# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Louis Brulé Naudet. All Rights Reserved. # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the License Agreement. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gradio as gr import polars as pl import spaces import torch from typing import Tuple, List, Union from dataset import Dataset from similarity_search import SimilaritySearch def setup( description: str, model_name: str, device: str, ndim: int, metric: str, dtype: str ) -> Tuple: """ Set up the model and tokenizer for a given pre-trained model ID. Parameters ---------- description : str A string containing additional description information. model_name : str Name of the pre-trained model to load. device : str Device to run the model on, e.g., 'cuda' or 'cpu'. ndim : int Dimensionality of the model. metric : str Metric for similarity search. dtype : str Data type of the model. Returns ------- instance : SimilaritySearch A class dedicated to encoding text data, quantizing embeddings, and managing indices for efficient similarity search. dataset : datasets.Dataset The loaded dataset. dataframe: pl.DataFrame A Polars DataFrame representing the dataset. description : str A string containing additional description information. """ try: if not torch.cuda.is_available(): description += "\n

Running on CPU 🥶 This demo does not work on CPU.

" instance = SimilaritySearch( model_name=model_name, device=device, ndim=ndim, metric=metric, dtype=dtype ) instance.load_usearch_index_view( index_path="./usearch_int8.index", ) instance.load_faiss_index( index_path="./faiss_ubinary.index", ) dataset = Dataset.load( dataset_path="./legalkit.hf" ) dataframe = Dataset.convert_to_polars( dataset=dataset ) return instance, dataset, dataframe, description except Exception as e: error_message = f"An error occurred during setup: {str(e)}" raise RuntimeError(error_message) from e DESCRIPTION = """\ # LegalKit Retrieval, a binary Search with Scalar (int8) Rescoring through French legal codes This space showcases the [tsdae-lemone-mbert-base](https://huggingface.co./louisbrulenaudet/tsdae-lemone-mbert-base) model by Louis Brulé Naudet, a sentence embedding model based on BERT fitted using Transformer-based Sequential Denoising Auto-Encoder for unsupervised sentence embedding learning with one objective : french legal domain adaptation. This process is designed to be memory efficient and fast, with the binary index being small enough to fit in memory and the int8 index being loaded as a view to save memory. Additionally, the binary index is much faster (up to 32x) to search than the float32 index, while the rescoring is also extremely efficient. """ instance, dataset, dataframe, DESCRIPTION = setup( model_name="louisbrulenaudet/tsdae-lemone-mbert-base", description=DESCRIPTION, device="cuda", ndim=768, metric="ip", dtype="i8" ) @spaces.GPU def search( query:str, top_k:int, rescore_multiplier:int ) -> any: """ Perform a search operation using the initialized GPU space. Parameters ---------- query : str The query for which similarity search is performed. top_k : int The number of top results to return. rescore_multiplier : int A multiplier for rescore operation. Returns ------- any The search results in a suitable format. Notes ----- This function performs a search operation using the initialized GPU space and returns the search results in a format compatible with the provided space. Examples -------- >>> results = search(query="example query", top_k=10, rescore_multiplier=2) """ global instance global dataset global dataframe top_k_scores, top_k_indices = instance.search( query=query, top_k=top_k, rescore_multiplier=rescore_multiplier ) scores_df = pl.DataFrame( { "index": top_k_indices, "score": top_k_scores } ).with_columns( pl.col("index").cast(pl.UInt32) ) results_df = dataframe.filter( pl.col("index").is_in(top_k_indices) ).join( scores_df, how="inner", on="index" ).sort( by="score", descending=True ).select( [ "score", "input", "output", "start", "expiration" ] ) return gr.Dataframe( value=results_df, type="polars", render=True ) with gr.Blocks(title="Quantized Retrieval") as demo: gr.Markdown( value=DESCRIPTION ) gr.DuplicateButton() with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): query = gr.Textbox( label="Query for French legal codes articles", placeholder="Enter a query to search for relevant texts from the French law.", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): top_k = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, value=20, label="Number of documents to retrieve", info="Number of documents to retrieve from the binary search.", ) with gr.Column(scale=2): rescore_multiplier = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=4, label="Rescore multiplier", info="Search for 'rescore_multiplier' as many documents to rescore.", ) search_button = gr.Button(value="Search") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): output = gr.Dataframe( render=False ) query.submit( search, inputs=[ query, top_k, rescore_multiplier ], outputs=[ output ] ) search_button.click( search, inputs=[ query, top_k, rescore_multiplier ], outputs=[ output, ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue().launch( show_api=False )