GrammarGuru / src /models /utils /
lewispons's picture
Initial Setup
import pandas as pd
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim.similarities import SparseMatrixSimilarity
from gensim.models import TfidfModel
from gensim.parsing import strip_tags, strip_numeric, \
strip_multiple_whitespaces, stem_text, strip_punctuation, \
remove_stopwords, preprocess_string
from re import sub
from typing import List
from functools import cache
transform_to_lower = lambda s: s.lower()
remove_single_char = lambda s: sub(r'\s+\w{1}\s+', '', s)
cleaning_filters = [
def gensim_tokenizer(docs: List[str]):
Tokenizes a list of strings using a series of cleaning filters.
docs (List[str]): A list of strings to be tokenized.
List[List[str]]: A list of tokenized documents, where each document is represented as a list of tokens.
tokenized_docs = list()
for doc in docs:
processed_words = preprocess_string(doc, cleaning_filters)
return tokenized_docs
def cleaning_pipe(document):
Applies a series of cleaning steps to a document.
document (str): The document to be cleaned.
list: A list of processed words after applying the cleaning filters.
# Invoking gensim.parsing.preprocess_string method with set of filters
processed_words = preprocess_string(document, cleaning_filters)
return processed_words
def get_closest_n(dictionary: Dictionary, index: SparseMatrixSimilarity, tfidf_model : TfidfModel, query: str, n: int):
Retrieves the top matching documents as per cosine similarity
between the TF-IDF vector of the query and all documents.
query (str): The query string to find matching documents.
n (int): The number of closest documents to retrieve.
numpy.ndarray: An array of indices representing the top matching documents.
# Clean the query document using cleaning_pipe function
query_document = cleaning_pipe(query)
# Convert the query document to bag-of-words representation
query_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(query_document)
# Calculate similarity scores between the query and all documents using TF-IDF model
sims = index[tfidf_model[query_bow]]
# Get the indices of the top n closest documents based on similarity scores
top_idx = sims.argsort()[-1 * n:][::-1]
return top_idx
def get_recomendations_metadata(query: str, df: pd.DataFrame, n: int,
dictionary: Dictionary, index: SparseMatrixSimilarity,
tfidf_model : TfidfModel) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieves metadata recommendations based on a query using cosine similarity.
query (str): The query string for which recommendations are sought.
n (int): The number of recommendations to retrieve.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing metadata information.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the recommended metadata, reset with a new index.
# Get the indices of the closest matching documents based on the query
recommendations_idxs = get_closest_n(dictionary, index, tfidf_model, query, n)
# Retrieve the recommended metadata rows from the DataFrame based on the indices
recommendations_metadata = df.iloc[recommendations_idxs]
# Reset the index of the recommended metadata DataFrame
recommendations_metadata = recommendations_metadata.reset_index(drop=True)
return recommendations_metadata
# return recommendations_idxs
def load_arxiv_parquet(path: str):
df = pd.read_parquet(path)
return df
def load_dict(path: str):
dict_corpus = Dictionary.load(path)
return dict_corpus
def load_model(path: str ):
tfidf_model = TfidfModel.load(path)
return tfidf_model
def load_sparse_matrix(path: str):
similarities = SparseMatrixSimilarity.load(path)
return similarities