\n", " experimental results. This flux dependant nonlinearity may be used for quantum\n", " state reading of a qubit-SSR integrated device.,\n", " As spiking-based deep learning inference applications are increasing in\n", " embedded systems, these systems tend to integrate neuromorphic accelerators\n", " such as $\\mu$Brain to improve energy efficiency. We propose a $\\mu$Brain-based\n", " scalable many-core neuromorphic hardware design to accelerate the computations\n", " of spiking deep convolutional neural networks (SDCNNs). To increase energy\n", " efficiency, cores are designed to be heterogeneous in terms of their neuron and\n", " synapse capacity (big cores have higher capacity than the little ones), and\n", " they are interconnected using a parallel segmented bus interconnect, which\n", " leads to lower latency and energy compared to a traditional mesh-based\n", " Network-on-Chip (NoC). We propose a system software framework called SentryOS\n", " to map SDCNN inference applications to the proposed design. SentryOS consists\n", " of a compiler and a run-time manager. The compiler compiles an SDCNN\n", " application into subnetworks by exploiting the internal architecture of big and\n", " little $\\mu$Brain cores. The run-time manager schedules these sub-networks onto\n", " cores and pipeline their execution to improve throughput. We evaluate the\n", " proposed big little many-core neuromorphic design and the system software\n", " framework with five commonlyused SDCNN inference applications and show that the\n", " proposed solution reduces energy (between 37% and 98%), reduces latency\n", " (between 9% and 25%), and increases application throughput (between 20% and\n", " 36%). We also show that SentryOS can be easily extended for other spiking\n", " neuromorphic accelerators.,\n", " Tensor networks have in recent years emerged as the powerful tools for\n", " solving the large-scale optimization problems. One of the most popular tensor\n", " network is tensor train (TT) decomposition that acts as the building blocks for\n", " the complicated tensor networks. However, the TT decomposition highly depends\n", " on permutations of tensor dimensions, due to its strictly sequential\n", " multilinear products over latent cores, which leads to difficulties in finding\n", " the optimal TT representation. In this paper, we introduce a fundamental tensor\n", " decomposition model to represent a large dimensional tensor by a circular\n", " multilinear products over a sequence of low dimensional cores, which can be\n", " graphically interpreted as a cyclic interconnection of 3rd-order tensors, and\n", " thus termed as tensor ring (TR) decomposition. The key advantage of TR model is\n", " the circular dimensional permutation invariance which is gained by employing\n", " the trace operation and treating the latent cores equivalently. TR model can be\n", " viewed as a linear combination of TT decompositions, thus obtaining the\n", " powerful and generalized representation abilities. For optimization of latent\n", " cores, we present four different algorithms based on the sequential SVDs, ALS\n", " scheme, and block-wise ALS techniques. Furthermore, the mathematical properties\n", " of TR model are investigated, which shows that the basic multilinear algebra\n", " can be performed efficiently by using TR representaions and the classical\n", " tensor decompositions can be conveniently transformed into the TR\n", " representation. Finally, the experiments on both synthetic signals and\n", " real-world datasets were conducted to evaluate the performance of different\n", " algorithms.,\n", " In this paper we deal with compactifications of affine homology $3$-cells\n", " into quadric fibrations such that the boundary divisors contain fibers. We show\n", " that all such affine homology $3$-cells are isomorphic to the affine $3$-space\n", " $\\mathbb{A}^{3}$. Moreover, we show that all such compactifications can be\n", " connected by explicit elementary links preserving $\\mathbb{A}^{3}$ to the\n", " projective $3$-space $\\mathbb{P}^{3}$.,\n", " We construct bi-local interpolating field operators for baryons consisting of\n", " three quarks with two flavors, assuming good isospin symmetry. We use the\n", " restrictions following from the Pauli principle to derive relations/identities\n", " among the baryon operators with identical quantum numbers. Such relations that\n", " follow from the combined spatial, Dirac, color, and isospin Fierz\n", " transformations may be called the (total/complete) Fierz identities. These\n", " relations reduce the number of independent baryon operators with any given spin\n", " and isospin. We also study the Abelian and non-Abelian chiral transformation\n", " properties of these fields and place them into baryon chiral multiplets. Thus\n", " we derive the independent baryon interpolating fields with given values of spin\n", " (Lorentz group representation), chiral symmetry ($U_L(2) \\times U_R(2)$ group\n", " representation) and isospin appropriate for the first angular excited states of\n", " the nucleon.,\n", " Machine learning (ML) estimates of conditional average treatment effects\n", " (CATEs) can be used to inform policy allocation rules, such as treating those\n", " with a beneficial estimated CATE (\"plug-in policy\"), or searching for a\n", " decision tree that optimises overall outcomes. Little is known about the\n", " practical performance of these algorithms in usual settings of policy\n", " evaluations. We contrast the performance of various policy learning algorithms,\n", " using synthetic data with varying outcome prevalence (rare vs. not rare),\n", " positivity violations, extent of treatment effect heterogeneity and sample\n", " size. For each algorithm, we evaluate the performance of the estimated\n", " treatment allocation by assessing how far the benefit from a resulting policy\n", " is from the best possible (\"oracle\") policy. We find that the plug-in policy\n", " type outperforms tree-based policies, regardless of ML method used.\n", " Specifically, the tree-based policy class may lead to overly-optimistic\n", " estimated benefits of a learned policy; i.e., the estimated advantages of\n", " tree-based policies may be much larger than the true possible maximum\n", " advantage. Within either policy class, Causal Forests and the\n", " Normalised-Double-Robust Learner performed best, while Bayesian Additive\n", " Regression Trees performed worst. Additionally, we find evidence that with\n", " small sample sizes or in settings where the ratio of covariates to samples is\n", " high, learning policy trees using CATEs has a better performance than using\n", " doubly-robust scores. The methods are applied to a case study that investigates\n", " infant mortality through improved targeting of subsidised health insurance in\n", " Indonesia.,\n", " I start with a brief introduction to MOND phenomenology and its possible\n", " roots in cosmology--a notion that may turn out to be the most far reaching\n", " aspect of MOND. Next I discuss the implications of MOND for the dark matter\n", " (DM) doctrine: MOND's successes imply that baryons determine everything. For DM\n", " this would mean that the puny tail of leftover baryons in galaxies wags the\n", " hefty DM dog. This has to occur in many intricate ways, and despite the\n", " haphazard construction history of galaxies--a very tall order. I then\n", " concentrate on galaxy clusters in light of MOND, which still requires some yet\n", " undetected cluster dark matter, presumably in some baryonic form (CBDM). This\n", " CBDM might contribute to the heating of the x-ray emitting gas and thus\n", " alleviate the cooling-flow puzzle. MOND, qua theory of dynamics, does not\n", " directly enter the microphysics of the gas; however, it does force a new\n", " outlook on the role of DM in shaping the cluster gasdynamics: MOND tells us\n", " that the cluster DM is not cold dark matter, is not so abundant, and is not\n", " expected in galaxies; it is thus not subject to constraints on baryonic DM in\n", " galaxies. The mass in CBDM required in a whole cluster is, typically, similar\n", " to that in hot gas, but is rather more centrally concentrated, totally\n", " dominating the core. The CBDM contribution to the baryon budget in the universe\n", " is thus small. Its properties, deduced for isolated clusters, are consistent\n", " with the observations of the ``bullet cluster''. Its kinetic-energy reservoir\n", " is much larger than that of the hot gas in the core, and would suffice to keep\n", " the gas hot for many cooling times. Heating can be effected in various ways\n", " depending on the exact nature of the CBDM, from very massive black holes to\n", " cool, compact gas clouds.,\n", " Various intervention therapies ranging from pharmaceutical to hi-tech\n", " tailored solutions have been available to treat difficulty in falling asleep\n", " commonly caused by insomnia in modern life. However, current techniques largely\n", " remain ill-suited, ineffective, and unreliable due to their lack of precise\n", " real-time sleep tracking, in-time feedback on the therapies, an ability to keep\n", " people asleep during the night, and a large-scale effectiveness evaluation.\n", " Here, we introduce a novel sleep aid system, called Earable, that can\n", " continuously sense multiple head-based physiological signals and simultaneously\n", " enable closed-loop auditory stimulation to entrain brain activities in time for\n", " effective sleep promotion. We develop the system in a lightweight, comfortable,\n", " and user-friendly headband with a comprehensive set of algorithms and dedicated\n", " own-designed audio stimuli. We conducted multiple protocols from 883 sleep\n", " studies on 377 subjects (241 women, 119 men) wearing either a gold-standard\n", " device (PSG), Earable, or both concurrently. We demonstrate that our system\n", " achieves (1) a strong correlation (0.89 +/- 0.03) between the physiological\n", " signals acquired by Earable and those from the gold-standard PSG, (2) an 87.8\n", " +/- 5.3% agreement on sleep scoring using our automatic real-time sleep staging\n", " algorithm with the consensus scored by three sleep technicians, and (3) a\n", " successful non-pharmacological stimulation alternative to effectively shorten\n", " the duration of sleep falling by 24.1 +/- 0.1 minutes. These results show that\n", " the efficacy of Earable exceeds existing techniques in intentions to promote\n", " fast falling asleep, track sleep state accurately, and achieve high social\n", " acceptance for real-time closed-loop personalized neuromodulation-based home\n", " sleep care.,\n", " We give a degree 8 separable extension having two non-isomorphic Hopf-Galois\n", " structures with isomorphic underlying Hopf algebras.,\n", " For any quasi-triangular Hopf algebra, there exists the universal R-matrix,\n", " which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. It is known that the adjoint action\n", " of the universal R-matrix on the elements of the tensor square of the algebra\n", " constitutes a quantum Yang-Baxter map, which satisfies the set-theoretic\n", " Yang-Baxter equation. The map has a zero curvature representation among\n", " L-operators defined as images of the universal R-matrix. We find that the zero\n", " curvature representation can be solved by the Gauss decomposition of a product\n", " of L-operators. Thereby obtained a quasi-determinant expression of the quantum\n", " Yang-Baxter map associated with the quantum algebra $U_{q}(gl(n))$. Moreover,\n", " the map is identified with products of quasi-Pl\\\"{u}cker coordinates over a\n", " matrix composed of the L-operators. We also consider the quasi-classical limit,\n", " where the underlying quantum algebra reduces to a Poisson algebra. The\n", " quasi-determinant expression of the quantum Yang-Baxter map reduces to ratios\n", " of determinants, which give a new expression of a classical Yang-Baxter map.,\n", " We propose a new holonomy formulation for spin foams, which naturally extends\n", " the theory space of lattice gauge theories. This allows current spin foam\n", " models to be defined on arbitrary two-complexes as well as to generalize\n", " current spin foam models to arbitrary, in particular finite groups. The\n", " similarity with standard lattice gauge theories allows to apply standard coarse\n", " graining methods, which for finite groups can now be easily considered\n", " numerically. We will summarize other holonomy and spin network formulations of\n", " spin foams and group field theories and explain how the different\n", " representations arise through variable transformations in the partition\n", " function. A companion paper will provide a description of boundary Hilbert\n", " spaces as well as a canonical dynamic encoded in transfer operators.,\n", " The gauge invariant definition of the spin dependent gluon distribution\n", " function from first principle is necessary to study the proton spin crisis at\n", " high energy colliders. In this paper we derive the gauge invariant Noether's\n", " theorem in Yang-Mills theory by using combined Lorentz transformation plus\n", " local non-abelian gauge transformation. We find that the definition of the\n", " gauge invariant spin (or orbital) angular momentum of the Yang-Mills field does\n", " not exist in Yang-Mills theory although the definition of the gauge invariant\n", " spin (or orbital) angular momentum of the quark exists. We show that the gauge\n", " invariant definition of the spin angular momentum of the Yang-Mills field in\n", " the literature is not correct because of the non-vanishing boundary surface\n", " term in Yang-Mills theory. We also find that the Belinfante-Rosenfeld tensor in\n", " Yang-Mills theory is not required to obtain the symmetric and gauge invariant\n", " energy-momentum tensor of the quark and the Yang-Mills field.,\n", " We construct bundles of modules of vertex operator algebras, and prove the\n", " rigidity and vanishing theorem for the Dirac operator on loop space twisted by\n", " such bundles.\n", " This result generalizes many previous results.,\n", " We examine the regularized zero-range model in an application to\n", " three-fermion systems -- the triton and the hypertriton. We consider bound\n", " states and low-energy neutron-deuteron and lambda-deuteron scattering. The\n", " model is shown to provide an adequate quantitative description of these system\n", " on a par with finite-range potential models. The well known correlation between\n", " the doublet $nd$ scattering length and the triton binding energy (Phillips\n", " line) finds a natural explanation within the model.,\n", " We present the results of a ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter\n", " observation of the variable radio star \\ls. The source has a power law spectrum\n", " with photon index 1.1 +/- 0.3 and a luminosity of 5.9 x 10^{33} erg/s in the\n", " 0.1 -2.4 keV range. Variability on a timescale of days is clearly visible in\n", " the ROSAT data, but no periodic pulsations have been detected. The low X--ray\n", " luminosity is difficult to explain in the context of the models involving super\n", " Eddington accretion which have been proposed to account for the non thermal\n", " radio outbursts. Though the weak X--ray flux is marginally compatible with the\n", " levels expected from normal B and Be star winds, the variability and the rather\n", " hard spectrum are more suggestive of non thermal emission. This might originate\n", " in a shocked region produced by a young pulsar in orbit around the Be star.,\n", " We introduce a model of superconductivity and discuss its relation to the\n", " quantum Hall-effect. This kind of relation is supported by the well known SQUID\n", " results. The concept of pure gauge potential as it is involved in various\n", " theoretical models concerning solid state effects in magnetic fields is also\n", " discussed.,\n", " We formulate a Bohr-type rotating particle model for three light particles of\n", " the same rest mass, forming a bound rotational state under the influence of\n", " their gravitational attraction, in the same way that electrostatic attraction\n", " leads to the formation of a bound proton-electron state in the classical Bohr\n", " model of the H atom. By using special relativity, the equivalence principle and\n", " the de Broglie wavelength equation, we find that when the three rotating\n", " particles have the rest masses of neutrinos or antineutrinos then surprisingly\n", " the rest mass of the rotating state has the rest mass of the stable baryons,\n", " i.e. of the proton and the neutron. This rest mass is due almost exclusively to\n", " the kinetic energy of the rotating neutrinos. The results are found to be\n", " consistent with the theory of general relativity. Predictions for the\n", " properties of these bound rotational states are compared with experimental\n", " values.,\n", " Analysis of state reconstruction both classical and quantum mechanical on\n", " equal footing is outlined. The meaning of \"mutual unbiased bases\" (MUB) of\n", " Hilbert spaces is explained in detail. An alternative quantum state\n", " reconstruction, that utilizes mutual unbiased bases (MUB), is given. The MUB\n", " approach is then used for state reconstruction in a finite, d, dimensional\n", " Hilbert spaces.,\n", " We consider locally homogeneous $CR$ manifolds and show that, under a\n", " condition only depending on their underlying contact structure, their $CR$\n", " automorphisms form a finite dimensional Lie group.,\n", " We present a study of binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates confined\n", " in a double-well potential within the framework of the mean field\n", " Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We reexamine both the single component and the\n", " binary mixture cases for such a potential, and we investigate in which\n", " situations a simpler two-mode approach leads to an accurate description of\n", " their dynamics. We also estimate the validity of the most usual dimensionality\n", " reductions used to solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equations. To this end, we\n", " compare both the semi-analytical two-mode approaches and the numerical\n", " simulations of the 1D reductions with the full 3D numerical solutions of the\n", " Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Our analysis provides a guide to clarify the\n", " validity of several simplified models that describe mean field non-linear\n", " dynamics, using an experimentally feasible binary mixture of an F=1 spinor\n", " condensate with two of its Zeeman manifolds populated, m=+1 and m=-1.,\n", " In this paper, we extend a recently introduced multi-fidelity control variate\n", " for the uncertainty quantification of the Boltzmann equation to the case of\n", " kinetic models arising in the study of multiagent systems. For these phenomena,\n", " where the effect of uncertainties is particularly evident, several models have\n", " been developed whose equilibrium states are typically unknown. In particular,\n", " we aim to develop efficient numerical methods based on solving the kinetic\n", " equations in the phase space by Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) coupled to\n", " a Monte Carlo sampling in the random space. To this end, exploiting the\n", " knowledge of the corresponding mean-field approximation we develop novel\n", " mean-field Control Variate (MFCV) methods that are able to strongly reduce the\n", " variance of the standard Monte Carlo sampling method in the random space. We\n", " verify these observations with several numerical examples based on classical\n", " models , including wealth exchanges and opinion formation model for collective\n", " phenomena.,\n", " We present a rotationally invariant Hirsch-Fye quantum Monte Carlo algorithm\n", " in which the spin rotational invariance of Hund's exchange is approximated by\n", " averaging over all possible directions of the spin quantization axis. We employ\n", " this technique to perform benchmark calculations for the two- and three-band\n", " Hubbard models on the infinite-dimensional Bethe lattice. Our results agree\n", " quantitatively well with those obtained using the continuous-time quantum Monte\n", " Carlo method with rotationally invariant Coulomb interaction. The proposed\n", " approach is employed to compute the electronic and magnetic properties of\n", " paramagnetic $\\alpha$ iron and nickel. The obtained Curie temperatures agree\n", " well with experiment. Our results indicate that the magnetic transition\n", " temperature is significantly overestimated by using the density-density type of\n", " Coulomb interaction.,\n", " Current theories of nanochannel flow impose no upper bound on flow rates, and\n", " predict friction through nanochannels can be vanishingly small. We reassess\n", " neglecting channel entry effects in extremely long channels and find violations\n", " at the nanoscale. Even in frictionless nanochannels, end effects provide a\n", " finite amount of friction. Hence, the speed at which nanochannels transport\n", " liquids is limited. Flow-rate and slip length measurements are reevaluated\n", " using calculations which include end-effect friction. End effects are critical\n", " for the design of new technological devices and to understand biological\n", " transport.,\n", " This paper introduces cosmoDC2, a large synthetic galaxy catalog designed to\n", " support precision dark energy science with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope\n", " (LSST). CosmoDC2 is the starting point for the second data challenge (DC2)\n", " carried out by the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC). The\n", " catalog is based on a trillion-particle, 4.225 Gpc^3 box cosmological N-body\n", " simulation, the `Outer Rim' run. It covers 440 deg^2 of sky area to a redshift\n", " of z=3 and is complete to a magnitude depth of 28 in the r-band. Each galaxy is\n", " characterized by a multitude of properties including stellar mass, morphology,\n", " spectral energy distributions, broadband filter magnitudes, host halo\n", " information and weak lensing shear. The size and complexity of cosmoDC2\n", " requires an efficient catalog generation methodology; our approach is based on\n", " a new hybrid technique that combines data-driven empirical approaches with\n", " semi-analytic galaxy modeling. A wide range of observation-based validation\n", " tests has been implemented to ensure that cosmoDC2 enables the science goals of\n", " the planned LSST DESC DC2 analyses. This paper also represents the official\n", " release of the cosmoDC2 data set, including an efficient reader that\n", " facilitates interaction with the data.,\n", " The paper is devoted to the relationship between almost limited operators and\n", " weakly compacts operators. We show that if $F$ is a $\\sigma $-Dedekind complete\n", " Banach lattice then, every almost limited operator $T:E\\rightarrow F $ is\n", " weakly compact if and only if $E$ is reflexive or the norm of $F$ is order\n", " continuous. Also, we show that if $E$ is a $\\sigma $-Dedekind complete Banach\n", " lattice then the square of every positive almost limited operator $\n", " T:E\\rightarrow E$ is weakly compact if and only if the norm of $E$ is order\n", " continuous.,\n", " We study the fixed point problem for a system of multivariate operators that\n", " are coordinate-wise monotone (i.e., nondecreasing or nonincreasing in each of\n", " the variables, independently), in the setting of quasi-ordered sets. We show\n", " that this problem is equivalent to the fixed point problem for a mixed monotone\n", " operator that can be explicitly constructed. As a consequence, we obtain a\n", " criterion for the existence and uniqueness of solution to our problem, in the\n", " setting of partially ordered metric spaces. To validate our results, we provide\n", " an application to a first-order differential system with periodic boundary\n", " value conditions. A direct consequence that follows from our paper is that all\n", " the separate recent developments on the subject of tripled, quadrupled or\n", " multidimensional fixed points are but particular aspects of a single, unified\n", " and much simpler approach.,\n", " To ensure pedestrian friendly streets in the era of automated vehicles,\n", " reassessment of current policies, practices, design, rules and regulations of\n", " urban areas is of importance. This study investigates pedestrian crossing\n", " behaviour, as an important element of urban dynamics that is expected to be\n", " affected by the presence of automated vehicles. For this purpose, an\n", " interpretable machine learning framework is proposed to explore factors\n", " affecting pedestrians' wait time before crossing mid-block crosswalks in the\n", " presence of automated vehicles. To collect rich behavioural data, we developed\n", " a dynamic and immersive virtual reality experiment, with 180 participants from\n", " a heterogeneous population in 4 different locations in the Greater Toronto Area\n", " (GTA). Pedestrian wait time behaviour is then analyzed using a data-driven Cox\n", " Proportional Hazards (CPH) model, in which the linear combination of the\n", " covariates is replaced by a flexible non-linear deep neural network. The\n", " proposed model achieved a 5% improvement in goodness of fit, but more\n", " importantly, enabled us to incorporate a richer set of covariates. A game\n", " theoretic based interpretability method is used to understand the contribution\n", " of different covariates to the time pedestrians wait before crossing. Results\n", " show that the presence of automated vehicles on roads, wider lane widths, high\n", " density on roads, limited sight distance, and lack of walking habits are the\n", " main contributing factors to longer wait times. Our study suggested that, to\n", " move towards pedestrian-friendly urban areas, national level educational\n", " programs for children, enhanced safety measures for seniors, promotion of\n", " active modes of transportation, and revised traffic rules and regulations\n", " should be considered.,\n", " The irreducible representations of the extended Galilean group are used to\n", " derive the symmetric and asymmetric wave equations. It is shown that among\n", " these equations only a new asymmetric wave equation is fundamental. By being\n", " fundamental the equation gives the most complete description of propagating\n", " waves as it accounts for the Doppler effect, forward and backward waves, and\n", " makes the wave speed to be the same in all inertial frames. To demonstrate\n", " these properties, the equation is applied to acoustic waves propagation in an\n", " isothermal atmosphere, and to determine Lamb's cutoff frequency.,\n", " In this paper, we study convex optimization methods for computing the trace\n", " norm regularized least squares estimate in multivariate linear regression. The\n", " so-called factor estimation and selection (FES) method, recently proposed by\n", " Yuan et al. [22], conducts parameter estimation and factor selection\n", " simultaneously and have been shown to enjoy nice properties in both large and\n", " finite samples. To compute the estimates, however, can be very challenging in\n", " practice because of the high dimensionality and the trace norm constraint. In\n", " this paper, we explore a variant of Nesterov's smooth method [20] and interior\n", " point methods for computing the penalized least squares estimate. The\n", " performance of these methods is then compared using a set of randomly generated\n", " instances. We show that the variant of Nesterov's smooth method [20] generally\n", " outperforms the interior point method implemented in SDPT3 version 4.0 (beta)\n", " [19] substantially . Moreover, the former method is much more memory efficient.,\n", " We show theoretically that, in the limit of weak dispersion, one-dimensional\n", " (1D) binary centrosymmetric photonic crystals can support topological edge\n", " modes in all photonic band gaps. By analyzing their bulk band topology, these\n", " \"harmonic\" topological edge modes can be designed in a way that they exist at\n", " all photonic band gaps opened at the center of the Brillouin Zone, or at all\n", " gaps opened at the zone boundaries, or both. The results may suggest a new\n", " approach to achieve robust multi-frequency coupled modes for applications in\n", " nonlinear photonics, such as frequency up-conversion.,\n", " The Casimir interaction energy for a class of discrete self-similar\n", " configuration of parallel plates is evaluated using existing methods. The\n", " similarities to characteristics of an attractive Casimir force is deduced only\n", " at infinite range of configuration. Further, the emergence of Casimir-like\n", " energy is qualitatively described for a Gaussian model of Landau-Ginzburg\n", " scalar field. Its relevance to self-similarity in the statistical field is\n", " shown at infinite range of fluctuations.,\n", " Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent is a popular method for solving regularized\n", " loss minimization for the case of convex losses. We describe variants of SDCA\n", " that do not require explicit regularization and do not rely on duality. We\n", " prove linear convergence rates even if individual loss functions are\n", " non-convex, as long as the expected loss is strongly convex.,\n", " Many methods to explain black-box models, whether local or global, are\n", " additive. In this paper, we study global additive explanations for non-additive\n", " models, focusing on four explanation methods: partial dependence, Shapley\n", " explanations adapted to a global setting, distilled additive explanations, and\n", " gradient-based explanations. We show that different explanation methods\n", " characterize non-additive components in a black-box model's prediction function\n", " in different ways. We use the concepts of main and total effects to anchor\n", " additive explanations, and quantitatively evaluate additive and non-additive\n", " explanations. Even though distilled explanations are generally the most\n", " accurate additive explanations, non-additive explanations such as tree\n", " explanations that explicitly model non-additive components tend to be even more\n", " accurate. Despite this, our user study showed that machine learning\n", " practitioners were better able to leverage additive explanations for various\n", " tasks. These considerations should be taken into account when considering which\n", " explanation to trust and use to explain black-box models.,\n", " Quantization of BKP type equations are done through the Moyal bracket and the\n", " formalism of pseudo-differential operators. It is shown that a variant of the\n", " dressing operator can also be constructed for such quantized systems.,\n", " We characterize the performance of a backscatter tag-to-tag (T2T) multi-hop\n", " network. For this, we developed a discrete component-based backscatter T2T\n", " transceiver and a communication protocol suite. The protocol composed of a\n", " novel (i) flooding-based link control tailored towards backscatter\n", " transmission, and (ii) low-power listening MAC. The MAC design is based on the\n", " new insight that backscatter reception is more energy costly than transmission.\n", " Our experiments show that multi-hopping extends the coverage of backscatter\n", " networks by enabling longer backward T2T links (tag far from the exciter\n", " sending to the tag close to the exciter). Four hops, for example, extend the\n", " communication range by a factor of two. Furthermore, we show that dead spots in\n", " multi-hop T2T networks are far less significant than those in the single-hop\n", " T2T networks.,\n", " We study short-range ferromagnetic models residing on planar manifolds with\n", " global negative curvature. We show that the local metric properties of the\n", " embedding surface induce droplet formation from the boundary, resulting in the\n", " stability of a Griffiths phase at a temperature lower than that of the bulk\n", " transition. We propose that this behavior is independent of order parameter and\n", " hyperlattice specifics, and thus is universal for such non-Euclidean spin\n", " models. Their temperature-curvature phase diagrams are characterized by two\n", " distinct bulk and boundary transitions; each has mean-field critical behavior\n", " and a finite correlation length related to the curvature of the embedding\n", " surface. The implications for experiments on superconducting hyperlattice\n", " networks are also discussed.,\n", " Let $u\\in C([0,T^{\\ast}[;L^{n}(\\mathbb{R}% ^{n})^{n})$ be a maximal solution\n", " of the Navier-Stokes equations. We prove that $u$ is $C^{\\infty}$ on\n", " $]0,T^{\\ast}[\\times \\mathbb{R}^{n}$ and there exists a constant $\\varepsilon\n", " _{\\ast}>0$, which depends only on $n,$ such that if $T^{\\ast}$ is finite then,\n", " for all $\\omega \\in S(\\mathbb{R}% ^{n})^{n},$ we have $\\overline{\\lim_{t\\to\n", " T^{\\ast}}}\\Vert u(t)-\\omega \\Vert_{\\mathbf{B}_{\\infty}^{-1,\\infty}}\\geq\n", " \\varepsilon_{\\ast}.$,\n", " Driven by a large number of potential applications in areas like\n", " bioinformatics, information retrieval and social network analysis, the problem\n", " setting of inferring relations between pairs of data objects has recently been\n", " investigated quite intensively in the machine learning community. To this end,\n", " current approaches typically consider datasets containing crisp relations, so\n", " that standard classification methods can be adopted. However, relations between\n", " objects like similarities and preferences are often expressed in a graded\n", " manner in real-world applications. A general kernel-based framework for\n", " learning relations from data is introduced here. It extends existing approaches\n", " because both crisp and graded relations are considered, and it unifies existing\n", " approaches because different types of graded relations can be modeled,\n", " including symmetric and reciprocal relations. This framework establishes\n", " important links between recent developments in fuzzy set theory and machine\n", " learning. Its usefulness is demonstrated through various experiments on\n", " synthetic and real-world data.,\n", " A cost-effective QKD transmitter is evaluated in a 16km reach, 2:16-split PON\n", " and yields 5.10-7secure bits/pulse. Co-existence with 20 down-and 1 upstream\n", " channel is possible at low QBER degradation of 0.93% and 1.1%.,\n", " Using the field theoretical approach introduced by Cremades, Ibanez and\n", " Marchesano for describing open strings attached to D9 branes having different\n", " magnetizations, we give a procedure for determining the Kaehler metrics of\n", " those open strings in toroidal compactifications.,\n", " A Wigner crystal formed with trapped ion can undergo structural phase\n", " transition, which is determined only by the mechanical conditions on a\n", " classical level. Instead of this classical result, we show that through\n", " consideration of quantum and thermal fluctuation, a structural phase transition\n", " can be solely driven by change of the system's temperature. We determine a\n", " finite-temperature phase diagram for trapped ions using the renormalization\n", " group method and the path integral formalism, and propose an experimental\n", " scheme to observe the predicted temperature-driven structural phase transition,\n", " which is well within the reach of the current ion trap technology.,\n", " Mergers of stellar-mass black holes (BHs), such as GW150914 observed by LIGO,\n", " are not expected to have electromagnetic counterparts. However, the Fermi GBM\n", " detector identified of a gamma-ray transient 0.4 s after the gravitational wave\n", " (GW) signal GW150914 with consistent sky localization. I show that the two\n", " signals might be related if the BH binary detected by LIGO originated from two\n", " clumps in a dumbbell configuration that formed when the core of a rapidly\n", " rotating massive star collapsed. In that case, the BH binary merger was\n", " followed by a gamma-ray burst (GRB) from a jet that originated in the accretion\n", " flow around the remnant BH. A future detection of a GRB afterglow could be used\n", " to determine the redshift and precise localization of the source. A population\n", " of standard GW sirens with GRB redshifts would provide a new approach for\n", " precise measurements of cosmological distances as a function of redshift.,\n", " We present optical-line gas metallicity diagnostics established by the\n", " combination of local SDSS galaxies and the largest compilation of extremely\n", " metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) including new EMPGs identified by the Subaru\n", " EMPRESS survey. A total of 103 EMPGs are included that cover a large parameter\n", " space of magnitude (Mi=-19 to -7) and H-beta equivalent width (10-600 Ang),\n", " i.e., wide ranges of stellar mass and star-formation rate. Using reliable\n", " metallicity measurements of the direct method for these galaxies, we derive the\n", " relationships between strong optical-line ratios and gas-phase metallicity over\n", " the range of 12+log(O/H)=~6.9-8.9 corresponding to 0.02-2 solar metallicity\n", " Zsun. We confirm that R23-index, ([OIII]+[OII])/H-beta, is the most accurate\n", " metallicity indicator with the metallicity uncertainty of 0.14 dex over the\n", " range among various popular metallicity indicators. The other metallicity\n", " indicators show large scatters in the metal-poor range (<0.1 Zsun). It is\n", " explained by our CLOUDY photoionization modeling that, unlike R23-index, the\n", " other metallicity indicators do not use a sum of singly and doubly ionized\n", " lines and cannot trace both low and high ionization gas. We find that the\n", " accuracy of the metallicity indicators is significantly improved, if one uses\n", " H-beta equivalent width measurements that tightly correlate with ionization\n", " states. In this work, we also present the relation of physical properties with\n", " UV-continuum slope beta and ionization production rate xi_ion derived with\n", " GALEX data for the EMPGs, and provide local anchors of galaxy properties\n", " together with the optical-line metallicity indicators that are available in the\n", " form of ASCII table and useful for forthcoming JWST spectroscopic studies.,\n", " The NuSTEC workshop (https://indico.cern.ch/event/727283) held at L'Aquila in\n", " October 2018 was devoted to neutrino-nucleus scattering in the kinematic region\n", " where hadronic systems with invariant masses above the $\\Delta(1232)$ resonance\n", " are produced: the so-called shallow- and deep-inelastic scattering regime. Not\n", " only is the physics in this kinematic region quite intriguing, it is also\n", " important for current and future oscillation experiments with accelerator and\n", " atmospheric neutrinos. For the benefit of the community, links to the\n", " presentations are accompanied by annotations from the speakers.,\n", " The important peaks related to the physical properties of a lithium ion\n", " rechargeable battery were extracted from the measured X ray diffraction\n", " spectrum by a convolutional neural network based on the Attention mechanism.\n", " Among the deep features, the lattice constant of the cathodic active material\n", " was selected as a cell voltage predictor, and the crystallographic behavior of\n", " the active anodic and cathodic materials revealed the rate property during the\n", " charge discharge states. The machine learning automatically selected the\n", " significant peaks from the experimental spectrum. Applying the Attention\n", " mechanism with appropriate objective variables in multi task trained models,\n", " one can selectively visualize the correlations between interesting physical\n", " properties. As the deep features are automatically defined, this approach can\n", " adapt to the conditions of various physical experiments.,\n", " To implement controllable loads for frequency regulation in transmission\n", " networks in a practical way, the control scheme needs to be granulated down at\n", " least to subtransmission networks since loads in transmission networks are\n", " usually the aggregation of lower voltage networks. However, not only frequency\n", " but also bus voltage will be affected by active power changes in\n", " subtransmission networks due to a higher R/X ratio of transmission lines.\n", " Further, the costs for loads participating in frequency and voltage regulation\n", " should also be considered. In this paper, a control scheme is proposed for\n", " electric spring (ES) aggregators which consist of back-to-back ESs and\n", " exponential type of noncritical loads in subtransmission networks. A\n", " distributed optimization which aims to minimize the costs and implements both\n", " frequency and voltage regulation is adopted for ES aggregators to obtain new\n", " active and reactive power setpoints by sharing information with neighbors.\n", " Power consumption of each ES aggregator is then adjusted accordingly to conduct\n", " frequency and voltage regulation simultaneously. Simulation results show that\n", " ES aggregators are able to achieve required active power response and regulate\n", " frequency cooperatively, and meanwhile maintain bus voltages within the\n", " acceptable range with minimized costs under the proposed control scheme.,\n", " Let $X$ be a Banach space and $Conv_H(X)$ be the space of non-empty closed\n", " convex subsets of $X$, endowed with the Hausdorff metric $d_H$. We prove that\n", " each connected component of the space $Conv_H(X)$ is homeomorphic to one of the\n", " spaces: a singleton, the real line, a closed half-plane, the Hilbert cube\n", " multiplied by the half-line, the separable Hilbert space, or a Hilbert space of\n", " density not less than continuum.,\n", " In this paper, we present an experimental and simulation based study to\n", " evaluate the use of full-duplex as a mode in practical IEEE 802.11 networks. To\n", " enable the study, we designed a 20 MHz multi-antenna OFDM full-duplex physical\n", " layer and a full-duplex capable MAC protocol which is backward compatible with\n", " current 802.11. Our extensive over-the-air experiments, simulations and\n", " analysis demonstrate the following two results. First, the use of multiple\n", " antennas at the physical layer leads to a higher ergodic throughput than its\n", " hardware-equivalent multi-antenna half-duplex counterparts, for SNRs above the\n", " median SNR encountered in practical WiFi deployments. Second, the proposed MAC\n", " translates the physical layer rate gain into near doubling of throughput for\n", " multi-node single-AP networks. The two combined results allow us to conclude\n", " that there are potentially significant benefits gained from including a\n", " full-duplex mode in future WiFi standards.,\n", " Deep hashing establishes efficient and effective image retrieval by\n", " end-to-end learning of deep representations and hash codes from similarity\n", " data. We present a compact coding solution, focusing on deep learning to\n", " quantization approach that has shown superior performance over hashing\n", " solutions for similarity retrieval. We propose Deep Triplet Quantization (DTQ),\n", " a novel approach to learning deep quantization models from the similarity\n", " triplets. To enable more effective triplet training, we design a new triplet\n", " selection approach, Group Hard, that randomly selects hard triplets in each\n", " image group. To generate compact binary codes, we further apply a triplet\n", " quantization with weak orthogonality during triplet training. The quantization\n", " loss reduces the codebook redundancy and enhances the quantizability of deep\n", " representations through back-propagation. Extensive experiments demonstrate\n", " that DTQ can generate high-quality and compact binary codes, which yields\n", " state-of-the-art image retrieval performance on three benchmark datasets,\n", " NUS-WIDE, CIFAR-10, and MS-COCO.,\n", " Li-based half-Heusler alloys have attracted much attention due to their\n", " potential applications in optoelectronics and because they carry the\n", " possibility of exhibiting large magnetic moments for spintronic applications.\n", " Due to their similarities to metastable zinc blende half-metals, the\n", " half-Heusler alloys $\\beta$-LiMnZ (Z = N, P and Si) were systematically\n", " examined for their electric, magnetic and stability properties at optimized\n", " lattice constants and strained lattice constants that exhibit half-metallic\n", " properties. Other phases of the half-Heusler structure ($\\alpha$ and $\\gamma$)\n", " are also reported here, but they are unlikely to be grown. The magnetic moments\n", " of these stable Li-based alloys are expected to reach as high as 4\n", " $\\mu_{\\mathrm{B}}$ per unit cell when Z = Si and 5 $\\mu_{\\mathrm{B}}$ per unit\n", " cell when Z = N and P, however the antiferromagnetic spin configuration is\n", " energetically favored when Z is a pnictogen. $\\beta$-LiMnSi at a lattice\n", " constant 14\\% larger than its equilibrium lattice constant is a promising\n", " half-metal for spintronic applications due to its large magnetic moment and\n", " vibrational stability. The modified Slater--Pauling rule for these alloys is\n", " determined. Finally, a plausible method for developing half-metallic Li$_x$MnZ\n", " at equilibrium, by tuning $x$, is investigated, but, unlike tetragonalization,\n", " this type of alloying introduces local structural changes that destroy the\n", " half-metallicity.,\n", " One of the major assumptions in the search for gravitational wave signatures\n", " from massive and supermassive black hole binaries with LISA, is that these\n", " systems will have circularized before entering the LISA bandwidth. Current\n", " astrophysical simulations now suggest that systems could have a non-negligible\n", " eccentricity in the LISA band, and an important level of eccentricity in the\n", " Pulsar Timing regime. In this work, we use a set of source catalogues from\n", " astrophysically motivated models of massive black hole binary formation and\n", " assume a one year LISA mission lifetime. Depending on the model in question,\n", " the initial eccentricities in the final year of the inspiral can be as high as\n", " 0.6 for high mass seeds and 0.8 for low mass seeds. We show that restricted\n", " post-Newtonian circular templates are extremely inefficient in recovering\n", " eccentric binaries, with median optimal signal to noise ratio recoveries of\n", " approximately 10% for all models considered. This coupled with extremely large\n", " errors in parameter recovery from individual Markov chain Monte Carlo's\n", " demonstrate quite clearly that even to search for binaries with initial\n", " eccentricities as low as $10^{-4}$, we will require eccentric templates for\n", " LISA data analysis.,\n", " Complex networks often have a modular structure, where a number of tightly-\n", " connected groups of nodes (modules) have relatively few interconnections.\n", " Modularity had been shown to have an important effect on the evolution and\n", " stability of biological networks, on the scalability and efficiency of\n", " large-scale infrastructure, and the development of economic and social systems.\n", " An analytical framework for understanding modularity and its effects on network\n", " vulnerability is still missing. Through recent advances in the understanding of\n", " multilayer networks, however, it is now possible to develop a theoretical\n", " framework to systematically study this critical issue. Here we study,\n", " analytically and numerically, the resilience of modular networks under attacks\n", " on interconnected nodes, which exhibit high betweenness values and are often\n", " more exposed to failure. Our model provides new understandings into the\n", " feedback between structure and function in real world systems, and consequently\n", " has important implications as diverse as developing efficient immunization\n", " strategies, designing robust large-scale infrastructure, and understanding\n", " brain function.,\n", " In order to investigate the effects of vacuum polarisation on mass inflation\n", " singularities, we study a simple toy model of a charged black hole with cross\n", " flowing radial null dust which is homogeneous in the black hole interior. In\n", " the region $r^2 \\ll e^2$ we find an approximate analytic solution to the\n", " classical field equations. The renormalized stress-energy tensor is evaluated\n", " on this background and we find the vacuum polarisation backreaction corrections\n", " to the mass function $m(r)$. Asymptotic analysis of the semiclassical mass\n", " function shows that the mass inflation singularity is much stronger in the\n", " presence of vacuum polarisation than in the classical case.,\n", " In a recent paper [D. Philipp, V. Perlick, D. Puetzfeld, E. Hackmann, and C.\n", " L\\\"ammerzahl, Phys. Rev. D 95, 104037 (2017)], a definition of a\n", " general-relativistic geoid, restricted to stationary spacetimes, was presented\n", " in terms of \"isochronometric surfaces\". In this note, we explicate how this\n", " definition is just a special, highly restrictive case of our earlier\n", " formulation of the general-relativistic geoid using quasilocal frames, which is\n", " valid for generic, non-stationary spacetimes [M. Oltean, R.J. Epp, P.L.\n", " McGrath, and R.B. Mann, Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 105001 (2016)]. Moreover, like\n", " the isochronometric surface geoid, we show how our \"geoid quasilocal frame\"\n", " (GQF) can also be defined, simply and operationally, in terms of redshift\n", " measurements.,\n", " In this work, we introduce a new methodology to construct a network of\n", " epicenters that avoids problems found in well-established methodologies when\n", " they are applied to global catalogs of earthquakes located in shallow zones.\n", " The new methodology involves essentially the introduction of a time window\n", " which works as a temporal filter. Our approach is more generic and for small\n", " regions the results coincide with previous findings. The network constructed\n", " with that model has small-world properties and the distribution of node\n", " connectivity follows a non-traditional function, namely a q-exponential, where\n", " scale-free properties are present. The vertices with larger connectivity in the\n", " network correspond to the areas with very intense seismic activities in the\n", " period considered. These new results strengthen the hypothesis of long spatial\n", " and temporal correlations between earthquakes.,\n", " We count permutations avoiding a nonconsecutive instance of a two- or\n", " three-letter pattern, that is, the pattern may occur but only as consecutive\n", " entries in the permutation. Two-letter patterns give rise to the Fibonacci\n", " numbers. The counting sequences for the two representative three-letter\n", " patterns, 321 and 132, have respective generating functions\n", " (1+x^2)(C(x)-1)/(1+x+x^2-x C(x)) and C(x+x^3) where C(x) is the generating\n", " function for the Catalan numbers.,\n", " The discretization of certain integral equations, e.g., the first-kind\n", " Fredholm equation of Laplace's equation, leads to symmetric positive-definite\n", " linear systems, where the coefficient matrix is dense and often\n", " ill-conditioned. We introduce a new preconditioner based on a novel overlapping\n", " domain decomposition that can be combined efficiently with fast direct solvers.\n", " Empirically, we observe that the condition number of the preconditioned system\n", " is $O(1)$, independent of the problem size. Our domain decomposition is\n", " designed so that we can construct approximate factorizations of the subproblems\n", " efficiently. In particular, we apply the recursive skeletonization algorithm to\n", " subproblems associated with every subdomain. We present numerical results on\n", " problem sizes up to $16\\,384^2$ in 2D and $256^3$ in 3D, which were solved in\n", " less than 16 hours and three hours, respectively, on an Intel Xeon Platinum\n", " 8280M.,\n", " Imagine interconnected objects with embedded artificial intelligence (AI),\n", " empowered to sense the environment, see it, hear it, touch it, interact with\n", " it, and move. As future networks of intelligent objects come to life,\n", " tremendous new challenges arise for security, but also new opportunities,\n", " allowing to address current, as well as future, pressing needs. In this paper\n", " we put forward a roadmap towards the realization of a new security paradigm\n", " that we articulate as intelligent context-aware security. The premise of this\n", " roadmap is that sensing and advanced AI will enable context awareness, which in\n", " turn can drive intelligent security mechanisms, such as adaptation and\n", " automation of security controls. This concept not only provides immediate\n", " answers to burning open questions, in particular with respect to non-functional\n", " requirements, such as energy or latency constraints, heterogeneity of radio\n", " frequency (RF) technologies and long life span of deployed devices, but also,\n", " more importantly, offers a viable answer to scalability by allowing such\n", " constraints to be met even in massive connectivity regimes. Furthermore, the\n", " proposed roadmap has to be designed ethically, by explicitly placing privacy\n", " concerns at its core. The path towards this vision and some of the challenges\n", " along the way are discussed in this contribution.,\n", " We study the macroscopic quantum tunneling of magnetization of the F=1 spinor\n", " condensate interacting through dipole-dipole interaction with an external\n", " magnetic field applied along the longitudinal or transverse direction. We show\n", " that the ground state energy and the effective magnetic moment of the system\n", " exhibit an interesting macroscopic quantum oscillation phenomenon originating\n", " from the oscillating dependence of thermodynamic properties of the system on\n", " the vacuum angle. Tunneling between two degenerate minima are analyzed by means\n", " of an effective potential method and the periodic instanton method.,\n", " The first proof-of-principle experiment on \"crystal collimation\" was\n", " performed with 70-GeV protons on IHEP accelerator. A bent crystal installed in\n", " the ring as a primary element upstream of a collimator has reduced the\n", " radiation levels downstream in the accelerator by a factor of two. The\n", " measurements agree with Monte Carlo predictions.,\n", " We prove a uniqueness result for asymptotically conical (AC) gradient\n", " shrinking solitons for the Laplacian flow of closed G_2-structures: If two\n", " gradient shrinking solitons to Laplacian flow are asymptotic to the same closed\n", " G_2-cone, then their G_2-structures are equivalent, and in particular, the two\n", " solitons are isometric. The proof extends Kotschwar and Wang's argument for\n", " uniqueness of AC gradient shrinking Ricci solitons. We additionally show that\n", " the symmetries of the G_2-structure of an AC shrinker end are inherited from\n", " its asymptotic cone; under a mild assumption on the fundamental group, the\n", " symmetries of the asymptotic cone extend to global symmetries.,\n", " We present a detailed study of thermal transport in the disordered Fermi\n", " liquid with short-range interactions. At temperatures smaller than the impurity\n", " scattering rate, i.e., in the diffusive regime, thermal conductivity acquires\n", " non-analytic quantum corrections. When these quantum corrections become large\n", " at low temperatures, the calculation of thermal conductivity demands a\n", " theoretical approach that treats disorder and interactions on an equal footing.\n", " In this paper, we develop such an approach by merging Luttinger's idea of using\n", " gravitational potentials for the analysis of thermal phenomena with a\n", " renormalization group calculation based on the Keldysh nonlinear sigma model.\n", " The gravitational potentials are introduced in the action as auxiliary sources\n", " that couple to the heat density. These sources are a convenient tool for\n", " generating expressions for the heat density and its correlation function from\n", " the partition function. Already in the absence of the gravitational potentials,\n", " the nonlinear sigma model contains several temperature-dependent\n", " renormalization group charges. When the gravitational potentials are introduced\n", " into the model, they acquire an independent renormalization group flow. We show\n", " that this flow preserves the phenomenological form of the correlation function,\n", " reflecting its relation to the specific heat and the constraints imposed by\n", " energy conservation. The main result of our analysis is that the\n", " Wiedemann-Franz law holds down to the lowest temperatures even in the presence\n", " of disorder and interactions and despite the quantum corrections that arise for\n", " both the electric and thermal conductivities.,\n", " F\\\"{o}rster-Dexter theory for excitation energy transfer is generalized for\n", " the account of short time nonequilibrium kinetics due to the nonstationary bath\n", " relaxation. The final rate expression is presented as a spectral overlap\n", " between the time dependent stimulated emission and the stationary absorption\n", " profiles, which allows experimental determination of the time dependent rate.\n", " For a harmonic oscillator bath model, an explicit rate expression is derived\n", " and model calculations are performed in order to examine the dependence of the\n", " nonequilibrium kinetics on the excitation-bath coupling strength and the\n", " temperature. Relevance of the present theory with recent experimental findings\n", " and possible future theoretical directions are discussed.,\n", " A Wikipedia book (known as Wikibook) is a collection of Wikipedia articles on\n", " a particular theme that is organized as a book. We propose Wikibook-Bot, a\n", " machine-learning based technique for automatically generating high quality\n", " Wikibooks based on a concept provided by the user. In order to create the\n", " Wikibook we apply machine learning algorithms to the different steps of the\n", " proposed technique. Firs, we need to decide whether an article belongs to a\n", " specific Wikibook - a classification task. Then, we need to divide the chosen\n", " articles into chapters - a clustering task - and finally, we deal with the\n", " ordering task which includes two subtasks: order articles within each chapter\n", " and order the chapters themselves. We propose a set of structural, text-based\n", " and unique Wikipedia features, and we show that by using these features, a\n", " machine learning classifier can successfully address the above challenges. The\n", " predictive performance of the proposed method is evaluated by comparing the\n", " auto-generated books to existing 407 Wikibooks which were manually generated by\n", " humans. For all the tasks we were able to obtain high and statistically\n", " significant results when comparing the Wikibook-bot books to books that were\n", " manually generated by Wikipedia contributors,\n", " We study the robustness against non-magnetic impurities in the topological\n", " superconductor with point nodes, focusing on an effective model of\n", " Cu$_{x}$Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$. We find that the topological superconductivity with\n", " point-nodes is not fragile against non-magnetic impurities, although the\n", " superconductivity with nodes in past studies is usually fragile. Exchanging the\n", " role of spin with the one of orbital, and vice versa, we find that in the\n", " \"dual\" space the topological superconductor with point-nodes is regarded as the\n", " intra-orbital spin-singlet $s$-wave one. From the viewpoint of the dual space,\n", " we deduce that the point-node state is not fragile against non-magnetic\n", " impurity, when the orbital imbalance in the normal states is small. Since the\n", " spin imbalance is induced by the Zeeman magnetic field, we shall name this key\n", " quantity for the impurity effects Zeeman \"orbital\" field. The numerical\n", " calculations support that the deduction is correct. If the Zeeman orbital field\n", " is small, the topological superconductivity is not fragile in dirty materials,\n", " even with nodes. Thus, the topological superconductors can not be simply\n", " regarded as one of the conventional unconventional superconductors.,\n", " In this paper, we derive second order hydrodynamic traffic models from\n", " kinetic-controlled equations for driver-assist vehicles. At the vehicle level\n", " we take into account two main control strategies synthesising the action of\n", " adaptive cruise controls and cooperative adaptive cruise controls. The\n", " resulting macroscopic dynamics fulfil the anisotropy condition introduced in\n", " the celebrated Aw-Rascle-Zhang model. Unlike other models based on heuristic\n", " arguments, our approach unveils the main physical aspects behind frequently\n", " used hydrodynamic traffic models and justifies the structure of the resulting\n", " macroscopic equations incorporating driver-assist vehicles. Numerical insights\n", " show that the presence of driver-assist vehicles produces an aggregate\n", " homogenisation of the mean flow speed, which may also be steered towards a\n", " suitable desired speed in such a way that optimal flows and traffic\n", " stabilisation are reached.,\n", " The existence of a star with such a large mass means that the equation of\n", " state is stiff enough to provide a high enough pressure up to a fairly large\n", " central densities,. Such a stiff equation of state is possible if the ground\n", " state has nucleons as its constituents. This further implies that a purely\n", " nucleon ground state may exist till about four times nuclear density which\n", " indicates that quarks in the nucleon are strongly bound and that the nucleon\n", " nucleon potential is strongly repulsive. We find this to be so in a chiral\n", " soliton model for the nucleon which has bound state quarks. We point out that\n", " this has important implications for the strong interaction $ \\mu_B$ vs T phase\n", " diagram.,\n", " The paper introduces the class of split regular BiHom-Poisson superalgebras,\n", " which is a natural generalization of split regular Hom-Poisson algebras and\n", " split regular BiHom-Lie superalgebras. By developing techniques of connections\n", " of roots for this kind of algebras, we show that such a split regular\n", " BiHom-Poisson superalgebras $A$ is of the form $A=U+\\sum_{\\a}I_\\a$ with $U$ a\n", " subspace of a maximal abelian subalgebra $H$ and any $I_{\\a}$, a well described\n", " ideal of $A$, satisfying $[I_\\a, I_\\b]+I_\\a I_\\b = 0$ if $[\\a]\\neq [\\b]$. Under\n", " certain conditions, in the case of $A$ being of maximal length, the simplicity\n", " of the algebra is characterized.,\n", " An updated version is presented of the Fortran code FeynHiggs for the\n", " evaluation of the neutral CP-even Higgs sector masses and mixing angles. It\n", " differs from the previous version by a modification of the renormalization\n", " scheme concerning the treatment of subleading terms at the one-loop level; the\n", " two-loop corrections, for which the leading contributions of O(alpha_t alphas)\n", " and O(alpha_t^2) are implemented, are not affected by the modified\n", " renormalization prescription. Besides stabilizing the Higgs mass calculations\n", " and avoiding unphysically large threshold effects, the mass of the lightest\n", " MSSM Higgs boson, m_h, is increased by 1-2 GeV for most parts of the MSSM\n", " parameter space.,\n", " X-ray emission from quasars has been detected up to redshift $z=7.5$,\n", " although only limited to a few objects at $z>6.5$. In this work, we present new\n", " Chandra observations of five $z>6.5$ quasars. By combining with archival\n", " Chandra observations of six additional $z>6.5$ quasars, we perform a systematic\n", " analysis on the X-ray properties of these earliest accreting supermassive black\n", " holes (SMBHs). We measure the black hole masses, bolometric luminosities\n", " ($L_{\\rm bol}$), Eddington ratios ($\\lambda_{\\rm Edd}$), emission line\n", " properties, and infrared luminosities ($L_{\\rm IR}$) of these quasars using\n", " infrared and sub-millimeter observations. Correlation analysis indicates that\n", " the X-ray bolometric correction (the factor that converts from X-ray luminosity\n", " to bolometric luminosity) decreases with increasing $L_{\\rm bol}$, and that the\n", " UV/optical-to-X-ray ratio, $\\alpha_{\\rm ox}$, strongly correlates with $L_{\\rm\n", " 2500}$, and moderately correlates with $\\lambda_{\\rm Edd}$ and blueshift of CIV\n", " emission lines. These correlations are consistent with those found in lower-$z$\n", " quasars, indicating quasar accretion physics does not evolve with redshift. We\n", " also find that $L_{\\rm IR}$ does not correlate with $L_{\\rm 2-10 keV}$ in these\n", " luminous distant quasars, suggesting that the ratio of the SMBH growth rate and\n", " their host galaxy growth rate in these early luminous quasars are different\n", " from those of local galaxies. A joint spectral analysis of the X-ray detected\n", " $z>6.5$ quasars yields an average X-ray photon index of $\n", " \\Gamma=2.32^{+0.31}_{-0.30}$, steeper than that of low-$z$ quasars. By\n", " comparing it with the $\\Gamma-\\lambda_{\\rm Edd}$ relation, we conclude that the\n", " steepening of $\\Gamma$ for quasars at $z>6.5$ is mainly driven by their higher\n", " Eddington ratios.,\n", " We study the congruence lattice of the poset of regions of a hyperplane\n", " arrangement, with particular emphasis on the weak order on a finite Coxeter\n", " group. Our starting point is a theorem from a previous paper which gives a\n", " geometric description of the poset of join-irreducibles of the congruence\n", " lattice of the poset of regions in terms of certain polyhedral decompositions\n", " of the hyperplanes. For a finite Coxeter system (W,S) and a subset K of S, let\n", " \\eta_K:w \\mapsto w_K be the projection onto the parabolic subgroup W_K. We show\n", " that the fibers of \\eta_K constitute the smallest lattice congruence with\n", " 1\\equiv s for every s\\in(S-K). We give an algorithm for determining the\n", " congruence lattice of the weak order for any finite Coxeter group and for a\n", " finite Coxeter group of type A or B we define a directed graph on subsets or\n", " signed subsets such that the transitive closure of the directed graph is the\n", " poset of join-irreducibles of the congruence lattice of the weak order.,\n", " F. Bracci, M.D. Contreras, S. D\\'iaz Madrigal proved that any evolution\n", " family of order d is described by a generalized Loewner chain. G. Ivanov and A.\n", " Vasil'ev considered randomized version of the chain and found a substitution\n", " which transforms it to an It\\^o diffusion.We generalize their result to vector\n", " randomized Loewner chain and prove there are no other possibilities to\n", " transform such Loewner chains to It\\^o diffusions.,\n", " The hydrodynamics of bubble columns in the heterogeneous regime is\n", " investigated from experiments with bubbles at large particle Reynolds numbers\n", " and without coalescence. The void fraction field $\\varepsilon$ at small scales,\n", " analyzed with Vorono\\\"i tessellations, corresponds to a Random Poisson Process\n", " (RPP) in homogeneous conditions but it significantly differs from a RPP in the\n", " heterogeneous regime. The distance to a RPP allows identifying meso-scale\n", " structures, namely clusters, void regions and intermediate regions. A series of\n", " arguments demonstrate that the bubble motion is driven by the dynamics of these\n", " structures. Notably, bubbles in clusters (respectively in intermediate regions)\n", " are moving up faster, up to 3.5 (respectively 2) times the terminal velocity,\n", " than bubbles in void regions those absolute velocity equals the mean liquid\n", " velocity. Besides, the mean unconditional relative velocity of bubbles is\n", " recovered from mean relative velocities conditional to meso-scale structures,\n", " weighted by the proportion of bubbles in each structure. Assuming\n", " buoyancy-inertia equilibrium for each structure, the relative velocity is\n", " related with the characteristic size and concentration of meso-scale\n", " structures. By taking the latter quantities values at large gas superficial\n", " velocities, a cartoon of the internal flow structure is proposed. Arguments are\n", " put forward to help understanding why the relative velocity scales as\n", " $(gD\\varepsilon)^{1/2}$ (with $D$ the column's diameter and $g$ gravity's\n", " acceleration). The proposed cartoon seems consistent with a fast-track\n", " mechanism that, for the moderate Rouse numbers studied, leads to liquid\n", " velocity fluctuations proportional to the relative velocity. The potential\n", " impact of coalescence on the above analysis is also commented.,\n", " In this paper, we consider continuous-time quantum walks (CTQWs) on finite\n", " graphs determined by the Laplacian matrices. By introducing fully\n", " interconnected graph decomposition of given graphs, we show a decomposition\n", " method for the Laplacian matrices. Using the decomposition method, we show\n", " several conditions for graph structure which return probability of CTQW tends\n", " to 1 while the number of vertices tends to infinity.,\n", " In this paper, we first construct thermofield double states for bosonic\n", " string theory in the light-cone gauge. We then obtain a coherent-thermal string\n", " state and use it to calculate the circuit complexity in string theory. This is\n", " done using the covariance matrix approach to calculate the circuit complexity.\n", " In this approach, we will generate the optimal geodesics by a horizontal string\n", " generator and, then, obtain the circuit complexity using the length of the\n", " minimal geodesics in the group manifold.,\n", " We present the first Learning-Augmented Binary Search Tree(BST) that attains\n", " Static Optimality and Working-Set Bound given rough predictions. Following the\n", " recent studies in algorithms with predictions and learned index structures,\n", " Lin, Luo, and Woodruff (ICML 2022) introduced the concept of Learning-Augmented\n", " BSTs, which aim to improve BSTs with learned advice. Unfortunately, their\n", " construction gives only static optimality under strong assumptions on the\n", " input.\n", " In this paper, we present a simple BST maintenance scheme that benefits from\n", " learned advice. With proper predictions, the scheme achieves Static Optimality\n", " and Working-Set Bound, respectively, which are important performance measures\n", " for BSTs. Moreover, the scheme is robust to prediction errors and makes no\n", " assumption on the input.,\n", " The transition quadrupole moments, $Q_{t}$, of rotational bands in the\n", " neutron-rich, even-mass $^{102-108}$Mo and $^{108-112}$Ru nuclei were measured\n", " in the 8 to 16 $\\hbar $ spin range with the Doppler-shift attenuation method.\n", " The nuclei were populated as fission fragments from $^{252}$Cf fission. The\n", " detector setup consisted of the Gammasphere spectrometer and the HERCULES\n", " fast-plastic array. At moderate spin, the $Q_{t}$ moments are found to be\n", " reduced with respect to the values near the ground states. Attempts to describe\n", " the observations in mean-field-based models, specifically cranked relativistic\n", " Hartree-Bogoliubov theory, illustrate the challenge theory faces and the\n", " difficulty to infer information on $\\gamma $ softness and triaxiality from the\n", " data.,\n", " We develop a general framework for spatial discretisations of parabolic\n", " stochastic PDEs whose solutions are provided in the framework of the theory of\n", " regularity structures and which are functions in time. As an application, we\n", " show that the dynamical $\\Phi^4_3$ model on the dyadic grid converges after\n", " renormalisation to its continuous counterpart. This result in particular\n", " implies that, as expected, the $\\Phi^4_3$ measure with a sufficiently small\n", " coupling constant is invariant for this equation and that the lifetime of its\n", " solutions is almost surely infinite for almost every initial condition.,\n", " Pretrained language models have demonstrated extraordinary capabilities in\n", " language generation. However, real-world tasks often require controlling the\n", " distribution of generated text in order to mitigate bias, promote fairness, and\n", " achieve personalization. Existing techniques for controlling the distribution\n", " of generated text only work with quantified distributions, which require\n", " pre-defined categories, proportions of the distribution, or an existing corpus\n", " following the desired distributions. However, many important distributions,\n", " such as personal preferences, are unquantified. In this work, we tackle the\n", " problem of generating text following arbitrary distributions (quantified and\n", " unquantified) by proposing Nano, a few-shot human-in-the-loop training\n", " algorithm that continuously learns from human feedback. Nano achieves\n", " state-of-the-art results on single topic/attribute as well as quantified\n", " distribution control compared to previous works. We also show that Nano is able\n", " to learn unquantified distributions, achieves personalization, and captures\n", " differences between different individuals' personal preferences with high\n", " sample efficiency.,\n", " The present Letter describes the magnetocaloric effect of a diamagnetic\n", " material with a magnetic field $B_\\parallel$ along the $z$ axis and a\n", " transversal and oscillating field $B_\\perp (\\ll B_\\parallel)$ parallel to the\n", " $x-y$ plane. We show that the magnetocaloric potentials due to a change in\n", " $B_\\parallel$ is the same as those due to a change in the frequency of\n", " $B_\\perp$. These results raise the possibility of building magnetocaloric\n", " devices without moving parts, since changing frequency is a simple electronic\n", " issue, while changing the field from permanent magnets depends on mechanical\n", " aspects.,\n", " We construct supersymmetric unified models which automatically lead to a\n", " period of inflation. The models all involve a U(1) symmetry which does not\n", " belong to the MSSM. We consider three different types of models depending on\n", " whether this extra U(1) is the subgroup of a non abelian gauge group, is a U(1)\n", " factor belonging to the visible sector or is a U(1) factor belonging to the\n", " hidden sector. Depending on the structure of the unified theory, on the\n", " spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern and on whether we have global or local\n", " supersymmetry, inflation may be driven by the non-vanishing vacuum expectation\n", " value of a F-term or by that of a D-term. In both scenarios cosmic strings form\n", " at the end of inflation, and they have different properties in each model. Both\n", " inflation and cosmic strings contribute to the CMBR temperature anisotropies.\n", " We show that the strings contribute to the $C_l$'s up to the level of 75 %.\n", " Hence the contribution from strings to the CMBR and to the density\n", " perturbations in the early Universe which lead to structure formation cannot be\n", " neglected. We also discuss a very interesting class of models which involve a\n", " $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry.,\n", " Modular networks are a promising paradigm for increasingly complex quantum\n", " devices based on the ability to transfer qubits and generate entanglement\n", " between modules. These tasks require a low-loss, high-speed intermodule link\n", " that enables extensible network connectivity. Satisfying these demands\n", " simultaneously remains an outstanding goal for long-range optical quantum\n", " networks as well as modular superconducting processors within a single\n", " cryostat. We demonstrate communication and entanglement in a superconducting\n", " network with a microwave-actuated beamsplitter transformation between two\n", " bosonic qubits, which are housed in separate modules and joined by a\n", " demountable coaxial bus resonator. We transfer a qubit in a multi-photon\n", " encoding and track photon loss events to improve the fidelity, making it as\n", " high as in a single-photon encoding. Furthermore, generating entanglement with\n", " two-photon interference and postselection against loss errors produces a Bell\n", " state with success probability 79% and fidelity 0.94, halving the error\n", " obtained with a single photon. These capabilities demonstrate several promising\n", " methods for faithful operations between modules, including novel possibilities\n", " for resource-efficient direct gates.,\n", " The advancement of Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector technology offers us\n", " different kinds of detectors with good spatial resolution and high rate\n", " capability and the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of them.\n", " Typically GEM is made up of a thin polyimide foil having a thickness of 50\n", " micrometers with 5 micrometers copper cladding on top and bottom sides. The\n", " presence of polyimide changes the gain of the detector under the influence of\n", " external radiation and the phenomenon is referred to as the charging up effect.\n", " The charging up effect is investigated with a double mask triple GEM detector\n", " prototype with Ar/CO$_2$ gas mixture in 70/30 ratio under continuous\n", " irradiation from a strong Fe$^{55}$ X-ray source. The detailed method of\n", " measurements and the test results are presented in this article.,\n", " Empirical methods for connecting galaxies to their dark matter halos have\n", " become essential for interpreting measurements of the spatial statistics of\n", " galaxies. In this work, we present a novel approach for parameterizing the\n", " degree of concentration dependence in the abundance matching method. This new\n", " parameterization provides a smooth interpolation between two commonly used\n", " matching proxies: the peak halo mass and the peak halo maximal circular\n", " velocity. This parameterization controls the amount of dependence of galaxy\n", " luminosity on halo concentration at a fixed halo mass. Effectively this\n", " interpolation scheme enables abundance matching models to have adjustable\n", " assembly bias in the resulting galaxy catalogs. With the new 400 Mpc/h DarkSky\n", " Simulation, whose larger volume provides lower sample variance, we further show\n", " that low-redshift two-point clustering and satellite fraction measurements from\n", " SDSS can already provide a joint constraint on this concentration dependence\n", " and the scatter within the abundance matching framework.,\n", " In the first of these two lectures I will discuss the rich constitution of\n", " neutron stars as a consequence of the Pauli principle which is engaged by the\n", " dominance of gravity over the nuclear force. Three especially interesting\n", " phenomena are discussed in this contect--(1) a mechanism for the formation of\n", " low-mass black holes distinct in their mass-range from the black holes formed\n", " in the prompt collapse of an entire star, (2) a multilayered crystalline\n", " structure consisting of confined hadronic matter embedded in a background of\n", " deconfined quark matter (or vice versa) which occupies a many kilometer thick\n", " inner region, and (3) a clean and pronounced signal of the formation of quark\n", " matter in the interior of neutron stars. In the second lecture I will discuss\n", " the strange matter hypothesis, its viability as well as its consequences for\n", " compact stars and a new family of white dwarfs with dense nuclear matter\n", " central regions some orders of magnuitude greater than in ordinary white\n", " dwarfs.,\n", " Through an ongoing MUSE program dedicated to study gas removal processes in\n", " galaxies (GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies with MUSE, GASP), we have\n", " obtained deep and wide integral field spectroscopy of the galaxy JO171. This\n", " galaxy resembles the Hoag's galaxy, one of the most spectacular examples of\n", " ring galaxies, characterized by a completely detached ring of young stars\n", " surrounding a central old spheroid. At odds with the isolated Hoag's galaxy,\n", " JO171 is part of a dense environment, the cluster Abell 3667, which is causing\n", " gas stripping along tentacles. Moreover, its ring counter-rotates with respect\n", " to the central spheroid. The joint analysis of the stellar populations and the\n", " gas/stellar kinematics shows that the origin of the ring was not due to an\n", " internal mechanism, but was related to a gas accretion event that happened in\n", " the distant past, prior to accretion onto Abell 3667, most probably within a\n", " filament. More recently, since infall in the cluster, the gas in the ring has\n", " been stripped by ram- pressure, causing the quenching of star formation in the\n", " stripped half of the ring. This is the first observed case of ram pressure\n", " stripping in action in a ring galaxy, and MUSE observations are able to reveal\n", " both of the events (accretion and stripping) that caused dramatic\n", " transformations in this galaxy.,\n", " Adiabatic quantum control protocols have been of wide interest to quantum\n", " computation due to their robustness and insensitivity to their actual duration\n", " of execution. As an extension of previous quantum learning algorithms, this\n", " work proposes to execute some quantum learning protocols based entirely on\n", " adiabatic quantum evolution, hence dubbed as ``adiabatic quantum learning\". In\n", " a conventional quantum machine learning protocol, the output is usually the\n", " expectation value of a pre-selected observable and the projective measurement\n", " of which forces a quantum circuit to run many times to obtain the output with a\n", " reasonable precision. By contrast, the proposed adiabatic quantum learning here\n", " may be integrated with future adiabatic weak measurement protocols, where a\n", " single measurement of the system allows to extract the expectation value of\n", " observables of interest without disrupting the concerned quantum states. Our\n", " main idea is illustrated with simple examples.,\n", " On the basis of solutions of the Bragg-Hawthorne equations we discuss the\n", " helicity of thin toroidal vortices with the swirl - the orbital motion along\n", " the torus diretrix. It is shown that relationship of the helicity with\n", " circulations along the small and large linked circles - directrix and\n", " generatrix of the torus - depends on distribution of the azimuthal velocity in\n", " the core of the swirling vortex ring. In the case of non-homogeneous swirl this\n", " relationship differs from the well-known Moffat relationship - the doubled\n", " product of such circulations multiplied by the number of links. The results can\n", " be applied to vortices in planetary atmospheres and to vortex movements in the\n", " vicinity of active galactic nuclei.,\n", " An active area of investigation in the search for quantum advantage is\n", " Quantum Machine Learning. Quantum Machine Learning, and Parameterized Quantum\n", " Circuits in a hybrid quantum-classical setup in particular, could bring\n", " advancements in accuracy by utilizing the high dimensionality of the Hilbert\n", " space as feature space. But is the ability of a quantum circuit to uniformly\n", " address the Hilbert space a good indicator of classification accuracy? In our\n", " work, we use methods and quantifications from prior art to perform a numerical\n", " study in order to evaluate the level of correlation. We find a strong\n", " correlation between the ability of the circuit to uniformly address the Hilbert\n", " space and the achieved classification accuracy for circuits that entail a\n", " single embedding layer followed by 1 or 2 circuit designs. This is based on our\n", " study encompassing 19 circuits in both 1 and 2 layer configuration, evaluated\n", " on 9 datasets of increasing difficulty. Future work will evaluate if this holds\n", " for different circuit designs.,\n", " We report the observation of layer breathing mode (LBM) vibrations in\n", " few-layer graphene (FLG) samples of thickness from 2 to 6 layers, exhibiting\n", " both Bernal (AB) and rhombohedral (ABC) stacking order. The LBM vibrations are\n", " identified using a Raman combination band lying around 1720 cm-1. From double\n", " resonance theory, we identify the feature as the LOZO' combination mode of the\n", " out-of-plane LBM (ZO') and the in-plane longitudinal optical mode (LO). The\n", " LOZO' Raman band is found to exhibit multiple peaks, with a unique line shape\n", " for each layer thickness and stacking order. These complex line shapes of the\n", " LOZO'-mode arise both from the material-dependent selection of different\n", " phonons in the double-resonance Raman process and from the detailed structure\n", " of the different branches of LBM in FLG.,\n", " We consider vacuum polarization from massless scalar electrodynamics in de\n", " Sitter inflation. The theory exhibits a 3+1 dimensional analogue of the\n", " Schwinger mechanism in which a photon mass is dynamically generated. The\n", " mechanism is generic for light scalar fields that couple minimally to gravity.\n", " The non-vanishing of the photon mass during inflation may result in magnetic\n", " fields on cosmological scales.,\n", " Neural speech synthesis models have recently demonstrated the ability to\n", " synthesize high quality speech for text-to-speech and compression applications.\n", " These new models often require powerful GPUs to achieve real-time operation, so\n", " being able to reduce their complexity would open the way for many new\n", " applications. We propose LPCNet, a WaveRNN variant that combines linear\n", " prediction with recurrent neural networks to significantly improve the\n", " efficiency of speech synthesis. We demonstrate that LPCNet can achieve\n", " significantly higher quality than WaveRNN for the same network size and that\n", " high quality LPCNet speech synthesis is achievable with a complexity under 3\n", " GFLOPS. This makes it easier to deploy neural synthesis applications on\n", " lower-power devices, such as embedded systems and mobile phones.,\n", " Pre-trained language models (PTLMs) have achieved great success and\n", " remarkable performance over a wide range of natural language processing (NLP)\n", " tasks. However, there are also growing concerns regarding the potential\n", " security issues in the adoption of PTLMs. In this survey, we comprehensively\n", " systematize recently discovered threats to PTLM systems and applications. We\n", " perform our attack characterization from three interesting perspectives. (1) We\n", " show threats can occur at different stages of the PTLM pipeline raised by\n", " different malicious entities. (2) We identify two types of model\n", " transferability (landscape, portrait) that facilitate attacks. (3) Based on the\n", " attack goals, we summarize four categories of attacks (backdoor, evasion, data\n", " privacy and model privacy). We also discuss some open problems and research\n", " directions. We believe our survey and taxonomy will inspire future studies\n", " towards secure and privacy-preserving PTLMs.,\n", " Duplicated code has a negative impact on the quality of software systems and\n", " should be detected at least. In this paper, we discuss an approach that\n", " improves source code retrieval using the structural information about the\n", " programs. We developed a lexical parser to extract control statements and\n", " method identifiers from Java programs. We propose a similarity measure that is\n", " defined by the ratio of the number of sequentially full matching statements to\n", " the number of sequentially partial matching ones. The similarity measure is\n", " considered to be an extension of a set based similarity index, e.g.,\n", " Sorensen-Dice index. Our key contribution of this research is the development\n", " of a similarity retrieval algorithm that derives meaningful search conditions\n", " from a given sequence, and then performs retrieval using all of the derived\n", " conditions. Experiments show that our retrieval model outperforms the other\n", " retrieval models up to 90.9% in the number of retrieved methods.,\n", " We summarize the properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace\n", " operator in bounded Euclidean domains with Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary\n", " condition. We keep the presentation at a level accessible to scientists from\n", " various disciplines ranging from mathematics to physics and computer sciences.\n", " The main focus is put onto multiple intricate relations between the shape of a\n", " domain and the geometrical structure of eigenfunctions.,\n", " We obtain the most general explicit (anti)self-dual solution of the Einstein\n", " equations. We find that any (anti)self-dual solution can be characterised by\n", " three free functions of which one is harmonic. Any stationary (anti)self-dual\n", " solution can be characterised by a harmonic function. It turns out that the\n", " form of the Gibbons and Hawking multi-center metrics is the most general\n", " stationary (anti)self-dual solution. We further note that the stationary\n", " (anti)self-dual Einstein equations can be reinterpreted as the (anti)self-dual\n", " Maxwell equations on the Euclidean background metric.,\n", " We report on the detection of individual spin quantum transitions of a single\n", " trapped antiproton in a Penning trap. The spin-state determination, which is\n", " based on the unambiguous detection of axial frequency shifts in presence of a\n", " strong magnetic bottle, reaches a fidelity of 92.1$\\%$. Spin-state\n", " initialization with $>99.9\\%$ fidelity and an average initialization time of 24\n", " min are demonstrated. This is a major step towards an antiproton magnetic\n", " moment measurement with a relative uncertainty on the part-per-billion level.,\n", " We study the design parameters for an orbital angular momentum (OAM)\n", " multiplexed free-space data link. Power loss, channel crosstalk and power\n", " penalty of the link are analyzed in the case of misalignment between the\n", " transmitter and receiver (lateral displacement, receiver angular error, or\n", " transmitter pointing error). The relationship among the system power loss and\n", " link distance, transmitted beam size and receiver aperture size are discussed\n", " based on the beam divergence due to free space propagation. We also describe\n", " the trade-offs for different receiver aperture sizes and mode spacing of the\n", " transmitted OAM beams under given lateral displacements or receiver angular\n", " errors. Through simulations and some experiments, we show that (1) a system\n", " with a larger transmitted beam size and a larger receiver aperture is more\n", " tolerant to the lateral displacement but less tolerant to the receiver angular\n", " error; (2) a system with a larger mode spacing, which uses larger OAM charges,\n", " suffers more system power loss but less channel crosstalk; thus, a system with\n", " a small mode spacing shows lower system power penalty when system power loss\n", " dominates (e.g., small lateral displacement or receiver angular error) while\n", " that with a larger mode spacing shows lower power penalty when channel\n", " crosstalk dominates (e.g., larger lateral displacement or receiver angular\n", " error); (3) the effects of lateral displacement and receiver angular error are\n", " not necessarily independent; as an example of them combined, the effects of the\n", " transmitter pointing error on the system are also investigated.,\n", " If the weak equivalence principle (WEP) is broken, the measured values of the\n", " parametrized post-Newtonian parameter $\\gamma$ from photons with left- and\n", " right-handed circular polarizations should differ slightly, leading to the\n", " arrival-time difference of these two circular components. Thus, the\n", " polarization vector of a linearly polarized light may rotate during the\n", " propagation. The rotation angle of the polarization vector depends on both the\n", " photon energy and the distance of the source. It is believed that if the\n", " rotation angle differs by more than $\\pi/2$ over an energy range, then the net\n", " polarization of the signal would be significantly suppressed and could not be\n", " as high as the observed level. Thus, the detection of highly polarized photons\n", " implies that the relative rotation angle ($\\Delta\\Theta$) should not be too\n", " large. In this paper, we give a detailed calculation on the evolution of\n", " gamma-ray burst (GRB) polarization arising from a possible violation of the\n", " WEP, and we find that more than $60\\%$ of the initial polarization degree can\n", " be conserved even if $\\Delta\\Theta$ is larger than $\\pi/2$. In addition, to\n", " tightly constrain the WEP violation, GRBs with harder spectra and polarization\n", " observations in a wider energy range seem to be favored. Applying our formulas\n", " to the measurements of linear polarization from GRB 110721A and GRB 061122, we\n", " obtain strict limits on the differences of the $\\gamma$ values as low as\n", " $\\Delta\\gamma<1.3\\times10^{-33}$ and $\\Delta\\gamma<0.8\\times10^{-33}$. These\n", " provide the most stringent limits to date on a deviation from the WEP,\n", " improving at least 6 orders of magnitude over previous bounds.,\n", " One of the main science goals of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)\n", " is to uncover the nature of cosmic acceleration. In the base analysis, possible\n", " deviations from the Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter ($\\Lambda$CDM) background evolution\n", " will be probed by fitting a $w(z)$CDM model, which allows for a\n", " redshift-dependent dark energy equation of state with $w(z)$, within general\n", " relativity (GR). A rich array of other phenomena can arise due to deviations\n", " from the standard $\\Lambda$CDM+GR model though, including modifications to the\n", " growth rate of structure and lensing, and novel screening effects on non-linear\n", " scales. Concrete physical models are needed to provide consistent predictions\n", " for these (potentially small) effects, to give us the best chance of detecting\n", " them and separating them from astrophysical systematics. A complex plethora of\n", " possible models has been constructed over the past few decades, with none\n", " emerging as a particular favorite. This document prioritizes a subset of these\n", " models along with rationales for further study and inclusion into the LSST Dark\n", " Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) data analysis pipelines, based on their\n", " observational viability, theoretical plausibility, and level of theoretical\n", " development. We provide references and theoretical expressions to aid the\n", " integration of these models into DESC software and simulations, and give\n", " justifications for why other models were not prioritized. While DESC efforts\n", " are free to pursue other models, we provide here guidelines on which theories\n", " appear to have higher priority for collaboration efforts due to their perceived\n", " promise and greater instructional value.,\n", " Motivated by the recent observation of periodic filter characteristics of an\n", " oval-shaped micro-cavity, we study the possible interference of multiple beams\n", " in the far field of a laser-illuminated quadrupolar glass fiber. From numerical\n", " ray-tracing simulations of the experimental situation we obtain the\n", " interference-relevant length-difference spectrum and compare it with data\n", " extracted from the experimental filter results. Our analysis reveals that\n", " different polygonal cavity modes being refractively output-coupled in the\n", " high-curvature region of the fiber contribute to the observed far-field\n", " interference.,\n", " Research in presentation attack detection (PAD) for iris recognition has\n", " largely moved beyond evaluation in \"closed-set\" scenarios, to emphasize ability\n", " to generalize to presentation attack types not present in the training data.\n", " This paper offers several contributions to understand and extend the\n", " state-of-the-art in open-set iris PAD. First, it describes the most\n", " authoritative evaluation to date of iris PAD. We have curated the largest\n", " publicly-available image dataset for this problem, drawing from 26 benchmarks\n", " previously released by various groups, and adding 150,000 images being released\n", " with the journal version of this paper, to create a set of 450,000 images\n", " representing authentic iris and seven types of presentation attack instrument\n", " (PAI). We formulate a leave-one-PAI-out evaluation protocol, and show that even\n", " the best algorithms in the closed-set evaluations exhibit catastrophic failures\n", " on multiple attack types in the open-set scenario. This includes algorithms\n", " performing well in the most recent LivDet-Iris 2020 competition, which may come\n", " from the fact that the LivDet-Iris protocol emphasizes sequestered images\n", " rather than unseen attack types. Second, we evaluate the accuracy of five\n", " open-source iris presentation attack algorithms available today, one of which\n", " is newly-proposed in this paper, and build an ensemble method that beats the\n", " winner of the LivDet-Iris 2020 by a substantial margin. This paper demonstrates\n", " that closed-set iris PAD, when all PAIs are known during training, is a solved\n", " problem, with multiple algorithms showing very high accuracy, while open-set\n", " iris PAD, when evaluated correctly, is far from being solved. The newly-created\n", " dataset, new open-source algorithms, and evaluation protocol, made publicly\n", " available with the journal version of this paper, provide the experimental\n", " artifacts that researchers can use to measure progress on this important\n", " problem.,\n", " Many computer vision and medical imaging problems are faced with learning\n", " from large-scale datasets, with millions of observations and features. In this\n", " paper we propose a novel efficient learning scheme that tightens a sparsity\n", " constraint by gradually removing variables based on a criterion and a schedule.\n", " The attractive fact that the problem size keeps dropping throughout the\n", " iterations makes it particularly suitable for big data learning. Our approach\n", " applies generically to the optimization of any differentiable loss function,\n", " and finds applications in regression, classification and ranking. The resultant\n", " algorithms build variable screening into estimation and are extremely simple to\n", " implement. We provide theoretical guarantees of convergence and selection\n", " consistency. In addition, one dimensional piecewise linear response functions\n", " are used to account for nonlinearity and a second order prior is imposed on\n", " these functions to avoid overfitting. Experiments on real and synthetic data\n", " show that the proposed method compares very well with other state of the art\n", " methods in regression, classification and ranking while being computationally\n", " very efficient and scalable.,\n", " The technological and scientific challenges involved in the development of\n", " autonomous vehicles (AVs) are currently of primary interest for many automobile\n", " companies and research labs. However, human-controlled vehicles are likely to\n", " remain on the roads for several decades to come and may share with AVs the\n", " traffic environments of the future. In such mixed environments, AVs should\n", " deploy human-like driving policies and negotiation skills to enable smooth\n", " traffic flow. To generate automated human-like driving policies, we introduce a\n", " model-free, deep reinforcement learning approach to imitate an experienced\n", " human driver's behavior. We study a static obstacle avoidance task on a\n", " two-lane highway road in simulation (Unity). Our control algorithm receives a\n", " stochastic feedback signal from two sources: a model-driven part, encoding\n", " simple driving rules, such as lane-keeping and speed control, and a stochastic,\n", " data-driven part, incorporating human expert knowledge from driving data. To\n", " assess the similarity between machine and human driving, we model distributions\n", " of track position and speed as Gaussian processes. We demonstrate that our\n", " approach leads to human-like driving policies.,\n", " An inequality is deduced from Einstein's locality and a supplementary\n", " assumption. This inequality defines an experiment which can actually be\n", " performed with present technology to test local realism. Quantum mechanics\n", " violate this inequality a factor of 1.5. In contrast, quantum mechanics\n", " violates previous inequalities (for example, Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt\n", " inequality of 1969, Freedman-Clauser inequality of 1972, Clauser-Horne\n", " inequality of 1974) by a factor of $\\sqrt 2$. Thus the magnitude of violation\n", " of the inequality derived in this paper is approximately $20.7%$ larger than\n", " the magnitude of violation of previous inequalities. This result can be\n", " particularly important for the experimental test of locality.,\n", " Universal sensing the motion of mechanical resonators with high precision and\n", " low back-action is of paramount importance in ultra-weak signal detection which\n", " plays a fundamental role in modern physics. Here we present a universal scheme\n", " that transfer mechanically the motion of the resonator not directly measurable\n", " to the one can be precisely measured using mechanical frequency conversion.\n", " Demonstration of the scheme at room temperature shows that both the motion\n", " imprecision and the back-action force are below the intrinsic level of the\n", " objective resonator, which agree well with our theoretical prediction. The\n", " scheme developed here provides an effective interface between an arbitrary\n", " mechanical resonator and a high quantum efficient displacement sensor, and is\n", " expected to find extensive applications in high-demanding mechanical-based\n", " force measurements.,\n", " We study indecomposable involutive set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter\n", " equation with cyclic permutation groups (cocyclic solutions). In particular, we\n", " show that there is no one-to-one correspondence between indecomposable cocyclic\n", " solutions and cocyclic braces which contradicts recent results in\n", " \\cite{Rump21}.,\n", " Rejoinder of \"Bayesian Models and Methods in Public Policy and Government\n", " Settings\" by S. E. Fienberg [arXiv:1108.2177],\n", " This paper discusses three basic blocks for the inference of convolutional\n", " neural networks (CNNs). Pyramid Vector Quantization (PVQ) is discussed as an\n", " effective quantizer for CNNs weights resulting in highly sparse and\n", " compressible networks. Properties of PVQ are exploited for the elimination of\n", " multipliers during inference while maintaining high performance. The result is\n", " then extended to any other quantized weights. The Tiny Yolo v3 CNN is used to\n", " compare such basic blocks.,\n", " We use techniques from time-frequency analysis to show that the space\n", " $\\mathcal S_\\omega$ of rapidly decreasing $\\omega$-ultradifferentiable\n", " functions is nuclear for every weight function $\\omega(t)=o(t)$ as $t$ tends to\n", " infinity. Moreover, we prove that, for a sequence $(M_p)_p$ satisfying the\n", " classical condition $(M1)$ of Komatsu, the space of Beurling type $\\mathcal\n", " S_{(M_p)}$ when defined with $L^{2}\\,$norms is nuclear exactly when condition\n", " $(M2)'$ of Komatsu holds.,\n", " Understanding functional associations among genes discovered in sequencing\n", " projects is a key issue in post-genomic biology. However, reliable\n", " interpretation of the protein interaction data has been difficult. In this\n", " work, we show that if two proteins share significantly larger number of common\n", " interaction partners than random, they have close functional associations.\n", " Analysis of publicly available data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals more\n", " than 2800 reliable functional associations, 29% of which involve at least one\n", " unannotated protein. By further analyzing these associations, we derive\n", " tentative functions for 81 unannotated proteins with high certainty.,\n", " We investigate the generalized involution models of the projective reflection\n", " groups $G(r,p,q,n)$. This family of groups parametrizes all quotients of the\n", " complex reflection groups $G(r,p,n)$ by scalar subgroups. Our classification is\n", " ultimately incomplete, but we provide several necessary and sufficient\n", " conditions for generalized involution models to exist in various cases. In the\n", " process we solve several intermediate problems concerning the structure of\n", " projective reflection groups. We derive a simple criterion for determining\n", " whether two groups $G(r,p,q,n)$ and $G(r,p',q',n)$ are isomorphic. We also\n", " describe explicitly the form of all automorphisms of $G(r,p,q,n)$, outside a\n", " finite list of exceptional cases. Building on prior work, this allows us to\n", " prove that $G(r,p,1,n)$ has a generalized involution model if and only if\n", " $G(r,p,1,n) \\cong G(r,1,p,n)$. We also classify which groups $G(r,p,q,n)$ have\n", " generalized involution models when $n=2$, or $q$ is odd, or $n$ is odd.,\n", " In a variety of contexts, we prove that singular continuous spectrum is\n", " generic in the sense that for certain natural complete metric spaces of\n", " operators, those with singular spectrum are a dense $G_\\delta$.,\n", " The trade off between risks and returns gives rise to multi-criteria\n", " optimisation problems that are well understood in finance, efficient frontiers\n", " being the tool to navigate their set of optimal solutions. Motivated by the\n", " recent advances in the use of deep neural networks in the context of hedging\n", " vanilla options when markets have frictions, we introduce the Efficient Hedging\n", " Frontier (EHF) by enriching the pipeline with a filtering step that allows to\n", " trade off costs and risks. This way, a trader's risk preference is matched with\n", " an expected hedging cost on the frontier, and the corresponding hedging\n", " strategy can be computed with a deep neural network.\n", " We further develop our framework to improve the EHF and find better hedging\n", " strategies. By adding a random forest classifier to the pipeline to forecast\n", " market movements, we show how the frontier shifts towards lower costs and\n", " reduced risks, which indicates that the overall hedging performances have\n", " improved. In addition, by designing a new recurrent neural network, we also\n", " find strategies on the frontier where hedging costs are even lower.,\n", " We discuss the role of instantons in the spectroscopy of ordinary and exotic\n", " hadrons as well as in high energy reactions. We argue that the instanton\n", " induced flavor- and spin-dependent quark-quark and quark-gluon interactions can\n", " explain many features of the hadron spectrum. The observed anomalous spin and\n", " flavor effects in various reactions with hadrons can also be understood within\n", " the instanton model for QCD vacuum.,\n", " Radiative corrections in leading logarithmic approximation are calculated for\n", " the differential cross section of $e^- \\mu ^+$ radiative scattering. In\n", " particular the interference term due to photon emission from electron and muon\n", " blocks are calculated in helicity independent and dependent parts. The\n", " calculation is applied to the kinematical conditions of existing DVCS data in\n", " electron-proton collisions. Both helicity odd and helicity even differential\n", " cross sections are considered.,\n", " We study the complexity of optimizing highly smooth convex functions. For a\n", " positive integer $p$, we want to find an $\\epsilon$-approximate minimum of a\n", " convex function $f$, given oracle access to the function and its first $p$\n", " derivatives, assuming that the $p$th derivative of $f$ is Lipschitz.\n", " Recently, three independent research groups (Jiang et al., PLMR 2019;\n", " Gasnikov et al., PLMR 2019; Bubeck et al., PLMR 2019) developed a new algorithm\n", " that solves this problem with $\\tilde{O}(1/\\epsilon^{\\frac{2}{3p+1}})$ oracle\n", " calls for constant $p$. This is known to be optimal (up to log factors) for\n", " deterministic algorithms, but known lower bounds for randomized algorithms do\n", " not match this bound. We prove a new lower bound that matches this bound (up to\n", " log factors), and holds not only for randomized algorithms, but also for\n", " quantum algorithms.,\n", " A hypersurface is said to be quasihomogeneous if in suitable coordinates with\n", " assigned weights, its equation becomes weighted homogeneous in its variables.\n", " For an irreducible quasihomogeneous plane curve, the equation necessarily\n", " becomes a two term equation of the form $aY^n+bX^m$ where $n,m$ are necessarily\n", " coprime. Zariski, in a short paper, established a criterion for an algebroid\n", " curve to be quasihomogeneous and a celebrated theorem of Lin and Zaidenberg\n", " gives a global criterion for quasihomogeneity. The Lin-Zaidenberg theorem does\n", " not have a simple proof, despite having three different proofs using function\n", " theory, topology and algebraic surface theory respectively. We give here a\n", " global version of the Zariski result. As a consequence we give a proof of a\n", " slightly weaker version of the Lin-Zaidenberg Theorem, namely that a rational\n", " curve with one place at infinity is unibranch and locally quasihomogeneous if\n", " and only if it is globally quasihomogeneous, provided the ground field is\n", " algebraically closed of characteristic zero. Our method of proof leads to some\n", " interesting questions about the change in the module of differentials when we\n", " go to the integral closure.,\n", " Second order recurrence relations of real numbers arise form various\n", " applications in discrete time dynamical systems as well as in the context on\n", " Markov chains. Solutions to the recurrence relations are fully defined by the\n", " first two initial values as well as the recurrence formula. We calculate in\n", " this work explicitly as a function of $a_1$ the minimal positive solution\n", " $(a_i)_{i\\in\\mathbb{N}}$ to non-homogeneous second order recurrence relation\n", " with affine coefficients when the non-homogeneity is constant and negative, and\n", " the first initial value equals $a_0=0$. We show that rational coefficients lead\n", " to a sequence of transcendental numbers. Additionally, we prove that this\n", " sequence is the only bounded solution when varying $a_1$, converges to $0$ and\n", " obtain the convergence speed in $O(i^{-1})$. We comment in the last section\n", " further on the choice of rational parameters in the recurrence relation and we\n", " make a link to the impossibility of obtaining computer based visualizations of\n", " the minimal positive solution $(a_i)_{i\\in\\mathbb{N}}$.,\n", " Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) have been\n", " regarded as promising semiconductor materials for hard X-ray and Gamma-ray\n", " detection. The high atomic number of the materials (Z_{Cd} =48, Z_{Te} =52)\n", " gives a high quantum efficiency in comparison with Si. The large band-gap\n", " energy (Eg ~ 1.5 eV) allows us to operate the detector at room temperature.\n", " However, a considerable amount of charge loss in these detectors produces a\n", " reduced energy resolution. This problem arises due to the low mobility and\n", " short lifetime of holes. Recently, significant improvements have been achieved\n", " to improve the spectral properties based on the advances in the production of\n", " crystals and in the design of electrodes. In this overview talk, we summarize\n", " (1) advantages and disadvantages of CdTe and CdZnTe semiconductor detectors and\n", " (2) technique for improving energy resolution and photopeak efficiencies.\n", " Applications of these imaging detectors in future hard X-ray and Gamma-ray\n", " astronomy missions are briefly discussed.,\n", " We consider the three-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger system\n", " \\begin{equation*} \\begin{cases} i\\partial_tu+\\Delta u+(|u|^2+\\beta\n", " |v|^2)u=0,\\\\ i\\partial_tv+\\Delta v+(|v|^2+\\beta |u|^2)v=0. \\end{cases}\n", " \\end{equation*} Let $(P,Q)$ be any ground state solution of the above\n", " Schr\\\"odinger system. We show that for any initial data $(u_0,v_0)$ in\n", " $H^1(\\mathbb{R}^3)\\times H^1(\\mathbb{R}^3)$ satisfying\n", " $M(u_0,v_0)A(u_0,v_0) 1$ and a rational\n", " function $a\\in k(z)$ of degree $>0$ over a product formula field $k$ of\n", " characteristic $0$, applying this quantitative adelic equidistribution result\n", " to adelic dynamics of $f$.,\n", " Let R be a non-negatively graded Cohen-Macaulay ring with R_0 a\n", " Cohen-Macaulay factor ring of a local Gorenstein ring. Let d be the dimension\n", " of R, m be the maximal homogeneous ideal of R, and M be a finitely generated\n", " graded R-module. It has long been known how to read information about the socle\n", " degrees of the local cohomology module H_m^0(M) from the twists in position d\n", " in a resolution of M by free R-modules. It has also long been known how to use\n", " local cohomology to read valuable information from complexes which approximate\n", " resolutions in the sense that they have positive homology of small Krull\n", " dimension. The present paper reads information about the maximal generator\n", " degree (rather than the socle degree) of H_m^0M from the twists in position d-1\n", " (rather than position d) in an approximate resolution of M. We apply the local\n", " cohomology results to draw conclusions about the maximum generator degree of\n", " the second symbolic power of the prime ideal defining a monomial curve and the\n", " second symbolic power of the ideal defining a finite set of points in\n", " projective space. There is an application to general hyperplane sections of\n", " subschemes of projective space over an infinite field. There is an application\n", " of the local cohomology techniques to partial Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity.\n", " An application to the ideals generated by the lower order Pfaffians of an\n", " alternating matrix will appear in a future paper. One additional application to\n", " the study of blow-up algebras appears in a separate paper.,\n", " In this thesis we present a new algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem\n", " called the Enhanced Bees Algorithm. It is adapted from a fairly recent\n", " algorithm, the Bees Algorithm, which was developed for continuous optimisation\n", " problems. We show that the results obtained by the Enhanced Bees Algorithm are\n", " competitive with the best meta-heuristics available for the Vehicle Routing\n", " Problem (within 0.5% of the optimal solution for common benchmark problems). We\n", " show that the algorithm has good runtime performance, producing results within\n", " 2% of the optimal solution within 60 seconds, making it suitable for use within\n", " real world dispatch scenarios.,\n", " Understanding the operation of biological and artificial networks remains a\n", " difficult and important challenge. To identify general principles, researchers\n", " are increasingly interested in surveying large collections of networks that are\n", " trained on, or biologically adapted to, similar tasks. A standardized set of\n", " analysis tools is now needed to identify how network-level covariates -- such\n", " as architecture, anatomical brain region, and model organism -- impact neural\n", " representations (hidden layer activations). Here, we provide a rigorous\n", " foundation for these analyses by defining a broad family of metric spaces that\n", " quantify representational dissimilarity. Using this framework we modify\n", " existing representational similarity measures based on canonical correlation\n", " analysis to satisfy the triangle inequality, formulate a novel metric that\n", " respects the inductive biases in convolutional layers, and identify approximate\n", " Euclidean embeddings that enable network representations to be incorporated\n", " into essentially any off-the-shelf machine learning method. We demonstrate\n", " these methods on large-scale datasets from biology (Allen Institute Brain\n", " Observatory) and deep learning (NAS-Bench-101). In doing so, we identify\n", " relationships between neural representations that are interpretable in terms of\n", " anatomical features and model performance.,\n", " We consider stochastic convex optimization for heavy-tailed data with the\n", " guarantee of being differentially private (DP). Prior work on this problem is\n", " restricted to the gradient descent (GD) method, which is inefficient for\n", " large-scale problems. In this paper, we resolve this issue and derive the first\n", " high-probability bounds for the private stochastic method with clipping. For\n", " general convex problems, we derive excess population risks\n", " $\\Tilde{O}\\left(\\frac{d^{1/7}\\sqrt{\\ln\\frac{(n \\epsilon)^2}{\\beta\n", " d}}}{(n\\epsilon)^{2/7}}\\right)$ and\n", " $\\Tilde{O}\\left(\\frac{d^{1/7}\\ln\\frac{(n\\epsilon)^2}{\\beta\n", " d}}{(n\\epsilon)^{2/7}}\\right)$ under bounded or unbounded domain assumption,\n", " respectively (here $n$ is the sample size, $d$ is the dimension of the data,\n", " $\\beta$ is the confidence level and $\\epsilon$ is the private level). Then, we\n", " extend our analysis to the strongly convex case and non-smooth case (which\n", " works for generalized smooth objectives with H$\\ddot{\\text{o}}$lder-continuous\n", " gradients). We establish new excess risk bounds without bounded domain\n", " assumption. The results above achieve lower excess risks and gradient\n", " complexities than existing methods in their corresponding cases. Numerical\n", " experiments are conducted to justify the theoretical improvement.,\n", " We present an iterative algorithm to count Feynman diagrams via many-body\n", " relations. The algorithm allows us to count the number of diagrams of the exact\n", " solution for the general fermionic many-body problem at each order in the\n", " interaction. Further, we apply it to different parquet-type approximations and\n", " consider spin-resolved diagrams in the Hubbard model. Low-order results and\n", " asymptotics are explicitly discussed for various vertex functions and different\n", " two-particle channels. The algorithm can easily be implemented and generalized\n", " to many-body relations of different forms and levels of approximation.,\n", " We introduce and study $\\ell^2$ spaces of homeomorphisms of the circle (up to\n", " M\\\"obius transformations) with respect to two modular coordinates, namely\n", " shears and diamond shears along the edges of the Farey tessellation. Shears and\n", " diamond shears are related combinatorially, and the latter is closely related\n", " to the $\\log \\Lambda$-lengths of decorated universal Teichm\\\"uller space\n", " introduced by R.~Penner. We obtain sharp results comparing these new classes to\n", " the Weil-Petersson class and H\\\"older classes of circle homeomorphisms. We also\n", " express the Weil-Petersson metric tensor and symplectic form in terms of\n", " infinitesimal shears and diamond shears.,\n", " Stochastic field equations for linearized gravity are presented. The theory\n", " is compared with the usual quantum field theory and questions of Lorentz\n", " covariance are discussed. The classical radiation approximation is also\n", " presented.,\n", " Soft-matter systems when driven out-of-equilibrium often give rise to\n", " structures that usually lie in-between the macroscopic scale of the material\n", " and microscopic scale of its constituents. In this paper we review three such\n", " systems, the two-dimensional square-lattice Ising model, the Kuramoto model and\n", " the Rayleigh-B\\'enard convection system which when driven out-of-equilibrium\n", " give rise to emergent spatio-temporal order through self-organization. A common\n", " feature of these systems is that the entities that self-organize are coupled to\n", " one another in some way, either through local interactions or through a\n", " continuous media. Therefore, the general nature of non-equilibrium fluctuations\n", " of the intrinsic variables in these systems are found to follow similar trends\n", " as order emerges. Through this paper, we attempt to find connections between\n", " these systems, and systems in general which give rise to emergent order when\n", " driven out-of-equilibrium.,\n", " It is a well known result that the scalar field is composed of two chiral\n", " particles (Floreanini-Jackiw particles) of opposite chiralities. Also, that a\n", " Siegel particle spectrum is formed by a nonmover field (a Hull's noton) and a\n", " FJ particle. In this work we show that in a scalar field spectrum, in a curved\n", " expanding universe scenario, we can find two dynamical chiral fields.,\n", " The highly efficient, easy-to-implement, long-ranged and non-destructive way\n", " to realize active pumping has been still a great challenge. Here, using\n", " molecular dynamics simulations, terahertz electromagnetic wave (TEW) is firstly\n", " employed to stimulate an active pump for water transportation by biasedly\n", " irradiated in a (6,6) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) under no external\n", " pressure gradient. It is found that an ultrafast conductivity (up to 9.5 /ns)\n", " through the pump around a characteristic frequency of 14 THz. The excellent\n", " pumping ability is attributed to the resonance coupling between the TEW and\n", " water molecules, in which water molecules can gain considerable energy\n", " continuously to break the binding of hydrogen bonds and the spatial symmetry.\n", " This proposed TEW-driven pump concept will offer a guide in polar molecule\n", " transport through artificial or biological nanochannels, particularly in a\n", " controllable, non-contact and large-scale process.,\n", " Classical dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) is one of the\n", " cornerstones of modern statistical mechanics. It is an extension of the highly\n", " successful method of classical density functional theory (DFT) to\n", " nonequilibrium systems. Originally developed for the treatment of simple and\n", " complex fluids, DDFT is now applied in fields as diverse as hydrodynamics,\n", " materials science, chemistry, biology, and plasma physics. In this review, we\n", " give a broad overview over classical DDFT. We explain its theoretical\n", " foundations and the ways in which it can be derived. The relations between the\n", " different forms of deterministic and stochastic DDFT as well as between DDFT\n", " and related theories, such as quantum-mechanical time-dependent DFT, mode\n", " coupling theory, and phase field crystal models, are clarified. Moreover, we\n", " discuss the wide spectrum of extensions of DDFT, which covers methods with\n", " additional order parameters (like extended DDFT), exact approaches (like power\n", " functional theory), and systems with more complex dynamics (like active\n", " matter). Finally, the large variety of applications, ranging from fluid\n", " mechanics and polymer physics to solidification, pattern formation, biophysics,\n", " and electrochemistry, is presented.,\n", " The ongoing exploration of the ambiguous boundary between the quantum and the\n", " classical worlds has spurred substantial developments in quantum science and\n", " technology. Recently, the nonclassicality of dynamical processes has been\n", " proposed from a quantum-information-theoretic perspective, in terms of\n", " witnessing nonclassical correlations with Hamiltonian ensemble simulations. To\n", " acquire insights into the quantum-dynamical mechanism of the process\n", " nonclassicality, here we propose to investigate the nonclassicality of the\n", " electron spin free-induction-decay process associated with an NV$^-$ center. By\n", " controlling the nuclear spin precession dynamics via an external magnetic field\n", " and nuclear spin polarization, it is possible to manipulate the dynamical\n", " behavior of the electron spin, showing a transition between classicality and\n", " nonclassicality. We propose an explanation of the classicality-nonclassicality\n", " transition in terms of the nuclear spin precession axis orientation and\n", " dynamics. We have also performed a series of numerical simulations supporting\n", " our findings. Consequently, we can attribute the nonclassical trait of the\n", " electron spin dynamics to the behavior of nuclear spin precession dynamics.,\n", " We study the behaviour of Laplace-type operators H on a complex vector bundle\n", " E $\\rightarrow$ M in the adiabatic limit of the base space. This space is a\n", " fibre bundle M $\\rightarrow$ B with compact fibres and the limit corresponds to\n", " blowing up directions perpendicular to the fibres by a factor 1/$\\epsilon$.\n", " Under a gap condition on the fibre-wise eigenvalues we prove existence of\n", " effective operators that provide asymptotics to any order in $\\epsilon$ for H\n", " (with Dirichlet boundary conditions), on an appropriate almost-invariant\n", " subspace of L${}^2$(E).,\n", " We report Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) , Very Large Telescope (VLT)\n", " and Spitzer Space Telescope observations of ESO 184$-$G82, the host galaxy of\n", " GRB 980425/SN 1998bw, that yield evidence of a companion dwarf galaxy at a\n", " projected distance of 13 kpc. The companion, hereafter GALJ193510-524947, is a\n", " gas-rich, star-forming galaxy with a star formation rate of\n", " $\\rm0.004\\,M_{\\odot}\\, yr^{-1}$, a gas mass of $10^{7.1\\pm0.1} M_{\\odot}$, and\n", " a stellar mass of $10^{7.0\\pm0.3} M_{\\odot}$. The interaction between ESO\n", " 184$-$G82 and GALJ193510-524947 is evident from the extended gaseous structure\n", " between the two galaxies in the GMRT HI 21 cm map. We find a ring of high\n", " column density HI gas, passing through the actively star forming regions of ESO\n", " 184$-$G82 and the GRB location. This ring lends support to the picture in which\n", " ESO 184$-$G82 is interacting with GALJ193510-524947. The massive stars in\n", " GALJ193510-524947 have similar ages to those in star-forming regions in ESO\n", " 184$-$G82, also suggesting that the interaction may have triggered star\n", " formation in both galaxies. The gas and star formation properties of ESO\n", " 184$-$G82 favour a head-on collision with GALJ193510-524947 rather than a\n", " classical tidal interaction. We perform state-of-the art simulations of\n", " dwarf--dwarf mergers and confirm that the observed properties of ESO 184$-$G82\n", " can be reproduced by collision with a small companion galaxy. This is a very\n", " clear case of interaction in a gamma ray burst host galaxy, and of\n", " interaction-driven star formation giving rise to a gamma ray burst in a dense\n", " environment.,\n", " The inverted band structure discovered in InAs/GaSb quantum well (QW) is\n", " found to host the topological quantum spin Hall (QSH) states. A QSH insulator\n", " hosts counterpropagating spin-polarized edge states that are protected by the\n", " time-reversal symmetry. The latest experiment reported a robust quantized Hall\n", " conductance arising from these QSH states that persists in an in-plane magnetic\n", " field as strong as $12$ Tesla. Based on the result of this experiment, we\n", " present here a precise calculation of the effective in-plane Lande-\\textit{g}\n", " factor. We based our calculations on the tight-binding Hamiltonian projected on\n", " a square lattice that reproduces a slightly modified Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang\n", " (BHZ) Hamiltonian. We also study the topological phase transitions\n", " \\textit{w.r.t.} a magnetic doping. At suitable doping, one type of spin states\n", " penetrate to the bulk of the QW and the system also enters the Quantum\n", " Anomalous Hall (QAH) state. We further confirm this through the calculations of\n", " quantum Hall conductance which shows a plateau at $e^2/h$ rather than $2e^2/h$\n", " at such a doping state. The paper predicts a certain range of controllable\n", " parameters in an inverted QW for enabling a dissipationless charge transport\n", " needed for spintronics application.,\n", " The AMANDA (Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array) detector, located at\n", " the South Pole station, Antarctica, was recently expanded with the addition of\n", " six new strings, completing the phase referred to as AMANDA-II. This detector\n", " has been calibrated and in operation since January 2000. The first data\n", " analyses are currently underway. In this report we present an update on the\n", " results from the AMANDA-B10 detector, which operated during the austral winter\n", " 1997.,\n", " Proteins and nucleic acids can spontaneously self-assemble into membraneless\n", " droplet-like compartments, both in vitro and in vivo. A key component of these\n", " droplets are multi-valent proteins that possess several adhesive domains with\n", " specific interaction partners (whose number determines total valency of the\n", " protein) separated by disordered regions. Here, using multi-scale simulations\n", " we show that such proteins self-organize into micro-phase separated droplets of\n", " various sizes as opposed to the Flory-like macro-phase separated equilibrium\n", " state of homopolymers or equilibrium physical gels. We show that the\n", " micro-phase separated state is a dynamic outcome of the interplay between two\n", " competing processes: a diffusion-limited encounter between proteins, and the\n", " dynamics within small clusters that results in exhaustion of available\n", " valencies whereby all specifically interacting domains find their interacting\n", " partners within smaller clusters, leading to arrested phase separation. We\n", " first model these multi-valent chains as bead-spring polymers with multiple\n", " adhesive domains separated by semi-flexible linkers and use Langevin Dynamics\n", " (LD) to assess how key timescales depend on the molecular properties of\n", " associating polymers. Using the time-scales from LD simulations, we develop a\n", " coarse-grained kinetic model to study this phenomenon at longer times.\n", " Consistent with LD simulations, the macro-phase separated state was only\n", " observed at high concentrations and large interaction valencies. Further, in\n", " the regime where cluster sizes approach macro-phase separation, the condensed\n", " phase becomes dynamically solid-like, suggesting that it might no longer be\n", " biologically functional. Therefore, the micro-phase separated state could be a\n", " hallmark of functional droplets formed by proteins with the sticker-spacer\n", " architecture.,\n", " Let $\\Phi$ be a correspondence from a normed vector space $X$ into itself,\n", " let $u: X\\to \\mathbf{R}$ be a function, and $\\mathcal{I}$ be an ideal on\n", " $\\mathbf{N}$. Also, assume that the restriction of $u$ on the fixed points of\n", " $\\Phi$ has a unique maximizer $\\eta^\\star$. Then, we consider feasible paths\n", " $(x_0,x_1,\\ldots)$ with values in $X$ such that $x_{n+1} \\in \\Phi(x_n)$ for all\n", " $n\\ge 0$. Under certain additional conditions, we prove the following turnpike\n", " result: every feasible path $(x_0,x_1,\\ldots)$ which maximizes the smallest\n", " $\\mathcal{I}$-cluster point of the sequence $(u(x_0),u(x_1),\\ldots)$ is\n", " necessarily $\\mathcal{I}$-convergent to $\\eta^\\star$.\n", " We provide examples that, on the one hand, justify the hypotheses of our\n", " result and, on the other hand, prove that we are including new cases which were\n", " previously not considered in the related literature.,\n", " It is often the case that a covering map of the open annulus is semiconjugate\n", " to a map of the circle of the same degree. We investigate this possibility and\n", " its consequences on the dynamics. In particular, we address the problem of the\n", " classification up to conjugacy. However, there are examples which are not\n", " semiconjugate to a map of the circle, and this opens new questions.,\n", " Vibration-based quality monitoring of manufactured components often employs\n", " pattern recognition methods. Albeit developing several classification methods,\n", " they usually provide high accuracy for specific types of datasets, but not for\n", " general cases. In this paper, this issue has been addressed by developing a\n", " novel ensemble classifier based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. To\n", " deal with conflicting evidences, three remedies are proposed prior to\n", " combination: (i) selection of proper classifiers by evaluating the relevancy\n", " between the predicted and target outputs, (ii) devising an optimization method\n", " to minimize the distance between the predicted and target outputs, (iii)\n", " utilizing five different weighting factors, including a new one, to enhance the\n", " fusion performance. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is validated by\n", " its application to 15 UCI and KEEL machine learning datasets. It is then\n", " applied to two vibration-based datasets to detect defected samples: one\n", " synthetic dataset generated from the finite element model of a dogbone\n", " cylinder, and one real experimental dataset generated by collecting broadband\n", " vibrational response of polycrystalline Nickel alloy first-stage turbine\n", " blades. The investigation is made through statistical analysis in presence of\n", " different levels of noise-to-signal ratio. Comparing the results with those of\n", " four state-of-the-art fusion techniques reveals the good performance of the\n", " proposed ensemble method.,\n", " \"What are the consequences ... that Fermi particles cannot get into the same\n", " state ... \" R. P. Feynman wrote of the Pauli exclusion principle, \"In fact,\n", " almost all the peculiarities of the material world hinge on this wonderful\n", " fact.\" In 1972 Borland and Dennis showed that there exist powerful constraints\n", " beyond the Pauli exclusion principle on the orbital occupations of Fermi\n", " particles, providing important restrictions on quantum correlation and\n", " entanglement. Here we use computations on quantum computers to experimentally\n", " verify the existence of these additional constraints. Quantum many-fermion\n", " states are randomly prepared on the quantum computer and tested for constraint\n", " violations. Measurements show no violation and confirm the generalized Pauli\n", " exclusion principle with an error of one part in one quintillion.,\n", " In this paper we work in the context of Teleparallelism Equivalent to General\n", " Relativity (TEGR) in order to construct the energy-momentum flux for\n", " G\\\"odel-type solutions of Einstein's equations. We use an stationary observer,\n", " which is settled by the tetrad choice, to obtain the gravitational pressure for\n", " each direction of space in cartesian coordinates. Then we write down the total\n", " pressure for each direction in terms of the pressure of the fluid, thus we are\n", " able to identify role of the gravitational pressure.,\n", " Reinforcement Learning (RL) can model complex behavior policies for\n", " goal-directed sequential decision making tasks. A hallmark of RL algorithms is\n", " Temporal Difference (TD) learning: value function for the current state is\n", " moved towards a bootstrapped target that is estimated using next state's value\n", " function. $\\lambda$-returns generalize beyond 1-step returns and strike a\n", " balance between Monte Carlo and TD learning methods. While lambda-returns have\n", " been extensively studied in RL, they haven't been explored a lot in Deep RL.\n", " This paper's first contribution is an exhaustive benchmarking of\n", " lambda-returns. Although mathematically tractable, the use of exponentially\n", " decaying weighting of n-step returns based targets in lambda-returns is a\n", " rather ad-hoc design choice. Our second major contribution is that we propose a\n", " generalization of lambda-returns called Confidence-based Autodidactic Returns\n", " (CAR), wherein the RL agent learns the weighting of the n-step returns in an\n", " end-to-end manner. This allows the agent to learn to decide how much it wants\n", " to weigh the n-step returns based targets. In contrast, lambda-returns restrict\n", " RL agents to use an exponentially decaying weighting scheme. Autodidactic\n", " returns can be used for improving any RL algorithm which uses TD learning. We\n", " empirically demonstrate that using sophisticated weighted mixtures of\n", " multi-step returns (like CAR and lambda-returns) considerably outperforms the\n", " use of n-step returns. We perform our experiments on the Asynchronous Advantage\n", " Actor Critic (A3C) algorithm in the Atari 2600 domain.,\n", " In this paper, we propose a generalized framework that combines the cognitive\n", " radio (CR) techniques for spectrum sharing and the simultaneous wireless\n", " information and power transfer (SWIPT) for energy harvesting (EH) in the\n", " conventional multi-user MIMO (MuMIMO) channels, which leads to an\n", " MuMIMO-CR-SWIPT network. In this system, we have one secondary base-station\n", " (S-BS) that supports multiple secondary information decoding (S-ID) and\n", " secondary EH (S-EH) users simultaneously under the condition that interference\n", " power that affects the primary ID (P-ID) receivers should stay below a certain\n", " threshold. The goal of the paper is to develop a generalized precoder design\n", " that maximizes the sum-utility cost function under the transmit power\n", " constraint at the S-BS, and the EH constraint at each S-EH user, and the\n", " interference power constraint at each P-ID user. Therefore, the previous\n", " studies for the CR and SWIPT systems are casted as particular solutions of the\n", " proposed framework. The problem is inherently non-convex and even the weighted\n", " minimum mean squared error (WMMSE) transformation does not resolve the\n", " non-convexity of the original problem. To tackle the problem, we find a\n", " solution from the dual optimization via sub-gradient ellipsoid method based on\n", " the observation that the WMMSE transformation raises zero-duality gap between\n", " the primal and the dual problems. We also propose a simplified algorithm for\n", " the case of a single S-ID user, which is shown to achieve the global optimum.\n", " Finally, we demonstrate the optimality and efficiency of the proposed\n", " algorithms through numerical simulation results.,\n", " We present a new proof of an algebraic characterization of circle graphs due\n", " to W. Naji. For bipartite graphs, Naji's theorem is equivalent to an algebraic\n", " characterization of planar matroids due to J. Geelen and B. Gerards. Naji's\n", " theorem also yields an algebraic characterization of permutation graphs.,\n", " We show that inflation can naturally occur at a finite temperature T>H that\n", " is sustained by dissipative effects, when the inflaton field corresponds to a\n", " pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of a broken gauge symmetry. Similarly to \"Little\n", " Higgs\" scenarios for electroweak symmetry breaking, the flatness of the\n", " inflaton potential is protected against both quadratic divergences and the\n", " leading thermal corrections. We show that, nevertheless, nonlocal dissipative\n", " effects are naturally present and are able to sustain a nearly thermal bath of\n", " light particles despite the accelerated expansion of the Universe. As an\n", " example, we discuss the dynamics of chaotic warm inflation with a quartic\n", " potential and show that the associated observational predictions are in very\n", " good agreement with the latest Planck results. This model constitutes the first\n", " realization of warm inflation requiring only a small number of fields; in\n", " particular, the inflaton is directly coupled to just two light fields.,\n", " Deep Learning (DL) acceleration support in CPUs has recently gained a lot of\n", " traction, with several companies (Arm, Intel, IBM) announcing products with\n", " specialized matrix engines accessible via GEMM instructions. CPUs are pervasive\n", " and need to handle diverse requirements across DL workloads running in\n", " edge/HPC/cloud platforms. Therefore, as DL workloads embrace sparsity to reduce\n", " the computations and memory size of models, it is also imperative for CPUs to\n", " add support for sparsity to avoid under-utilization of the dense matrix engine\n", " and inefficient usage of the caches and registers. This work presents VEGETA, a\n", " set of ISA and microarchitecture extensions over dense matrix engines to\n", " support flexible structured sparsity for CPUs, enabling programmable support\n", " for diverse DL models with varying degrees of sparsity. Compared to the\n", " state-of-the-art (SOTA) dense matrix engine in CPUs, a VEGETA engine provides\n", " 1.09x, 2.20x, 3.74x, and 3.28x speed-ups when running 4:4 (dense), 2:4, 1:4,\n", " and unstructured (95%) sparse DNN layers.,\n", " The acute disparity between increasing bandwidth demand and available\n", " spectrum, has brought millimeter wave (mmW) bands to the forefront of candidate\n", " solutions for the next-generation cellular networks. Highly directional\n", " transmissions are essential for cellular communication in these frequencies to\n", " compensate for high isotropic path loss. This reliance on directional\n", " beamforming, however, complicates initial cell search since the mobile and base\n", " station must jointly search over a potentially large angular directional space\n", " to locate a suitable path to initiate communication. To address this problem,\n", " this paper proposes a directional cell discovery procedure where base stations\n", " periodically transmit synchronization signals, potentially in time-varying\n", " random directions, to scan the angular space. Detectors for these signals are\n", " derived based on a Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) under various\n", " signal and receiver assumptions. The detectors are then simulated under\n", " realistic design parameters and channels based on actual experimental\n", " measurements at 28~GHz in New York City. The study reveals two key findings:\n", " (i) digital beamforming can significantly outperform analog beamforming even\n", " when the digital beamforming uses very low quantization to compensate for the\n", " additional power requirements; and (ii) omni-directional transmissions of the\n", " synchronization signals from the base station generally outperforms random\n", " directional scanning.,\n", " It was shown in [A. Azimifard, E. Samei, N. Spronk, JFA 2009; arxiv\n", " 0805.3685] that the ZL-amenability constant of a finite group is always at\n", " least 1, with equality if and only if the group is abelian. It was also shown\n", " in the same paper that for any finite non-abelian group this invariant is at\n", " least 301/300, but the proof relies crucially on a deep result of D. A. Rider\n", " on norms of central idempotents in group algebras.\n", " Here we show that if G is finite and non-abelian then its ZL-amenability\n", " constant is at least 7/4, which is known to be best possible. We avoid use of\n", " Rider's result, by analyzing the cases where G is just non-abelian, using\n", " calculations from [M. Alaghmandan, Y. Choi, E. Samei, CMB 2014; arxiv\n", " 1302.1929], and establishing a new estimate for groups with trivial centre.,\n", " We present a novel method for sampling iso-likelihood contours in nested\n", " sampling using a type of machine learning algorithm known as normalising flows\n", " and incorporate it into our sampler nessai. Nessai is designed for problems\n", " where computing the likelihood is computationally expensive and therefore the\n", " cost of training a normalising flow is offset by the overall reduction in the\n", " number of likelihood evaluations. We validate our sampler on 128 simulated\n", " gravitational wave signals from compact binary coalescence and show that it\n", " produces unbiased estimates of the system parameters. Subsequently, we compare\n", " our results to those obtained with dynesty and find good agreement between the\n", " computed log-evidences whilst requiring 2.07 times fewer likelihood\n", " evaluations. We also highlight how the likelihood evaluation can be\n", " parallelised in nessai without any modifications to the algorithm. Finally, we\n", " outline diagnostics included in nessai and how these can be used to tune the\n", " sampler's settings.,\n", " MagAO-X is an extreme adaptive optics (ExAO) instrument for the Magellan Clay\n", " 6.5-meter telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Its high spatial and\n", " temporal resolution can produce data rates of 1 TB/hr or more, including all AO\n", " system telemetry and science images. We describe the tools and architecture we\n", " use for commanding, telemetry, and science data transmission and storage. The\n", " high data volumes require a distributed approach to data processing, and we\n", " have developed a pipeline that can scale from a single laptop to dozens of HPC\n", " nodes. The same codebase can then be used for both quick-look functionality at\n", " the telescope and for post-processing. We present the software and\n", " infrastructure we have developed for ExAO data post-processing, and illustrate\n", " their use with recently acquired direct-imaging data.,\n", " Understanding alloy phase transformations during continuous cooling is\n", " important for post-processing design and optimization. In this work,\n", " continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) diagrams of Inconel 718 alloys\n", " manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and suction casting are\n", " developed under different homogenization conditions. Unlike the available CCT\n", " diagrams in the reported studies, no gamma double prime and gamma prime\n", " precipitates can be observed. NbC and delta are determined to be the\n", " precipitates after cooling from the gamma matrix. Importantly, homogenization\n", " time and manufacturing methods are found to affect the Nb homogeneity in the\n", " matrix near NbC particles and thus significantly influence the precipitation\n", " process of the delta phase, which has a high content in Nb. In the alloys with\n", " high Nb homogeneity, the nucleation process mainly contributes to the\n", " precipitation, whereas in the alloys with low Nb homogeneity, the precipitation\n", " is primarily associated with the growth process. Subgrains are found to form\n", " after cooling at 0.1 K/s and can cause the highest hardness in samples. This\n", " work provides a new viewpoint on the study of processing-structure-property\n", " relationships during cooling in Inconel 718 and is beneficial to the\n", " development of alloy post-processing strategies.,\n", " Piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs) are a type of\n", " continuous-time Markov process that combine deterministic flows with jumps.\n", " Recently, PDMPs have garnered attention within the Monte Carlo community as a\n", " potential alternative to traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.\n", " The Zig-Zag sampler and the Bouncy particle sampler are commonly used examples\n", " of the PDMP methodology which have also yielded impressive theoretical\n", " properties, but little is known about their robustness to extreme dependence or\n", " isotropy of the target density. It turns out that PDMPs may suffer from poor\n", " mixing due to anisotropy and this paper investigates this effect in detail in\n", " the stylised but important Gaussian case. To this end, we employ a multi-scale\n", " analysis framework in this paper. Our results show that when the Gaussian\n", " target distribution has two scales, of order $1$ and $\\epsilon$, the\n", " computational cost of the Bouncy particle sampler is of order $\\epsilon^{-1}$,\n", " and the computational cost of the Zig-Zag sampler is either $\\epsilon^{-1}$ or\n", " $\\epsilon^{-2}$, depending on the target distribution. In comparison, the cost\n", " of the traditional MCMC methods such as RWM or MALA is of order\n", " $\\epsilon^{-2}$, at least when the dimensionality of the small component is\n", " more than $1$. Therefore, there is a robustness advantage to using PDMPs in\n", " this context.,\n", " $K^*(892)^0\\bar K^*(892)^0$ signals from $\\chi_{cJ} (J=0,1,2)$ decays are\n", " observed for the first time using a data sample of 14 million $\\psi(2S)$ events\n", " accumulated at the BES II detector. The branching fractions ${\\cal\n", " B}(\\chi_{cJ}\\to K^*(892)^0\\bar K^*(892)^0)$ $(J = 0,1,2)$ are determined to be\n", " $(1.55 \\pm 0.35 \\pm 0.30)\\times 10^{-3}$, $(1.58 \\pm 0.32 \\pm 0.29)\\times\n", " 10^{-3}$, and $(4.67 \\pm 0.55 \\pm 0.85)\\times 10^{-3}$ for the $\\chi_{c0}$,\n", " $\\chi_{c1}$ and $\\chi_{c2}$ decays, respectively, where the first errors are\n", " statistical and the second are systematic. The significances of these signals\n", " are about 4.2$\\sigma$, 4.3$\\sigma$, and 7.5$\\sigma$, respectively.,\n", " The light field camera is useful for computer graphics and vision\n", " applications. Calibration is an essential step for these applications. After\n", " calibration, we can rectify the captured image by using the calibrated camera\n", " parameters. However, the large camera array calibration method, which assumes\n", " that all cameras are on the same plane, ignores the orientation and intrinsic\n", " parameters. The multi-camera calibration technique usually assumes that the\n", " working volume and viewpoints are fixed. In this paper, we describe a\n", " calibration algorithm suitable for a mobile camera array based light field\n", " acquisition system. The algorithm performs in Zhang's style by moving a\n", " checkerboard, and computes the initial parameters in closed form. Global\n", " optimization is then applied to refine all the parameters simultaneously. Our\n", " implementation is rather flexible in that users can assign the number of\n", " viewpoints and refinement of intrinsic parameters is optional. Experiments on\n", " both simulated data and real data acquired by a commercial product show that\n", " our method yields good results. Digital refocusing application shows the\n", " calibrated light field can well focus to the target object we desired.,\n", " For distributed learning among collaborative users, this paper develops and\n", " analyzes a communication-efficient scheme for federated learning (FL) over the\n", " air, which incorporates 1-bit compressive sensing (CS) into analog aggregation\n", " transmissions. To facilitate design parameter optimization, we theoretically\n", " analyze the efficacy of the proposed scheme by deriving a closed-form\n", " expression for the expected convergence rate of the FL over the air. Our\n", " theoretical results reveal the tradeoff between convergence performance and\n", " communication efficiency as a result of the aggregation errors caused by\n", " sparsification, dimension reduction, quantization, signal reconstruction and\n", " noise. Then, we formulate 1-bit CS based FL over the air as a joint\n", " optimization problem to mitigate the impact of these aggregation errors through\n", " joint optimal design of worker scheduling and power scaling policy. An\n", " enumeration-based method is proposed to solve this non-convex problem, which is\n", " optimal but becomes computationally infeasible as the number of devices\n", " increases. For scalable computing, we resort to the alternating direction\n", " method of multipliers (ADMM) technique to develop an efficient implementation\n", " that is suitable for large-scale networks. Simulation results show that our\n", " proposed 1-bit CS based FL over the air achieves comparable performance to the\n", " ideal case where conventional FL without compression and quantification is\n", " applied over error-free aggregation, at much reduced communication overhead and\n", " transmission latency.,\n", " We study the structure of CP violating phases in the seesaw model. We find\n", " that the $3\\times 6$ MNS matrix contains six independent phases, three of which\n", " are identified as a Dirac phase and two Majorana phases in the light neutrino\n", " sector while the remaining three arise from the mixing of the light neutrinos\n", " and heavy neutrinos. We show how to determine these phases from physical\n", " observables.,\n", " We present an alternative model of coronal-loop oscillations which considers\n", " that the waves are trapped in a 2D waveguide formed by the entire arcade of\n", " field lines. This differs from the standard 1D model which treats the waves as\n", " the resonant oscillations of just the visible bundle of field lines. Within the\n", " framework of our 2D model, the two types of oscillations that have been\n", " observationally identified, flare-induced waves and \"decayless\" oscillations,\n", " can both be attributed to MHD fast waves. The two components of the signal\n", " differ only because of the duration and spatial extent of the source that\n", " creates them. The flare-induced waves are generated by strong localized sources\n", " of short duration, while the decayless background can be excited by a\n", " continuous, stochastic source. Further, the oscillatory signal arising from a\n", " localized, short-duration source can be interpreted as a pattern of\n", " interference fringes produced by waves that have traveled diverse routes of\n", " various pathlengths through the waveguide. The resulting amplitude of the\n", " fringes slowly decays in time with an inverse square root dependence. The\n", " details of the interference pattern depend on the shape of the arcade and the\n", " spatial variation of the Alfv\\'en speed. The rapid decay of this wave\n", " component, which has previously been attributed to physical damping mechanisms\n", " that remove energy from resonant oscillations, occurs as a natural consequence\n", " of the interference process without the need for local dissipation.,\n", " We discuss generalizations of the Langlands program, from reductive groups to\n", " the local and automorphic spectra of spherical varieties, and to more general\n", " representations arising as \"quantizations\" of suitable Hamiltonian spaces. To a\n", " spherical $G$-variety $X$, one associates a dual group ${^LG_X}$ and an\n", " $L$-value (encoded in a representation of ${^LG_X}$), which conjecturally\n", " describe the local and automorphic spectra of the variety. This sets up a\n", " problem of functoriality, for any morphism ${^LG_X}\\to {^LG_Y}$ of dual groups.\n", " We review, and generalize, Langlands' \"beyond endoscopy\" approach to this\n", " problem. Then, we describe the cotangent bundles of quotient stacks of the\n", " relative trace formula, and show that transfer operators of functoriality\n", " between relative trace formulas in rank 1 can be interpreted as a change of\n", " \"geometric quantization\" for these cotangent stacks.,\n", " Due to its applications in many different places in machine learning and\n", " other connected engineering applications, the problem of minimization of a\n", " smooth function that satisfies the Polyak-{\\L}ojasiewicz condition receives\n", " much attention from researchers. Recently, for this problem, the authors of\n", " recent work proposed an adaptive gradient-type method using an inexact\n", " gradient. The adaptivity took place only with respect to the Lipschitz constant\n", " of the gradient. In this paper, for problems with the Polyak-{\\L}ojasiewicz\n", " condition, we propose a full adaptive algorithm, which means that the\n", " adaptivity takes place with respect to the Lipschitz constant of the gradient\n", " and the level of the noise in the gradient. We provide a detailed analysis of\n", " the convergence of the proposed algorithm and an estimation of the distance\n", " from the starting point to the output point of the algorithm. Numerical\n", " experiments and comparisons are presented to illustrate the advantages of the\n", " proposed algorithm in some examples.,\n", " The investigation of solar cells degradation and the prediction of its\n", " end-of-life performance is of primary importance in the preparation of a space\n", " mission. In the present work, we investigate the reduction of solar-cells'\n", " maximum power resulting from irradiations with electrons and protons. Both GaAs\n", " single junction and GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple junction solar cells were studied. The\n", " results obtained indicate how i) the dominant radiation damaging mechanism is\n", " due to atomic displacements, ii) the relative maximum power degradation is\n", " almost independent of the type of incoming particle, i.e., iii) to a first\n", " approximation, the fitted semi-empirical function expressing the decrease of\n", " maximum power depends only on the absorbed NIEL dose, and iv) the actual\n", " displacement threshold energy value (Ed=21 eV) accounts for annealing\n", " treatments, mostly due to self-annealing induced effects. Thus, for a given\n", " type of solar cell, a unique maximum power degradation curve can be determined\n", " as a function of the absorbed NIEL dose. The latter expression allows one to\n", " predict the performance of those solar cells in space radiation environment.,\n", " There is an interpretation of open string field theory in algebraic topology.\n", " An interpretation of closed string field theory can be deduced from this open\n", " string theory to obtain as well the interpretation of open and closed string\n", " field theory combined.,\n", " Saturation is (mu,kappa)-transferable in T if and only if there is an\n", " expansion T_1 of T with |T_1| = |T| such that if M is a mu-saturated model of\n", " T_1 and |M| \\geq kappa then the reduct M|L(T) is kappa-saturated. We\n", " characterize theories which are superstable without the finite cover property\n", " (f.c.p.), or without f.c.p. as, respectively those where saturation is\n", " (aleph_0,lambda)-transferable or (kappa(T),lambda)-transferable for all lambda.\n", " Further if for some mu \\geq |T|, 2^mu > mu^+, stability is equivalent to: or\n", " all mu \\geq |T|, saturation is (\\mu,2^mu)-transferable.,\n", " A relational structure is called reversible iff every bijective endomorphism\n", " of that structure is an automorphism. We give several equivalents of that\n", " property in the class of disconnected binary structures and some its\n", " subclasses. For example, roughly speaking and denoting the set of integers by\n", " ${\\mathbb Z}$, a structure having reversible components is reversible iff its\n", " components can not be \"merged\" by condensations (bijective homomorphisms) and\n", " each ${\\mathbb Z}$-sequence of condensations between different components must\n", " be, in fact, a sequence of isomorphisms. We also give equivalents of\n", " reversibility in some special classes of structures. For example, we\n", " characterize CSB linear orders of a limit type and show that a disjoint union\n", " of such linear orders is a reversible poset iff the corresponding sequence of\n", " order types is finite-to-one.,\n", " Instead of the invariant theory approach employed by Beloshaoka and Mamai for\n", " constructing the moduli spaces of Beloshapka's universal CR-models, we consider\n", " two alternative approaches borrowed from the theories of equivalence problem\n", " and Lie symmetries, each of them having its own advantages. Also the moduli\n", " space M(1,4) associated to the class of universal CR-models of CR-dimension 1\n", " and codimension 4 is computed by means of the presented methods.,\n", " We report experimental evidence of a Gardner-like transition from variable to\n", " persistent force contacts in a two-dimensional, bidisperse granular crystal by\n", " analyzing the variability of both particle positions and force networks formed\n", " under uniaxial compression. Starting from densities just above the freezing\n", " transition, and for variable amounts of additional compression, we compare\n", " configurations to both their own initial state, and to an ensemble of\n", " equivalent, reinitialized states. This protocol shows that force contacts are\n", " largely undetermined when the density is below a Gardner-like transition, after\n", " which they gradually transition to being persistent, being fully so only above\n", " the jamming point. We associate the disorder that underlies this effect to the\n", " size of the microscopic asperities of the photoelastic disks used, by analogy\n", " to other mechanisms that have been previously predicted theoretically.,\n", " We establish versions of the Positive Mass and Penrose inequalities for a\n", " class of asymptotically hyperbolic hypersurfaces. In particular, under the\n", " usual dominant energy condition, we prove in all dimensions $n\\geq 3$ an\n", " optimal Penrose inequality for certain graphs in hyperbolic space $\\mathbb\n", " H^{n+1}$ whose boundary has constant mean curvature $n-1$.,\n", " We discuss the known results and methods for determining root multiplicities\n", " for hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebras.,\n", " This article investigates classes of bounded sequences of complex numbers\n", " that are universally good for the ergodic Hilbert transform in L_p-spaces,\n", " 2\\leq p\\leq \\infty : The class of bounded Besicovitch sequences satisfying a\n", " rate condition is among such sequence classes.,\n", " We develop a microscopic transport theory in a randomly driven fermionic\n", " model with and without linear potential. The operator dynamics arise from the\n", " competition between noisy and static couplings, leading to diffusion regardless\n", " of ballistic transport or Stark localization in the clean limit. The universal\n", " diffusive behavior is attributed to a noise-induced bound state arising in the\n", " operator equations of motion at small momentum. By mapping the noise-averaged\n", " operator equation of motion to a one-dimensional non-hermitian hopping model,\n", " we analytically solve for the diffusion constant, which scales\n", " non-monotonically with noise strength, revealing regions of enhanced and\n", " suppressed diffusion from the interplay between onsite and bond dephasing\n", " noise, and a linear potential. For large onsite dephasing, the diffusion\n", " constant vanishes, indicating an emergent localization. On the other hand, the\n", " operator equation becomes the diffusion equation for strong bond dephasing and\n", " is unaffected by additional arbitrarily strong static terms that commute with\n", " the local charge, including density-density interactions. The bound state\n", " enters a continuum of scattering states at finite noise and vanishes. However,\n", " the bound state reemerges at an exceptional-like point in the spectrum after\n", " the bound-to-scattering state transition. We then characterize the fate of\n", " Stark localization in the presence of noise.,\n", " Using infrared data from the Herschel Space Observatory and Karl G. Jansky\n", " Very Large Array (VLA) 3 GHz observations in the COSMOS field, we investigate\n", " the redshift evolution of the infrared-radio correlation (IRRC) for\n", " star-forming galaxies (SFGs) we classify as either spheroid- or disc-dominated\n", " based on their morphology. The sample predominantly consists of disc galaxies\n", " with stellar mass ${\\gtrsim}10^{10}\\,M_{\\odot}$, and residing on the\n", " star-forming main sequence (MS). After the removal of AGN using standard\n", " approaches, we observe a significant difference between the redshift-evolution\n", " of the median IR/radio ratio $\\overline{q}_{\\mathrm{TIR}}$ of (i) a sample of\n", " ellipticals, plus discs with a substantial bulge component\n", " (`spheroid-dominated' SFGs) and, (ii) virtually pure discs and irregular\n", " systems (`disc-dominated' SFGs). The spheroid-dominated population follows a\n", " declining $\\overline{q}_{\\mathrm{TIR}}$ vs. $z$ trend similar to that measured\n", " in recent evolutionary studies of the IRRC. However, for disc-dominated\n", " galaxies, where radio and IR emission should be linked to star formation in the\n", " most straightforward way, we measure very little change in\n", " $\\overline{q}_{\\mathrm{TIR}}$. This suggests that low-redshift calibrations of\n", " radio emission as an SFR-tracer may remain valid out to at least\n", " $z\\,{\\simeq}\\,1\\,{-}\\,1.5$ for pure star-forming systems. We find that the\n", " different redshift-evolution of $q_{\\rm TIR}$ for the spheroid- and\n", " disc-dominated sample is mainly due to an increasing radio excess for\n", " spheroid-dominated galaxies at $z\\,{\\gtrsim}\\,$0.8, hinting at some residual\n", " AGN activity in these systems. This finding demonstrates that in the absence of\n", " AGN the IRRC is independent of redshift, and that radio observations can\n", " therefore be used to estimate SFRs at all redshifts for genuinely star-forming\n", " galaxies.,\n", " We study the high-energy limit of tree-level string production amplitudes\n", " from decaying D-branes in bosonic string theory, interpreting the vertex\n", " operators as external charges interacting with a Coulomb gas corresponding to\n", " the rolling tachyon background, and performing an electrostatic analysis. In\n", " particular, we consider two open string - one closed string amplitudes and four\n", " open string amplitudes, and calculate explicit formulas for the leading\n", " exponential behavior.,\n", " The AMS-02 detector is operating on the International Space Station since May\n", " 2011. More than 30 billion events have been collected by the instrument in the\n", " first two years of data taking. A precision measurement of the positron\n", " fraction and of the positron flux in primary cosmic rays up to 350 GeV, of the\n", " electron flux up to 500 GeV and of the combined electron plus positron flux up\n", " to 700 GeV are presented. The separate and combined electron and positron\n", " fluxes are preliminary and represent work in progress. Systematic uncertainties\n", " must still be investigated further.,\n", " We report deep Keck narrow-band Lya images of the luminous z > 3 radio\n", " galaxies 4C 41.17, 4C 60.07, and B2 0902+34. The images show giant, 100-200 kpc\n", " scale emission line nebulae, centered on these galaxies, which exhibit a wealth\n", " of morphological structure, including extended low surface brightness emission\n", " in the outer regions, radially directed filaments, cone-shaped structures and\n", " (indirect) evidence for extended Lya absorption. We discuss these features\n", " within a general scenario where the nebular gas cools gravitationally in large\n", " Cold Dark Matter (CDM) halos, forming stars and multiple stellar systems.\n", " Merging of these ``building'' blocks triggers large scale starbursts, forming\n", " the stellar bulges of massive radio galaxy hosts, and feeds super-massive black\n", " holes which produce the powerful radio jets and lobes. The radio sources,\n", " starburst superwinds and AGN radiation then disrupt the accretion process\n", " limiting galaxy and black hole growth, and imprint the observed filamentary and\n", " cone-shaped structures of the Lya nebulae.,\n", " We present an analysis of bulk and surface electronic structures of thallium\n", " based ternary III-V-VI$_2$ series of compounds TlMQ$_2$, where M=Bi or Sb and\n", " Q=S, Se or Te, using the ab initio density functional theory framework. Based\n", " on parity analysis and (111) surface electronic structure, we predict\n", " TlSbSe$_2$, TlSbTe$_2$, TlBiSe$_2$ and TlBiTe$_2$ to be non-trivial topological\n", " insulators with a single Dirac cone at the $\\Gamma$-point, and TlSbS$_2$ and\n", " TlBiS$_2$ to be trivial band insulators. Our predicted topological phases agree\n", " well with available angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)\n", " measurements, in particular the topological phase changes between TlBiSe$_2$\n", " and TlBiS$_2$. Moreover, we propose that Weyl semimetal can be realized at the\n", " topological critical point in TlBi(S$_{1-x}$Se$_x$)$_2$ and\n", " TlBi(S$_{1-x}$Te$_x$)$_2$ alloys by breaking the inversion symmetry in the\n", " layer by layer growth in the order of Tl-Se(Te)-Bi-S, yielding six Dirac cones\n", " centered along the $\\Gamma-L$ directions in the bulk band structure.,\n", " This article deals with nonwandering (e.g. area-preserving) homeomorphisms of\n", " the torus $\\mathbb{T}^2$ which are homotopic to the identity and strictly\n", " toral, in the sense that they exhibit dynamical properties that are not present\n", " in homeomorphisms of the annulus or the plane. This includes all homeomorphisms\n", " which have a rotation set with nonempty interior. We define two types of\n", " points: inessential and essential. The set of inessential points $ine(f)$ is\n", " shown to be a disjoint union of periodic topological disks (\"elliptic\n", " islands\"), while the set of essential points $ess(f)$ is an essential\n", " continuum, with typically rich dynamics (the \"chaotic region\"). This\n", " generalizes and improves a similar description by J\\\"ager. The key result is\n", " boundedness of these \"elliptic islands\", which allows, among other things, to\n", " obtain sharp (uniform) bounds of the diffusion rates. We also show that the\n", " dynamics in $ess(f)$ is as rich as in $\\mathbb{T}^2$ from the rotational\n", " viewpoint, and we obtain results relating the existence of large invariant\n", " topological disks to the abundance of fixed points.,\n", " We construct a nonlocal gauge invariant Lagrangian to model the\n", " electromagnetic interaction of proton. The Lagrangian includes all allowed\n", " operators with dimension up to five. We compute the two photon exchange\n", " contribution to elastic electron-proton scattering using this effective\n", " nonlocal Lagrangian. The one loop calculation in this model includes the\n", " standard box and cross box diagram with the standard on-shell form of the\n", " hadron electromagnetic vertices. Besides this we find an extra contribution\n", " which depends on an unknown constant. We use experimentally extracted form\n", " factors for our calculation. We find that the correction to the reduced cross\n", " section is slightly nonlinear as a function of the photon longitudinal\n", " polarization $\\epsilon$. The non-linearity seen is within the experimental\n", " error bars of the Rosenbluth data. The final result completely explains the\n", " difference between the form factor ratio $G_E/G_M$ extracted by Rosenbluth\n", " separation technique at SLAC and polarization transfer technique at JLAB.,\n", " Driven by massive amounts of data and important advances in computational\n", " resources, new deep learning systems have achieved outstanding results in a\n", " large spectrum of applications. Nevertheless, our current theoretical\n", " understanding on the mathematical foundations of deep learning lags far behind\n", " its empirical success. Towards solving the vulnerability of neural networks,\n", " however, the field of adversarial robustness has recently become one of the\n", " main sources of explanations of our deep models. In this article, we provide an\n", " in-depth review of the field of adversarial robustness in deep learning, and\n", " give a self-contained introduction to its main notions. But, in contrast to the\n", " mainstream pessimistic perspective of adversarial robustness, we focus on the\n", " main positive aspects that it entails. We highlight the intuitive connection\n", " between adversarial examples and the geometry of deep neural networks, and\n", " eventually explore how the geometric study of adversarial examples can serve as\n", " a powerful tool to understand deep learning. Furthermore, we demonstrate the\n", " broad applicability of adversarial robustness, providing an overview of the\n", " main emerging applications of adversarial robustness beyond security. The goal\n", " of this article is to provide readers with a set of new perspectives to\n", " understand deep learning, and to supply them with intuitive tools and insights\n", " on how to use adversarial robustness to improve it.,\n", " We report a possible detection of an ~4.6-hour quasi-periodic oscillation\n", " (QPO) in the 0.3-10 keV emission of the high-energy peaked blazar PKS 2155-304\n", " from a 64 ks observation by the XMM-Newton EPIC/pn detector. We identify a\n", " total modulation of ~5% in the light curve and confirm that nominal period by\n", " periodogram, structure function and wavelet analyses. The limited light curve\n", " duration allows the capture of only 3.8 cycles of this oscillation and thus\n", " precludes a very strong claim for this QPO, despite a nominally high (>3 sigma)\n", " statistical significance. We briefly discuss models capable of producing an\n", " X-ray QPO of such a period in a blazar.,\n", " In this paper we address the problem of automatically discovering atomic\n", " actions in unsupervised manner from instructional videos, which are rarely\n", " annotated with atomic actions. We present an unsupervised approach to learn\n", " atomic actions of structured human tasks from a variety of instructional videos\n", " based on a sequential stochastic autoregressive model for temporal segmentation\n", " of videos. This learns to represent and discover the sequential relationship\n", " between different atomic actions of the task, and which provides automatic and\n", " unsupervised self-labeling.,\n", " We have searched for possible sites in Argentina for the installation of\n", " large air Cherenkov telescope arrays and water Cherenkov systems. At present\n", " seven candidates are identified at altitudes from 2500 to 4500 m. The highest\n", " sites are located at the Northwest of the country, in La Puna. Sites at 2500\n", " and 3100 m are located in the West at El Leoncito Observatory, with excellent\n", " infrastructure. A description of these candidate sites is presented with\n", " emphasis on infrastructure and climatology.,\n", " The observed iron K-alpha fluorescence lines in Seyfert-1 galaxies provide\n", " strong evidence for an accretion disk near a supermassive black hole as a\n", " source of the emission. Here we present an analysis of the geometrical and\n", " kinematic properties of the disk based on the extreme frequency shifts of a\n", " line profile as determined by measurable flux in both the red and blue wings.\n", " The edges of the line are insensitive to the distribution of the X-ray flux\n", " over the disk, and hence provide a robust alternative to profile fitting of\n", " disk parameters. Our approach yields new, strong bounds on the inclination\n", " angle of the disk and the location of the emitting region. We apply our method\n", " to interpret observational data from MCG-6-30-15 and find that the commonly\n", " assumed inclination 30 deg for the accretion disk in MCG-6-30-15 is\n", " inconsistent with the position of the blue edge of the line at a 3 sigma level.\n", " A thick turbulent disk model or the presence of highly ionized iron may\n", " reconcile the bounds on inclination from the line edges with the full line\n", " profile fits based on simple, geometrically thin disk models. The bounds on the\n", " innermost radius of disk emission indicate that the black hole in MCG-6-30-15\n", " is rotating faster than 30 % of theoretical maximum. When applied to data from\n", " NGC 4151, our method gives bounds on the inclination angle of the X-ray\n", " emitting inner disk of 50\\pm 10 deg, consistent with the presence of an\n", " ionization cone grazing the disk as proposed by Pedlar et al. (1993). The\n", " frequency extrema analysis also provides limits to the innermost disk radius in\n", " another Seyfert-1 galaxy, NGC 3516.,\n", " We investigate the cosmological observational test of the extended\n", " quintessence model, i.e. a scalar-tensor gravity model with a scalar field\n", " potential serving as dark energy, by using the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave\n", " background (CMB) data, together with the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and\n", " redshift-space distortion (RSD) data. As an example, we consider the model with\n", " a Brans-Dicke kinetic term $\\frac{\\omega(\\phi)}{\\phi} \\phi_{;\\mu} \\phi^{;\\mu} $\n", " and a quadratic scalar potential $V (\\phi) = A + B (\\phi - \\phi_0) +\n", " \\frac{C}{2} (\\phi - \\phi_0)^2$, which reduces to general relativity (GR) in the\n", " limit $\\omega(\\phi) \\to \\infty$, and the cosmological constant in the limit\n", " $B=C=0$. In such a model the scalar field typically rolls down the potential\n", " and oscillates around the minimum of $V (\\phi)$. We find that the model\n", " parameter estimate for the CMB+BAO+RSD data set is given by $\\lg \\alpha = -3.6\n", " _{-0.54}^{+0.66}~ (68\\%)$, corresponding to $ 3.8 \\times 10^5 < \\omega_0 < 9.5\n", " \\times 10^7~ (68\\%)$, and $\\lg C = 4.9 \\pm 1.4~ (68\\%) $. However, the GR\n", " $\\Lambda$CDM model can fit the data almost as good as this extended\n", " quintessence model, and is favored by the Akaike information criterion (AIC).\n", " The variation of the gravitational constant since the epoch of Recombination is\n", " constrained to be $0.97 < G_{\\rm rec}/G_0 < 1.03~ (1 \\sigma)$. In light of\n", " recent report that the CMB data favors a closed universe, we consider the case\n", " with non-flat geometry in our fit, and find that the mean value of $\\Omega_k$\n", " shifts a little bit from $-0.049$ to $-0.036$, and the parameters in our model\n", " are not degenerate with $\\Omega_k$.,\n", " We study a general class of two-dimensional theories of the dilaton-gravity\n", " type inspired by string theory and show that they admit charged\n", " multiple-horizon black holes. These solutions are proved to satisfy scalar\n", " no-hair theorems.,\n", " We establish error bounds of the finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods\n", " for the long time dynamics of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation (NKGE) with a\n", " cubic nonlinearity, while the nonlinearity strength is characterized by\n", " $\\varepsilon^2$ with $0 <\\varepsilon \\leq 1$ a dimensionless parameter. When $0\n", " < \\varepsilon \\ll 1$, it is in the weak nonlinearity regime and the problem is\n", " equivalent to the NKGE with small initial data, while the amplitude of the\n", " initial data (and the solution) is at $O(\\varepsilon)$. Four different FDTD\n", " methods are adapted to discretize the problem and rigorous error bounds of the\n", " FDTD methods are established for the long time dynamics, i.e. error bounds are\n", " valid up to the time at $O(1/\\varepsilon^{\\beta})$ with $0 \\le \\beta \\leq 2$,\n", " by using the energy method and the techniques of either the cut-off of the\n", " nonlinearity or the mathematical induction to bound the numerical approximate\n", " solutions. In the error bounds, we pay particular attention to how error bounds\n", " depend explicitly on the mesh size $h$ and time step $\\tau$ as well as the\n", " small parameter $\\varepsilon\\in (0,1]$, especially in the weak nonlinearity\n", " regime when $0 < \\varepsilon \\ll 1$. Our error bounds indicate that, in order\n", " to get ``correct'' numerical solutions up to the time at\n", " $O(1/\\varepsilon^{\\beta})$, the $\\varepsilon$-scalability (or meshing strategy)\n", " of the FDTD methods should be taken as: $h = O(\\varepsilon^{\\beta/2})$ and\n", " $\\tau = O(\\varepsilon^{\\beta/2})$. Extensive numerical results are reported to\n", " confirm our error bounds and to demonstrate that they are sharp.,\n", " We study the heavy-heavy-light quark ($QQq$) system in a non-relativistic\n", " potential model, and investigate the quark motional effect on the\n", " inter-two-quark potential in baryons. We adopt the Hamiltonian with the static\n", " three-quark potential which is obtained by the first-principle calculation of\n", " lattice QCD, rather than the two-body force in ordinary quark models. Using the\n", " renormalization-group inspired variational method in discretized space, we\n", " calculate the ground-state energy of $QQq$ systems and the light-quark spatial\n", " distribution. We find that the effective string tension between the two heavy\n", " quarks is reduced compared to the static three-quark case. This reduction of\n", " the effective string tension originates from the geometrical difference between\n", " the inter-quark distance and the flux-tube length, and is conjectured to be a\n", " general property for baryons.,\n", " In my book \"Algorithmic Information Theory\" I explain how I constructed a\n", " million-character equation that proves that there is randomness in arithmetic.\n", " My book only includes a few pages from the monster equation, and omits the\n", " software used to construct it. This software has now been rewritten in\n", " Mathematica. The Mathematica software for my book, and its input, are here in\n", " their entirety. The Mathematica code is remarkably compact, but it sometimes is\n", " slow. So one C program plus equipment for automatically generating another is\n", " also included in this software package.,\n", " We present a practical framework for ideal hyperelasticity in numerical\n", " relativity. For this purpose, we recast the formalism of Carter and Quintana as\n", " a set of Eulerian conservation laws in an arbitrary 3+1 split of spacetime. The\n", " resulting equations are presented as an extension of the standard Valencia\n", " formalism for a perfect fluid, with additional terms in the stress-energy\n", " tensor, plus a set of kinematic conservation laws that evolve a configuration\n", " gradient. We prove that the equations can be made symmetric hyperbolic by\n", " suitable constraint additions, at least in a neighbourhood of the unsheared\n", " state. We discuss the Newtonian limit of our formalism and its relation to a\n", " second formalism also used in Newtonian elasticity. We validate our framework\n", " by numerically solving a set of Riemann problems in Minkowski spacetime, as\n", " well as Newtonian ones from the literature.,\n", " Many physical systems can be studied as collections of particles embedded in\n", " space, evolving through deterministic evolution equations. Natural questions\n", " arise concerning how to characterize these arrangements - are they ordered or\n", " disordered? If they are ordered, how are they ordered and what kinds of defects\n", " do they possess? Originally introduced to study problems in pure mathematics,\n", " Voronoi tessellations have become a powerful and versatile tool for analyzing\n", " countless problems in pure and applied physics. In this paper we explain the\n", " basics of Voronoi tessellations and the shapes they produce, and describe how\n", " they can be used to study many physical systems.,\n", " We report on a scale determination with gradient-flow techniques on the\n", " $N_f=2+1+1$ highly improved staggered quark ensembles generated by the MILC\n", " Collaboration. The ensembles include four lattice spacings, ranging from\n", " approximately 0.15 to 0.06 fm, and both physical and unphysical values of the\n", " quark masses. The scales $\\sqrt{t_0}/a$ and $w_0/a$ and their tree-level\n", " improvements, $\\sqrt{t_{0,{\\rm imp}}}$ and $w_{0,{\\rm imp}}$, are computed on\n", " each ensemble using Symanzik flow and the cloverleaf definition of the energy\n", " density $E$. Using a combination of continuum chiral-perturbation theory and a\n", " Taylor-series ansatz for the lattice-spacing and strong-coupling dependence,\n", " the results are simultaneously extrapolated to the continuum and interpolated\n", " to physical quark masses. We determine the scales $\\sqrt{t_0} =\n", " 0.1416({}_{-5}^{+8})$ fm and $w_0 = 0.1714({}_{-12}^{+15})$ fm, where the\n", " errors are sums, in quadrature, of statistical and all systematic errors. The\n", " precision of $w_0$ and $\\sqrt{t_0}$ is comparable to or more precise than the\n", " best previous estimates, respectively. We then find the continuum mass\n", " dependence of $\\sqrt{t_0}$ and $w_0$, which will be useful for estimating the\n", " scales of new ensembles. We also estimate the integrated autocorrelation length\n", " of $\\langle E(t) \\rangle$. For long flow times, the autocorrelation length of\n", " $\\langle E \\rangle$ appears to be comparable to that of the topological charge.,\n", " CMB photons redshift and blueshift as they move through gravitational\n", " potentials $\\Phi$ while propagating across the Universe. If the potential is\n", " not constant in time, the photons will pick up a net redshift or blueshift,\n", " known as the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect. In the $z \\ll 1000$ universe,\n", " $\\dot{\\Phi}$ is nonzero on large scales when the Universe transitions from\n", " matter to dark energy domination. This effect is only detectable in\n", " cross-correlation with large-scale structure at $z \\sim 1$. In this paper we\n", " present a 3.2$\\sigma$ detection of the ISW effect using cross-correlations\n", " between unWISE infrared galaxies and Planck CMB temperature maps. We use 3\n", " tomographic galaxy samples spanning $0 < z < 2$, allowing us to fully probe the\n", " dark energy domination era and the transition into matter domination. This\n", " measurement is consistent with $\\Lambda$CDM ($A_{\\rm ISW} = 0.96 \\pm 0.30$). We\n", " study constraints on a particular class of dynamical dark energy models (where\n", " the dark energy equation of state is different in matter and dark energy\n", " domination), finding that unWISE-ISW improves constraints from type Ia\n", " supernovae due to improved constraints on the time evolution of dark energy.\n", " When combining with BAO measurements, we obtain the tightest constraints on\n", " specific dynamical dark energy models. In the context of a phenomenological\n", " model for freezing quintessence, the Mocker model, we constrain the dark energy\n", " density within 10% at $z < 2$ using ISW, BAO and supernovae. Moreover, the ISW\n", " measurement itself provides an important independent check when relaxing\n", " assumptions about the theory of gravity, as it is sensitive to the\n", " gravitational potential rather than the expansion history.,\n", " When new objects are detected in the sky, an orbit determination needs to be\n", " performed immediately to find out their origin, to determine the probability of\n", " an Earth impact and possibly also to estimate the impact region on Earth. ESA's\n", " Flyeye telescope is expected to revolutionize the effort of predicting\n", " potential asteroid or deep space debris impact hazards due to the expected\n", " increase of near-Earth object discoveries. As the observed orbit arc for such\n", " an object is very short, classical Gaussian orbit determination cannot be used.\n", " We adopt the systematic ranging technique to overcome the lack of information\n", " and predict a region of the sky where the body can most likely be found. We\n", " also provide a detection probability for follow-up observations and investigate\n", " potential follow-up telescopes for the Flyeye telescope.,\n", " This is a survey on reverse Carleson measures for various Hilbert spaces of\n", " analytic functions. These spaces include Hardy, Bergman, certain harmonically\n", " weighted Dirichlet, Paley-Wiener, Fock, model, and de Branges-Rovnyak spaces.,\n", " I present recent results from jets and jet-like correlation measurements from\n", " STAR. The pp data are compared to those from Au-Au collisions to attempt to\n", " infer information on the medium produced and how hard scattered partons\n", " interact with this matter. Results from d-Au events are utilized to investigate\n", " the magnitude of cold nuclear matter effects on hard scatterings. The evolution\n", " of the underlying event from pp to d-Au collisions is studied. In heavy-ion\n", " collisions, background fluctuations are the major source of systematic\n", " uncertainties in jet measurements. Detailed studies are therefore being made of\n", " these fluctuations and recent progress in our understanding is reported. Jet\n", " and jet-hadron correlations results are presented and give clear indications\n", " that partonic fragmentation at RHIC is highly modified in the presence of a\n", " strongly coupled coloured medium, resulting in a significant broadening and\n", " softening of the jet fragments correlation. Finally di-hadron correlations\n", " utilizing identified particles as triggers indicate that the \"ridge\" is\n", " stronger for p+K than for pi but that the near-side peak per-trigger yield\n", " remains unaltered from d-Au to Au-Au collisions.,\n", " The present paper is devoted to studying local derivations on the Lie algebra\n", " $W(2,2)$ which has some outer derivations. Using some linear algebra methods in\n", " \\cite{CZZ} and a key construction for $W(2,2)$ we prove that every local\n", " derivation on $W(2, 2)$ is a derivation. As an application, we determine all\n", " local derivations on the deformed $\\mathfrak{bms}_3$ algebra.,\n", " Physically based rendering is a discipline in computer graphics which aims at\n", " reproducing certain light and material appearances that occur in the real\n", " world. Complex scenes can be difficult to compute for rendering algorithms.\n", " This paper introduces a new comprehensive test database of scenes that treat\n", " different light setups in conjunction with diverse materials and discusses its\n", " design principles. A lot of research is focused on the development of new\n", " algorithms that can deal with difficult light conditions and materials\n", " efficiently. This database delivers a comprehensive foundation for evaluating\n", " existing and newly developed rendering techniques. A final evaluation compares\n", " different results of different rendering algorithms for all scenes.,\n", " The contribution presents a brief summary of the Gauge/Gravity approach to\n", " the study of hydrodynamic flow of the quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy-ion\n", " collisions, in a boost-invariant setting (Bjorken flow). Considering the ideal\n", " case of a supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory for which the AdS/CFT correspondence\n", " gives a precise form of the Gauge/Gravity duality, the properties of the\n", " strongly coupled expanding plasma are put in one-to-one correspondence with the\n", " metric of a 5-dimensional black hole with the horizon moving away in the 5th\n", " dimension and its deformations consistent with the relevant Einstein equations.\n", " Several recently studied aspects of this framework are recalled and put in\n", " perspective. New results in collaboration with G.Beuf and M.Heller on the early\n", " time expansion towards the hydrodynamical regime are provided giving a new\n", " insight on the far-from-equilibrium behavior of the fluid at strong coupling\n", " and the thermalization and isotropization problems.,\n", " The Sunyaev-Zel'dolvich (SZ) effect is expected to be instrumental in\n", " measuring velocities of distant clusters in near future telescope surveys. We\n", " simplify the calculation of peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters using deep\n", " learning frameworks trained on numerical simulations to avoid the estimation of\n", " the optical depth. The image of distorted photon backgrounds are generated for\n", " idealized observations using one of the largest cosmological hydrodynamical\n", " simulations, the Magneticum simulations. The model is tested to be capable\n", " peculiar velocities from future kinetic SZ observations under different noise\n", " conditions. The deep learning algorithm displays robustness in estimating\n", " peculiar velocities from kinetic SZ effect by an improvement in accuracy of\n", " about 17% compared to the analytical approach.,\n", " Microscopies have become pillars of our characterization tools to observe\n", " biological systems and assemblies. Correlative and synchronous use of different\n", " microscopies relies on the fundamental assumption of non-interference during\n", " images acquisitions. In this work, by exploring the correlative use of Atomic\n", " Force Microscopy and confocal-Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging Microscopy\n", " (AFM-FLIM), we quantify cross-talk effects occurring during synchronous\n", " acquisition. We characterize and minimize optomechanical forces on different\n", " AFM cantilevers interfering with normal AFM operation as well as spurious\n", " luminescence from the tip and cantilever affecting time-resolved fluorescence\n", " detection. By defining non-interfering experimental imaging parameters, we show\n", " accurate real-time acquisition and two-dimensional mapping of interaction\n", " force, fluorescence lifetime and intensity characterizing morphology (AFM) and\n", " local viscosity (FLIM) of gel and fluid phases separation of supported lipid\n", " model membranes. Finally, as proof of principle by means of synchronous force\n", " and fluorescence spectroscopies, we precisely tune the lifetime of a\n", " fluorescent nanodiamond positioned on the AFM tip by controlling its distance\n", " from a metallic surface. This opens up a novel pathway of quench sensing to\n", " image soft biological samples such as membranes since it does not require\n", " tip-sample mechanical contact in contrast with conventional AFM in liquid.,\n", " In the paper we consider the theory of elliptic operators acting in subspaces\n", " defined by pseudodifferential projections. This theory on closed manifolds is\n", " connected with the theory of boundary value problems for operators violating\n", " Atiyah-Bott condition. We prove an index formula for elliptic operators in\n", " subspaces defined by even projections on odd-dimensional manifolds and for\n", " boundary value problems, generalizing the classical result of Atiyah-Bott.\n", " Besides a topological contribution of Atiyah-Singer type, the index formulas\n", " contain an invariant of subspaces defined by even projections. This homotopy\n", " invariant can be expressed in terms of the eta-invariant. The results also shed\n", " new light on P.Gilkey's work on eta-invariants of even-order operators.,\n", " Spectral CT is an emerging modality that uses a data acquisition scheme with\n", " varied spectral responses to provide enhanced material discrimination in\n", " addition to the structural information of conventional CT. Existing clinical\n", " and preclinical designs with this capability include kV-switching,\n", " split-filtration, and dual-layer detector systems to provide two spectral\n", " channels of projection data. In this work, we examine an alternate design based\n", " on a spatial-spectral filter. This source-side filter is made up a linear array\n", " of materials that divide the incident x-ray beam into spectrally varied\n", " beamlets. This design allows for any number of spectral channels; however, each\n", " individual channel is sparse in the projection domain. Model-based iterative\n", " reconstruction methods can accommodate such sparse spatial-spectral sampling\n", " patterns and allow for the incorporation of advanced regularization. With the\n", " goal of an optimized physical design, we characterize the effects of design\n", " parameters including filter tile order and filter tile width and their impact\n", " on material decomposition performance. We present results of numerical\n", " simulations that characterize the impact of each design parameter using a\n", " realistic CT geometry and noise model to demonstrate feasibility. Results for\n", " filter tile order show little change indicating that filter order is a\n", " low-priority design consideration. We observe improved performance for narrower\n", " filter widths; however, the performance drop-off is relatively flat indicating\n", " that wider filter widths are also feasible designs.,\n", " In this paper we consider the analogue of the Sato's functional equation for\n", " the prehomogeneous vector spaces over finite fields. The corresponding\n", " character sums depend on a relative invariant on such a space and an\n", " irreducible representation of the group of components of the stabilizer of a\n", " generic point. The proof is based on the Picard-Lefschetz formula in $l$-adique\n", " cohomology.,\n", " Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML), a popular gradient-based meta-learning\n", " framework, assumes that the contribution of each task or instance to the\n", " meta-learner is equal. Hence, it fails to address the domain shift between base\n", " and novel classes in few-shot learning. In this work, we propose a novel robust\n", " meta-learning algorithm, NestedMAML, which learns to assign weights to training\n", " tasks or instances. We consider weights as hyper-parameters and iteratively\n", " optimize them using a small set of validation tasks set in a nested bi-level\n", " optimization approach (in contrast to the standard bi-level optimization in\n", " MAML). We then apply NestedMAML in the meta-training stage, which involves (1)\n", " several tasks sampled from a distribution different from the meta-test task\n", " distribution, or (2) some data samples with noisy labels. Extensive experiments\n", " on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that NestedMAML efficiently\n", " mitigates the effects of \"unwanted\" tasks or instances, leading to significant\n", " improvement over the state-of-the-art robust meta-learning methods.,\n", " We show that, in the presence of a $\\pi/2$ artificial gauge field per\n", " plaquette, Mott insulating phases of ultra-cold fermions with $SU(N)$ symmetry\n", " and one particle per site generically possess an extended chiral phase with\n", " intrinsic topological order characterized by a multiplet of $N$ low-lying\n", " singlet excitations for periodic boundary conditions, and by chiral edge states\n", " described by the $SU(N)_1$ Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten conformal field theory\n", " for open boundary conditions. This has been achieved by extensive exact\n", " diagonalizations for $N$ between $3$ and $9$, and by a parton construction\n", " based on a set of $N$ Gutzwiller projected fermionic wave-functions with flux\n", " $\\pi/N$ per triangular plaquette. Experimental implications are briefly\n", " discussed.,\n", " Non-Markovian effects in an open-system dynamics are usually associated to\n", " information backflows from the environment to the system. However, the way\n", " these backflows manifest and how to detect them is unclear. A natural approach\n", " is to study the backflow in terms of the correlations the evolving system\n", " displays with another unperturbed system during the dynamics. In this work, we\n", " study the power of this approach to witness non-Markovian dynamics using\n", " different correlation measures. We identify simple dynamics where the failure\n", " of completely-positive divisibility is in one-to-one correspondence with a\n", " correlation backflow. We then focus on specific correlation measures, such as\n", " those based on entanglement and the mutual information, and identify their\n", " strengths and limitations. We conclude with a study of a recently introduced\n", " correlation measures based on state distinguishability and see how, for these\n", " measures, adding an extra auxiliary system enlarges the set of detectable\n", " non-Markovian dynamics.,\n", " Gravitational lensing allows us to probe the structure of matter on a broad\n", " range of astronomical scales, and as light from a distant source traverses an\n", " intervening galaxy, compact matter such as planets, stars, and black holes act\n", " as individual lenses. The magnification from such microlensing results in rapid\n", " brightness fluctuations which reveal not only the properties of the lensing\n", " masses, but also the surface brightness distribution in the source. However,\n", " while the combination of deflections due to individual stars is linear, the\n", " resulting magnifications are highly non-linear, leading to significant\n", " computational challenges which currently limit the range of problems which can\n", " be tackled. This paper presents a new and novel implementation of a numerical\n", " approach to gravitational microlensing, increasing the scale of the problems\n", " that can be tackled by more than two orders of magnitude, opening up a new\n", " regime of astrophysically interesting problems.,\n", " The electronic structure of electron-doped polycrystalline\n", " Mg$_{1-x}$Al$_{x}$(B$_{1-y}$C$_{y}$)$_2$ was examined by electron energy-loss\n", " spectroscopy (EELS) in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) and\n", " first-principle electronic structure calculations. We found significant changes\n", " in the boron $K$ edge fine structure, suggesting the two bands of the B $K$\n", " edge, the $\\sigma$ and the $\\pi$ band are being simultaneously filled as the\n", " electron doping concentration of Mg$_{1-x}$Al$_{x}$(B$_{1-y}$C$_{y}$)$_2$ was\n", " increased. Our density-functional theory calculations confirm the filling of\n", " the $\\sigma$ band states close to the Fermi level, which is believed to cause\n", " the loss of superconductivity in highly doped MgB$_2$, since the\n", " electron-phonon coupling of these states is thought to be responsible for the\n", " high superconducting transition temperature. Our results do not show\n", " significant differences in the electronic structure for electron doping on\n", " either the Mg or the B site, although many superconducting properties, such as\n", " $T_c$ or H$_{c_2}$ differ considerably for C- and Al- doped \\MB. This behavior\n", " can not be satisfactorily explained by band filling alone, and effects such as\n", " interband scattering are considered.,\n", " In this paper, we prove several results on the finiteness of local cohomology\n", " of polynomial and formal power series rings. In particular, we give a partial\n", " affirmative answer for a question of L. N\\'{u}\\~{n}ez-Betancourt in [J. Algebra\n", " 399 (2014), 770--781].,\n", " In this paper we provide a practical demonstration of how the modularity in a\n", " Behavior Tree (BT) decreases the effort in programming a robot task when\n", " compared to a Finite State Machine (FSM). In recent years the way to represent\n", " a task plan to control an autonomous agent has been shifting from the standard\n", " FSM towards BTs. Many works in the literature have highlighted and proven the\n", " benefits of such design compared to standard approaches, especially in terms of\n", " modularity, reactivity and human readability. However, these works have often\n", " failed in providing a tangible comparison in the implementation of those\n", " policies and the programming effort required to modify them. This is a relevant\n", " aspect in many robotic applications, where the design choice is dictated both\n", " by the robustness of the policy and by the time required to program it. In this\n", " work, we compare backward chained BTs with a fault-tolerant design of FSMs by\n", " evaluating the cost to modify them. We validate the analysis with a set of\n", " experiments in a simulation environment where a mobile manipulator solves an\n", " item fetching task.,\n", " I give a brief introduction to lattice QCD for non-specialists.,\n", " The rotational spectra of thioisocyanic acid (HNCS), and its three energetic\n", " isomers (HSCN, HCNS, and HSNC) have been observed at high spectral resolution\n", " by a combination of chirped-pulse and Fabry-P\\'{e}rot Fourier-transform\n", " microwave spectroscopy between 6 and 40~GHz in a pulsed-jet discharge\n", " expansion. Two isomers, thiofulminic acid (HCNS) and isothiofulminic acid\n", " (HSNC), calculated here to be 35-37~kcal/mol less stable than the ground state\n", " isomer HNCS, have been detected for the first time. Precise rotational,\n", " centrifugal distortion, and nitrogen hyperfine coupling constants have been\n", " determined for the normal and rare isotopic species of both molecules; all are\n", " in good agreement with theoretical predictions obtained at the coupled cluster\n", " level of theory. On the basis of isotopic spectroscopy, precise molecular\n", " structures have been derived for all four isomers by correcting experimental\n", " rotational constants for the effects of rotation-vibration calculated\n", " theoretically. Formation and isomerization pathways have also been\n", " investigated; the high abundance of HSCN relative to ground state HNCS, and the\n", " detection of strong lines of SH using CH$_3$CN and H$_2$S, suggest that HSCN is\n", " preferentially produced by the radical-radical reaction HS + CN. A radio\n", " astronomical search for HSCN and its isomers has been undertaken toward the\n", " high-mass star-forming region Sgr B2(N) in the Galactic Center with the 100 m\n", " Green Bank Telescope. While we find clear evidence for HSCN, only a tentative\n", " detection of HNCS is proposed, and there is no indication of HCNS or HSNC at\n", " the same rms noise level. HSCN, and tentatively HNCS, displays clear deviations\n", " from a single-excitation temperature model, suggesting weak masing may be\n", " occurring in some transitions in this source.,\n", " We discuss the integer sequence transform $a \\mapsto b$ where $b_n$ is the\n", " number of real roots of the polynomial $a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + \\cdots + a_nx^n$.\n", " It is shown that several sequences $a$ give the trivial sequence $b = (0,1,0,1,\n", " 0,1,\\ldots)$, i.e., ${b_n = n \\bmod 2}$, among them the Catalan numbers,\n", " central binomial coefficients, $n!$ and $\\binom{n+k}{n}$ for a fixed $k$. We\n", " also look at some sequences $a$ for which $b$ is more interesting such as $a_n\n", " = (n+1)^k$ for $k \\geq 3$. Further, general procedures are given for\n", " constructing real sequences $a_n$ for which $b_n$ is either always maximal or\n", " minimal.,\n", " Various aspects of low energy M theory compactified to four dimensions are\n", " considered. If the supersymmetry parameter is parallel in the unwarped metric,\n", " then supersymmetry requires that the warp factor is trivial, the background\n", " four-form field strength is zero and that the internal 7-manifold has $G_2$\n", " holonomy (we assume the absence of boundaries and other impurities). A proposal\n", " of Gukov - extended here to include M2-brane domain walls - for the\n", " superpotential of the compactified theory is shown to yield the same result.\n", " Finally, we make some speculative remarks concerning higher derivative\n", " corrections and supersymmetry breaking.,\n", " This note contains some asymptotic formulas for the sums of various residue\n", " classes of Euler's phi-function.,\n", " COMPLETE is a flagship mission concept combining broadband spectroscopic\n", " imaging and comprehensive magnetography from multiple viewpoints around the Sun\n", " to enable tomographic reconstruction of 3D coronal magnetic fields and\n", " associated dynamic plasma properties, which provide direct diagnostics of\n", " energy release. COMPLETE re-imagines the paradigm for solar remote-sensing\n", " observations through purposefully co-optimized detectors distributed on\n", " multiple spacecraft that operate as a single observatory, linked by a\n", " comprehensive data/model assimilation strategy to unify individual observations\n", " into a single physical framework. We describe COMPLETE's science goals,\n", " instruments, and mission implementation. With targeted investment by NASA,\n", " COMPLETE is feasible for launch in 2032 to observe around the maximum of Solar\n", " Cycle 26.,\n", " A crucial missing ingredient in previous theoretical studies of fragmentation\n", " is the inclusion of dynamically important levels of magnetic fields. As a\n", " minimal model for a candidate presursor to the formation of binary and multiple\n", " stars, we therefore consider the equilibrium configuration of isopedically\n", " magnetized, scale-free, singular isothermal disks, without the assumption of\n", " axial symmetry. We find that lopsided (M=1) configurations exist at any\n", " dimensionless rotation rate, including zero. Multiple-lobed (M = 2, 3, 4, ...)\n", " configurations bifurcate from an underlying axisymmetric sequence at\n", " progressively higher dimensionless rates of rotation, but such nonaxisymmetric\n", " sequences always terminate in shockwaves before they have a chance to fission\n", " into separate bodies. We advance the hypothesis that binary and multiple\n", " star-formation from smooth (i.e., not highly turbulent) starting states that\n", " are supercritical but in unstable mechanical balance requires the rapid (i.e.,\n", " dynamical) loss of magnetic flux at some stage of the ensuing gravitational\n", " collapse.,\n", " Standard interpretations of Goedel's \"undecidable\" proposition, [(Ax)R(x)],\n", " argue that, although [~(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable if [(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable,\n", " we may not conclude from this that [~(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable. We show that\n", " such interpretations are inconsistent with a standard Deduction Theorem of\n", " first order theories.,\n", " This paper presents a novel hierarchical deep reinforcement learning (DRL)\n", " based design for the voltage control of power grids. DRL agents are trained for\n", " fast, and adaptive selection of control actions such that the voltage recovery\n", " criterion can be met following disturbances. Existing voltage control\n", " techniques suffer from the issues of speed of operation, optimal coordination\n", " between different locations, and scalability. We exploit the area-wise division\n", " structure of the power system to propose a hierarchical DRL design that can be\n", " scaled to the larger grid models. We employ an enhanced augmented random search\n", " algorithm that is tailored for the voltage control problem in a two-level\n", " architecture. We train area-wise decentralized RL agents to compute lower-level\n", " policies for the individual areas, and concurrently train a higher-level DRL\n", " agent that uses the updates of the lower-level policies to efficiently\n", " coordinate the control actions taken by the lower-level agents. Numerical\n", " experiments on the IEEE benchmark 39-bus model with 3 areas demonstrate the\n", " advantages and various intricacies of the proposed hierarchical approach.,\n", " A superfluid in the absence of the viscous normal component should be the\n", " best realization of an ideal inviscid Euler fluid. As expressed by d'Alembert's\n", " famous paradox, an ideal fluid does not exert drag on bodies past which it\n", " flows, or in other words, it does not exchange momentum with them. Also, the\n", " flow of an ideal fluid does not dissipate kinetic energy. We study\n", " experimentally whether these properties apply to the flow of superfluid 3He-B\n", " in a rotating cylinder at low temperatures. It is found that ideal behavior is\n", " broken by quantum turbulence, which leads to substantial energy dissipation, as\n", " observed also earlier. Here we show that remarkably, nearly ideal behavior is\n", " preserved with respect to the angular-momentum exchange between the superfluid\n", " and its container, i.e., the drag almost disappears in the zero-temperature\n", " limit. This mismatch between energy and angular-momentum transfer results in a\n", " new physical situation where the proper description of wall-bounded quantum\n", " turbulence requires two effective friction parameters, one for energy\n", " dissipation and another for momentum coupling, which become substantially\n", " different at very low temperatures.,\n", " We propose a redefinition of the principal component analysis (PCA) of\n", " anisotropic flow that makes it more directly connected to fluctuations of the\n", " initial geometry of the system. Then, using state-of-the-art hydrodynamic\n", " simulations, we make an explicit connection between flow fluctuations and a\n", " cumulant expansion of the initial transverse geometry. In particular, we show\n", " that the second principal component of elliptic flow is generated by\n", " higher-order cumulants, and therefore probes smaller length scales of the\n", " initial state. With this information, it will be possible to put new\n", " constraints on properties of the early-time dynamics of a heavy-ion collision,\n", " including small-scale structure, as well as properties of the quark-gluon\n", " plasma.,\n", " We propose a curvature-based approach for choosing good values for the\n", " time-delay parameter $\\tau$ in delay reconstructions. The idea is based on the\n", " effects of the delay on the geometry of the reconstructions. If the delay is\n", " chosen too small, the reconstructed dynamics are flattened along the main\n", " diagonal of the embedding space; too-large delays, on the other hand, can\n", " overfold the dynamics. Calculating the curvature of a two-dimensional delay\n", " reconstruction is an effective way to identify these extremes and to find a\n", " middle ground between them: both the sharp reversals at the ends of an\n", " insufficiently unfolded reconstruction and the folds in an overfolded one\n", " create spikes in the curvature. We operationalize this observation by computing\n", " the mean over the Menger curvature of 2D reconstructions for different time\n", " delays. We show that the mean of these values gives an effective heuristic for\n", " choosing the time delay. In addition, we show that this curvature-based\n", " heuristic is useful even in cases where the customary approach, which uses\n", " average mutual information, fails --- e.g., noisy or filtered data.,\n", " After the stars of a new, embedded star cluster have formed they blow the\n", " remaining gas out of the cluster. Especially winds of massive stars and\n", " definitely the on-set of the first supernovae can remove the residual gas from\n", " a cluster. This leads to a very violent mass-loss and leaves the cluster out of\n", " dynamical equilibrium. Standard models predict that within the cluster volume\n", " the star formation efficiency (SFE) has to be about 33 per cent for sudden\n", " (within one crossing-time of the cluster) gas expulsion to retain some of the\n", " stars in a bound cluster. If the efficiency is lower the stars of the cluster\n", " disperse mostly. Recent observations reveal that in strong star bursts star\n", " clusters do not form in isolation but in complexes containing dozens and up to\n", " several hundred star clusters, i.e. in super-clusters. By carrying out\n", " numerical experiments for such objects placed at distances >= 10 kpc from the\n", " centre of the galaxy we demonstrate that under these conditions (i.e. the\n", " deeper potential of the star cluster complex and the merging process of the\n", " star clusters within these super-clusters) the SFEs can be as low as 20 per\n", " cent and still leave a gravitationally bound stellar population. Such an object\n", " resembles the outer Milky Way globular clusters and the faint fuzzy star\n", " clusters recently discovered in NGC 1023.,\n", " Several proposals for quantum computation utilize a lattice type architecture\n", " with qubits trapped by a periodic potential. For systems undergoing many body\n", " interactions described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, the ground state of the\n", " system carries number fluctuations that scale with the number of qubits. This\n", " process degrades the initialization of the quantum computer register and can\n", " introduce errors during error correction. In an earlier manuscript we proposed\n", " a solution to this problem tailored to the loading of cold atoms into an\n", " optical lattice via the Mott Insulator phase transition. It was shown that by\n", " adding an inhomogeneity to the lattice and performing a continuous measurement,\n", " the unit filled state suitable for a quantum computer register can be\n", " maintained. Here, we give a more rigorous derivation of the register fidelity\n", " in homogeneous and inhomogeneous lattices and provide evidence that the\n", " protocol is effective in the finite temperature regime.,\n", " Spectro-astrometry is used to investigate the low velocity component (LVC) of\n", " the optical forbidden emission from the T Tauri stars RU Lupi and AS 205 N.\n", " Both stars also have high velocity forbidden emission (HVC) which is tracing a\n", " jet. For AS 205 N, analysis reveals a complicated outflow system. For RU Lupi,\n", " the [O I] 6300 and [S II] 6716, 6731 LV narrow component (NC) is offset along\n", " the same position angle (PA) as the HVC but with a different velocity gradient\n", " than the jet, in that displacement from the stellar position along the rotation\n", " axis is decreasing with increasing velocity. From the LVC NC PA and velocity\n", " gradient, it is inferred that the NC is tracing a wide angled MHD disk wind. A\n", " photoevaporative wind is ruled out. This is supported by a comparison with a\n", " previous spectro-astrometric study of the CO fundamental line. The decrease in\n", " offset with increasing velocity is interpreted as tracing an increase in the\n", " height of the wind with increasing disk radius. This is one of the first\n", " measurements of the spatial extent of the forbidden emission line LVC NC (~ 40\n", " au, 8 au for RU~Lupi in the [S II] 6731 and [O I] 6300 lines) and the first\n", " direct confirmation that the LVC narrow component can trace an MHD disk wind.,\n", " We report on a photodetector in which colloidal quantum-dots directly bridge\n", " nanometer-spaced electrodes. Unlike in conventional quantum-dot thin film\n", " photodetectors, charge mobility no longer plays a role in our quantum-dot\n", " junctions as charge extraction requires only two individual tunnel events. We\n", " find an efficient photoconductive gain mechanism with external\n", " quantum-efficiencies of 38 electrons-per-photon in combination with response\n", " times faster than 300 ns. This compact device-architecture may open up new\n", " routes for improved photodetector performance in which efficiency and bandwidth\n", " do not go at the cost of one another.,\n", " In the path integral formulation of the partition function of quantum spin\n", " models, most current treatments employ the so-called static approximation to\n", " simplify the process of summing over all possible paths. Although sufficient\n", " for studying the thermodynamic aspects of the system, static approximation\n", " ignores the contributions made by time-dependent, or non-static, fluctuations\n", " in the paths of the path integral. This non-static component is very small\n", " relative to the static part, and its careful treatment is necessary for the\n", " calculation of small non-extensive quantities such as the energy gap within the\n", " path integral framework. We propose a formalism for incorporating non-static\n", " effects into the path integral calculation of a class of spin models whose\n", " partition functions are reducible to the trace of a single spin (often known as\n", " the effective Hamiltonian). We first show that the time-dependent behavior of\n", " the single spin trace is governed by the Pauli equation. Time-dependent\n", " perturbation theory is used to obtain a perturbative expansion of the solution\n", " of the Pauli equation, and then for the single spin trace. This gives us a\n", " perturbative expansion of the path integral which can be integrated\n", " systematically using standard techniques. In this paper, we develop the\n", " theoretical framework outlined above in detail and apply it to a simple ordered\n", " spin model, the infinite-range ferromagnetic Ising model in a transverse field.\n", " We calculated two non-extensive quantites with this non-static approach: the\n", " $N^0$ and $N^{-1}$ terms of the ground-state energy ($N$=number of spins) and\n", " the energy gap between the ground and first-excited states. We checked our\n", " results by comparing with those of Holstein-Primakoff transform and numerical\n", " diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. The application of the method to quantum\n", " spin-glasses is briefly discussed.,\n", " In \\citep{Yangnips13}, the author presented distributed stochastic dual\n", " coordinate ascent (DisDCA) algorithms for solving large-scale regularized loss\n", " minimization. Extraordinary performances have been observed and reported for\n", " the well-motivated updates, as referred to the practical updates, compared to\n", " the naive updates. However, no serious analysis has been provided to understand\n", " the updates and therefore the convergence rates. In the paper, we bridge the\n", " gap by providing a theoretical analysis of the convergence rates of the\n", " practical DisDCA algorithm. Our analysis helped by empirical studies has shown\n", " that it could yield an exponential speed-up in the convergence by increasing\n", " the number of dual updates at each iteration. This result justifies the\n", " superior performances of the practical DisDCA as compared to the naive variant.\n", " As a byproduct, our analysis also reveals the convergence behavior of the\n", " one-communication DisDCA.,\n", " This paper proves a probabilistic Weyl-law for the spectrum of randomly\n", " perturbed Berezin-Toeplitz operators, generalizing a result proven by Martin\n", " Vogel in 2020. This is done following Vogel's strategy using an exotic symbol\n", " calculus developed by the author in a recent paper.,\n", " The distribution of galaxies on a colour-magnitude diagram reveals a\n", " bimodality, featuring a passively evolving red sequence and a star-forming blue\n", " cloud. The region between these two, the Green Valley (GV), represents a\n", " fundamental transition where quenching processes operate. We exploit an\n", " alternative definition of the GV using the 4,000 Angstrom break strength, an\n", " indicator that is more resilient than colour to dust attenuation. We compare\n", " and contrast our GV definition with the traditional one, based on\n", " dust-corrected colour, making use of data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.\n", " Our GV selection - that does not need a dust correction and thus does not carry\n", " the inherent systematics - reveals very similar trends regarding nebular\n", " activity (star formation, AGN, quiescence) to the standard dust-corrected\n", " $^{0.1}(g-r)$. By use of high SNR stacked spectra of the quiescent GV\n", " subsample, we derive the simple stellar population (SSP) age difference across\n", " the GV, a rough proxy of the quenching timescale ($\\Delta$t). We obtain an\n", " increasing trend with velocity dispersion ($\\sigma$), from\n", " $\\Delta$t$\\sim$1.5Gyr at $\\sigma$=100km/s, up to 3.5Gyr at $\\sigma$=200km/s,\n", " followed by a rapid decrease in the most massive GV galaxies\n", " ($\\Delta$t$\\sim$1Gyr at $\\sigma$=250km/s), suggesting two different modes of\n", " quenching, or the presence of an additional channel (rejuvenation).,\n", " I will briefly review various analytic approaches to understanding the\n", " contents and properties of the hot X-ray emitting gas contained in clusters and\n", " groups. Special emphases are given to the following three issues:\n", " (1)Reconstruction of the gas distribution in groups and clusters from a (joint)\n", " analysis of X-ray, SZ and gravitational lensing observations; (2)Test of the\n", " analytic density profiles of dark halos suggested by numerical simulations and\n", " empirical models with current X-ray data; And (3)the effects of preheating and\n", " radiative cooling on the X-ray properties of groups and clusters.,\n", " Large-scale eigenvalue computations on sparse matrices are a key component of\n", " graph analytics techniques based on spectral methods. In such applications, an\n", " exhaustive computation of all eigenvalues and eigenvectors is impractical and\n", " unnecessary, as spectral methods can retrieve the relevant properties of\n", " enormous graphs using just the eigenvectors associated with the Top-K largest\n", " eigenvalues.\n", " In this work, we propose a hardware-optimized algorithm to approximate a\n", " solution to the Top-K eigenproblem on sparse matrices representing large graph\n", " topologies. We prototype our algorithm through a custom FPGA hardware design\n", " that exploits HBM, Systolic Architectures, and mixed-precision arithmetic. We\n", " achieve a speedup of 6.22x compared to the highly optimized ARPACK library\n", " running on an 80-thread CPU, while keeping high accuracy and 49x better power\n", " efficiency.,\n", " We present a neural network architecture, Bispectral Neural Networks (BNNs)\n", " for learning representations that are invariant to the actions of compact\n", " commutative groups on the space over which a signal is defined. The model\n", " incorporates the ansatz of the bispectrum, an analytically defined group\n", " invariant that is complete -- that is, it preserves all signal structure while\n", " removing only the variation due to group actions. Here, we demonstrate that\n", " BNNs are able to simultaneously learn groups, their irreducible\n", " representations, and corresponding equivariant and complete-invariant maps\n", " purely from the symmetries implicit in data. Further, we demonstrate that the\n", " completeness property endows these networks with strong invariance-based\n", " adversarial robustness. This work establishes Bispectral Neural Networks as a\n", " powerful computational primitive for robust invariant representation learning,\n", " We show that geometrical scaling exhibited by the $p_{\\rm T}$ spectra\n", " measured by the CMS collaboration at the LHC is substantially improved if the\n", " exponent $\\lambda$ of the saturation scale depends on $p_{\\rm T}$. This\n", " dependence is shown to be the same as the dependence of small $x$ exponent of\n", " $F_2$ structure function in deep inelastic scattering taken at the scale\n", " $Q=p_{\\rm T}/2$,\n", " The imaginary part of the effective heavy-quark potential is related to the\n", " total in-medium decay width of heavy quark-antiquark bound states. We extract\n", " the static limit of this quantity using classical-statistical simulations of\n", " real-time Yang-Mills dynamics by measuring the temporal decay of Wilson loops.\n", " By performing the simulations on finer and larger lattices, we are able to show\n", " that the nonperturbative results follow the same form as the perturbative ones.\n", " For large quark-antiquark separations, we quantify the magnitude of the\n", " non-perturbative long-range corrections to the imaginary part of the\n", " heavy-quark potential. We present our results for a wide range of temperatures,\n", " lattice spacings, and lattice volumes. We also extract approximations for the\n", " short-distance behavior of the classical potential.,\n", " The emission and absorption of single photons by single atomic particles is a\n", " fundamental limit of matter-light interaction, manifesting its quantum\n", " mechanical nature. At the same time, as a controlled process it is a key\n", " enabling tool for quantum technologies, such as quantum optical information\n", " technology [1, 2] and quantum metrology [3, 4, 5, 6]. Controlling both emission\n", " and absorption will allow implementing quantum networking scenarios [1, 7, 8,\n", " 9], where photonic communication of quantum information is interfaced with its\n", " local processing in atoms. In studies of single-photon emission, recent\n", " progress includes control of the shape, bandwidth, frequency, and polarization\n", " of single-photon sources [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], and the\n", " demonstration of atom-photon entanglement [18, 19, 20]. Controlled absorption\n", " of a single photon by a single atom is much less investigated; proposals exist\n", " but only very preliminary steps have been taken experimentally such as\n", " detecting the attenuation and phase shift of a weak laser beam by a single atom\n", " [21, 22], and designing an optical system that covers a large fraction of the\n", " full solid angle [23, 24, 25]. Here we report the interaction of single\n", " heralded photons with a single trapped atom. We find strong correlations of the\n", " detection of a heralding photon with a change in the quantum state of the atom\n", " marking absorption of the quantum-correlated heralded photon. In coupling a\n", " single absorber with a quantum light source, our experiment demonstrates\n", " previously unexplored matter-light interaction, while opening up new avenues\n", " towards photon-atom entanglement conversion in quantum technology.,\n", " We study charge and energy transfer in two-site molecular electronic\n", " junctions in which electron transport is assisted by a vibrational mode. To\n", " understand the role of mode harmonicity/anharmonicity on transport behavior, we\n", " consider two limiting situations: (i) the mode is assumed harmonic, (ii) we\n", " truncate the mode spectrum to include only two vibrational levels, to represent\n", " an anharmonic molecular mode. Based on the models' cumulant generating\n", " functions, we analyze the linear-response and nonlinear performance of these\n", " junctions and demonstrate that while the electrical and thermal conductances\n", " are sensitive to whether the mode is harmonic/anharmonic, the Seebeck\n", " coefficient, the thermoelectric figure-of-merit, and the thermoelectric\n", " efficiency beyond linear response, conceal this information.,\n", " We investigate how different magnetohydrodynamic models of propagation of a\n", " weak (Mach number ~1.2) shock in the core of a galaxy cluster affect its\n", " observational appearance, using the Perseus cluster as our fiducial model. In\n", " particular, we study how thermal conduction, both isotropic and anisotropic,\n", " and ion-electron temperature equilibration modify a weak shock. Strong thermal\n", " conduction is expected to produce an electron temperature precursor. Less\n", " prominent pressure and density precursors are formed as well. A longer\n", " equilibration time largely reduces the density precursor, but does not change\n", " the electron temperature precursor much. When thermal conduction becomes\n", " anisotropic, the intracluster magnetic field imprints its characteristic\n", " spatial scale on the distortions of the shock induced by heat fluxes.,\n", " We point out that the potential of Goldberger and Wise for stabilizing the\n", " distance between two 3-branes, separated from each other along an extra\n", " dimension with a warp factor, has a metastable minimum when the branes are\n", " infinitely separated. The classical evolution of the radion (brane separation)\n", " will place it in this false minimum for generic initial conditions. In\n", " particular, inflation could do this if the expansion rate is sufficiently\n", " large. We present a simplified version of the Goldberger-Wise mechanism in\n", " which the radion potential can be computed exactly, and we calculate the rate\n", " of thermal transitions to the true minimum, showing that model parameters can\n", " be chosen to ensure that the universe reaches the desired final state.\n", " Finiteness of bulk scalar field brane potentials can have an important impact\n", " on the nucleation rate, and it can also significantly increase the predicted\n", " mass of the radion.,\n", " We prove that weak solutions obtained as limits of certain numerical\n", " space-time discretizations are suitable in the sense of Scheffer and\n", " Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg. More precisely, in the space-periodic setting, we\n", " consider a full discretization in which the theta-method is used to discretize\n", " the time variable, while in the space variables we consider appropriate\n", " families of finite elements. The main result is the validity of the so-called\n", " local energy inequality.,\n", " We show that a locally Ahlfors 2-regular and locally linearly locally\n", " contractible metric surface is locally quasisymmetrically equivalent to the\n", " disk. We also discuss an application of this result to the problem of\n", " characterizing surfaces in some Euclidean space that are locally bi-Lipschitz\n", " equivalent to an open subset of the plane.,\n", " In nonadditive systems, like small systems or like long-range interacting\n", " systems even in the thermodynamic limit, ensemble inequivalence can be related\n", " to the occurrence of negative response functions, this in turn being connected\n", " with anomalous concavity properties of the thermodynamic potentials associated\n", " to the various ensembles. We show how the type and number of negative response\n", " functions depend on which of the quantities E, V and N (energy, volume and\n", " number of particles) are constrained in the ensemble. In particular, we\n", " consider the unconstrained ensemble in which E, V and N fluctuate, physically\n", " meaningful only for nonadditive systems. In fact, its partition function is\n", " associated to the replica energy, a thermodynamic function that identically\n", " vanishes when additivity holds, but that contains relevant information in\n", " nonadditive systems.,\n", " Pairing is the fundamental requirement for fermionic superfluidity and\n", " superconductivity. To understand the mechanism behind pair formation is an\n", " ongoing challenge in the study of many strongly correlated fermionic systems.\n", " Cooper pairs are the key ingredient to BCS theory as the microscopic\n", " explanation of conventional superconductivity. They form between particles of\n", " opposite spin and momentum at the Fermi surface of the system. Here, we\n", " directly observe Cooper pairs in a mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gas. We\n", " apply an imaging scheme that enables us to extract the full in-situ momentum\n", " distribution of a strongly interacting Fermi gas with single particle and spin\n", " resolution. Our ultracold gas allows us to freely tune between a completely\n", " non-interacting, unpaired system and weak attractions, where we find Cooper\n", " pair correlations at the Fermi surface. When increasing the attractive\n", " interactions even further, the pairs gradually turn into deeply bound molecules\n", " breaking up the Fermi surface. Our mesoscopic system is closely related to the\n", " physics of nuclei, superconducting grains or quantum dots. With the precise\n", " control over interactions, particle number and potential landscape in our\n", " experiment, the observables we establish in this work provide a new approach to\n", " longstanding questions concerning not only such mesoscopic systems but also\n", " their connection to the macroscopic world.,\n", " It is shown that the alpha^2-dynamo of Magnetohydrodynamics, the hydrodynamic\n", " Squire equation as well as an interpolation model of PT-symmetric Quantum\n", " Mechanics are closely related as spectral problems in Krein spaces. For the\n", " alpha^2-dynamo and the PT-symmetric model the strong similarities are\n", " demonstrated with the help of a 2x2 operator matrix representation, whereas the\n", " Squire equation is re-interpreted as a rescaled and Wick-rotated PT-symmetric\n", " problem. Based on recent results on the Squire equation the spectrum of the\n", " PT-symmetric interpolation model is analyzed in detail and the Herbst limit is\n", " described as spectral singularity.,\n", " A class of translation bounded complex measures, which have the form of\n", " weighted Dirac combs, on locally compact Abelian groups is investigated. Given\n", " such a Dirac comb, we are interested in its diffraction spectrum which emerges\n", " as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation measure. We present a\n", " sufficient set of conditions to ensure that the diffraction measure is a pure\n", " point measure. Simultaneously, we establish a natural link to the theory of the\n", " cut and project formalism and to the theory of almost periodic measures. Our\n", " conditions are general enough to cover the known theory of model sets, but also\n", " to include examples such as the visible lattice points.,\n", " We describe the asymptotic behavior of Palais-Smale sequences associated to\n", " certain Yamabe-type equations on manifolds with boundary. We prove that each of\n", " those sequences converges to a solution of the limit equation plus a finite\n", " number of \"bubbles\" which are obtained by rescaling fundamental solutions of\n", " the corresponding Euclidean equations.,\n", " Many state-of-art neural models designed for monotonicity reasoning perform\n", " poorly on downward inference. To address this shortcoming, we developed an\n", " attentive tree-structured neural network. It consists of a tree-based\n", " long-short-term-memory network (Tree-LSTM) with soft attention. It is designed\n", " to model the syntactic parse tree information from the sentence pair of a\n", " reasoning task. A self-attentive aggregator is used for aligning the\n", " representations of the premise and the hypothesis. We present our model and\n", " evaluate it using the Monotonicity Entailment Dataset (MED). We show and\n", " attempt to explain that our model outperforms existing models on MED.,\n", " Anomaly detection in network science is the method to determine aberrant\n", " edges, nodes, subgraphs or other network events. Heterogeneous networks\n", " typically contain information going beyond the observed network itself. Value\n", " Added Tax (VAT, a tax on goods and services) networks, defined from pairwise\n", " interactions of VAT registered taxpayers, are analysed at a population-scale\n", " requiring scalable algorithms. By adopting a quantitative understanding of the\n", " nature of VAT-anomalies, we define a method that identifies them utilising\n", " information from micro-scale, meso-scale and global-scale patterns that can be\n", " interpreted, and efficiently implemented, as population-scale network analysis.\n", " The proposed method is automatable, and implementable in real time, enabling\n", " revenue authorities to prevent large losses of tax revenues through performing\n", " early identification of fraud within the VAT system.,\n", " The paper presents two results. The first one provides separate conditions\n", " for the upper and lower estimate of the distribution of the exit time from\n", " balls of a random walk on a weighted graph. The main result of the paper is\n", " that the lower estimate follows from the elliptic Harnack inequality. The\n", " second result is an off-diagonal lower bound for the transition probability of\n", " the random walk.,\n", " Heterogeneous Network (HetNet), where Small cell Base Stations (SBSs) are\n", " densely deployed to offload traffic from macro Base Stations (BSs), is\n", " identified as a key solution to meet the unprecedented mobile traffic demand.\n", " The high density of SBSs are designed for peak traffic hours and consume an\n", " unnecessarily large amount of energy during off-peak time. In this paper, we\n", " propose a deep reinforcement-learning based SBS activation strategy that\n", " activates the optimal subset of SBSs to significantly lower the energy\n", " consumption without compromising the quality of service. In particular, we\n", " formulate the SBS on/off switching problem into a Markov Decision Process that\n", " can be solved by Actor Critic (AC) reinforcement learning methods. To avoid\n", " prohibitively high computational and storage costs of conventional\n", " tabular-based approaches, we propose to use deep neural networks to approximate\n", " the policy and value functions in the AC approach. Moreover, to expedite the\n", " training process, we adopt a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) approach\n", " together with a novel action refinement scheme. Through extensive numerical\n", " simulations, we show that the proposed scheme greatly outperforms the existing\n", " methods in terms of both energy efficiency and computational efficiency. We\n", " also show that the proposed scheme can scale to large system with polynomial\n", " complexities in both storage and computation.,\n", " In the Home Service Assignment, Routing, and Appointment scheduling (H-SARA)\n", " problem, a set of homogeneous service teams must visit a set of customers. The\n", " home service provider needs to decide how many teams to hire (i.e., sizing\n", " problem), how to assign service teams to customers (i.e., assignment problem),\n", " how to route service teams (i.e., vehicle routing problem),and how to schedule\n", " the appointment times for the customers (i.e., appointment scheduling problem)\n", " such that the total cost is minimized. To tackle the H-SARA problem, we propose\n", " an efficient solution method that comprises two stages. In the first stage, we\n", " present a column generation algorithm to solve the sizing, assignment, and\n", " routing problem. The algorithm is enhanced by a high-quality initial solution\n", " which is found using the route-first cluster-second principle and a\n", " polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm. In the second stage, due to the\n", " stochastic nature of travel time, service time, and cancellation, we propose a\n", " simulation-driven approach to decide the appointment times such that a desired\n", " on-time arrival probability is achieved. To ensure the suitability of the\n", " simulation model, we discuss the characterization of the stochastic parameters.\n", " The proposed ideas can be embedded in different solution schemes, including a\n", " fast heuristic method that finds good solutions within seconds or a more\n", " elaborate algorithm to find near-optimal solutions at the expense of longer\n", " computational time. At last, we provide a high-level flexible decision support\n", " tool implemented in AIMMS.,\n", " It is shown that an alternative to the standard scalar QED is possible. In\n", " this new version there is only global gauge invariance as far as the charged\n", " scalar fields are concerned although local gauge invariance is kept for the\n", " electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic coupling has the form\n", " $j_\\mu (A^{\\mu} +\\partial^{\\mu}B)$ where $B$ is an auxiliary field and the\n", " current $j_\\mu$ is $A_{\\mu}$ independent so that no \"sea gull terms\" are\n", " introduced. In a model of this kind spontaneous breaking of symmetry does not\n", " lead to photon mass generation, instead the Goldstone boson becomes a massless\n", " source for the electromagnetic field. Infrared questions concerning the theory\n", " when spontaneous symmetry breaking takes place and generalizations to global\n", " vector QED are discussed. In this framework Q-Balls and other non topological\n", " solitons that owe their existence to a global U(1) symmetry can be coupled to\n", " electromagnetism and could represent multiply charged particles now in search\n", " in the LHC. Furthermore, we give an example where an \"Emergent\" Global Scalar\n", " QED can appear from an axion photon system in an external magnetic field.\n", " Finally, formulations of Global scalar QED that allow perturbative expansions\n", " without sea gulls are developed.,\n", " We discuss the results of cross-correlating catalogs of bright X-ray binaries\n", " with the Yale Southern Proper Motion catalog (version 4.0). Several objects\n", " already known to have large proper motions from Hipparcos are recovered. Two\n", " additional objects are found which show substantial proper motions, both of\n", " which are unusual in their X-ray properties. One is IGR J17544-2619, one of the\n", " supergiant fast X-ray transients. Assuming the quoted distances in the\n", " literature for this source of about 3 kpc are correct, this system has a\n", " peculiar velocity of about 275 km/sec -- greater than the velocity of a\n", " Keplerian orbit at its location of the Galaxy, and in line with the\n", " expectations formed from suggestions that the supergiant fast X-ray transients\n", " should be highly eccentric. We discuss the possibility that these objects may\n", " help explain the existence of short gamma-ray bursts outside the central\n", " regions of galaxies. The other is the source 2A~1822-371, which is a member of\n", " the small class of objects which are low mass X-ray binaries and long (i.e. $>$\n", " 100 millisecond) X-ray pulsars. This system also shows both an anomalously high\n", " X-ray luminosity and a large orbital period derivative for a system with its\n", " orbital period, and some possible indications of an eccentric orbit. A coherent\n", " picture can be developed by adding in the proper motion information in which\n", " this system formed in the Perseus spiral arm of the Galaxy about 3 Myr ago, and\n", " retains a slightly eccentric orbit which leads to enhanced mass transfer.,\n", " We propose here a new idea for quantum teleportation of superposed coherent\n", " state which is not only almost perfect, in principle, but also feasible\n", " experimentally. We use entangled resource $\\sim\n", " |\\alpha,\\frac{\\alpha}{\\sqrt{2}}\\rangle-|-\\alpha,-\\frac{\\alpha}{\\sqrt{2}}\\rangle$\n", " in contrast with the usual $\\sim |\\alpha,\\alpha\\rangle-|-\\alpha,-\\alpha\n", " \\rangle$ (both states unnormalized). Bob receives state which is then\n", " superposition of the states $|\\pm \\frac{\\alpha}{\\sqrt{2}}\\rangle$ . Bob mixes\n", " these with even or odd coherent states involving superposition of states $|\\pm\n", " \\frac{\\alpha}{\\sqrt{2}}\\rangle$ to obtain a two-mode state which is one of\n", " $\\sim |I,0\\rangle \\pm |0,I\\rangle$, $|I\\rangle$ being the information state.\n", " Bob then obtains the teleported information by using interaction of one of\n", " these modes in two cavities with resonant two-level atoms. This scheme results\n", " in average fidelity of $\\simeq 0.95$ for $|\\alpha|^2 \\simeq 10$, which\n", " increases with $|\\alpha|^2$ and tends to 1 asymptotically, varying as\n", " $1-\\frac{\\pi^2}{16|\\alpha|^2}+\\frac{\\pi^2(\\pi^2+8)}{256|\\alpha|^4}$ for large\n", " values of $|\\alpha|^2$.,\n", " A class of translation-invariant Banach spaces of quasianalytic\n", " ultradistributions is introduced and studied. They are Banach modules over a\n", " Beurling algebra. Based on this class of Banach spaces, we define corresponding\n", " test function spaces $\\mathcal{D}^*_E$ and their strong duals\n", " $\\mathcal{D}'^*_{E'_{\\ast}}$ of quasianalytic type, and study convolution and\n", " multiplicative products on $\\mathcal{D}'^*_{E'_{\\ast}}$. These new spaces\n", " generalize previous works about translation-invariant spaces of tempered\n", " (non-quasianalytic ultra-) distributions; in particular, our new considerations\n", " apply to the settings of Fourier hyperfunctions and ultrahyperfunctions. New\n", " weighted $\\mathcal{D}'^{\\ast}_{L^{p}_{\\eta}}$ spaces of quasianalytic\n", " ultradistributions are analyzed.,\n", " We study the the high spin expansion of the anomalous dimension for long\n", " operators belonging to the $sl(2)$ sector of ${\\cal N}=4$ SYM. Keeping the\n", " ratio $j$ between the twist and the logarithm of the spin fixed, the anomalous\n", " dimensions expand as $\\gamma= f(g,j)\\ln s + f^{(0)}(g,j)+O(1/\\ln s)$. This\n", " particular double scaling limit is efficiently described, up to the desired\n", " accuracy $O(\\ln s ^0)$, in terms of linear integral equations. By using them,\n", " we are able to evaluate both at weak and strong coupling the sub-leading\n", " scaling function $f^{(0)}(g,j)$ as series in $j$, up to the order $j^5$. Thanks\n", " to these results, the possible extension of the liaison with the O(6)\n", " non-linear sigma model may be tackled on a solid ground.,\n", " Quantum systems that undergo quantum phase transitions exhibit divergent\n", " susceptibility and can be exploited as probes to estimate physical parameters.\n", " We generalize the dynamic framework for criticality-enhanced quantum sensing by\n", " the quantum Rabi model (QRM) to its anisotropic counterpart and derive the\n", " correspondingly analytical expressions for the quantum Fisher information\n", " (QFI). We find that the contributions of the rotating-wave and\n", " counterrotating-wave interaction terms are symmetric at the limit of the\n", " infinite ratio of qubit frequency to field frequency, with the QFI reaching a\n", " maximum for the isotropic quantum Rabi model. At finite frequency scaling, we\n", " analytically derive the inverted variance of higher-order correction and find\n", " that it is more affected by the rotating-wave coupling than by the\n", " counterrotating-wave coupling.,\n", " Non-cubic crystals exhibit anisotropic physical and functional properties.\n", " Microscopic crystallites as constituents of polycrystalline materials are\n", " randomly oriented, thus polycrystalline ceramics lack the anisotropic\n", " properties of their monocrystalline counterparts. We propose a technology that\n", " exploits the synergy between magnetic alignment and colloidal ceramics\n", " processing, and enables to independently tune the orientation of grains in\n", " different sample regions by infinitesimal magnetic fields (<10 millitesla). The\n", " grain pivot mechanism enables the emulation of single crystals, as well as the\n", " creation of large complex-shaped ceramic elements with designed\n", " crystallographic landscapes and spatially and directionally tuned properties.\n", " Ultra-high magnetic response arises from magnetic shape anisotropy of\n", " platelet-shaped seed crystallites coated with small amounts of iron oxide\n", " nanoparticles. To control crystallographic growth directions during subsequent\n", " annealing procedures, the seeds are dispersed and aligned in a matrix of\n", " chemically identical, but much finer spherical particles. The degree of\n", " crystalline orientation in accordingly prepared aluminum oxide exceeds 99%.\n", " This technology opens an avenue to remarkably improve structural and functional\n", " properties of ceramic elements employed in numerous industrial applications.,\n", " In this paper, we describe a computational implementation of the Synthetic\n", " difference-in-differences (SDID) estimator of Arkhangelsky et al. (2021) for\n", " Stata. Synthetic difference-in-differences can be used in a wide class of\n", " circumstances where treatment effects on some particular policy or event are\n", " desired, and repeated observations on treated and untreated units are available\n", " over time. We lay out the theory underlying SDID, both when there is a single\n", " treatment adoption date and when adoption is staggered over time, and discuss\n", " estimation and inference in each of these cases. We introduce the sdid command\n", " which implements these methods in Stata, and provide a number of examples of\n", " use, discussing estimation, inference, and visualization of results.,\n", " Nuclear spin-dependent parity violation (NSD-PV) effects in atoms and\n", " molecules arise from $Z^0$ boson exchange between electrons and the nucleus,\n", " and from the magnetic interaction between electrons and the parity-violating\n", " nuclear anapole moment. It has been proposed to study NSD-PV effects using an\n", " enhancement of the observable effect in diatomic molecules [D. DeMille\n", " $\\textit{et al.}$, Phys. Rev. Lett. $\\textbf{100}$, 023003 (2008)]. Here, we\n", " demonstrate measurements of this type with sensitivity surpassing that of any\n", " previous atomic PV measurement, using the test system\n", " ${^{138}\\mathrm{Ba^{19}F}}$. We show that systematic errors associated with our\n", " technique can be suppressed to at least the level of the present statistical\n", " sensitivity. With $\\sim\\!170$ hours of data, we measure the matrix element,\n", " $W$, of the NSD-PV interaction with uncertainty $\\delta W/(2\\pi)<0.7$ Hz, for\n", " each of two configurations where $W$ must have different signs. This\n", " sensitivity would be sufficient to measure NSD-PV effects of the size\n", " anticipated across a wide range of nuclei.,\n", " With a simple graph $G$ on $[n]$, we associate a binomial ideal $P_G$\n", " generated by diagonal minors of an $n \\times n$ matrix $X=(x_{ij})$ of\n", " variables. We show that for any graph $G$, $P_G$ is a prime complete\n", " intersection ideal and determine the divisor class group of $K[X]/ P_G$. By\n", " using these ideals, one may find a normal domain with free divisor class group\n", " of any given rank.,\n", " Manufacturing companies typically use sophisticated production planning\n", " systems optimizing production steps, often delivering near-optimal solutions.\n", " As a downside for delivering a near-optimal schedule, planning systems have\n", " high computational demands resulting in hours of computation. Under normal\n", " circumstances this is not issue if there is enough buffer time before\n", " implementation of the schedule (e.g. at night for the next day). However, in\n", " case of unexpected disruptions such as delayed part deliveries or defectively\n", " manufactured goods, the planned schedule may become invalid and swift\n", " replanning becomes necessary. Such immediate replanning is unsuited for\n", " existing optimal planners due to the computational requirements. This paper\n", " proposes a novel solution that can effectively and efficiently perform\n", " replanning in case of different types of disruptions using an existing plan.\n", " The approach is based on the idea to adhere to the existing schedule as much as\n", " possible, adapting it based on limited local changes. For that purpose an\n", " agent-based scheduling mechanism has been devised, in which agents represent\n", " materials and production sites and use local optimization techniques and\n", " negotiations to generate an adapted (sufficient, but non-optimal) schedule. The\n", " approach has been evaluated using real production data from Huawei, showing\n", " that efficient schedules are produced in short time. The system has been\n", " implemented as proof of concept and is currently reimplemented and transferred\n", " to a production system based on the Jadex agent platform.,\n", " We present an efficient frequency-based neural representation termed PREF: a\n", " shallow MLP augmented with a phasor volume that covers significant border\n", " spectra than previous Fourier feature mapping or Positional Encoding. At the\n", " core is our compact 3D phasor volume where frequencies distribute uniformly\n", " along a 2D plane and dilate along a 1D axis. To this end, we develop a tailored\n", " and efficient Fourier transform that combines both Fast Fourier transform and\n", " local interpolation to accelerate na\\\"ive Fourier mapping. We also introduce a\n", " Parsvel regularizer that stables frequency-based learning. In these ways, Our\n", " PREF reduces the costly MLP in the frequency-based representation, thereby\n", " significantly closing the efficiency gap between it and other hybrid\n", " representations, and improving its interpretability. Comprehensive experiments\n", " demonstrate that our PREF is able to capture high-frequency details while\n", " remaining compact and robust, including 2D image generalization, 3D signed\n", " distance function regression and 5D neural radiance field reconstruction.,\n", " Compactness, robustness and autonomy of optical frequency references are\n", " prerequisites for reliable operation in mobile systems, on ground as well as in\n", " space. We present a standalone plug and play optical frequency reference device\n", " based on frequency modulation spectroscopy of the D2-transition in rubidium at\n", " 780 nm. After a single button press the hand-sized laser module, based on the\n", " micro-integrated laser-optical bench described in [J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38,\n", " 1885-1891 (2021)], works fully autonomous and generates 6 mW of frequency\n", " stabilized light with a relative frequency instability of 1.4e-12 at 1 s and\n", " below 1e-11 at 1e5 s averaging time. We describe the design of the device,\n", " investigate the thermal characteristics affecting the output frequency and\n", " demonstrate short-term frequency stability improvement by a Bayesian optimizer\n", " varying the modulation parameters.,\n", " We present a scheme for a self-testing quantum random number generator.\n", " Compared to the fully device-independent model, our scheme requires an extra\n", " natural assumption, namely that the mean energy per signal is bounded. The\n", " scheme is self-testing, as it allows the user to verify in real-time the\n", " correct functioning of the setup, hence guaranteeing the continuous generation\n", " of certified random bits. Based on a prepare-and-measure setup, our scheme is\n", " practical, and we implement it using only off-the-shelf optical components. The\n", " randomness generation rate is 1.25 Mbits/s, comparable to commercial solutions.\n", " Overall, we believe that this scheme achieves a promising trade-off between the\n", " required assumptions, ease-of-implementation and performance.,\n", " An effective force induced by spatially depending decoherence is predicted.\n", " The phenomenon is illustrated by a simple model of a 1/2-spin particle\n", " subjected to distributed unselective measurement of noncommuting spin\n", " components.,\n", " Many big-data clusters store data in large partitions that support access at\n", " a coarse, partition-level granularity. As a result, approximate query\n", " processing via row-level sampling is inefficient, often requiring reads of many\n", " partitions. In this work, we seek to answer queries quickly and approximately\n", " by reading a subset of the data partitions and combining partial answers in a\n", " weighted manner without modifying the data layout. We illustrate how to\n", " efficiently perform this query processing using a set of pre-computed summary\n", " statistics, which inform the choice of partitions and weights. We develop novel\n", " means of using the statistics to assess the similarity and importance of\n", " partitions. Our experiments on several datasets and data layouts demonstrate\n", " that to achieve the same relative error compared to uniform partition sampling,\n", " our techniques offer from 2.7$\\times$ to $70\\times$ reduction in the number of\n", " partitions read, and the statistics stored per partition require fewer than\n", " 100KB.,\n", " Experimental data have provided stringent constraints on neutrino mixing\n", " parameters. In the standard parameterization the mixing angle $\\theta_{23}$ is\n", " close to $\\pi/4$. There are also evidences show that the CP violating phase is\n", " close to $-\\pi/2$. We study neutrino mass matrix reconstructed using this\n", " information and find several interesting properties. We show that a theoretical\n", " model based on the $A_4$ symmetry naturally predicts $\\delta = -\\pi/2$ and\n", " $\\theta_{23} = \\pi/4$ when the Yukawa couplings and scalar vacuum expectation\n", " values are real reaching a $\\mu-\\tau$ exchange and CP conjugate symmetry limit.\n", " In this case CP violation solely comes from the complex group theoretical\n", " Clebsh-Gordan coefficients. The model also predicts $|V_{e2}|=1/\\sqrt{3}$\n", " consistent with data. With complex Yukawa couplings the values for $\\delta$ and\n", " $\\theta_{23}$ can be significantly deviate away from the symmetry values\n", " $-\\pi/2$ and $\\pi/4$, respectively. But $|V_{e2}|= 1/\\sqrt{3}$ is not altered.\n", " This matrix is an excellent lowest order approximation for theoretical model\n", " buildings of neutrino mass matrix.,\n", " Models of bacterial growth tend to be `irreversible', allowing for the number\n", " of bacteria in a colony to increase but not to decrease. By contrast, models of\n", " molecular self-assembly are usually `reversible', allowing for addition and\n", " removal of particles to a structure. Such processes differ in a fundamental way\n", " because only reversible processes possess an equilibrium. Here we show at\n", " mean-field level that dynamic trajectories of reversible and irreversible\n", " growth processes are similar in that both feel the influence of attractors, at\n", " which growth proceeds without limit but the intensive properties of the system\n", " are invariant. Attractors of both processes undergo nonequilibrium phase\n", " transitions as model parameters are varied, suggesting a unified way of\n", " describing reversible and irreversible growth. We also establish a connection\n", " at mean-field level between an irreversible model of growth (the magnetic Eden\n", " model) and the equilibrium Ising model, supporting the findings made by other\n", " authors using numerical simulations.,\n", " Synoptic searches for the optical counterpart to a binary neutron star (BNS)\n", " or neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger can pose significant challenges\n", " towards the discovery of kilonovae and performing multi-messenger science. In\n", " this work, we describe the advantage of a global multi-telescope network\n", " towards this end, with a particular focus on the key and complementary role the\n", " Dark Energy Camera (DECam) plays in multi-facility follow-up. We describe the\n", " Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH)\n", " Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) Marshal, a common web application we built to\n", " ingest events, plan observations, search for transient candidates, and retrieve\n", " performance summary statistics for all of the telescopes in our network. Our\n", " infrastructure enabled us to conduct observations of two events during O3a,\n", " S190426c and S190510g. Furthermore, our analysis of deep DECam observations of\n", " S190814bv conducted by the DESGW team, and access to a variety of global\n", " follow-up facilities allowed us to place meaningful constraints on the\n", " parameters of the kilonova and the merging binary. We emphasize the importance\n", " of a global telescope network in conjunction with a power telescope like DECam\n", " in performing searches for the counterparts to gravitational-wave sources.,\n", " We calculate the collective mode spectrum in models of superconductors with\n", " attractive interactions in s-and d channels as a function of their relative\n", " strength, across a phase diagram that includes transition between s, s+id, and\n", " d-wave ground states. For one-band systems, we recover the largely known\n", " results for the phase, amplitude, and Bardasis-Schrieffer modes of pure s or\n", " d-states, and show how the well-defined Bardasis-Schrieffer mode softens near\n", " the s + id phase boundary and evolves in a characteristic manner through the s\n", " + id phase as a mixed symmetry mode. For two-band systems, we consider a model\n", " of hole-doped Fe-based superconductors, and find in the case of an s-wave\n", " ground state a well-defined Bardasis-Schrieffer mode below the lowest gap edge,\n", " as well as a second, damped mode of this type between the two gap energies.\n", " Both modes soften as the s + id phase is approached, and only a single\n", " \"mixed-symmetry Bardasis-Schrieffer mode\" below the pairbreaking continuum\n", " propagates in the s + id phase itself. These modes coexist with a damped\n", " Leggett mode with collective frequency between the two gap scales. In the pure\n", " d-state, no Bardasis-Schrieffer type s excitonic mode exists at low T. We\n", " briefly discuss Raman scattering experiments and how they can be used to\n", " identify an s + id state, and to track the evolution of competing s- and d-\n", " interactions in these systems.,\n", " Context: Classical nova progenitors are cataclysmic variables and very old\n", " novae are observed to match high mass transfer rate and (relatively) long\n", " orbital period systems. However, the aftermath of a classical nova has never\n", " been studied in detail. Aims: To probe the aftermath of a classical nova\n", " explosion in cataclysmic variables and observe as the binary system relaxes to\n", " quiescence. Methods: We used multi-wavelength time resolved optical and\n", " near-infrared spectroscopy for a bright, well studied classical nova five years\n", " after outburst. We were able to disentangle the contribution of the ejecta at\n", " this late epoch using its previous characterization, separating the ejecta\n", " emission from that of the binary system. Results: We determined the binary\n", " orbital period (P=3.76 hr), the system separation and mass ratio (q>=0.17 for\n", " an assumed white dwarf mass of 1.2 solar masses). We find evidence of an\n", " irradiated secondary star and no unambiguous signature of an accretion disk,\n", " although we identify a second emission line source tied to the white dwarf with\n", " an impact point. The data are consistent with a bloated white dwarf envelope\n", " and the presence of unsettled gas within the white dwarf Roche lobe.\n", " Conclusions: At more than 5 years after eruption, it appears that this\n", " classical nova has not yet relaxed.,\n", " We study the conductivity of graphene with a smooth but\n", " particle-hole-asymmetric disorder potential. Using perturbation theory for the\n", " weak-disorder regime and numerical calculations we investigate how the\n", " particle-hole asymmetry shifts the position of the minimal conductivity away\n", " from the Dirac point $\\varepsilon = 0$. We find that the conductivity minimum\n", " is shifted in opposite directions for weak and strong disorder. For large\n", " disorder strengths the conductivity minimum appears close to the doping level\n", " for which electron and hole doped regions (\"puddles\") are equal in size.,\n", " Exclusive nonleptonic decays of bottom baryons to charm baryons and\n", " pseudoscalar light mesons are analyzed within a relativistic three-quark model.\n", " We include factorizing as well as nonfactorizing contributions to the decay\n", " amplitudes. The total contribution of the nonfactorizing diagrams amount up to\n", " 30% of the factorizing contributions in amplitude. We present detailed\n", " predictions for rates and asymmetry parameters.,\n", " Despite important breakthroughs in the last decade, the calculation of\n", " temperature dependent properties of solids still remains a challenging task,\n", " especially in the vicinity of structural phase transitions. We show that the\n", " combination of machine-learning interatomic potentials with quantum\n", " self-consistent ab initio lattice dynamics allows to calculate efficiently the\n", " temperature dependence of dielectric properties of the quantum paraelectric\n", " perovskite KTaO$_3$, with a precision beyond what could be reasonably achieved\n", " using plain density functional theory. We first follow the strong anharmonic\n", " softening of the polar mode in this incipient ferroelectric material, and the\n", " resulting divergence of the dielectric constant that eventually saturates due\n", " to the interplay between temperature and quantum fluctuations. Further, we\n", " predict the stability range of the quantum paraelectric state under the\n", " application of epitaxial strain at 0 K and 300 K. Finally, we calculate the\n", " temperature dependence of electrostrictive tensors for this material and show\n", " that giant electrostriction in KTaO$_3$ is to be expected also at room\n", " temperature under the condition of strain engineering.,\n", " What is the value of an individual model in an ensemble of binary\n", " classifiers? We answer this question by introducing a class of transferable\n", " utility cooperative games called \\textit{ensemble games}. In machine learning\n", " ensembles, pre-trained models cooperate to make classification decisions. To\n", " quantify the importance of models in these ensemble games, we define\n", " \\textit{Troupe} -- an efficient algorithm which allocates payoffs based on\n", " approximate Shapley values of the classifiers. We argue that the Shapley value\n", " of models in these games is an effective decision metric for choosing a high\n", " performing subset of models from the ensemble. Our analytical findings prove\n", " that our Shapley value estimation scheme is precise and scalable; its\n", " performance increases with size of the dataset and ensemble. Empirical results\n", " on real world graph classification tasks demonstrate that our algorithm\n", " produces high quality estimates of the Shapley value. We find that Shapley\n", " values can be utilized for ensemble pruning, and that adversarial models\n", " receive a low valuation. Complex classifiers are frequently found to be\n", " responsible for both correct and incorrect classification decisions.,\n", " We report a study of the process $e^{+} e^{-} \\to (D^{*} \\bar{D}^{*})^{0}\n", " \\pi^0$ using $e^+e^-$ collision data samples with integrated luminosities of\n", " $1092 \\rm{pb}^{-1}$ at $\\sqrt{s}=4.23 \\rm{GeV}$ and $826 \\rm{pb}^{-1}$ at\n", " $\\sqrt{s}=4.26 \\rm{GeV}$ collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII\n", " storage ring. We observe a new neutral structure near the $(D^{*}\n", " \\bar{D}^{*})^{0}$ mass threshold in the $\\pi^0$ recoil mass spectrum, which we\n", " denote as $Z_{c}(4025)^{0}$. Assuming a Breit-Wigner line shape, its pole mass\n", " and pole width are determined to be $(4025.5^{+2.0}_{-4.7}\\pm3.1) \\rm{MeV}/c^2$\n", " and $(23.0\\pm 6.0\\pm 1.0) \\rm{MeV}$, respectively. The Born cross sections of\n", " $e^{+}e^{-}\\to Z_{c}(4025)^{0} \\pi^0\\to (D^{*} \\bar{D}^{*})^{0}\\pi^0$ are\n", " measured to be $(61.6\\pm8.2\\pm9.0) \\rm{pb}$ at $\\sqrt{s}=4.23 \\rm{GeV}$ and\n", " $(43.4\\pm8.0\\pm5.4) \\rm{pb}$ at $\\sqrt{s}=4.26 \\rm{GeV}$. The first\n", " uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic.,\n", " We propose a realization of two remarkable effects of Dicke physics in\n", " quantum simulation of light-matter many-body interactions with artificial\n", " quantum systems. These effects are a superradiant decay of an ensemble of\n", " qubits and the opposite radiation trapping effect. We show that both phenomena\n", " coexist in the crossover regime of a \"moderately bad\" single-mode cavity\n", " coupled to the qubit subsystem. Depending on the type of the initial state and\n", " on the presence of multipartite entanglement in it, the dynamical features can\n", " be opposite resulting either in the superradiance or in the radiation trapping\n", " despite of the fact that the initial state contains the same number of excited\n", " qubits. The difference originates from the symmetrical or nonsymmetrical\n", " character of the initial wave function of the ensemble, which corresponds to\n", " indistinguishable or distinguishable emitters. We argue that a coexistence of\n", " both effects can be used in dynamical quantum simulators to demonstrate\n", " realization of Dicke physics, effects of multipartite quantum entanglement, as\n", " well as quantum interference and thus to deeply probe quantum nature of these\n", " artificial quantum systems.,\n", " We studied the temperature and the angular dependences of the upper critical\n", " field ($H_{c2}(T,\\theta$)) of Mg$_{1-x}$Al$_x$B$_2$ single crystals ($x = 0.12$\n", " and 0.21) and compared with the dirty-limit two-gap theory. We found that\n", " $H_{c2}(T,\\theta)$'s were well described in a unified way by this theory. The\n", " obtained values of the parameters indicated that as the Al concentration was\n", " increased, anisotropic impurity scattering increased, making the $\\sigma$ bands\n", " less anisotropic. Accordingly, the temperature dependence of the anisotropy\n", " ratio of $H_{c2}$ ($\\gamma_H$) systematically decreased, and for $x=0.21$,\n", " $\\gamma_H$ was nearly constant. Our results imply that Mg$_{1-x}$Al$_x$B$_2$\n", " single crystals are in dirty-limit and that two-gap nature survives until $x =\n", " 0.21$.,\n", " We use neutron scattering to study the lattice and magnetic structure of the\n", " layered half-doped manganite Pr$_{0.5}$Ca$_{1.5}$MnO$_4$. On cooling from high\n", " temperature, the system first becomes charge- and orbital- ordered (CO/OO) near\n", " $T_{CO}=300$ K and then develops checkerboard-like antiferromagnetic (AF) order\n", " below $T_{N}=130$ K. At temperatures above $T_{N}$ but below $T_{CO}$\n", " ($T_N 4$ they are not. The standard proof is based on the analysis of the\n", " Bessel SDE of dimension $d=1+4/\\kappa$. We propose a different approach which\n", " is based on the analysis of the Bessel SDE with $d=1-4/\\kappa$. This not only\n", " gives a new perspective, but also allows to describe the formation of the SLE\n", " `bubbles' for $\\kappa>4$.,\n", " By selectively probing the center of a trapped gas, we measure the local, or\n", " homogeneous, contact of a unitary Fermi gas as a function of temperature. Tan's\n", " contact, C, is proportional to the derivative of the energy with respect to the\n", " interaction strength, and is thus an essential thermodynamic quantity for a gas\n", " with short-range correlations. Theoretical predictions for the temperature\n", " dependence of C differ substantially, especially near the superfluid\n", " transition, Tc, where C is predicted to either sharply decrease, sharply\n", " increase, or change very little. For T/T_F>0.4, our measurements of the\n", " homogeneous gas contact show a gradual decrease of C with increasing\n", " temperature, as predicted by theory. We observe a sharp decrease in C at\n", " T/T_F=0.16, which may be due to the superfluid phase transition. While a sharp\n", " decrease in C below Tc is predicted by some many-body theories, we find that\n", " none of the predictions fully accounts for the data.,\n", " A finite-size scaling theory for the $\\phi^4_4$ model is derived using\n", " renormalization group methods. Particular attention is paid to the partition\n", " function zeroes, in terms of which all thermodynamic observables can be\n", " expressed. While the leading scaling behaviour is identical to that of mean\n", " field theory, there exist multiplicative logarithmic corrections too. A\n", " non-perturbative test of these formulae in the form of a high precision Monte\n", " Carlo analysis reveals good quantitative agreement with the analytical\n", " predictions.,\n", " These lecture notes provide a brief overview of methods of entanglement\n", " theory applied to the study of quantum many-body systems, as well as of tensor\n", " network states capturing quantum states naturally appearing in condensed-matter\n", " systems.,\n", " In this note, stimulated by the existence result of Futaki-Ono-Wang for toric\n", " Sasaki-Einstein metrics, we obtain new examples of Sasaki-Einstein metrics on\n", " S^1-bundles associated to canonical line bundles of P^1-bundles over\n", " K\\\"ahler-Einstein Fano manifolds, even though the Futaki's obstruction does not\n", " vanish.\n", " Here the method of Sakane and Koiso is used, and our examples include\n", " non-toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds.,\n", " The high-level contribution of this paper is a simulation-based analysis to\n", " evaluate the tradeoffs between lifetime and hop count of link-disjoint,\n", " node-disjoint and zone-disjoint multi-path routes vis-\\`a-vis single-path\n", " minimum hop routes for mobile ad hoc networks. The link-disjoint, node-disjoint\n", " and zone-disjoint algorithms proposed in this paper can be used to arrive at\n", " benchmarks for the time between successive multi-path route discoveries, the\n", " number of disjoint paths per multi-path set and the hop count per multi-path\n", " set. We assume a multi-path set exists as long as at least one path in the set\n", " exists. Simulation results indicate that the number of zone-disjoint paths per\n", " multi-path set can be at most 2, which is far lower than the number of node and\n", " link-disjoint paths available per multi-path set. Also, the time between\n", " zone-disjoint multi-path discoveries would be far lower than the time between\n", " node and link-disjoint multi-path route discoveries and can be at most 45% more\n", " than the time between single minimum-hop path route discoveries. However, there\n", " is no appreciable difference in the average hop counts per zone-disjoint,\n", " node-disjoint and link-disjoint multi-path sets and it can be only at most 15%\n", " more than the average minimum hop count determined using single-path routing.\n", " We also observe that even though the number of link-disjoint paths per\n", " multi-path set can be as large as 35-78% more than the number of node-disjoint\n", " paths per multi-path set, the time between two successive link-disjoint\n", " multi-path discoveries can be at most 15-25% more than the time between two\n", " successive node-disjoint multi-path discoveries, without any significant\n", " difference in the hop count per multi-path set.,\n", " The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has now days gained\n", " tremendous attentions for solving large-scale machine learning and signal\n", " processing problems due to the relative simplicity. However, the two-block\n", " structure of the classical ADMM still limits the size of the real problems\n", " being solved. When one forces a more-than-two-block structure by\n", " variable-splitting, the convergence speed slows down greatly as observed in\n", " practice. Recently, a randomly assembled cyclic multi-block ADMM (RAC-MBADMM)\n", " was developed by the authors for solving general convex and nonconvex quadratic\n", " optimization problems where the number of blocks can go greater than two so\n", " that each sub-problem has a smaller size and can be solved much more\n", " efficiently. In this paper, we apply this method to solving few selected\n", " machine learning problems related to convex quadratic optimization, such as\n", " Linear Regression, LASSO, Elastic-Net, and SVM. We prove that the algorithm\n", " would converge in expectation linearly under the standard statistical data\n", " assumptions. We use our general-purpose solver to conduct multiple numerical\n", " tests, solving both synthetic and large-scale bench-mark problems. Our results\n", " show that RAC-MBADMM could significantly outperform, in both solution time and\n", " quality, other optimization algorithms/codes for solving these machine learning\n", " problems, and match up the performance of the best tailored methods such as\n", " Glmnet or LIBSVM. In certain problem regions RAC-MBADMM even achieves a\n", " superior performance than that of the tailored methods.,\n", " Objects grasping, also known as the bin-picking, is one of the most common\n", " tasks faced by industrial robots. While much work has been done in related\n", " topics, grasping randomly piled objects still remains a challenge because much\n", " of the existing work either lack robustness or costs too much resource. In this\n", " paper, we develop a fast and robust bin-picking system for grasping densely\n", " piled objects adaptively and safely. The proposed system starts with point\n", " cloud segmentation using improved density-based spatial clustering of\n", " application with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm, which is improved by combining the\n", " region growing algorithm and using Octree to speed up the calculation. The\n", " system then uses principle component analysis (PCA) for coarse registration and\n", " iterative closest point (ICP) for fine registration. We propose a grasp risk\n", " score (GRS) to evaluate each object by the collision probability, the stability\n", " of the object, and the whole pile's stability. Through real tests with the Anno\n", " robot, our method is verified to be advanced in speed and robustness.,\n", " Vertical stacking of monolayers via van der Waals assembly is an emerging\n", " field that opens promising routes toward engineering physical properties of\n", " two-dimensional (2D) materials. Industrial exploitation of these engineering\n", " heterostructures as robust functional materials still requires bounding their\n", " measured properties so to enhance theoretical tractability and assist in\n", " experimental designs. Specifically, the short-range attractive van der Waals\n", " forces are responsible for the adhesion of chemically inert components and are\n", " recognized to play a dominant role in the functionality of these structures.\n", " Here we reliably quantify the the strength of van der Waals forces in terms of\n", " an effective Hamaker parameter for CVD-grown graphene and show how it scales by\n", " a factor of two or three from single to multiple layers on standard supporting\n", " surfaces such as copper or silicon oxide. Furthermore, direct measurements on\n", " freestanding graphene provide the means to discern the interplay between the\n", " van der Waals potential of graphene and its supporting substrate. Our results\n", " demonstrated that the underlying substrates could enhance or reduce the van der\n", " Waals force of graphene surfaces, and its consequences are explained in terms\n", " of a Lifshitz theory-based analytical model.,\n", " We study the optical $gri$ photometric variability of a sample of 190 quasars\n", " within the SDSS Stripe 82 region that have long-term photometric coverage\n", " during $\\sim 1998-2020$ with SDSS, PanSTARRS-1, the Dark Energy Survey, and\n", " dedicated follow-up monitoring with Blanco 4m/DECam. With on average $\\sim 200$\n", " nightly epochs per quasar per filter band, we improve the parameter constraints\n", " from a Damped Random Walk (DRW) model fit to the light curves over previous\n", " studies with 10-15 yr baselines and $\\lesssim 100$ epochs. We find that the\n", " average damping timescale $\\tau_{\\rm DRW}$ continues to rise with increased\n", " baseline, reaching a median value of $\\sim 750$ days ($g$ band) in the\n", " rest-frame of these quasars using the 20-yr light curves. Some quasars may have\n", " gradual, long-term trends in their light curves, suggesting that either the DRW\n", " fit requires very long baselines to converge, or that the underlying\n", " variability is more complex than a single DRW process for these quasars. Using\n", " a subset of quasars with better-constrained $\\tau_{\\rm DRW}$ (less than 20\\% of\n", " the baseline), we confirm a weak wavelength dependence of $\\tau_{\\rm\n", " DRW}\\propto \\lambda^{0.51\\pm0.20}$. We further quantify optical variability of\n", " these quasars over days to decades timescales using structure function (SF) and\n", " power spectrum density (PSD) analyses. The SF and PSD measurements\n", " qualitatively confirm the measured (hundreds of days) damping timescales from\n", " the DRW fits. However, the ensemble PSD is steeper than that of a DRW on\n", " timescales less than $\\sim$ a month for these luminous quasars, and this second\n", " break point correlates with the longer DRW damping timescale.,\n", " This paper investigates a cellular edge caching problem under a very large\n", " number of small base stations (SBSs) and users. In this ultra-dense edge\n", " caching network (UDCN), conventional caching algorithms are inapplicable as\n", " their complexity increases with the number of small base stations (SBSs).\n", " Furthermore, the performance of UDCN is highly sensitive to the dynamics of\n", " user demand and inter-SBS interference. To overcome such difficulties, we\n", " propose a distributed caching algorithm under a stochastic geometric network\n", " model, as well as a spatio-temporal user demand model that characterizes the\n", " content popularity dynamics. By exploiting mean-field game (MFG) theory, the\n", " complexity of the proposed UDCN caching algorithm becomes independent of the\n", " number of SBSs. Numerical evaluations validate that the proposed caching\n", " algorithm reduces not only the long run average cost of the network but also\n", " the redundant cached data respectively by 24% and 42%, compared to a baseline\n", " caching algorithm. The simulation results also show that the proposed caching\n", " algorithm is robust to imperfect popularity information, while ensuring a low\n", " computational complexity.,\n", " It is shown that the yield of relativistic positronium atoms in\n", " photoproduction on extended targets is much larger than usually accepted.The\n", " cause of such difference is transparent. At high energies, when the positronium\n", " atom formation time $\\tau_f$ becomes greater than the target length L, it is\n", " the free $e^+e^-$ pair that propagates through the target and the formation of\n", " positronium atoms take place out of the target.In the framework of the\n", " light-cone technique we consider the interaction of $e^+e^-$ pair with the\n", " screened Coulomb field of atoms in matter and obtain the analytical expressions\n", " for relativistic positronium atoms photoproduction cross sections on extended\n", " targets.The relations to free pair photoproduction on extended targets are\n", " discussed.,\n", " It is widely accepted that there is strong persistence in the volatility of\n", " financial time series. The origin of the observed persistence, or long-range\n", " memory, is still an open problem as the observed phenomenon could be a spurious\n", " effect. Earlier we have proposed the consentaneous model of the financial\n", " markets based on the non-linear stochastic differential equations. The\n", " consentaneous model successfully reproduces empirical probability and power\n", " spectral densities of volatility. This approach is qualitatively different from\n", " models built using fractional Brownian motion. In this contribution we\n", " investigate burst and inter-burst duration statistics of volatility in the\n", " financial markets employing the consentaneous model. Our analysis provides an\n", " evidence that empirical statistical properties of burst and inter-burst\n", " duration can be explained by non-linear stochastic differential equations\n", " driving the volatility in the financial markets. This serves as an strong\n", " argument that long-range memory in finance can have spurious nature.,\n", " Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are a popular class of deep generative models\n", " with many variants and a wide range of applications. Improvements upon the\n", " standard VAE mostly focus on the modelling of the posterior distribution over\n", " the latent space and the properties of the neural network decoder. In contrast,\n", " improving the model for the observational distribution is rarely considered and\n", " typically defaults to a pixel-wise independent categorical or normal\n", " distribution. In image synthesis, sampling from such distributions produces\n", " spatially-incoherent results with uncorrelated pixel noise, resulting in only\n", " the sample mean being somewhat useful as an output prediction. In this paper,\n", " we aim to stay true to VAE theory by improving the samples from the\n", " observational distribution. We propose SOS-VAE, an alternative model for the\n", " observation space, encoding spatial dependencies via a low-rank\n", " parameterisation. We demonstrate that this new observational distribution has\n", " the ability to capture relevant covariance between pixels, resulting in\n", " spatially-coherent samples. In contrast to pixel-wise independent\n", " distributions, our samples seem to contain semantically-meaningful variations\n", " from the mean allowing the prediction of multiple plausible outputs with a\n", " single forward pass.,\n", " Hundreds of gamma-ray burst (GRB) optical light curves have been measured\n", " since the discovery of optical afterglows. However, even after nearly 7 years\n", " of operation of the Swift Observatory, only a handful of measurements have been\n", " made soon (within a minute) after the gamma ray signal. This lack of early\n", " observations fails to address burst physics at short time scales associated\n", " with prompt emissions and progenitors. Because of this lack of sub-minute data,\n", " the characteristics of the rise phase of optical light curve of short-hard type\n", " GRB and rapid-rising GRB, which may account for ~30% of all GRB, remain\n", " practically unknown. We have developed methods for reaching sub-minute and\n", " sub-second timescales in a small spacecraft observatory. Rather than slewing\n", " the entire spacecraft to aim the optical instrument at the GRB position, we use\n", " rapidly moving mirror to redirect our optical beam. As a first step, we employ\n", " motorized slewing mirror telescope (SMT), which can point to the event within\n", " 1s, in the UFFO Pathfinder GRB Telescope onboard the Lomonosov satellite to be\n", " launched in Nov. 2011. UFFO's sub-minute measurements of the optical emission\n", " of dozens of GRB each year will result in a more rigorous test of current\n", " internal shock models, probe the extremes of bulk Lorentz factors, provide the\n", " first early and detailed measurements of fast-rise GRB optical light curves,\n", " and help verify the prospect of GRB as a new standard candle. We will describe\n", " the science and the mission of the current UFFO Pathfinder project, and our\n", " plan of a full-scale UFFO-100 as the next step.,\n", " We present IR and UV photometry for a sample of brightest cluster galaxies\n", " (BCGs). The BCGs are from a heterogeneous but uniformly characterized sample,\n", " the Archive of Chandra Cluster Entropy Profile Tables (ACCEPT), of X-ray galaxy\n", " clusters from the Chandra X-ray telescope archive with published gas\n", " temperature, density, and entropy profiles. We use archival GALEX, Spitzer, and\n", " 2MASS observations to assemble spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and colors\n", " for BCGs. We find that while the SEDs of some BCGs follow the expectation of\n", " red, dust-free old stellar populations, many exhibit signatures of recent star\n", " formation in the form of excess UV or mid-IR emission, or both. We establish a\n", " mean near-UV to 2MASS K color of 6.59 \\pm 0.34 for quiescent BCGs. We use this\n", " mean color to quantify the UV excess associated with star formation in the\n", " active BCGs. We use fits to a template of an evolved stellar population and\n", " library of starburst models and mid-IR star formation relations to estimate the\n", " obscured star formation rates. Many of the BCGs in X-ray clusters with low\n", " central gas entropy exhibit enhanced UV (38%) and mid-IR emission (43%), above\n", " that expected from an old stellar population. These excesses are consistent\n", " with on-going star formation activity in the BCG, star formation that appears\n", " to be enabled by the presence of high density, X-ray emitting gas in the the\n", " core of the cluster of galaxies. This hot, X-ray emitting gas may provide the\n", " enhanced ambient pressure and some of the fuel to trigger the star formation.\n", " This result is consistent with previous works that showed that BCGs in clusters\n", " with low central gas entropy host H{\\alpha} emission-line nebulae and radio\n", " sources, while clusters with high central gas entropy exhibit none of these\n", " features. UV and mid-IR measurements combined provide a complete picture of\n", " unobscured and obscured star formation occurring in these systems.,\n", " Learned image compression has recently shown the potential to outperform the\n", " standard codecs. State-of-the-art rate-distortion (R-D) performance has been\n", " achieved by context-adaptive entropy coding approaches in which hyperprior and\n", " autoregressive models are jointly utilized to effectively capture the spatial\n", " dependencies in the latent representations. However, the latents are feature\n", " maps of the same spatial resolution in previous works, which contain some\n", " redundancies that affect the R-D performance. In this paper, we propose the\n", " first learned multi-frequency image compression and entropy coding approach\n", " that is based on the recently developed octave convolutions to factorize the\n", " latents into high and low frequency (resolution) components, where the low\n", " frequency is represented by a lower resolution. Therefore, its spatial\n", " redundancy is reduced, which improves the R-D performance. Novel generalized\n", " octave convolution and octave transposed-convolution architectures with\n", " internal activation layers are also proposed to preserve more spatial structure\n", " of the information. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme not only\n", " outperforms all existing learned methods as well as standard codecs such as the\n", " next-generation video coding standard VVC (4:2:0) on the Kodak dataset in both\n", " PSNR and MS-SSIM. We also show that the proposed generalized octave convolution\n", " can improve the performance of other auto-encoder-based computer vision tasks\n", " such as semantic segmentation and image denoising.,\n", " We present a new method for the numerical implementation of generating\n", " boundary conditions for a one dimensional Boussinesq system. This method is\n", " based on a reformulation of the equations and a resolution of the dispersive\n", " boundary layer that is created at the boundary when the boundary conditions are\n", " non homogeneous. This method is implemented for a simple first order finite\n", " volume scheme and validated by several numerical simulations. Contrary to the\n", " other techniques that can be found in the literature, our approach does not\n", " cause any increase in computational time with respect to periodic boundary\n", " conditions.,\n", " The electrical and structural characteristics of SmTiO3/SrTiO3/SmTiO3 and\n", " GdTiO3/SrTiO3/GdTiO3 heterostructures are compared. Both types of structures\n", " contain narrow SrTiO3 quantum wells, which accommodate a confined, high-density\n", " electron gas. As shown previously [Phys. Rev. B 86, 201102(R) (2012)] SrTiO3\n", " quantum wells embedded in GdTiO3 show a metal-to-insulator transition when\n", " their thickness is reduced so that they contain only two SrO layers. In\n", " contrast, quantum wells embedded in SmTiO3 remain metallic down to a single SrO\n", " layer thickness. Symmetry-lowering structural distortions, measured by\n", " quantifying the Sr-column displacements, are present in the insulating quantum\n", " wells, but are either absent or very weak in all metallic quantum wells,\n", " independent of whether they are embedded in SmTiO3 or in GdTiO3. We discuss the\n", " role of orthorhombic distortions, orbital ordering, and strong electron\n", " correlations in the transition to the insulating state.,\n", " Biosurveillance, a relatively young field, has recently increased in\n", " importance because of its relevance to national security and global health.\n", " Databases and tools describing particular subsets of disease are becoming\n", " increasingly common in the field. However, a common method to describe those\n", " diseases is lacking. Here, we present the Anthology of Biosurveillance Diseases\n", " (ABD), an ontology of infectious diseases of biosurveillance relevance.,\n", " Synchronization among arrays of beating cilia is one of the emergent\n", " phenomena in biological processes at meso-scopic scales. Strong inter-ciliary\n", " couplings modify the natural beating frequencies, $\\omega$, of individual cilia\n", " to produce a collective motion that moves around a group frequency $\\omega_m$.\n", " Here we study the thermodynamic cost of synchronizing cilia arrays by mapping\n", " their dynamics onto a generic phase oscillator model. The model suggests that\n", " upon synchronization the mean heat dissipation rate is decomposed into two\n", " contributions, dissipation from each cilium's own natural driving force and\n", " dissipation arising from the interaction with other cilia, the latter of which\n", " can be interpreted as the one produced by a potential with a time-dependent\n", " protocol in the framework of our model. The spontaneous phase-synchronization\n", " of beating dynamics of cilia induced by strong inter-ciliary coupling is always\n", " accompanied with a significant reduction of dissipation for the cilia\n", " population, suggesting that organisms as a whole expend less energy by\n", " attaining a temporal order. At the level of individual cilia, however, a\n", " population of cilia with $|\\omega|< \\omega_m$ expend more amount of energy upon\n", " synchronization.,\n", " We consider wetting models in $1+1$ dimensions on a shrinking strip with a\n", " general pinning function. We show that under diffusive scaling, the interface\n", " converges in law to to the reflected Brownian motion, whenever the strip size\n", " is $o(N^{-1/2})$ and the pinning function is close enough to critical value of\n", " the so-called $\\delta$-pinning model of Deuschel, Giacomin, and Zambotti\n", " [DGZ05]. As a corollary, the same result holds for the constant pinning strip\n", " wetting model at criticality with $o(N^{-1/2})$ strip size.,\n", " Understanding flavor dependence of the parton energy loss is one of key tasks\n", " of the jet quenching physics. In these proceedings we provide a summary of\n", " recent works on a quantification of the flavor dependence of parton energy loss\n", " along with a summary and discussion of a subset of contributions presented at\n", " the Hard Probes 2016 conference which are related to the flavor aspects of\n", " parton energy loss.,\n", " Combining information from different sources is a common way to improve\n", " classification accuracy in Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI). For instance, in\n", " small sample settings it is useful to integrate data from other subjects or\n", " sessions in order to improve the estimation quality of the spatial filters or\n", " the classifier. Since data from different subjects may show large variability,\n", " it is crucial to weight the contributions according to importance. Many\n", " multi-subject learning algorithms determine the optimal weighting in a separate\n", " step by using heuristics, however, without ensuring that the selected weights\n", " are optimal with respect to classification. In this work we apply Multiple\n", " Kernel Learning (MKL) to this problem. MKL has been widely used for feature\n", " fusion in computer vision and allows to simultaneously learn the classifier and\n", " the optimal weighting. We compare the MKL method to two baseline approaches and\n", " investigate the reasons for performance improvement.,\n", " The observation of the supernova remnant N132D by the scientific instruments\n", " on board the XMM-Newton satellite is presented. The X-rays from N132D are\n", " dispersed into a detailed line-rich spectrum using the Reflection Grating\n", " Spectrometers. Spectral lines of C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe are identified.\n", " Images of the remnant, in narrow wavelength bands, produced by the European\n", " Photon Imaging Cameras reveal a complex spatial structure of the ionic\n", " distribution. While K-shell Fe emission seems to originate near the centre, all\n", " of the other ions are observed along the shell. A high O VII / O VIII emission\n", " ratio is detected on the northeastern edge of the remnant. This can be a sign\n", " of hot ionising conditions, or it can reflect relatively cool gas. Spectral\n", " fitting of the CCD spectrum suggests high temperatures in this region, but a\n", " detailed analysis of the atomic processes involved in producing the O VII\n", " spectral lines leads to the conclusion that the intensities of these lines\n", " alone cannot provide a conclusive distinction between the two scenarios.,\n", " The paper studies derivative asset analysis in structural credit risk models\n", " where the asset value of the firm is not fully observable. It is shown that in\n", " order to compute the price dynamics of traded securities one needs to solve a\n", " stochastic filtering problem for the asset value. We transform this problem to\n", " a filtering problem for a stopped diffusion process and we apply results from\n", " the filtering literature to this problem. In this way we obtain an\n", " SPDE-characterization for the filter density. Moreover, we characterize the\n", " default intensity under incomplete information and we determine the price\n", " dynamics of traded securities. Armed with these results we study derivative\n", " asset analysis in our setup: we explain how the model can be applied to the\n", " pricing of options on traded assets and we discuss dynamic hedging and model\n", " calibration. The paper closes with a small simulation study.,\n", " We report the first principle theory-based study of stability, electronic\n", " structure and optical properties of cluster assembled materials in various 1D,\n", " 2D and 3D nanostructures using a cage-like Cd9Te9 cluster as the super-atom.\n", " The bulk 3D self-assemblies form in 2D stacked structures for different cubic\n", " lattices. The face centered stacking is the most stable as compared to the\n", " simple cubic, body centered and zinc blende type stackings. The 2D stacks are\n", " formed as cluster assembled monolayers and the monolayer derived from the face\n", " centered structure is most stable. Further, the cluster chains (or wires) with\n", " more number of inter-cluster bonds are also seen to be dynamically stable. The\n", " electronic structure, bandgap, dielectric constant and absorption spectra along\n", " with the phonon dispersions are discussed for these self-assembled\n", " nanostructures.,\n", " An overview of the ab initio no-core shell model is presented. Recent results\n", " for light nuclei obtained with the chiral two-nucleon and three-nucleon\n", " interactions are highlighted. Cross section calculations of capture reactions\n", " important for astrophysics are discussed. The extension of the ab initio\n", " no-core shell model to the description of nuclear reactions by the resonating\n", " group method technique is outlined.,\n", " We propose a new method for quantitative characterization of spatial\n", " network-like patterns with loops, such as surface fracture patterns, leaf vein\n", " networks and patterns of urban streets. Such patterns are not well\n", " characterized by purely topological estimators: also patterns that both look\n", " different and result from different morphogenetic processes can have similar\n", " topology. A local geometric cue -the angles formed by the different branches at\n", " junctions- can complement topological information and allow to quantify the\n", " large scale spatial coherence of the pattern. For patterns that grow over time,\n", " such as fracture lines on the surface of ceramics, the rank assigned by our\n", " method to each individual segment of the pattern approximates the order of\n", " appearance of that segment. We apply the method to various network-like\n", " patterns and we find a continuous but sharp dichotomy between two classes of\n", " spatial networks: hierarchical and homogeneous. The first class results from a\n", " sequential growth process and presents large scale organization, the latter\n", " presents local, but not global organization.,\n", " Lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations in nuclear physics have benefited\n", " from a tremendous number of algorithmic advances such as multigrid and\n", " eigenvector deflation. These improve the time to solution but do not alleviate\n", " the intrinsic memory-bandwidth constraints of the matrix-vector operation\n", " dominating iterative solvers. Batching this operation for multiple vectors and\n", " exploiting cache and register blocking can yield a super-linear speed up.\n", " Block-Krylov solvers can naturally take advantage of such batched matrix-vector\n", " operations, further reducing the iterations to solution by sharing the Krylov\n", " space between solves. However, practical implementations typically suffer from\n", " the quadratic scaling in the number of vector-vector operations. Using the QUDA\n", " library, we present an implementation of a block-CG solver on NVIDIA GPUs which\n", " reduces the memory-bandwidth complexity of vector-vector operations from\n", " quadratic to linear. We present results for the HISQ discretization, showing a\n", " 5x speedup compared to highly-optimized independent Krylov solves on NVIDIA's\n", " SaturnV cluster.,\n", " Skyrmions are nanoscale magnetic structures with features promising for\n", " future low-power memory or logic devices. In this work, we demonstrate novel\n", " scanning techniques based on nitrogen vacancy center magnetometry that\n", " simultaneously probe both the magnetic dynamics and structure of room\n", " temperature skyrmion bubbles in a thin film system Ta/CoFeB/MgO. We confirm the\n", " handedness of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in this material and\n", " extract the helicity angle of the skyrmion bubbles. Our measurements also show\n", " that the skyrmion bubbles in this material change size in discrete steps,\n", " dependent on the local pinning environment, with their average size determined\n", " dynamically as their domain walls hop between pinning sites. In addition, an\n", " increase in magnetic field noise is observed near all skyrmion bubble domain\n", " walls. These measurements highlight the importance of interactions between\n", " internal degrees of freedom of skyrmion bubble domain walls and pinning sites\n", " in thin film systems. Our observations have relevance for future devices based\n", " on skyrmion bubbles where pinning interactions will determine important aspects\n", " of current-driven motion.,\n", " Recently the possibility was widely discussed that a large fraction of the\n", " highest energy cosmic rays may be decay products of Z bosons which were\n", " produced in the resonant annihilation of ultrahigh energy cosmic neutrinos on\n", " cosmological relic neutrinos. If one takes this so-called Z-burst scenario\n", " seriously, one may infer the mass of the heaviest relic neutrino as well as the\n", " necessary ultrahigh energy cosmic neutrino flux from a comparison of the\n", " predicted Z-burst spectrum with the observed cosmic ray spectrum.,\n", " By applying the theory of slowly rotating stars to the Sun, the solar\n", " quadrupole and octopole moments J2 and J4 were computed using a solar model\n", " obtained from CESAM stellar evolution code (Morel, 1997) combined with a recent\n", " model of solar differential rotation deduced from helioseismology (Corbard et\n", " al., 2002). This model takes into account a near-surface radial gradient of\n", " rotation which was inferred and quantified from MDI f-mode observations by\n", " Corbard and Thompson (2002). The effect of this observational near-surface\n", " gradient on the theoretical values of the surface parameters J2, J4 is\n", " investigated. The results show that the octopole moment J4 is much more\n", " sensitive than the quadrupole moment J2 to the subsurface radial gradient of\n", " rotation.,\n", " Atom interferometers have been used to measure acceleration with at best a\n", " $T^2$ scaling in sensitivity as the interferometer time $T$ is increased. This\n", " limits the sensitivity to acceleration which is theoretically achievable by\n", " these configurations for a given frequency of acceleration. We predict and\n", " experimentally measure the acceleration-sensitive phase shift of a\n", " large-momentum-transfer atom interferometer based upon Bloch oscillations.\n", " Using this novel interferometric scheme we demonstrate an improved scaling of\n", " sensitivity which will scale as $T^3$. This enhanced scaling will allow an\n", " increase in achievable sensitivity for any given frequency of an oscillatory\n", " acceleration signal, which will be of particular use for inertial and\n", " navigational sensors, and proposed gravitational wave detectors. A straight\n", " forward extension should allow a $T^4$ scaling in acceleration sensitivity.,\n", " Real-world low-light images suffer from two main degradations, namely,\n", " inevitable noise and poor visibility. Since the noise exhibits different\n", " levels, its estimation has been implemented in recent works when enhancing\n", " low-light images from raw Bayer space. When it comes to sRGB color space, the\n", " noise estimation becomes more complicated due to the effect of the image\n", " processing pipeline. Nevertheless, most existing enhancing algorithms in sRGB\n", " space only focus on the low visibility problem or suppress the noise under a\n", " hypothetical noise level, leading them impractical due to the lack of\n", " robustness. To address this issue,we propose an adaptive unfolding total\n", " variation network (UTVNet), which approximates the noise level from the real\n", " sRGB low-light image by learning the balancing parameter in the model-based\n", " denoising method with total variation regularization. Meanwhile, we learn the\n", " noise level map by unrolling the corresponding minimization process for\n", " providing the inferences of smoothness and fidelity constraints. Guided by the\n", " noise level map, our UTVNet can recover finer details and is more capable to\n", " suppress noise in real captured low-light scenes. Extensive experiments on\n", " real-world low-light images clearly demonstrate the superior performance of\n", " UTVNet over state-of-the-art methods.,\n", " We have carried out a search for massive white dwarfs (WDs) in the direction\n", " of young open star clusters using the Gaia DR2 database. The aim of this survey\n", " was to provide robust data for new and previously known high-mass WDs regarding\n", " cluster membership, to highlight WDs previously included in the Initial Final\n", " Mass Relation (IFMR) that are unlikely members of their respective clusters\n", " according to Gaia astrometry and to select an unequivocal WD sample that could\n", " then be compared with the host clusters' turnoff masses.\n", " All promising WD candidates in each cluster CMD were followed up with\n", " spectroscopy from Gemini in order to determine whether they were indeed WDs and\n", " derive their masses, temperatures and ages. In order to be considered cluster\n", " members, white dwarfs were required to have proper motions and parallaxes\n", " within 2, 3, or 4-$\\sigma$ of that of their potential parent cluster based on\n", " how contaminated the field was in their region of the sky, have a cooling age\n", " that was less than the cluster age and a mass that was broadly consistent with\n", " the IFMR. A number of WDs included in current versions of the IFMR turned out\n", " to be non-members and a number of apparent members, based on Gaia's astrometric\n", " data alone, were rejected as their mass and/or cooling times were incompatible\n", " with cluster membership. In this way, we developed a highly selected IFMR\n", " sample for high mass WDs that, surprisingly, contained no precursor masses\n", " significantly in excess of ${\\sim}$6 $M_{\\odot}$.,\n", " Let A be a unital separable C*-algebra. We observe that A is type I if and\n", " only if the CNT-entropy of every inner automorphism of A is zero.,\n", " We investigate the twist angle dependence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC)\n", " proximity effects and charge-to-spin conversion (CSC) in graphene/WSe$_2$\n", " heterostructures from first principles. The CSC is shown to strongly depend on\n", " the twist angle, with both the spin Hall and standard Rashba-Edelstein\n", " efficiencies optimized at or near 30{\\deg} twisting. Symmetry breaking due to\n", " twisting also gives rise to an unconventional Rashba-Edelstein effect, with\n", " electrically generated non-equilibrium spin densities possessing spins\n", " collinear to the applied electric field. We further discuss how the carrier\n", " doping concentration and band broadening control the crossover between the\n", " Fermi-sea and -surface spin response, which reconciles the seemingly disparate\n", " experimental observations of different CSC phenomena.,\n", " Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and high speed solar streams serve as\n", " perturbations to the background solar wind that have major implications in\n", " space weather dynamics. Therefore, a robust framework for accurate predictions\n", " of the background wind properties is a fundamental step towards the development\n", " of any space weather prediction toolbox. In this pilot study, we focus on the\n", " implementation and comparison of various models that are critical for a steady\n", " state, solar wind forecasting framework. Specifically, we perform case studies\n", " on Carrington rotations 2053, 2082 and 2104, and compare the performance of\n", " magnetic field extrapolation models in conjunction with velocity empirical\n", " formulations to predict solar wind properties at Lagrangian point L1. Two\n", " different models to extrapolate the solar wind from the coronal domain to the\n", " inner-heliospheric domain are presented, namely, (a) Kinematics based\n", " (Heliospheric Upwind eXtrapolation [HUX]) model and (b) Physics based model.\n", " The physics based model solves a set of conservative equations of hydrodynamics\n", " using the PLUTO code and can additionally predict the thermal properties of\n", " solar wind. The assessment in predicting solar wind parameters of the different\n", " models is quantified through statistical measures. We further extend this\n", " developed framework to also assess the polarity of inter-planetary magnetic\n", " field at L1. Our best models for the case of CR2053 gives a very high\n", " correlation coefficient ($\\sim$ 0.73-0.81) and has an root mean square error of\n", " ($\\sim$ 75-90 kms$^{-1}$). Additionally, the physics based model has a standard\n", " deviation comparable with that obtained from the hourly OMNI solar wind data\n", " and also produces a considerable match with observed solar wind proton\n", " temperatures measured at L1 from the same database.,\n", " Multi-party computation (MPC) is promising for designing privacy-preserving\n", " machine learning algorithms at edge networks. An emerging approach is coded-MPC\n", " (CMPC), which advocates the use of coded computation to improve the performance\n", " of MPC in terms of the required number of workers involved in computations. The\n", " current approach for designing CMPC algorithms is to merely combine efficient\n", " coded computation constructions with MPC. Instead, we propose a new\n", " construction; Adaptive Gap Entangled polynomial (AGE) codes, where the degrees\n", " of polynomials used in computations are optimized for MPC. We show that MPC\n", " with AGE codes (AGE-CMPC) performs better than existing CMPC algorithms in\n", " terms of the required number of workers as well as storage, communication and\n", " computation load.,\n", " We consider BSDEs with two reflecting irregular barriers. We give necessary\n", " and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of $\\mathbb{L}^{p}$\n", " solutions for equations with generators monotone with respect to $y$ and\n", " Lipschitz continuous with respect to $z$, and with data in $\\mathbb{L}^{p}$\n", " spaces for $p\\ge 1$. We also prove that the solutions can be approximated via\n", " penalization method.,\n", " We prove the full range of estimates for a five-linear singular integral of\n", " Brascamp-Lieb type. The study is methodology-oriented with the goal to develop\n", " a sufficiently general technique to estimate singular integral variants of\n", " Brascamp-Lieb inequalities that do not obey H\\\"older scaling. The invented\n", " methodology constructs localized analysis on the entire space from local\n", " information on its subspaces of lower dimensions and combines such tensor-type\n", " arguments with the generic localized analysis. A direct consequence of the\n", " boundedness of the five-linear singular integral is a Leibniz rule which\n", " captures nonlinear interactions of waves from transversal directions.,\n", " We theoretically investigate the process of coupling cold atoms into the core\n", " of a hollow-core photonic-crystal optical fiber using a blue-detuned\n", " Laguerre-Gaussian beam. In contrast to the use of a red-detuned Gaussian beam\n", " to couple the atoms, the blue-detuned hollow-beam can confine cold atoms to the\n", " darkest regions of the beam thereby minimizing shifts in the internal states\n", " and making the guide highly robust to heating effects. This single optical beam\n", " is used as both a funnel and guide to maximize the number of atoms into the\n", " fiber. In the proposed experiment, Rb atoms are loaded into a magneto-optical\n", " trap (MOT) above a vertically-oriented optical fiber. We observe a\n", " gravito-optical trapping effect for atoms with high orbital momentum around the\n", " trap axis, which prevents atoms from coupling to the fiber: these atoms lack\n", " the kinetic energy to escape the potential and are thus trapped in the laser\n", " funnel indefinitely. We find that by reducing the dipolar force to the point at\n", " which the trapping effect just vanishes, it is possible to optimize the\n", " coupling of atoms into the fiber. Our simulations predict that by using a\n", " low-power (2.5 mW) and far-detuned (300 GHz) Laguerre-Gaussian beam with a\n", " 20-{\\mu}m radius core hollow-fiber it is possible to couple 11% of the atoms\n", " from a MOT 9 mm away from the fiber. When MOT is positioned further away,\n", " coupling efficiencies over 50% can be achieved with larger core fibers.,\n", " We investigate the statistical evolution of magnetic neutron stars, recycled\n", " in binary systems, simulating synthetic populations. To bracket uncertainties,\n", " we consider a soft (FP) and a stiff (PS) equation of state (EoS) for nuclear\n", " matter and explore the hypothesis that the magnetic field is confined in the\n", " stellar crust. We follow the magneto-rotational evolution within a simple\n", " recycling scenario, including the possibility of magnetospheric propeller.\n", " We find the presence of a tail in the period distribution of the synthetic\n", " populations at periods shorter than 1.558 ms, the minimum detected so far. For\n", " the soft EoS the recycling gives rise to a spin distribution which is\n", " increasing monotonically toward short periods and a clear ``barrier'' forms at\n", " the minimum period for the onset of mass shedding. For the stiff EoS the\n", " distribution is flatter displaying a broad maximum about 2-4 ms.\n", " The estimated fraction of neutron stars spinning close to their shedding\n", " limit over the millisecond pulsar population is found to be significant.\n", " Crustal magnetic field decay models predict the existence of massive (M>1.4\n", " M_sun) rapidly spinning neutron stars with very low magnetic moment.,\n", " A locating-dominating set is a subset of vertices representing \"detectors\" in\n", " a graph G; each detector monitors its closed neighborhood and can distinguish\n", " its own location from its neighbors, and given all sensor input, the system can\n", " locate an \"intruder\" anywhere in the graph. We explore a fault-tolerant variant\n", " of locating-dominating sets, error-correcting locating-dominating (ERR:LD)\n", " sets, which can tolerate an incorrect signal from a single detector. In\n", " particular, we characterize error-correcting locating-dominating sets, and\n", " derive its existence criteria. We also prove that the problem of determining\n", " the minimum cardinality of ERR:LD set in arbitrary graphs is NP-complete.\n", " Additionally, we establish lower and upper bounds for the minimum density of\n", " ERR:LD sets in infinite grids and cubic graphs, and prove the lower bound for\n", " cubic graphs is sharp.,\n", " The Toda lattice is a model of nonlinear wave equations allowing exact\n", " soliton solutions. It is realized by an electric circuit made of a transmission\n", " line with variable capacitance diodes and inductors. It has been generalized to\n", " the dimerized Toda lattice by introducing alternating bondings specified by a\n", " certain parameter $\\lambda $, where it is reduced to the Toda lattice at\n", " $\\lambda =0$. In this work, we investigate the topological dynamics of the\n", " voltage along the transmission line. It is demonstrated numerically that the\n", " system is topological for $\\lambda <0$, while it is trivial for $\\lambda >0$\n", " with the phase transition point given by the original Toda lattice ($\\lambda\n", " =0$). These topological behaviors are well explained by the chiral index\n", " familiar in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. The topological phase transition is\n", " observable by a significant difference between the dynamics of voltages in the\n", " two phases, which is explained by the emergence of the topological edge states.\n", " This is a bulk-edge correspondence in nonlinear systems. The dimerized Toda\n", " lattice is adiabaticaly connected to a linear system, which would be the reason\n", " why the topological arguments are valid. Furthermore, we show that the\n", " topological edge state is robust against randomness.,\n", " In this paper, we present the exact solution of one dimensional Schr\\\"odinger\n", " equation for Wood-Saxon plus Rosen-Morse plus symmetrical double well potential\n", " via Nikiforov-Uvarov mathematical method. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of\n", " this potential are obtained. The energy equations and the corresponding wave\n", " function for special cases of this potential are briefly discussed. The\n", " PT-symmetry and Hermiticity for this potential are also considered.,\n", " We present a framework for the study of lensing in spherically symmetric\n", " spacetimes within the context of f(R) gravity. Equations for the propagation of\n", " null geodesics, together with an expression for the bending angle are derived\n", " for any f(R) theory and then applied to an exact spherically symmetric solution\n", " of R^n gravity. We find that for this case more bending is expected for R^n\n", " gravity theories in comparison to GR and is dependent on the value of n and the\n", " value of distance of closest approach of the incident null geodesic.,\n", " Understanding the sticking coefficient $\\sigma$, i.e., the probability of an\n", " adatom sticking to a surface, is essential for controlling the stoichiometry\n", " during epitaxial film growth. However, $\\sigma$ on monolayer graphene-covered\n", " surfaces and its impact on remote epitaxy are not understood. Here, using\n", " molecular-beam epitaxial (MBE) growth of the magnetic shape memory alloy\n", " Ni$_2$MnGa, we show that the sticking coefficients for metals on\n", " graphene-covered MgO (001) are less than one and are temperature and element\n", " dependent, as revealed by ion backscattering spectrometry (IBS) and energy\n", " dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). This lies in stark contrast with most\n", " transition metals sticking on semiconductor and oxide substrates, for which\n", " $\\sigma$ is near unity at typical growth temperatures ($T<800\\degree$C). By\n", " initiating growth below $400 \\degree$ C, where the sticking coefficients are\n", " closer to unity and wetting on the graphene surface is improved, we demonstrate\n", " epitaxy of Ni$_2$MnGa films with controlled stoichiometry that can be\n", " exfoliated to produce freestanding membranes. Straining these membranes tunes\n", " the magnetic coercive field. Our results provide a route to synthesize\n", " membranes with complex stoichiometries whose properties can be manipulated via\n", " strain.,\n", " We consider distributed optimization where the objective function is spread\n", " among different devices, each sending incremental model updates to a central\n", " server. To alleviate the communication bottleneck, recent work proposed various\n", " schemes to compress (e.g.\\ quantize or sparsify) the gradients, thereby\n", " introducing additional variance $\\omega \\geq 1$ that might slow down\n", " convergence. For strongly convex functions with condition number $\\kappa$\n", " distributed among $n$ machines, we (i) give a scheme that converges in\n", " $\\mathcal{O}((\\kappa + \\kappa \\frac{\\omega}{n} + \\omega)$ $\\log (1/\\epsilon))$\n", " steps to a neighborhood of the optimal solution. For objective functions with a\n", " finite-sum structure, each worker having less than $m$ components, we (ii)\n", " present novel variance reduced schemes that converge in $\\mathcal{O}((\\kappa +\n", " \\kappa \\frac{\\omega}{n} + \\omega + m)\\log(1/\\epsilon))$ steps to arbitrary\n", " accuracy $\\epsilon > 0$. These are the first methods that achieve linear\n", " convergence for arbitrary quantized updates. We also (iii) give analysis for\n", " the weakly convex and non-convex cases and (iv) verify in experiments that our\n", " novel variance reduced schemes are more efficient than the baselines.,\n", " Layered van der Waals (vdW) materials grown by physical vapor deposition\n", " techniques are generally assumed to have a weak interaction with the substrate\n", " during growth. This leads to films with relatively small domains that are\n", " usually triangular and a terraced morphology. In this paper, we demonstrate\n", " that Bi2Se3, a prototypical vdW material, will form a nano-column morphology\n", " when grown on GaAs(001) substrates. This morphology is explained by a\n", " relatively strong film/substrate interaction, long adatom diffusion lengths,\n", " and a high reactive selenium flux. This discovery paves the way toward growth\n", " of self-assembled vdW structures even in the absence of strain.,\n", " In this paper, we discuss the impact of neutrino phenomenology and related\n", " cosmology on an $A_{4}\\otimes Z_{8}$ symmetric $\\nu$2HDM along with an addition\n", " of a new particle, i.e. a gauge singlet(S). The additional particle is a\n", " sterile neutrino which is considered to be a probable dark matter candidate in\n", " our work. With the choice of sterile neutrino mass in keV range we evaluate the\n", " active-DM mixing angle, decay rate and relic abundance considering various\n", " cosmological constraints. Simultaneously, a detailed analysis on baryogenesis\n", " and neutrinoless double beta decay is also carried out for low scale\n", " right-handed neutrino masses. We have considered various bounds from\n", " experiments such as Lyman-$\\alpha$, X-ray observation, Planck data and\n", " KamLAND-Zen limit to validate the model w.r.t the phenomena studied in it.,\n", " The power-law tail of high-pt pi^\\pm spectra observed in forward d+Au\n", " collisions at RHIC can be attributed to the power-law decrease of the dipole\n", " forward scattering amplitude appearing in the color glass condensate (CGC)\n", " approach. Forward particle production probes the small-x gluon distribution of\n", " the target nucleus where its anomalous dimension is rather flat (gamma = 0.6\n", " \\sim 0.8) for moderately high pt (\\lsim 5 GeV), and where the leading-twist\n", " DGLAP approximation is not valid. In the same framework, we examine p and\n", " \\bar{p} production using baryon fragmentation functions parameterized in the\n", " Lund fragmentation scheme. This provides a good description of the forward\n", " \\bar{p} spectrum while it underestimates the p data by as much as a factor of 2\n", " \\sim 3 at pt \\lsim 4 GeV. Part of this anomalous baryon excess can be\n", " attributed to surviving constituent diquarks from the deuteron projectile.\n", " Thus, the contribution from diquark scattering may play an essential role for\n", " forward baryon formation.,\n", " In this paper in which we address the evaluation of measurement process\n", " quality, we mainly focus on the evaluation procedure, as far as it is based on\n", " the numerical measurement outcomes. We challenge the approach where the \"exact\"\n", " value of the observed quantity is compared to the error interval obtained from\n", " the measurements under test and we propose a procedure where reference\n", " measurements are used as \"gold standard\". To this purpose, we designed a\n", " specific t-test procedure for this purpose, explained here. We also describe\n", " and discuss a numerical simulation experiment demonstrating the behaviour of\n", " our procedure.,\n", " We discuss the detectability of high-redshift galaxies via [CII] 158 micron\n", " line emission by coupling an analytic model with cosmological Smoothed Particle\n", " Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations that are based on the concordance Lambda cold\n", " dark matter (CDM) model. Our analytic model describes a multiphase interstellar\n", " medium irradiated by the far ultra-violet radiation from local star-forming\n", " regions, and it calculates thermal and ionization equilibrium between cooling\n", " and heating. The model allows us to predict the mass fraction of a cold neutral\n", " medium (CNM) embedded in a warm neutral medium (WNM). Our cosmological SPH\n", " simulations include a treatment of radiative cooling/heating, star formation,\n", " and feedback effects from supernovae and galactic winds. Using our method, we\n", " make predictions for the [CII] luminosity from high-redshift galaxies which can\n", " be directly compared with upcoming observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter\n", " Array (ALMA) and the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics\n", " (SPICA). We find that the number density of high-redshift galaxies detectable\n", " by ALMA and SPICA via [CII] emission depends significantly on the amount of\n", " neutral gas which is highly uncertain. Our calculations suggest that, in a CDM\n", " universe, most [CII] sources at z=3 are faint objects with \\Snu < 0.01 mJy.\n", " Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) brighter than R_AB=23.5 mag are expected to have\n", " flux densities \\Snu = 1-3 mJy depending on the strength of galactic wind\n", " feedback. The recommended observing strategy for ALMA and SPICA is to aim at\n", " very bright LBGs or star-forming DRG/BzK galaxies.,\n", " We report a neutron and Raman scattering study of a single-crystal of\n", " La(2)CuO(4.05) prepared by high temperature electrochemical oxidation. Elastic\n", " neutron scattering measurements show the presence of two phases, corresponding\n", " to the two edges of the first miscibility gap, all the way up to 300 K. An\n", " additional oxygen redistribution, driven by electronic energies, is identified\n", " at 250 K in Raman scattering (RS) experiments by the simultaneous onset of\n", " two-phonon and two-magnon scattering, which are fingerprints of the insulating\n", " phase. Elastic neutron scattering measurements show directly an\n", " antiferromagnetic ordering below a N\\'eel temperature of T_N =210K. The opening\n", " of the superconducting gap manifests itself as a redistribution of electronic\n", " Raman scattering below the superconducting transition temperature, T_c = 24K. A\n", " pronounced temperature-dependent suppression of the intensity of the (100)\n", " magnetic Bragg peak has been detected below T_c. We ascribe this phenomenon to\n", " a change of relative volume fraction of superconducting and antiferromagnetic\n", " phases with decreasing temperature caused by a form of a superconducting\n", " proximity effect.,\n", " Ground-state properties of the spin-1/2 and spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg model on\n", " doubly decorated planar lattices, are investigated in detail. On the basis of\n", " the mapping transformation method, we prove an existence of unusual quantum\n", " phases which occur due to the competition between Ising-type and XXZ\n", " anizotropic Heisenberg-type interactions. Effect of the crystal field on the\n", " ground-state phase boundaries has been also examined in detail.,\n", " We present the first large-scale effort of creating composite spectra of\n", " high-redshift type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and comparing them to low-redshift\n", " counterparts. Through the ESSENCE project, we have obtained 107 spectra of 88\n", " high-redshift SNe Ia with excellent light-curve information. In addition, we\n", " have obtained 397 spectra of low-redshift SNe through a multiple-decade effort\n", " at Lick and Keck Observatories, and we have used 45 UV spectra obtained by\n", " HST/IUE. The low-redshift spectra act as a control sample when comparing to the\n", " ESSENCE spectra. In all instances, the ESSENCE and Lick composite spectra\n", " appear very similar. The addition of galaxy light to the Lick composite spectra\n", " allows a nearly perfect match of the overall spectral-energy distribution with\n", " the ESSENCE composite spectra, indicating that the high-redshift SNe are more\n", " contaminated with host-galaxy light than their low-redshift counterparts. This\n", " is caused by observing objects at all redshifts with the same slit width, which\n", " corresponds to different projected distances. After correcting for the\n", " galaxy-light contamination, subtle differences in the spectra remain. We have\n", " estimated the systematic errors when using current spectral templates for\n", " K-corrections to be ~0.02 mag. The variance in the composite spectra give an\n", " estimate of the intrinsic variance in low-redshift maximum-light SN spectra of\n", " ~3% in the optical and growing toward the UV. The difference between the\n", " maximum light low and high-redshift spectra constrain SN evolution between our\n", " samples to be < 10% in the rest-frame optical.,\n", " We explain the construction of Forcer, a FORM program for the reduction of\n", " four-loop massless propagator-type integrals to master integrals. The resulting\n", " program performs parametric IBP reductions similar to the three-loop Mincer\n", " program. We show how one can solve many systems of IBP identities\n", " parametrically in a computer-assisted manner. Next, we discuss the structure of\n", " the Forcer program, which involves recognizing reduction actions for each\n", " topology, applying symmetries, and transitioning between topologies after edges\n", " have been removed. This part is entirely precomputed and automatically\n", " generated. We give examples of recent applications of Forcer, and study the\n", " performance of the program. Finally we demonstrate how to use the Forcer\n", " package and sketch how to prepare physical diagrams for evaluation by Forcer.,\n", " Synthetic data has gained significant momentum thanks to sophisticated\n", " machine learning tools that enable the synthesis of high-dimensional datasets.\n", " However, many generation techniques do not give the data controller control\n", " over what statistical patterns are captured, leading to concerns over privacy\n", " protection. While synthetic records are not linked to a particular real-world\n", " individual, they can reveal information about users indirectly which may be\n", " unacceptable for data owners. There is thus a need to empirically verify the\n", " privacy of synthetic data -- a particularly challenging task in\n", " high-dimensional data. In this paper we present a general framework for\n", " synthetic data generation that gives data controllers full control over which\n", " statistical properties the synthetic data ought to preserve, what exact\n", " information loss is acceptable, and how to quantify it. The benefits of the\n", " approach are that (1) one can generate synthetic data that results in high\n", " utility for a given task, while (2) empirically validating that only statistics\n", " considered safe by the data curator are used to generate the data. We thus show\n", " the potential for synthetic data to be an effective means of releasing\n", " confidential data safely, while retaining useful information for analysts.,\n", " In this paper we prove that from large cardinals it is consistent that there\n", " is a singular strong limit cardinal $\\nu$ such that the singular cardinal\n", " hypothesis fails at $\\nu$ and every collection of fewer than $\\mathrm{cf}(\\nu)$\n", " stationary subsets of $\\nu^+$ reflects simultaneously. For uncountable\n", " cofinality, this situation was not previously known to be consistent. Using\n", " different methods, we reduce the upper bound on the consistency strength of\n", " this situation for $\\mathrm{cf}(\\nu) = \\omega$ to below a single partially\n", " supercompact cardinal. The previous upper bound of infinitely many supercompact\n", " cardinals was due to Sharon.,\n", " We study the properties of a D-brane in the presence of $k$ NS5 branes. The\n", " Dirac-Born-Infeld action describing the dynamics of this D-brane is very\n", " similar to that of a non-BPS D-brane in ten dimensions. As the D-brane\n", " approaches the fivebranes, its equation of state approaches that of a\n", " pressureless fluid. In non-BPS D-brane case this is considered as an evidence\n", " for the decay of the D-brane into ``tachyon matter''. We show that in our case\n", " similar behavior is the consequence of the motion of the D-brane. In particular\n", " in the rest frame of the moving D-brane the equation of state is that of a\n", " usual D-brane, for which the pressure is equal to the energy density. We also\n", " compute the total cross-section for the decay of the D-brane into closed string\n", " modes and show that the emitted energy has a power like divergence for $D0$,\n", " $D1$ and $D2$ branes, while converges for higher dimensional D-branes. We also\n", " speculate on the possibility that the infalling D-brane describes a decaying\n", " defect in six dimensional Little String Theory.,\n", " For a set of operating conditions and coating color formulations, undesirable\n", " phenomena like color spitting and coating ribs may be triggered in the\n", " Micro-nip during the coating process. Therefore, our interest in this work\n", " focus on another parameter affect on the undesirable phenomena as the vortices\n", " in the Micro-nip. The problem deals with the flow through the Micro-nip of\n", " metering size press. The flow enters and exits at a tangential velocity of 20\n", " m/s between two rollers with diameter 80 cm and 60 -m apart. In the upper and\n", " bottom part of the domain the angular velocity is 314 rad /s. It has one\n", " sub-domain. Previous studies focus on the Micro-nip without considering the\n", " inertia and the viscoelasticity of the material. Roll coating is a technique\n", " commonly used in the coating industry to meter a thin fluid film on a moving\n", " substrate. During the film formation, the fluid is subjected to very high shear\n", " and extensional rates over a very short period of time. The fluid domain\n", " changes as a function of the hydrodynamic pressure within the nip as a result\n", " of the deformable cover usually used on one of the rolls. The free surface also\n", " adds more complexity to the flow due to the force equilibrium in the fluid gas\n", " interface. Last of all, the rheological behavior of the coating fluid is\n", " usually non-Newtonian, so the metering flow hydrodynamics is finally very\n", " difficult to describe. It is concluded that the normal forces of micro-nip\n", " increases with increasing the inhibitors. Therefore, it affects on the\n", " smoothness and creates defects. On the other hand, it can be concluded that the\n", " creation of big vortex in the middle of micro-nip affects on the coating liquid\n", " behavior.,\n", " The theoretical formulation of x-ray resonant magnetic scattering from rough\n", " surfaces and interfaces is given for specular reflectivity. A general\n", " expression is derived for both structurally and magnetically rough interfaces\n", " in the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) as the framework of the theory.\n", " For this purpose, we have defined a ``structural'' and a ``magnetic'' interface\n", " to represent the actual interfaces. A generalization of the well-known\n", " Nevot-Croce formula for specular reflectivity is obtained for the case of a\n", " single rough magnetic interface using the self-consistent method. Finally, the\n", " results are generalized to the case of multiple interfaces, as in the case of\n", " thin films or multilayers. Theoretical calculations for each of the cases are\n", " illustrated with numerical examples and compared with experimental results of\n", " magnetic reflectivity from a Gd/Fe multilayer.,\n", " We show a classification theorem for locally compact separable abelain group\n", " actions on factorsw with the Rohlin property. This is a generalization of\n", " Masuda and Tomatsu's work.,\n", " We prove the optimal endpoint Strichartz estimates for Schr\\\"{o}dinger\n", " equation with charge transfer potentials and a general source term in\n", " $\\mathbb{R}^n$ for $n\\geq3$. The proof is based on using the projection on the\n", " scattering states defined implicitly in Rodnianski, Schlag and Soffer\n", " \\cite{RSS1}, and asymptotic completeness for such systems. The method works as\n", " well in the matrix non-selfadjoint case.,\n", " The local structure of Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature have been\n", " historically mysterious. It is proved that every Matsumoto metric of constant\n", " flag curvature on a manifold of dimension n \\geq 3 is either Riemannian or\n", " locally Minkowskian.,\n", " A discrete-time two-dimensional quasi-birth-and-death process (2d-QBD\n", " process), $\\{{\\boldsymbol{Y}}_n\\}=\\{(X_{1,n},X_{2,n},J_n)\\}$, is a\n", " two-dimensional skip-free random walk $\\{(X_{1,n},X_{2,n})\\}$ on\n", " $\\mathbb{Z}_+^2$ with a supplemental process $\\{J_n\\}$ on a finite set $S_0$.\n", " The supplemental process $\\{J_n\\}$ is called a phase process. The 2d-QBD\n", " process $\\{{\\boldsymbol{Y}}_n\\}$ is a Markov chain in which the transition\n", " probabilities of the two-dimensional process $\\{(X_{1,n},X_{2,n})\\}$ vary\n", " according to the state of the phase process $\\{J_n\\}$. This modulation is\n", " assumed to be space homogeneous except for the boundaries of $\\mathbb{Z}_+^2$.\n", " Under certain conditions, the directional exact asymptotic formulae of the\n", " stationary distribution of the 2d-QBD process have been obtained in \"T. Ozawa\n", " and M. Kobayashi, Exact asymptotic formulae of the stationary distribution of a\n", " discrete-time two-dimensional QBD process, Queueing Systems (2018)\n", " DOI:10.1007/s11134-018-9586-x.\" In this paper, we give an example of 2d-QBD\n", " process and proofs of some lemmas and propositions appeared in that paper.,\n", " Masking quantum information, which is impossible without randomness as a\n", " resource, is a task that encodes quantum information into bipartite quantum\n", " state while forbidding local parties from accessing to that information. In\n", " this work, we disprove the geometric conjecture about unitarily maskable states\n", " [K. Modi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 230501 (2018)], and make an algebraic\n", " analysis of quantum masking. First, we show a general result on quantum channel\n", " mixing that a subchannel's mixing probability should be suppressed if its\n", " classical capacity is larger than the mixed channel's capacity. This constraint\n", " combined with the well-known information conservation law, a law that does not\n", " exist in classical information theory, gives a lower bound of randomness cost\n", " of masking quantum information as a monotone decreasing function of evenness of\n", " information distribution. This result provides a consistency test for various\n", " scenarios of fast scrambling conjecture on the black hole evaporation process.\n", " The results given here are robust to incompleteness of quantum masking.,\n", " In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate\n", " elementary dislocation properties in a Co-free high entropy (HEA) model alloy\n", " ($Cr_{15}Fe_{46}Mn_{17}Ni_{22}$ at. %) in comparison with a model alloy\n", " representative of Austenitic Stainless Steel (ASS) ($Cr_{20}Fe_{70}Ni_{10}$ at.\n", " %). Recently developed embedded-atom method (EAM) potentials were used to\n", " describe the atomic interactions in the alloys. Molecular Statics (MS)\n", " calculations were used to study the dislocation properties in terms of local\n", " stacking fault energy (SFE), dissociation distance while MD was used to\n", " investigate the dissociation distance under applied shear stress as a function\n", " of temperature and strain rate. It was shown that higher critical stress is\n", " required to move dislocations in the HEA alloy compared with the ASS model\n", " alloy. The theoretical investigation of simulation results of the dislocation\n", " mobility shows that a simple constitutive mobility law allows to predict\n", " dislocation velocity in both alloys over three orders of magnitude, covering\n", " the phonon drag regime and the thermally activated regime induced by\n", " dislocation unpinning from local hard configurations.,\n", " As established in previous papers of this series, observables in highly\n", " distorted and magnified multiple images caused by the strong gravitational\n", " lensing effect can be used to constrain the distorting properties of the\n", " gravitational lens at the image positions. If the background source is extended\n", " and contains substructure, like star forming regions, which is resolved in\n", " multiple images, all substructure that can be matched across a minimum of three\n", " multiple images can be used to infer the local distorting properties of the\n", " lens. In this work, we replace the manual feature selection by an automated\n", " feature extraction based on SExtractor for Python and show its superior\n", " performance. Despite its aimed development to improve our lens reconstruction,\n", " it can be employed in any other approach, as well. Valuable insights on the\n", " definition of an `image position' in the presence of noise are gained from our\n", " calibration tests. Applying it to observations of a five-image configuration in\n", " galaxy cluster CL0024 and the triple-image configuration containing Hamilton's\n", " object, we determine local lens properties for multiple wavebands separately.\n", " Within current confidence bounds, all of them are consistent with each other,\n", " corroborating the wavelength-independence of strong lensing and offering a tool\n", " to detect deviations caused by micro-lensing and dust in further examples.,\n", " Utilising optical and near-infrared broadband photometry covering $> 5\\,{\\rm\n", " deg}^2$ in two of the most well-studied extragalactic legacy fields (COSMOS and\n", " XMM-LSS), we measure the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) between $0.1 < z <\n", " 2.0$. We explore in detail the effect of two source extraction methods\n", " (SExtractor and ProFound) in addition to the inclusion/exclusion of Spitzer\n", " IRAC 3.6 and 4.5$\\mu$m photometry when measuring the GSMF. We find that\n", " including IRAC data reduces the number of massive ($\\log_{10}(M/M_\\odot) >\n", " 11.25$) galaxies found due to improved photometric redshift accuracy, but has\n", " little effect on the more numerous lower-mass galaxies. We fit the resultant\n", " GSMFs with double Schechter functions down to $\\log_{10}(M/M_\\odot)$ = 7.75\n", " (9.75) at z = 0.1 (2.0) and find that the choice of source extraction software\n", " has no significant effect on the derived best-fit parameters. However, the\n", " choice of methodology used to correct for the Eddington bias has a larger\n", " impact on the high-mass end of the GSMF, which can partly explain the spread in\n", " derived $M^*$ values from previous studies. Using an empirical correction to\n", " model the intrinsic GSMF, we find evidence for an evolving characteristic\n", " stellar mass with $\\delta \\log_{10}(M^*/M_\\odot)/\\delta z$ = $-0.16\\pm0.05 \\,\n", " (-0.11\\pm0.05)$, when using SExtractor (ProFound). We argue that with widely\n", " quenched star formation rates in massive galaxies at low redshift ($z<0.5$),\n", " additional growth via mergers is required in order to sustain such an evolution\n", " to a higher characteristic mass.,\n", " We show a perturbation result for the boundedness of the Riesz transform : if\n", " $M$ and $M_0$ are complete Riemannian manifolds satisfying a Sobolev inequality\n", " of dimension $n$, which are isometric outside a compact set, and if the Riesz\n", " transform on $M_0$ is bounded on $L^q$, then for all $\\frac{n}{n-2}, the Riesz\n", " transform on $M$ is bounded on $L^p$ provided that $M$ is p-hyperbolic OR $M$\n", " has only one end.,\n", " In this study, we investigate learning rate adaption at different levels\n", " based on the hyper-gradient descent framework and propose a method that\n", " adaptively learns the optimizer parameters by combining multiple levels of\n", " learning rates with hierarchical structures. Meanwhile, we show the\n", " relationship between regularizing over-parameterized learning rates and\n", " building combinations of adaptive learning rates at different levels. The\n", " experiments on several network architectures, including feed-forward networks,\n", " LeNet-5 and ResNet-18/34, show that the proposed multi-level adaptive approach\n", " can outperform baseline adaptive methods in a variety of circumstances.,\n", " Numeric model of the bremsstrahlung response of homogeneous magnetoactive\n", " plasma on a gravitational wave with $e_+$ polarization was constructed.\n", " Electromagnetic response dependencies on the plasma and gravitational wave\n", " parameters were determined.,\n", " The process of photon splitting $\\gamma \\to \\gamma \\gamma$ in a strong\n", " magnetic field is investigated both below and above the pair creation\n", " threshold. Contrary to the statement by Baier et al., the ``allowed'' channel\n", " $\\alw$ is shown not to be a comprehensive description of splitting in the\n", " strong field because the ``forbidden'' channel $\\frb$ is also essential. The\n", " partial amplitudes and the splitting probabilities are calculated taking\n", " account of the photon dispersion and large radiative corrections near the\n", " resonance.,\n", " The Zeeman splitting of the donor spectra in cubic- and hexagonal-GaN are\n", " studied using an effective mass theory approach. Soft-core pseudopotentials\n", " were used to describe the chemical shift of the different substitutional\n", " dopants. The donor ground states calculated range from 29.5 to 33.7 meV, with\n", " typically 1 meV higher binding in the hexagonal phase. Carbon is found to\n", " produce the largest donor binding energy. The ionization levels and excited\n", " states are in excellent agreement with Hall and optical measurements, and\n", " suggest the presence of residual C in recent experiments.,\n", " Studies of collective human behavior in the social sciences, often grounded\n", " in details of actions by individuals, have much to offer `social' models from\n", " the physical sciences concerning elegant statistical regularities. Drawing on\n", " behavioral studies of social influence, we present a parsimonious, stochastic\n", " model, which generates an entire family of real-world right-skew socio-economic\n", " distributions, including exponential, winner-take-all, power law tails of\n", " varying exponents and power laws across the whole data. The widely used\n", " Albert-Barabasi model of preferential attachment is simply a special case of\n", " this much more general model. In addition, the model produces the continuous\n", " turnover observed empirically within those distributions. Previous preferential\n", " attachment models have generated specific distributions with turnover using\n", " arbitrary add-on rules, but turnover is an inherent feature of our model. The\n", " model also replicates an intriguing new relationship, observed across a range\n", " of empirical studies, between the power law exponent and the proportion of data\n", " represented.,\n", " The difference-in-differences (DID) design is one of the most popular methods\n", " used in empirical economics research. However, there is almost no work\n", " examining what the DID method identifies in the presence of a misclassified\n", " treatment variable. This paper studies the identification of treatment effects\n", " in DID designs when the treatment is misclassified. Misclassification arises in\n", " various ways, including when the timing of a policy intervention is ambiguous\n", " or when researchers need to infer treatment from auxiliary data. We show that\n", " the DID estimand is biased and recovers a weighted average of the average\n", " treatment effects on the treated (ATT) in two subpopulations -- the correctly\n", " classified and misclassified groups. In some cases, the DID estimand may yield\n", " the wrong sign and is otherwise attenuated. We provide bounds on the ATT when\n", " the researcher has access to information on the extent of misclassification in\n", " the data. We demonstrate our theoretical results using simulations and provide\n", " two empirical applications to guide researchers in performing sensitivity\n", " analysis using our proposed methods.,\n", " The Poisson process is one of the simplest stochastic processes defined in\n", " continuous time, having interesting mathematical properties, leading, in many\n", " situations, to applications mathematically treatable. One of the limitations of\n", " the Poisson process is the rare events hypothesis; which is the hypothesis of\n", " unitary jumps within an infinitesimal window of time. Although that restriction\n", " may be avoided by the compound Poisson process, in most situations, we don't\n", " have a closed expression for the probability distribution of the increments of\n", " such processes, leaving us options such as working with probability generating\n", " functions, numerical analysis and simulations. It is with this motivation in\n", " mind, inspired by the recent developments of discrete distributions, that we\n", " propose a new counting process based on the Bell-Touchard probability\n", " distribution, naming it the Bell-Touchard process. We verify that the process\n", " is a compound Poisson process, a multiple Poisson process and that it is closed\n", " for convolution plus decomposition operations. Besides, we show that the\n", " Bell-Touchard process arises naturally from the composition of two Poisson\n", " processes. Moreover, we propose two generalizations; namely, the compound\n", " Bell-Touchard process and the non-homogeneous Bell-Touchard process, showing\n", " that the last one arises from the composition of a non-homogeneous Poisson\n", " process along with a homogeneous Poisson process. We emphasize that since\n", " previous works have been shown that the Bell-Touchard probability distribution\n", " can be used quite effectively for modelling count data, the Bell-Touchard\n", " process and its generalizations may contribute to the formulation of\n", " mathematical treatable models where the rare events hypothesis is not suitable.,\n", " This pair of CAS lectures gives an introduction for accelerator physics\n", " students to the framework and terminology of machine learning (ML). We start by\n", " introducing the language of ML through a simple example of linear regression,\n", " including a probabilistic perspective to introduce the concepts of maximum\n", " likelihood estimation (MLE) and maximum a priori (MAP) estimation. We then\n", " apply the concepts to examples of neural networks and logistic regression. Next\n", " we introduce non-parametric models and the kernel method and give a brief\n", " introduction to two other machine learning paradigms, unsupervised and\n", " reinforcement learning. Finally we close with example applications of ML at a\n", " free-electron laser.,\n", " A new end-plugging method for rotating plasmas is identified and analyzed. It\n", " uses the ponderomotive potential associated with an azimuthal magnetostatic\n", " wiggler. Studied both analytically and numerically, this process compares\n", " favorably to other end-plugging methods in open field line magnetized plasma\n", " devices.,\n", " We present an analysis of a double Mach-Zehnder interferometer in which an\n", " ensemble of identical pre- and postselected particles leave a weak trace. A\n", " knowledge of the weak value partially destroys the quantum interference. The\n", " results, contrary to some recent claims, are in accordance with the usual\n", " quantum mechanical expectations.,\n", " The algebra and calculus of generalized differential forms are reviewed and\n", " employed to construct a class of generalized connections and to investigate\n", " their properties. The class includes generalized connections which are flat\n", " when Einstein's vacuum field equations are satisfied. Generalized Chern-Simons\n", " action principles are formulated and it is shown that certain of these have\n", " Einstein's vacuum field equations as Euler-Lagrange equations.,\n", " We define and study odd analogues of classical geometric and combinatorial\n", " objects associated to permutations, namely odd Schubert varieties, odd\n", " diagrams, and odd inversion sets. We show that there is a bijection between odd\n", " inversion sets of permutations and acyclic orientations of the Tur\\'{a}n graph,\n", " that the dimension of the odd Schubert variety associated to a permutation is\n", " the odd length of the permutation, and give several necessary conditions for a\n", " subset of $[n] \\times [n]$ to be the odd diagram of a permutation. We also\n", " study the sign-twisted generating function of the odd length over descent\n", " classes of the symmetric groups.,\n", " In this article, we prove the existence of weak solutions as well as the\n", " existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for McKean-Vlasov multivalued\n", " stochastic differential equations with oblique subgradients (MVMSDEswOS, for\n", " short) by means of the equations of Euler type and Skorohod's representation\n", " theorem. For this type of equation, compared with the method in [19,13], since\n", " we can't use the maximal monotony property of its constituent subdifferential\n", " operator, some different specific techniques are applied to solve our problems.\n", " Afterwards, we give an example for MVMSDEswOS with time-dependent convex\n", " constraints, which can be reduced to MVMSDEswOS. Finally, we consider an\n", " optimal control problem and establish the dynamic programming principle for the\n", " value function.,\n", " We study the noncommutative corrections on the time-dependent Aharonov-Bohm\n", " effect when both the coordinate-coordinate and momentum-momentum\n", " noncommutativities are considered. This study is motivated by the recent\n", " observation that there is no net phase shift in the time-dependent AB effect on\n", " the ordinary space, and therefore tiny derivation from zero can indicate new\n", " physics. The vanishing of the time-dependent AB phase shift on the ordinary\n", " space is preserved by the gauge and Lorentz symmetries. However, on the\n", " noncomutative phase space, while the ordinary gauge symmetry can be kept by the\n", " Seiberg-Witten map, but the Lorentz symmetry is broken. Therefore nontrivial\n", " noncommutative corrections are expected. We find there are three kinds of\n", " noncommutative corrections in general: 1) $\\xi$-dependent correction which\n", " comes from the noncommutativity among momentum operators; 2) momentum-dependent\n", " correction which is rooted in the nonlocal interactions in the noncommutative\n", " extended model; 3) momentum-independent correction which emerges become of the\n", " gauge invariant condition on the nonlocal interactions in the noncommutative\n", " model. We proposed two dimensionless quantities, which are based on the\n", " distributions of the measured phase shift with respect to the external magnetic\n", " field and to the cross section enclosed by the particle trajectory, to extract\n", " the noncommutative parameters. We find that stronger (weaker) magnetic field\n", " strength can give better bounds on the coordinate-coordinate\n", " (momentum-momentum) noncommutative parameter, and large parameter space region\n", " can be explored by the time-dependent AB effect.,\n", " We consider an asymmetric left-invariant norm $||\\cdot ||_K$ in the first\n", " Heisenberg group $\\mathbb{H}^1$ induced by a convex body $K\\subset\\mathbb{R}^2$\n", " containing the origin in its interior. Associated to $\\|\\cdot\\|_K$ there is a\n", " perimeter functional, that coincides with the classical sub-Riemannian\n", " perimeter in case $K$ is the closed unit disk centered at the origin of\n", " $\\mathbb{R}^2$. Under the assumption that $K$ has $C^2$ boundary with strictly\n", " positive geodesic curvature we compute the first variation formula of perimeter\n", " for sets with $C^2$ boundary. The localization of the variational formula in\n", " the non-singular part of the boundary, composed of the points where the tangent\n", " plane is not horizontal, allows us to define a mean curvature function $H_K$\n", " out of the singular set. In the case of non-vanishing mean curvature, the\n", " condition that $H_K$ be constant implies that the non-singular portion of the\n", " boundary is foliated by horizontal liftings of translations of $\\partial K$\n", " dilated by a factor of $1/H_K$. Based on this we can defined a sphere\n", " $\\mathbb{S}_K$ with constant mean curvature $1$ by considering the union of all\n", " horizontal liftings of $\\partial K$ starting from $(0,0,0)$ until they meet\n", " again in a point of the vertical axis. We give some geometric properties of\n", " this sphere and, moreover, we prove that, up to non-homogeneous dilations and\n", " left-translations, they are the only solutions of the sub-Finsler isoperimetric\n", " problem in a restricted class of sets.,\n", " Dynamical compactness with respect to a family as a new concept of chaoticity\n", " of a dynamical system was introduced and discussed in [22]. In this paper we\n", " continue to investigate this notion. In particular, we prove that all dynamical\n", " systems are dynamically compact with respect to a Furstenberg family if and\n", " only if this family has the finite intersection property. We investigate weak\n", " mixing and weak disjointness by using the concept of dynamical compactness. We\n", " also explore further difference between transitive compactness and weak mixing.\n", " As a byproduct, we show that the $\\omega_{\\mathcal{F}}$-limit and the\n", " $\\omega$-limit sets of a point may have quite different topological structure.\n", " Moreover, the equivalence between multi-sensitivity, sensitive compactness and\n", " transitive sensitivity is established for a minimal system. Finally, these\n", " notions are also explored in the context of linear dynamics.,\n", " Video-to-video synthesis (vid2vid) aims for converting high-level semantic\n", " inputs to photorealistic videos. While existing vid2vid methods can achieve\n", " short-term temporal consistency, they fail to ensure the long-term one. This is\n", " because they lack knowledge of the 3D world being rendered and generate each\n", " frame only based on the past few frames. To address the limitation, we\n", " introduce a novel vid2vid framework that efficiently and effectively utilizes\n", " all past generated frames during rendering. This is achieved by condensing the\n", " 3D world rendered so far into a physically-grounded estimate of the current\n", " frame, which we call the guidance image. We further propose a novel neural\n", " network architecture to take advantage of the information stored in the\n", " guidance images. Extensive experimental results on several challenging datasets\n", " verify the effectiveness of our approach in achieving world consistency - the\n", " output video is consistent within the entire rendered 3D world.\n", " https://nvlabs.github.io/wc-vid2vid/,\n", " Gas-poor galaxies can be modelled as composite collisionless stellar systems,\n", " with a dark matter halo and one or more stellar components, representing\n", " different stellar populations. The dynamical evolution of such composite\n", " systems is often studied with numerical N-body simulations, whose initial\n", " conditions typically require realizations with particles of stationary galaxy\n", " models. We present a novel method to conceive these N-body realizations, which\n", " allows one to exploit at best a collisionless N-body simulation that follows\n", " their evolution. The method is based on the use of an effective N-body model of\n", " a composite system, which is in fact realized as a one-component system of\n", " particles that is interpreted a posteriori as a multi-component system, by\n", " assigning in post-processing fractions of each particle's mass to different\n", " components. Examples of astrophysical applications are N-body simulations that\n", " aim to reproduce the observed properties of interacting galaxies, satellite\n", " galaxies and stellar streams. As a case study we apply our method to an N-body\n", " simulation of tidal stripping of a two-component (dark matter and stars)\n", " satellite dwarf galaxy orbiting in the gravitational potential of the Milky\n", " Way.,\n", " A scheme is developed for estimating state-dependent drift and diffusion\n", " coefficients in a stochastic differential equation from time-series data. The\n", " scheme does not require to specify parametric forms for the drift and diffusion\n", " coefficients in advance. In order to perform the nonparametric estimation, a\n", " maximum likelihood method is combined with a concept based on a kernel density\n", " estimation. In order to deal with discrete observation or sparsity of the\n", " time-series data, a local linearization method is employed, which enables a\n", " fast estimation.,\n", " As the vacuum state of a quantum field is not an eigenstate of the\n", " Hamiltonian density, the vacuum energy density can be represented as a random\n", " variable. We present an analytical calculation of the probability distribution\n", " of the vacuum energy density for real and complex massless scalar fields in\n", " Minkowski space. The obtained probability distributions are broad and the\n", " vacuum expectation value of the Hamiltonian density is not fully representative\n", " of the vacuum energy density.,\n", " We present a statistical learning framework for robust identification of\n", " partial differential equations from noisy spatiotemporal data. Extending\n", " previous sparse regression approaches for inferring PDE models from simulated\n", " data, we address key issues that have thus far limited the application of these\n", " methods to noisy experimental data, namely their robustness against noise and\n", " the need for manual parameter tuning. We address both points by proposing a\n", " stability-based model selection scheme to determine the level of regularization\n", " required for reproducible recovery of the underlying PDE. This avoids manual\n", " parameter tuning and provides a principled way to improve the method's\n", " robustness against noise in the data. Our stability selection approach, termed\n", " PDE-STRIDE, can be combined with any sparsity-promoting penalized regression\n", " model and provides an interpretable criterion for model component importance.\n", " We show that in particular the combination of stability selection with the\n", " iterative hard-thresholding algorithm from compressed sensing provides a fast,\n", " parameter-free, and robust computational framework for PDE inference that\n", " outperforms previous algorithmic approaches with respect to recovery accuracy,\n", " amount of data required, and robustness to noise. We illustrate the performance\n", " of our approach on a wide range of noise-corrupted simulated benchmark\n", " problems, including 1D Burgers, 2D vorticity-transport, and 3D\n", " reaction-diffusion problems. We demonstrate the practical applicability of our\n", " method on real-world data by considering a purely data-driven re-evaluation of\n", " the advective triggering hypothesis for an embryonic polarization system in\n", " C.~elegans. Using fluorescence microscopy images of C.~elegans zygotes as input\n", " data, our framework is able to recover the PDE model for the regulatory\n", " reaction-diffusion-flow network of the associated proteins.,\n", " In this paper, new exact and approximate moment generating functions (MGF)\n", " expression for generalized fading models are derived. Specifically, we consider\n", " the ${\\eta}-{\\lambda}-{\\mu}$, ${\\alpha}-{\\mu}$, ${\\alpha}-{\\eta}-{\\mu}$,\n", " ${\\alpha}-{\\lambda}-{\\mu}$, ${\\alpha}-{\\kappa}-{\\mu}$, and\n", " ${\\alpha}-{\\lambda}-{\\eta}-{\\mu}$ generalized fading distributions to derive\n", " approximate MGF expressions. The new expressions are very accurate and, in\n", " contrast to earlier results in the literature, avoid any complicated special\n", " functions, e.g. the Meijer-$G$ and Fox $H$-functions. As such, the new MGF\n", " expressions allow easier and more efficient analytical manipulations, which\n", " also apply for their special cases such as the Rayleigh, Rice, and Nakagami-m\n", " fading. As an illustrative application, the average bit error rates for each of\n", " the fading models are evaluated using the new derived MGF expressions. The\n", " accuracy of the analytical results by using the numerically computed results as\n", " a basis of comparison as well as published results from the literature.,\n", " The final goal of all industrial machine learning (ML) projects is to develop\n", " ML products and rapidly bring them into production. However, it is highly\n", " challenging to automate and operationalize ML products and thus many ML\n", " endeavors fail to deliver on their expectations. The paradigm of Machine\n", " Learning Operations (MLOps) addresses this issue. MLOps includes several\n", " aspects, such as best practices, sets of concepts, and development culture.\n", " However, MLOps is still a vague term and its consequences for researchers and\n", " professionals are ambiguous. To address this gap, we conduct mixed-method\n", " research, including a literature review, a tool review, and expert interviews.\n", " As a result of these investigations, we provide an aggregated overview of the\n", " necessary principles, components, and roles, as well as the associated\n", " architecture and workflows. Furthermore, we furnish a definition of MLOps and\n", " highlight open challenges in the field. Finally, this work provides guidance\n", " for ML researchers and practitioners who want to automate and operate their ML\n", " products with a designated set of technologies.,\n", " Intense ultrafast laser excitation can produce transient states of condensed\n", " matter that would otherwise be inaccessible. At high excitation level, the\n", " interatomic forces can be altered resulting in an unusual lattice dynamics.\n", " Here we report the study of coherent lattice dynamics in Bi made for various\n", " excitation levels at helium temperature. We demonstrate that under certain\n", " conditions the fully symmetric phonons of large amplitude exhibit anomalous\n", " decay and phase rigidity, both of which possibly signaling the attainment of\n", " transient supersolid state.,\n", " Several important processes and analyses at the LHC are sensitive to\n", " higher-order perturbative corrections beyond what can currently be calculated\n", " at fixed order. The formalism of High Energy Jets (HEJ) calculates the\n", " corrections systematically enhanced for a large ratio of the centre-of-mass\n", " energy to the transverse momentum of the observed jets. These effects are\n", " relevant in the analysis of e.g. Higgs-boson production in association with\n", " dijets within the cuts devised to enhance the contribution from Vector Boson\n", " Fusion (VBF).\n", " HEJ obtains an all-order approximation, based on logarithmic corrections\n", " which are matched to fixed-order results in the cases where these can be\n", " readily evaluated. In this paper we present an improved framework for the\n", " matching utilised in HEJ, which for merging of tree-level results is\n", " mathematically equivalent to the one used so far. However, by starting from\n", " events generated at fixed order and supplementing these with the all-order\n", " summation, it is computationally simpler to obtain matching to calculations of\n", " high multiplicity.\n", " We demonstrate that the impact of the higher-multiplicity matching on\n", " predictions is small for the gluon-fusion (GF) contribution of Higgs-boson\n", " production in association with dijets in the VBF-region, so perturbative\n", " stability against high-multiplicity matching has been achieved within HEJ. We\n", " match the improved HEJ prediction to the inclusive next-to-leading order (NLO)\n", " cross section and compare to pure NLO in the h->photon photon channel with\n", " standard VBF cuts.,\n", " We study the conditions imposed on matter to produce a regular (non-singular)\n", " interior of a class of spherically symmetric black holes in the $f(T)$\n", " extension of teleparallel gravity. The class of black holes studied is\n", " necessarily singular in general relativity. We derive a tetrad which is\n", " compatible with the black hole interior and utilize this tetrad in the\n", " gravitational equations of motion to study the black hole interior. It is shown\n", " that in the case where the gravitational Lagrangian is expandable in a power\n", " series $f(T)=T+\\underset{n\\neq 1}{\\sum} b_{n}T^{n}$ that black holes can be\n", " non-singular while respecting certain energy conditions in the matter fields.\n", " Thus the black hole singularity may be removed and the gravitational equations\n", " of motion can remain valid throughout the manifold. This is true as long as $n$\n", " is positive, but is not true in the negative sector of the theory. Hence,\n", " gravitational $f(T)$ Lagrangians which are Taylor expandable in powers of $T$\n", " may yield regular black holes of this type. Although it is found that these\n", " black holes can be rendered non-singular in $f(T)$ theory, we conjecture that a\n", " mild singularity theorem holds in that the dominant energy condition is\n", " violated in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the general relativity\n", " singular point if the corresponding $f(T)$ black hole is regular. The analytic\n", " techniques here can also be applied to gravitational Lagrangians which are not\n", " Laurent or Taylor expandable.,\n", " The use of metamaterial as a way to mitigate the negative effects of\n", " absorption in metals on the Purcell effect in metal-dielectric structures is\n", " investigated. A layered metal-dielectric structure is considered as an\n", " anisotropic medium in the long-wavelength limit. The dispersion of the surface\n", " plasmon appearing at the boundary between such a structure and a different\n", " dielectric material, as well as the position of the peak in the local density\n", " of states are studied for various combinations of materials and filling factors\n", " of the periodic structure. The calculated frequency dependence of the Purcell\n", " factor demonstrates an increase in peak value compared to the conventional\n", " plasmonic structure.,\n", " We prove forward and backward parabolic boundary Harnack principles for\n", " nonnegative solutions of the heat equation in the complements of thin parabolic\n", " Lipschitz sets given as subgraphs $E=\\{(x,t): x_{n-1}\\leq\n", " f(x'',t),x_n=0\\}\\subset \\mathbb{R}^{n-1}\\times\\mathbb{R} $ for parabolically\n", " Lipschitz functions $f$ on $\\mathbb{R}^{n-2}\\times\\mathbb{R}$. We are motivated\n", " by applications to parabolic free boundary problems with thin (i.e co-dimension\n", " two) free boundaries. In particular, at the end of the paper we show how to\n", " prove the spatial $C^{1,\\alpha}$ regularity of the free boundary in the\n", " parabolic Signorini problem.,\n", " We compute the fixed point action for the Schwinger model through an\n", " expansion in the gauge field. The calculation allows a check of the locality of\n", " the action. We test its perfection by computing the 1-loop mass gap at finite\n", " spatial volume.,\n", " Among many physical processes involved in star formation, radiation transfer\n", " is one of the key processes since it dominantly controls the thermodynamics.\n", " Because metallicities control opacities, they are one of the important\n", " environmental parameters which affect star formation processes. In this work, I\n", " investigate protostellar collapse in solar-metallicity and low-metallicity ($Z\n", " = 0.1 Z_\\odot$) environments using 3D radiation hydrodynamic and\n", " magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Because radiation cooling is more effective in\n", " the low-metallicity environments, first cores are colder and have lower\n", " entropies. As a result, first cores are smaller, less massive and have shorter\n", " lifetimes in the low-metallicity clouds. Therefore, first cores would be less\n", " likely to be found in low-metallicity star forming clouds. This also implies\n", " that first cores tend to be more gravitationally unstable and susceptible to\n", " fragmentation. The evolution and structure of protostellar cores formed after\n", " the second collapse weakly depend on metallicities in the spherical and\n", " magnetized models despite the large difference in the metallicities. Because\n", " this is due to the change of the heat capacity by dissociation and ionization\n", " of hydrogen, it is a general consequence of the second collapse as long as the\n", " effects of radiation cooling are not very large during the second collapse. On\n", " the other hand, the effects of different metallicities are more significant in\n", " the rotating models without magnetic fields, because they evolve slower than\n", " other models and therefore more affected by radiation cooling.,\n", " The decays $\\rho^0\\to 2\\pi^+2\\pi^-$ and $\\rho^0\\to 2\\pi^0\\pi^+\\pi^-$ are\n", " studied using various effective Lagrangians for $\\pi$ and $\\rho$ (and in some\n", " cases $a_1$) mesons, all of which respect the approximate chiral symmetry of\n", " the strong interaction. Partial widths of the order of 1 keV or less are found\n", " in all cases. These are an order of magnitude smaller than recent predictions\n", " based on non-chiral models.,\n", " This paper addresses the dynamic difficulty adjustment on MOBA games as a way\n", " to improve the player's entertainment. Although MOBA is currently one of the\n", " most played genres around the world, it is known as a game that offer less\n", " autonomy, more challenges and consequently more frustration. Due to these\n", " characteristics, the use of a mechanism that performs the difficulty balance\n", " dynamically seems to be an interesting alternative to minimize and/or avoid\n", " that players experience such frustrations. In this sense, this paper presents a\n", " dynamic difficulty adjustment mechanism for MOBA games. The main idea is to\n", " create a computer controlled opponent that adapts dynamically to the player\n", " performance, trying to offer to the player a better game experience. This is\n", " done by evaluating the performance of the player using a metric based on some\n", " game features and switching the difficulty of the opponent's artificial\n", " intelligence behavior accordingly. Quantitative and qualitative experiments\n", " were performed and the results showed that the system is capable of adapting\n", " dynamically to the opponent's skills. In spite of that, the qualitative\n", " experiments with users showed that the player's expertise has a greater\n", " influence on the perception of the difficulty level and dynamic adaptation.,\n", " We study the asymptotic behavior of kernel estimators of asymptotic variances\n", " (or long-run variances) for a class of adaptive Markov chains. The convergence\n", " is studied both in $L^p$ and almost surely. The results also apply to Markov\n", " chains and improve on the existing literature by imposing weaker conditions. We\n", " illustrate the results with applications to the $\\operatorname {GARCH}(1,1)$\n", " Markov model and to an adaptive MCMC algorithm for Bayesian logistic\n", " regression.,\n", " We report a high statistics simulation of Ising spins coupled to 2D quantum\n", " gravity in the Regge calculus approach using triangulated tori with up to\n", " $512^2$ vertices. For the constant area ensemble and the $dl/l$ functional\n", " measure we definitively can exclude the critical exponents of the Ising phase\n", " transition as predicted for dynamically triangulated surfaces. We rather find\n", " clear evidence that the critical exponents agree with the Onsager values for\n", " static regular lattices, independent of the coupling strength of an $R^2$\n", " interaction term. For exploratory simulations using the lattice version of the\n", " Misner measure the situation is less clear.,\n", " We investigate the dynamics of spatially discordant alternans (SDA) driven by\n", " an instability of intracellular calcium cycling using both amplitude equations\n", " [P. S. Skardal, A. Karma, and J. G. Restrepo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 108103\n", " (2012)] and ionic model simulations. We find that, close to the alternans\n", " bifurcation, SDA is manifested as a smooth wavy modulation of the amplitudes of\n", " both repolarization and calcium transient (CaT) alternans, similarly to the\n", " well-studied case of voltage-driven alternans. In contrast, further away from\n", " the bifurcation, the amplitude of CaT alternans jumps discontinuously at the\n", " nodes separating out-of-phase regions, while the amplitude of repolarization\n", " alternans remains smooth. We show that node motion of discontinuous SDA\n", " patterns is strongly hysteretic even in homogeneous tissue due to the novel\n", " phenomenon of \"unidirectional pinning\": node movement can only be induced\n", " towards, but not away from, the pacing site in response to a change of pacing\n", " rate or physiological parameter. In addition, we show that the wavelength of\n", " discontinuous SDA patterns scales linearly with the conduction velocity\n", " restitution length scale, in contrast to the wavelength of smooth patterns that\n", " scales sub-linearly with this length scale. Those results are also shown to be\n", " robust against cell-to-cell fluctuations owing to the property that\n", " unidirectional node motion collapses multiple jumps accumulating in nodal\n", " regions into a single jump. Amplitude equation predictions are in good overall\n", " agreement with ionic model simulations. Finally, we briefly discuss\n", " physiological implications of our findings. In particular, we suggest that due\n", " to the tendency of conduction blocks to form near nodes, the presence of\n", " unidirectional pinning makes calcium-driven alternans potentially more\n", " arrhythmogenic than voltage-driven alternans.,\n", " How to control collectively ordered electronic states is a core interest of\n", " condensed matter physics. We report an electric field controlled reversible\n", " transition from superconductor to ferromagnetic insulator in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe thin\n", " flake using solid ion conductor as the gate dielectric. By driving Li ions into\n", " and out of the (Li,Fe)OHFeSe thin flake with electric field, we obtained a\n", " dome-shaped superconducting region with optimal Tc ~ 43 K, which is separated\n", " by a quantum critical point from ferromagnetically insulating phase. The\n", " ferromagnetism arises from the long range order of the interstitial Fe ions\n", " expelled from the (Li,Fe)OH layers by Li injection. The device can reversibly\n", " manipulate collectively ordered electronic states and stabilize new metastable\n", " structures by electric field.,\n", " The Extreme-ultraviolet Stellar Characterization for Atmospheric Physics and\n", " Evolution (ESCAPE) mission is an astrophysics Small Explorer employing\n", " ultraviolet spectroscopy (EUV: 80 - 825 \\AA\\ and FUV: 1280 - 1650 \\AA) to\n", " explore the high-energy radiation environment in the habitable zones around\n", " nearby stars. ESCAPE provides the first comprehensive study of the stellar EUV\n", " and coronal mass ejection environments which directly impact the habitability\n", " of rocky exoplanets. In a 20 month science mission, ESCAPE will provide the\n", " essential stellar characterization to identify exoplanetary systems most\n", " conducive to habitability and provide a roadmap for NASA's future life-finder\n", " missions. ESCAPE accomplishes this goal with roughly two-order-of-magnitude\n", " gains in EUV efficiency over previous missions. ESCAPE employs a grazing\n", " incidence telescope that feeds an EUV and FUV spectrograph. The ESCAPE science\n", " instrument builds on previous ultraviolet and X-ray instrumentation, grazing\n", " incidence optical systems, and photon-counting ultraviolet detectors used on\n", " NASA astrophysics, heliophysics, and planetary science missions. The ESCAPE\n", " spacecraft bus is the versatile and high-heritage Ball Aerospace BCP Small\n", " spacecraft. Data archives will be housed at the Mikulski Archive for Space\n", " Telescopes (MAST).,\n", " Soft-argmax operation is commonly adopted in detection-based methods to\n", " localize the target position in a differentiable manner. However, training the\n", " neural network with soft-argmax makes the shape of the probability map\n", " unconstrained. Consequently, the model lacks pixel-wise supervision through the\n", " map during training, leading to performance degradation. In this work, we\n", " propose sampling-argmax, a differentiable training method that imposes implicit\n", " constraints to the shape of the probability map by minimizing the expectation\n", " of the localization error. To approximate the expectation, we introduce a\n", " continuous formulation of the output distribution and develop a differentiable\n", " sampling process. The expectation can be approximated by calculating the\n", " average error of all samples drawn from the output distribution. We show that\n", " sampling-argmax can seamlessly replace the conventional soft-argmax operation\n", " on various localization tasks. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the\n", " effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed method. Code is available at\n", " https://github.com/Jeff-sjtu/sampling-argmax,\n", " We study ultrahigh energy astrophysical neutrinos and their interactions\n", " within the Standard Model and beyond. We consider propagation of muon\n", " neutrinos, tau neutrinos that originate in $\\nu_\\mu \\to \\nu_\\tau$ oscillations,\n", " and tau leptons produced in charged-current neutrino interactions. We show that\n", " high energy taus lose their energy through bremsstrahlung, pair production and\n", " photonuclear processes until they reach energy of $\\sim 10^8$ GeV, bellow which\n", " they are more likely to decay. Neutrino interactions at energies above\n", " $10^8$GeV could lead to the production of microscopic black holes predicted in\n", " theories of extra dimensions, or they can undergo instanton-induced processes.\n", " We discuss potential signals for these processes in detectors such as IceCube\n", " and ANITA.,\n", " We consider dynamically generated spin squeezing in interacting bimodal\n", " condensates. We show that particle losses and non-zero temperature effects in a\n", " multimode theory completely change the scaling of the best squeezing for large\n", " atom numbers. We present the new scalings and we give approximate analytical\n", " expressions for the squeezing in the thermodynamic limit. Besides reviewing our\n", " recent theoretical results, we give here a simple physical picture of how\n", " decoherence acts to limit the squeezing. We show in particular that under\n", " certain conditions the decoherence due to losses and non-zero temperatureacts\n", " as a simple dephasing.,\n", " Whereas boson coherent states with complex parametrization provide an\n", " elegant, and intuitive representation, there is no counterpart for fermions\n", " using complex parametrization. However, a complex parametrization provides a\n", " valuable way to describe amplitude and phase of a coherent beam. Thus we pose\n", " the question of whether a fermionic beam can be described, even approximately,\n", " by a complex-parametrized coherent state and define, in a natural way,\n", " approximate complex-parametrized fermion coherent states. Then we identify four\n", " appealing properties of boson coherent states (eigenstate of annihilation\n", " operator, displaced vacuum state, preservation of product states under linear\n", " coupling, and factorization of correlators) and show that these approximate\n", " complex fermion coherent states fail all four criteria. The inapplicability of\n", " complex parametrization supports the use of Grassman algebras as an appropriate\n", " alternative.,\n", " We consider the electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy ion\n", " collisions, in which the produced electron is captured by one of the nuclei\n", " resulting, thus, in the formation of a hydrogen--like ion. These ions emerge\n", " from the collision point and hit the vacuum chamber wall inside superconducting\n", " magnets. Therefore, this process may be important for the problems of beam life\n", " time and for the quenching the irradiated magnet. A theoretical investigation\n", " for such a bound-free pair production (BFPP) at the colliders from NICA to HE\n", " LHC is presented. We obtain an approximate universal formula for the total\n", " cross section of the process. We compare it with the results of available\n", " numerical calculations and estimate that an accuracy of our calculations is\n", " better than $30$ % at the energies of the NICA collider and becomes of the\n", " order of a few percent for the RHIC and HE LHC colliders. Based on the obtained\n", " results, the detailed calculations are performed for future experiments at the\n", " NICA collider. We find that the expected BFPP cross sections for the\n", " Au$^{79+}$-Au$^{79+}$ and Bi$^{83+}$-Bi$^{83+}$ collisions are in the range\n", " from $10$ to $70$ barn, while for the p-Au$^{79+}$ and p-Bi$^{83+}$ collisions\n", " they are in the range of a few mbarn.,\n", " We are conducting COLD GASS, a legacy survey for molecular gas in nearby\n", " galaxies. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we measure the CO(1-0) line in a sample\n", " of ~350 nearby (D=100-200 Mpc), massive galaxies (log(M*/Msun)>10.0). The\n", " sample is selected purely according to stellar mass, and therefore provides an\n", " unbiased view of molecular gas in these systems. By combining the IRAM data\n", " with SDSS photometry and spectroscopy, GALEX imaging and high-quality Arecibo\n", " HI data, we investigate the partition of condensed baryons between stars,\n", " atomic gas and molecular gas in 0.1-10L* galaxies. In this paper, we present CO\n", " luminosities and molecular hydrogen masses for the first 222 galaxies. The\n", " overall CO detection rate is 54%, but our survey also uncovers the existence of\n", " sharp thresholds in galaxy structural parameters such as stellar mass surface\n", " density and concentration index, below which all galaxies have a measurable\n", " cold gas component but above which the detection rate of the CO line drops\n", " suddenly. The mean molecular gas fraction MH2/M* of the CO detections is\n", " 0.066+/-0.039, and this fraction does not depend on stellar mass, but is a\n", " strong function of NUV-r colour. Through stacking, we set a firm upper limit of\n", " MH2/M*=0.0016+/-0.0005 for red galaxies with NUV-r>5.0. The average\n", " molecular-to-atomic hydrogen ratio in present-day galaxies is 0.3, with\n", " significant scatter from one galaxy to the next. The existence of strong\n", " detection thresholds in both the HI and CO lines suggests that \"quenching\"\n", " processes have occurred in these systems. Intriguingly, atomic gas strongly\n", " dominates in the minority of galaxies with significant cold gas that lie above\n", " these thresholds. This suggests that some re-accretion of gas may still be\n", " possible following the quenching event.,\n", " The Galactic disk is expected to be spatially, kinematically, and chemically\n", " clustered on many scales due to both star formation and non-axisymmetries in\n", " the Galactic potential. In this work we calculate the spatial and kinematic\n", " two-point correlation functions using a sample of $1.7 \\times 10^6$ stars\n", " within 1 kpc of the Sun with 6D phase space information available from\n", " \\textit{Gaia} DR2. Clustering is detected on spatial scales of 1-300 pc and\n", " velocity scales of at least 15 km s$^{-1}$. With bound structures included, the\n", " data have a power-law index ($\\xi(\\Delta r) \\propto \\Delta r^{\\gamma}$) of\n", " $\\gamma\\approx-2$ at most spatial scales, which is in line with theoretical\n", " predictions. After removing bound structures, the data have a power-law index\n", " of $\\gamma\\approx-1$ for $<100$ pc and $\\gamma \\lesssim -1.5$ for $>100$ pc. We\n", " interpret these results with the aid of a novel star-by-star simulation of the\n", " Galaxy in which stars are born in clusters orbiting in a realistic potential\n", " that includes spiral arms, a bar, and GMCs. We find that the simulation largely\n", " agrees with the observations (within a factor of 2-3) at all spatial and\n", " kinematic scales. In detail, the correlation function in the simulation is\n", " shallower than the data at $< 20$ pc scales, and steeper than the data at $>\n", " 30$ pc scales. We also find a persistent clustering signal in the kinematic\n", " correlation function for the data at large $\\Delta v$ ($>5$ km s$^{-1}$) not\n", " present in the simulations. We speculate that this mismatch between\n", " observations and simulations may be due to two processes not included in the\n", " simulation: hierarchical star formation and transient spiral arms. We also use\n", " the simulations to predict the clustering signal as a function of pair-wise\n", " metallicity and age separations. Ages and metallicities measured with a\n", " precision of $50\\%$ and $0.05$ dex are required in order to enhance the\n", " clustering signal.,\n", " Heusler alloys are promising for several applications, including magnetic\n", " refrigeration, due to high magnetocaloric and magnetovolume effects. One way to\n", " optimize this potential is by increasing the magnetovolume effect. Using\n", " density functional theory with the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method, we calculate\n", " the effective exchange interaction energies and corresponding mean field Curie\n", " temperature as a function of the volume (hydrostatic pressure) in several L2 1\n", " -type Co 2 YZ Heusler alloys. Different qualitative trends and signs of the\n", " pressure derivatives of the Curie temperature and moments are found among these\n", " compounds, discussed and compared with previous calculations and experiments.,\n", " Modified neutrino dispersion relations, which still obey the relativity\n", " principle, can have both a superluminal (muon-type) neutrino and a luminal\n", " (electron-type) neutrino, as long as neutrino-mass effects can be neglected.\n", " The idea is to allow for flavor-dependent deformed Lorentz transformations and\n", " an appropriate hierarchy of energy scales. If OPERA's result on a superluminal\n", " velocity of the muon-neutrino is confirmed, the model has a matching\n", " superluminal velocity of the corresponding charged lepton, the muon, at equal\n", " particle energy. Assuming that this model is not already ruled out, new\n", " TeV-scale effects in the muon sector are predicted. Also discussed is a\n", " different model with a superluminal sterile neutrino propagating in the usual 4\n", " spacetime dimensions.,\n", " The free energy principle, and its corollary active inference, constitute a\n", " bio-inspired theory that assumes biological agents act to remain in a\n", " restricted set of preferred states of the world, i.e., they minimize their free\n", " energy. Under this principle, biological agents learn a generative model of the\n", " world and plan actions in the future that will maintain the agent in an\n", " homeostatic state that satisfies its preferences. This framework lends itself\n", " to being realized in silico, as it comprehends important aspects that make it\n", " computationally affordable, such as variational inference and amortized\n", " planning. In this work, we investigate the tool of deep learning to design and\n", " realize artificial agents based on active inference, presenting a deep-learning\n", " oriented presentation of the free energy principle, surveying works that are\n", " relevant in both machine learning and active inference areas, and discussing\n", " the design choices that are involved in the implementation process. This\n", " manuscript probes newer perspectives for the active inference framework,\n", " grounding its theoretical aspects into more pragmatic affairs, offering a\n", " practical guide to active inference newcomers and a starting point for deep\n", " learning practitioners that would like to investigate implementations of the\n", " free energy principle.,\n", " In this paper, we study cooperative scattering of low intensity light by a\n", " cloud of N two-level systems. We include the incident laser field driving these\n", " two-level systems and compute the radiation pressure force on the center of\n", " mass of the cloud. This signature is of particular interest for experiments\n", " with laser cooled atoms. Including the complex coupling between dipoles in a\n", " scalar model for dilute clouds of two-level systems, we obtain expression for\n", " cooperative scattering forces taking into account the collective Lamb shift. We\n", " also derive the expression of the radiation pressure force on a large cloud of\n", " two-level systems from an heuristic approach and show that at lowest driving\n", " intensities this force is identical for a product and an entangled state.,\n", " While the methods exploiting the tensor low-rank prior are booming in\n", " high-dimensional data processing and have obtained satisfying performance,\n", " their applications in dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) image reconstruction are\n", " limited. In this paper, we concentrate on the tensor singular value\n", " decomposition (t-SVD), which is based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and\n", " only provides the definite and limited tensor low-rank prior in the FFT domain,\n", " heavily reliant upon how closely the data and the FFT domain match up. By\n", " generalizing the FFT into an arbitrary unitary transformation of the\n", " transformed t-SVD and proposing the transformed tensor nuclear norm (TTNN), we\n", " introduce a flexible model based on TTNN with the ability to exploit the tensor\n", " low-rank prior of a transformed domain in a larger transformation space and\n", " elaborately design an iterative optimization algorithm based on the alternating\n", " direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which is further unrolled into a\n", " model-based deep unrolling reconstruction network to learn the transformed\n", " tensor low-rank prior (T$^2$LR-Net). The convolutional neural network (CNN) is\n", " incorporated within the T$^2$LR-Net to learn the best-matched transform from\n", " the dynamic MR image dataset. The unrolling reconstruction network also\n", " provides a new perspective on the low-rank prior utilization by exploiting the\n", " low-rank prior in the CNN-extracted feature domain. Experimental results on two\n", " cardiac cine MR datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework can provide\n", " improved recovery results compared with the state-of-the-art optimization-based\n", " and unrolling network-based methods.,\n", " We present spatially localized nonrotating and rotating (azimuthon)\n", " multisolitons in the two-dimensional (2D) (\"pancake-shaped configuration\")\n", " Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with attractive interaction. By means of a\n", " linear stability analysis, we investigate the stability of these structures and\n", " show that rotating dipole solitons are stable provided that the number of atoms\n", " is small enough. The results were confirmed by direct numerical simulations of\n", " the 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.,\n", " We have measured the specific heat of the coupled spin-dimer antiferromagnet\n", " Ba$_3$Mn$_2$O$_8$ to 50 mK in temperature and to 29 T in the magnetic field.\n", " The experiment extends to the midpoint of the field region (25.9 T $\\leq H\n", " \\leq$ 32.3 T) of the magnetization plateau at 1/2 of the saturation\n", " magnetization, and reveals the presence of three ordered phases in the field\n", " region between that of the magnetization plateau and the low-field spin-liquid\n", " region. The exponent of the phase boundary with the thermally disordered region\n", " is smaller than the theoretical value based on the Bose-Einstein condensation\n", " of spin triplets. At zero field and 29 T, the specific-heat data show gapped\n", " behaviors characteristic of spin liquids. The zero-field data indicate that the\n", " gapped triplet excitations form two levels whose energies differ by nearly a\n", " factor of two. At least the lower level is well localized. The data at 29 T\n", " reveal that the low-lying excitations at the magnetization plateau are weakly\n", " delocalized.,\n", " We introduce L-hydra (landmarked hyperbolic distance recovery and\n", " approximation), a method for embedding network- or distance-based data into\n", " hyperbolic space, which requires only the distance measurements to a few\n", " 'landmark nodes'. This landmark heuristic makes L-hydra applicable to\n", " large-scale graphs and improves upon previously introduced methods. As a\n", " mathematical justification, we show that a point configuration in d-dimensional\n", " hyperbolic space can be perfectly recovered (up to isometry) from distance\n", " measurements to just d+1 landmarks. We also show that L-hydra solves a\n", " two-stage strain-minimization problem, similar to our previous (unlandmarked)\n", " method 'hydra'. Testing on real network data, we show that L-hydra is an order\n", " of magnitude faster than existing hyperbolic embedding methods and scales\n", " linearly in the number of nodes. While the embedding error of L-hydra is higher\n", " than the error of existing methods, we introduce an extension, L-hydra+, which\n", " outperforms existing methods in both runtime and embedding quality.,\n", " The discovery of topological states of matter has profoundly augmented our\n", " understanding of phase transitions in physical systems. Instead of local order\n", " parameters, topological phases are described by global topological invariants\n", " and are therefore robust against perturbations. A prominent example thereof is\n", " the two-dimensional integer quantum Hall effect. It is characterized by the\n", " first Chern number which manifests in the quantized Hall response induced by an\n", " external electric field. Generalizing the quantum Hall effect to\n", " four-dimensional systems leads to the appearance of a novel non-linear Hall\n", " response that is quantized as well, but described by a 4D topological invariant\n", " - the second Chern number. Here, we report on the first observation of a bulk\n", " response with intrinsic 4D topology and the measurement of the associated\n", " second Chern number. By implementing a 2D topological charge pump with\n", " ultracold bosonic atoms in an angled optical superlattice, we realize a\n", " dynamical version of the 4D integer quantum Hall effect. Using a small atom\n", " cloud as a local probe, we fully characterize the non-linear response of the\n", " system by in-situ imaging and site-resolved band mapping. Our findings pave the\n", " way to experimentally probe higher-dimensional quantum Hall systems, where new\n", " topological phases with exotic excitations are predicted.,\n", " We study numerically two-dimensional creeping viscoelastic flow past a\n", " biperiodic square array of cylinders within the Oldroyd B, FENE-CR and FENE-P\n", " constitutive models of dilute polymer solutions. Our results capture the\n", " initial mild decrease then dramatic upturn ('thickening') seen experimentally\n", " in the drag coefficient as a function of increasing Weissenberg number. By\n", " systematically varying the porosity of the flow geometry, we demonstrate two\n", " qualitatively different mechanisms underpinning this thickening effect: one\n", " that operates in the highly porous case of widely spaced obstacles, and another\n", " for more densely packed obstacles, with a crossover between these two\n", " mechanisms at intermediate porosities. We also briefly consider 2D creeping\n", " viscoelastic flow past a linear array of cylinders confined to a channel, where\n", " we find that the flow is steady for all Weissenberg numbers explored.,\n", " SparseChem provides fast and accurate machine learning models for biochemical\n", " applications. Especially, the package supports very high-dimensional sparse\n", " inputs, e.g., millions of features and millions of compounds. It is possible to\n", " train classification, regression and censored regression models, or combination\n", " of them from command line. Additionally, the library can be accessed directly\n", " from Python. Source code and documentation is freely available under MIT\n", " License on GitHub.,\n", " The model is based on a vector representation of each agent. The components\n", " of the vector are the key continuous attributes that determine the social\n", " behavior of the agent. A simple mathematical force vector model is used to\n", " predict the effect of each agent on all other agents. The force law used is\n", " motivated by gravitational force laws and electrical force laws for dipoles. It\n", " assumes that the force between two agents is proportional to the similarity of\n", " attributes, which is implemented mathematically as the dot product of the\n", " vectors representing the attributes of the agents, and the force goes as the\n", " inverse square of the difference in attributes, which is expressed as the\n", " Euclidean distance in attribute space between the two vectors. The force\n", " between the agents may be positive (attractive), zero, or negative (repulsive)\n", " depending on whether the angle between the corresponding vectors is less than,\n", " equal to, or greater than 90 degrees. A positive force causes the attributes of\n", " the agents to become more similar and the corresponding vectors to become more\n", " nearly parallel. Interaction between all agents is allowed unless the distance\n", " between the attributes representing the agents exceeds a confidence limit (the\n", " Attribute Influence Bound) set in the simulation. Agents with similar\n", " attributes tend to form groups. For small values of the Attribute Influence\n", " Bound, numerous groups remain scattered throughout attribute space at the end\n", " of a simulation. As the Attribute Influence Bound is increased, and agents with\n", " increasingly different attributes can communicate, fewer groups remain at the\n", " end, and the remaining groups have increasingly different characteristic\n", " attributes and approximately equal sizes. With a large Attribute Influence\n", " Bound all agents are connected and extreme bi- or tri-polarization results.,\n", " In this paper we describe a procedure to reduce the size of the input feature\n", " vector. A complex pattern recognition problem like face recognition involves\n", " huge dimension of input feature vector. To reduce that dimension here we have\n", " used eigenspace projection (also called as Principal Component Analysis), which\n", " is basically transformation of space. To reduce further we have applied feature\n", " selection method to select indispensable features, which will remain in the\n", " final feature vectors. Features those are not selected are removed from the\n", " final feature vector considering them as redundant or superfluous. For\n", " selection of features we have used the concept of reduct and core from rough\n", " set theory. This method has shown very good performance. It is worth to mention\n", " that in some cases the recognition rate increases with the decrease in the\n", " feature vector dimension.,\n", " This is my Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches (French thing). In this\n", " paper I summarize the work I have done to realize the program of Witten called\n", " -non abelian localization-. This work deals first with problems of localization\n", " in equivariant cohomology. The second part of this paper concerns the\n", " Guillemin-Sternberg problem -Quantization commutes with reduction- in the\n", " geometric quantization procedure.,\n", " We propose an experiment to measure the slow log(N) convergence to mean-field\n", " theory (MFT) around a dynamical instability. Using a density matrix formalism,\n", " we derive equations of motion which go beyond MFT and provide accurate\n", " predictions for the quantum break-time. The leading quantum corrections appear\n", " as decoherence of the reduced single-particle quantum state.,\n", " This paper formulates a variational approach for treating observational\n", " uncertainty and/or computational model errors as stochastic transport in\n", " dynamical systems governed by action principles under nonholonomic constraints.\n", " For this purpose, we derive, analyze and numerically study the example of an\n", " unbalanced spherical ball rolling under gravity along a stochastic path. Our\n", " approach uses the Hamilton-Pontryagin variational principle, constrained by a\n", " stochastic rolling condition, which we show is equivalent to the corresponding\n", " stochastic Lagrange-d'Alembert principle. In the example of the rolling ball,\n", " the stochasticity represents uncertainty in the observation and/or error in the\n", " computational simulation of the angular velocity of rolling. The influence of\n", " the stochasticity on the deterministically conserved quantities is investigated\n", " both analytically and numerically. Our approach applies to a wide variety of\n", " stochastic, nonholonomically constrained systems, because it preserves the\n", " mathematical properties inherited from the variational principle.\n", " Keywords: Nonholonomic constraints, Stochastic dynamics, Transport noise.,\n", " We introduce an analogue in hyperkahler geometry of the symplectic implosion,\n", " in the case of SU(n) actions. Our space is a stratified hyperkahler space which\n", " can be defined in terms of quiver diagrams. It also has a description as a\n", " non-reductive geometric invariant theory quotient.,\n", " Identifying the optimal basic feasible solutions of linear programming\n", " problems is critical for mixed integer programming, and the crossover is the\n", " procedure to recover an optimal corner/extreme point from a suboptimal solution\n", " (the output of first-order methods) or the relative interior of the optimal\n", " face (the output of interior point methods). Unfortunately, this procedure in\n", " linear programming, compared with the previous stage of obtaining nearly\n", " optimal solutions, frequently turns out to be the actual computation bottleneck\n", " in practical applications. Our work shows that this bottleneck can be resolved\n", " if smartly taking advantage of problem characteristics and implementing\n", " customized strategies. Among the important linear programming problems, many of\n", " them arise from network applications and exhibit network structure. We look to\n", " the tree structure of the optimal solutions and propose a tree-based crossover\n", " algorithm, aimed at recovering basic solutions via identifying nearby spanning\n", " tree structures. For other general linear programming problems, we propose an\n", " approach to recover the optimal basic solution via moving from the relative\n", " interior of the optimal face to an extreme point. Computational experiments\n", " show the significant speed-ups of our methods over state-of-art commercial\n", " solvers on classical linear programming problem benchmarks, network flow\n", " problem benchmarks, and MINST datasets.,\n", " We explore the possibility of performing nuclear structure studies using low\n", " energy neutrino beams. In particular, low energy beta-beams and conventional\n", " sources (muon decay-at-rest) are considered. We present results on the total\n", " charged-current as well as flux-averaged cross sections associated to electron\n", " (anti)-neutrino scattering on oxygen, iron, molybdenum and lead, as typical\n", " examples. It is shown that by using neutrinos from low energy beta-beams,\n", " information on forbidden states, in particular the spin-dipole, could be\n", " extracted.,\n", " In a sample of 58 million $J/\\psi$ events collected with the BES II detector,\n", " the process J/$\\psi\\to\\gamma\\eta_c$ is observed in five different decay\n", " channels: $\\gamma K^+K^-\\pi^+\\pi^-$, $\\gamma\\pi^+\\pi^-\\pi^+\\pi^-$, $\\gamma\n", " K^\\pm K^0_S \\pi^\\mp$ (with $K^0_S\\to\\pi^+\\pi^-$), $\\gamma \\phi\\phi$ (with\n", " $\\phi\\to K^+K^-$) and $\\gamma p\\bar{p}$. From a combined fit of all five\n", " channels, we determine the mass and full-width of $\\eta_c$ to be\n", " $m_{\\eta_c}=2977.5\\pm1.0 ({stat.})\\pm1.2 ({syst.})$ MeV/$c^2$ and\n", " $\\Gamma_{\\eta_c} = 17.0\\pm3.7 ({stat.})\\pm7.4 ({syst.})$ MeV/$c^2$.,\n", " A large number of observables can be constructed from differential decay rate\n", " based on the polarization of final state while considering decay of a neutral\n", " meson $(P^0 \\text{ or } \\bar P^0)$ to two vector particles. But all of these\n", " observables are not independent to each other since there are only a few\n", " independent theoretical parameters controlling the whole dynamics and therefore\n", " various relations among observables emerge. In this paper, we have studied the\n", " behaviour of observables for neutral meson decaying to two vectors in presence\n", " of T and CPT violations in mixing accompanied by both direct and indirect CP\n", " violations. We have expressed all of the fourteen unknown theoretical\n", " parameters for this scenario in terms observables only and constructed the\n", " complete set of thirty four relations among observables whose violation would\n", " signify the existence of some new Physics involving direct violation of CPT. In\n", " addition, using this formalism we have studied three special cases too: a) SM\n", " scenario, b) SM plus direct CP violation c) SM plus T and CPT violation in\n", " mixing.,\n", " The current best approximation algorithms for $k$-median rely on first\n", " obtaining a structured fractional solution known as a bi-point solution, and\n", " then rounding it to an integer solution. We improve this second step by\n", " unifying and refining previous approaches. We describe a hierarchy of\n", " increasingly-complex partitioning schemes for the facilities, along with\n", " corresponding sets of algorithms and factor-revealing non-linear programs. We\n", " prove that the third layer of this hierarchy is a $2.613$-approximation,\n", " improving upon the current best ratio of $2.675$, while no layer can be proved\n", " better than $2.588$ under the proposed analysis.\n", " On the negative side, we give a family of bi-point solutions which cannot be\n", " approximated better than the square root of the golden ratio, even if allowed\n", " to open $k+o(k)$ facilities. This gives a barrier to current approaches for\n", " obtaining an approximation better than $2 \\sqrt{\\phi} \\approx 2.544$.\n", " Altogether we reduce the approximation gap of bi-point solutions by two thirds.,\n", " A critical challenge for modern system design is meeting the overwhelming\n", " performance, storage, and communication bandwidth demand of emerging\n", " applications within a tightly bound power budget. As both the time and power,\n", " hence the energy, spent in data communication by far exceeds the energy spent\n", " in actual data generation (i.e., computation), (re)computing data can easily\n", " become cheaper than storing and retrieving (pre)computed data. Therefore,\n", " trading computation for communication can improve energy efficiency by\n", " minimizing the energy overhead incurred by data storage, retrieval, and\n", " communication. This paper hence provides a taxonomy for the computation vs.\n", " communication trade-off along with quantitative characterization.,\n", " These are the proceedings of the Data For Good Exchange 2017, which was held\n", " in New York, NY, on September 24th 2017.,\n", " An analytic formula is proposed to characterize the variance propagation from\n", " correlated input variables to the model response, by using multi-variate Taylor\n", " series. With the formula, partial variance contributions to the model response\n", " are then straightforwardly evaluated in the presence of input correlations.\n", " Additionally, an arbitrary variable is represented as the sum of independent\n", " and correlated parts. Universal expressions of the coefficients that specify\n", " the correlated and independent sections of a single variable are derived by\n", " employing linear correlation model. Based on the coefficients, it is nature to\n", " quantify the independent, correlated and coupling contributions to the total\n", " variance of model response. Numerical examples suggest the effectiveness and\n", " validation of our analytic framework for general models. A practical\n", " application of the analytic framework is also proposed to the sensitivity\n", " analysis of a deterministic HIV model.,\n", " JWST/MIRI imaging of the nearby galaxies IC 5332, NGC 628, NGC 1365 and NGC\n", " 7496 from PHANGS reveals a richness of gas structures that in each case form a\n", " quasi-regular network of interconnected filaments, shells and voids. We examine\n", " whether this multi-scale network of structure is consistent with the\n", " fragmentation of the gas disk through gravitational instability. We use\n", " FilFinder to detect the web of filamentary features in each galaxy and\n", " determine their characteristic radial and azimuthal spacings. These spacings\n", " are then compared to estimates of the most Toomre-unstable length (a few kpc),\n", " the turbulent Jeans length (a few hundred pc) and the disk scale height (tens\n", " of pc) reconstructed using PHANGS-ALMA observations of the molecular gas as a\n", " dynamical tracer. Our analysis of the four galaxies targeted in this work\n", " indicates that Jeans-scale structure is pervasive. Future work will be\n", " essential for determining how the structure observed in gas disks impacts not\n", " only the rate and location of star formation but also how stellar feedback\n", " interacts positively or negatively with the surrounding multi-phase gas\n", " reservoir.,\n", " We construct firstly the complete list of five quantum deformations of $D=4$\n", " complex homogeneous orthogonal Lie algebra $\\mathfrak{o}(4;\\mathbb{C})\\cong\n", " \\mathfrak{o}(3;\\mathbb{C})\\oplus \\mathfrak{o}(3;\\mathbb{C})$, describing\n", " quantum rotational symmetry of four-dimensional complex space-time, in\n", " particular we provide the corresponding universal quantum $R$-matrices. Further\n", " applying four possible reality conditions we obtain all sixteen Hopf-algebraic\n", " quantum deformations for the real forms of $\\mathfrak{o}(4;\\mathbb{C})$:\n", " Euclidean $\\mathfrak{o}(4)$, Lorentz $\\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$, Kleinian\n", " $\\mathfrak{o}(2,2)$ and quaternionic $\\mathfrak{o}^{\\star}(4)$. For\n", " $\\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$ we only recall well-known results obtained previously by\n", " the authors, but for other real Lie algebras (Euclidean, Kleinian,\n", " quaternionic) as well as for the complex Lie algebra\n", " $\\mathfrak{o}(4;\\mathbb{C})$ we present new results.,\n", " Making use of 36 pb^-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV,\n", " the ATLAS Collaboration has performed a search for diphoton events with large\n", " missing transverse energy. Observing no excess of events above the Standard\n", " Model prediction, a 95% Confidence Level (CL) upper limit is set on the cross\n", " section for new physics of sigma < 0.38 - 0.65 pb in the context of a\n", " generalised model of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (GGM) with a\n", " bino-like lightest neutralino, and of sigma < 0.18 - 0.23 pb in the context of\n", " a specific model with one universal extra dimension (UED). A 95 % CL lower\n", " limit of 560 GeV, for bino masses above 50 GeV, is set on the GGM gluino mass,\n", " while a lower limit of 1/R > 961 GeV is set on the UED compactification radius\n", " R. These limits provide the most stringent tests of these models to date.,\n", " The status of the present precision measurements of electroweak observables\n", " is reviewed with specific reference to the radiative parameters $S,T,U$ or\n", " equivalently $\\epsilon_1,\\epsilon_2,\\epsilon_3$. The significance of the\n", " obliqueness hypothesis is underlined and the importance of the ``local fit''\n", " method of extracting these parameters from the data is emphasized. Possible new\n", " physics implications are briefly touched upon.,\n", " Shock-wave profiles of sapphire (single-crystal Al2O3) with seven\n", " crystallographic orientations were measured with time-resolved VISAR\n", " interferometry at shock stresses in the range 16 to 86 GPa. Shock propagation\n", " was normal to the surface of each cut. The angle between the c-axis of the\n", " hexagonal crystal structure and the direction of shock propagation varied from\n", " 0 for c-cut up to 90 degrees for m-cut in the basal plane. Based on published\n", " shock-induced transparencies, shock-induced optical transparency correlates\n", " with the smoothness of the shock-wave profile. The ultimate goal was to find\n", " the direction of shock propagation in sapphire that is most transparent as a\n", " window. Particle velocity histories were recorded at the interface between a\n", " sapphire crystal and a LiF window. In most cases measured wave profiles are\n", " noisy as a result of heterogeneity of deformation. Measured values of Hugoniot\n", " Elastic Limits (HELs) depend on direction of shock compression and peak shock\n", " stress. The largest HEL values were recorded for shock loading along the c-axis\n", " and perpendicular to c along the m-direction. Shock compression along the m-\n", " and s-directions is accompanied by the smallest heterogeneity of deformation\n", " and the smallest rise time of the plastic shock wave. m- and s-cut sapphire\n", " most closely approach ideal elastic-plastic flow, which suggests that m- and\n", " s-cut sapphire are probably the orientations that remains most transparent to\n", " highest shock pressures. Under purely elastic deformation sapphire has very\n", " high spall strength, which depends on load duration and peak stress. Plastic\n", " deformation of sapphire causes loss of its tensile strength.,\n", " We explore the thermodynamics and phase structure of the Polyakov\n", " loop-extended two flavor chiral quark--meson (PQM) model beyond the mean-field\n", " approximation at imaginary chemical potential. Our approach is based on the\n", " functional renormalization group (FRG) method. At finite temperature and\n", " imaginary chemical potential, we solve the renormalization group flow equation\n", " for a scale-dependent thermodynamic potential in the presence of the gluonic\n", " background field. We determine behavior of order parameters of the PQM model in\n", " the FRG approach and compute the phase diagram. We compare our FRG results with\n", " that obtained in the mean-field approximation at imaginary chemical potential.,\n", " Let $G=(V,E)$ be a complete $n$-vertex graph with distinct positive edge\n", " weights. We prove that for $k\\in\\{1,2,...,n-1\\}$, the set consisting of the\n", " edges of all minimum spanning trees (MSTs) over induced subgraphs of $G$ with\n", " $n-k+1$ vertices has at most $nk-\\binom{k+1}{2}$ elements. This proves a\n", " conjecture of Goemans and Vondrak \\cite{GV2005}. We also show that the result\n", " is a generalization of Mader's Theorem, which bounds the number of edges in any\n", " edge-minimal $k$-connected graph.,\n", " In the first paper of this two part communication, we solved in a unified\n", " framework a variety of two terminal source coding problems with noncooperative\n", " encoders, thereby consolidating works of Shannon, Slepian-Wolf, Wyner,\n", " Ahlswede-K\\\"{o}rner, Wyner-Ziv, Berger {\\em et al.} and Berger-Yeung. To\n", " achieve such unification we made use of a fundamental principle that\n", " dissociates bulk of the analysis from the distortion criterion at hand (if any)\n", " and extends the typicality arguments of Shannon and Wyner-Ziv. In this second\n", " paper, we generalize the fundamental principle for any number of sources and on\n", " its basis exhaustively solve all multiterminal source coding problems with\n", " noncooperative encoders and one decoder. The distortion criteria, when\n", " applicable, are required to apply to single letters and be bounded. Our\n", " analysis includes cases where side information is, respectively, partially\n", " available, completely available and altogether unavailable at the decoder. As\n", " seen in our first paper, the achievable regions permit infinite order\n", " information-theoretic descriptions. We also show that the entropy-constrained\n", " multiterminal estimation problem can be solved as a special case of our theory.,\n", " Ultra-diffuse galaxies have generated significant interest due to their large\n", " optical extents and low optical surface brightnesses, which challenge galaxy\n", " formation models. Here we present resolved synthesis observations of 12\n", " HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies (HUDs) from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large\n", " Array (VLA), as well as deep optical imaging from the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope\n", " at Kitt Peak National Observatory. We present the data processing and images,\n", " including total intensity HI maps and HI velocity fields. The HUDs show ordered\n", " gas distributions and evidence of rotation, important prerequisites for the\n", " detailed kinematic models in Mancera Pi\\~na et al. (2019b). We compare the HI\n", " and stellar alignment and extent, and find the HI extends beyond the already\n", " extended stellar component and that the HI disk is often misaligned with\n", " respect to the stellar one, emphasizing the importance of caution when\n", " approaching inclination measurements for these extreme sources. We explore the\n", " HI mass-diameter scaling relation, and find that although the HUDs have diffuse\n", " stellar populations, they fall along the relation, with typical global HI\n", " surface densities. This resolved sample forms an important basis for more\n", " detailed study of the HI distribution in this extreme extragalactic population.,\n", " It is shown that at least 50% of the probability mass of a sum of independent\n", " Rademacher random variables is within one standard deviation from its mean.\n", " This lower bound is sharp, it is much better than for instance the bound that\n", " can be obtained from application of the Chebishev inequality and the bound will\n", " have nice applications in finite sampling theory and in random walk theory.\n", " This old conjecture is of interest in itself, but has also an appealing\n", " reformulation in probability theory and in geometry.,\n", " In this paper, we present a GNN-based Line Segment Parser (GLSP), which uses\n", " a junction heatmap to predict line segments' endpoints, and graph neural\n", " networks to extract line segments and their categories. Different from previous\n", " floor plan recognition methods, which rely on semantic segmentation, our\n", " proposed method is able to output vectorized line segment and requires less\n", " post-processing steps to be put into practical use. Our experiments show that\n", " the methods outperform state-of-the-art line segment detection models on\n", " multi-class line segment detection tasks with floor plan images. In the paper,\n", " we use our floor plan dataset named Large-scale Residential Floor Plan data\n", " (LRFP). The dataset contains a total of 271,035 floor plan images. The label\n", " corresponding to each picture contains the scale information, the categories\n", " and outlines of rooms, and the endpoint positions of line segments such as\n", " doors, windows, and walls. Our augmentation method makes the dataset adaptable\n", " to the drawing styles of as many countries and regions as possible.,\n", " The capacity regions of multiple-input multiple-output Gaussian\n", " Z-interference channels are established for the very strong interference and\n", " aligned strong interference cases. The sum-rate capacity of such channels is\n", " established under noisy interference. These results generalize known results\n", " for scalar Gaussian Z-interference channels.,\n", " We present a new efficient method for approximate search in electronic\n", " lexica. Given an input string (the pattern) and a similarity threshold, the\n", " algorithm retrieves all entries of the lexicon that are sufficiently similar to\n", " the pattern. Search is organized in subsearches that always start with an exact\n", " partial match where a substring of the input pattern is aligned with a\n", " substring of a lexicon word. Afterwards this partial match is extended stepwise\n", " to larger substrings. For aligning further parts of the pattern with\n", " corresponding parts of lexicon entries, more errors are tolerated at each\n", " subsequent step. For supporting this alignment order, which may start at any\n", " part of the pattern, the lexicon is represented as a structure that enables\n", " immediate access to any substring of a lexicon word and permits the extension\n", " of such substrings in both directions. Experimental evaluations of the\n", " approximate search procedure are given that show significant efficiency\n", " improvements compared to existing techniques. Since the technique can be used\n", " for large error bounds it offers interesting possibilities for approximate\n", " search in special collections of \"long\" strings, such as phrases, sentences, or\n", " book ti,\n", " The anomalous dimension of the lattice London superconductor is determined\n", " from finite size scaling of the susceptibility to be \\eta_\\phi = -0.79(1).\n", " Indirect determinations of \\eta_\\phi from properties of the vortex loops in the\n", " 3D XY model are also attempted, but it is found that the results are sensitive\n", " to details in the simulations related to vortex loop intersections. It is\n", " suggested that the same value of \\eta_\\phi can at most be obtained from vortex\n", " loop properties in the limit of low vortex density.,\n", " We investigate the interplay between properties of Ext modules and ascent of\n", " module structures along local ring homomorphisms. Specifically, let f: (R,m,k)\n", " -> (S,mS,k) be a flat local ring homomorphism. We show that if M is a finitely\n", " generated R-module such that Ext^i(S,M) satisfies NAK (e.g. if Ext^i(S,M) is\n", " finitely generated over S) for i=1,...,dim_R(M), then Ext^i(S,M)=0 for all\n", " i\\neq 0 and M has an S-module structure that is compatible with its R-module\n", " structure via f. We provide explicit computations of Ext^1(S,M) to indicate how\n", " large it can be when M does not have a compatible S-module structure.,\n", " ThFeAsN$_{1-x}$O$_x$ ($0\\leq x\\leq0.6$) system with heavy electron doping has\n", " been studied by the measurements of X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity,\n", " magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. The non-doped compound exhibits\n", " superconductivity at $T_\\mathrm{c}^\\mathrm{onset}=30$ K, which is possibly due\n", " to an internal uniaxial chemical pressure that is manifested by the extremely\n", " small value of As height with respect to the Fe plane. With the oxygen\n", " substitution, the $T_\\mathrm{c}$ value decreases rapidly to below 2 K for\n", " $0.1\\leq x\\leq0.2$, and surprisingly, superconductivity re-appears in the range\n", " of $0.25\\leq x\\leq0.5$ with a maximum $T_\\mathrm{c}^\\mathrm{onset}$ of 17.5 K\n", " at $x=0.3$. For the normal-state resistivity, while the samples in intermediate\n", " non-superconducting interval exhibit Fermi liquid behavior, those in other\n", " regions show a non-Fermi-liquid behavior. The specific heat jump for the\n", " superconducting sample of $x=0.4$ is $\\Delta C/(\\gamma T_\\mathrm{c})=0.89$,\n", " which is discussed in terms of anisotropic superconducting gap. The peculiar\n", " phase diagram in ThFeAsN$_{1-x}$O$_x$ presents additional ingredients for\n", " understanding the superconducting mechanism in iron-based superconductors.,\n", " We introduce the notion of a quadri-bialgebra, which gives a bialgebra theory\n", " for the quadri-algebra introduced by Aguiar and Loday. We show that a\n", " quadri-bialgebra is equivalent to a Manin triple of dendriform algebras\n", " associated to a nondegenerate 2-cocycle, and to a Manin triple of\n", " quadri-algebras associated to a nondegenerate invariant bilinear form.\n", " Quadri-bialgebras also come from a variation of the classical Yang-Baxter\n", " equation, called the $Q$-equations. Moreover, quadri-bialgebras fit into the\n", " framework of construction of Rota-Baxter operators and Nijenhuis operators on\n", " the double spaces of quadri-algebras.,\n", " We introduce and analyze a system of two coupled partial differential\n", " equations with external noise. The equations are constructed to model\n", " transitions of monovalent metallic nanowires with non-axisymmetric intermediate\n", " or end states, but also have more general applicability. They provide a rare\n", " example of a system for which an exact solution of nonuniform stationary states\n", " can be found. We find a transition in activation behavior as the interval\n", " length on which the fields are defined is varied. We discuss several\n", " applications to physical problems.,\n", " We establish a link between quantum mechanical molecular simulations and the\n", " transfer matrix of a molecule. The transfer matrix (T-matrix) of an object\n", " provides a complete description of its electromagnetic response. Once the\n", " T-matrices of the individual components of an ensemble are known, the\n", " electromagnetic response of the ensemble can be efficiently computed. This\n", " holds for arbitrary arrangements of large number of molecules, as well as for\n", " periodic arrays. We provide T-matrix based formulas for computing traditional\n", " chiro-optical properties like Circular Dichroism and Oriented Circular\n", " Dichroism, and also for quantifying electromagnetic duality and electromagnetic\n", " chirality, two properties that are fundamentally related to chiral\n", " interactions, and also technologically relevant. The formulas are valid for\n", " light-matter interactions of arbitrary high multipolar orders. We exemplify our\n", " approach by first computing the T-matrix of a cross-like arrangement of four\n", " copies of a chiral molecule from the time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory\n", " simulation data of the individual molecule, and then computing the\n", " aforementioned electromagnetic properties of both the cross and the individual\n", " molecule. The link that we establish is a necessary step towards obtaining\n", " T-matrix based constitutive relations of general bulk molecular materials from\n", " quantum mechanical simulations of their molecular constituents.,\n", " In this note we compare the randomized extended Kaczmarz (EK) algorithm and\n", " randomized coordinate descent (CD) for solving the full-rank overdetermined\n", " linear least-squares problem and prove that CD needs less operations for\n", " satisfying the same residual-related termination criteria. For the general\n", " least-squares problems, we show that running first CD to compute the residual\n", " and then standard Kaczmarz on the resulting consistent system is more efficient\n", " than EK.,\n", " Based on a discussion of the concepts of temperature, passivity and\n", " efficiency in the framework of quantum field theory, the physical\n", " interpretation of the Unruh effect is reviewed PACS: 03.70.+k, 04.70.Dy,\n", " In this paper we characterise univariate rational functions over a number\n", " field $\\K$ having infinitely many points in the cyclotomic closure $\\K^c$ for\n", " which the orbit contains a root of unity. Our results are similar to previous\n", " results of Dvornicich and Zannier describing all polynomials having infinitely\n", " many preperiodic points in $\\K^c$.,\n", " In this Letter, we present the first non-contact atomic force microscopy\n", " (nc-AFM) of a silicene on silver (Ag) surface, obtained by combining\n", " non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy\n", " (STM). STM images over large areas of silicene grown on Ag(111) surface show\n", " both (sqrt13xsqrt13)R13.9{\\deg} and (4x4) superstructures. For the widely\n", " observed (4x4) structure, the nc-AFM topography shows an atomic-scale contrast\n", " inversion as the tip-surface distance is decreased. At the shortest tip-surface\n", " distance, the nc-AFM topography is very similar to the STM one. The observed\n", " structure in the nc-AFM topography is compatible with only one out of two\n", " silicon atoms being visible. This indicates unambiguously a strong buckling of\n", " the silicene honeycomb layer.,\n", " We elucidate the multi-particle transport of pair- and spin-tunnelings in\n", " strongly correlated interfaces. Not only usual single-particle tunneling but\n", " also interaction-induced multi-particle tunneling processes naturally arise\n", " from a conventional microscopic model without any empirical parameters, through\n", " the overlap of the many-body wave functions around the interface. We\n", " demonstrate how anomalous tunneling currents occur in a strongly interacting\n", " system due to the pair-tunneling process which we derived microscopically. Our\n", " formulation is useful for junction systems in various disciplines, including\n", " atomtronics, spintronics, and nuclear reactions.,\n", " Carrier thermalization in a superlattice solar cell made of polar\n", " semiconductors is studied theoretically by considering a minimal model where\n", " electron-phonon scattering is the principal channel of carrier energy loss.\n", " Importantly, the effect of an intrinsic quantum mechanical property; the phonon\n", " coherence, on carrier thermalization is investigated, within semiclassical\n", " picture in terms of phonon wave packet. It turns out that coherent longitudinal\n", " optical (LO) phonons weaken the effective electron-phonon coupling, thus\n", " supposedly lowering the carrier energy loss rate in solar cell. The resulting\n", " thermalization power is indeed significantly reduced by the coherent phonons,\n", " resulting in enhanced hot carrier effect, particularly for thin enough well\n", " layer where carrier confinement is also strong. A recent experiment on\n", " superlattice solar cell prototype is shown to manifest the coherent\n", " phonons-driven phenomenon. Our results demonstrate the practical implications\n", " of the fundamental quantum coherence property of phonons in semiconductors for\n", " improving superlattice solar cell performance, via hot carrier effect.,\n", " Autonomous computations that rely on automated reaction network elucidation\n", " algorithms may pave the way to make computational catalysis on a par with\n", " experimental research in the field. Several advantages of this approach are key\n", " to catalysis: (i) Automation allows one to consider orders of magnitude more\n", " structures in a systematic and open-ended fashion than what would be accessible\n", " by manual inspection. Eventually, full resolution in terms of structural\n", " varieties and conformations as well as with respect to the type and number of\n", " potentially important elementary reaction steps (including decomposition\n", " reactions that determine turnover numbers) may be achieved. (ii) Fast\n", " electronic structure methods with uncertainty quantification warrant high\n", " efficiency and reliability in order to not only deliver results quickly, but\n", " also to allow for predictive work. (iii) A high degree of autonomy reduces the\n", " amount of manual human work, processing errors, and human bias. Although being\n", " inherently unbiased, it is still steerable with respect to specific regions of\n", " an emerging network and with respect to the addition of new reactant species.\n", " This allows for a high fidelity of the formalization of some catalytic process\n", " and for surprising in silico discoveries. In this work, we first review the\n", " state of the art in computational catalysis to embed autonomous explorations\n", " into the general field from which it draws its ingredients. We then elaborate\n", " on the specific conceptual issues that arise in the context of autonomous\n", " computational procedures, some of which we discuss at an example catalytic\n", " system.,\n", " We use HST/ACS to study the resolved stellar populations of the nearby,\n", " nearly edge-on galaxy NGC4244 across its outer disk surface density break. The\n", " stellar photometry allows us to study the distribution of different stellar\n", " populations and reach very low equivalent surface brightnesses. We find that\n", " the break occurs at the same radius for young, intermediate age, and old stars.\n", " The stellar density beyond the break drops sharply by a factor of at least 600\n", " in 5 kpc. The break occurs at the same radius independent of height above the\n", " disk, but is sharpest in the midplane and nearly disappears at large heights.\n", " These results make it unlikely that truncations are caused by a star formation\n", " threshold alone: the threshold would have to keep the same radial position from\n", " less than 100 Myr to 10 Gyr ago, in spite of potential disturbances such as\n", " infall and redistribution of gas by internal processes. A dynamical\n", " interpretation of truncation formation is more likely such as due to angular\n", " momentum redistribution by bars or density waves, or heating and stripping of\n", " stars caused by the bombardment of dark matter sub-halos. The latter\n", " explanation is also in quantitative agreement with the small diffuse component\n", " we see around the galaxy.,\n", " We reformulate the Hamilton-Jacobi tunneling method for calculating Hawking\n", " radiation in static, spherically-symmetric spacetimes by explicitly\n", " incorporating a preferred family of frames. These frames correspond to a family\n", " of observers tied to a locally static timelike Killing vector of the spacetime.\n", " This formulation separates the role of the coordinates from the choice of\n", " vacuum and thus provides a coordinate-independent formulation of the tunneling\n", " method. In addition, it clarifies the nature of certain constants and their\n", " relation to these preferred observers in the calculation of horizon\n", " temperatures. We first use this formalism to obtain the expected temperature\n", " for a static observer at finite radius in the Schwarzschild spacetime. We then\n", " apply this formalism to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, where there is\n", " no static observer with 4-velocity equal to the static timelike Killing vector.\n", " It is shown that a preferred static observer, one whose trajectory is geodesic,\n", " measures the lowest temperature from each horizon. Furthermore, this observer\n", " measures horizon temperatures corresponding to the well-known Bousso-Hawking\n", " normalization.,\n", " Recent work has shown that the z~2.5 Lyman-alpha forest on large scales\n", " encodes information about the galaxy and quasar populations that keep the\n", " intergalactic medium photoionized. We present the first forecasts for\n", " constraining the populations with data from current and next-generation\n", " surveys. At a minimum the forest should tell us whether galaxies or,\n", " conversely, quasars dominate the photon production. The number density and\n", " clustering strength of the ionising sources might be estimated to sub-10%\n", " precision with a DESI-like survey if degeneracies (e.g., with the photon\n", " mean-free-path, small-scale clustering power normalization and potentially\n", " other astrophysical effects) can be broken by prior information. We demonstrate\n", " that, when inhomogeneous ionisation is correctly handled, constraints on dark\n", " energy do not degrade.,\n", " Unveiling numerical trends among either atomic or equivalent weights that\n", " somehow preserved resemblances among elements was frequent in the 1860s.\n", " Standing out from the crowd, Meyer and Mendeleev went beyond numerical\n", " relationships, certainly motivated by a pedagogical aim. Both were after a\n", " system synthesizing the chemical knowledge of their times in an appealing way\n", " to be presented to chemistry students. Is it still the periodic system aiming\n", " at that? Is it really a map of the current chemistry landscape? Solving these\n", " questions entails addressing others such as: what is the periodic system? If it\n", " is about chemical elements, do we really know what a chemical element is? Is\n", " the system unique? How was and how is currently built up? Is it actually used\n", " to conduct chemical research? A suitable tool for chemical predictions? Or is\n", " it just a mnemotechnic for fancy trends? Does it have a limit, or multiple\n", " ones, instead? Let us try to address these questions and let us begin by\n", " analysing the concept of chemical element.,\n", " We study the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation on the infinite line with initial\n", " conditions having arbitrarily large limits $\\pm Y$ at $x=\\pm\\infty$. We show\n", " that the solutions have the same limits for all positive times. This implies\n", " that an attractor for this equation cannot be defined in $L^\\infty$. To prove\n", " this, we consider profiles with limits at $x=\\pm\\infty$, and show that initial\n", " conditions $L^2$-close to such profiles lead to solutions which remain\n", " $L^2$-close to the profile for all times. Furthermore, the difference between\n", " these solutions and the initial profile tends to 0 as $x\\to\\pm\\infty$, for any\n", " fixed time $t>0$. Analogous results hold for $L^2$-neighborhoods of periodic\n", " stationary solutions. This implies that profiles and periodic stationary\n", " solutions partition the phase space into mutually unattainable regions.,\n", " Thermal fluctuations for a massive scalar field in the Rindler wedge are\n", " obtained by applying the point-splitting procedure to the zero temperature\n", " Feynman propagator in a conical spacetime. Renormalization is implemented by\n", " removing the zero temperature contribution. It is shown that for a field of non\n", " vanishing mass the thermal fluctuations, when expressed in terms of the local\n", " temperature, do not have Minkowski form. As a by product, Minkowski vacuum\n", " fluctuations seen by an uniformly accelerated observer are determined and\n", " confronted with the literature.,\n", " Machine Learning (ML) models are often complex and difficult to interpret due\n", " to their 'black-box' characteristics. Interpretability of a ML model is usually\n", " defined as the degree to which a human can understand the cause of decisions\n", " reached by a ML model. Interpretability is of extremely high importance in many\n", " fields of healthcare due to high levels of risk related to decisions based on\n", " ML models. Calibration of the ML model outputs is another issue often\n", " overlooked in the application of ML models in practice. This paper represents\n", " an early work in examination of prediction model calibration impact on the\n", " interpretability of the results. We present a use case of a patient in diabetes\n", " screening prediction scenario and visualize results using three different\n", " techniques to demonstrate the differences between calibrated and uncalibrated\n", " regularized regression model.,\n", " Large-scale machine learning and data mining applications require computer\n", " systems to perform massive matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication\n", " operations that need to be parallelized across multiple nodes. The presence of\n", " straggling nodes -- computing nodes that unpredictably slowdown or fail -- is a\n", " major bottleneck in such distributed computations. Ideal load balancing\n", " strategies that dynamically allocate more tasks to faster nodes require\n", " knowledge or monitoring of node speeds as well as the ability to quickly move\n", " data. Recently proposed fixed-rate erasure coding strategies can handle\n", " unpredictable node slowdown, but they ignore partial work done by straggling\n", " nodes thus resulting in a lot of redundant computation. We propose a\n", " \\emph{rateless fountain coding} strategy that achieves the best of both worlds\n", " -- we prove that its latency is asymptotically equal to ideal load balancing,\n", " and it performs asymptotically zero redundant computations. Our idea is to\n", " create linear combinations of the $m$ rows of the matrix and assign these\n", " encoded rows to different worker nodes. The original matrix-vector product can\n", " be decoded as soon as slightly more than $m$ row-vector products are\n", " collectively finished by the nodes. We conduct experiments in three computing\n", " environments: local parallel computing, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Lambda, which\n", " show that rateless coding gives as much as $3\\times$ speed-up over uncoded\n", " schemes.,\n", " Using a Correlation-OTDR, we characterized the temperature-induced group\n", " delay variations of two nested antiresonant nodeless hollow core fibers. The\n", " temperature sensitivity of both is substantially less than for SSMF with some\n", " dependency on coating type.,\n", " Despite the abundance of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR), its\n", " heterogeneity restricts the utilization of medical data in building predictive\n", " models. To address this challenge, we propose Universal Healthcare Predictive\n", " Framework (UniHPF), which requires no medical domain knowledge and minimal\n", " pre-processing for multiple prediction tasks. Experimental results demonstrate\n", " that UniHPF is capable of building large-scale EHR models that can process any\n", " form of medical data from distinct EHR systems. We believe that our findings\n", " can provide helpful insights for further research on the multi-source learning\n", " of EHRs.,\n", " Testbeds are essential for experimental evaluation as well as for product\n", " development. In the context of LTE networks, existing testbed platforms are\n", " limited either in functionality and/or extensibility or are too complex to\n", " modify and customise. In this work we present srsLTE, an open-source platform\n", " for LTE experimentation designed for maximum modularity and code reuse and\n", " fully compliant with LTE Release 8. We show the potential of the srsLTE library\n", " by extending the baseline code to allow LTE transmissions in the unlicensed\n", " bands and coexistence with WiFi. We also expand previous results on this\n", " emerging research area by showing how different vendor-specific mechanisms in\n", " WiFi cards might affect coexistence.,\n", " Convolutional neural networks have made significant progresses in edge\n", " detection by progressively exploring the context and semantic features.\n", " However, local details are gradually suppressed with the enlarging of receptive\n", " fields. Recently, vision transformer has shown excellent capability in\n", " capturing long-range dependencies. Inspired by this, we propose a novel\n", " transformer-based edge detector, \\emph{Edge Detection TransformER (EDTER)}, to\n", " extract clear and crisp object boundaries and meaningful edges by exploiting\n", " the full image context information and detailed local cues simultaneously.\n", " EDTER works in two stages. In Stage I, a global transformer encoder is used to\n", " capture long-range global context on coarse-grained image patches. Then in\n", " Stage II, a local transformer encoder works on fine-grained patches to excavate\n", " the short-range local cues. Each transformer encoder is followed by an\n", " elaborately designed Bi-directional Multi-Level Aggregation decoder to achieve\n", " high-resolution features. Finally, the global context and local cues are\n", " combined by a Feature Fusion Module and fed into a decision head for edge\n", " prediction. Extensive experiments on BSDS500, NYUDv2, and Multicue demonstrate\n", " the superiority of EDTER in comparison with state-of-the-arts.,\n", " In a recent paper we studied the behavior of the pairing gaps $\\Delta_F$ as a\n", " function of the Fermi momentum $k_F$ for neutron and nuclear matter in all\n", " relevant angular momentum channels where superfluidity is believed to naturally\n", " emerge. The calculations employed realistic chiral nucleon-nucleon potentials\n", " with the inclusion of three-body forces and self-energy effects. In this\n", " contribution, after a detailed description of the numerical method we employed\n", " in the solution of the BCS equations, we will show a preliminary analysis of\n", " the Cooper pair wavefunctions.,\n", " Motivated by the recent experiment [R. Lopes et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119,\n", " 190404 (2017)] with a homogeneous Bose gas, we investigate a homogeneous dilute\n", " Bose gas to calculate the quantum depletion density. By means of the\n", " Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action approach within an improved\n", " Hartree-Fock approximation, the condensed fraction is recovered in a simpler\n", " manner and compared with corresponding findings in experimental data.\n", " Additionally, higher-order terms are taken into account for several physical\n", " quantities, in particular for the chemical potential and free energy density.,\n", " A finite or infinite matrix $A$ is image partition regular provided that\n", " whenever $\\mathbb N$ is finitely colored, there must be some $\\vec{x}$ with\n", " entries from $\\mathbb N$ such that all entries of $A\\vec{x}$ are in some color\n", " class. In [6] and [8], the notion of centrally image partition regular matrices\n", " were introduced to extend the results of finite image partition regular\n", " matrices to infinite image partition regular matrices. It was shown that\n", " centrally image partition regular matrices are closed under diagonal sum. In\n", " the present paper, we show that the diagonal sum of two matrices, one of which\n", " comes from the class of all Milliken-Taylor matrices and the other from a\n", " suitable subclass of the class of all centrally image partition regular\n", " matrices is also image partition regular. This will produce more image\n", " partition regular matrices. We also study the multiple structures within one\n", " cell of a finite partition of $\\mathbb N$ $\\cdot$,\n", " Recently, several research groups have reported on the observation of\n", " super-large more than 5% magneto-strain effect in some non-stoichiometric\n", " Ni-Mn-Ga alloys close to 5.78% value expected from the tetragonality aspect\n", " ratio of the martensite crystal lattice. New Ni-Mn-Ga alloys showing giant\n", " magneto-strain effect display simultaneously few interesting physical effects\n", " and new behavior for some magnetic and mechanical properties which is very\n", " different from that earlier observed in Ni-Mn-Ga showing lower magneto-strain\n", " effect. This report represents some new experimental results and the\n", " quantitative model describing large magneto-strain effect and main mechanical\n", " and magnetic properties observed in several ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys.\n", " The model application to giant magneto-strain effect recently found in some\n", " non-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloys is discussed.,\n", " Anions of the molecules ZnO, O2 and atomic Zn and O constitute mass spectra\n", " of the species sputtered from pellets of molecular solid of ZnO under Cs+\n", " irradiation. Their normalized yields are independent of energy of the\n", " irradiating Cs+. Collision cascades cannot explain the simultaneous sputtering\n", " of atoms and molecules. We propose that the origin of the molecular\n", " sublimation, dissociation and subsequent emission is the result of localized\n", " thermal spikes induced by individual Cs+ ions. The fractal dimension of binary\n", " collision cascades of atomic recoils in the irradiated ZnO solid increases with\n", " reduction in the energy of recoils. Upon reaching the collision diameters of\n", " atomic dimensions, the space-filling fractal-like transition occurs where\n", " cascades transform into thermal spikes. These localized thermal spikes induce\n", " sublimation, dissociation and sputtering from the region. The calculated rates\n", " of the subliming and dissociating species due to localized thermal spikes agree\n", " well with the experimental results.,\n", " The scaling of plasmoid instability maximum linear growth rate with respect\n", " to Lundquist number $S$ in a Sweet-Parker current sheet, $\\gamma_{max}\\sim\n", " S^{1/4}$, indicates that at high $S$, the current sheet will break apart before\n", " it approaches the Sweet-Parker width. Therefore, a proper description for the\n", " onset of the plasmoid instability must incorporate the evolving process of the\n", " current sheet. We carry out a series of two-dimensional simulations and develop\n", " diagnostics to separate fluctuations from an evolving background. It is found\n", " that the fluctuation amplitude starts to grow only when the linear growth rate\n", " is sufficiently large ($\\gamma_{max}\\tau_{A}>O(1)$) to overcome convective\n", " losses. The linear growth rate continues to rise until the sizes of plasmoids\n", " become comparable to the inner layer width of the tearing mode. At this point\n", " the current sheet is disrupted and the instability enters the early nonlinear\n", " regime. The growth rate suddenly decreases, but the fluctuation amplitude\n", " continues to grow until it reaches nonlinear saturation. We identify important\n", " time scales of the instability development, as well as scalings for the linear\n", " growth rate, current sheet width, and dominant wavenumber at current sheet\n", " disruption. These scalings depend on not only the Lundquist number, but also\n", " the initial noise amplitude. A phenomenological model that reproduces scalings\n", " from simulation results is proposed. The model incorporates the effect of\n", " reconnection outflow, which is crucial for yielding a critical Lundquist number\n", " $S_{c}$ below which disruption does not occur. The critical Lundquist number\n", " $S_{c}$ is not a constant value but has a weak dependence on the noise\n", " amplitude.,\n", " We study the Schr\\\"odinger operators $H_{\\gamma \\lambda \\mu}(K)$, $K\\in\\T$\n", " being a fixed (quasi)momentum of the particles pair, associated with a system\n", " of two identical bosons on the one-dimensional lattice $\\mathbb{Z}$, where the\n", " real quantities $\\gamma$, $\\lambda$ and $\\mu$ describe the interactions between\n", " pairs of particles on one site, two nearest neighboring sites and next two\n", " neighboring sites, respectively. We found a partition of the three-dimensional\n", " space $(\\gamma, \\lambda,\\mu)$ of interaction parameters into connected\n", " components and the exact number of eigenvalues of this operator that lie below\n", " and above the essential spectrum, in each component. Moreover, we show that for\n", " any $K\\in\\T^d$ the number of eigenvalues of $H_{\\gamma\\lambda\\mu}(K)$ is not\n", " less than the corresponding number of eigenvalues of $H_{\\gamma\\lambda\\mu}(0)$.,\n", " We study the algebras underlying solvable lattice models of the type fusion\n", " interaction round the face (IRF). We propose that the algebras are universal,\n", " depending only on the number of blocks, which is the degree of polynomial\n", " equation obeyed by the Boltzmann weights. Using the Yang--Baxter equation and\n", " the ansatz for the Baxterization of the models, we show that the three blocks\n", " models obey a version of Birman--Murakami--Wenzl (BMW) algebra. For four\n", " blocks, we conjecture that the algebra is the BMW algebra with a different\n", " skein relation, along with one additional relation, and we provide evidence for\n", " this conjecture. We connect these algebras to knot theory by conjecturing new\n", " link invariants. The link invariants, in the case of four blocks, depend on\n", " three arbitrary parameters. We check our result for $G_2$ model with the seven\n", " dimensional representation and for $SU(2)$ with the isospin $3/2$\n", " representation, which are both four blocks theories.,\n", " In the era of artificial intelligence, convolutional neural networks (CNNs)\n", " are emerging as a powerful technique for computational imaging. They have shown\n", " superior quality for reconstructing fine textures from badly-distorted images\n", " and have potential to bring next-generation cameras and displays to our daily\n", " life. However, CNNs demand intensive computing power for generating\n", " high-resolution videos and defy conventional sparsity techniques when rendering\n", " dense details. Therefore, finding new possibilities in regular sparsity is\n", " crucial to enable large-scale deployment of CNN-based computational imaging.\n", " In this paper, we consider a fundamental but yet well-explored approach --\n", " algebraic sparsity -- for energy-efficient CNN acceleration. We propose to\n", " build CNN models based on ring algebra that defines multiplication, addition,\n", " and non-linearity for n-tuples properly. Then the essential sparsity will\n", " immediately follow, e.g. n-times reduction for the number of real-valued\n", " weights. We define and unify several variants of ring algebras into a modeling\n", " framework, RingCNN, and make comparisons in terms of image quality and hardware\n", " complexity. On top of that, we further devise a novel ring algebra which\n", " minimizes complexity with component-wise product and achieves the best quality\n", " using directional ReLU. Finally, we implement an accelerator, eRingCNN, in two\n", " settings, n=2 and 4 (50% and 75% sparsity), with 40 nm technology to support\n", " advanced denoising and super-resolution at up to 4K UHD 30 fps. Layout results\n", " show that they can deliver equivalent 41 TOPS using 3.76 W and 2.22 W,\n", " respectively. Compared to the real-valued counterpart, our ring convolution\n", " engines for n=2 achieve 2.00x energy efficiency and 2.08x area efficiency with\n", " similar or even better image quality. With n=4, the efficiency gains of energy\n", " and area are further increased to 3.84x and 3.77x with 0.11 dB drop of PSNR.,\n", " In this paper, we determine all conformal minimal immersions of 2-spheres in\n", " complex Grassmann manifold $G(2,N; \\mathbb{C})$ with parallel second\n", " fundamental form.,\n", " A forward electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter (FoCal) was proposed as an\n", " upgrade to the ALICE experiment, to be installed during LS3 for data-taking in\n", " 2027--2029 at the LHC. The FoCal extends the scope of ALICE, which was designed\n", " for the comprehensive study of hot and dense partonic matter, by adding new\n", " capabilities to explore the small-$x$ parton structure of nucleons and nuclei.\n", " The primary objective of the FoCal is high-precision inclusive measurement of\n", " direct photons and jets, as well as coincident gamma-jet and jet-jet\n", " measurements, in pp and p--Pb collisions. These measurements by FoCal\n", " constitute an essential part of a comprehensive small-$x$ program at the LHC\n", " down to $x\\sim10^{-6}$ and over a large range of $Q^2$ with a broad array of\n", " complementary probes, comprising -- in addition to the photon measurements by\n", " FoCal and LHCb -- Drell-Yan and open charm measurements planned by LHCb, as\n", " well as photon-induced reactions performed by all LHC experiments.,\n", " Labeling objects at a subordinate level typically requires expert knowledge,\n", " which is not always available when using random annotators. As such, learning\n", " directly from web images for fine-grained recognition has attracted broad\n", " attention. However, the presence of label noise and hard examples in web images\n", " are two obstacles for training robust fine-grained recognition models.\n", " Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel approach for removing irrelevant\n", " samples from real-world web images during training, while employing useful hard\n", " examples to update the network. Thus, our approach can alleviate the harmful\n", " effects of irrelevant noisy web images and hard examples to achieve better\n", " performance. Extensive experiments on three commonly used fine-grained datasets\n", " demonstrate that our approach is far superior to current state-of-the-art\n", " web-supervised methods.,\n", " A natural process is defined as an act, by which a system organizes itself\n", " with time. Any natural process drives a system to a state of greater\n", " organization. Organization is a progressive change, while evolution is\n", " expressed in the effects of accumulating marks acquired from contingent\n", " encounters. Co-existence of the system in states of maximum organization as\n", " well as maximum action forms the core idea of the paper. Major influences have\n", " been drawn from the Principle of Least Action. This allows us to see how this\n", " most basic law of physics determines the development of the system towards\n", " states with less action i.e. organized states. Based on this, it has been\n", " proposed, that the development of a system towards states of greater\n", " organization is cyclic in nature and thus evolution is a cyclic process.,\n", " We construct a new class of positive indecomposable maps in the algebra of 'd\n", " x d' complex matrices. Each map is uniquely characterized by a cyclic\n", " bistochastic matrix. This class generalizes a Choi map for d=3. It provides a\n", " new reach family of indecomposable entanglement witnesses which define\n", " important tool for investigating quantum entanglement.,\n", " For La_(1 2/3)Sr_(1/3)NiO_4 -- a commensurately doped Mott-Hubbard system --\n", " charge- and spin-ordering in a stripe phase has been investigated by phononic\n", " and magnetic Raman scattering. Formation of a superlattice and an opening of a\n", " pseudo-gap in the electron-hole excitation spectra as well as two types of\n", " double-spin excitations -- within the antiferromagnetic domain and across the\n", " domain wall -- are observed below the charge-ordering transition. The\n", " temperature dependence suggests that the spin ordering is driven by charge\n", " ordering and that fluctuating stripes persist above the ordering transition.,\n", " In this paper, the author constructs a family of algebraic cycles in Bloch's\n", " cubical cycle complex over the projective line minus three points which are\n", " expected to correspond to multiple polylogarithms in one variable. Elements in\n", " this family are in particular equidimensional over the projective line minus\n", " three points. In weight greater or equal to $2$, they are naturaly extended as\n", " equidimensional cycle over the affine line. This allows to consider their\n", " fibers at the point 1 and this is one of the main differences with Gangl,\n", " Goncharov and Levin work where generic arguments are imposed for cycles\n", " corresponding to multiple polylogarithms in many variables. Considering the\n", " fiber at 1 make it possible to think of these cycles as corresponding multiple\n", " zeta values. After the introduction, the author recalls some properties of\n", " Bloch's cycle complex, presents the strategy and enlightens the difficulties on\n", " a few examples. Then a large section is devoted to the combinatorial situation\n", " which is related to the combinatoric of trivalent trees and to a differential\n", " on trees already introduced by Gangl Goncharov and Levin. In the last section,\n", " two families of cycles are constructed as solution to a \"differential system\"\n", " in Bloch cycle complex. One of this families contains only cycles with empty\n", " fiber at 0 and should correspond to multiple polylogarithms while the other\n", " contains only cycles empty at 1. The use of two such families is required in\n", " order to work with equidimimensional cycles and to insure the admissibility\n", " condition.,\n", " This work considers methods for imposing sparsity in Bayesian regression with\n", " applications in nonlinear system identification. We first review automatic\n", " relevance determination (ARD) and analytically demonstrate the need to\n", " additional regularization or thresholding to achieve sparse models. We then\n", " discuss two classes of methods, regularization based and thresholding based,\n", " which build on ARD to learn parsimonious solutions to linear problems. In the\n", " case of orthogonal covariates, we analytically demonstrate favorable\n", " performance with regards to learning a small set of active terms in a linear\n", " system with a sparse solution. Several example problems are presented to\n", " compare the set of proposed methods in terms of advantages and limitations to\n", " ARD in bases with hundreds of elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze and\n", " understand the assumptions that lead to several algorithms and to provide\n", " theoretical and empirical results so that the reader may gain insight and make\n", " more informed choices regarding sparse Bayesian regression.,\n", " Collaborative training of neural networks leverages distributed data by\n", " exchanging gradient information between different clients. Although training\n", " data entirely resides with the clients, recent work shows that training data\n", " can be reconstructed from such exchanged gradient information. To enhance\n", " privacy, gradient perturbation techniques have been proposed. However, they\n", " come at the cost of reduced model performance, increased convergence time, or\n", " increased data demand. In this paper, we introduce PRECODE, a PRivacy EnhanCing\n", " mODulE that can be used as generic extension for arbitrary model architectures.\n", " We propose a simple yet effective realization of PRECODE using variational\n", " modeling. The stochastic sampling induced by variational modeling effectively\n", " prevents privacy leakage from gradients and in turn preserves privacy of data\n", " owners. We evaluate PRECODE using state of the art gradient inversion attacks\n", " on two different model architectures trained on three datasets. In contrast to\n", " commonly used defense mechanisms, we find that our proposed modification\n", " consistently reduces the attack success rate to 0% while having almost no\n", " negative impact on model training and final performance. As a result, PRECODE\n", " reveals a promising path towards privacy enhancing model extensions.,\n", " Molecular fluids show rich and complicated dynamics close to the glass\n", " transition. Some of these observations are related to the fact that\n", " translational and orientational degrees of freedom couple in nontrivial ways. A\n", " model system which can serve as a paradigm to understand these couplings is a\n", " system of hard ellipsoids of revolution. To test this we compare at the ideal\n", " glass transition the static molecular correlators of a linear A-B Lennard-Jones\n", " molecule obtained from a molecular dynamics simulation with a selected fluid of\n", " hard ellipsoids for which the static correlators have been obtained using\n", " Percus-Yevick theory. We also demonstrate that the critical non-ergodicity\n", " parameters obtained from molecular mode coupling theory for both systems show a\n", " remarkable similarity at the glass transition, provided the aspect ratio is\n", " chosen properly. Therefore we conclude that a system of hard ellipsoids can\n", " indeed be used to understand part of the essential behaviour of such a simple\n", " molecular system like the A-B Lennard-Jones molecules in the vicinity of the\n", " ideal glass transition.,\n", " A group $G$ is called mixed identity-free if for every $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and\n", " every $w \\in G \\ast F_n$ there exists a homomorphism $\\varphi: G \\ast F_n\n", " \\rightarrow G$ such that $\\varphi$ is the identity on $G$ and $\\varphi(w)$ is\n", " nontrivial. In this paper, we make a modification to the construction of\n", " elementary amenable lacunary hyperbolic groups given by Ol'shanskii, Osin, and\n", " Sapir to produce finitely generated elementary amenable groups which are mixed\n", " identity-free. As a byproduct of this construction, we also obtain locally\n", " finite $p$-groups which are mixed identity-free.,\n", " In this work we present kiwiPy, a Python library designed to support robust\n", " message based communication for high-throughput, big-data, applications while\n", " being general enough to be useful wherever high-volumes of messages need to be\n", " communicated in a predictable manner. KiwiPy relies on the RabbitMQ protocol,\n", " an industry standard message broker, while providing a simple and intuitive\n", " interface that can be used in both multithreaded and coroutine based\n", " applications. To demonstrate some of kiwiPy's functionality we give examples\n", " from AiiDA, a high-throughput simulation platform, where kiwiPy is used as a\n", " key component of the workflow engine.,\n", " Inter and intra-cellular signaling are essential for individual cells to\n", " execute various physiological tasks and accurately respond to changes in their\n", " environment. Signaling is carried out via diffusible molecules, the transport\n", " of which is often aided by active processes that provide directional advection.\n", " How diffusion and advection together impact the accuracy of information\n", " transmission during cell signaling remains less studied. To this end, we study\n", " a one-dimensional model of cell signaling and compute the mutual information\n", " (MI) as a measure of information transmission. We find that the efficacy of the\n", " information transmission improves with advection only when the system\n", " parameters result in Peclet number greater than one. Intriguingly, MI exhibits\n", " nontrivial scaling with the Peclet number, characterized by three distinct\n", " regimes. We demonstrate that the observed dependence of MI on the transport\n", " properties of signaling molecules has important consequences on cellular\n", " communication.,\n", " For an integer $k \\geq 2$, an ordered $k$-uniform hypergraph\n", " $\\mathcal{H}=(H,<)$ is a $k$-uniform hypergraph $H$ together with a fixed\n", " linear ordering $<$ of its vertex set. The ordered Ramsey number\n", " $\\overline{R}(\\mathcal{H},\\mathcal{G})$ of two ordered $k$-uniform hypergraphs\n", " $\\mathcal{H}$ and $\\mathcal{G}$ is the smallest $N \\in \\mathbb{N}$ such that\n", " every red-blue coloring of the hyperedges of the ordered complete $k$-uniform\n", " hypergraph $\\mathcal{K}^{(k)}_N$ on $N$ vertices contains a blue copy of\n", " $\\mathcal{H}$ or a red copy of $\\mathcal{G}$.\n", " The ordered Ramsey numbers are quite extensively studied for ordered graphs,\n", " but little is known about ordered hypergraphs of higher uniformity. We provide\n", " some of the first nontrivial estimates on ordered Ramsey numbers of ordered\n", " 3-uniform hypergraphs. In particular, we prove that for all $d,n \\in\n", " \\mathbb{N}$ and for every ordered $3$-uniform hypergraph $\\mathcal{H}$ on $n$\n", " vertices with maximum degree $d$ and with interval chromatic number $3$ there\n", " is an $\\varepsilon=\\varepsilon(d)>0$ such that\n", " $$\\overline{R}(\\mathcal{H},\\mathcal{H}) \\leq 2^{O(n^{2-\\varepsilon})}.$$ In\n", " fact, we prove this upper bound for the number\n", " $\\overline{R}(\\mathcal{G},\\mathcal{K}^{(3)}_3(n))$, where $\\mathcal{G}$ is an\n", " ordered 3-uniform hypergraph with $n$ vertices and maximum degree $d$ and\n", " $\\mathcal{K}^{(3)}_3(n)$ is the ordered complete tripartite hypergraph with\n", " consecutive color classes of size $n$. We show that this bound is not far from\n", " the truth by proving $\\overline{R}(\\mathcal{H},\\mathcal{K}^{(3)}_3(n)) \\geq\n", " 2^{\\Omega(n\\log{n})}$ for some fixed ordered $3$-uniform hypergraph\n", " $\\mathcal{H}$.,\n", " Reconstructing system-level behavior from silicon traces is a critical\n", " problem in post-silicon validation of System-on-Chip designs. Current\n", " industrial practice in this area is primarily manual, depending on\n", " collaborative insights of the architects, designers, and validators. This paper\n", " presents a trace analysis approach that exploits architectural models of the\n", " system-level protocols to reconstruct design behavior from partially observed\n", " silicon traces in the presence of ambiguous and noisy data. The output of the\n", " approach is a set of all potential interpretations of a system's internal\n", " executions abstracted to the system-level protocols. To support the trace\n", " analysis approach, a companion trace signal selection framework guided by\n", " system-level protocols is also presented, and its impacts on the complexity and\n", " accuracy of the analysis approach are discussed. That approach and the\n", " framework have been evaluated on a multi-core system-on-chip prototype that\n", " implements a set of common industrial system-level protocols.,\n", " The explicit formulas for the sums of positive powers of the integers $s_i$\n", " unrepresentable by the triple of integers $d_1,d_2,d_3\\in {\\mathbb N},\n", " \\gcd(d_1,d_2,d_3)=1$, are derived.,\n", " We present a novel approach to compute the force between a static quark and a\n", " static antiquark from lattice gauge theory directly, rather than extracting it\n", " from the static energy. We explore this approach for SU(3) pure gauge theory\n", " using the multilevel algorithm and smeared operators.,\n", " An efficient first principles method was developed to calculate spin transfer\n", " torques in layered system with noncollinear magnetization. The complete\n", " scattering wave function is determined by matching the wave function in the\n", " scattering region with the Bloch states in the leads. The spin transfer torques\n", " are obtained with aid of the scattering wave function. We applied our method to\n", " the ferromagnetic spin valve and found that the material (Co, Ni and Ni80Fe20)\n", " dependence of the spin transfer torques could be well understood by the Fermi\n", " surface. Ni has much longer spin injection penetration length than Co.\n", " Interfacial disorder is also considered. It is found that the spin transfer\n", " torques could be enhanced by the interfacial disorder in some system.,\n", " Let $K$ be a locally compact non-discrete field of characteristic $p>2$ and\n", " $Q$ be a non-degenerate isotropic binary quadratic form with coefficients in\n", " $K$. We obtain asymptotic estimates for the number of solutions in the two-fold\n", " product of a discrete subring inside $K$, of the inequalities of the form\n", " $|Q(x,y)|<\\delta$ for some $\\delta>0$, where $| \\cdot |$ is an ultrametric\n", " absolute value on $K$. The estimates are obtained in terms of continued\n", " fraction expansions of the coefficients of the quadratic form $Q$.,\n", " Multi-controlled unitary gates have been a subject of interest in quantum\n", " computing since its inception, and are widely used in quantum algorithms. The\n", " current state-of-the-art approach to implementing n-qubit multi-controlled\n", " gates involves the use of a quadratic number of single-qubit and CNOT gates.\n", " However, linear solutions are possible for the case where the controlled gate\n", " is a special unitary SU(2). The most widely-used decomposition of an n-qubit\n", " multi-controlled SU(2) gate requires a circuit with a number of CNOT gates\n", " proportional to 28n. In this work, we present a new decomposition of n-qubit\n", " multi-controlled SU(2) gates that requires a circuit with a number of CNOT\n", " gates proportional to 20n, and proportional to 16n if the SU(2) gate has at\n", " least one real-valued diagonal. This new approach significantly improves the\n", " existing algorithm by reducing the number of CNOT gates and the overall circuit\n", " depth. As an application, we show the use of this decomposition for sparse\n", " quantum state preparation. Our results are further validated by demonstrating a\n", " proof of principle on a quantum device accessed through quantum cloud services.,\n", " Present experimental datas have shown a 3.8$\\sigma$ level discrepancy with\n", " the standard model in $\\overline{B}\\to D^{(*)}\\tau\\bar{\\nu}_{\\tau}$. Some new\n", " physics models have been considered to explain this discrepancy possibly with\n", " new source of the CP violation. In this paper, we construct CP violating\n", " observables by using multi-pion decays in $B\\to D\\tau\\nu_{\\tau}$, and estimate\n", " sensitivity of these observables to generic CP violating operators. We also\n", " discuss possibilities of CP violation in leptoquark models and in 2HDM of\n", " type-III.,\n", " The magnitude of B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background as\n", " measured by BICEP2 favours models of chaotic inflation with a quadratic $m^2\n", " \\phi^2/2$ potential, whereas data from the Planck satellite favour a small\n", " value of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio $r$ that is highly consistent\n", " with the Starobinsky $R + R^2$ model. Reality may lie somewhere between these\n", " two scenarios. In this paper we propose a minimal two-field no-scale\n", " supergravity model that interpolates between quadratic and Starobinsky-like\n", " inflation as limiting cases, while retaining the successful prediction $n_s\n", " \\simeq 0.96$.,\n", " ATLAS and CMS recently show the first results from run 2 of the Large Hadron\n", " Collider (LHC) at $\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. A resonant bump at a mass of around 750\n", " GeV in the diphoton invariant mass spectrum is indicated and the corresponding\n", " diphoton production cross section is around 3-10 fb. Motivated by the LHC\n", " diphoton excess, we propose that the possible resonance candidate is a Higgs\n", " singlet. To produce the Higgs singlet via gluon-gluon fusion process, we embed\n", " the Higgs singlet in the framework of vector-like triplet quark (VLTQ) model.\n", " As a result, the Higgs singlet decaying to diphoton final state is via VLTQ\n", " loops. Using the enhanced number of new quarks and new Yukawa couplings of the\n", " VLTQs and Higgs singlet, we successfully explain the diphoton production cross\n", " section. We find that the width of the Higgs singlet is below 1 GeV, its\n", " production cross section can be of order of 1 pb at $\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, and the\n", " branching ratio for it decaying to diphoton is around $0.017$ and is\n", " insensitive to the masses of VLTQs and new Yukawa couplings. We find a strong\n", " correlation between the Higgs Yukawa couplings to $s$-$b$ and $c$-$t$; the\n", " resulted branching ratio for $t \\to c h$ can be $1.1\\times 10^{-4}$ when the\n", " constraint from $B_s$ oscillation is applied. With the constrained parameter\n", " values, the signal strength for the SM Higgs decaying to diphoton is\n", " $\\mu_{\\gamma\\gamma}< 1.18$, which is consistent with the current measurements\n", " at ATLAS and CMS.,\n", " We consider a BCS-type model in the spin formalism and argue that the\n", " structure of the interaction provides a mechanism for control over directions\n", " of the spin $\\vect S$ other than $S_z$, which is being controlled via the\n", " conventional chemical potential. We also find the conditions for the appearance\n", " of a high-$T_c$ superconducting phase.,\n", " In Linear Algebra over finite fields, a characteristic-dependent linear rank\n", " inequality is a linear inequality that holds by ranks of subspaces of a vector\n", " space over a finite field of determined characteristic, and does not in general\n", " hold over other characteristics. In this paper, we show a method to produce\n", " these inequalities using binary matrices with suitable ranks over different\n", " fields. In particular, for each $n\\geq7$, we produce $2\\left\\lfloor\n", " \\frac{n-1}{2}\\right\\rfloor -4$ characteristic-dependent linear rank\n", " inequalities over $n$ variables. Many of the inequalities obtained are new but\n", " some of them imply the inequalities presented in [1,9].,\n", " Density functional calculations within the weighted density approximation\n", " (WDA) are presented for YH$_3$ and LaH$_3$. We investigate some commonly used\n", " pair-distribution functions G. These calculations show that within a consistent\n", " density functional framework a substantial insulating gap can be obtained while\n", " at the same time retaining structural properties in accord with experimental\n", " data. Our WDA band structures agree with those of $GW$ approximation very well,\n", " but the calculated band gaps are still 1.0-2.0 eV smaller than experimental\n", " findings.,\n", " We propose an integrable bootstrap framework for the computation of\n", " correlation functions for superstrings in $AdS_3\\times S^3\\times T^4$\n", " backgrounds supported by an arbitrary mixture or Ramond-Ramond and\n", " Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz fluxes. The framework extends the \"hexagon\n", " tessellation\" approach which was originally proposed for $AdS_5\\times S^5$ and\n", " for the first time it demonstrates its applicability to other (less\n", " supersymmetric) setups. We work out the hexagon form factor for two-particle\n", " states, including its dressing factors which follow from those of the spectral\n", " problem, and we show that it satisfies non-trivial consistency conditions. We\n", " propose a bootstrap principle, slightly different from that of $AdS_5\\times\n", " S^5$, which allows to extend the form factor to arbitrarily many particles.\n", " Finally, we compare its predictions with some correlation functions of\n", " protected operators. Possible applications of this construction include the\n", " study of wrapping corrections, of higher-point correlation functions, and of\n", " non-planar corrections.,\n", " Cooling vibrational degrees of freedom down to ground states is essential to\n", " observation of quantum properties of systems with mechanical vibration. We\n", " propose two cooling schemes employing four internal levels of the systems,\n", " which achieve the ground-state cooling in an efficient fashion by completely\n", " deleting the carrier and first-order blue-sideband transitions. The schemes,\n", " based on the quantum interference and Stark-shift gates, are robust to\n", " fluctuation of laser intensity and frequency. The feasibility of the schemes is\n", " justified using current laboratory technology. In practice, our proposal\n", " readily applies to an nano-diamond nitrogen-vacancy center levitated in an\n", " optic trap or attached to a cantilever.,\n", " Interferometers are crucial for precision measurements, including\n", " gravitational waves, laser ranging, radar, and imaging. The phase sensitivity,\n", " the core parameter, can be quantum-enhanced to break the standard quantum limit\n", " (SQL) using quantum states. However, quantum states are highly fragile and\n", " quickly degrade with losses. We design and demonstrate a quantum interferometer\n", " utilizing a beam splitter with a variable splitting ratio to protect the\n", " quantum resource against environmental impacts. The optimal phase sensitivity\n", " can reach the quantum Cram\\'{e}r-Rao bound of the system. This quantum\n", " interferometer can greatly reduce the quantum source requirements in quantum\n", " measurements. In theory, with a 66.6% loss rate, the sensitivity can break the\n", " SQL using only a 6.0 dB squeezed quantum resource with the current\n", " interferometer rather than a 24 dB squeezed quantum resource with a\n", " conventional squeezing-vacuum-injected Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In\n", " experiments, when using a 2.0 dB squeezed vacuum state, the sensitivity\n", " enhancement remains at ~1.6 dB via optimizing the first splitting ratio when\n", " the loss rate changes from 0% to 90%, indicating that the quantum resource is\n", " excellently protected with the existence of losses in practical applications.\n", " This strategy could open a way to retain quantum advantages for quantum\n", " information processing and quantum precision measurement in lossy environments.,\n", " We give a characterization of the Dynkin elements of a simple Lie algebra.\n", " Namely, we prove that one-half of a Dynkin element is the unique point of\n", " minimal length in its N-region. In type A_n this translates into a statement\n", " about the regions determined by the canonical left Kazhdan-Lusztig cells. Some\n", " possible generalizations are explored in the last section.,\n", " Following a suggestion that a directed relativistic explosion may have a\n", " universal intermediate asymptotic, we derive a self-similar solution for an\n", " ultra-relativistic jetted blast wave. The solution involves three distinct\n", " regions: an approximately paraboloid head where the Lorentz factor $\\gamma$\n", " exceeds $\\sim1/2$ of its maximal, nose value; a geometrically self-similar,\n", " expanding envelope slightly narrower than a paraboloid; and an axial core in\n", " which the (cylindrically, henceforth) radial flow $u$ converges inward towards\n", " the axis. Most ($\\sim 80\\%$) of the energy lies well beyond the leading, head\n", " region. Here, a radial cross section shows a maximal $\\gamma$ (separating the\n", " core and the envelope), a sign reversal in $u$, and a minimal $\\gamma$, at\n", " respectively $\\sim 1/6$, $\\sim1/4$, and $\\sim3/4$ of the shock radius. The\n", " solution is apparently unique, and approximately agrees with previous\n", " simulations, of different initial conditions, that resolved the head. This\n", " suggests that unlike a spherical relativistic blast wave, our solution is an\n", " attractor, and may thus describe directed blast waves such as in the external\n", " shock phase of a $\\gamma$-ray burst.,\n", " Isotope production cross sections from the 500 MeV p + 136Xe interactions\n", " measured recently at GSI in inverse kinematics have been simulated with MCNP6\n", " using the CEM03.03 event generator. MCNP6 reproduces reasonably well most of\n", " the measured cross sections. However, the isotopes with a charge number greater\n", " than the charge number on the target by two units is overestimated\n", " significantly by CEM03.03. We found also an underestimation for the production\n", " of isotopes in the deep spallation region, far from the target-nucleus. Further\n", " investigations and further improvement of CEM03.03 with a possible\n", " consideration of multifragmentation and fission-like binary decays are needed\n", " in order to predict well products from intermediate- and high-energy nuclear\n", " reactions far from the target-nuclei, in the deep spallation and fragmentation\n", " regions,\n", " Accounting for double-logarithmic contributions to high-energy (>> 100 GeV)\n", " e^+ e^- annihilation into a quark or a lepton pair in the kinematics where the\n", " final particles are colinear to the e^+e^- beams leading to a sizable\n", " difference between the forward and backward scattering amplitudes, i.e. to the\n", " forward-backward asymmetry. When the annihilation is accompanied by emission of\n", " n electroweak bosons in the multi-Regge kinematics, it turns out that the cross\n", " sections of the photon and Z production have the identical energy dependence\n", " and asymptotically their ratio depends only on the Weinberg angle (is equal to\n", " tan^{2n} theta_W) whereas the energy dependence of the cross section of the W\n", " production is suppressed by factor s^{-0.4} compared to them.,\n", " A fundamental gap in the current understanding of galaxies concerns the\n", " thermodynamical evolution of the ordinary, baryonic matter. On one hand,\n", " radiative emission drastically decreases the thermal energy content of the\n", " interstellar plasma (ISM), inducing a slow cooling flow toward the centre. On\n", " the other hand, the active galactic nucleus (AGN) struggles to prevent the\n", " runaway cooling catastrophe, injecting huge amount of energy in the ISM. The\n", " present study intends to deeply investigate the role of mechanical AGN feedback\n", " in (isolated or massive) elliptical galaxies, extending and completing the mass\n", " range of tested cosmic environments. Our previously successful feedback models,\n", " in galaxy clusters and groups, demonstrated that AGN outflows, self-regulated\n", " by cold gas accretion, are able to properly quench the cooling flow, without\n", " destroying the cool core. Via 3D hydrodynamic simulations (FLASH 3.3),\n", " including also stellar evolution, we show that massive mechanical AGN outflows\n", " can indeed solve the cooling flow problem for the entire life of the galaxy, at\n", " the same time reproducing typical observational features and constraints, such\n", " as buoyant underdense bubbles, elliptical shock cocoons, sonic ripples,\n", " dredge-up of metals, subsonic turbulence, and extended filamentary or nuclear\n", " cold gas. In order to avoid overheating and totally emptying the isolated\n", " galaxy, the frequent mechanical AGN feedback should be less powerful and\n", " efficient (~1.e-4), compared to the heating required for more massive and bound\n", " ellipticals surrounded by the intragroup medium (efficiency ~1.e-3).,\n", " The rotation period of classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) represents a\n", " longstanding puzzle. While young low-mass stars show a wide range of rotation\n", " periods, many CTTS are slow rotators, spinning at a small fraction of break-up,\n", " and their rotation period does not seem to shorten, despite the fact that they\n", " are actively accreting and contracting. Matt & Pudritz (2005) proposed that the\n", " spin-down torque of a stellar wind powered by a fraction of the accretion\n", " energy would be strong enough to balance the spin-up torque due to accretion.\n", " Since this model establishes a direct relation between accretion and ejection,\n", " the observable stellar parameters (mass, radius, rotation period, magnetic\n", " field) and the accretion diagnostics (accretion shock luminosity), can be used\n", " to constraint the wind characteristics. In particular, since the accretion\n", " energy powers both the stellar wind and the shock emission, we show in this\n", " letter how the accretion shock luminosity L_UV can provide upper limits to the\n", " spin-down efficiency of the stellar wind. It is found that luminous sources\n", " with L_UV > 0.1 L_Sun and typical dipolar field components < 1 kG do not allow\n", " spin equilibrium solutions. Lower luminosity stars (L_UV < 0.1 L_Sun) are\n", " compatible with a zero-torque condition, but the corresponding stellar winds\n", " are still very demanding in terms of mass and energy flux. We therefore\n", " conclude that accretion powered stellar winds are unlikely to be the sole\n", " mechanism to provide an efficient spin-down torque for accreting classical T\n", " Tauri stars.,\n", " Time series data are ubiquitous in real-world applications. However, one of\n", " the most common problems is that the time series data could have missing values\n", " by the inherent nature of the data collection process. So imputing missing\n", " values from multivariate (correlated) time series data is imperative to improve\n", " a prediction performance while making an accurate data-driven decision.\n", " Conventional works for imputation simply delete missing values or fill them\n", " based on mean/zero. Although recent works based on deep neural networks have\n", " shown remarkable results, they still have a limitation to capture the complex\n", " generation process of the multivariate time series. In this paper, we propose a\n", " novel imputation method for multivariate time series data, called STING\n", " (Self-attention based Time-series Imputation Networks using GAN). We take\n", " advantage of generative adversarial networks and bidirectional recurrent neural\n", " networks to learn latent representations of the time series. In addition, we\n", " introduce a novel attention mechanism to capture the weighted correlations of\n", " the whole sequence and avoid potential bias brought by unrelated ones.\n", " Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that STING\n", " outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of imputation\n", " accuracy as well as downstream tasks with the imputed values therein.,\n", " We investigate supercurrent-induced magnetization dynamics in a Josephson\n", " junction with two misaligned ferromagnetic layers, and demonstrate a variety of\n", " effects by solving numerically the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. In\n", " particular, we demonstrate the possibility to obtain supercurrent-induced\n", " magnetization switching for an experimentally feasible set of parameters, and\n", " clarify the favorable condition for the realization of magnetization reversal.\n", " These results constitute a superconducting analogue to conventional\n", " current-induced magnetization dynamics and indicate how spin-triplet\n", " supercurrents may be utilized for practical purposes in spintronics.,\n", " Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) accounts for the 80% of leukemias when\n", " coming down to pediatric ages. Survival of these patients has increased by a\n", " considerable amount in recent years. However, around 15-20% of treatments are\n", " unsuccessful. For this reason, it is definitely required to come up with new\n", " strategies to study and select which patients are at higher risk of relapse.\n", " Thus the importance to monitor the amount of leukemic cells to predict relapses\n", " in the first treatment phase. In this work we develop a mathematical model\n", " describing the behavior of ALL, examining the evolution of a leukemic clone\n", " when treatment is applied. In the study of this model it can be observed how\n", " the risk of relapse is connected with the response in the first treatment\n", " phase. This model is able to simulate cell dynamics without treatment,\n", " representing a virtual patient bone marrow behavior. Furthermore, several\n", " parameters are related to treatment dynamics, therefore proposing a basis for\n", " future works regarding childhood ALL survival improvement.,\n", " Taking advantage of recent progress in neutron instrumentation and in the\n", " understanding of magnetic-field-dependent small-angle neutron scattering, here,\n", " we study the three-dimensional magnetization distribution within an isotropic\n", " Nd-Fe-B bulk magnet. The magnetic neutron scattering cross section of this\n", " system features the so-called spike anisotropy, which points towards the\n", " presence of a strong magnetodipolar interaction. This experimental result\n", " combined with a damped oscillatory behavior of the corresponding correlation\n", " function and recent micromagnetic simulation results on spherical nanoparticles\n", " suggest an interpretation of the neutron data in terms of vortex-like flux\n", " closure patterns. The field-dependent correlation length is very well\n", " reproduced by a power-law model used to describe the London penetration depth\n", " in the vortex state of type-II superconductors and suggests the 'pairing'\n", " (interaction) of magnetic vortices.,\n", " We propose a new method for constructing rational spatial Pythagorean\n", " Hodograph (PH) curves based on determining a suitable rational framing motion.\n", " While the spherical component of the framing motion is arbitrary, the\n", " translation part is determined be a modestly sized and nicely structured system\n", " of linear equations. Rather surprisingly, generic input data will only result\n", " in polynomial PH curves. We provide a complete characterization of all cases\n", " that admit truly rational (non-polynomial) solutions. Examples illustrate our\n", " ideas and relate them to existing literature.,\n", " Variational wave functions and Green's functions are two important paradigms\n", " for solving quantum Hamiltonians, each having their own advantages. Here we\n", " detail the Variational Discrete Action Theory (VDAT), which exploits the\n", " advantages of both paradigms in order to approximately solve the ground state\n", " of quantum Hamiltonians. VDAT consists of two central components: the\n", " sequential product density matrix (SPD) ansatz and a discrete action associated\n", " with the SPD. The SPD is a variational ansatz inspired by the Trotter\n", " decomposition and characterized by an integer $\\mathcal{N}$, recovering many\n", " well known variational wave functions, in addition to the exact solution for\n", " $\\mathcal{N}=\\infty$. The discrete action describes all dynamical information\n", " of an effective integer time evolution with respect to the SPD. We generalize\n", " the path integral to our integer time formalism, which converts a dynamic\n", " correlation function in integer time to a static correlation function in a\n", " compound space. We also generalize the usual many-body Green's function\n", " formalism to integer time, which results in analogous but distinct mathematical\n", " structures, yielding integer time versions of the generating functional, Dyson\n", " equation, and Bethe-Salpeter equation. We prove that the SPD can be exactly\n", " evaluated in the multi-band Anderson impurity model (AIM) by summing a finite\n", " number of diagrams. For the multi-band Hubbard model, we prove that the\n", " self-consistent canonical discrete action approximation (SCDA), which is the\n", " integer time analogue of the dynamical mean-field theory, exactly evaluates the\n", " SPD for $d=\\infty$. VDAT within the SCDA provides an efficient yet reliable\n", " method for capturing the local physics of quantum lattice models, which will\n", " have broad applications for strongly correlated electron materials. More\n", " generally, VDAT should find applications in various many-body problems in\n", " physics.,\n", " We present a review of theoretical investigations into the Kohn-Luttinger\n", " nonphonon superconductivity mechanism in various 3D and 2D repulsive electron\n", " systems described by the Fermi-gas, Hubbard, and Shubin-Vonsovsky models. Phase\n", " diagrams of the superconducting state are considered, including regions of\n", " anomalous $s$-, $p$-, and $d$-wave pairing. The possibility of a strong\n", " increase in the superconducting transition temperature $T_c$ even for a low\n", " electron density is demonstrated by analyzing the spin-polarized case or the\n", " two-band situation. The Kohn-Luttinger theory explains or predicts\n", " superconductivity in various materials such as heterostructures and semimetals,\n", " superlattices and dichalcogenides, high-$T_c$ superconductors and heavy-fermion\n", " systems, layered organic superconductors, and ultracold Fermi gases in magnetic\n", " traps. This theory also describes the anomalous electron transport and peculiar\n", " polaron effects in the normal state of these systems. The theory can be useful\n", " for explaining the origin of superconductivity and orbital currents (chiral\n", " anomaly) in systems with the Dirac spectrum of electrons, including superfluid\n", " $^3$He-A, doped graphene, and topological superconductors.,\n", " We consider single particle Schrodinger operators with a gap in the en ergy\n", " spectrum. We construct a complete, orthonormal basis function set for the inv\n", " ariant space corresponding to the spectrum below the spectral gap, which are\n", " exponentially localized a round a set of closed surfaces of monotonically\n", " increasing sizes. Estimates on the exponential dec ay rate and a discussion of\n", " the geometry of these surfaces is included.,\n", " In a holographic superfluid disk, when the rotational velocity is large\n", " enough, we find a giant vortex will form in the center of the system by merging\n", " several single charge vortices at some specific rotational velocity, with a\n", " phase stratification phenomenon for the order parameter. The formation of a\n", " giant vortex can be explained as there is not enough space for a standard\n", " vortex lattice. Keep increasing the rotational velocity the giant vortex will\n", " disappear and there will be an appearance of a superfluid ring. In the giant\n", " vortex region, the number of vortices measured from winding number and\n", " rotational velocity always satisfies the linear Feynman relation. However, when\n", " the superfluid ring starts to appear, the number of vortices in the disk will\n", " decrease though the rotational velocity is increasing, where most of the order\n", " parameter is suppressed.,\n", " It is an easy observation that every residuated lattice is in fact a semiring\n", " because multiplication distributes over join and the other axioms of a semiring\n", " are satisfied trivially. This semiring is commutative, idempotent and simple.\n", " The natural question arises if the converse assertion is also true. We show\n", " that the conversion is possible provided the given semiring is, moreover,\n", " completely distributive. We characterize semirings associated to complete\n", " residuated lattices satisfying the double negation law where the assumption of\n", " complete distributivity can be omitted. A similar result is obtained for\n", " idempotent residuated lattices.,\n", " We study the deformations of a smooth curve $C$ on a smooth projective\n", " threefold $V$, assuming the presence of a smooth surface $S$ satisfying $C\n", " \\subset S \\subset V$. Generalizing a result of Mukai and Nasu, we give a new\n", " sufficient condition for a first order infinitesimal deformation of $C$ in $V$\n", " to be primarily obstructed. In particular, when $V$ is Fano and $S$ is $K3$, we\n", " give a sufficient condition for $C$ to be (un)obstructed in $V$, in terms of\n", " $(-2)$-curves and elliptic curves on $S$. Applying this result, we prove that\n", " the Hilbert scheme $\\operatorname{Hilb}^{sc} V_4$ of smooth connected curves on\n", " a smooth quartic threefold $V_4$ contains infinitely many generically\n", " non-reduced irreducible components, which are variations of Mumford's example\n", " for $\\operatorname{Hilb}^{sc} \\mathbb P^3$.,\n", " We propose a minority route choice game to investigate the effect of the\n", " network structure on traffic network performance under the assumption of\n", " drivers' bounded rationality. We investigate ring-and-hub topologies to capture\n", " the nature of traffic networks in cities, and employ a minority game-based\n", " inductive learning process to model the characteristic behavior under the route\n", " choice scenario. Through numerical experiments, we find that topological\n", " changes in traffic networks induce a phase transition from an uncongested phase\n", " to a congested phase. Understanding this phase transition is helpful in\n", " planning new traffic networks.,\n", " Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a data-driven and model-free\n", " decomposition technique. It is suitable for revealing spatio-temporal features\n", " of both numerically and experimentally acquired data. Conceptually, DMD\n", " performs a low-dimensional spectral decomposition of the data into the\n", " following components: The modes, called DMD modes, encode the spatial\n", " contribution of the decomposition, whereas the DMD amplitudes specify their\n", " impact. Each associated eigenvalue, referred to as DMD eigenvalue,\n", " characterizes the frequency and growth rate of the DMD mode. In this paper, we\n", " demonstrate how the components of DMD can be utilized to obtain temporal and\n", " spatial information from time-dependent flow fields. We begin with the\n", " theoretical background of DMD and its application to unsteady flow. Next, we\n", " examine the conventional process with DMD mathematically and put it in\n", " relationship to the discrete Fourier transform. Our analysis shows that the\n", " current use of DMD components has several drawbacks. To resolve these problems\n", " we adjust the components and provide new and meaningful insights into the\n", " decomposition: We show that our improved components describe the flow more\n", " adequately. Moreover, we remove redundancies in the decomposition and clarify\n", " the interplay between components, allowing users to understand the impact of\n", " components. These new representations ,which respect the spatio-temporal\n", " character of DMD, enable two clustering methods that segment the flow into\n", " physically relevant sections and can therefore be used for the selection of DMD\n", " components. With a number of typical examples, we demonstrate that the\n", " combination of these techniques allow new insights with DMD for unsteady flow.,\n", " Increasingly stringent throughput requirements in the industry necessitate\n", " the need for lightweight design of high-precision motion systems to allow for\n", " high accelerations, while still achieving accurate positioning of the\n", " moving-body. The presence of position dependent dynamics in such motion systems\n", " severely limits achievable position tracking performance using conventional\n", " sequential loop closing (SLC) control design strategies. This paper presents a\n", " novel extension of the conventional SLC design framework towards\n", " linear-parameter-varying systems, which allows to circumvent limitations that\n", " are introduced by position dependent effects in high-precision motion systems.\n", " Advantages of the proposed control design approach are demonstrated in\n", " simulation using a high-fidelity model of a moving-magnet planar actuator\n", " system, which exhibits position dependency in both actuation and sensing.,\n", " We present a dynamical study of $e^+e^-$ and $\\mu^+ \\mu^-$ production in\n", " proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-SPS energies on the basis\n", " of the covariant transport approach HSD employing a momentum-dependent\n", " $\\rho$-meson spectral function that includes the pion modifications in the\n", " nuclear medium as well as the polarization of the $\\rho$-meson due to resonant\n", " $\\rho$$-N$ scattering. We find that the experimental data from the CERES and\n", " HELIOS-3 Collaborations can be described equally well as within the dropping\n", " $\\rho$-mass scenario. Whereas corresponding dilepton $q_T$-spectra are found to\n", " be very similar, the inclusive dilepton yield in the invariant mass range $0.85\n", " \\leq M \\leq 1.0$ GeV should allow to disentangle the two scenarios\n", " experimentally.,\n", " We propose general semiclassical method for computing the probability of\n", " soliton-antisoliton pair production in particle collisions. The method is\n", " illustrated by explicit numerical calculations in (1+1)-dimensional scalar\n", " field model. We find that the probability of the process is suppressed by an\n", " exponentially small factor which is almost constant at high energies.,\n", " The daily cycle of heating and cooling of the near-surface ocean may be quite\n", " different in a shallow lagoon with a few meters deep seafloor that can be\n", " heated directly by the sun. If important, the solar radiation will affect the\n", " local benthic communities. To study the physical processes associated with the\n", " daily cycle of south-Pacific lagoon Bora Bora, a vertical string of five\n", " high-resolution temperature sensors was moored at a 2-m deep site for 3 weeks.\n", " Besides the standard ocean warming (approximately during daytime) and cooling\n", " (approximately nighttime), the sensors show relatively highest temperature near\n", " the lagoon-floor during the warming phase and a weakly stable stratification\n", " towards the end of the cooling phase. During the warming phase, highly variable\n", " stratification is observed extending into the water column under calm weather\n", " and turbid waters, otherwise not. Under trade wind and clear waters, the lowest\n", " sensor(s) show(s) consistently higher temperature variability than sensors\n", " higher-up with spectral slopes indicative of shear- and/or convective\n", " turbulence. During the cooling phase, the lower sensor shows consistently very\n", " low variance (non-turbulent), while other sensors show a spectral slope around\n", " the buoyancy frequency evidencing weakly stratified waters supporting internal\n", " waves. These observations contrast with open-ocean near-surface observations of\n", " stable stratification during the warming phase and of turbulent free convection\n", " during the cooling phase. Thus, lagoons seem to more resemble the atmosphere\n", " than the ocean in daytime thermodynamics and possibly act as a natural solar\n", " pond with bottom conductive heating (when salinity compensates for unstable\n", " temperature variations).,\n", " Charge and spin orderings are studied on the simplest 1D and the 2D square\n", " lattice within the generalized Falicov-Kimball model with Hund coupling between\n", " localized and itinerant electrons. Using the restricted phase diagrams method\n", " (RPDM) a number of simple rules of formation of various sorts of ground state\n", " phases have been detected. In particular, relationships between density of\n", " current carriers (electrons or holes) and type of charge and magnetic\n", " arrangement has been determined. In 2D in the mixed valence regime only axial\n", " stripes (vertical or horizontal) have been found for intermediate values of the\n", " coupling constants. They are composed of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic\n", " chains interchanged with non-magnetic ones. For band fillings close to the half\n", " filling stripe phases oriented along one of the main diagonal direction are\n", " formed. The results suggest a possibility of tuning modulations of charge and\n", " magnetic superstructures with a change of doping.,\n", " In bilateral accounting of resource consumption both the consumer and\n", " provider independently measure the amount of resources consumed by the\n", " consumer. The problem here is that potential disparities between the provider's\n", " and consumer's accountings, might lead to conflicts between the two parties\n", " that need to be resolved. We argue that with the proper mechanisms available,\n", " most of these conflicts can be solved online, as opposite to in court\n", " resolution; the design of such mechanisms is still a research topic; to help\n", " cover the gap, in this paper we propose a peer--to--peer protocol for online\n", " dispute resolution over storage consumption. The protocol is peer--to--peer and\n", " takes into consideration the possible causes (e.g, transmission delays,\n", " unsynchronized metric collectors, etc.) of the disparity between the provider's\n", " and consumer's accountings to make, if possible, the two results converge.,\n", " As the cornerstone of other important technologies, such as speech\n", " recognition and speech synthesis, speech enhancement is a critical area in\n", " audio signal processing. In this paper, a new deep learning structure for\n", " speech enhancement is demonstrated. The model introduces a \"full\" attention\n", " mechanism to a bidirectional sequence-to-sequence method to make use of latent\n", " information after each focal frame. This is an extension of the previous\n", " attention-based RNN method. The proposed bidirectional attention-based\n", " architecture achieves better performance in terms of speech quality (PESQ),\n", " compared with OM-LSA, CNN-LSTM, T-GSA and the unidirectional attention-based\n", " LSTM baseline.,\n", " We study spectral Galerkin approximations of an Allen--Cahn equation over the\n", " two-dimensional torus perturbed by weak space-time white noise of strength\n", " $\\sqrt{\\varepsilon}$. We introduce a Wick renormalisation of the equation in\n", " order to have a system that is well-defined as the regularisation is removed.\n", " We show sharp upper and lower bounds on the transition times from a\n", " neighbourhood of the stable configuration $-1$ to the stable configuration $1$\n", " in the asymptotic regime $\\varepsilon \\to 0$. These estimates are uniform in\n", " the discretisation parameter $N$, suggesting an Eyring-Kramers formula for the\n", " limiting renormalised stochastic PDE. The effect of the \"infinite\n", " renormalisation\" is to modify the prefactor and to replace the ratio of\n", " determinants in the finite-dimensional Eyring-Kramers law by a renormalised\n", " Carleman-Fredholm determinant.,\n", " Causal inference is essential for data-driven decision making across domains\n", " such as business engagement, medical treatment and policy making. However,\n", " research on causal discovery has evolved separately from inference methods,\n", " preventing straight-forward combination of methods from both fields. In this\n", " work, we develop Deep End-to-end Causal Inference (DECI), a single flow-based\n", " non-linear additive noise model that takes in observational data and can\n", " perform both causal discovery and inference, including conditional average\n", " treatment effect (CATE) estimation. We provide a theoretical guarantee that\n", " DECI can recover the ground truth causal graph under standard causal discovery\n", " assumptions. Motivated by application impact, we extend this model to\n", " heterogeneous, mixed-type data with missing values, allowing for both\n", " continuous and discrete treatment decisions. Our results show the competitive\n", " performance of DECI when compared to relevant baselines for both causal\n", " discovery and (C)ATE estimation in over a thousand experiments on both\n", " synthetic datasets and causal machine learning benchmarks across data-types and\n", " levels of missingness.,\n", " Collider signatures containing bosons and jets are particularly interesting.\n", " Recent theoretical effort has been devoted to determining predictions of W/Z +\n", " multiple parton production; the high statistics sample of W/Z + jets events\n", " collected at the Tevatron is a valuable testbed for probing the validity of\n", " these calculations. The final state containing a Z or W boson and one or more\n", " b-jets is a promising Higgs search channel at the Tevatron and could be a\n", " window to new physics at the LHC. These searches benefit from a deep\n", " understanding of the production of W/Z + heavy flavor jets which constitutes a\n", " significant background to the more exotic sources of this signature. Herein the\n", " latest Tevatron results on these production mechanisms are reviewed with an\n", " emphasis on comparison of data results to the latest theoretical models.,\n", " The correlation-immune functions serve as an important metric for measuring\n", " resistance of a cryptosystem against correlation attacks. Existing literature\n", " emphasize on matrices, orthogonal arrays and Walsh-Hadamard spectra to\n", " characterize the correlation-immune functions over $\\mathbb{F}_p$ ($p \\geq 2$\n", " is a prime). %with prime $p$. Recently, Wang and Gong investigated the Fourier\n", " spectral characterization over the complex field for correlation-immune Boolean\n", " functions. In this paper, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of non-binary\n", " functions was studied. It was shown that a function $f$ over $\\mathbb{F}_p$ is\n", " $m$th-order correlation-immune if and only if its Fourier spectrum vanishes at\n", " a specific location under any permutation of variables. Moreover, if $f$ is a\n", " symmetric function, $f$ is correlation-immune if and only if its Fourier\n", " spectrum vanishes at only one location.,\n", " Let $k, t$ be coprime integers, and let $1 \\leq r \\leq t$. We let\n", " $D_k^\\times(r,t;n)$ denote the total number of parts among all $k$-indivisible\n", " partitions (i.e., those partitions where no part is divisible by $k$) of $n$\n", " which are congruent to $r$ modulo $t$. In previous work of the authors, an\n", " asymptotic estimate for $D_k^\\times(r,t;n)$ was shown to exhibit unpredictable\n", " biases between congruence classes. In the present paper, we confirm our earlier\n", " conjecture that there are no \"ties\" (i.e., equalities) in this asymptotic for\n", " different congruence classes. To obtain this result, we reframe this question\n", " in terms of $L$-functions, and we then employ a nonvanishing result due to\n", " Baker, Birch, and Wirsing to conclude that there is always a bias towards one\n", " congruence class or another modulo $t$ among all parts in $k$-indivisible\n", " partitions of $n$ as $n$ becomes large.,\n", " In several disciplines it is common to find time series measured at irregular\n", " observational times. In particular, in astronomy there are a large number of\n", " surveys that gather information over irregular time gaps and in more than one\n", " passband. Some examples are Pan-STARRS, ZTF and also the LSST. However, current\n", " commonly used time series models that estimate the time dependency in\n", " astronomical light curves consider the information of each band separately\n", " (e.g, CIAR, IAR and CARMA models) disregarding the dependency that might exist\n", " between different passbands. In this paper we propose a novel bivariate model\n", " for irregularly sampled time series, called the bivariate irregular\n", " autoregressive (BIAR) model. The BIAR model assumes an autoregressive structure\n", " on each time series, it is stationary, and it allows to estimate the\n", " autocorrelation, the cross-correlation and the contemporary correlation between\n", " two unequally spaced time series. We implemented the BIAR model on light\n", " curves, in the g and r bands, obtained from the ZTF alerts processed by the\n", " ALeRCE broker. We show that if the light curves of the two bands are highly\n", " correlated, the model has more accurate forecast and prediction using the\n", " bivariate model than a similar method that uses only univariate information.\n", " Further, the estimated parameters of the BIAR are useful to characterize\n", " LongPeriod Variable Stars and to distinguish between classes of stochastic\n", " objects, providing promising features that can be used for classification\n", " purposes,\n", " Sum-over-histories quantization of particle-like theory in curved space is\n", " discussed. It is reviewed that the propagator satisfies the Schrodinger\n", " equation respective wave equation with a Laplace-like operator. The exact\n", " dependence of the operator on the choice of measure is shown.\n", " Next, modifications needed for a manifold with a boundary are introduced, and\n", " the exact form of the equation for the propagator is derived. It is shown that\n", " the Laplace-like operator contains some distributional terms localized on the\n", " boundary. These terms induce proper boundary conditions for the propagator.\n", " This choice of boundary conditions is explained as a consequence of a\n", " measurement of particles on the boundary.\n", " The interaction with sources inside of the domain and sources on the boundary\n", " is also discussed.,\n", " Retrosynthesis, of which the goal is to find a set of reactants for\n", " synthesizing a target product, is an emerging research area of deep learning.\n", " While the existing approaches have shown promising results, they currently lack\n", " the ability to consider availability (e.g., stability or purchasability) of the\n", " reactants or generalize to unseen reaction templates (i.e., chemical reaction\n", " rules). In this paper, we propose a new approach that mitigates the issues by\n", " reformulating retrosynthesis into a selection problem of reactants from a\n", " candidate set of commercially available molecules. To this end, we design an\n", " efficient reactant selection framework, named RetCL (retrosynthesis via\n", " contrastive learning), for enumerating all of the candidate molecules based on\n", " selection scores computed by graph neural networks. For learning the score\n", " functions, we also propose a novel contrastive training scheme with hard\n", " negative mining. Extensive experiments demonstrate the benefits of the proposed\n", " selection-based approach. For example, when all 671k reactants in the USPTO\n", " {database} are given as candidates, our RetCL achieves top-1 exact match\n", " accuracy of $71.3\\%$ for the USPTO-50k benchmark, while a recent\n", " transformer-based approach achieves $59.6\\%$. We also demonstrate that RetCL\n", " generalizes well to unseen templates in various settings in contrast to\n", " template-based approaches.,\n", " We describe a method for counting the number of extensions of $\\mathbb{Q}_p$\n", " with a given Galois group $G$, founded upon the description of the absolute\n", " Galois group of $\\mathbb{Q}_p$ due to Jannsen and Wingberg. Because this\n", " description is only known for odd $p$, our results do not apply to\n", " $\\mathbb{Q}_2$. We report on the results of counting such extensions for $G$ of\n", " order up to $2000$ (except those divisible by $512$), for $p=3,5,7,11,13$. In\n", " particular, we highlight a relatively short list of minimal $G$ that do not\n", " arise as Galois groups. Motivated by this list, we prove two theorems about the\n", " inverse Galois problem for $\\mathbb{Q}_p$: one giving a necessary condition for\n", " $G$ to be realizable over $\\mathbb{Q}_p$ and the other giving a sufficient\n", " condition.,\n", " Starting from an applicative problem related to the modeling of an element of\n", " a cable-stayed bridge, we compute the elasticity solution for a hollow cylinder\n", " loaded at the end faces with axial loads. We prove results of symmetry for the\n", " solution and we expand it in proper Fourier series; computing the Fourier\n", " coefficients in adapted power series, we provide the explicit solution. We\n", " consider an engineering case of study, applying the corresponding approximate\n", " formula and giving some estimates on the error committed with respect to the\n", " truncation of the series.,\n", " Cosmological constraints from galaxy clusters rely on accurate measurements\n", " of the mass and internal structure of clusters. An important source of\n", " systematic uncertainty in cluster mass and structure measurements is the secure\n", " selection of background galaxies that are gravitationally lensed by clusters.\n", " This issue has been shown to be particular severe for faint blue galaxies. We\n", " therefore explore the selection of faint blue background galaxies, by reference\n", " to photometric redshift catalogs derived from the COSMOS survey and our own\n", " observations of massive galaxy clusters at z~0.2. We show that methods relying\n", " on photometric redshifts of galaxies in/behind clusters based on observations\n", " through five filters, and on deep 30-band COSMOS photometric redshifts are both\n", " inadequate to identify safely faint blue background galaxies. This is due to\n", " the small number of filters used by the former, and absence of massive galaxy\n", " clusters at redshifts of interest in the latter. We therefore develop a\n", " pragmatic method to combine both sets of photometric redshifts to select a\n", " population of blue galaxies based purely on photometric analysis. This sample\n", " yields stacked weak-lensing results consistent with our previously published\n", " results based on red galaxies. We also show that the stacked clustercentric\n", " number density profile of these faint blue galaxies is consistent with\n", " expectations from consideration of the lens magnification signal of the\n", " clusters. Indeed, the observed number density of blue background galaxies\n", " changes by ~10-30 per cent across the radial range over which other surveys\n", " assume it to be flat.,\n", " MERLIN and VLBA observations of the 1720 MHz maser emission from the OH\n", " molecule in the supernova remnant IC443 are presented. Based on MERLIN data\n", " with a resolution of 160 mas, the deconvolved sizes of the maser sources are in\n", " the range 90 to 180 mas (135 to 270 AU). The 12 mas resolution VLBA images show\n", " compact cores with sizes in the range 15 to 55 mas. The maser brightness\n", " temperatures are (2-34)x10^6 K for the MERLIN sources and (5-19)x10^8 K for the\n", " VLBA cores, in agreement with theory. Unlike the Zeeman Stokes V profiles\n", " observed in other OH (1720 MHz) SNR masers, single-handed circular polarization\n", " line profiles are observed in IC443 on all angular scales from 1000 to 10 mas\n", " resolution. For one line component, the observed line width is 0.24+/-0.07\n", " km/s, compared to an estimated Doppler width of 0.49 km/s. This discrepancy in\n", " line widths can be accounted for if the maser emission arises from an elongated\n", " ellipsoidal region of masing gas.,\n", " We prove a general family of congruences for Bernoulli numbers whose index is\n", " a polynomial function of a prime, modulo a power of that prime. Our family\n", " generalizes many known results, including the von Staudt--Clausen theorem and\n", " Kummer's congruence.,\n", " The observed Fe II(UV+optical)/Mg II lambda lambda 2796,2804 flux ratio from\n", " a gravitationally lensed quasar B1422+231 at z=3.62 is interpreted in terms of\n", " detailed modeling of photoionization and chemical enrichment in the broad-line\n", " region (BLR) of the host galaxy. The delayed iron enrichment by Type Ia\n", " supernovae is used as a cosmic clock. Our standard model, which matches the Fe\n", " II/Mg II ratio, requires the age of 1.5 Gyr for B1422+231 with a lower bound of\n", " 1.3 Gyr, which exceeds the expansion age of the Einstein-de Sitter Omega_0=1\n", " universe at a redshift of 3.62 for any value of the Hubble constant in the\n", " currently accepted range, H_0=60-80 km,s^{-1},Mpc^{-1}. This problem of an age\n", " discrepancy at z=3.62 can be unraveled in a low-density Omega_0<0.2 universe,\n", " either with or without a cosmological constant, depending on the allowable\n", " redshift range of galaxy formation. However, whether the cosmological constant\n", " is a required option in modern cosmology awaits a thorough understanding of\n", " line transfer processes in the BLRs.,\n", " We present a study of the spectral properties like the energy spectrum, the\n", " eigenmodes and density of states of a classical finite system of\n", " two-dimensional (2D) charged particles which are confined by a quadratic\n", " potential. Using the method of Newton optimization we obtain the ground state\n", " and the metastable states. For a given configuration the eigenvectors and\n", " eigenfrequencies for the normal modes are obtained using the Householder\n", " diagonalization technique for the dynamical matrix whose elements are the\n", " second derivative of the potential energy. For small clusters the lowest\n", " excitation corresponds to an intershell rotation. The energy barrier for such\n", " rotations is calculated. For large clusters the lowest excitation consists of a\n", " vortex/anti-vortex pair. The Lindeman melting criterion is used to calculate\n", " the order-disorder transition temperature for intershell rotation and\n", " intershell diffusion. The value of the transition temperature at which\n", " intershell rotation becomes possible depends very much on the configuration of\n", " the cluster, i.e. the distribution of the particles between the different\n", " shells. Magic numbers are associated to clusters which are most stable against\n", " intershell rotation. The specific heat of the cluster is also calculated using,\n", " We present a two-dimensional analysis of the bright nearby galaxy group NGC\n", " 5044 using the currently available Chandra and XMM data. In the inner 10 kpc a\n", " pair of cavities are evident together with a set of bright X-ray filaments. If\n", " the cavities are interpreted as gas displaced by relativistic plasma inflated\n", " by an AGN, even in the absence of extended 1.4 GHz emission, this would be\n", " consistent with a recent outburst as also indicated by the extent of dust and\n", " H_alpha emission. The soft X-ray filaments coincident with H_alpha and dust\n", " emission are cooler than the ones which do not correlate with optical and\n", " infrared emission. We suggest that dust-aided cooling contributes to form warm\n", " (T =10^4 K) gas, emitting H_alpha radiation. At 31 kpc and 67 kpc a pair of\n", " cold fronts are present, indicative of sloshing due to a dynamical perturbation\n", " caused by accretion of a less massive group, also suggested by the peculiar\n", " velocity of the brightest galaxy NGC 5044 with respect to the mean group\n", " velocity.,\n", " We develop theory of multiplicity maps for compact quantum groups, as an\n", " application, we obtain a complete classification of right coideal\n", " $C^*$-algebras of $C(SU_q(2))$ for $q\\in [-1,1]\\setminus \\{0\\}$. They are\n", " labeled with Dynkin diagrams, but classification results for positive and\n", " negative cases of $q$ are different. Many of the coideals are quantum spheres\n", " or quotient spaces by quantum subgroups, but we do have other ones in our\n", " classification list.,\n", " Collaboration models and tools aim at improving the efficiency and\n", " effectiveness of human interactions. Although social relations among\n", " collaborators have been identified as having a strong influence on\n", " collaboration, they are still insufficiently taken into account in current\n", " collaboration models and tools. In this paper, the concept of service protocols\n", " is proposed as a model for human interactions supporting social requirements,\n", " i.e., sets of constraints on the relations among interacting humans. Service\n", " protocols have been proposed as an answer to the need for models for human\n", " interactions in which not only the potential sequences of activities are\n", " specified-as in process models-but also the constraints on the relations among\n", " collaborators. Service protocols are based on two main ideas: first, service\n", " protocols are rooted in the service-oriented architecture (SOA): each service\n", " protocol contains a service-oriented summary which provides a representation of\n", " the activities of an associated process model in SOA terms. Second, a\n", " class-based graph-referred to as a service network schema-restricts the set of\n", " potential service elements that may participate in the service protocol by\n", " defining constraints on nodes and constraints on arcs, i.e., social\n", " requirements. Another major contribution to the modelling of human interactions\n", " is a unified approach organized around the concept of service, understood in a\n", " broad sense with services being not only Web services, but also provided by\n", " humans.,\n", " NectarCAM is a camera proposed for the medium-sized telescopes of the\n", " Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) which covers the core energy range of ~100 GeV\n", " to ~30 TeV. It has a modular design and is based on the NECTAr chip, at the\n", " heart of which is a GHz sampling Switched Capacitor Array and 12-bit Analog to\n", " Digital converter. The camera will be equipped with 265 7-photomultiplier\n", " modules, covering a field of view of 8 degrees. Each module includes\n", " photomultiplier bases, high voltage supply, pre-amplifier, trigger, readout and\n", " Ethernet transceiver. The recorded events last between a few nanoseconds and\n", " tens of nanoseconds. The expected performance of the camera are discussed.\n", " Prototypes of NectarCAM components have been built to validate the design.\n", " Preliminary results of a 19-module mini-camera are presented, as well as future\n", " plans for building and testing a full size camera.,\n", " We show that the termination of the star formation process by winds from\n", " massive stars in protocluster forming clumps imposes dual constraints on the\n", " star formation efficiencies (SFEs) and stellar age spreads ($\\Delta \\tau_{*}$)\n", " in stellar clusters. We have considered two main classes of clump models. One\n", " class of models in one in which the core formation efficiency (CFE) per unit\n", " time and as a consequence the star formation rate (SFR) is constant in time and\n", " another class of models in which the CFE per unit time, and as a consequence\n", " the SFR, increases with time. Models with an increasing mode of star formation\n", " yield shorter age spreads (a few 0.1 Myrs) and typically higher SFEs than\n", " models in which star formation is uniform in time. We find that the former\n", " models reproduce remarkably well the SFE$-\\Delta \\tau_{*}$ values of starburst\n", " clusters such as NGC 3603 YC and Westerlund 1, while the latter describe better\n", " the star formation process in lower density environments such as in the Orion\n", " Nebula Cluster. We also show that the SFE and $\\Delta \\tau_{*}$ of massive\n", " clusters are expected to be higher in low metallicity environments. This could\n", " be tested with future large extragalactic surveys of stellar clusters. We\n", " advocate that placing a stellar cluster on the SFE-$\\Delta \\tau_{*}$ diagram is\n", " a powerful method to distinguish between different stellar clusters formation\n", " scenarios such as between generic gravitational instability of a gas\n", " cloud/clump or as the result of cloud-cloud collisions. It is also a very\n", " useful tool for testing star formation theories and numerical models versus the\n", " observations.,\n", " State-of-the-art distributed algorithms for reinforcement learning rely on\n", " multiple independent agents, which simultaneously learn in parallel\n", " environments while asynchronously updating a common, shared policy. Moreover,\n", " decentralized control architectures (e.g., CPGs) can coordinate spatially\n", " distributed portions of an articulated robot to achieve system-level\n", " objectives. In this work, we investigate the relationship between distributed\n", " learning and decentralized control by learning decentralized control policies\n", " for the locomotion of articulated robots in challenging environments. To this\n", " end, we present an approach that leverages the structure of the asynchronous\n", " advantage actor-critic (A3C) algorithm to provide a natural means of learning\n", " decentralized control policies on a single articulated robot. Our primary\n", " contribution shows individual agents in the A3C algorithm can be defined by\n", " independently controlled portions of the robot's body, thus enabling\n", " distributed learning on a single robot for efficient hardware implementation.\n", " We present results of closed-loop locomotion in unstructured terrains on a\n", " snake and a hexapod robot, using decentralized controllers learned offline and\n", " online respectively.\n", " Preprint of the paper submitted to the IEEE Transactions in Robotics (T-RO)\n", " journal in October 2018, and accepted for publication as a regular paper in May\n", " 2019.,\n", " We show how the phase profile of a distribution of topological charges (TC)\n", " of an optical vortex (OV) can be described by a potential analogous to the\n", " Coulomb's potential for a distribution of electric charges in two-dimensional\n", " electrostatics. From what we call the Topological Potential (TP), the\n", " properties of TC multipoles and a 2D radial distribution were analyzed. The TC\n", " multipoles have a transverse profile that is topologically stable under\n", " propagation and may be exploited in optical communications; on the other hand,\n", " the 2D distributions can be used to tune the transverse forces in optical\n", " tweezers. Considering the analogies with the electrostatics formalism, it is\n", " also expected that the TP allows the tailoring of OV for specific applications.,\n", " The search for half-metals and spin-gapless semiconductors has attracted\n", " extensive attention in material design for spintronics. Existing progress in\n", " such a search often requires peculiar atomistic lattice configuration and also\n", " lacks active control of the resulting electronic properties. Here we reveal\n", " that a boron-nitride nanoribbon with a carbon-doped edge can be made a\n", " half-metal or a spin-gapless semiconductor in a programmable fashion. The\n", " mechanical strain serves as the on/off switches for functions of half-metal and\n", " spin-gapless semiconductor to occur. Our findings shed light on how the edge\n", " doping combined with strain engineering can affect electronic properties of\n", " two-dimensional materials,\n", " We report a deep search for HI 21cm emission from the $z= 0.00632$ sub-DLA\n", " toward PG1216+069 with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. No emission was\n", " detected and our $5\\sigma$ upper limit on the mass of any associated galaxy is\n", " $M_{\\rm HI} \\lesssim 10^7 M_\\odot$, nearly 3 orders of magnitude less than\n", " M$_{\\rm HI}^\\star$. The $z \\sim 0.006$ absorber is thus the most extreme known\n", " deviation from the standard paradigm in which high column density quasar\n", " absorption lines arise in the disks of gas-rich galaxies.,\n", " We prove that epimorphisms are surjective in certain categories of ordered\n", " F-algebras. It then turns out that epimorphisms are also surjective in the\n", " category of all (unordered) algebras of type F.,\n", " Differential constraints compatible with the linearized equations of partial\n", " differential equations are examined. Recursion operators are obtained by\n", " integrating the differential constraints.,\n", " It is demonstrated by explicit construction that three-dimensional bosonic\n", " crystalline symmetry protected topological (cSPT) phases are classified by\n", " $H_{\\phi}^{5}(G;\\mathbb{Z})\\oplus H_{\\phi}^{1}(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ for all 230 space\n", " groups $G$, where $H^n_\\phi(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ denotes the $n$th twisted group\n", " cohomology of $G$ with $\\mathbb{Z}$ coefficients, and $\\phi$ indicates that\n", " $g\\in G$ acts non-trivially on coefficients by sending them to their inverses\n", " if $g$ reverses spacetime orientation and acts trivially otherwise. The\n", " previously known summand $H_{\\phi}^{5}(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ corresponds only to\n", " crystalline phases built without the $E_8$ state or its multiples on 2-cells of\n", " space. It is the crystalline analogue of the \"group cohomology proposal\" for\n", " classifying bosonic symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases, which takes\n", " the form $H_{\\phi}^{d+2}(G;\\mathbb{Z})\\cong H_{\\phi}^{d+1}(G;U(1))$ for finite\n", " internal symmetry groups in $d$ spatial dimensions. The new summand\n", " $H_{\\phi}^{1}(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ classifies possible configurations of $E_8$ states\n", " on 2-cells that can be used to build crystalline phases beyond the group\n", " cohomology proposal. The completeness of our classification and the physical\n", " meaning of $H_{\\phi}^{1}(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ are established through a combination\n", " of dimensional reduction, surface topological order, and explicit cellular\n", " construction. The value of $H_{\\phi}^{1}(G;\\mathbb{Z})$ can be easily read off\n", " from the international symbol for $G$. Our classification agrees with the\n", " prediction of the \"generalized cohomology hypothesis,\" which concerns the\n", " general structure of the classification of SPT phases, and therefore provides\n", " strong evidence for the validity of the said hypothesis in the realm of\n", " crystalline symmetries.,\n", " Cascade classifiers are one of the most important contributions to real-time\n", " object detection. Nonetheless, there are many challenging problems arising in\n", " training cascade detectors. One common issue is that the node classifier is\n", " trained with a symmetric classifier. Having a low misclassification error rate\n", " does not guarantee an optimal node learning goal in cascade classifiers, i.e.,\n", " an extremely high detection rate with a moderate false positive rate. In this\n", " work, we present a new approach to train an effective node classifier in a\n", " cascade detector. The algorithm is based on two key observations: 1) Redundant\n", " weak classifiers can be safely discarded; 2) The final detector should satisfy\n", " the asymmetric learning objective of the cascade architecture. To achieve this,\n", " we separate the classifier training into two steps: finding a pool of\n", " discriminative weak classifiers/features and training the final classifier by\n", " pruning weak classifiers which contribute little to the asymmetric learning\n", " criterion (asymmetric classifier construction). Our model reduction approach\n", " helps accelerate the learning time while achieving the pre-determined learning\n", " objective. Experimental results on both face and car data sets verify the\n", " effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. On the FDDB face data sets, our\n", " approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance, which demonstrates the\n", " advantage of our approach.,\n", " Here we report on a \"new\" type of ordering which allows to modify the\n", " electronic structure of a graphene monolayer (ML). We have intercalated small\n", " gold clusters between the top monolayer graphene and the buffer layer of\n", " epitaxial graphene. We show that these clusters perturb the quasiparticles on\n", " the ML graphene, and act as quantum dots creating a superlattice of resonators\n", " on the graphene ML, as revealed by a strong pattern of standing waves. A\n", " detailed analysis of the standing wave patterns using Fourier Transform\n", " Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy strongly indicates that this phenomenon can\n", " arise from a strong modification of the band structure of graphene and (or)\n", " from Charge Density Waves (CDW)where a large extension of Van Hove\n", " singularities are involved.,\n", " Bragg diffraction of an atomic wave packet in a retroreflective geometry with\n", " two counterpropagating optical lattices exhibits a light shift induced phase.\n", " We show that the temporal shape of the light pulse determines the behavior of\n", " this phase shift: In contrast to Raman diffraction, Bragg diffraction with\n", " Gaussian pulses leads to a significant suppression of the intrinsic phase shift\n", " due to a scaling with the third power of the inverse Doppler frequency.\n", " However, for box-shaped laser pulses, the corresponding shift is twice as large\n", " as for Raman diffraction. Our results are based on approximate, but analytical\n", " expressions as well as a numerical integration of the corresponding\n", " Schr\\\"odinger equation.,\n", " An edge colouring of a graph is said to be an $r$-local colouring if the\n", " edges incident to any vertex are coloured with at most $r$ colours.\n", " Generalising a result of Bessy and Thomass\\'e, we prove that the vertex set of\n", " any $2$-locally coloured complete graph may be partitioned into two disjoint\n", " monochromatic cycles of different colours. Moreover, for any natural number\n", " $r$, we show that the vertex set of any $r$-locally coloured complete graph may\n", " be partitioned into $O(r^2 \\log r)$ disjoint monochromatic cycles. This\n", " generalises a result of Erd\\H{o}s, Gy\\'arf\\'as and Pyber.,\n", " Bones are always wrapped by soft tissues. As a result, bones in their X-ray\n", " images are obscured and become unclear. In this paper, we tackle this problem\n", " and propose a novel task to virtually decompose the soft tissue and bone by\n", " image processing algorithms. This task is fundamentally different from\n", " segmentation because the decomposed images share the same imaging domain. Our\n", " decomposition task is also fundamentally different from the conventional image\n", " enhancement. We propose a new mathematical model for such decomposition. Our\n", " model is ill-posed and thus it requires some priors. With proper assumptions,\n", " our model can be solved by solving a standard Laplace equation. The resulting\n", " bone image is theoretically guaranteed to have better contrast than the\n", " original input image. Therefore, the details of bones get enhanced and become\n", " clearer. Several numerical experiments confirm the effective and efficiency of\n", " our method. Our approach is important for clinical diagnosis, surgery planning,\n", " recognition, deep learning, etc.,\n", " In a recent paper, Lucco Castello et al. [arXiv:2107.03537] provided an\n", " accurate parametrization of classical one-component plasma bridge functions\n", " that was embedded in a novel dielectric scheme for strongly coupled electron\n", " liquids. Here, this approach is rigorously formulated, its set of equations is\n", " formally derived and its numerical algorithm is scrutinized. Systematic\n", " comparison with available and new path integral Monte Carlo simulations reveals\n", " a rather unprecedented agreement especially in terms of the interaction energy\n", " and the long wavelength limit of the static local field correction.,\n", " Concrete semi-realistic string/M theory constructions often predict the\n", " existence of new physics at the TeV scale, which may be different in character\n", " from the bottom-up ideas that are motivated by specific problems of the\n", " standard model. I describe two examples, heterotic and open string, of such\n", " constructions. The latter has a particularly interesting strongly-coupled\n", " quasi-hidden sector, which may lead to composite states at low energy and\n", " dynamical supersymmetry breaking. General issues, such as grand unification\n", " versus direct compactification, additional U(1)' gauge symmetries and other\n", " exotics, and flat directions are discussed.,\n", " We have conducted a search for artificial radio emission associated with the\n", " Kepler-160 system following the report of the discovery of the Earth-like\n", " planet candidate KOI-456.04 on 2020 June 4 (arXiv:1905.09038v2). Our search\n", " targeted both narrowband (2.97 Hz) drifting ($\\pm 4$ Hz s$^{-1})$ and wideband\n", " pulsed (5 ms at all bandwidths) artificially-dispersed technosignatures using\n", " the turboSETI (arXiv:1709.03491v2) and SPANDAK pipelines, respectively, from\n", " 1-8 GHz. No candidates were identified above an upper limit Equivalent\n", " Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of $5.9 \\times 10^{14}$ W for narrowband\n", " emission and $7.3 \\times 10^{12}$ W for wideband emission. Here we briefly\n", " describe our observations and data reduction procedure.,\n", " We analyse parallel overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition methods for the\n", " Helmholtz equation, where the subdomain problems satisfy first-order absorbing\n", " (impedance) transmission conditions, and exchange of information between\n", " subdomains is achieved using a partition of unity. We provide a novel analysis\n", " of this method at the PDE level (without discretization). First, we formulate\n", " the method as a fixed point iteration, and show (in dimensions 1,2,3) that it\n", " is well-defined in a tensor product of appropriate local function spaces, each\n", " with $L^2$ impedance boundary data. Given this, we then obtain a bound on the\n", " norm of the fixed point operator in terms of the local norms of certain\n", " impedance-to-impedance maps arising from local interactions between subdomains.\n", " These bounds provide conditions under which (some power of) the fixed point\n", " operator is a contraction. In 2-d, for rectangular domains and strip-wise\n", " domain decompositions (with each subdomain only overlapping its immediate\n", " neighbours), we present two techniques for verifying the assumptions on the\n", " impedance-to-impedance maps which ensure power contractivity of the fixed point\n", " operator. The first is through semiclassical analysis, which gives rigorous\n", " estimates valid as the frequency tends to infinity. These results verify the\n", " required assumptions for sufficiently large overlap. For more realistic domain\n", " decompositions, we directly compute the norms of the impedance-to-impedance\n", " maps by solving certain canonical (local) eigenvalue problems. We give\n", " numerical experiments that illustrate the theory. These also show that the\n", " iterative method remains convergent and/or provides a good preconditioner in\n", " cases not covered by the theory, including for general domain decompositions,\n", " such as those obtained via automatic graph-partitioning software.,\n", " The Bates Linear Accelerator uses six 4MW 2.856GHz RF transmitters. Phase\n", " drifts between the transmitters 12 klystrons of greater than 0.5 degree or any\n", " amplitude drifts compromise beam delivery and are a common occurrence. Machine\n", " operators in years previous to the Phase and Amplitude Monitoring system \"PAM\"\n", " were unable to tell which klystron was affecting beam and resorted to shifting\n", " the phases of each klystron experimentally. The PAM system has proven itself as\n", " a viable monitor, easing phase re-adjustment. PAM is comprised of off-the-shelf\n", " RF amplitude and phase detectors, phase shifters, splitters, and VME hardware\n", " under EPICS . The detected signals are amplified and matrixed to the control\n", " room via an EPICS driven custom video switch, are sample/held, then digitized\n", " by a VME 12bit ADC. Each of the 14 channels employ phase shifters and code that\n", " can auto zero the displayed phase. Phase drift is then apparent. Amplitude\n", " setpoints can also be auto zeroed with drift displayed as power deviations. To\n", " ensure repeatability to less than 0.25 degree a continuous calibration\n", " sequencer is employed that has been shown to measure phase drift independent of\n", " amplitude shifts. Under investigation is the viability of 60Hz sourced and slow\n", " phase feedback and correction.,\n", " We briefly report on zero-temperature photoassociation of a Bose-Einstein\n", " condensate, focusing on the many-body rate limit for atom-molecule conversion.\n", " An upgraded model that explicitly includes spontaneous radiative decay leads to\n", " an unanticipated shift in the position of the photoassociation resonance, which\n", " affects whether the rate (constant) maximizes or saturates, as well as the\n", " limiting value itself. A simple analytical model agrees with numerical\n", " experiments, but only for high density. Finally, an explicit comparison with\n", " the two-body unitary limit, set by the size of the condensate, finds that the\n", " many-body rate limit is generally more strict.,\n", " The principal minors of the Toeplitz matrix $\\left( x_{i-j+1}\\right)_{1\\le\n", " i,j,\\le n}$, where $x_0=1, x_k=0$ if $k\\le -1$, directly determine an\n", " involution of the polynomial ring $R[x_1, ... ,x_n]$ over any commutative ring\n", " $R$.,\n", " The LHC did not discover new particles beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson\n", " at 7 and 8 TeV, or in the first data samples at 13 TeV. However, the\n", " complementary nature of physics with $e^+e^-$ collisions still offers many\n", " interesting scenarios in which new particles can be discovered at the ILC.\n", " These scenarios take advantage of the capability of $e^+e^-$ collisions to\n", " observe particles with missing energy and small mass differences, to observe\n", " mono-photon events with precisely controlled backgrounds, and to observe the\n", " full range of exotic decay modes of the Higgs boson. The searches that an\n", " $e^+e^-$ collider makes possible are particularly important for models of dark\n", " matter involving a dark sector with particles above the modest energy reach of\n", " fixed-target experiments. In this talk, we will review the opportunities that\n", " the ILC offers for new particle discovery.,\n", " When we elastically impose a homogeneous, affine deformation on amorphous\n", " solids, they also undergo an inhomogeneous, non-affine deformation, which can\n", " have a crucial impact on the overall elastic response. To correctly understand\n", " the elastic modulus $M$, it is therefore necessary to take into account not\n", " only the affine modulus $M_A$, but also the non-affine modulus $M_N$ that\n", " arises from the non-affine deformation. In the present work, we study the bulk\n", " ($M=K$) and shear ($M=G$) moduli in static jammed particulate packings over a\n", " range of packing fractions $\\varphi$. One novelty of this work is to elucidate\n", " the contribution of each vibrational mode to the non-affine $M_N$ through a\n", " modal decomposition of the displacement and force fields. In the vicinity of\n", " the (un)jamming transition, $\\varphi_{c}$, the vibrational density of states,\n", " $g(\\omega)$, shows a plateau in the intermediate frequency regime above a\n", " characteristic frequency $\\omega^\\ast$. We illustrate that this unusual feature\n", " apparent in $g(\\omega)$ is reflected in the behavior of $M_N$: As $\\varphi\n", " \\rightarrow \\varphi_c$, where $\\omega^\\ast \\rightarrow 0$, those modes for\n", " $\\omega < \\omega^\\ast$ contribute less and less, while contributions from those\n", " for $\\omega > \\omega^\\ast$ approach a constant value which results in $M_N$ to\n", " approach a critical value $M_{Nc}$, as $M_N-M_{Nc} \\sim \\omega^\\ast$. At\n", " $\\varphi_c$ itself, the bulk modulus attains a finite value $K_c=K_{Ac}-K_{Nc}\n", " > 0$, such that $K_{Nc}$ has a value that remains below $K_{Ac}$. In contrast,\n", " for the critical shear modulus $G_c$, $G_{Nc}$ and $G_{Ac}$ approach the same\n", " value so that the total value becomes exactly zero, $G_c = G_{Ac}-G_{Nc} =0$.\n", " We explore what features of the configurational and vibrational properties\n", " cause such the distinction between $K$ and $G$, allowing us to validate\n", " analytical expressions for their critical values.,\n", " Human interaction recognition is very important in many applications. One\n", " crucial cue in recognizing an interaction is the interactive body parts. In\n", " this work, we propose a novel Interaction Graph Transformer (IGFormer) network\n", " for skeleton-based interaction recognition via modeling the interactive body\n", " parts as graphs. More specifically, the proposed IGFormer constructs\n", " interaction graphs according to the semantic and distance correlations between\n", " the interactive body parts, and enhances the representation of each person by\n", " aggregating the information of the interactive body parts based on the learned\n", " graphs. Furthermore, we propose a Semantic Partition Module to transform each\n", " human skeleton sequence into a Body-Part-Time sequence to better capture the\n", " spatial and temporal information of the skeleton sequence for learning the\n", " graphs. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our\n", " model outperforms the state-of-the-art with a significant margin.,\n", " In this paper, we continue the program initiated by I. Beck's now classical\n", " paper concerning zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings. After the success of\n", " much research regarding zero-divisor graphs, many authors have turned their\n", " attention to studying divisor graphs of non-zero elements in the ring, the so\n", " called irreducible divisor graph. In this paper, we construct several different\n", " associated irreducible divisor graphs of a commutative ring with unity using\n", " various choices for the definition of irreducible and atomic in the literature.\n", " We continue pursuing the program of exploiting the interaction between\n", " algebraic structures and associated graphs to further our understanding of both\n", " objects. Factorization in rings with zero-divisors is considerably more\n", " complicated than integral domains; however, we find that many of the same\n", " techniques can be extended to rings with zero-divisors. This allows us to not\n", " only find graph theoretic characterizations of many of the finite factorization\n", " properties that commutative rings may possess, but also understand graph\n", " theoretic properties of graphs associated with certain commutative rings\n", " satisfying nice factorization properties.,\n", " The structure from motion (SfM) problem in computer vision is the problem of\n", " recovering the three-dimensional ($3$D) structure of a stationary scene from a\n", " set of projective measurements, represented as a collection of two-dimensional\n", " ($2$D) images, via estimation of motion of the cameras corresponding to these\n", " images. In essence, SfM involves the three main stages of (1) extraction of\n", " features in images (e.g., points of interest, lines, etc.) and matching these\n", " features between images, (2) camera motion estimation (e.g., using relative\n", " pairwise camera positions estimated from the extracted features), and (3)\n", " recovery of the $3$D structure using the estimated motion and features (e.g.,\n", " by minimizing the so-called reprojection error). This survey mainly focuses on\n", " relatively recent developments in the literature pertaining to stages (2) and\n", " (3). More specifically, after touching upon the early factorization-based\n", " techniques for motion and structure estimation, we provide a detailed account\n", " of some of the recent camera location estimation methods in the literature,\n", " followed by discussion of notable techniques for $3$D structure recovery. We\n", " also cover the basics of the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)\n", " problem, which can be viewed as a specific case of the SfM problem. Further,\n", " our survey includes a review of the fundamentals of feature extraction and\n", " matching (i.e., stage (1) above), various recent methods for handling\n", " ambiguities in $3$D scenes, SfM techniques involving relatively uncommon camera\n", " models and image features, and popular sources of data and SfM software.,\n", " We investigate the relative importance of initial and final state effects on\n", " azimuthal correlations of gluons in low and high multiplicity p+Pb collisions.\n", " To achieve this, we couple Yang-Mills dynamics of pre-equilibrium gluon fields\n", " (IP-GLASMA) to a perturbative QCD based parton cascade for the final state\n", " evolution (BAMPS) on an event-by-event basis. We find that signatures of both\n", " the initial state correlations and final state interactions are seen in\n", " azimuthal correlation observables, such as\n", " $v_2\\left\\lbrace2PC\\right\\rbrace(p_T)$, their strength depending on the event\n", " multiplicity and transverse momentum. Initial state correlations dominate\n", " $v_2\\left\\lbrace2PC\\right\\rbrace(p_T)$ in low multiplicity events for\n", " transverse momenta $p_T>2~{\\rm GeV}$. While final state interactions are\n", " dominant in high multiplicity events, initial state correlations affect\n", " $v_2\\left\\lbrace2PC\\right\\rbrace(p_T)$ for $p_T>2~{\\rm GeV}$ as well as the pT\n", " integrated $v_2\\left\\lbrace2PC\\right\\rbrace$.,\n", " Cassava a major food crop in many parts of Africa, has majorly been affected\n", " by Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD). The disease affects tuberous roots and\n", " presents symptoms that include a yellow/brown, dry, corky necrosis within the\n", " starch-bearing tissues. Cassava breeders currently depend on visual inspection\n", " to score necrosis in roots based on a qualitative score which is quite\n", " subjective. In this paper we present an approach to automate root necrosis\n", " scoring using deep convolutional neural networks with semantic segmentation.\n", " Our experiments show that the UNet model performs this task with high accuracy\n", " achieving a mean Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.90 on the test set. This\n", " method provides a means to use a quantitative measure for necrosis scoring on\n", " root cross-sections. This is done by segmentation and classifying the\n", " necrotized and non-necrotized pixels of cassava root cross-sections without any\n", " additional feature engineering.,\n", " A large sample of MgII emitting star-forming galaxies with low metallicity\n", " [O/H] = log(O/H)-log(O/H)sun between -0.2 and -1.2 dex is constructed from Data\n", " Release 14 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We selected 4189 galaxies with MgII\n", " 2797, 2803 emission lines in the redshift range z~0.3-1.0 or 35% of the total\n", " Sloan Digital Sky Survey star-forming sample with redshift z>0.3. We study the\n", " dependence of the magnesium-to-oxygen and magnesium-to-neon abundance ratios on\n", " metallicity. Extrapolating this dependence to [Mg/Ne]=0 and to solar\n", " metallicity we derive a magnesium depletion of [Mg/Ne]~-0.4 (at solar\n", " metallicity). We prefer neon instead of oxygen to evaluate the magnesium\n", " depletion in the interstellar medium because neon is a noble gas and is not\n", " incorporated into dust, contrary to oxygen. Thus, we find that more massive and\n", " more metal abundant galaxies have higher magnesium depletion. The global\n", " parameters of our sample, such as the mass of the stellar population and star\n", " formation rate, are compared with previously obtained results from the\n", " literature. These results confirm that MgII emission has a nebular origin. Our\n", " data for interstellar magnesium-to-oxygen abundance ratios relative to the\n", " solar value are in good agreement with similar measurements made for Galactic\n", " stars, for giant stars in the Milky Way satellite dwarf galaxies, and with\n", " low-metallicity damped Lyman-alpha systems.,\n", " Federated machine learning (FL) allows to collectively train models on\n", " sensitive data as only the clients' models and not their training data need to\n", " be shared. However, despite the attention that research on FL has drawn, the\n", " concept still lacks broad adoption in practice. One of the key reasons is the\n", " great challenge to implement FL systems that simultaneously achieve fairness,\n", " integrity, and privacy preservation for all participating clients. To\n", " contribute to solving this issue, our paper suggests a FL system that\n", " incorporates blockchain technology, local differential privacy, and\n", " zero-knowledge proofs. Our implementation of a proof-of-concept with multiple\n", " linear regression illustrates that these state-of-the-art technologies can be\n", " combined to a FL system that aligns economic incentives, trust, and\n", " confidentiality requirements in a scalable and transparent system.,\n", " The integration of artificial intelligence into clinical workflows requires\n", " reliable and robust models. Repeatability is a key attribute of model\n", " robustness. Repeatable models output predictions with low variation during\n", " independent tests carried out under similar conditions. During model\n", " development and evaluation, much attention is given to classification\n", " performance while model repeatability is rarely assessed, leading to the\n", " development of models that are unusable in clinical practice. In this work, we\n", " evaluate the repeatability of four model types (binary classification,\n", " multi-class classification, ordinal classification, and regression) on images\n", " that were acquired from the same patient during the same visit. We study the\n", " performance of binary, multi-class, ordinal, and regression models on four\n", " medical image classification tasks from public and private datasets: knee\n", " osteoarthritis, cervical cancer screening, breast density estimation, and\n", " retinopathy of prematurity. Repeatability is measured and compared on ResNet\n", " and DenseNet architectures. Moreover, we assess the impact of sampling Monte\n", " Carlo dropout predictions at test time on classification performance and\n", " repeatability. Leveraging Monte Carlo predictions significantly increased\n", " repeatability for all tasks on the binary, multi-class, and ordinal models\n", " leading to an average reduction of the 95\\% limits of agreement by 16% points\n", " and of the disagreement rate by 7% points. The classification accuracy improved\n", " in most settings along with the repeatability. Our results suggest that beyond\n", " about 20 Monte Carlo iterations, there is no further gain in repeatability. In\n", " addition to the higher test-retest agreement, Monte Carlo predictions were\n", " better calibrated which leads to output probabilities reflecting more\n", " accurately the true likelihood of being correctly classified.,\n", " NASA's Kepler Mission has revealed two transiting planets orbiting Kepler-68.\n", " Follow-up Doppler measurements have established the mass of the innermost\n", " planet and revealed a third jovian-mass planet orbiting beyond the two\n", " transiting planets. Kepler-68b, in a 5.4 day orbit has mass 8.3 +/- 2.3 Earth,\n", " radius 2.31 +/- 0.07 Earth radii, and a density of 3.32 +/- 0.92 (cgs), giving\n", " Kepler-68b a density intermediate between that of the ice giants and Earth.\n", " Kepler-68c is Earth-sized with a radius of 0.953 Earth and transits on a 9.6\n", " day orbit; validation of Kepler-68c posed unique challenges. Kepler-68d has an\n", " orbital period of 580 +/- 15 days and minimum mass of Msin(i) = 0.947 Jupiter.\n", " Power spectra of the Kepler photometry at 1-minute cadence exhibit a rich and\n", " strong set of asteroseismic pulsation modes enabling detailed analysis of the\n", " stellar interior. Spectroscopy of the star coupled with asteroseismic modeling\n", " of the multiple pulsation modes yield precise measurements of stellar\n", " properties, notably Teff = 5793 +/- 74 K, M = 1.079 +/- 0.051 Msun, R = 1.243\n", " +/- 0.019 Rsun, and density 0.7903 +/- 0.0054 (cgs), all measured with\n", " fractional uncertainties of only a few percent. Models of Kepler-68b suggest it\n", " is likely composed of rock and water, or has a H and He envelope to yield its\n", " density of about 3 (cgs).,\n", " We apply a degenerate version of a result due to Hirschowitz, Ramanan and\n", " Voisin to verify Green and Green-Lazarsfeld conjectures over explicit open sets\n", " inside each $d$-gonal stratum of curves $X$ with $d<[g_X/2]+2$. By the same\n", " method, we verify the Green-Lazarsfeld conjecture for any curve of odd genus\n", " and maximal gonality. The proof invokes Voisin's solution to the generic Green\n", " conjecture as a key argument.,\n", " Brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing (HDC) has been recently considered\n", " a promising learning approach for resource-constrained devices. However,\n", " existing approaches use static encoders that are never updated during the\n", " learning process. Consequently, it requires a very high dimensionality to\n", " achieve adequate accuracy, severely lowering the encoding and training\n", " efficiency. In this paper, we propose DistHD, a novel dynamic encoding\n", " technique for HDC adaptive learning that effectively identifies and regenerates\n", " dimensions that mislead the classification and compromise the learning quality.\n", " Our proposed algorithm DistHD successfully accelerates the learning process and\n", " achieves the desired accuracy with considerably lower dimensionality.,\n", " We construct a topological space to study contextuality in quantum mechanics.\n", " The resulting space is a classifying space in the sense of algebraic topology.\n", " Cohomological invariants of our space correspond to physical quantities\n", " relevant to the study of contextuality. Within this framework the Wigner\n", " function of a quantum state can be interpreted as a class in the twisted\n", " $K$-theory of the classifying space.,\n", " An exchange energy functional is proposed and tested for obtaining a class of\n", " excited-state energies using density functional formalism. The functional is\n", " the excited-state counterpart of the local-density approximation functional for\n", " the ground state. It takes care of the state dependence of the energy\n", " functional and leads to highly accurate excitation energies.,\n", " We consider Arveson's problem on the maximality of subdiagonal algebras. We\n", " prove that a subdiagonal algebra is maximal if it is invariant under the\n", " modular group of a faithful normal state which is preserved by the conditional\n", " expectation associated with the subdiagonal algebra.,\n", " Deep neural network based question answering (QA) models are neither robust\n", " nor explainable in many cases. For example, a multiple-choice QA model, tested\n", " without any input of question, is surprisingly \"capable\" to predict the most of\n", " correct options. In this paper, we inspect such spurious \"capability\" of QA\n", " models using causal inference. We find the crux is the shortcut correlation,\n", " e.g., unrobust word alignment between passage and options learned by the\n", " models. We propose a novel approach called Counterfactual Variable Control\n", " (CVC) that explicitly mitigates any shortcut correlation and preserves the\n", " comprehensive reasoning for robust QA. Specifically, we leverage multi-branch\n", " architecture that allows us to disentangle robust and shortcut correlations in\n", " the training process of QA. We then conduct two novel CVC inference methods (on\n", " trained models) to capture the effect of comprehensive reasoning as the final\n", " prediction. For evaluation, we conduct extensive experiments using two BERT\n", " backbones on both multi-choice and span-extraction QA benchmarks. The results\n", " show that our CVC achieves high robustness against a variety of adversarial\n", " attacks in QA while maintaining good interpretation ability.,\n", " We propose multivariate nonstationary Gaussian processes for jointly modeling\n", " multiple clinical variables, where the key parameters, length-scales, standard\n", " deviations and the correlations between the observed output, are all time\n", " dependent. We perform posterior inference via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). We\n", " also provide methods for obtaining computationally efficient gradient-based\n", " maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates. We validate our model on synthetic data\n", " as well as on electronic health records (EHR) data from Kaiser Permanente (KP).\n", " We show that the proposed model provides better predictive performance over a\n", " stationary model as well as uncovers interesting latent correlation processes\n", " across vitals which are potentially predictive of patient risk.,\n", " Turbulence modeling within the RANS equations' framework is essential in\n", " engineering due to its high efficiency. Field inversion and machine learning\n", " (FIML) techniques have improved RANS models' predictive capabilities for\n", " separated flows. However, FIML-generated models often lack interpretability,\n", " limiting physical understanding and manual improvements based on prior\n", " knowledge. Additionally, these models may struggle with generalization in flow\n", " fields distinct from the training set. This study addresses these issues by\n", " employing symbolic regression (SR) to derive an analytical relationship between\n", " the correction factor of the baseline turbulence model and local flow\n", " variables, enhancing the baseline model's ability to predict separated flow\n", " across diverse test cases. The shear-stress-transport (SST) model undergoes\n", " field inversion on a curved backward-facing step (CBFS) case to obtain the\n", " corrective factor field beta, and SR is used to derive a symbolic map between\n", " local flow features and beata. The SR-derived analytical function is integrated\n", " into the original SST model, resulting in the SST-SR model. The SST-SR model's\n", " generalization capabilities are demonstrated by its successful predictions of\n", " separated flow on various test cases, including 2D-bump cases with varying\n", " heights, periodic hill case where separation is dominated by geometric\n", " features, and the three-dimensional Ahmed-body case. In these tests, the model\n", " accurately predicts flow fields, showing its effectiveness in cases completely\n", " different from the training set. The Ahmed-body case, in particular, highlights\n", " the model's ability to predict the three-dimensional massively separated flows.\n", " When applied to a turbulent boundary layer with Re_L=1.0E7, the SST-SR model\n", " predicts wall friction coefficient and log layer comparably to the original SST\n", " model, maintaining the attached boundary layer prediction performance.,\n", " We present a systematic study of dijet suppression at RHIC using the VNI/BMS\n", " parton cascade code. We examine the medium modification of the dijet asymmetry\n", " $A_j$ and the energy distribution within the dijets. Understanding the\n", " sensitivity of these observables to properties of the deconfined medium and to\n", " experimental factors is vital if dijets are to be useful for QCD tomography.\n", " VNI/BMS provides a controllable test-bed with sufficient complexity to model\n", " jet modification without confounding results with fluctuations from\n", " hydrodynamics and hadronization. Dijets are examined under the modification of:\n", " the jet transport coefficient $\\hat{q}$; the path length of leading and\n", " sub-leading jets; jet cone angle and the jet-medium interaction mechanism. We\n", " find that $A_j$ is very sensitive to the distance traveled by the secondary\n", " jet, the jet shape is dominated by $\\hat{q}$ and the nature of the interaction\n", " mechanism.,\n", " It has been argued [T. Rudolph and B.C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\\bf 87},\n", " 077903 (2001)] that continuous-variable quantum teleportation at optical\n", " frequencies has not been achieved because the source used (a laser) was not\n", " `truly coherent'. Van Enk, and Fuchs [Phys. Rev. Lett, {\\bf 88}, 027902\n", " (2002)], while arguing against Rudolph and Sanders, also accept that an\n", " `absolute phase' is achievable, even if it has not been achieved yet. I will\n", " argue to the contrary that `true coherence' or `absolute phase' is always\n", " illusory, as the concept of absolute time (at least for frequencies beyond\n", " direct human experience) is meaningless. All we can ever do is to use an agreed\n", " time standard. In this context, a laser beam is fundamentally as good a `clock'\n", " as any other. I explain in detail why this claim is true, and defend my\n", " argument against various objections. In the process I discuss super-selection\n", " rules, quantum channels, and the ultimate limits to the performance of a laser\n", " as a clock. For this last topic I use some earlier work by myself [Phys. Rev. A\n", " {\\bf 60}, 4083 (1999)] and Berry and myself [Phys. Rev. A {\\bf 65}, 043803\n", " (2002)] to show that a Heisenberg-limited laser with a mean photon number $\\mu$\n", " can synchronize $M$ independent clocks each with a mean-square error of\n", " $\\sqrt{M}/4\\mu$ radians$^2$.,\n", " We have studied the hadron spectrum while varying the number of light\n", " dynamical quarks when the physical lattice spacing and volume are held fixed\n", " relative to the rho mass. For two and zero flavors of staggered fermions, we\n", " find the nucleon to rho mass ratios (extrapolated to zero valence quark mass)\n", " are very similar. However, for four flavors the ratio is 7% (2 standard\n", " deviations) above the two flavor result.,\n", " Artin approximation and other related approximation results are used in\n", " various areas. The traditional formulation of such results is restricted to\n", " filtrations by powers of ideals, $\\{I^j\\}$, and to Noetherian rings. In this\n", " paper we extend several approximation results both to rather general\n", " filtrations and to $C^r$-rings, for $2\\le r\\le\\infty$. As an auxiliary step we\n", " establish the surjectivity of the completion map for rings of $C^\\infty$\n", " functions, for a very broad class of filtrations.,\n", " Small base stations (SBs) of fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks are\n", " envisioned to have storage devices to locally serve requests for reusable and\n", " popular contents by \\emph{caching} them at the edge of the network, close to\n", " the end users. The ultimate goal is to shift part of the predictable load on\n", " the back-haul links, from on-peak to off-peak periods, contributing to a better\n", " overall network performance and service experience. To enable the SBs with\n", " efficient \\textit{fetch-cache} decision-making schemes operating in dynamic\n", " settings, this paper introduces simple but flexible generic time-varying\n", " fetching and caching costs, which are then used to formulate a constrained\n", " minimization of the aggregate cost across files and time. Since caching\n", " decisions per time slot influence the content availability in future slots, the\n", " novel formulation for optimal fetch-cache decisions falls into the class of\n", " dynamic programming. Under this generic formulation, first by considering\n", " stationary distributions for the costs and file popularities, an efficient\n", " reinforcement learning-based solver known as value iteration algorithm can be\n", " used to solve the emerging optimization problem. Later, it is shown that\n", " practical limitations on cache capacity can be handled using a particular\n", " instance of the generic dynamic pricing formulation. Under this setting, to\n", " provide a light-weight online solver for the corresponding optimization, the\n", " well-known reinforcement learning algorithm, $Q$-learning, is employed to find\n", " optimal fetch-cache decisions. Numerical tests corroborating the merits of the\n", " proposed approach wrap up the paper.,\n", " The nucleon-pion-state contribution in the QCD 3-point function of the\n", " pseudoscalar density is calculated to leading order in chiral perturbation\n", " theory. It predicts a nucleon-pion-state contamination in lattice estimates for\n", " the pseudoscalar form factor $G_{\\rm P}(Q^2)$ determined with the plateau\n", " method. Depending on the momentum transfer $Q^2$ the contamination varies\n", " between -20% and +50% for a source-sink separation of 2 fm. The\n", " nucleon-pion-state contamination also causes violations in the generalized\n", " Goldberger-Treiman relation among the pseudoscalar and the axial nucleon form\n", " factors, the dominant source being the nucleon-pion-state contamination in the\n", " induced pseudoscalar form factor $\\tilde{G}_{\\rm P}(Q^2)$. Comparing the chiral\n", " perturbation theory predictions with lattice results of the PACS collaboration\n", " we find reasonable agreement even for source-sink separations as small as 1.3\n", " fm.,\n", " These are lecture notes that are based on the lectures from a class I taught\n", " on the topic of Randomized Linear Algebra (RLA) at UC Berkeley during the Fall\n", " 2013 semester.,\n", " In this work, we consider the thermal correction to the hyperfine interaction\n", " in hydrogen, deuterium, and the $^3$He$^+$ ion. This correction is effectively\n", " described by one-loop Feynman graphs in the framework of the quantum\n", " electrodynamics theory for bound states at a finite temperature. A simple\n", " analysis shows the importance of the obtained results for future prospects for\n", " measuring hyperfine splitting. In addition, the application for testing the\n", " time variation of fundamental constants is briefly discussed.,\n", " In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to study the effect\n", " of lattice volume and strain on the proton conductivity of the yttrium-doped\n", " barium cerate proton conductor by applying the hydrostatic pressure up to 1.25\n", " GPa. An increase from 0.62 eV to 0.73 eV in the activation energy of the bulk\n", " conductivity was found with increasing pressure during a unit cell volume\n", " change of 0.7%, confirming a previously suggested correlation between lattice\n", " volume and proton diffusivity in the crystal lattice. One strategy worth trying\n", " in the future development of the ceramic proton conductors could be to expand\n", " the lattice and potentially lower the activation energy under tensile strain.,\n", " We consider a time discretization of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations\n", " with spatial periodic boundary conditions in the vorticity-velocity\n", " formulation. The approximation is based on freezing the velocity on time\n", " subintervals resulting in linear parabolic equations for vorticity.\n", " Probabilistic representations for solutions of these linear equations are\n", " given. At each time step, the velocity is expressed via vorticity using a\n", " formula corresponding to the Biot--Savart-type law. We show that the\n", " approximation is divergent free and of first order. The results are extended to\n", " two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with additive noise, where,\n", " in particular, we prove the first mean-square convergence order of the\n", " vorticity approximation.,\n", " The two-loop renormalization group flow is studied via the induced bracket\n", " flow on 3D unimodular Lie groups. A number of steady solitons are found. Some\n", " of these steady solitons come from maximally symmetric metrics that are steady,\n", " shrinking, or expanding solitons under Ricci flow, while others are not\n", " obviously related to Ricci flow solitons.,\n", " Electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the non-invasive and low-risk methods to\n", " monitor the condition of the human heart. Any abnormal pattern(s) in the ECG\n", " signal is an indicative measure of malfunctioning of the heart, termed as\n", " arrhythmia. Due to the lack of human expertise and high probability to\n", " misdiagnose, computer-aided diagnosis and analysis are preferred. In this work,\n", " we perform arrhythmia detection with an optimized neural network having\n", " piecewise linear approximation based activation function to alleviate the\n", " complex computations in the traditional activation functions. Further, we\n", " propose a self-learning method for arrhythmia detection by learning and\n", " analyzing the characteristics (period) of the ECG signal. Self-learning based\n", " approach achieves 97.28% of arrhythmia detection accuracy, and neural network\n", " with optimized activation functions achieve an arrhythmia detection accuracy of\n", " 99.56%.,\n", " In cores of supernovae and crusts of neutron stars, nuclei can adopt\n", " interesting shapes, such as rods or slabs, etc., which are referred to as\n", " nuclear \"pasta.\" Recently, we have been studying the pasta phases focusing on\n", " their dynamical aspects with quantum molecular dynamic (QMD) approach. We\n", " review our findings on the following topics: dynamical formation of the pasta\n", " phases by cooling down the hot uniform nuclear matter; a phase diagram on the\n", " density versus temperature plane; structural transitions between the pasta\n", " phases induced by compression and their mechanism. Properties of the nuclear\n", " interaction used in our works are also discussed.,\n", " We prove packing stability for any closed symplectic manifold with rational\n", " cohomology class. This will rely on a general symplectic embedding result for\n", " ellipsoids which assumes only that there is no volume obstruction and that the\n", " domain is sufficiently thin relative to the target. We also obtain easily\n", " computable bounds for the Embedded Contact Homology capacities which are\n", " sufficient to imply the existence of some volume preserving embeddings in\n", " dimension 4.,\n", " We study the resonant tunneling properties of an electron through a few types\n", " of binary periodic and aperiodic multibarrier systems. Within the framework of\n", " the effective-mass approximation, we calculate the transmission coefficients to\n", " investigate the dependence of the transmission resonances on the system\n", " parameters such as the kind of aperiodicity, the generation number, and the\n", " widths of the wells and barriers. Similarities and differences of the\n", " resonances between the binary periodic and aperiodic systems are discussed in\n", " detail. Transmission resonances in aperiodic systems are found to be\n", " characterized by complex resonance splitting and a variety of peak-to-valley\n", " ratios which are not exhibited in the periodic system. For some energy ranges,\n", " transmission resonances in aperiodic systems are also found to resemble those\n", " in the periodic system, despite the existence of aperiodicity.,\n", " The progress of miniaturisation in integrated electronics has led to atomic\n", " and nanometre-sized dopant devices in silicon. Such structures can be\n", " fabricated routinely by hydrogen resist lithography, using various dopants such\n", " as phosphorous and arsenic. However, the ability to non-destructively obtain\n", " atomic-species-specific images of the final structure, which would be an\n", " indispensable tool for building more complex nano-scale devices, such as\n", " quantum co-processors, remains an unresolved challenge. Here we exploit X-ray\n", " fluorescence to create an element-specific image of As dopants in silicon, with\n", " dopant densities in absolute units and a resolution limited by the beam focal\n", " size (here $\\sim1~\\mu$m), without affecting the device's low temperature\n", " electronic properties. The As densities provided by the X-ray data are compared\n", " to those derived from Hall effect measurements as well as the standard\n", " non-repeatable, scanning tunnelling microscopy and secondary ion mass\n", " spectroscopy, techniques. Before and after the X-ray experiments, we also\n", " measured the magneto-conductance, dominated by weak localisation, a quantum\n", " interference effect extremely sensitive to sample dimensions and disorder.\n", " Notwithstanding the $1.5\\times10^{10}$ Sv ($1.5\\times10^{16}$ Rad/cm$^{-2}$)\n", " exposure of the device to X-rays, all transport data were unchanged to within\n", " experimental errors, corresponding to upper bounds of 0.2 Angstroms for the\n", " radiation-induced motion of the typical As atom and 3$\\%$ for the loss of\n", " activated, carrier-contributing dopants. With next generation synchrotron\n", " radiation sources and more advanced optics, we foresee that it will be possible\n", " to obtain X-ray images of single dopant atoms within resolved radii of 5 nm.,\n", " Let $m(n,r)$ denote the minimal number of edges in an $n$-uniform hypergraph\n", " which is not $r$-colorable. It is known that for a fixed $n$ one has \\[ c_n r^n\n", " < m(n,r) < C_n r^n. \\] We prove that for any fixed $n$ the sequence $a_r :=\n", " m(n,r)/r^n$ has a limit, which was conjectured by Alon. We also prove the list\n", " colorings analogue of this statement.,\n", " We present a study of the piezostrain-tunable gyrotropic dynamics in\n", " Co$_{40}$Fe$_{40}$B$_{20}$ vortex microstructures fabricated on a 0.7PMN-0.3PT\n", " single crystalline substrate. Using field-modulated spin rectification\n", " measurements, we demonstrate large frequency tunability (up to 45 %) in\n", " individual microdisks accessed locally with low surface voltages, and\n", " magnetoresistive readout. With increased voltage applied to the PMN-PT, we\n", " observe a gradual decrease of the vortex core gyrotropic frequency associated\n", " with the strain-induced magnetoelastic energy contribution. The frequency\n", " tunability strongly depends on the disk size, with increased frequency\n", " downshift for the disks with larger diameter. Micromagnetic simulations suggest\n", " that the observed size effects originate from the joint action of the\n", " strain-induced magnetoelastic and demagnetizing energies in large magnetic\n", " disks. These results enable a selective energy-efficient tuning of the vortex\n", " gyrotropic frequency in individual vortex-based oscillators with all-electrical\n", " operation.,\n", " Constructing new and more challenging tasksets is a fruitful methodology to\n", " analyse and understand few-shot classification methods. Unfortunately, existing\n", " approaches to building those tasksets are somewhat unsatisfactory: they either\n", " assume train and test task distributions to be identical -- which leads to\n", " overly optimistic evaluations -- or take a \"worst-case\" philosophy -- which\n", " typically requires additional human labor such as obtaining semantic class\n", " relationships. We propose ATG, a principled clustering method to defining train\n", " and test tasksets without additional human knowledge. ATG models train and test\n", " task distributions while requiring them to share a predefined amount of\n", " information. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of ATG in generating\n", " tasksets that are easier, in-between, or harder than existing benchmarks,\n", " including those that rely on semantic information. Finally, we leverage our\n", " generated tasksets to shed a new light on few-shot classification:\n", " gradient-based methods -- previously believed to underperform -- can outperform\n", " metric-based ones when transfer is most challenging.,\n", " We use effective field theory tools to study non-conservative effects in\n", " systems of gravitating objects in general spacetime dimension. Using the\n", " classical version of the Closed Time Path formalism, we treat both the\n", " radiative gravitational field and its dynamical sources within a single action\n", " principle. New results include the radiation-reaction effective action in\n", " arbitrary dimensions to leading and +1PN orders, as well as the generalized\n", " Quadrupole formula to order +1PN.,\n", " The motion of superfluid vortices in a neutron star crust is at the heart of\n", " most theories of pulsar glitches. Pinning of vortices to ions can decouple the\n", " superfluid from the crust and create a reservoir of angular momentum. Sudden\n", " large scale unpinning can lead to an observable glitch. In this paper we\n", " investigate the scattering of a free vortex off a pinning potential and\n", " calculate its mean free path, in order to assess whether unpinned vortices can\n", " skip multiple pinning sites and come close enough to their neighbours to\n", " trigger avalanches, or whether they simply hop from one pinning site to another\n", " giving rise to a more gradual creep. We find that there is a significant range\n", " of parameter space in which avalanches can be triggered, thus supporting the\n", " hypothesis that they may lie at the origin of pulsar glitches. For realistic\n", " values of the pinning force and superfluid drag parameters we find that\n", " avalanches are more likely in the higher density regions of the crust where\n", " pinning is stronger. Physical differences in stellar parameters, such as mass\n", " and temperature, may lead to a switch between creep-like motion and avalanches,\n", " explaining the different characteristics of glitching pulsars.,\n", " A current-current correlator with the quantum numbers of the omega meson is\n", " studied in a nuclear medium. Using weighted finite energy sum rules and\n", " dispersion relations for the current-nucleon forward scattering amplitude it is\n", " shown that strict vector meson dominance and QCD sum rules are incompatible\n", " with each other. This implies that at least one of these concepts -- which are\n", " both very powerful in the vacuum -- has to fade in the nuclear environment.,\n", " We obtain, for $T^\\epsilon \\le U=U(T)\\le T^{1/2-\\epsilon}$, asymptotic\n", " formulas for $$ \\int_T^{2T}(E(t+U) - E(t))^2 dt,\\quad \\int_T^{2T}(\\Delta(t+U) -\n", " \\Delta(t))^2 dt, $$ where $\\Delta(x)$ is the error term in the classical\n", " divisor problem, and $E(T)$ is the error term in the mean square formula for\n", " $|\\zeta(1/2+it)|$. Upper bounds of the form $O_\\epsilon(T^{1+\\epsilon}U^2)$ for\n", " the above integrals with biquadrates instead of square are shown to hold for\n", " $T^{3/8} \\le U =U(T) \\ll T^{1/2}$. The connection between the moments of\n", " $E(t+U) - E(t)$ and $|\\zeta(1/2+it)|$ is also given. Generalizations to some\n", " other number-theoretic error terms are discussed.,\n", " Gesture awareness plays a crucial role in promoting human-computer interface.\n", " Previous works either depend on customized hardware or need a priori learning\n", " of wireless signal patterns, facing downsides in terms of the privacy concern,\n", " availability and reliability. In this paper, we propose CentiTrack, the first\n", " centimeter-level passive gesture tracking system that works with only three\n", " commodityWiFi devices, without any extra hardware modifications or wearable\n", " sensors. To this end, we first identify the Channel State Information (CSI)\n", " measurement error sources in the physical layer process, and then denoise CSI\n", " by the complex ratio between adjacent antennas. Principal Component Analysis\n", " (PCA) is further adopted to separate the reflected signals from noises.\n", " Benchmark experiments are conducted to verify that the phase changes of\n", " denoised CSI are proportional to the length changes of dynamic path reflected\n", " off the hand. In addition, we adopt the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC)\n", " algorithm to estimate the Angle-of-Arrivals (AoAs) of dynamic paths, and then\n", " locate the initial position of hands with triangulation. We also propose a\n", " novel static componnets elimination algorithm for tracking correction by\n", " eliminating the components unrelated to motion. A prototype of CentiTrack is\n", " fully realized and evaluated in various real scenarios. Extensive experiments\n", " show that CentiTrack is superior in terms of tracking accuracy, sensing range\n", " and device cost, compared with the state-of-the-arts.,\n", " It is shown that \"photon+Jet\" events, being collected at LHC, would provide\n", " us with the data sufficient for an extraction of gluon distribution function in\n", " a proton using valence and s quark distributions measured in the same\n", " experiment with another physical proces A new region of 10^{-4}< x < 10^{-1}\n", " with 1.6x10^3< Q^2<10^5 ~(GeV/c)^2 can be covered. The rates of g c-> photon\n", " +Jet events are also given.,\n", " In the article \"Stochastic evolution equations for large portfolios of\n", " Stochastic Volatility models\" (Arxiv:1701.05640) there is a mistake in the\n", " proof of Theorem 3.1. In this erratum we establish a weaker version of this\n", " Theorem and then we redevelop the regularity theory for our problem\n", " accordingly. This means that most of our regularity results are replaced by\n", " slightly weaker ones. We also clarify a point in the proof of a correct result.,\n", " We report the discovery of relatively massive, M32-like ultra compact dwarf\n", " (UCD) and compact elliptical (CE) galaxy candidates in $0.2 x_{a+1} > ... > x_b < x_{b+1} < ... where a, b, ... are\n", " positive integers. We investigate rowmotion on antichains and ideals of F. In\n", " particular, we show that orbits of antichains can be visualized using tilings.\n", " This permits us to prove various homomesy results for the number of elements of\n", " an antichain or ideal in an orbit. Rowmotion on fences also exhibits a new\n", " phenomenon, which we call orbomesy, where the value of a statistic is constant\n", " on orbits of the same size. Along the way, we prove a homomesy result for all\n", " self-dual posets and show that any two Coxeter elements in certain toggle\n", " groups behave similarly with respect to homomesies which are linear\n", " combinations of ideal indicator functions. We end with some conjectures and\n", " avenues for future research.,\n", " Due to longer dynamical timescales, the outskirts of early-type galaxies\n", " retain the footprint of their formation and assembly. Under the popular\n", " two-phase galaxy formation scenario, an initial in-situ phase of star formation\n", " is followed by minor merging and accretion of ex-situ stars leading to the\n", " expectation of observable transitions in the kinematics and stellar populations\n", " on large scales. However, observing the faint galactic outskirts is\n", " challenging, often leaving the transition unexplored. The large scale,\n", " spatially-resolved stellar kinematic data from the SAGES Legacy Unifying\n", " Galaxies and GlobularS (SLUGGS) survey are ideal for detecting kinematic\n", " transitions. We present kinematic maps out to 2.6 effective radii on average,\n", " kinemetry profiles, measurement of kinematic twists and misalignments, and the\n", " average outer intrinsic shape of 25 SLUGGS galaxies. We find good overall\n", " agreement in the kinematic maps and kinemetry radial profiles with literature.\n", " We are able to confirm significant radial modulations in rotational versus\n", " pressure support of galaxies with radius so that the central and outer\n", " rotational properties may be quite different. We also test the suggestion that\n", " galaxies may be more triaxial in their outskirts and find that while fast\n", " rotating galaxies were already shown to be axisymmetric in their inner regions,\n", " we are unable to rule out triaxiality in their outskirts. We compare our\n", " derived outer kinematic information to model predictions from a two-phase\n", " galaxy formation scenario. We find that the theoretical range of local outer\n", " angular momentum agrees well with our observations, but that radial modulations\n", " are much smaller than predicted.,\n", " In this paper we make a novel use of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma. The\n", " Lemma has an existential form saying that there exists a JL transformation $f$\n", " of the data points into lower dimensional space such that all of them fall into\n", " predefined error range $\\delta$.\n", " We formulate in this paper a theorem stating that we can choose the target\n", " dimensionality in a random projection type JL linear transformation in such a\n", " way that with probability $1-\\epsilon$ all of them fall into predefined error\n", " range $\\delta$ for any user-predefined failure probability $\\epsilon$.\n", " This result is important for applications such a data clustering where we\n", " want to have a priori dimensionality reducing transformation instead of trying\n", " out a (large) number of them, as with traditional Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma.\n", " In particular, we take a closer look at the $k$-means algorithm and prove that\n", " a good solution in the projected space is also a good solution in the original\n", " space. Furthermore, under proper assumptions local optima in the original space\n", " are also ones in the projected space. We define also conditions for which\n", " clusterability property of the original space is transmitted to the projected\n", " space, so that special case algorithms for the original space are also\n", " applicable in the projected space.,\n", " A colored heavy particle with sufficiently small width may form\n", " non-relativistic bound states when they are produced at the large hadron\n", " collider\\,(LHC), and they can annihilate into a diphoton final state. The\n", " invariant mass of the diphoton would be around twice of the colored particle\n", " mass. In this paper, we study if such bound state can be responsible for the\n", " 750 GeV diphoton excess reported by ATLAS and CMS. We found that the best-fit\n", " signal cross section is obtained for the SU(2)$_L$ singlet colored fermion $X$\n", " with $Y_X=4/3$. Having such an exotic hypercharge, the particle is expected to\n", " decay through some higher dimensional operators, consistent with the small\n", " width assumption. The decay of $X$ may involve a stable particle $\\chi$, if\n", " both $X$ and $\\chi$ are odd under some conserved $Z_2$ symmetry. In that case,\n", " the particle $X$ suffers from the constraints of jets + missing $E_T$ searches\n", " by ATLAS and CMS at 8 TeV and 13 TeV. We found that such a scenario still\n", " survives if the mass difference between $X$ and $\\chi$ is above $\\sim$ 30 GeV\n", " for $m_X \\sim 375$ GeV. Even assuming pair annihilation of $\\chi$ is small, the\n", " relic density of $\\chi$ is small enough if the mass difference between $X$ and\n", " $\\chi$ is smaller than $\\sim$ 40 GeV.,\n", " A realization of representations of the Lie algebra $\\mathfrak{o}_5$ in the\n", " space of functions on a group $Spin_5\\simeq Sp_4$ is considered. In a\n", " representation we take a Gelfand-Tsetlin type base associated with a\n", " restriction $\\mathfrak{o}_5\\downarrow\\mathfrak{o}_3$. Such a base is useful is\n", " problems appearing in quantum mechanics. We construct explicitely functions on\n", " the group that correspond to base vectors. As in the cases of Lie algebras\n", " $\\mathfrak{gl}_3$, $\\mathfrak{sp}_4$ these functions can be expressed through\n", " $A$-hypergeometric functions (this does not hold for algebras of these series\n", " in higher dimentions). Using this realization formulas for the action of\n", " generators are obtained.,\n", " Black hole binaries show equatorial disc winds at high luminosities, which\n", " apparently disappear during the spectral transition to the low/hard state. This\n", " is also where the radio jet appears, motivating speculation that both wind and\n", " jet are driven by different configurations of the same magnetic field. However,\n", " these systems must also have thermal winds, as the outer disc is clearly\n", " irradiated.We develop a predictive model of the absorption features from\n", " thermal winds, based on pioneering work of Begelman et al 1983. We couple this\n", " to a realistic model of the irradiating spectrum as a function of luminosity to\n", " predict the entire wind evolution during outbursts. We show that the column\n", " density of the thermal wind scales roughly with luminosity, and does not shut\n", " off at the spectral transition, though its visibility will be affected by the\n", " abrupt change in ionising spectrum. We re-analyse the data from H1743-322 which\n", " most constrains the difference in wind across the spectral transition and show\n", " that these are consistent with the thermal wind models.We include simple\n", " corrections for radiation pressure, which allows stronger winds to be launched\n", " from smaller radii. These winds become optically thick around Eddington, which\n", " may even explain the exceptional wind seen in one observation of GRO J1655-40.\n", " These data can instead be fit by magnetic wind models, but similar winds are\n", " not seen in this or other systems at similar luminosities. Hence we conclude\n", " that the majority (perhaps all) current data can be explained by thermal or\n", " thermal-radiative winds.,\n", " In this paper we will prove that for a compact, symplectic manifold $(M,\n", " \\omega)$ and for $\\omega$-compatible almost-complex structure J any properly\n", " perturbed J-holomorphic curve has a non-negative symplectic area. This\n", " non-negative property provides us with a new obstruction to the bubbling off\n", " phenomenon and thus allows us to redefine the Floer symplectic homology. In\n", " particular, in subsequent papers, we will prove the Arnold conjecture in both\n", " degenerate and non-degenerate cases with integer coefficients for general,\n", " symplectic manifolds.,\n", " We respond to Comment on our recent letter (Phys.Rev.Lett.99:092501,2007) by\n", " Dean et al (arXiv:0709.0449).,\n", " We propose a time domain approach to define dynamic principal components\n", " (DPC) using a reconstruction of the original series criterion. This approach to\n", " define DPC was introduced by Brillinger, who gave a very elegant theoretical\n", " solution in the stationary case using the cross spectrum. Our procedure can be\n", " applied under more general conditions including the case ofnon stationary\n", " series and relatively short series. We also present a robust version of our\n", " procedure that allows to estimate the DPC when the series have outlier\n", " contamination. Our non robust and robust procedures are illustrated with real\n", " datasets.,\n", " By calculating the symmetric subgroups $\\Aut(\\fru_0)^{\\theta}$ and their\n", " involution classes, we classify the Klein four subgroups $\\Gamma$ of\n", " $\\Aut(\\fru_0)$ for each compact simple Lie algebra $\\fru_0$ up to conjugation.\n", " This leads to a new approach of classification of semisimple symmetric pairs\n", " and $\\bbZ_2\\times \\bbZ_2$-symmetric spaces. We also determine the fixed point\n", " subgroup $\\Aut(\\fru_0)^\\Gamma$.,\n", " We show that a critical vulnerability in adversarial imitation is the\n", " tendency of discriminator networks to learn spurious associations between\n", " visual features and expert labels. When the discriminator focuses on\n", " task-irrelevant features, it does not provide an informative reward signal,\n", " leading to poor task performance. We analyze this problem in detail and propose\n", " a solution that outperforms standard Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning\n", " (GAIL). Our proposed method, Task-Relevant Adversarial Imitation Learning\n", " (TRAIL), uses constrained discriminator optimization to learn informative\n", " rewards. In comprehensive experiments, we show that TRAIL can solve challenging\n", " robotic manipulation tasks from pixels by imitating human operators without\n", " access to any task rewards, and clearly outperforms comparable baseline\n", " imitation agents, including those trained via behaviour cloning and\n", " conventional GAIL.,\n", " We unify two approaches that have been taken to explain the non-Gaussian\n", " probability distribution functions (PDFs) obtained in measurements of\n", " longitudinal velocity differences in turbulence, and we apply our approach to\n", " Couette-Taylor turbulence data. The first approach we consider was developed by\n", " Castaing and coworkers, who obtained the non-Gaussian velocity difference PDF\n", " from a superposition of Gaussian distributions for subsystems that have a\n", " particular energy dissipation rate at a fixed length scale [Castaing et al.,\n", " {\\it Physica D} {\\bf 46}, 177 (1990)]. Another approach was proposed by Beck\n", " and Cohen, who showed that the observed PDFs can be obtained from a\n", " superposition of Gaussian velocity difference PDFs in subsystems conditioned on\n", " the value of an intensive variable (inverse ``effective temperature'') in each\n", " subsystem [Beck and Cohen, {\\it Physica A} {\\bf 322}, 267 (2003)]. The\n", " intensive variable was defined for subsystems assuming local thermodynamic\n", " equilibrium, but no method was proposed for determining the size of a\n", " subsystem. We show that the Castaing and Beck-Cohen methods are related, and we\n", " present a way to determine subsystem size in the Beck-Cohen method. The\n", " application of our approach to Couette-Taylor turbulence (Reynolds number\n", " $540~000$) yields a log-normal distribution of the intensive parameter, and the\n", " resultant velocity difference PDF agrees well the observed non-Gaussian\n", " velocity difference PDFs.,\n", " We discuss the computation of automorphism groups and normal forms of cones\n", " and polyhedra in Normaliz, and indicate its implementation via nauty. The types\n", " of automorphisms include integral, rational, Euclidean and combinatorial, as\n", " well as algebraic for polytopes defined over real algebraic number fields.\n", " Examples treated in detail are the icosahedron and linear ordering polytopes\n", " whose Euclidean automorphism groups are determined.,\n", " In this paper we consider the problem of graph-based transductive\n", " classification, and we are particularly interested in the directed graph\n", " scenario which is a natural form for many real world applications. Different\n", " from existing research efforts that either only deal with undirected graphs or\n", " circumvent directionality by means of symmetrization, we propose a novel random\n", " walk approach on directed graphs using absorbing Markov chains, which can be\n", " regarded as maximizing the accumulated expected number of visits from the\n", " unlabeled transient states. Our algorithm is simple, easy to implement, and\n", " works with large-scale graphs. In particular, it is capable of preserving the\n", " graph structure even when the input graph is sparse and changes over time, as\n", " well as retaining weak signals presented in the directed edges. We present its\n", " intimate connections to a number of existing methods, including graph kernels,\n", " graph Laplacian based methods, and interestingly, spanning forest of graphs.\n", " Its computational complexity and the generalization error are also studied.\n", " Empirically our algorithm is systematically evaluated on a wide range of\n", " applications, where it has shown to perform competitively comparing to a suite\n", " of state-of-the-art methods.,\n", " The equation of state and composition of matter are calculated for conditions\n", " typical for pre-collapse and early collapse stages in core collapse supernovae.\n", " The composition is evaluated under the assumption of nuclear statistical\n", " equilibrium, when the matter is considered as an `almost' ideal gas with\n", " corrections due to thermal excitations of nuclei, to free nucleon degeneracy,\n", " and to Coulomb and surface energy corrections. The account of these corrections\n", " allows us to obtain the composition for densities a bit below the nuclear\n", " matter density. Through comparisons with the equation of state (EOS) developed\n", " by Shen et al. we examine the approximation of one representative nucleus used\n", " in most of recent supernova EOS's. We find that widely distributed compositions\n", " in the nuclear chart are different, depending on the mass formula, while the\n", " thermodynamical quantities are quite close to those in the Shen's EOS.,\n", " Higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) which go beyond the description\n", " of conventional bulk-boundary correspondence, broaden the understanding of\n", " topological insulating phases. Being mainly focused on electronic materials,\n", " HOTIs have not been found in photonic systems yet. In this article, we propose\n", " a type of two-dimensional second-order photonic crystals with zero-dimensional\n", " corner states and one-dimensional boundary states for optical frequencies. All\n", " of these states are topologically non-trivial and can be understood based on\n", " the theory of topological polarization. Moreover, by tuning the\n", " easily-fabricated structure of the photonic crystals, we can realize different\n", " topological phases with unique topological boundary states straightforwardly.\n", " Our result can be generalized to higher dimensions and provides unprecedented\n", " venues for higher-order photonic topological insulators and semimetals.,\n", " Most of the face hallucination methods are designed for complete inputs. They\n", " will not work well if the inputs are very tiny or contaminated by large\n", " occlusion. Inspired by this fact, we propose an obscured face hallucination\n", " network(OFHNet). The OFHNet consists of four parts: an inpainting network, an\n", " upsampling network, a discriminative network, and a fixed facial landmark\n", " detection network. The inpainting network restores the low-resolution(LR)\n", " obscured face images. The following upsampling network is to upsample the\n", " output of inpainting network. In order to ensure the generated\n", " high-resolution(HR) face images more photo-realistic, we utilize the\n", " discriminative network and the facial landmark detection network to better the\n", " result of upsampling network. In addition, we present a semantic structure\n", " loss, which makes the generated HR face images more pleasing. Extensive\n", " experiments show that our framework can restore the appealing HR face images\n", " from 1/4 missing area LR face images with a challenging scaling factor of 8x.,\n", " A numerical method is proposed for solving the two layer shallow water\n", " equations with variable bathymetry in one dimension based on high-resolution\n", " f-wave-propagation finite volume methods. The method splits the jump in the\n", " fluxes and source terms into waves propagating away from each grid cell\n", " interface. It addresses the required determination of the system's\n", " eigenstructure and a scheme for evaluating the flux and source terms. It also\n", " handles dry states in the system where the bottom layer depth becomes zero,\n", " utilizing existing methods for the single layer solution and handling single\n", " layer dry states that can exist independently. Sample results are shown\n", " illustrating the method and its handling of dry states including an idealized\n", " ocean setting.,\n", " Virtual reality(VR) is a hot research topic, and it has been effectively\n", " applied in military, education and other fields. The application prospect of\n", " virtual reality in education is very broad. It can effectively reduce labor\n", " cost, resource consumption, stimulate students' interest in learning, and\n", " improve students' knowledge level. New energy vehicles have also been widely\n", " promoted in recent years, and the production of new energy vehicles has played\n", " a key role in it. However, the teaching of car engine disassembly and assembly\n", " still retains a more traditional way. That's why applying VR technology has\n", " high significance. This project uses the Unity 3D engine to develop a VR-based\n", " engine teaching software, which aims to allow users to use VR headsets, handles\n", " and other accessories to simulate the disassembly and assembly of car engines\n", " in a virtual environment. We design a modular system framework and divided the\n", " software into two layers, the system layer and the function layer. The system\n", " layer includes a message system and a data configuration system. The functional\n", " layer includes the user interface system, disassembly and assembly function,\n", " and data module. In addition to fulfilling functional requirements , we used\n", " the Unity UPR tool to check out performance issues, and optimized product\n", " performance by turning off vertical sync and turning on static switches for\n", " some scene objects.,\n", " ...]" ] }, "execution_count": 33, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "corpus_nlp = list(nlp.pipe(nlp_corpus))\n", "corpus_nlp" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def generate_ngrams(df, column_name, n):\n", " ngrams = []\n", " for text in df[column_name]:\n", " doc = nlp(text)\n", " for i in range(len(doc) - n + 1):\n", " ngram = doc[i:i + n]\n", " ngrams.append(' '.join(token.text for token in ngram))\n", " return ngrams" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "one_grams = generate_ngrams(nlp_df, 'abstract', 1)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def generate_ngrams(text, n):\n", " doc = nlp(text)\n", " ngrams = []\n", " for i in range(len(doc) - n + 1):\n", " ngram = doc[i:i + n]\n", " ngrams.append(' '.join(token.text for token in ngram))\n", " return ngrams\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### SDJB" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3.11.3 ('arxiv-env': venv)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.11.4" }, "orig_nbformat": 4, "vscode": { "interpreter": { "hash": "aae17c2ae2f38cc6f211be9b71a2aa280701d8462782cbc1f67caa83a1603363" } } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }